Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 3,2,15Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Notatur quae per calumniam ventris nomine in possessionem missa est, dum se adseverat praegnatem,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. A woman is branded with infamy who is placed in possession of an estate in the name of an unborn child by fraudulently representing that she was pregnant;
Dig. 3,2,17Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. debuit enim coerceri quae praetorem decepit. sed ea notatur, quae cum suae potestatis esset hoc facit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. She also ought to be punished who deceives the Prætor, but a woman only is branded with infamy who does this while she is her own mistress.
Dig. 3,2,19Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Non alia autem notatur quam ea, de qua pronuntiatum est calumniae causa eam fuisse in possessionem missam. idque et in patre erit servandum, qui calumniae causa passus est filiam, quam in potestate habebat, in possessionem ventris nomine mitti.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. No woman becomes infamous except one who has been judicially decided “to have been placed in possession of the property through fraud”. This rule also applies to a father who permitted his daughter, while under his control, to fraudulently be placed in possession in behalf of her unborn child.
Dig. 3,2,23Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Parentes et liberi utriusque sexus nec non et ceteri adgnati vel cognati secundum pietatis rationem et animi sui patientiam, prout quisque voluerit, lugendi sunt: qui autem eos non eluxit, non notatur infamia.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Mourning should take place for parents and children of both sexes, as well as for other agnates and cognates, in accordance with the dictates of affection and the mental suffering to the extent that a person may desire; but anyone who does not mourn for them is not branded with infamy.
Dig. 3,3,8Idem libro octavo ad edictum. Filius familias et ad agendum dare procuratorem potest, si qua sit actio, qua ipse experiri potest: non solum si castrense peculium habeat, sed et quivis filius familias: ut puta iniuriam passus dabit ad iniuriarum actionem, si forte neque pater praesens sit nec patris procurator velit experiri, et erit iure ab ipso filio familias procurator datus. hoc amplius Iulianus scribit et si filio familias patri per filium eius in eadem potestate manentem fiat iniuria neque avus praesens sit, posse patrem procuratorem dare ad ulciscendam iniuriam, quam nepos absentis passus est. ad defendendum quoque poterit filius familias procuratorem dare. sed et filia familias poterit dare procuratorem ad iniuriarum actionem. nam quod ad dotis exactionem cum patre dat procuratorem, supervacuum esse Valerius Severus scribit, cum sufficiat patrem dare ex filiae voluntate. sed puto, si forte pater absens sit vel suspectae vitae, quo casu solet filiae competere de dote actio, posse eam procuratorem dare. ipse quoque filius procurator dari poterit et ad agendum et ad defendendum. 1Invitus procurator non solet dari. invitum accipere debemus non eum tantum qui contradicit, verum eum quoque qui consensisse non probatur. 2Veterani procuratores fieri possunt: milites autem nec si velit adversarius procuratores dari possunt, nisi hoc tempore litis contestatae quocumque casu praetermissum est: excepto eo qui in rem suam procurator datus est, vel qui communem causam omnis sui numeri persequatur vel suscipit, quibus talis procuratio concessa est. 3‘Procuratorem ad litem suscipiendam datum, pro quo consentiente dominus iudicatum solvi exposuit’, praetor ait, ‘iudicium accipere cogam’. verum ex causa non debebit compelli. ut puta inimicitiae capitales intervenerunt inter ipsum procuratorem et dominum: scribit Iulianus debere in procuratorem denegari actionem. item si dignitas accesserit procuratori: vel rei publicae causa afuturus sit:
The Same, On the Edict, Book VIII. The son of a family can appoint an agent for the purpose of bringing an action, where it is one that he himself could bring, not only where he has property of his own, but any son of a family can do so; as for instance, having suffered an injury, he can appoint an agent to bring an action for injury, if his father is not present and no agent of his father desires to try the case, and where an agent is appointed by the son of the family himself his act will be valid. Julianus carries this still further, for he says where the son of a family has a son who is under the control of the same person that he is, and an injury is done to him through his son, and his grandfather is not present, the father can appoint an agent to prosecute for the injury which the grandson of the absent party sustained. The son of a family can also appoint an agent for the purpose of conducting the defence of a case in court. The daughter of a family can also appoint an agent for the purpose of bringing an action for injury. Valerius Severus stated, that where the daughter joins with her father in the appointment of an agent, this is superfluous, since it is sufficient for the father to make the appointment with the consent of his daughter. I am of the opinion, however, that if the father should happen to be absent, or is a man of suspicious character, (in both of which instances the daughter has a right to sue for her dowry), she can appoint an agent. The son of a family can also be appointed an agent for the purpose of bringing or defending an action. 1It is not customary for an agent to be appointed when he is unwilling. We must understand the term “unwilling” to mean not only where a party refuses, but also where he is not proved to have given his consent. 2Veteran soldiers can be appointed agents, but soldiers in active service cannot be appointed, even if the adversary consents; unless at the time that issue was joined this was overlooked through some accident, except in case the soldier was appointed in a matter in which he himself was interested; or where he appears as the representative of his company in the prosecution or defence, in which instance his appointment as agent is permitted. 3The Prætor says: “Where an agent has been appointed to defend a case, and, with his consent, his principal has agreed to pay the judgment, I will compel him to conduct the trial”. But he should not be compelled to do so under certain circumstances; as, for instance, where deadly enmity arises between the agent and the principal; as then Julianus says an action should not be permitted against the agent. The same rule applies where some high office has been conferred upon the agent, or where he is absent on business for the State;
Dig. 3,3,10Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. vel hereditas superveniens eum occupet: vel ex alia iusta causa. hoc amplius et si habeat praesentem dominum, non debere compelli procuratorem,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Or where he is occupied with an estate which has descended to him, or where some other good reason exists. There is all the more reason for the agent not to be compelled to take charge of the case, if his principal is present.
Dig. 3,3,13Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Sed haec neque passim admittenda sunt neque destricte deneganda, sed a praetore causa cognita temperanda.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. All these things should not indiscriminately be admitted or rejected, but should be settled by the Prætor after he has ascertained the facts.
Dig. 3,3,15Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Si defunctus sit dominus ante litem contestatam, iudicatum solvi stipulatione pro suo procuratore data, procurator compellendus est ad iudicium accipiendum: ita tamen si hoc dominus sciente procuratore et non contradicente fecit. quod si aliter actum est, inscium quidem procuratorem teneri satis incivile est, committitur autem ob rem non defensam stipulationis clausula. 1Qui ad communi dividundo iudicium datus est, ad agendum item et ad defendendum videbitur datus duplici cautela interponenda.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. If the principal should die before issue is joined, and after a stipulation has been made by him that the judgment will be paid by the agent, the latter can be compelled to take charge of the case, provided, however, the principal entered into it with the knowledge of the agent; because, otherwise, it would be contrary to the rules of law for the agent to be bound for an act of which he had no knowledge; an action can, however, be brought under the terms of the stipulation because the suit was not defended. 1Where an agent is appointed for conducting a case for the partition of property, he is also held to be appointed for the purpose of defence, and a double bond must be furnished.
Dig. 3,4,2Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Si municipes vel aliqua universitas ad agendum det actorem, non erit dicendum quasi a pluribus datum sic haberi: hic enim pro re publica vel universitate intervenit, non pro singulis.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Where the members of a municipality, or of any association, appoint an agent to attend to their legal business, it must not be said that he shall be considered to have been appointed by several individuals, for he appears for the entire community, or association, and not for the members separately.
Dig. 3,4,5Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Illud notandum Pomponius ait, quod et patris suffragium filio proderit et filii patri,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. It must be noted, as Pomponius says, that the vote of a father will be accepted for the benefit of his son and, that of a son for the benefit of his father.
Dig. 12,3,7Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Volgo praesumitur alium in litem non debere iurare quam dominum litis: denique Papinianus ait alium non posse iurare quam eum, qui litem suo nomine contestatus est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. It is generally taken for granted that no one but the party who has control of the case can make oath with reference to the claim; for Papinianus says that no one but a party who has joined issue in his own behalf can do so.
Dig. 46,2,17Ulpianus libro octavo ad edictum. Delegare scriptura vel nutu, ubi fari non potest, debitorem suum quis potest.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Anyone can delegate his debtor, either by writing or by a gesture, when he is unable to speak.