Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 37,14,11Ulpianus libro decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Is autem nec ad legitimam hereditatem, quae ex lege duodecim tabularum defertur, admittitur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book X. Moreover, he will not be admitted to the succession of his intestate freedman which is granted him by the Law of the Twelve Tables.
Dig. 37,14,16Ulpianus libro decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si libertus minorem se centenario in fraudem legis fecerit, ipso iure non valebit id quod factum est, et ideo quasi in centenarii liberti bonis locum habebit patronus: quidquid igitur quaqua ratione alienavit, ea alienatio nullius momenti est. plane si qua alienaverit in fraudem patroni, adhuc tamen post alienationem maior centenario remaneat, alienatio quidem vires habebit, verumtamen per Favianam et Calvisianam actionem revocabuntur ea quae per fraudem sunt alienata: et ita Iulianus saepissime scribit eoque iure utimur. diversitatis autem ea ratio est. quotiens in fraudem legis fit alienatio, non valet quod actum est: in fraudem autem fit, cum quis se minorem centenario facit ad hoc, ut legis praeceptum evertat. at cum alienatione facta nihilo minus centenarius est, non videtur in fraudem legis factum, sed tantum in fraudem patroni: idcirco Faviano vel Calvisiano iudicio revocabitur id quod alienatum est. 1Si quis plures res simul alienando minorem se centenario fecerit, quarum una revocata vel omnium partibus maior centenario efficitur: utrum revocamus omnes an pro rata ex singulis, ut centenarium eum faciamus? magisque est, ut omnium rerum alienato facta nullius momenti sit. 2Si quis plane non semel alienaverit, sed quasdam res ante, quasdam postea, alienatio earum rerum quae postea alienatae sunt ipso iure non revocabitur, sed priorum: in posterioribus Favianae locus erit.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book X. When a freedman commits a fraud against the law, in order that he may die worth less than a hundred thousand sesterces, his act is void by operation of law; and therefore his patron will succeed him as a freedman possessed an estate of that amount. Hence, everything which he has alienated, for any reason whatsoever, will be of no force or effect. It is evident that if he should alienate any property for the purpose of defrauding his patron, and, after doing so, he should remain worth more than a hundred thousand sesterces, the alienation will be valid, but any property which was fraudulently disposed of can be recovered by the Favian or the Calvisian action. Julianus has frequently stated this, and it is our practice. The reason for this difference is that whenever an alienation of anything is made for the purpose of defrauding the law the act is void. Moreover, he is guilty of fraud who diminishes the value of his estate to less than a hundred thousand sesterces for the purpose of evading the provisions of the law. But if, after the alienation has taken place, he still remains the owner of property worth a hundred thousand sesterces, he is not considered to have committed a fraud against the law, but only against his patron; and therefore the property which he has disposed of can be recovered by either the Favian or the Calvisian Action. 1Where anyone, for the purpose of diminishing the value of his property to an amount under a hundred thousand sesterces, alienates several articles at once, so that by revoking the sale of one, or of portions of all of them, he will be worth more than a hundred thousand sesterces, will it be necessary for us to revoke the sale of all the articles, or that of each one pro rata, in order to render his fortune equal to a hundred thousand sesterces? The better opinion is that the alienation of all the articles is of no force or effect. 2If anyone should not sell all of his property at once, but a part of it at one time, and a part of it at another, the subsequent alienation will not be revoked by operation of law, but the former one will be; and there will be ground for the institution of the Favian Action with reference to the property last disposed of.
Dig. 50,16,145Ulpianus libro decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. ‘Virilis’ appellatione interdum etiam totam hereditatem contineri dicendum est.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book X. It must be said that by the term “individual share” the entire estate sometimes is meant.