Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXXVIII
Dig. 45,1,82Idem libro septuagensimo octavo ad edictum. Nemo rem suam utiliter stipulatur, sed pretium rei suae non inutiliter: sane rem meam mihi restitui recte stipulari videor. 1Si post moram promissoris homo decesserit, tenetur nihilo minus, proinde ac si homo viveret. 2Et hic moram videtur fecisse, qui litigare maluit quam restituere.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXXVIII. No one can make a valid stipulation for his own property, but he can make one for its price. I can legally stipulate that my own property shall be restored to me. 1If the slave to be produced should die after the promisor is in default, the latter will still be liable, just as if the slave were living. 2He is considered to be in default who prefers to go into court rather than to make restitution.
Dig. 46,7,6Idem libro septuagensimo octavo ad edictum. Iudicatum solvi stipulatio tres clausulas in unum collatas habet: de re iudicata, de re defendenda, de dolo malo.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXXVIII. The stipulation for the payment of a judgment contains three clauses: one relating to the settlement of the claim; another to the defence of the case; and still another providing against the commission of fraud.
Dig. 50,16,69Idem libro septuagensimo octavo ad edictum. Haec verba ‘cui rei dolus malus aberit afuerit’ generaliter comprehendunt omnem dolum, quicumque in hanc rem admissus est, de qua stipulatio est interposita.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXXVIII. The following words, “There is not, and shall not be any fraud in this transaction,” generally include every species of fraud which can be committed in the matter with reference to which the stipulation was entered into.