Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,5,25Idem libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Ingenuum accipere debemus etiam eum, de quo sententia lata est, quamvis fuerit libertinus: quia res iudicata pro veritate accipitur.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. We should consider him to be freeborn who has been legally declared such, even though he is in fact a freedman; for the reason that whatever is judicially determined is accepted as truth.
Dig. 1,9,5Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Senatoris filium accipere debemus non tantum eum qui naturalis est, verum adoptivum quoque: neque intererit, a quo vel qualiter adoptatus fuerit nec interest, iam in senatoria dignitate constitutus eum susceperit an ante dignitatem senatoriam.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. We should understand by the terms “the son of a Senator”, not only a natural son but also an adopted one, and it does not matter by whom or in what way he has been adopted. Nor does it make any difference whether he was already invested with Senatorial rank when he adopted him, or whether this was done subsequently.
Dig. 1,9,7Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Emancipatum a patre senatore quasi senatoris filium haberi placet. 1Item Labeo scribit etiam eum, qui post mortem patris senatoris natus sit, quasi senatoris filium esse. sed eum, qui posteaquam pater eius de senatu motus est, concipitur et nascitur, Proculus et Pegasus opinantur non esse quasi senatoris filium, quorum sententia vera est: nec enim proprie senatoris filius dicetur is, cuius pater senatu motus est antequam iste nasceretur. si quis conceptus quidem sit, antequam pater eius senatu moveatur, natus autem post patris amissam dignitatem, magis est ut quasi senatoris filius intellegatur: tempus enim conceptionis spectandum plerisque placuit. 2Si quis et patrem et avum habuerit senatorem, et quasi filius et quasi nepos senatoris intellegitur. sed si pater amiserit dignitatem ante conceptionem huius, quaeri poterit an, quamvis quasi senatoris filius non intellegatur, quasi nepos tamen intellegi debeat: et magis est ut debeat, ut avi potius ei dignitas prosit, quam obsit casus patris.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. It is established that the son of a Senator emancipated by his father is always considered a Senator’s son. 1Labeo also declares that a child born after the death of his father who was a Senator, shall be considered the son of the Senator. Proculus and Pegasus are of the opinion, however, that a child who was conceived and born after the expulsion of its father from the Senate, should not be considered a Senator’s son. This opinion is correct, for he whose father has been expelled from the Senate before he was born, cannot properly be called the son of a Senator; but where a child has been conceived before its father was expelled from the Senate, and born after his father had lost his rank, the better opinion is that he should be understood to be the son of a Senator. It is held by many that the time of conception should only be considered under such circumstances. 2Anyone whose father and grandfather have been Senators is understood to be both the son and the grandson of a Senator; if, however, his father lost his rank before the conception of the former, the question might arise whether he should not be considered the grandson of a Senator, even though he was no longer regarded as the son of one? It is the better opinion that he ought to be, so that the rank of his grandfather may be of advantage to him, rather than he should be injured by the condition of his father.
Dig. 23,2,43Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Palam quaestum facere dicemus non tantum eam, quae in lupanario se prostituit, verum etiam si qua (ut adsolet) in taberna cauponia vel qua alia pudori suo non parcit. 1Palam autem sic accipimus passim, hoc est sine dilectu: non si qua adulteris vel stupratoribus se committit, sed quae vicem prostitutae sustinet. 2Item quod cum uno et altero pecunia accepta commiscuit, non videtur palam corpore quaestum facere. 3Octavenus tamen rectissime ait etiam eam, quae sine quaestu palam se prostituerit, debuisse his connumerari. 4Non solum autem ea quae facit, verum ea quoque quae fecit, etsi facere desiit, lege notatur: neque enim aboletur turpitudo, quae postea intermissa est. 5Non est ignoscendum ei, quae obtentu paupertatis turpissimam vitam egit. 6Lenocinium facere non minus est quam corpore quaestum exercere. 7Lenas autem eas dicimus, quae mulieres quaestuarias prostituunt. 8Lenam accipiemus et eam, quae alterius nomine hoc vitae genus exercet. 9Si qua cauponam exercens in ea corpora quaestuaria habeat (ut multae adsolent sub praetextu instrumenti cauponii prostitutas mulieres habere), dicendum hanc quoque lenae appellatione contineri. 10Senatus censuit non conveniens esse ulli senatori uxorem ducere aut retinere damnatam publico iudicio, quo iudicio cuilibet ex populo experiri licet, nisi si cui lege aliqua accusandi publico iudicio non est potestas. 11Si qua calumniae iudicio damnata sit ex causa publici iudicii et quae praevaricationis damnata est, publico iudicio damnata esse non videtur. 12Quae in adulterio deprehensa est, quasi publico iudicio damnata est. proinde si adulterii condemnata esse proponatur, non tantum quia deprehensa est erit notata, sed quia et publico iudicio damnata est. quod si non sit deprehensa, damnata autem, idcirco notetur, quia publico iudicio damnata est, at si deprehensa quidem sit, damnata autem non sit, notata erit? ego puto, etsi absoluta sit post deprehensionem, adhuc tamen notam illi obesse debere, quia verum est eam in adulterio deprehensam, quia factum lex, non sententiam notaverit. 13Non adicitur hic ut in lege Iulia de adulteriis a quo vel ubi deprehensam: proinde sive maritus sive quis alius deprehendisse proponatur, videtur notata: sed et si non in domo mariti vel patris sui deprehensa sit, erit notata secundum verba legis.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. We hold that a woman openly practices prostitution, not only where she does so in a house of ill-fame, but also if she is accustomed to do this in taverns, or in other places where she manifests no regard for her modesty. 1We understand the word “openly” to mean indiscriminately, that is to say, without choice, and not if she commits adultery or fornication, but where she sustains the role of a prostitute. 2Moreover, where a woman, having accepted money, has intercourse with only one or two persons, she is not considered to have openly prostituted herself. 3Octavenus, however, says very properly that where a woman publicly prostitutes herself without doing so for money, she should be classed as a harlot. 4The law brands with infamy not only a woman who practices prostitution, but also one who has formerly done so, even though she has ceased to act in this manner; for the disgrace is not removed even if the practice is subsequently discontinued. 5A woman is not to be excused who leads a vicious life under the pretext of poverty. 6The occupation of a pander is not less disgraceful than the practice of prostitution. 7We designate those women as procuresses who prostitute other women for money. 8We understand the term “procuress” to mean a woman who lives this kind of a life on account of another. 9Where one woman conducts a tavern, and keeps others in it who prostitute themselves, as many are accustomed to do under the pretext of employing women for the service of the house; it must be said that they are included in the class of procuresses. 10The Senate decreed that it was not proper for a Senator to marry or keep a woman who had been convicted of a criminal offence, the accusation for which could be made by any of the people; unless he was prohibited by law from bringing such an accusation in court. 11Where a woman has been publicly convicted of having made a false accusation, or prevarication, she is not held to have been convicted of a criminal offence. 12Where a woman is caught in adultery, she is considered to have been convicted of a criminal offence. Hence if she is proved to have been guilty of adultery, she will be branded with infamy, not only because she was caught flagrante delicto, but also because she was convicted of a criminal offence. If, however, she was not caught, but was, nevertheless, found guilty, she becomes infamous because she was convicted of a criminal offence; and, indeed, if she was caught but was not convicted, she would still be infamous. I think that even if she should be acquitted after having been caught, she will still remain infamous, because it is certain that she was taken in adultery, and the law renders the act infamous and does not make this dependent upon the judicial decision. 13It is not mentioned here, as in the Lex Julia on adultery, by whom or where the woman must be caught; hence she is considered infamous whether she was caught by her husband or by anyone else. She will also be infamous according to the terms of the law, even if she was not caught in the house of her husband or her father.
Dig. 35,2,62Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In lege Falcidia hoc esse servandum Iulianus ait, ut, si duo rei promittendi fuerint vel duo rei stipulandi, si quidem socii sint in ea re, dividi inter eos debere obligationem, atque si singuli partem pecuniae stipulati essent vel promisissent: quod si societas inter eos nulla fuisset, in pendenti esse, in utrius bonis computari oporteat id quod debetur vel ex cuius bonis detrahi. 1Corpora si qua sunt in bonis defuncti, secundum rei veritatem aestimanda erunt, hoc est secundum praesens pretium: nec quicquam eorum formali pretio aestimandum esse sciendum est.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. Julianus says that, in estimating the portion due under the Falcidian Law, the following rule should be observed, namely, where there are two promising, or two stipulating debtors, and they are partners, the common obligation should be divided between them; just as if each one had stipulated or promised to pay the amount individually. If, however, no partnership existed between them, the matter would remain in abeyance, and a calculation should be made in order to determine what is due to the estates of the creditors, or what should be deducted from those of the debtors. 1Any property belonging to the estate of the deceased must be estimated at its value, that is to say, at the price it will bring at the present time; and it should be understood that the appraisement must not be made of the value which the property would have under certain conditions.
Dig. 40,10,6Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Libertinus si ius anulorum impetraverit, quamvis iura ingenuitatis salvo iure patroni nactus sit, tamen ingenuus intellegitur: et hoc divus Hadrianus rescripsit.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. A freedman who has obtained the right to wear a gold ring (although he may obtain the right attaching to the condition of being freeborn, reserving the rights of his patron), is still considered as freeborn. This the Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript.
Dig. 40,16,4Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si libertinus per collusionem fuerit pronuntiatus ingenuus, conlusione detecta in quibus causis quasi libertinus incipit esse. medio tamen tempore, antequam collusio detegatur et post sententiam de ingenuitate latam, utique quasi ingenuus accipitur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. Where a freedman, through collusion, has been declared to be entitled to the rights of a freeborn person, and the collusion has been established, he is, in some respects regarded, as a freedman. In the meantime, however, before the collusion has been exposed, and after the decision with reference to his rights as a freeborn person has been rendered, he will be regarded as freeborn.
Dig. 50,16,128Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Spadonum generalis appellatio est: quo nomine tam hi, qui natura spadones sunt, item thlibiae thlasiae, sed et si quod aliud genus spadonum est, continentur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. The term “eunuch” is one of general application, and under it are included not only persons who are eunuchs by nature, but also those made such by crushing or pressure, as well as every other kind of eunuch whatsoever.
Dig. 50,17,207Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. Where a matter has been decided, it is considered as true.