Ad legem Aeliam Sentiam libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 40,2,12Idem libro secundo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Vel si sanguine eum contingit (habetur enim ratio cognationis):
The Same, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book II. Or if they are related to him by blood (for such relationship is taken into consideration).
Dig. 40,2,16Ulpianus libro secundo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Illud in causis probandis meminisse iudices oportet, ut non ex luxuria, sed ex affectu descendentes causas probent: neque enim deliciis, sed iustis affectionibus dedisse iustam libertatem legem Aeliam Sentiam credendum. 1Si quis minori viginti annis hac lege servum dederit aut pretio accepto vel donationis causa, ut eum liberum faciat, potest ille causam manumissionis istius probare, hoc ipsum allegans legem datam, et perducere ad libertatem: ergo hic debet ostendere hoc inter ipsos actum, ut proinde vel ex lege donationis vel ex affectione eius qui dedit res aestimetur.
Ulpianus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book II. The judges, when hearing the reasons for manumissions, must remember that these must be based, not on dissoluteness, but on affection; for the Lex Ælia Sentia is understood to grant lawful freedom, not for the purpose of pleasure, but on account of sincere attachment. 1If anyone should transfer a slave to a minor of twenty-one years of age, either in consideration of a price paid, or as a donation, under the condition that he shall liberate him, he can offer this as a just reason for manumission, stating the condition which had been imposed, and can then grant the slave his freedom. He, however, will be required to show that this was the agreement between the parties, so that the matter may be decided in accordance with the condition of the donation, or with the affection of the person who gave the slave to be manumitted.