Fragmenta incerta
Dig. 48,22,14Ulpianus libro ...... Relegatus est is cui interdicitur provincia aut urbe continentibusve in perpetuum vel ad tempus. 1Et multum interest inter relegationem et deportationem: nam deportatio et civitatem et bona adimit, relegatio utrumque conservat, nisi bona publicentur. 2Relegare possunt princeps et senatus et praefecti et praesides provinciarum, nec tamen consules. 3Qui amissa civitate bona habet, a creditore utilibus actionibus convenitur.
Ulpianus, Book. A person who is relegated is one who is forbidden temporarily or perpetually to remain in a province, or at Rome, or in the region surrounding it. 1A great difference exists between deportation and relegation, for deportation deprives a person of his rights as a citizen, as well as of his property. Relegation does not deprive him of either, unless his property is, for some special reason, confiscated. 2Anyone can be relegated by the Emperor, the Senate, the prefects, and the Governors of provinces, but not by the Consul. 3Anyone who has lost his rights of citizenship, but retains his property, is liable to prætorian actions.