Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 1,4,2Ulpianus fideicommissorum libro quarto. In rebus novis constituendis evidens esse utilitas debet, ut recedatur ab eo iure, quod diu aequum visum est.
Dig. 36,1,4Idem libro quarto fideicommissorum. Quia poterat fieri, ut heres institutus nolit adire hereditatem veritus, ne damno adficeretur, prospectum est, ut, si fideicommissarius diceret suo periculo adire et restitui sibi velle, cogatur heres institutus a praetore adire et restituere hereditatem. quod si fuerit factum, transeunt actiones ex Trebelliano nec quartae commodo heres in restitutione utetur: nam cum alieno periculo adierit hereditatem, merito omni commodo arcebitur. nec interest, solvendo sit hereditas nec ne: sufficit enim recusari ab herede instituto. neque illud inquiritur, solvendo sit hereditas an non sit. opinio enim, vel metus vel color, eius, qui noluit adire hereditatem, inspicitur, non substantia hereditatis, nec immerito: non enim praescribi heredi instituto debet, cur metuat hereditatem adire vel cur nolit, cum variae sint hominum voluntates: quorundam negotia timentium, quorundam vexationem, quorundam aeris alieni cumulum, tametsi locuples videatur hereditas, quorundam offensas vel invidiam: quorundam gratificari volentium his, quibus hereditas relicta est, sine onere tamen suo.
The Same, Trusts, Book IV. For the reason that the appointed heir may refuse to enter upon the estate, apprehending that he might be prejudiced by so doing, provision must be made for the beneficiary of the trust; so that if he should say that he wishes the heir to enter upon the estate at his risk, and transfer it to him, the appointed heir can be compelled to appear before the Prætor and deliver the estate. If this should be done, the rights of action will pass by the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, and the heir cannot avail himself of the benefit of the fourth, when he transfers the property; for as he enters upon the estate at the risk of another, it is but reasonable that he should be deprived of any advantage to which he would have been entitled. Nor does it make any difference whether the estate is solvent or not, for it is sufficient for it to have been rejected by the appointed heir. No investigation shall be made as to whether the estate is solvent or not, but only the opinion, or the fear, or the pretext of the party who refused to accept it ought to be considered, and not the assets of the estate itself. This is not unreasonable, for the appointed heir should not be required to state why he fears to enter upon the estate, or why he is unwilling to do so. For men are actuated by different motives: some of them fear to attend to business, others dread the annoyance of it; and still others are apprehensive that the indebtedness may amount to a larger sum, even though the estate may appear to be solvent; and again, some fear the anger or envy of others; and some desire to favor those to whom the estate was bequeathed without, however, wishing to sustain any of the burdens of the same.
Dig. 36,1,6Ulpianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Recusare autem non tantum praesentes, sed etiam absentes vel per epistulam possunt: nam etiam adversus absentes postulatur decretum, sive certior sit eorum voluntas recusantium adire et restituere hereditatem sive incerta: adeo praesentia eorum non est necessaria. 1Meminisse autem oportebit de herede instituto senatum loqui: ideoque tractatum est apud Iulianum, ad intestatos locum habeat. sed est verius eoque iure utimur, ut hoc senatus consultum ad intestatos quoque pertineat, sive legitimi sive honorarii sint successores. 2Sed et ad filium qui in potestate est hoc senatus consultum locum habet et in ceteris necessariis, ut a praetore compellantur miscere se hereditati, sic deinde restituere: quod si fecerint, transtulisse videbuntur actiones. 3Si fisco vacantia bona deferantur nec velit bona adgnoscere et fideicommissario restituere, aequissimum erit, quasi vindicaverit, sic fiscum restitutionem facere. 4Item si municipes hereditatem suspectam dicant heredes instituti, dicendum erit cogi eos adgnoscere hereditatem et restituere: idemque erit et in collegio dicendum. 5Titius heres institutus Sempronio substituto rogatus est ipsi Sempronio hereditatem restituere: institutus suspectam dicebat hereditatem: quaeritur, an cogendus est adire et restituere hereditatem. et deliberari potest: sed verius est cogendum eum, quia interesse Sempronii potest ex institutione quam ex substitutione hereditatem habere, vel legatis vel libertatibus onerata substitutione: nam et si legitimus heres fuerit is, cui fideicommissaria hereditas relicta est, idem dicitur. 6Si quis alio loco restituere hereditatem iussus sit et suspectam eam dicat, Iulianus scribit cogendum eum esse similemque ei, qui in diem rogatus est restituere.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book IV. Anyone can refuse to accept an estate not only when he is present, but also where he is absent, and he can do this even by means of a letter. For a decree can be asked with reference to parties who are absent, whether it is certain that they do not wish to enter upon the estate and transfer it, or whether this is not known; to such an extent is their presence not necessary. 1It must be remembered that the Senate speaks with reference to an appointed heir. And, therefore, Julianus discusses the question as to whether this decree applies in cases of intestacy. The better opinion, however, is the one which we adopt, namely, that this decree also applies to heirs by intestate succession, whether they are heirs-at-law or prætorian successors. 2This Decree of the Senate also applies to a son under paternal control, and to all other necessary heirs, so that they may be compelled by the Prætor to take charge of the estate and afterwards transfer it. If they should do so, the rights of action are considered to have been transferred. 3Where an estate without an owner is forfeited to the Treasury, and the latter is unwilling to accept it and transfer it to the beneficiary of the trust, it will be perfectly proper for the Treasury to return the property, just as if the beneficiary of the trust had recovered it. 4Likewise, if the citizens of a town, after having been appointed heirs, should say that the estate is probably insolvent, and decline to accept it, it must be held that they can be compelled to do so, and to transfer the estate. The same rule applies with reference to an association. 5Titius, having been appointed heir, and Sempronius substituted for him, he was charged to transfer the estate to Sempronius himself; but, after his appointment, Titius said that the estate was probably insolvent, and refused to accept it. The question arose whether he could be compelled to enter upon the estate, and transfer it, a point which is susceptible of argument. The better opinion, however, is that he can be compelled to do so, because it is more advantageous for Sempronius to obtain the estate by the appointment than by the substitution; for example, if the substitution is charged with legacies to be paid, or with freedom to be granted. The same rule will apply if the estate should be left in trust to the heir-at-law. 6Where anyone is directed to transfer an estate in some other place than where he lives, and alleges that he suspects it of being insolvent, Julianus says that he can be compelled to accept it, just as a person who is asked to deliver an estate within a certain time.
Dig. 36,1,9Ulpianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Sed et si alio loco iussus est adire et rei publicae causa absit, aeque cogendum adire hereditatem et restituere Iulianus ait, ubi abest. 1Plane si quis petierit ad deliberationem tempus et impetraverit, deinde post tempus deliberationis adierit et restituerit hereditatem, non videtur coactus hoc fecisse: nec enim suspectam coactus adit, sed sponte post deliberationem. 2Quod si suspectam dicit, profiteri debet non sibi expedire adire hereditatem, neque hoc dici oportere non esse solvendo, sed profiteri eum oportet, quod non putat sibi expedire hereditatem adire. 3Si quis sub condicione fuit heres scriptus, pendente condicione nihil agit, tametsi paratus sit restituere hereditatem.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book IV. When, however, the heir is directed to go to some other place, and he is absent on business for the State, Julianus says he can likewise be compelled to accept the estate, and to transfer it, wherever he may be. 1It is clear that if anyone requests time for deliberation, and obtains it, and after the time has elapsed enters upon the estate, and transfers it, he will not be considered to have been compelled to do so. For he is not obliged to enter upon the estate, even if he suspects it of being insolvent, but he does so voluntarily after deliberation. 2If the heir should allege that he considers the estate to be insolvent, he should declare that it is not expedient for him to accept it. It is not necessary for him to say that it is insolvent, but he must state that he does not think it is expedient for him to enter upon the estate. 3If anyone should be appointed heir under a condition, no act that he performs while the condition is pending will be lawful, even though he is ready to transfer the estate.
Dig. 36,1,11Ulpianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Apud Iulianum relatum est, si legatum fuit heredi instituto relictum ‘si heres non erit’ et ob hoc suspectam dicat hereditatem ne perdat legatum, offerri ei oportere quantitatem legati a fideicommissario, deinde cogendum. nec illud admittit Iulianus, ut, quasi hereditatem non adisset, sic legatum a coherede petat (adiit enim), sed magis arbitratur a fideicommissario ei praestandum. sed et si quid aliud sua interesse dicet, non cogitur adire, nisi ei damnum vel lucrum a fideicommissario sarciatur vel a praetore onus remittatur, quod recusat. 1Idem Iulianus ait, si duo fuerint a patre instituti cum filio eius impubere et idem substituti filio, sufficere ei, qui fideicommissum in secundis tabulis accepit, unum ex heredibus institutis cogere adire patris hereditatem: hoc enim facto confirmatisque patris tabulis poterunt ex substitutione ambo cogi adire et restituere hereditatem. 2Utrum autem praesenti an etiam absenti restitui possit procuratore adeunte praetorem, videndum est. ego puto absenti quoque fideicommissario cogi posse heredem institutum adire et restituere nec vereri heredem oportere, ne forte in damno moretur: potest enim ei per praetorem succurri, sive cautum ei fiat, sive non et ante decesserit fideicommissarius, quam ei restituatur hereditas. est enim huius rei exemplum capere ex rescripto divi Pii in specie huiusmodi. Antistia decedens Titium heredem instituit et libertatem dedit albinae directam eique filiam per fideicommissum reliquit rogavitque, ut filiam manumitteret: sed et Titium rogavit, ut manumissae albinae filiae restitueret hereditatem. cum igitur Titius suspectam diceret hereditatem, rescriptum est a divo Pio compellendum eum adire hereditatem: quo adeunte albinae competituram libertatem eique filiam tradendam et ab ea manumittendam tutoremque filiae manumissae dandum, quo auctore restituatur hereditas filiae statim, quamvis sic fuisset ei rogatus restituere, cum nubilem aetatem complesset. cum autem possit, inquit, evenire, ut ante decedat ea, cui fideicommissaria libertas et hereditas relicta est, nec oporteat damno adfici eum, qui rogatus adit hereditatem, remedium dedit, ut, si quid horum contigerit, perinde permittatur venumdari bona Antistiae, ac si heres ei non exstitisset. cum igitur demonstraverit divus Pius succurri heredi instituto, qui compulsus adit, dici potest etiam in ceteris causis exemplum hoc sequendum, sicubi evenerit, restituatur fideicommissaria hereditas ei, qui compulit adire et restituere sibi hereditatem.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book IV. It is stated by Julianus that where a legacy is left to an appointed heir, “in case he should not be the heir of the testator,” and on this account the heir says that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, in order not to lose the legacy, the amount of the same must be tendered him by the beneficiary of the trust, and he can then be compelled to accept. Julianus does not admit that, in this instance, the heir can demand the legacy from the beneficiary of the trust as from his coheir, just as if he had not accepted the estate, for in fact he did accept it. It is, however, considered preferable for the legacy to be tendered him by the beneficiary of the trust. But when the heir, for some other reason, says that it is not his interest to accept the estate, he cannot be compelled to do so, unless the loss which he may sustain, or the profit which he may acquire, is made up to him by the beneficiary of the trust, or the charge, on account of which he refused the estate, is remitted by the Prætor. 1Ad Dig. 36,1,11,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 559, Note 24.Julianus also says that where two heirs are appointed by a father, along with his minor son, and they are also substituted for the son, it will be sufficient for him who accepted the trust under the pupillary substitution to compel one of the appointed heirs to enter upon the estate of the father. For, by doing this, the will of the father will be confirmed, and both of them can, by virtue of the substitution, be compelled to enter upon the estate. 2After application has been made to the Prætor, let us see whether the heir can transfer the estate to a present or an absent person through the intervention of an agent. I think that an appointed heir can be compelled to accept and transfer an estate to an absent beneficiary of the trust, and that the heir should not apprehend that he will be prejudiced by doing so. For relief can be granted him by the Prætor, whether he has been given security or not, even if the beneficiary of the trust should die before the estate had been delivered to him. A case of this kind appears in a Rescript of the Divine Pius, where a certain Antistia, at the time of her death, appointed Titius her heir, granted freedom directly to her slave Albina, and left her her own daughter in trust, charging her to manumit the latter. She also asked Titius to transfer the estate to the daughter of Albina, after she had been manumitted. Therefore, when Titius said that he considered the estate to be insolvent, it was set forth in a Rescript of the Divine Pius that he should be compelled to accept it, and, having done so, that Albina must receive her freedom, that her daughter should be delivered to her, and manumitted by her, and that, after her manumission, a guardian should also be appointed for the daughter by whose agency the estate must be immediately transferred to her, although Titius had been charged to deliver it as soon as she reached the marriageable age. The Emperor says that as it was possible that she to whom freedom and the estate were left in trust might die before the prescribed time, it would not be necessary to subject him to loss who, having been appointed, accepted the estate; and he afforded a remedy, so that if any of these things should take place, the property of Antistia would be sold, just as if she had had no heir. Hence, as the Divine Pius decided that relief might be granted an appointed heir who accepted the estate under compulsion, it could also be held that this precedent ought to be followed in other cases where an estate left in trust was transferred to the beneficiary who compelled the heir to enter upon it and deliver it to him.
Dig. 36,1,13Ulpianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. Ille, a quo sub condicione fideicommissum relictum est, causari quid non poterit, ne condicio deficiat et haereat actionibus, cum nullum damnum sit futurum. 1Secundum ea quae ostendimus iam igitur non desideratur heredis praesentia. 2Si de testamento aliquid quaeratur, heres non debet audiri, si suspectam sibi hereditatem dicat: nam et si maxime dicatur vel ius testandi non habuisse eum qui testatus est vel de viribus testamenti vel de sua condicione, non erit audiendus. 3Quid ergo si de viribus fideicommissi tractetur? haec quaestio praetori praetermittenda non erit. sed quid si qui fideicommissarius dicat: ‘adeat prius et sic de hoc quaeratur?’ credo interdum audiendum fideicommissarium, si cognitio prolixiorem tractatum habeat: finge enim verba fideicommissi de longinquo petenda et iustam deliberationem de quantitate fideicommissi incidere: dicendum erit compellendum eum adire, ne prius heres decedens fideicommissarium decipiat. 4Tempestivum est requirere, per quem quis cogatur adire et restituere hereditatem: veluti si praetor aut consul fuerit heres institutus suspectamque hereditatem dicat, an cogi possit adire et restituere? et dicendum est praetorem quidem in praetorem vel consulem in consulem nullum imperium habere: sed si iurisdictioni se subiciant, solet praetor in eos ius dicere. sed et si ipse praetor heres institutus suspectam dicat, ipse se cogere non poterit, quia triplici officio fungi non potest et suspectam dicentis et coacti et cogentis. sed in his omnibus casibus atque similibus principale auxilium implorandum est. 5Si quis filius familias sit et magistratum gerat, patrem suum, in cuius est potestate, cogere poterit suspectam dicentem hereditatem adire et restituere:
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book IV. An heir who has been charged with a trust, under a condition, cannot defend himself in court by alleging that if the condition should fail to be fulfilled he will be liable to actions at law; for, according to what we have just stated, he cannot sustain any damage. 1Therefore, the presence of the heir is no longer required. 2Where the heir has any complaint to make on account of the will, he should not be heard if he alleges that he suspects the estate of being insolvent. For even if he should absolutely declare it to be insolvent, he should not be heard, if he says that the testator had no right to make a will, or if he impugns the validity of the instrument, or calls his own condition in question. 3But what if the heir disputes the validity of the trust? This allegation must not be passed by. What if the beneficiary of the trust asserts his claim; can the heir enter upon the estate, and then raise this point? I think that the beneficiary of the trust should in the meantime be heard, if the inquiry is liable to be prolonged; for suppose that the terms of the trust cannot be explained without a protraded investigation, and that a reasonable doubt may arise with reference to the amount left under the trust. In this instance it must be said that the heir ought to be compelled to enter upon the estate, lest, if he should die before the controversy is terminated, the beneficiary of the trust may be defrauded. 4It is proper to examine by whom a person can be compelled to enter upon and transfer an estate, so that, if a Prætor or a Consul should be appointed heir, and allege that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, it may be determined whether he can be compelled to accept and transfer it. It must be held that one Prætor has no jurisdiction over another, or one Consul over another, but if they are willing to subject themselves to his authority the Prætor can ordinarily decide the case. If, however, the Prætor himself, having been appointed heir, says that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, he cannot compel himself to accept it, because he cannot perform the duties of three persons; that is, of the one who declares the estate to be insolvent, the one who is compelled to accept it, and the one who forces him to do so. In all these cases, and in others like them, recourse should be had to the aid of the Emperor. 5Where a son under paternal control becomes a magistrate, he can compel his father, to whose authority he is subject, to accept and transfer an estate, even if he may say that he suspects it of being insolvent.
Dig. 36,1,15Ulpianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. 1Sed et qui repudiavit hereditatem, cogetur adire et restituere ipsam hereditatem, si iustae causae allegentur. 2Plane si bona venierint, non oportet praetorem ne quidem pupillum restituere nisi ex causa, ut divus Pius rescripsit. 3Si quis compulsus adierit hereditatem ex testamento, quod secundas tabulas habebat, quaesitum est, an per aditionem et tabulae secundae firmarentur, quod videbantur evanuisse non adita patris hereditate. et Iulianus libro quinto decimo scribit et sequentes tabulas confirmari: quae sententia verissima est: nemo enim dubitat etiam legata praestari et libertates competere et cetera, quaecumque sint in testamento, perinde valere, ac si sua sponte heres hereditatem adisset. 4Qui compulsus adit hereditatem, sicuti ceteris commodis caret, ita hoc quoque casu careat, ne possit paenitendo quartam retinere: et ita invenio ab imperatore nostro et divo patre eius rescriptum. 5Non omnis autem suspectam hereditatem repudiatione amissam cogere potest adiri et sibi restitui, sed is demum, ad quem actiones transire possunt: neque enim aequum est ad hoc quem compelli adire hereditatem, ut emolumentum quidem hereditatis refundat, ipse vero oneribus hereditatis obstrictus relinquatur. 6Quare si fideicommissum pecuniarium alicui fuerit relictum, cessat compulsio, tametsi indemnitatis cautio offeratur. 7Proinde qui ‘hereditatem’ rogatur restituere, is demum compellitur restituere. 8Sed et si quis ‘bona’ rogatus sit vel ‘familiam’ vel ‘pecuniam’ rogetur vel ‘universam rem meam’
Ulpian, Trusts, Book IV. 1Where anyone has rejected an estate, he can be compelled to enter upon and transfer it, if good reasons are shown why he should do so. 2It is clear that if the property should have been sold, restitution ought not to be granted the beneficiary of the trust, even though he be a minor, unless good reason is shown, as the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript. 3Where anyone, through compulsion, enters upon an estate under the terms of the will, and a pupillary substitution has been made, the question arises whether the pupillary substitution is confirmed by the acceptance of the estate, as it would be considered extinguished if the estate of the father had not been entered upon. Julianus, in the Fifteenth Book, says that in a case of this kind the pupillary substitution is confirmed. This opinion is perfectly correct, for no one doubts that where legacies are paid and freedom granted, they, as well as anything else mentioned in the will, are just as valid as if the heir had voluntarily accepted the estate. 4Where anyone accepts an estate under compulsion, he is, in this instance, deprived of all the advantages which he would otherwise have enjoyed, to such an extent that he cannot retain his fourth, even if he should change his mind. I find that there is a Rescript to this effect which was issued by Our Emperor and his Divine Father. 5Everyone cannot compel an estate suspected of being insolvent, and therefore rejected, to be entered upon and transferred to himself, but he only can do so to whom the rights of action belonging to the estate may pass, for it is not just to force an heir to accept an estate in such a way that he must relinquish every benefit attaching to it, and himself be left to sustain its burdens. 6Hence, where a sum of money is left to anyone in trust, the right of compulsion does not apply, even though a bond of indemnity may be offered. 7Therefore, where anyone is charged to surrender an estate, he alone can be compelled to transfer it, 8But if anyone is asked to transfer all the property of the testator, his slaves, his money, or all his personal effects;
Dig. 36,1,17Ulpianus libro quarto fideicommissorum. cogi poterit: hoc idem et si ‘patrimonium’ fuerit rogatus et si ‘facultates’ et si ‘quidquid habeo’ et si ‘censum meum’ et si ‘fortunas meas’ et si ‘substantiam meam’. et si ‘peculium meum’ testator dixerit, quia plerique ὑποκοριστικῶς patrimonium suum peculium dicunt, cogendus erit: de successione enim sua et hic rogavit. nec ignoro in quibusdam ex his Maecianum dubitare et voluntatis esse dicere quaestionem, utrum de pecunia tantum an et de successione testator sensit. in ambiguo tamen magis de successione sensum dico, ne intercidat fideicommissum. 1Sed et si quis ita rogaverit: ‘quidquid ad te ex hereditate bonisve meis pervenerit, rogo restituas’, cogi poterit adire et restituere hereditatem ex Trebelliano senatus consulto, quamquam pervenire proprie dicatur quod deductis oneribus ad aliquem pervenit. 2Et generaliter autem potest dici ita demum quem non posse cogi adire et restituere hereditatem, si de re vel quantitate fuerit rogatus: ceterum si de universitate sensisse testatorem appareat, nulla quaestio est, quin, sive suspectam dicat, cogi possit, sive sponte adit, ex Trebelliano transeant actiones. 3Inde quaeritur, si quis hereditatem rogatus sit restituere deducto aere alieno vel deductis legatis, an suspectam dicens cogi possit adire et restituere hereditatem, quia vi ipsa magis id, quod superest ex hereditate, quam ipsam hereditatem restituere sit rogatus. et sunt qui putent, ut Maecianus, inutilem esse hanc deductionem: nec enim posse ex iure deduci quantitatem, non magis quam si fundum quis deducto aere alieno vel deductis legatis restituere sit rogatus: neque enim recipit fundus aeris alieni vel legati minutionem. sed Iulianum existimare refert Trebelliano senatus consulto locum esse et, ne dupliciter fideicommissarius oneretur, et cum heres aes alienum vel legatum deducit et cum convenitur a creditoribus et legatariis, restituta sibi ex Trebelliano hereditate debere aut deductionem eum non pati ab herede aut cavere illi heredem defensum iri eum adversus legatarios ceterosque. 4Si quis heres institutus rogatus fuerit hereditatem non totam, sed partem restituere, vel si duobus restituere sit rogatus et alter ex his velit sibi restitui hereditatem, alter recuset: senatus censuit utroque casu exonerari eum, qui suspectam hereditatem dicit, totamque hereditatem transire ad eum, qui adire cogit. 5Sed et si quis non hereditatis suae partem dimidiam rogavit heredem suum restituere, sed hereditatem Seiae, quae ad eum pervenerat, vel totam vel partem eius, heresque institutus suspectam dicat, cum placeat illud quod Papinianus ait ex Trebelliano transire actiones, dici poterit, si suspecta dicatur hereditas, cogendum heredem institutum adire et restituere hereditatem totamque hereditatem ad eum cui restituitur pertinere. 6Sed et si miles rogaverit quem res Italicas restituere vel res provinciales, dicendum est suspectam dicentem cogi adire et restituere: nam, ut eleganter Maecianus libro sexto fideicommissorum ait, qua ratione ex certa re miles heredem instituere potest actionesque ei dabuntur, pari ratione etiam ex Trebelliano transibunt actiones: et quamvis placeat, cum quis hereditatem bonaque, quae sibi ab aliquo obvenerunt vel quae in aliqua regione habet, restituere rogat, ex Trebelliano non transeant actiones, tamen contra responderi in militis testamento ait: nam sicuti concessum est, inquit, militibus circa institutionem separare species bonorum, ita et, si per fideicommissum ab institutis heredibus id fecerit, admitteretur Trebellianum senatus consultum. 7Cum quidam duos heredes instituerit eosque invicem substituerit et ab his petierit, sive uterque sive alter heres esset, ut hereditas sua ex parte dimidia restitueretur alicui post quinquennium, et scripti suspectam sibi hereditatem dicant, fideicommissarius autem desideret suo periculo adiri hereditatem: censuit senatus ambos heredes alterumve cogi adire hereditatem et fideicommissario eam restituere ita, ut fideicommissario et adversus eum actiones competant quasi ex Trebelliano restituta hereditate. 8Maecianus scribit: cum quis ex fideicommissariis abesset et praesentes desiderent suo periculo adire hereditatem translatisque in solidum actionibus in eum qui coegit absentes, si velint fideicommissum suscipere, a praesente petent: consequenter ait nec quartam eum retenturum adversus fideicommissarios suos, quia nec heres potuit. 9Idem Maecianus quaerit, an is, qui duobus vel pluribus rogatus est restituere hereditatem, cogente aliquo adire possit et in horum, qui id non desideraverunt, portionibus Falcidiae beneficio uti, sive ipsi quoque desiderent sibi restitui sive alius in locum eorum successerit. et cum hodie hoc iure utimur, ut totum transeat ad eum qui coegit, consequens erit dicere quartae retentionem amisisse eum qui coactus est, quia in solidum actiones transierint in eum qui coegit. plane si proponas fideicommissarium non ita coegisse, ut tota hereditas in se transferatur: cum coeperint ceteri desiderare sibi restitui hereditatem, dicendum Falcidia eum uti posse. recte igitur Maecianus ait multum interesse, utrum totam restitui hereditatem sibi fideicommissarius desideraverit an suam tantummodo partem. nam si sola pars transfertur, in residuo Falcidiae erit locus: si tota hereditas translata sit, cessat huius legis beneficium. 10Si servo duorum rogatus quis sit restituere hereditatem et alter cogere velit suspectam dicentem, alter restituere sibi recuset, hoc erit dicendum, quod in duobus, quorum alter suscipere voluit hereditatem, alter non. 11Si pater filio, quem in potestate habet, rogetur restituere hereditatem, an filius patrem suum, si suspectam dicat hereditatem, cogere possit? et non est dubium patrem a filio per praetorem cogi posse. 12Sed et si id fideicommissum ad castrense peculium spectaturum est et filius familias is fuit, qui munus militiae sustinebat aliove quo officio praeerat, multo magis dicendum erit posse eum postulare, ut pater suus cogatur adire et restituere hereditatem, quamvis contra obsequium patri debitum videtur id desideraturus. 13Sed si servo suo rogatus sit cum libertate quis hereditatem restituere, sive directa data sit libertas sive fideicommissaria, dici poterit eum a servo suo non posse cogi adire hereditatem, quamvis, si sponte adisset, cogeretur praestare fideicommissariam libertatem et hereditatem: idque Maecianus libro septimo de fideicommissis scribit. 14Idem quaerit, si quis paratus sit domino cavere de indemnitate, an possit cogi adire hereditatem, maxime et si pretium servi offeratur. et recte ait non oportere sub incerto cautionis committere se aditioni hereditatis. 15Hi qui solidum capere non possunt, ex asse heredes instituti et rogati restituere solidum, adire hereditatem et restituere cogentur, cum nihil oneris apud eos remansurum. 16Si ego heres institutus et rogatus sim Stichum manumittere vel alius legatarius, fidei autem meae commissum sit, ut Titio hereditatem restituam, deinde Titii fidei commissit, ut Sticho eandem redderet: Stichus cogere me possit adire et restituere hereditatem. 17Talis quoque casus a divo Pio terminatus est: nam servo uni ex heredibus legato per fideicommissum erat ab eo libertas data et ab altero hereditas. divus etenim Pius rescripsit Cassio Dextro in haec verba: ‘Hermias si Mosco Theodoto ex parte heredi instituto a Pamphilo testatore legatus est eumque Theodotus, postquam adierit hereditatem, prius quam a coherede eiusdem Pamphili adiretur hereditas, ad iustam libertatem perduxit et ob hoc in eum casum res perducta est, ut is qui legavit intestatus esse non possit, Hermia postulante mihi id Euarestus compellendus est periculo eius adire et ex causa fideicommissi hereditatem restituere’.
Ulpianus, Trusts, Book IV. He can be compelled to accept the estate. This same rule will apply if he should be charged to transfer his “patrimony,” his “property,” his “fortune,” his “substance,” or his “peculium,” for the reason that many authorities hold that his peculium means his patrimony. In the above-mentioned instances the testator seems to have referred to his estate. I am not ignorant that Marcianus entertains doubt with reference to some of these cases, and says that there is a question as to the intention of the testator, and whether he had in his mind only a certain sum of money, or his entire estate. Still, where there is an ambiguity, I hold that the testator had the whole of his estate in his mind in order that the trust might not be extinguished. 1But if anyone should make the following request, “I ask you to transfer to So-and-So everything which conies into your hands from my estate, or my property,” the heir can be compelled to enter upon and transfer the estate, under the terms of the Trebellian Decree of the Senate; although the expression, “comes into your hands,” may properly be said to mean what anyone receives after all claims have been deducted. 2Moreover, it may generally be said that an heir cannot be compelled to accept and transfer an estate where he is only requested to do so with reference to a certain piece of property, or a certain sum of money. If, however, it appears that the testator had reference to his entire estate, there is no doubt that he can be compelled to enter upon it, whether he rejects it because he suspects it of being insolvent, or accepts it voluntarily, as the rights of action will pass under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. 3Ad Dig. 36,1,17,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 52, Note 17.Hence, the question arises, where anyone is asked to transfer an estate after having deducted the debts or the legacies, and the heir alleges that he suspects the estate to be insolvent, can he be compelled to accept and transfer the estate, because he is charged to transfer rather what remains of the estate than the estate itself? Some authorities, and among them Msecianus, think that this deduction is void, for a sum of money cannot be deducted from a right, any more than if the heir were requested to transfer a tract of land after deducting the debts or the legacies, as land is not susceptible of diminution on account of debts or legacies. He states, however, that Julianus holds that the Trebellian Decree of the Senate will apply in this instance, in order that the beneficiary of the trust may not be liable to a double burden; that is to say, when the heir deducts the indebtedness or the legacies, and when suit is brought by the creditors and the legatees. For where the estate is delivered to him under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, the beneficiary of the trust either ought not to suffer the loss of the deduction made by the heir, or the heir should furnish security to defend him against the legatees and other creditors. 4Where anyone, who is appointed heir, is asked not to transfer the entire estate but only a portion of the same, or where he is asked to transfer it to two persons, and one of them wishes to accept it, and the other does not, the Senate decreed that the one who said that he suspected the estate of being insolvent should be released from liability, and that the entire estate should pass to him who compelled the heir to enter upon it. 5Ad Dig. 36,1,17,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 663, Note 4.If, however, a testator charges his heir to transfer, not his portion of the estate, but as much of it as came to him through Seia, and the appointed heir says that he believes the estate to be wholly or partly insolvent, the opinion of Papinianus, namely, that the rights of action pass under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, will prevail; and it may be held that if the estate is alleged to be insolvent, the appointed heir can be compelled to enter upon and transfer it, and the entire estate will belong to him to whom it is transferred. 6Ad Dig. 36,1,17,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 663, Note 4.But where a soldier asks anyone to deliver his property which was situated in Italy, or some property situated in a province, it must be held that if the heir should say that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, he will be compelled to enter upon and transfer it. For, as Marcianus very properly says in the Sixth Book on Trusts, it is for this reason that a soldier can appoint an heir with reference to certain property, and the rights of action will be granted to him; likewise, for the same reason, rights of action will pass under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. And, although it is well established that actions do not pass under the Trebellian Decree where the testator asks that property which came to him from anyone, or which he has in some country, shall be transferred, still, he says that the contrary opinion prevails with reference to military wills. For he remarks, as soldiers, when they appoint heirs, are permitted to separate their different kinds of property, so also the Trebellian Decree of the Senate allows this to be done where heirs are charged with the execution of a trust. 7If a certain man should appoint two heirs, and substitute them for one another, and charge them that if either became his heir, half of his estate should be transferred to a certain person after the lapse of five years, and the appointed heirs should say that they suspect the estate of being insolvent, and the beneficiary of the trust should wish them to accept it at his risk, the Senate decreed that both heirs, or one of them, could be compelled to enter upon the estate and transfer it to the beneficiary of the trust; so that the rights of action for and against the said beneficiary might pass just as where an estate is transferred under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. 8Marcianus says that when some of the beneficiaries of a trust are absent, and one who is present wishes the heir to enter upon the estate at his risk, and consequently the rights of action pass entirely to him who compelled the heir to accept, if the beneficiaries who are absent desire to share in the trust, they can make the demand upon him who was present. Marcianus states that the result will be that a beneficiary of the trust who was present cannot retain the fourth against his fellow beneficiaries, because the heir himself could not do so. 9Marcianus also asks, where anyone is asked to transfer an estate to two or more beneficiaries, whether he can be compelled by one of them to enter upon it, and can avail himself of the benefit of the Falcidian portion, to which those who did not wish this to be done would have been entitled, whether they themselves wish the transfer to be made to them, or whether some other person, who has succeeded them, makes the demand. The rule which we make use of at present is that the entire estate shall pass to him who compelled its acceptance by the heir; and, in consequence, it must be said that the heir who was forced to accept it will lose the right to retain the fourth, because the rights of action pass unimpaired to him who compelled the acceptance of the estate. It is clear that if you suggest that the first beneficiary should not compel the entire estate to be transferred to him, when the others demand that it shall be transferred to them, it must be said that the heir will be entitled to the benefit of the Falcidian Law. Therefore, Marcianus very properly holds that it makes a great deal of difference whether the beneficiary asks that the entire estate shall be transferred to him, or whether he asks only for his share of the same. For if only his share is transferred, the Falcidian Law will apply to the remainder; but if the entire estate is transferred, the heir will not enjoy the benefit of the law. 10Where anyone is asked to transfer an estate to a slave belonging to two masters, and one of them wishes to compel the heir, who alleges that the estate is probably insolvent, to transfer it, and the other master refuses to accept it, it must be held that the case is the same as that where the heir is charged to transfer the estate to two persons, one of whom desires to accept it, while the other does not. 11Where a father is charged to transfer an estate to his son, who is under his control, can the son compel his father to make the transfer, if the latter says that he thinks the estate is insolvent? There is no doubt that the father can be compelled to do so by the intervention of the Prætor. 12Even when such a trust has reference to the castrense peculium of the son, who is in the military service, or holds some other office, it may more positively be said that the latter can demand that his father be compelled to enter upon the estate and transfer it to him, although in desiring this to be done he may appear to violate the filial respect due to his father. 13If, however, anyone should be asked to transfer an estate to his slave with the grant of his freedom, whether freedom is directly granted to the slave, or this is done under the terms of a trust, it may be said that he cannot be compelled, by his own slave, to accept the estate; although if he should do so voluntarily, he will be forced to grant him his freedom, and transfer the estate to him under the terms of the trust. This Marcellus says in the Seventh Book on Trusts. 14He also asks, when anyone is ready to give security to indemnify the master, whether the latter can be compelled to enter upon the estate, and especially if he should be tendered the price of the slave. He very properly holds that under the uncertain offer of the bond he is not required to venture to enter upon the estate. 15Where heirs are appointed to an entire estate who are incapable of taking it under the will, and are asked to transfer the whole of it, they can be compelled to accept or transfer it, as they will be subject to no liability on this account. 16If I should be appointed an heir and asked to manumit Stichus, or any other legatee should be asked to do so, and I should be charged to transfer the estate to Titius, and Titius should afterwards be charged to transfer the entire estate to Stichus, Stichus can compel me to enter upon and transfer the estate. 17The following matter was settled by a decision of the Divine Pius. A slave having been bequeathed to one of the heirs of a testator, the said heir was charged to grant the slave his freedom, and another was charged to transfer the estate to the same slave. The Divine Pius addressed a Rescript to Cassius Dexter in the following words: “If the slave Hermias was bequeathed by the testator Pamphilus, to Moscus Theodotus, whom he appointed heir to a portion of his estate, and Theodotus should afterwards enter upon the same before it was accepted by his co-heir appointed by the said Pamphilus, and he should have granted the slave his freedom, on account of this, he who bequeathed the legacy could not be considered as intestate; and Hermias, having petitioned me, the co-heir, Evarestatus must, under such circumstances, be compelled to accept the estate at the risk of Hermias, and to transfer it to him under the terms of the trust.”