Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 29,4,29Ulpianus libro quinto fideicommissorum. Qui omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possidet hereditatem, servos ad libertatem perducere debet, ne eis factum noceat eius qui ex testamento adire noluit: sic tamen, ut habeat libertos.
Dig. 35,1,92Ulpianus libro quinto fideicommissorum. Si cui legatum fuerit relictum isque rogatus sit liberos suos emancipare, an cogi debeat manumittere? et retineo me dixisse defici eos a petitione fideicommissi: neque enim praetor fideicommissarius eos ad libertatem tuetur ut servos. Papinianum quoque libro nono responsorum scribere referebam non esse cogendum emancipare filios suos. arbitror tamen extra ordinem debere constitui eum qui adgnovit id, quod sibi relictum est hac contemplatione, ut liberos suos emanciparet, cogendum emancipare: neque enim debet circumveniri testantium voluntas: sic deinde hoc accipiendum, quemadmodum si sub condicione liberorum emancipandorum ei fuisset legatum vel ita relictum, ut eos emanciparet. cui rei consequens est, quod divus Severus rescripsit. nam cum quaedam mulier nepotes suos heredes instituisset et ipsum filium coheredem filiis suis dedisset eosque invicem substituisset rogassetque filium, ut filios emanciparet, non autem rogasset, ut hereditatem eis restitueret: ex auctoritate divi Severi emancipare eos compulsus est hisque restituere hereditatem. et adiectum est, ut, si tardius id faceret, quasi ex mora usuras praestaturum: videri enim eum, qui moram faceret emancipationi, moram restitutioni fideicommissi eam facere.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book V. Where a person to whom a legacy was bequeathed is asked to emancipate his children, should he be compelled to emancipate them? I remember that I said on this point that the children were excluded from demanding the execution of the trust; for the Prætor, acting as trustee, does not protect children who desire emancipation as he does slaves. I am aware that Papinianus also in the Ninth Book of Opinions stated that a father should not be compelled to emancipate his children. I think, however, that an extraordinary rule should be established in such cases, and that a father should be forced to emancipate his children when he has received property which was left to him with the understanding that he would emancipate them, for the intentions of testators should not be evaded. Hence this should be understood in the same way as where a legacy was bequeathed to him on condition of his emancipating his children, to enable him to emancipate them. The rule stated by the Divine Severus in a Rescript, agrees with this; for when a certain woman appointed her grandchildren her heirs, and appointed her son, their father, their co-heir, and substituted them for one another, requesting her son that he should emancipate her children, but did not ask him to transfer the estate to them, he was compelled by the authority of the Divine Severus to emancipate them, and to deliver the estate to them, and it was added that if he should delay to do this, he would be liable for interest on the amount unpaid while he was in default; for it was held that he who was in default in granting their emancipation was guilty of the same default with reference to the delivery of the property under the terms of the trust.
Dig. 40,5,24Ulpianus libro quinto fideicommissorum. Generaliter dicemus eos posse fideicommissariam libertatem adscribere, qui fideicommissum pecuniarium possunt relinquere. 1Et principis servo vel municipii et cuius alterius fideicommissa libertas adscripta valet. 2Hostium servo si fideicommissaria libertas fuerit adscripta, potest tractari, an non sit inefficax. et fortassis quis dixerit indignum esse civem Romanum fieri hostium servum: sed si in casum relinquatur, in quem noster esse incipit, quid prohibet dicere libertatem valere? 3Si homini libero fuerit libertas per fideicommissum adscripta et is in servitutem redactus proponatur, petere potest libertatem, si modo mortis tempore vel condicionis existentis inveniatur servus. 4Servo eius, qui nondum in rebus humanis est, libertas recte per fideicommissum relinquitur. 5Si servus in metallum fuerit damnatus, libertatem sperare non poterit. quid ergo, si fideicommissaria libertas ei relicta sit et poena metalli indulgentia principis sit liberatus? et est rescriptum ab imperatore nostro hunc in dominium prioris domini non restitui: cuius tamen sit, non adicitur. certe cum fisci efficiatur, sperare potest fideicommissariam libertatem. 6Ex damnata in metallum concepto et nato fideicommissaria libertas dari poterit: quid mirum, cum etiam venumdari eum posse quasi servum divus Pius rescripsit? 7Si petitum a testatore fuerit, ne postea Stichus serviret, placuit fideicommissariam libertatem datam videri: nam qui hoc petit, ne postea serviat, videtur petere, ut libertas ei praestetur. 8Sed et si ita scripsit: ‘ne eum alienes’ ‘ne eum vendas’, idem erit dicendum, si modo hoc animo fuerit adscriptum, quod voluerit eum testator ad libertatem perduci. ceterum si alia mente id scripsit, ut puta quia consilium dabat heredi retinere talem servum vel quia coercere voluit servum et cruciare, ne meliorem dominum experiatur, vel aliqua mente, non tribuendae libertatis animo, dicendum est cessare libertatis praestationem: et ita Celsus libro vicensimo tertio digestorum scribit. non tantum enim verba fideicommissi, sed et mens testatoris tribuere solet libertatem fideicommissariam. sed cum ex praesumptione libertas praestita esse videtur, heredis est contrariam voluntatem testatoris probare. 9Si quis tutorem ideo scripserit, quia liberum putavit, certissimum est neque libertatem peti posse neque tutelam libertatis praestationi patrocinari: et ita et Marcellus libro quinto decimo digestorum et imperator noster cum patre rescripsit. 10Si quis servo pignerato directam libertatem dederit, licet videtur iure suptili inutiliter reliquisse, attamen quasi et fideicommissaria libertate relicta servus petere potest, ut ex fideicommisso liber fiat: favor enim libertatis suadet, ut interpretemur et ad libertatis petitionem procedere testamenti verba, quasi ex fideicommisso fuerat servus liber esse iussus: nec enim ignotum est, quod multa contra iuris rigorem pro libertate sint constituta. 11Ex testamento, quod adgnatione postumae ruptum esse constitit, neque directas libertates competere neque fideicommissarias deberi, quas non a legitimis quoque heredibus pater familias reliquerit, satis constat. 12Si quis alienum vel suum servum rogatus sit manumittere et minus sit in eo quod accepit iudicio testatoris, plus sit in pretio servi, an cogatur vel alienum redimere vel suum manumittere, videndum est. et Marcellus scripsit, cum ceperit legatum, cogendum omnimodo suum manumittere: et sane hoc iure utimur, ut multum intersit, suum quisque rogatus sit manumittere an alienum: si suum, cogetur manumittere, etiamsi modicum accepit: quod si alienum, non alias erit cogendus, quam si tanti possit redimere, quantum ex iudicio testatoris consecutus sit. 13Proinde consequenter Marcellus ait eum quoque, qui heres institutus est, si quidem aliquid ad eum deducto aere alieno pervenit, cogendum esse suum manumittere: si vero nihil pervenit, non esse cogendum. 14Plane si forte minus relictum est alicui, verum crevit legatum ex aliqua causa, aequissimum erit tanti eum cogi redimere, quantum ad eum pervenit, nec causari debere, quod minus illi relictum sit, cum creverit eius legatum per testamenti occasionem: nam et si ex mora fructus usuraeve fideicommisso accessissent, dicendum est libertatem praestandam. 15Proinde et si servi pretium decrevit, dicendum est redimere cogendum. 16Quod si legatum sit imminutum, videndum, an cogatur servum manumittere qui speravit legatum uberius consecuturum. et putem, si legatum refundere sit paratus, non esse cogendum, idcirco, quia alia contemplatione adgnovit legatum, quod ex inopinato deminutum est: parato igitur ei a legato recedere concedendum erit, nisi forte residuum legatum ad pretium sufficit. 17Quid ergo, si plures servos rogatus sit manumittere et ad quorundam pretium sufficiat id quod relictum est, ad omnium non sufficiat, an cogendus sit quosdam manumittere? et putem debere eum cogi vel eos, quorum pretium patitur, manumittere. quis ergo statuet, qui potius manumittitur? utrumne ipse legatarius eligat, quos manumittat, an heres a quo legatum est? et fortassis quis recte dixerit ordinem scripturae sequendum: quod si ordo non pareat, aut sortiri eos oportebit, ne aliquam ambitionis vel gratiae suspicionem praetor subeat, aut meritis cuiusque allegatis arbitrari eos oportet. 18Simili modo dicendum est et si redimere iussus sit libertatemque praestare nec pecunia quae legata est sufficiat ad redemptionem omnium, quibus libertas data est: nam et hic idem erit, quod supra probavimus. 19Si cui legatum sit relictum isque rogatus sit servum proprium manumittere eique quod legatum est praestare, an fideicommissaria libertas praestanda sit? quosdam movet, quia, si fuerit coactus ad libertatem praestandam, ex necessitate ad fideicommissi quoque praestationem erit cogendus: et sunt qui putant non esse cogendum. nam et si mihi legatum fuisset relictum et id rogatus essem Titio restituere confestim et praeterea fideicommissam libertatem servo meo praestare, sine dubio diceremus non esse me cogendum ad libertatis praestationem, quia nihil pretii nomine videor accepisse. plane si forte post tempus fuerit rogatus restituere sibi legatum relictum, dici potest propter medii temporis fructum cogendum eum manumittere, 20si rogatus quis alii fundum, cum morietur, alii centum praestare si tantum ex fructibus fundi perceperit, quantum est in fideicommisso, cogendum eum praestare. sic fit, ut sit in pendenti fideicommissum pecuniarium et fideicommissae libertatis praestatio. 21Quotiens autem fideicommissaria libertas relinquitur efficaciter, in ea causa est, ut neque alienatione neque usucapione extingui possit: ad quemcumque enim pervenerit is servus, cui fideicommissa libertas relicta est, cogi eum manumittere: et ita est saepissime constitutum. cogetur igitur is, ad quem servus pervenerit, fideicommissam libertatem praestare si hoc maluit is qui rogatus est: latius enim acceptum est, ut et si sub condicione fuit ei libertas relicta et pendente condicione alienatus sit, attamen cum sua causa alienetur. quod si nolit ab eo manumitti, sed potius ab eo velit ad libertatem perduci, qui erat rogatus eum manumittere, audiri eum oportere divus Hadrianus et divus Pius rescripserunt. quin immo et si iam manumissus est, velit tamen potius eius libertus fieri, qui erat rogatus eum manumittere, audiendum eum divus Pius rescripsit. sed et si ex persona manumissoris vel ex quacumque causa manumissus ostendere potest ius suum laedi manumissione vel etiam laesum, succurri ei ex his constitutionibus oportet, ne contra voluntatem defuncti durior eius condicio constituatur. plane si ea sit defuncti voluntas, ut vel a quocumque manumitti voluerit, dicendum est constitutiones supra scriptas cessare.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book V. Generally speaking, we say that persons who can leave money under a trust can also bequeath a grant of freedom in the same manner. 1A grant of freedom under a trust, which is bequeathed to a slave of the Emperor, or of a municipality, or of anyone else, is valid. 2Where freedom is bequeathed by the terms of a trust to a slave of the enemy, can it be maintained that it is not without force or effect? Perhaps someone may say that a slave of the enemy is unworthy to become a Roman citizen. If, however, it is bequeathed to him in case he becomes one of our allies, what is there to prevent anyone from holding that the grant of freedom is valid? 3Where freedom is bequeathed under the terms of a trust to a man who is already free, and he is subsequently reduced to slavery, he can demand his freedom, provided he was a slave at the time of the death of the testator, or when a condition was fulfilled. 4Freedom can legally be left under a trust to a slave who is yet unborn. 5A slave cannot expect his freedom if he has been sentenced to the mines. But what if freedom was left to him under the terms of a trust, and he was released from the penalty of the mines by the indulgence of the Emperor? It was stated in a Rescript by our Emperor that he will not be restored to the ownership of his former master; but in this case, it is not stated to whom he will belong. It is certain that when he becomes the property of the Treasury that he can expect to obtain his freedom by virtue of the trust. 6Freedom under the terms of a trust can be granted to a slave conceived and born of a woman who was condemned to the mines. What is there surprising in this, as the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that he could be sold as a slave? 7Where it is requested by the testator that Stichus should not afterwards serve as a slave, it was held that freedom should be considered to have been granted to him under a trust; for he who asks that he shall not afterwards serve as a slave is considered to ask that he be granted his freedom. 8Where, however, the testator states, “You shall not alienate or sell him,” the same rule will apply, provided that this was done by the testator with the intention that he should obtain his freedom. But if he inserted the clause with a different intention (for example, because he advised the heir to retain the slave; or because he desired to punish and torture the latter in order to prevent him from obtaining a better master, or did so with some other motive than that of liberating him), it must be said that he should not be granted his freedom. This was mentioned by Celsus in the Twenty-third Book of the Digest. It is not so much the terms of the trust as the intention of the testator, which usually confers freedom in such cases. As, however, freedom is always considered to be granted, it devolves upon the heir to prove the contrary intention of the testator. 9When anyone appoints a slave a guardian, because he thinks that he is free, it is absolutely certain that he cannot demand his freedom, nor can the right to the guardianship be maintained by him on account of the grant of freedom. This is held by Marcellus in the Fifteenth Book of the Digest, and Our Emperor, with his Father, also stated it in a Rescript. 10Where anyone grants liberty directly to a slave who has been pledged, although, by the strict construction of the law, the grant is held to be void; still, if freedom had been left to him by the terms of a trust, the slave can demand his liberation by virtue of it. For the favor conceded to freedom requires that we should interpret the bequest in this manner, and that the words of the will mean that freedom should be demanded, just as if the slave had been directed to be free under the terms of a trust. For it is well known that many things contrary to the strict construction of the law have been decided in favor of liberty. 11It is established that grants of freedom which are either direct, or dependent upon the terms of a trust, cannot be carried out under a will which has been broken by the birth of a posthumous child, where the testator has not charged his lawful heirs with their execution. 12Where anyone is requested to manumit his own slave, or the slave of another, and he receives less by the will of the testator than the value of the slave, whether he can be compelled either to purchase the slave belonging to another, or to manumit his own, is a question for consideration. Marcellus says that, as soon as he accepts the legacy, he will, by all means, be compelled to manumit his slave. And, indeed, this is our practice, as it makes a great deal of difference whether anyone is requested to manumit his own slave, or a slave belonging to someone else. If it is his own slave, he will be compelled to manumit him, even if the amount he receives is very small; but if it is the slave of another, he should not be forced to manumit him unless he can purchase the said slave for a sum equal to what he receives by the will of the testator. 13Hence Marcellus says that he also, who is appointed the heir, can be compelled to manumit his own slave, if he obtains anything from the estate after payment of its indebtedness, but if he obtains nothing, he cannot be forced to do so. 14It is clear that, if less has been bequeathed to anyone than the slave is worth, but the legacy has been increased for some reason or other, it will be perfectly just for him to be compelled to purchase the slave with the amount which he obtains from the estate; but it should not be said that he has been left less than the slave was worth, as his legacy has been increased by reason of the will. For if, through delay, the crops or the interest should be added to the amount bequeathed under the trust, it must be held that freedom ought to be granted. 15On the same principle, if the price of the slave has been reduced, it must be held that he should be forced to purchase him. 16Where, however, the legacy has been diminished, it must be considered whether he who expected to obtain a larger legacy can be compelled to manumit the slave. I think that if he is ready to refund the legacy, he cannot be forced to do so, for the reason that he accepted the legacy with a different prospect, and it has been unexpectedly diminished. Therefore, if he is ready to surrender the legacy, he shall be permitted to do so, unless what remains of it is sufficient to pay the price of the slave. 17But what if a person is charged to manumit several slaves, and the sum bequeathed is equal to the value of some of them, but not to that of all; can he be compelled to manumit some of them? I think that he can be compelled to manumit as many as the legacy will permit him to do. But who shall decide which ones shall be manumitted; must the legatee select them, or must the heir do so? Perhaps someone may very properly say that the order given in the will should be followed. If the order is not indicated therein, the slaves ought to be selected by lot, to prevent the Prætor from being suspected of favoring any through interest, or kindness; for he must render his decision by taking into account the alleged merits of each slave. 18In like manner, it must be held that, where a legatee is ordered to purchase certain slaves, and give them their freedom, and the money which was bequeathed for this purpose is not sufficient for the purchase of all of said slaves, the rule in this case will be the same as we have adopted in the preceding one. 19Where a legacy is bequeathed to anyone, and he is requested to manumit his own slave, and transfer the legacy to him, must freedom be granted under the terms of the trust? Some authorities are in doubt on this point, because if the legatee is compelled to give the slave his liberty, he will necessarily be obliged to execute the trust and transfer the legacy; and there are some authorities who hold that he should not be forced to do so. For if a legacy should be left to me, and I should be charged to immediately transfer it to Titius, and also to grant freedom under the trust to my slave, we should undoubtedly hold that I cannot be compelled to grant him his freedom, because I am not considered to have received anything to take the place of his value. It is clear that if I should be charged to pay the legacy after a certain time has elapsed, it may be held that I can be compelled to manumit the slave if, in the meantime, I have obtained any benefit from the legacy. 20Where anyone is asked to give to one person a tract of land, and to another a hundred aurei, at the time of his death, he will be compelled to pay whatever he has collected out of the profits of the land, if the amount is equal to that provided by the trust; so that, in this instance, it is not certain whether the money left under the trust, or the grant of freedom, will be due. 21Whenever freedom is legally bequeathed by the terms of a trust, the condition is such that the right can neither be extinguished by a donation, nor by usucaption; for no matter into whose hands the slave whose freedom has been left under the trust may come, his owner will be compelled to manumit him. This has been frequently set forth in the Imperial Constitutions. Therefore, he into whose hands the slave may come will be compelled to grant him his freedom by virtue of the trust, if he who was requested to do so prefers it; for it has been settled by a broader interpretation that, even if freedom were left to a slave conditionally, and he should be alienated while the condition is pending, he is, nevertheless, alienated with the understanding that he is to be free if the condition is complied with. If, however, the slave is unwilling to be manumitted by him, but prefers to obtain his freedom from the person who was charged to emancipate him, the Divine Hadrian and the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that he must be heard. The Divine Pius also stated in a Rescript that even if he had been already manumitted and preferred to become the freedman of the person who had liberated him, he should be heard. But if the freedman can show that his rights may be, or have been prejudiced by his manumission, on account of some act of the person who manumitted him or for some other reason, relief must be granted him by one of these constitutions, in order that his condition may not become less endurable, which would be contrary to the wishes of the deceased. It is. clear that if the intention of the deceased was that the slave should be manumitted by anyone whomsoever, it must be said that the constitutions above referred to will not apply.
Dig. 40,5,26Ulpianus libro quinto fideicommissorum. Cum vero is qui rogatus est non alienum servum manumittere mortalitatis necessitate vel bonorum publicatione ad alium servum perduxit, magis opinor constitutionibus esse locum, ne deterior condicio fideicommissae libertatis fiat. nam et cum quidam rogatus esset, cum moreretur, servum manumittere isque decessisset libertate servo non data, perinde eum habendum constitutum est atque si ad libertatem ab eo perductus esset: potest enim eo testamento dare libertatem utique directam. sic fit, ut, quotiens quis libertatem accepit fideicommissariam, si ab alio quam qui erat rogatus manumittatur, auxilium constitutionum habeat perindeque habeatur atque si ab eo manumissus fuisset, quoniam fideicommissis libertatibus favor exhibetur nec intercidere solet destinata fideicommissa libertas: qui enim ea donatus est, in possessionem libertatis interim esse videtur. 1Apparet igitur subventum fideicommissis libertatibus, ut in re mora facta esse his videatur et ex die quidem, quo libertas peti potuit, matri traderentur manumittendi causa, ex die vero, quo petita est, ingenui nascantur. plerumque enim per ignaviam vel per timiditatem eorum, quibus relinquitur libertas fideicommissa, vel ignorantiam iuris sui vel per auctoritatem et dignitatem eorum, a quibus relicta est, vel serius petitur vel in totum non petitur fideicommissa libertas: quae res obesse libertati non debet. quod igitur defendimus, ita determinandum est, ut ingenui quidem exinde nascantur, ex quo mora libertati facta est, manumitti autem partum dici debeat, ex quo peti libertas potuit, quamvis non sit petita. certe minoribus viginti quinque annis et in hoc tribuendum est auxilium, ut videatur in re mora esse: nam qua ratione decretum et a divo Severo constitutum est in re moram esse circa pecuniaria fideicommissa, quae minoribus relicta sunt, multo magis debet etiam in libertatibus hoc idem admitti. 2Cum quidam Caecilius ancillam, quam pignori obligaverat, dimisso creditore per fideicommissum manumitti voluisset et heredibus creditorem non liberantibus infantes, qui postea erant editi, venissent a creditore, imperator noster cum patre rescripsit secundum ea, quae divo Pio placuerint, ne pueri ingenuitate destinata fraudarentur, pretio emptori restituto perinde eos ingenuos fore, ac si mater eorum suo tempore manumissa fuisset. 3Idem imperator noster cum patre rescripsit, si post quinquennium mortis testatoris tabulae testamenti apertae essent vel codicilli et partus medio tempore editus sit, ne fortuita mora servitutem partui irrogaverit, matri partum tradendum, ut ab ea ad libertatem perducatur. 4Apparet igitur ex hoc scripto, item eo quod a divo Pio rescriptum diximus, noluisse eos moram libertati fortuitam nocere edito ex ea, cui fideicommissa libertas data est. 5Non tamen si a substituto impuberis fideicommissa libertas data sit ancillae eaque vivo impubere partum ediderit, vel si post tempus vel sub condicione libertatem acceperit et ante diem vel condicionem partum ediderit, ad libertatem partus perducetur, quia horum alia condicio est: non enim moram fortuitam, sed ex voluntate testantis passi sunt. 6Si pro non scripto habitus sit servus alicui legatus, cui servo per fideicommissum libertas adscripta est, quaestionis est, num fideicommissa libertas debeat intercidere et an, si servus petat fideicommissam libertatem ab eo, penes quem remansisset pro non scripto habito legato quod erat relictum ei qui eum rogatus fuerat manumittere, vel si ipse servus, ut supra dictum est, fuit legatus, an libertas non debeat intercidere. et putem debere dici fideicommissam libertatem salvam esse, licet ad eum nihil pervenerit, qui eum rogatus erat manumittere: cogetur igitur libertatem praestare is ad quem pervenit legatum, quia libertas fideicommissa nullum impedimentum pati debet. 7Subventum libertatibus est senatus consulto, quod factum est temporibus divi Traiani Rubrio Gallo et Caelio Hispone consulibus in haec verba: ‘si hi, a quibus libertatem praestari oportet, evocati a praetore adesse noluissent, si causa cognita praetor pronuntiasset libertatem his deberi, eodem iure statum servari, ac si directo manumissi essent’. 8Hoc senatus consultum ad eos pertinet, quibus ex causa fideicommissi libertas debeatur. proinde si libertas non deberetur, obreptum tamen praetori est de libertate pronuntiatumque, ex hoc senatus consulto libertas non competit. et ita imperator noster cum patre suo rescripsit. 9Evocari autem a praetore oportet eos, qui fideicommissam libertatem debent: ceterum nisi fuerint evocati, cessat Rubrianum senatus consultum. proinde denuntiationibus et edictis litterisque evocandi sunt. 10Hoc senatus consultum ad omnes pertinet latitantes, quos fideicommissam libertatem praestare oportet. proinde sive heres rogatus sive quis alius, senatus consulto locus est: omnes enim omnino, qui deberent fideicommissam libertatem praestare, in ea causa sunt, ut ad senatus consultum pertineant. 11Quare si heres quidem latitet, legatarius autem vel fideicommissarius, qui rogatus sit libertatem praestare, praesens sit, senatus consultum deficit et nihilo minus impedietur libertas: proponamus enim legatarium nondum dominium servi nactum esse.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book V. Where anyone who was requested to manumit the slave of another transfers the slave to a third party on account of his death or the confiscation of his property, I think that it should be held that there is ground for the application of the constitutions, in order that the condition of the freedom bequeathed by the trust may not be rendered worse. For when anyone is charged to manumit a slave at the time of his death, and he dies before giving the slave his freedom, it has been decided that it is the same as if the slave had been bequeathed his freedom by him; for he could have granted him his freedom directly by his will. The result of this is, that whenever anyone who obtains his freedom by virtue of a trust is manumitted by someone, other than the person charged with manumitting him, he will be entitled to the benefit of the constitutions, and will be regarded just as if he had been manumitted by him who was asked to do so; for the reason that favor is always shown to grants of freedom under a trust, and when they are bequeathed they should not be interfered with, as he to whom they are granted is in the meantime held to be in the enjoyment of his liberty. 1Therefore, it is apparent that relief should be granted where freedom is left under a trust, and that any delay which results should be considered as proceeding from the matter itself, and in reckoning the day from which freedom can be demanded, children should be given to their mother to be manumitted, where she is a liberated slave, and the children are born free from the day when freedom was demanded. For, generally, freedom which is left under a trust is demanded too late, or is not demanded at all, on account of the neglect or timidity of those who are entitled to it; or because of their ignorance of their rights; or on account of the authority and rank of those who are charged with the execution of the trust; which things should not stand in the way of the acquisition of freedom. Hence we maintain, and it should so be decided, that children are born free from the very time when any delay is made in liberating their mother from servitude; and, moreover, the child of a female slave should be considered as manumitted from the very time when the mother had the right to demand her freedom, even though she may not have done so. It is clear that relief should be granted to minors of twenty-five years of age in a case of this kind, and that any delay should be held to have proceeded from the matter itself; for, as it has been decreed and set forth in the Constitution of the Divine Severus that wherever delay takes place in the payment of money left to minors under a trust, it should be considered as having proceeded from the matter itself, there is still greater reason that this rule should be adopted where grants of freedom are involved. 2A certain Cæcilius, who had given a female slave in pledge, provided by his will that, after the claim of his creditor had been satisfied, the slave should be manumitted by virtue of a trust. The heirs not having paid the creditor, the children afterwards born to the said slave were sold by him. Our Emperor and his Father stated in a Rescript that, in accordance with what had been decided by the Divine Pius, the children should not be defrauded of the freedom to which they are entitled, and that the price having been refunded to the purchaser, they should become free; just as if their mother had been manumitted at the time when they were born. 3Our Emperor and his Father also stated in a Rescript that if a will or a codicil had not been opened within five years after the death of the testator, and the female slave had had a child in the meantime, it should be delivered to its mother, in order that it might be granted its freedom; and that it should not remain in slavery on account of accidental delay. 4It is, therefore, apparent from this Rescript, as well as from the one which we have mentioned as promulgated by the Divine Pius, that these Emperors were unwilling that any accidental delay in granting freedom should prejudice the rights of a child born of a slave to whom freedom was granted under the terms of a trust. 5This, however, will not be the case where freedom is to be granted under a trust to a female slave by the substitute of a son under the age of puberty, if she had the child during the lifetime of the minor; or if she was to receive her freedom after the lapse of a certain time, or conditionally, and she brought forth the child before the time had arrived, or before the condition had been complied with; for the said child will not be entitled to freedom because the condition in this case is different, as the delay was not accidental, but was caused by the will of the testator. 6If a slave should be bequeathed to anyone in such a way that the legacy is held to be void, and freedom is bequeathed to the same slave under the terms of a trust, the question arises whether the grant of freedom must also be held to be void. And if the slave demands his freedom under the terms of the trust of the person under whose control he remains, where the legacy left to him who was charged to manumit him has been declared to be void, or if the slave himself was bequeathed as was stated above, whether the bequest of his freedom should not be considered to be without force or effect. I think it should be said that the grant of freedom under the trust remains unimpaired, even though nothing may come into the hands of him who was asked to manumit the slave. Hence, he who obtains the legacy must liberate the slave, for the reason that freedom granted under the terms of a trust permits no obstacle to be interposed. 7In the case of bequests of freedom, relief is granted by a decree of the Senate enacted in the time of the Divine Trajan, during the Consulate of Rubrius Gallus and Cælius Hispo, as follows: “If those charged with a grant of freedom, having been summoned by the Prætor, refuse to appear, and, after investigation, the Prætor finds that the slaves are entitled to be free, they will be in the same position under the law as if they had been directly manumitted.” 8This Decree of the Senate has reference to those who are entitled to freedom by virtue of a trust. Hence, if they are not entitled to it, and it has been fraudulently obtained by a decision of the Prætor, freedom will not be granted under this Decree of the Senate. This Our Emperor and his Father stated in a Rescript. 9Those must be summoned before the Prætor who are obliged to grant freedom under a trust, but the Rubrian Decree of the Senate will not apply unless they are summoned. Hence, they should be summoned by notices, by edicts, or by letters. 10This Decree of the Senate applies to all those who conceal themselves, and who are required to grant freedom under the terms of a trust. Hence, no matter who is charged, whether it is the heir or anyone else, there will be ground for the application of the Decree of the Senate; for all of those who are obliged to grant freedom by virtue of a trust are in such a position that the Decree of the Senate will be applicable to them. 11Wherefore, if the heir should conceal himself, and the legatee or the trustee who was asked to grant freedom to a slave is present, the Decree of the Senate will not take effect, and the grant of freedom will be prevented; for, in this instance, we suppose that the legatee has not yet obtained ownership of the slave.
Dig. 40,5,28Ulpianus libro quinto fideicommissorum. Si eum servum, cui erat fideicommissa libertas relicta, distraxerit is qui erat rogatus et emptor quidem latitet, is autem qui rogatus erat praesens sit, an Rubriano senatus consulto locus sit? et ait Marcellus Rubrianum locum habere, quia abest quem manumittere oportet. 1Haec autem verba ‘adesse noluissent’ non utique exigunt ut latitet is qui libertatem praestare debebit: nam et si non latitet, contemnat autem venire, senatus consultum locum habebit. 2Idem observatur etiam, si plures heredes constituti fideicommissam libertatem praestare rogati non iusta ex causa absentes moram libertati faciant. 3Quorum si quosdam iusta ex causa abesse pronuntiatum fuerit, eorum, qui ex iusta causa abessent, et eorum, qui praesentes fideicommissae libertati moram non facient, perinde libertus erit atque si soli rogati ad iustam libertatem perduxissent. 4Si quis servum non hereditarium rogatus manumittere latitet, factum est senatus consultum Aemilio Iunco et Iulio Severo consulibus in haec verba: ‘placere, si quis ex his, qui fideicommissam libertatem ex quacumque causa deberent servo, qui mortis tempore eius qui rogavit non fuerit, isque adesse negabitur, praetor cognoscat et, si in ea causa esse videbitur, ut, si praesens esset, manumittere cogi deberet, id ita esse pronuntiet: cumque ita pronuntiasset, idem iuris erit, quod esset, si ita, ut ex fideicommisso manumitti debuisset, manumissus esset’. 5Ex iusta causa abesse eos demum dicendum est, qui non habent iniustam causam absentiae, cum sufficiat, quod non in fraudem libertatis absint, quo magis videantur ex iusta causa abesse: ceterum non est necesse, ut rei publicae causa absint. proinde si alibi domicilium quis habeat, alibi petatur fideicommissaria libertas, dicendum est non esse necesse evocari eum, qui fideicommissam libertatem debere dicitur, quia etiam absente eo, si constiterit libertatem deberi, pronuntiari potest iusta de causa eum abesse, nec libertum perdit: namque eos, qui apud sedes suas et domicilium suum sunt, nemo dubitabit ex iusta causa abesse.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book V. Will there be ground for the application of the Rubrian Decree of the Senate, if a slave, to whom freedom was bequeathed by a trust, should be sold by the person charged with his liberation, and the purchaser should conceal himself, but the trustee should appear? Marcellus says that the Decree will apply, because the party who was charged to manumit the slave is not present. 1The following words, “Refuse to appear,” do not absolutely require that he whose duty it is to grant freedom should conceal himself, for if he does not do so, but merely fails to appear, the Decree of the Senate will be applicable. 2The same rule should also be observed where several heirs are charged with the granting of freedom under the trust, and a decision rendered that no good cause exists for their absence. 3The slave will become the freedman of those who are absent for a good reason, as well as of those who, being present, do not cause delay in the execution of the trust, just as if they alone had granted him his freedom. 4Where anyone, having been charged to manumit a slave that does not belong to the estate, conceals himself, a Decree of the Senate to provide for such an emergency was enacted during the Consulate of Æmilius Junius and Julius Severus as follows: “It is decided that where any one of those who are charged to grant freedom to a slave under a trust, for any reason whatsoever, and the slave did not belong to the person who made the request at the time of his death, and the trustee refuses to appear, the Prætor shall take cognizance of the case, and if it is established that the slave has a right to be manumitted, and the person charged with his manumission is present, he must decide accordingly. And, after he has rendered his decision, the condition of the slave will be the same in law as it would have been if he had been manumitted by the person who was charged to do so under the trust.” 5It must be held that persons are not present for a good reason, when no improper cause exists for their absence; as it is sufficient if they have not absented themselves for the purpose of defrauding the slave of his freedom, in order that they may appear to be absent for a good reason. It is, however, not necessary that anyone should be absent on public business. Hence, if he has his domicile in one place, and he applies for freedom under the trust in another, it must be said that it is not essential for him who is alleged to be the one from whom the grant of freedom is due to be summoned, because if while he is absent, it should be established that freedom ought to be granted, a decree can be rendered that he is absent for a good reason, and he will not lose his rights over his freedman; for no one can entertain any doubt that he is absent for a just cause who is at his own residence.
Dig. 40,5,30Ulpianus libro quinto fideicommissorum. Cum quasi absente quodam decretum fuisset interpositum ex iusta causa eum abesse, is autem mortuus iam esset, imperator noster rescripsit in heredis personam transferendum decretum eoque loco ius eius esse, quasi hunc ipsum ex eadem causa abesse pronuntiasset. 1Si infans sit inter eos, qui manumittere debent, senatus censuit, cum unius aetas impedierit, ut liberi liberaeque sint hi, quibus libertates ex causa fideicommissi praestari oportet. 2Hoc idem erit dicendum et si solus sit heres institutus qui fari non potest. 3Si vero pupillus tutorem habet isque nolit ad libertatem praestandam auctor esse, adeo non debet impedimento esse neque pupillo, ut libertos non habeat, neque libertati, ut divi fratres rescripserint ex causa fideicommissi libertatem praestari debere servo, perinde atque si ab ipso pupillo tutore auctore manumissus esset. 4Quicumque igitur casus inciderit, quo is qui fari non potest fideicommissae libertati subiectus est, accommodabimus mentem senatus consulti, quae etiam ad heredem infantem rogati trahenda est. 5Adeundus est autem etiam ex hac causa praetor, praesertim cum rescripto divi Pii effectum est, ut, si quidam ex rogatis praesentes sunt, alii latitent, alii ex causa absint, intercedente infantis persona non omnium libertus efficiatur, sed tantum infantis et eorum qui ex iusta causa absunt vel etiam praesentium. 6Si plures heredes sunt instituti et inter eos qui fari non potest, sed non ipse rogatus sit servum manumittere, non oportere intercidere libertatem ob hoc, quod coheredibus suis vendere eum infans non possit: et exstat quidem senatus consultum Vitrasianum, sed et divus Pius Cassio Dextro rescripsit ita rem explicari, ut partes servorum, quibus per fideicommissum libertas data est, iusto pretio aestimentur atque ita servus ab his qui rogati sunt manumittatur. hi autem, qui eos manumiserunt, pretii nomine perinde fratribus et coheredibus suis obligati erunt, atque si ob eam rem ex iudicati causa cum his agi possit. 7In furiosi persona divus Pius rescripsit fideicommissam libertatem non impediri sub condicione scripti heredis, quem compotem mentis non esse adfirmatur. igitur si constiterit ei recte datam per fideicommissum libertatem, decretum interponetur, quodaaDie Großausgabe liest quo statt quod. id ipsum complectatur, ad exemplum infantis. 8Ergo et in muto et in surdo subvenietur. 9Sed et si quis sine herede vel alio successore decesserit qui fideicommissam libertatem praestare debebat, adito praetore libertatem praestandam esse censuit senatus. 10Sed et si suus heres se abstinuerit, libertati fideicommissae per senatus consultum subventum est, tametsi non est sine herede, qui suum heredem habet licet abstinentem se. 11Idem dicendum et si minor viginti quinque annis adierit hereditatem eius, qui libertatem fideicommissam debebat, et in integrum sit restitutus abstinendi causa. 12Quaerendum est autem, cuius libertus iste fit: ex constitutione enim servo libertas perinde competit, atque si ex testamento libertatem consecutus esset. erit igitur libertus orcinus, non eius qui fideicommissam libertatem debebat. 13Si alter sine successore decesserit, alter ex iusta causa absit, extat rescriptum divorum Marci et veri perinde dicentium eum ad libertatem perventurum, ac si ab eo qui sine successore decessit et ab eo qui ex iusta causa abesset ad libertatem ut oportuit perductus esset. 14Eleganter quaeri potest, cum heres sine successore decedit, utrum exspectari debet, donec certum sit heredem vel bonorum possessorem non extaturum, an vero etiam dum incertum est (forte deliberante herede scripto) possit ad libertatem pervenire: et melius est exspectari oportere, quoad certum esse coeperit successorem non extaturum. 15Imperator noster Antoninus rescripsit eum cui fideicommissa libertas debetur, sine libertate aliquid ex testamento heredis accipere posse. 16Divus etiam Marcus rescripsit fideicommissas libertates neque aetate neque condicione neque mora non praestantium tardiusve reddentium corrumpi aut in deteriorem statum perduci. 17Quamquam ex irritis codicillis libertates non debeantur, attamen si heres hos codicillos ratos habuit et ex his quaedam praestitit et servos praestandae fideicommissae libertatis gratia in libertate morari voluit, ad iustam libertatem eos pervenisse rescriptum imperatoris nostri et divi patris eius declarat.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book V. When a decree is rendered by the Prætor that he who is absent has good reason for it, and he is already dead, Our Emperor stated in a Rescript that the decree must be transferred to his heir, and that the law would apply to him just as if the Prætor had decided that he himself was absent for a good reason. 1Where an infant was among the slaves entitled to manumission, the Senate decided that the age of one of them would prevent the others who were entitled to be free under the terms of the trust from obtaining their liberty. 2This rule will also apply where only one heir is appointed, and he is unable to speak for himself. 3When, however, the minor has a guardian, and he is unwilling to authorize the grant of freedom, the Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript that the slave should become free under the terms of the trust, just as if he had been manumitted by the minor himself, by the authority of his guardian; and that it should not be productive of any disadvantage to the minor, nor would it, in any way, prejudice the grant of freedom, if he did not have the slave as his freedman. 4Therefore, when any case occurs in which a child is not able to speak for himself, and yet is charged with a grant of freedom under a trust, we must take into consideration the spirit of the Decree of the Senate, which even extends to the infant heir of the person charged with the execution of the trust. 5Recourse should also be had to the Prætor under these circumstances, especially as it is provided by a Rescript of the Divine Pius that where some of those charged with the execution of the trust are present, and others have concealed themselves, and others again are absent for some good reason, and there is also an infant, the slave will not become the freedman of all of them, but only of the infant and of those who are absent for a good reason, or of those who are present. 6Where several heirs are appointed, and among them there is one who cannot speak for himself, but who has not been charged to manumit the slave, the grant of freedom will not lose its effect because the infant cannot sell his share of the slave to his co-heirs. The Vitrasian Decree of the Senate is applicable in this instance. The Divine Pius, however, stated in a Rescript addressed to Cassius Dexter, that the matter could be disposed of as follows, namely, by appraising the shares of the slaves to whom freedom was granted under the terms of the trust, at their true value, and then directing the slaves to be manumitted by the persons charged with that duty. Those who manumitted them will, however, be liable to their brothers and coheirs, just as if judgment had been rendered against them on this account in court. 7The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript, with reference to an insane person, that freedom granted under a trust was not prevented on account of the condition of the appointed heir, where it was alleged that he was not of sound mind; and, therefore, if it should be established that freedom had been legally provided for by the trust, a decree must be rendered in which this is stated. 8Relief should be granted to a deaf and dumb person just as in the case of an infant. 9Where anyone dies without leaving an heir or other successor who can execute the trust conferring freedom, the Senate decreed that relief should be granted upon application being made to the Prætor. 10If, however, a proper heir should reject the estate, relief should be granted by the Decree of the Senate to the person entitled to freedom under the trust; even though he cannot be said to die without an heir, who leaves a proper heir, even if he rejects the estate. 11The same rule will also apply where a minor of twenty-five years of age enters upon the estate of the person charged with granting him freedom, and obtains complete restitution because of his rejection of the estate. 12It may also be asked whose freedman the slave becomes; for, in accordance with the constitution, he obtains his freedom just as if he had acquired it by virtue of the will. He will, therefore, become the freedman of the deceased, and not of him who was charged with the execution of the trust. 13A Rescript of the Divine Marcus and Verus is extant which says that where one of those charged with the execution of the trust dies without leaving a successor, and the other is absent for some good reason, the slave shall be entitled to his freedom, just as if it had been granted to him regularly by the person who died without a successor, or by him who was absent for a good reason. 14A very nice point may arise; that is, where an heir dies without a successor, whether the slave can obtain his freedom before it is certain that an heir or a possessor of the estate under the Prætorian Edict will not appear, or while it is still doubtful (for instance, while the appointed heir is deliberating), whether he will accept the estate. The better opinion is that it is necessary to wait until it is certain that no successor will appear. 15Our Emperor, Antoninus, stated in a Rescript that a slave who is entitled to freedom by virtue of a trust cannot receive anything under the will of the heir without his freedom being mentioned. 16The Divine Marcus also stated in a Rescript that grants of freedom under a trust could not be annulled or unfavorably affected by the age, the condition, the default, or the tardy action of those who were required to see that they were executed. 17Although a bequest of freedom made by a codicil which is void is not due, still, if the heir considered the codicil to be valid, and paid out anything under it, and desired that the slaves should remain free for the sake of carrying out the provisions of the trust, it has been declared by a Rescript of Our Emperor and his Divine Father that they will justly be entitled to their freedom.