Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXXI
Dig. 10,3,12Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Si aedes communes sint aut paries communis et eum reficere vel demolire vel in eum immittere quid opus sit, communi dividundo iudicio erit agendum, aut interdicto uti possidetis experimur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. Where a house or a wall is held in common, and it becomes necessary to rebuild it, or demolish it, or insert something into it; an action can be brought for the partition of common property, or we may institute proceedings under the Edict Uti possidetis.
Dig. 19,2,14Idem libro septuagesimo primo ad edictum. Qui ad certum tempus conducit, finito quoque tempore colonus est: intellegitur enim dominus, cum patitur colonum in fundo esse, ex integro locare, et huiusmodi contractus neque verba neque scripturam utique desiderant, sed nudo consensu convalescunt: et ideo si interim dominus furere coeperit vel decesserit, fieri non posse Marcellus ait, ut locatio redintegretur, et est hoc verum.
Ad Dig. 19,2,14ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 19, S. 80: Relocatio tacita bei Schiffs-Frachtverträgen.The Same, On the Edict, Book LXXI. Where anyone rents land for a certain time, he remains a tenant even after it has expired; for it is understood that where an owner allows a tenant to remain on the land he leases it to him again. A contract of this kind does not require either words, or writing to establish it, but it becomes valid by mere consent. Therefore, if the owner of the property should become insane or die in the meantime, Marcellus states that it cannot be held that the lease is renewed; and this is correct.
Dig. 39,1,20Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Praetor ait: ‘Quem in locum nuntiatum est, ne quid operis novi fieret, qua de re agitur, quod in eo loco, antequam nuntiatio missa fieret aut in ea causa esset, ut remitti deberet, factum est, id restituas’. 1Interdictum hoc proponitur ex huiusmodi causis, edicto expressum est, ne post operis novi nuntiationem quicquam operis fiat, antequam vel nuntiatio missa fiat vel vice nuntiationis missae satisdatio de opere restituendo fuerit interposita. qui igitur facit, etsi ius faciendi habuit, tamen contra interdictum praetoris facere videtur et ideo hoc destruere cogitur. 2Sive autem vacuus locus sit, ubi nuntiatum est, sive aedificatus, aeque hoc interdicto locus erit. 3Ait praetor: ‘quod factum est, restituas’. quod factum est, iubet restitui, neque interest, iure factum sit an non: sive iure factum est sive non iure factum est, interdictum locum habebit. 4Quidquid autem ante remissionem fit vel illud quod loco remissionis habetur, pro eo habendum est, atque si nullo iure factum esset. 5Si quis paratus fuerit satisdare, deinde actor stipulari nolit, in ea causa est, ut remitti debeat: nam cum per actorem fiet, apparet in ea causa esse, ut remitti debeat. 6Hoc interdictum perpetuo datur et heredi ceterisque successoribus competit. 7Adversus ipsum quoque, qui opus fecit vel factum ratum habuit, interdicto locus erit. 8Plane si quaeratur, an in heredem eius, qui opus fecit, interdictum hoc competat, sciendum est Labeonem existimasse in id quod ad eum pervenit dumtaxat dari oportere vel si quid dolo malo ipsius factum sit, quo minus perveniret. nonnulli putant in factum esse dandam quam interdictum, quod verum est. 9Deinde ait praetor: ‘Quem in locum nuntiatum est, ne quid operis novi fieret, qua de re agitur, si de ea re satisdatum est, quod eius cautum sit aut per te stat, quo minus satisdetur: quo minus illi in eo loco opus facere liceat, vim fieri veto’. 10Hoc interdictum prohibitorium est, ne quis prohibeat facere volentem eum qui satisdedit: etenim pertinet ad decus urbium aedificia non derelinqui. 11Nec quicquam interest, iure quis aedificet an non iure aedificet, cum sit securus is qui opus novum nuntiavit, posteaquam ei cautum est. 12Hoc autem interdictum competit ei qui satisdedit: adicitur et illud ‘aut per te stat, quo minus satisdetur’. 13Proinde si satisdatum non est, sed repromissum, interdicto huic locus non erit: neque enim permittendum fuit in publico aedificare, priusquam appareat, quo iure quis aedificet. 14Et si satisdatum sit, cautum tamen non perseveret, interdictum cessat. 15Si aliquando stetit per nuntiatorem, quo minus satisdetur, nunc non stat, interdictum cessat. 16Hoc interdictum etiam post annum et heredi ceterisque successoribus competit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XVII. The Prætor says: “Where anyone has been notified on the ground to discontinue the construction of a new work, the right to proceed with which is in dispute, and he persists in doing so, in the same place, before withdrawal has been granted; or where the circumstances are such that withdrawal should be granted, he shall restore the property to its original condition.” 1An interdict is granted in the following instances. It is stated in the Edict that no work shall be done, after the service of notice, before withdrawal is granted, or, in lieu of this, security has been furnished to restore the property to its former condition. Therefore, he who proceeds with the work, even though he may have the right to do so, is, nevertheless, considered to have violated the interdict of the Prætor, and he will be compelled to demolish the structure. 2There is ground for this interdict, whether notice has been served upon land which is vacant, or which has been built upon. 3The Prætor says, “He shall restore the property to its original condition.” He orders what has been done to be restored, and it makes no difference whether it was done in accordance with law or not, hence, the interdict will be applicable whether the act was legal or illegal. 4Again, whatever was done before withdrawal upon notice, or before anything occurred which is considered to take the place of a withdrawal, is held not to have been legally done. 5If he who erected the building should be willing to give security, and the plaintiff refuses to enter into a stipulation, this should be considered as a withdrawal; for as this is the plaintiff’s fault, it is evident that the circumstances are such that withdrawal ought to be made. 6This interdict is granted perpetually, and will lie in favor of the heir and other successors. 7There will be ground for the interdict against the person himself who constructed the work, or against him who ratified it after it was finished. 8It is clear that this interdict will lie against the heir of him who constructed the work; and where this question arises, it must be noted that Labeo was of the opinion that it should only be granted against the heir where he had obtained some benefit from the structure, or where he had prevented himself, by fraudulent conduct on his part, from obtaining any benefit therefrom. Some authorities hold than an action in factum should be granted in addition to the interdict; which opinion is correct. 9The Prætor next says: “Where anyone has been notified, on the premises, not to proceed with the new work, and if security has been given, or it is your fault that it was not given, I forbid force to be employed to prevent the other party from proceeding with the work in that place.” 10This interdict is prohibitory, as it prohibits interference with anyone, who gives security, from proceeding with his work, for the ornamentation of cities is concerned in not permitting buildings to be abandoned. 11Nor does it make any difference whether the person in question is entitled by law to build, or not; as he who notified him to discontinue the new work is safe after security has been furnished him. 12This interdict will also lie in favor of the person to whom security was given. 13The Prætor adds, “Or if it is your fault that security was not given.” Hence, there will not be ground for the interdict if security is not furnished, but merely a promise for indemnity is made; for a building should not be permitted to be erected in a public place, before it is ascertained by what authority this is done. 14If security is given, but should not continue to exist, the interdict will cease to be applicable. 15Where it was the fault of the person who served the notice that security was not furnished for a certain time, but it is no longer his fault, the interdict will cease to apply. 16This interdict is also available after the lapse of a year, and will lie in favor of the heir and other successors.
Dig. 39,5,18Idem libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Aristo ait, cum mixtum sit negotium cum donatione, obligationem non contrahi eo casu, quo donatio est, et ita et Pomponius eum existimare refert. 1Denique refert Aristonem putare, si servum tibi tradidero ad hoc, ut eum post quinquennium manumittas, non posse ante quinquennium agi, quia donatio aliqua inesse videtur: aliter atque, inquit, si ob hoc tibi tradidissem, ut continuo manumittas: hic enim nec donationi locum esse et ideo esse obligationem. sed et superiore casu quid acti sit, inspiciendum Pomponius ait: potest enim quinquennium non ad hoc esse positum, ut aliquid donetur. 2Idem Aristo ait, si donationis causa in hoc tradatur servus, ut post quinquennium manumittatur, sit autem alienus, posse dubitari an usucapiatur, quia aliquid donationis interveniret. et hoc genus quaestionis in mortis causa donationibus versari Pomponius ait et magis putat ut, si ita donetur, ut post quinquennium manumittatur, posse dici usucapionem sequi. 3Labeo ait, si quis mihi rem alienam donaverit inque eam sumptus magnos fecero et sic mihi evincatur, nullam mihi actionem contra donatorem competere: plane de dolo posse me adversus eum habere actionem, si dolo fecit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXXI. Aristo says that when any other transaction is mixed with a donation, an obligation growing out of the former is not contracted with reference to the donation. Pomponius also says that he holds the same opinion. 1He also says that Aristo thinks that if I deliver to you a slave on condition that you manumit him after five years, you cannot act before the five years have elapsed, because a species of donation is considered to be included in the transaction. He, however, states that it will be otherwise if I deliver the slave to you in order that you may manumit him immediately; for, in this instance, there is no donation, and hence the obligation exists. Pomponius, however, says that in the first instance the intention of the parties should be ascertained, for the term of five years may not have been prescribed with a view to making a donation. 2Aristo also says, that if a slave is delivered for the purpose of making a donation on condition that he shall be manumitted after five years have elapsed, and the slave belongs to another, a doubt may arise whether the slave can be acquired by usucaption, because a species of donation exists in this case. Pomponius says that this question also applies to donations mortis causa, and he is inclined to think that if the slave was donated under the condition that he be manumitted after five years, it may be held that he can be acquired by usucaption. 3Labeo says that if anyone should give me property belonging to another, and I should incur considerable expense on account of it, and then it should be evicted, I will not be entitled to any action on this account against the donor; but it is evident that I will be entitled to one against him on the ground of fraud, if he acted in bad faith.
Dig. 43,23,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Praetor ait: ‘Quo minus illi cloacam quae ex aedibus eius in tuas pertinet, qua de agitur, purgare reficere liceat, vim fieri veto. damni infecti, quod operis vitio factum sit, caveri iubebo’. 1Sub hoc titulo duo interdicta praetor subiecit, unum prohibitorium, alterum restitutorium: et primum prohibitorium. 2Curavit autem praetor per haec interdicta, ut cloacae et purgentur et reficiantur, quorum utrumque et ad salubritatem civitatium et ad tutelam pertinet: nam et caelum pestilens et ruinas minantur immunditiae cloacarum, si non reficiantur. 3Hoc autem interdictum propositum est de cloacis privatis: publicae enim cloacae publicam curam merentur. 4Cloaca autem est locus cavus, per quem colluvies quaedam fluat. 5Hoc interdictum, quod primum proponitur, prohibitorium est, quo prohibetur vicinus vim facere, quo minus cloaca purgetur et reficiatur. 6Cloacae appellatione et tubus et fistula continetur. 7Quia autem cloacarum refectio et purgatio ad publicam utilitatem spectare videtur, idcirco placuit non esse in interdicto addendum ‘quod non vi non clam non precario ab illo usus’, ut, etiamsi quis talem usum habuerit, tamen non prohibeatur volens cloacam reficere vel purgare. 8Deinde ait praetor ‘quae ex aedibus eius in tuas pertinet’. aedes hic accipere debes pro omni aedificio, hoc est ex aedificio eius in tuum aedificium. hoc amplius Labeo putabat hoc interdicto locum esse et si area ab utralibet parte aedium sit et si forte, inquit, cloaca ducta sit ex urbano aedificio in proximum agrum. 9Idem Labeo etiam eum, qui privatam cloacam in publicam immittere velit, tuendum, ne ei vis fiat. sed et si quis velit talem cloacam facere, ut exitum habeat in publicam cloacam, non esse eum impediendum Pomponius scribit. 10Quod ait praetor ‘pertinet’ hoc significat, quod ex aedibus eius in tuas pertinet, hoc est ‘derigitur, extenditur, pervenit’. 11Et tam ad proximum vicinum hoc interdictum pertinet quam adversus ulteriores, per quorum aedes cloaca currit. 12Unde Fabius Mela scribit competere hoc interdictum, ut in vicini aedes veniat et rescindat pavimenta purgandae cloacae gratia. verendum tamen esse Pomponius scribit, ne eo casu damni infecti stipulatio committatur. sed haec stipulatio non committitur, si paratus sit restaurare id, quod ex necessitate reficiendae cloacae causa resciderat. 13Si quis purganti mihi cloacam vel reficienti opus novum nuntiaverit, rectissime dicetur contempta nuntiatione me posse reficere id quod institueram. 14Sed et damni infecti cautionem pollicetur, si quid operis vitio factum est: nam sicuti reficere cloacas et purgare permittendum fuit, ita dicendum, ne damnum aedibus alienis detur. 15Deinde ait praetor: ‘Quod in cloaca publica factum sive ea immissum habes, quo usus eius deterior sit fiat, restituas. item ne quid fiat immittaturve, interdicam’. 16Hoc interdictum ad publicas cloacas pertinet, ne quid ad cloacam immittas neve facias, quo usus deterior sit neve fiat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor says: “I forbid force to be employed by you against anyone who has the right to repair and clean the sewer in question, which is common to his house and yours. I will order security to be furnished for the reparation of any damage which may result from the work.” 1The Prætor placed two interdicts under this title, one of which is prohibitory, and the other restitutory, and he first discusses the one which is prohibitory. 2By means of these interdicts, the Prætor provides that sewers shall be cleaned and repaired, and both of them have reference to the health and protection of cities; for the filth of the sewers threatens to render the atmosphere pestilential and ruin buildings. The same rule applies even when the sewers are not repaired. 3This interdict applies to private sewers, for those which are public demand the care of officials. 4A sewer is an excavation by means of which filth is carried away. 5The interdict first mentioned is prohibitory, and by it a neighbor is prevented from using violence to prevent a sewer from being cleaned and repaired. 6In the term “sewer” are included both the ditch and the pipe. 7For the reason that the repairing and cleaning of sewers is considered to have reference to the public welfare, it was decided that the clause, “if you have not made use of it by violence, or clandestinely, or under a precarious title,” should not be added; so that, even if anyone had used it under such circumstances, he still would not be prevented from repairing or cleaning the sewer, if he desired to do so. 8The Prætor next says, “which is common to his house and yours.” In this instance, the term “house” must be understood to signify every kind of building, just as if it had been said “to his building and yours.” Labeo goes even farther, for he thinks that there will be ground for this interdict, if there is a vacant space between the two edifices, and if, as he suggests, the sewer leads from a house in the city to adjoining land. 9Labeo also holds that anyone who desires to connect his private sewer with a public one ought to be protected against being prevented by violence. Pomponius says that if anyone desires to construct a drain which will flow into a public sewer, he should not be hindered from doing so. 10Where the Prætor says, “is common to his house and yours,” he means is directed towards, extends to, or comes as far as your house. 11This interdict also has reference to a next neighbor, as well as against others farther away, through whose houses the sewer in question runs. 12For which reason Favius Mela says that this interdict will lie to authorize anyone to enter the house of a neighbor, and take up his pavement for the purpose of cleaning the sewer. Pomponius, however, says that, in this instance, the penalty of a stipulation for the reparation of damage may be incurred; but this will not be the case if the person above mentioned is ready to replace what he was obliged to take up for the purpose of repairing the sewer. 13If anyone serves notice of a new work upon me when I am cleaning or repairing my sewer, it is very properly held that I may pay no attention to the notice, and can continue to repair what I have begun. 14The Prætor, however, promises that security shall be given against any injury which may result from defective work; for, just as permission is given to repair and clean sewers, so it must be said that no damage should be caused to the houses of others. 15The Prætor next says: “You shall restore all to its former condition, where anything has been done to a public sewer or placed in it by which its use may be interfered with. Likewise, I forbid anything to be done to the sewer, or to be thrown into it.” 16This interdict has reference to public sewers, and prohibits anything being thrown into them, or deposited in them by which their use may be injuriously affected.
Dig. 43,24,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Praetor ait: ‘Quod vi aut clam factum est, qua de re agitur, id cum experiendi potestas est, restituas’. 1Hoc interdictum restitutorium est et per hoc occursum est calliditati eorum, qui vi aut clam quaedam moliuntur: iubentur enim ea restituere. 2Et parvi refert, utrum ius habuerit faciendi, an non: sive enim ius habuit sive non, tamen tenetur interdicto, propter quod vi aut clam fecit: tueri enim ius suum debuit, non iniuriam comminisci. 3Denique est quaesitum, an hoc interdicto utenti exceptionem possit obicere: ‘quod non iure meo receperim’. et magis est, ne possit: nam adversus vim vel quod clam factum est nulla iusta exceptione se tueri potest. 4Hoc interdictum ad ea sola opera pertinet, quaecumque in solo vi aut clam fiunt. 5Quid sit vi factum vel clam factum, videamus. vi factum videri Quintus Mucius scripsit, si quis contra quam prohiberetur fecerit: et mihi videtur plena esse Quinti Mucii definitio. 6Sed et si quis iactu vel minimi lapilli prohibitus facere perseveravit facere, hunc quoque vi fecisse videri Pedius et Pomponius scribunt, eoque iure utimur. 7Sed et si contra testationem denuntiationemque fecerit, idem esse Cascellius et Trebatius putant: quod verum est. 8Sed et Aristo ait eum quoque vi facere, qui, cum sciret se prohibitum iri, per vim molitus est, ne prohiberi possit. 9Item Labeo dicit, si quem facientem prohibuero isque destiterit in praesentiarum rursusque postea facere coeperit, vi eum videri fecisse, nisi permissu meo facere coeperit vel qua alia iusta causa accedente. 10Si quis tamen inbecillitate impeditur vel etiam, ne offenderet vel te vel eum, qui te magni faciebat, ideo non venerit ad prohibendum, non videbitur adversarius vi fecisse: et ita Labeo scribit. 11Idem ait et si te volentem ad prohibendum venire deterruerit aliquis (armis forte) sine ullo dolo malo meo ac propter hoc non veneris, non videri me vim fecisse,
Vivianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor says: “I order you to restore to its former condition everything which you have done to the property in question by the employment of violence or clandestinely, as soon as proceedings are instituted against you for that purpose.” 1This interdict is restitutory, and, by means of it, the deceit of those who have undertaken to do anything with violence, or clandestinely, is obviated; and they are ordered to restore fhe property to its former condition. 2It makes very little difference whether the party in question has the right to do the work or not; for, even if Be has, he will, nevertheless, be liable under the interdict, because he employed violence or acted clandestinely; since he should protect his rights, and not contrive to injure hers. 3Then the question is asked whether anyone can oppose to this interdict the exception that the defendant did not do anything which he had not acquired a right to do. The better opinion is that he will not be allowed to avail himself of such an exception, for he cannot protect himself legally by an exception, where he has employed violence or acted clandestinely. 4This interdict only has reference to work which is done upon land, with the employment of violence or in a clandestine manner. 5Let us see what is meant by the employment of violence, or a clandestine act. Quintus Mucius says that anything is considered to have been done with the employment of violence where a person does it after he has been forbidden. The definition of Quintus Mucius appears to me to be complete. 6Pedius and Pomponius assert that if anyone is forbidden to proceed with a work by the casting of even a small stone upon it, he will be held to have used violence; and this is our practice. 7Cascellius and Trebatius think that the same rule will apply, if he proceeds with the work after notice has been served upon him in the presence of witnesses, which is true. 8Moreover, Aristo says that he also employs violence who, knowing that he will be opposed, uses force to avoid being prohibited. 9Likewise, Labeo says that if I forbid anyone to proceed, and he desists while in my presence, but afterwards resumes the work, he will be considered to have employed violence, unless he has obtained my consent, or has some other good reason for doing so. 10If anyone is prevented by weakness, or is restrained by the fear of offending you, or someone whose power is exerted in your favor, and, for either of these reasons, does not forbid you to proceed, you will not be considered to have employed violence. This was also stated by Labeo. 11He also says that if anyone should deter you when you desire to prevent me from doing the work, for instance, by arms, without any fraudulent act on my part, and, on this account, you do not come to prevent me, I will not be considered to have employed violence.
Dig. 43,24,3Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Prohibere autem non utique per semet ipsum necesse est, sed et si quis per servum suum vel procuratorem prohibuerit, recte videtur prohibuisse. idem etiam si mercennarius meus prohibuerit. nec quem moveat, quod per liberam personam actio adquiri non solet: nam prohibitio haec demonstrat vi te facere, quid mirum, cum et si clam tu me feceris, habeam actionem? ergo facto magis tuo delinquentis quam alieno adquiritur mihi actio. 1Illud sciendum est non omnibus momentis vim esse faciendam, sed semel inter initia facta perseverat. 2Sed si permiserit, adversus eum, qui utatur interdicto, exceptio erit necessaria. 3Non tantum autem si ego permisero, sed et si procurator meus vel tutor qui tutelam administrat vel curator pupilli furiosi sive adulescentis, dicendum erit exceptioni locum fore. 4Plane si praeses vel curator rei publicae permiserit in publico facere, Nerva scribit exceptionem locum non habere, quia etsi ei locorum, inquit, publicorum procuratio data est, concessio tamen data non est. hoc ita verum est, si non lex municipalis curatori rei publicae amplius concedat. sed et si a principe vel ab eo, cui princeps hoc ius concedendi dederit idem erit probandum. 5Si quis paratus sit se iudicio defendere adversus eos, qui interdicendum putant, ne opus fiat: an videatur desinere vi facere? et magis est, ut desinat, si modo satis offerat et defendere paratus est, si quis agat: et ita Sabinus scribit. 6Sed et si quis damni infecti paratus sit cavere, cum propter hoc tantum esset prohibitus, vel quia non defendebat vel damni infecti non repromittebat, consequens est dicere desinere eum vi facere. 7Clam facere videri Cassius scribit eum, qui celavit adversarium neque ei denuntiavit, si modo timuit eius controversiam aut debuit timere. 8Idem Aristo putat eum quoque clam facere, qui celandi animo habet eum, quem prohibiturum se intellexerit et id existimat aut existimare debet se prohibitum iri.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. In order to prevent anyone from proceeding, it is not necessary that the person himself should act, for anyone is legally considered to have hindered another, either by his slave or by his agent. The same rule will apply if a day laborer employed by me should attempt to prevent him. Nor can the objection be urged that action is not ordinarily acquired through the agency of one who is free; for the hindrance proves that you effected this by the employment of violence. And why should this be remarkable, when I will be entitled to bring suit, even if you have done the work clandestinely, and therefore, the right of action will be acquired by me, rather through the illegal act which you have committed, than through that of another? 1It should be noted that it is not necessary for the violence to be exerted continuously; for after it has once been committed in the beginning, it is considered to endure. 2If permission has been granted, an exception will be necessary to oppose him who makes use of the interdict. 3Moreover, if not only I should grant permission, but if my agent, or a guardian who is administering a guardianship, or the curator of a ward, an insane person, or a minor, should also grant it, it must be said that there will be ground for an exception. 4Nerva asserts that it is clear there will be no ground for an exception if the Governor, or some official having charge of the business of a city, permits work to be done in a public place; for he says that although the care of public places may have been entrusted to him, still the right to transfer them was not granted. This is only true where municipal law does not confer greater authority upon the public official having charge of the affairs of a city. The same rule should be adopted if the right was granted by the Emperor himself, or by someone upon whom he has bestowed the power to do so. 5Ad Dig. 43,24,3,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 465, Note 8.If anyone is ready to defend himself in court against certain persons who think that he should be forbidden to construct a work, let us see whether he will be held to have desisted through the employment of violence. The better opinion is that he should be considered to have done so, if he offers to give security, and is ready to defend his right. This was also stated by Sabinus. 6Again, if anyone is prepared to furnish security against any damage which may result, when he has only been forbidden to proceed on this account, or because he did not defend himself, or for the reason that he did not furnish security against threatened injury, it must be said, in consequence, that he has ceased to proceed with the work through the employment of violence. 7Cassius says that he is held to have acted clandestinely who conceals what he is doing from his adversary, and fails to notify him, provided he feared, or thought that he had good reason to fear, opposition. 8Aristo also thinks that he acts clandestinely when, with the intention of concealing what he is doing, he keeps with him the person whom he thinks will oppose him, and believes, or has reason to believe, that he will oppose what he expects to do.
Dig. 43,24,7Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Si alius fecerit me invito, tenebor ad hoc, ut patientiam praestem. 1Neratius quoque scribit eum, cuius servus vi aut clam fecit, aut sua impensa ex interdicto opus restituere debere aut patientiam restituendi praestare et servum noxae dedere: plane si mortuo alienatove servo interdiceretur, patientiam dumtaxat praestare debere ait, ita ut et emptor eo interdicto possit conveniri, ut impensam praestet aut noxam det: dominoque operis sua impensa restituente aut damnato, quia non restitueret, emptorem liberari. eadem et si contra dominus servi vel opus restituisset vel litis aestimatione damnatus esset: quod si tantum noxae dedisset, adversus dominum operis utiliter interdici. 2Ait Iulianus: qui ante remissionem nuntiationis, contra quam prohibitus fuerit, opus fecerit, duobus interdictis tenebitur, uno, quod ex operis novi nuntiatione competit, altero quod vi aut clam. remissione autem facta intellegendus non erit vi aut clam facere, quamvis prohibeatur: licere enim debet aedificare ei, qui satisdederit, cum possessor hoc ipso constituatur: clamque facere nec ante remissionem nec postea existimandus est, cum is, qui opus novum nuntiat, non possit videri celatus et praeoccupatus, antequam controversiam faceret. 3Bellissime apud Iulianum quaeritur, an haec exceptio noceat in hoc interdicto ‘quod non tu vi aut clam feceris?’ ut puta utor adversus te interdicto quod vi aut clam, an possis obicere mihi eandem exceptionem: ‘quod non tu vi aut clam fecisti?’ et ait Iulianus aequissimum esse hanc exceptionem dare: nam si tu, inquit, aedificaveris vi aut clam, ego idem demolitus fuero vi aut clam et utaris adversus me interdicto, hanc exceptionem profuturam. quod non aliter procedere debet, nisi ex magna et satis necessaria causa: alioquin haec omnia officio iudicis celebrari oportet. 4Est et alia exceptio, de qua Celsus dubitat, an sit obicienda: ut puta si incendii arcendi causa vicini aedes intercidi et quod vi aut clam mecum agatur aut damni iniuria. Gallus enim dubitat, an excipi oporteret: ‘quod incendii defendendi causa factum non sit?’ Servius autem ait, si id magistratus fecisset, dandam esse, privato non esse idem concedendum: si tamen quid vi aut clam factum sit neque ignis usque eo pervenisset, simpli litem aestimandam: si pervenisset, absolvi eum oportere. idem ait esse, si damni iniuria actum foret, quoniam nullam iniuriam aut damnum dare videtur aeque perituris aedibus. quod si nullo incendio id feceris, deinde postea incendium ortum fuerit, non idem erit dicendum, quia non ex post facto, sed ex praesenti statu, damnum factum sit nec ne, aestimari oportere Labeo ait. 5Notavimus supra, quod, quamvis verba interdicti late pateant, tamen ad ea sola opera pertinere interdictum placere, quaecumque fiant in solo. eum enim, qui fructum tangit, non teneri interdicto quod vi aut clam: nullum enim opus in solo facit. at qui arbores succidit, utique tenebitur, et qui harundinem et qui salictum: terrae enim et quodammodo solo ipsi corrumpendo manus infert. idem et in vineis succisis. ceterum qui fructum aufert, furti debet conveniri. itaque si quid operis in solo fiat, interdictum locum habet. in solo fieri accipimus et si quid circa arbores fiat, non si quid circa fructum arborum. 6Si quis acervum stercoris circa agrum pinguem disiecerit, cum eo ‘quod vi aut clam factum est’ agi potest: et hoc verum est, quia solo vitium adhibitum sit. 7Plane si quid agri colendi causa factum sit, interdictum quod vi aut clam locum non habet, si melior causa facta sit agri, quamvis prohibitus quis vi vel clam fecerit. 8Praeterea si fossam feceris in silva publica et bos meus in eam inciderit, agere possum hoc interdicto, quia in publico factum est. 9Si quis aedificium demolitus fuerit, quamvis non usque ad solum, quin interdicto teneatur, dubitari desiit. 10Proinde et si tegulas de aedificio sustulerit, magis est, ut interdicto teneatur,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. If another person should construct the new work without my permission, I will only be liable to the extent of allowing it to be demolished. 1Neratius also says that where the slave of any person constructs a new work, by the employment of violence, or clandestinely, he will be required, under the interdict to restore everything to its former condition, at his own expense, or permit this to be done, and surrender the slave by way of reparation. He asserts that it is evident that if the interdict is employed after the slave has died, or been alienated, his master will only be compelled to permit the work to be demolished, so that the purchaser can be sued under the interdict for payment of the expenses, or the surrender of the slave by way of reparation; but he will be released from liability, if the owner of the new work restores everything at his own expense, or has judgment rendered against him because he did not do so. If, on the other hand, the master of the slave either restores everything to its former condition, or has judgment rendered against him for the amount of damage sustained, the same rule will apply. But if he has only abandoned the slave by way of reparation, the interdict can be properly employed against the owner of the new work. 2Julianus says that anyone who constructs a new work before the withdrawal of the notice, and in violation of what he was forbidden to do, will be liable under two interdicts, one of them being based upon the notice which has been served with reference to a new work, and the other upon the employment of violence, or clandestine action. Where the withdrawal of the notice has been made, the defendant is not considered to have acted with violence or clandestinely, even though the prohibition remains; for a person who has given security ought to be permitted to build, because, by doing so, he becomes the possessor, and he should not be held to have acted clandestinely either before or after the withdrawal of the notice, since he who serves notice of a new work cannot be considered to have concealed himself, or to have been warned before he caused any controversy. 3It is very properly asked by Julianus whether this interdict may not be opposed by the exception: “Have you not done this work by the employment of violence, or clandestinely?” For instance, I use the interdict Quod vi aut clam against you; can you oppose me with the exception, “Have you not done the work by violence, or clandestinely?” Julianus says that it is perfectly just for this exception to be granted; for he states that if you build anything by violence or clandestinely, and I demolish it by violence, or clandestinely, and you employ this interdict against me, I will be entitled to the benefit of this exception. This procedure, however, should not be resorted to unless good and sufficient cause exists; otherwise, everything ought to be referred to the wisdom of the judge. 4Gallus doubts whether still another exception may not be interposed; for example, where for the purpose of preventing a fire from spreading I demolish the house of my neighbor, and proceedings are instituted against me either under the interdict Quod vi aut clam, or for the reparation of wrongful damage. Gallus is uncertain whether the exception, “if you have not done this to prevent the spread of the fire,” ought to be employed. Servius says that if a magistrate directed this to be done, the exception ought to be granted, but a private individual should not be permitted to demolish the house. If, however, any act was committed by violence, or clandestinely, and the fire did not extend to that point, the amount of simple damages should be estimated, but if it did reach that point, the party in question should be released from liability. He states that the conclusion would be the same if the act had been committed for the prevention of future injury, as, both houses having been destroyed, it would appear that no injury or damage had been caused. But if you should do this when there was no fire, and fire should afterwards break out, the same rule will not apply; because, as Labeo says, the appraisement of damages should be made, not with reference to the former event, but according to the present condition of the property. 5We have noted above that, although the terms of the interdict have a broad application, still, the proceeding is held to apply only to work which is performed upon land. Hence, he who takes the crops is not liable under the interdict Quod vi aut clam, for he does not perform any new work upon the land. He, however, who fells trees, or cuts reeds or willows, will be liable; for, to a certain extent, he lays hands upon the earth, and injures the soil. The same rule applies to the cutting of vines. He, however, who removes the crops, should be sued by an action on theft. Therefore, where anyone constructs a new work upon the soil, there will be ground for the interdict. Anything which is done to trees we understand to apply to the soil, but not anything which is done with reference to the fruits of trees. 6If anyone spreads a heap of manure over a field whose soil is already rich, proceedings can be instituted against him under the interdict Quod vi aut clam. This is proper, because the soil is deteriorated. 7It is clear that if anything new is built for the purpose of cultivating land, the interdict Quod vi aut clam will not apply, if the condition of the land is improved, even though it may have been constructed by violence or clandestinely, after notice has been served prohibiting it. 8Again, if you dig a ditch in a public wood, and my ox falls into it, I can proceed against you under this interdict, because this has been done in a public place. 9If anyone should demolish a house, there is no doubt that he will be liable under the interdict, even though he did not level it with the ground. 10Hence, if he removes the tiles from a building, the better opinion is that he will be liable to the interdict.
Dig. 43,24,9Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Nam et si ramos quis de arboribus abstulerit, adhuc interdictum hoc admittimus. haec ita, si de aedificio tegulas sustulerit: ceterum si non de aedificio, sed seorsum positas, cessat hoc interdictum. 1Si tamen sera vel clavis vel cancellus vel specularium sit ablatum, quod vi aut clam agi non poterit. 2Sed si quis aliquid aedibus adfixum evellerit, statuam forte vel quid aliud, quod vi aut clam interdicto tenebitur. 3Si quis clam aut vi agrum intraverit vel fossam fecerit, hoc interdicto tenebitur. et si acervum succenderit vel disperserit sic, ut non ad usum agri convertat, interdicto locus non erit,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. If anyone removes branches from trees, we still allow this interdict to be employed. With reference to what we have stated as to the removal of tiles from a building, if they are not placed upon the building, but are separate from it, this interdict will not apply. 1If, however, a lock, a key, a bench, or a wardrobe is carried away, proceedings cannot be instituted under the interdict Quod vi aut clam. 2But if anyone tears away something which is attached to a house, for instance, a statue, or anything else, he will be liable under the interdict Quod vi aut clam. 3If anyone cultivates land with violence, or clandestinely, or excavates a ditch therein, he will be liable under this interdict. If he burns a heap of straw, or scatters it in such a way that it cannot be used for the benefit of the land, there will not be ground for the interdict.
Dig. 43,24,11Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Is qui in puteum vicini aliquid effuderit, ut hoc facto aquam corrumperet, ait Labeo interdicto quod vi aut clam eum teneri: portio enim agri videtur aqua viva, quemadmodum si quid operis in aqua fecisset. 1Quaesitum est, si statuam in municipio ex loco publico quis sustulerit vel vi vel clam, an hoc interdicto teneatur. et exstat Cassii sententia eum, cuius statua in loco publico in municipio posita sit, quod vi aut clam agere posse, quia interfuerit eius eam non tolli: municipes autem etiam furti acturos, quia res eorum sit quasi publicata: si tamen deciderit, ipsi eam detrahunt: et haec sententia vera est. 2Si quis de monumento statuam sustulerit, an ei, ad quem ius sepulchri pertineret, agere permittitur? et placet et in his interdicto locum esse. et sane dicendum est, si qua sepulchri ornandi causa adposita sint, sepulchri esse videri. idem est et si ostium avellat vel effringat. 3Si quis in vineas meas venerit et inde ridicas abstulerit, hoc interdicto tenebitur. 4Quod ait praetor: ‘quod vi aut clam factum est’, ad quod tempus referatur, videamus, utrum ad praeteritum an ad praesens. quae species apud Iulianum exposita est: ait enim in hoc interdicto praesentis temporis significationem accipi debere. si tamen, inquit, ex opere damnum datum fuerit aut dominus aut is, cuius fundo nocitum erit, sua impensa id sustulerit, utilius probari, quod Iulianus temptat, ut et damnum sarciatur et impendia restituantur. 5Interdictum complectitur id, quodcumque aut vi aut clam factum est. sed interdum evenit, ut quid et vi et clam fiat, partim et partim, in eodem opere. ut puta cum prohiberem, fundamenta posuisti: postea cum convenissem, ne reliquum opus fieret, absente et ignorante me reliquum opus perfecisti: vel contra fundamenta clam iecisti, deinde cetera prohibente me aedificasti. hoc iure utimur, ut et si vi et clam factum sit, interdictum hoc sufficiat. 6Si tutoris iussu aut curatoris factum sit, cum placeat, quod Cassius probat, ex dolo tutoris vel curatoris pupillum vel furiosum non teneri, eveniet, ut in ipsum tutorem curatoremque aut utilis actio competat aut etiam utile interdictum. certe ad patientiam tollendi operis utique tenebuntur pupillus et furiosus et ad noxam. 7An ignoscitur servo, qui obtemperavit tutori aut curatori? nam ad quaedam, quae non habent atrocitatem facinoris vel sceleris, ignoscitur servis, si vel dominis vel his, qui vice dominorum sunt, obtemperaverint. quod et in hoc casu admittendum est. 8Si postea, quam vi aut clam factum est, venierit fundus, an venditor nihilo minus hoc interdicto experiri possit, videamus. et extat sententia existimantium nihilo minus competere ei interdictum nec finiri venditione: sed nec ex empto actione quicquam ei praestandum emptori ex eo opere, quod ante venditionem factum est: satis enim esse, quod utique propter hoc opus viliori praedium distraxerit. certe etsi non viliori vendidit, idem erit probandum. 9Plane si post venditionem fundi opus factum est, etsi ipse experiatur venditor, quia nondum traditio facta est, tamen ex empto actione emptori tenebitur: omne enim et commodum et incommodum ad emptorem pertinere debet. 10Si fundus in diem addictus sit, cui competat interdictum? et ait Iulianus interdictum quod vi aut clam ei competere, cuius interfuit opus non fieri: fundo enim in diem addicto et commodum et incommodum omne ad emptorem, inquit, pertinet, antequam venditio transferatur, et ideo, si quid tunc vi aut clam factum est, quamvis melior condicio allata fuerit, ipse utile interdictum habebit: sed eam actionem sicut fructus medio tempore perceptos venditi iudicio praestare cogendum ait. 11Aristo autem scribit non possessori esse denuntiandum: nam si quis, inquit, fundum mihi vendiderit et necdum tradiderit et vicinus, cum opus facere vellet et sciret me emisse et in fundo morari, mihi denuntiaverit, esse eum tutum futurum, quod ad suspicionem clam facti operis pertineret: quod sane verum est. 12Ego, si post in diem addictionem factam fundus precario traditus sit, putem emptorem interdictum quod vi aut clam habere. si vero aut nondum traditio facta est aut etiam facta est precarii rogatio, non puto dubitandum, quin venditor interdictum habeat: ei enim competere debet, etsi res ipsius periculo non sit, nec multum facit, quod res emptoris periculo est: nam et statim post venditionem contractam periculum ad emptorem spectat et tamen antequam ulla traditio fiat, nemo dixit interdictum ei competere. si tamen precario sit in possessione, videamus, ne, quia interest ipsius, qualiter qualiter possidet, iam interdicto uti possit. ergo et si conduxit, multo magis: nam et colonum posse interdicto experiri in dubium non venit. plane si postea, quam melior condicio allata est, aliquid operis vi aut clam factum sit, nec Iulianus dubitaret interdictum venditori competere: nam inter Cassium et Iulianum de illo, quod medio tempore accidit, quaestio est, non de eo opere, quod postea contigit. 13Si ita praedium venierit, ut, si displicuisset, inemptum esset, facilius admittimus interdictum emptorem habere, si modo est in possessione: et si rescissio emptionis in alterius arbitrium conferatur, idem erit probandum: idemque et si ita venisset, ut, si aliquid evenisset, inemptum esset praedium: et si forte commissoria venierit, idem dicendum est. 14Idem Iulianus scribit interdictum hoc non solum domino praedii, sed etiam his, quorum interest opus factum non esse, competere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. Labeo says that anyone who pours something into the well of his neighbor, in order to spoil the water by doing so, will be liable under the interdict Quod vi aut clam, because living water is considered to constitute part of the land, and this is just as if he had constructed a new work in the water. 1If anyone should remove, either by violence or clandestinely, a statue erected in a city in a public place, the question arose whether he would be liable under this interdict. An opinion of Cassius is extant to the effect that he whose statue has been erected in a public place in a city can avail himself of this interdict, because it is to his interest that the statue should not be removed. Moreover, the municipal authorities can also bring an action of theft, on the ground that the property, having become public, is theirs. If, however, the statue should fall, they themselves can remove it. This opinion is correct. 2If anyone removes a statue from a monument, will the person to whom the right of sepulture therein belongs be permitted to institute proceedings under the interdict? It is established that, in cases of this kind, there will be ground for the interdict, and, indeed, it must be said that where anything has been placed on a tomb for the purpose of ornamenting it, it is considered to form part of the same. This rule is also applicable if the party tears away or breaks down a door. 3If anyone should come into my vineyard, and remove the supports of my vines, he will be liable under this interdict. 4Where the Prætor says, “what is done by violence, or clandestinely,” let us see what time should be considered, and whether the past or the present is referred to. This point is explained by Julianus, for he says that, in this interdict, we must understand the present time to be meant. If, however, any damage has resulted, and the master, or he whose land was injured, removes the cause of the damage at his own expense, it is better to adopt the opinion which Julianus holds, namely, that the damage should be repaired, and the expenses be reimbursed. 5This interdict includes everything whatsoever which has been done with violence or clandestinely. But it sometimes happens that the same work has been partly accomplished by violence, and partly clandestinely; as, for instance, although I forbade you to proceed, you laid the foundation of a building, and afterwards, we having agreed that you should not finish it, you, nevertheless, did so, during my absence and without my knowledge; or, on the other hand, you, having laid the foundation clandestinely, completed the building in spite of my opposition. This is our practice; for the interdict is sufficient when the work has been done with violence and clandestinely. 6If the new work was constructed by the order of a guardian or a curator, as it is established (and as Cassius holds), that a ward or an insane person is not liable on account of the fraud of his guardian or curator, the result will be that an equitable action or an available interdict will lie against the guardian or curator himself. It is clear, however, that the ward and the insane person will be liable to the extent of permitting the demolition of the work, as well as to a noxal action. 7Should a slave be excused who has constructed a new work in obedience to the orders of a guardian or a curator? For slaves are usually pardoned when they obey their masters or those who occupy their places, in the performance of acts which have not the atrocious character of crimes, or serious offences. In this case this should be admitted. 8If the land should be sold after a new work has been constructed with violence or clandestinely, let us see whether the vendor can, nevertheless, avail himself of this interdict. The opinion of certain authorities is extant to the effect that the interdict will lie in favor of the vendor, even if the sale has not been concluded, and nothing had been paid to the purchaser in an action on sale for the work which was constructed before the transaction took place; for it is sufficient if, on this account, the vendor sold the land at a lower price. The same rule should be adopted where he did not sell it at a lower price. 9It is, however, clear that if the new work was constructed after the sale of the land, even if the vendor himself has proceedings under the interdict instituted against him, for the reason that delivery has not yet been made, he will still be liable to the purchaser in an action on purchase; for all benefits and inconveniences should be for the advantage or disadvantage of the latter. 10If land has been sold under the condition of being returned if a higher price can be obtained, who will be entitled to the interdict? Julianus says that the interdict Quod vi aut clam will lie in favor of the person to whose interest it was that the work should not be constructed. For when land is sold under this condition, all the advantage and disadvantage will be enjoyed or endured by the purchaser; and this applies to whatever was done before the property was transferred under the terms of the sale. Therefore, if any new work has been constructed with violence, or clandestinely, although the condition of the vendor may be improved, the purchaser will be entitled to an available interdict, but he will be compelled to assign the right of action acquired under the action of sale, as well as any other profits which may have been obtained in the meantime. 11Aristo, however, says that notice must even be served upon him who is not in possession, for he states that if anyone should sell me a tract of land which he has not yet delivered, and a neighbor, desiring to construct a new work, knowing that I have bought the land, and am living upon it, should notify me, he will hereafter be secure so far as any suspicion relating to the clandestine construction of a new work is concerned; which in fact is true. 12In case a sale is made of land under the condition that it will be of no effect, if a better price can be obtained within a certain time, and the land is delivered to the purchaser under a precarious title, I think that he can make use of the interdict Quod vi aut clam. If, however, delivery has not yet been made, or if it has been made under a precarious title, I do not believe there can be any doubt that the vendor will have a right to the interdict, for it will lie in his favor even though the property may not be at his risk. Nor does it make much difference if it is at the risk of the purchaser, for immediately after the sale has been contracted, the property is at the risk of the purchaser and, nevertheless, before delivery has been made, no one will maintain that he is entitled to the interdict. Still, if he is in possession precariously, let us see whether he can avail himself of the interdict, because he has the interest, no matter by what title he holds possession. Therefore, even if he has leased the property, there is much more reason that he should be entitled to it; for, beyond all doubt, a tenant can institute proceedings by means of the interdict. If the condition of the vendor should become better before the work has been constructed with violence, or clandestinely, Julianus entertains no doubt that the interdict will lie in favor of the vendor, for the disagreement between Cassius and Julianus relates to a new work which has been begun in the meantime, and has no reference to one which has subsequently been undertaken. 13If a tract of land has been sold under the condition that if the purchaser is not pleased with it, the sale will be void, it is more easy for us to determine that the purchaser will be entitled to the interdict, provided he is in possession. If the question of the annulment of the sale is referred to a third party for arbitration, the same rule should be adopted. This is also the case if it is sold under the condition that if some event transpires, the land shall be considered as not sold. The same rule must be said to apply, if the sale was contracted with the understanding that it would be void if the terms were not complied with within a specified time. 14Julianus also says that this interdict not only lies in favor of the owner of the land, but also in favor of those whose interest it is not to have the new work constructed.
Dig. 43,24,13Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Denique si arbores in fundo, cuius usus fructus ad Titium pertinet, ab extraneo vel a proprietario succisae fuerint, Titius et lege Aquilia et interdicto quod vi aut clam cum utroque eorum recte experietur. 1Labeo scribit, si filio prohibente opus factum sit, et te habere interdictum, ac si te prohibente opus factum est, et filium tuum nihilo minus. 2Idem ait adversus filium familias in re peculiari neminem clam videri fecisse: namque, si scit eum filium familias esse, non videtur eius celandi gratia fecisse, quem certus est nullam secum actionem habere. 3Si ex sociis communis fundi unus arbores succiderit, socius cum eo hoc interdicto experiri potest, cum ei competat, cuius interest. 4Unde apud Servium amplius relatum est, si mihi concesseris, ut ex fundo tuo arbores caedam, deinde eas alius vi aut clam ceciderit, mihi hoc interdictum competere, quia ego sim cuius interest: quod facilius erit admittendum, si a te emi vel ex aliquo contractu hoc consecutus sim, ut mihi caedere liceat. 5Quaesitum est, si, cum praedium interim nullius esset, aliquid vi aut clam factum sit, an postea dominio ad aliquem devoluto interdicto locus sit: ut puta hereditas iacebat, postea adiit hereditatem Titius, an ei interdictum competat? et est apud Vivianum saepissime relatum heredi competere hoc interdictum eius, quod ante aditam hereditatem factum sit, nec referre Labeo ait, quod non scierit, qui heredes futuri essent: hoc enim posse quem causari etiam post aditam hereditatem. ne illud quidem obstare Labeo ait, quod eo tempore nemo dominus fuerit: nam et sepulchri nemo dominus fuit et tamen, si quid in eo fiat, experiri possum quod vi aut clam. accedit his, quod hereditas dominae locum optinet. et recte dicetur heredi quoque competere et ceteris successoribus, sive ante, quam successerit, sive postea aliquid sit vi aut clam admissum. 6Si colonus meus opus fecerit, si quidem me volente vel ratum habente, perinde est atque si procurator meus fecisset, in quo placet, sive ex voluntate mea fecerit, teneri me, sive ratum habuero, quod procurator fecit. 7Iulianus ait: si colonus arborem, de qua controversia erat, succiderat vel quid aliud opus fecerit, si quidem iussu domini id factum sit, ambo tenebuntur, non ut patientiam praestent, sed ut impensam quoque ad restituendum praebeant: si autem dominus non iusserit, colonus quidem tenebitur, ut patientiam et impensam praestet, dominus vero nihil amplius quam patientiam praestare cogendus erit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. Finally, if there are trees on the land, the usufruct of which belongs to Titius, and they are cut down by a stranger, or by the owner, Titius can institute proceedings against both of them, under the Aquilian Law, and the interdict Quod vi aut clam. 1Labeo says that if the new work is constructed against the opposition of your son, you will be entitled to the interdict, just as if the opposition had been made by yourself; and your son will also be entitled to it, nevertheless. 2He also says that no one is considered to have constructed a work clandestinely against a son under paternal control, where the land forms a part of his peculium; for if he was aware that he was under paternal control, he will not be considered to have done the work with the intention of concealing it from him, as he knows that he cannot bring suit against him. 3If one of two joint-owners of a tract of land cuts down any trees, the other can institute proceedings against him under this interdict, as it lies in favor of any person having an interest in the property. 4It is stated still more broadly by Servius, that if you grant me permission to cut down trees on your land, and then someone else cuts them down with violence, or clandestinely, I will be entitled to this interdict, because I am the party interested. It is still more easy to admit this, if I have purchased from you, or have obtained from you by some other contract, permission to cut the trees. 5If a new work was constructed with violence, or clandestinely, upon land which at the time did not belong to anyone, and the ownership of it afterwards vested in some person, the question arises whether there would be ground for the interdict; as, for instance, where a succession was vacant, and Titius afterwards entered upon the estate, would he be entitled to the interdict? It was frequently stated by Vivianus that this interdict will lie in favor of the heir, because the work had been performed before his acceptance of the estate. Labeo says that it makes no difference if the party in question did not know who would be the heir, for he can readily make use of this pretext, even after the estate has been accepted. He also says that no objection can be raised because, at that time, there was no owner of the land, for a burial-place has no owner, and if any new work is” constructed upon it, I can institute proceedings by means of the interdict Quod m aut clam. It should also be added to what has previously been stated that inheritance takes the place of ownership. It can very properly be held that the interdict will lie in favor of the heir and other successors, if the work was constructed with violence, or clandestinely, before or after they succeeded to the estate. 6If my tenant constructs a new work with my consent, or I afterwards ratify his act, it is just the same as if my agent had constructed it. In this instance it is established that I will be liable, whether he acted with my consent, or whether I ratified what he had done. 7Julianus says that if a tenant cuts down a tree, the ownership of which was in dispute, or does anything else, and it was done by order of the owner, both parties will be liable, not only for permitting the tree to be cut down, but also for the payment of all expenses of restoring the property to its former condition. If, however, the owner did not order the work to be done, the tenant will be liable for permitting the tree to be felled, and for the payment of the expenses; and the owner will be compelled to do nothing more than to allow the removal of the tree.
Dig. 43,24,15Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Semper adversus possessorem operis hoc interdictum competit, idcircoque, si quilibet inscio vel etiam invito me opus in fundo meo fecerit, interdicto locus erit. 1Is, cui fundum pastinandum locaveras, lapides sustulit et in vicini proiecit praedium. ait Labeo te vi aut clam non teneri, nisi iussu tuo id factum sit: ego puto conductorem teneri, locatorem autem non alias, nisi aut patientiam praestare possit aut aliquam actionem habeat, quam praestet: ceterum teneri non oportere. 2Si in sepulchro alieno terra congesta fuerit iussu meo, agendum esse quod vi aut clam mecum Labeo scribit. et si communi consilio plurium id factum sit, licere vel cum uno vel cum singulis experiri: opus enim, quod a pluribus pro indiviso factum est, singulos in solidum obligare. si tamen proprio quis eorum consilio hoc fecerit, cum omnibus esse agendum, scilicet in solidum: itaque alter conventus alterum non liberabit, quin immo perceptio ab altero: superiore etenim casu alterius conventio alterum liberat. praeterea sepulchri quoque violati agi potest. 3Hoc interdictum in heredem ceterosque successores datur in id quod ad eos pervenit. 4Et post annum non competit. annus autem cedere incipit, ex quo id opus factum perfectum est aut fieri desiit, licet perfectum non sit: alioquin si a principio operis coepti annum quis numeret, necesse est cum his, qui opus tardissime facerent, saepius agi. 5Sed si is sit locus, in quo opus factum est, qui facile non adiretur, ut puta in sepulchro vi aut clam factum est vel in abdito alio loco, sed et si sub terra fieret opus vel sub aqua, vel cloaca aliquid factum sit, etiam post annum causa cognita competit interdictum de eo quod factum est: nam causa cognita annuam exceptionem remittendam, hoc est magna et iusta causa ignorantiae interveniente. 6Si quis rei publicae causa afuisset, deinde reversus interdicto quod vi aut clam uti vellet, verius est non excludi anno eum, sed reversum annum habere. nam et si minor viginti quinque annis rei publicae causa abesse coepisset, deinde maior effectus sit, dum abest rei publicae causa, futurum, ut ex quo redit annus ei computetur, non ex quo implevit vicensimum quintum annum: et ita divus Pius et deinceps omnes principes rescripserunt. 7Hoc interdicto tanti lis aestimatur, quanti actoris interest id opus factum esse. officio autem iudicis ita oportere fieri restitutionem iudicandum est, ut in omni causa eadem condicio sit actoris, quae futura esset, si id opus, de quo actum est, neque vi neque clam factum esset. 8Ergo nonnumquam etiam dominii ratio habenda est, ut puta si propter hoc opus, quod factum est, servitutes amittantur aut usus fructus intereat. quod non tantum tunc eveniet, cum quis opus aedificaverit, verum etiam si diruisse opus proponatur et deteriorem condicionem fecisse vel servitutium vel usus fructus vel ipsius proprietatis. 9Sed quod interfuit, aut per iusiurandum, quod in litem actor iuraverit, aut, si iurare non possit, iudicis officio aestimandum est. 10Eum autem, qui dolo malo fecerit, quo minus possit restituere, perinde habendum, ac si posset. 11Culpam quoque in hoc interdicto venire erit probandum: quae tamen arbitrio iudicis aestimanda erit. 12Quia autem hoc interdictum id quod interest continet, si quis alia actione fuerit consecutus id quod interfuit opus non esse factum, consequens erit dicere ex interdicto nihil eum consequi oportere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. This interdict can always be employed against him who is in possession of a new work. Therefore, if anyone has constructed a new work upon my land without my knowledge or consent, there will be ground for the interdict. 1If you have leased your land for excavation, and the lessee throws the stones which he takes out upon the field of a neighbor, Labeo says that you will not be liable under the interdict Quod vi aut clam, unless this was done by your direction. I, however, think that the lessee will be liable, but not the lessor, unless to the extent of being compelled to permit the removal of the stones, and to assign any right of action which he may have; otherwise, he cannot be held responsible. 2Ad Dig. 43,24,15,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 298, Note 15.Labeo says that if earth is piled up by my order upon a burial-place belonging to another, proceedings can be instituted against me under the interdict Quod vi aut clam; and if this was done with the common consent of several persons, proceedings can be instituted against any one of them, or against each one individually; for an undertaking in which several persons are concerned renders each of them individually liable in full. If, however, some of them acted on their own responsibility, suit should be brought against all, that is to say, for the entire amount. Hence, if one of them is sued, this will not release the others, and even if a judgment is rendered against only one, the result will be the same; while, in the former instance, if one is sued, the others will be released. In addition to this, the action based oh the violation of a sepulchre can be brought. 3This interdict is granted against the heir and other successors, for the amount which has come into their hands, but it will not be after a year has elapsed. 4The year begins to run from the time when the work has been completed, or labor upon it has ceased, even though it may not be finished. Otherwise, if the year was computed from the day when the work was begun, it would be necessary to bring several suits against those who delayed its completion. 5If, however, the place in which the work was performed was not easy of access (as, for example, if it was done with violence, or clandestinely in a burial-place, or in some other retired locality, or under ground, or under water, or in a sewer), the interdict will lie with reference to the new work, even after the lapse of a year, if proper cause be shown. For if proper cause is shown, the exception based on the fact that a year has elapsed cannot be pleaded, that is to say, where good and sufficient cause for ignorance is established. 6Ad Dig. 43,24,15,6ROHGE, Bd. 22 (1878), Nr. 69, S. 308: Restitution Minderjähriger gegen Wechselverjährung.If anyone who “is absent on business for the State, when he returns, desires to make use of the interdict Quod vi aut clam, the better opinion is that he should not be excluded from doing so on the ground of a year having elapsed, but that he will be entitled to a year after his return. For if a minor under twenty-five years of age should be away on public business, and, during his absence, attains his majority, the year will be reckoned from the date of his return, and not from the day when he completed his twenty-fifth year. This was stated in a Rescript by the Divine Pius, and confirmed by all the other Emperors who succeeded him. 7In the proceedings under this interdict, the amount of the judgment is based upon the interest of the plaintiff in not having the new work constructed. It is the duty of the judge to decide that the property shall be restored in such a way that the condition of the plaintiff will be the same as it would have been if the new work, on account of which the action was brought, had not been undertaken either by violence, or clandestinely. 8Therefore, sometimes the right of ownership must be taken into consideration, as, for example, where servitudes are lost, or usufructs extinguished because of the new work which was undertaken, which may not only happen while it was in progress of construction, but also at the time of its demolition, when the condition of the servitudes, of the usufruct, or of the property itself becomes impaired. 9The interest of the plaintiff, however, must be established by his oath in court, or, if this cannot be done, it must be determined by the judge. 10Where anyone has been guilty of fraud to avoid restoring the property to its former condition, he must be considered as having the power to do so. 11In this interdict, the negligence of the defendant must also be taken into consideration, and this must be estimated in accordance with the wisdom of the judge. 12For the reason that this interdict has reference to the interest of the plaintiff in not having a new work constructed, if he has obtained the value of his interest by means of some other action, the result will be that he can obtain nothing else by the employment of this interdict.
Dig. 43,25,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Quod ius sit illi prohibere, ne se invito fiat, in eo nuntiatio teneat: ceterum nuntiationem missam facio’. 1Sub hoc titulo remissiones proponuntur. 2Et verba praetoris ostendunt remissionem ibi demum factam, ubi nuntiatio non tenet, et nuntiationem ibi demum voluisse praetorem tenere, ubi ius est nuntianti prohibere, ne se invito fiat. ceterum sive satisdatio interveniat sive non, remissio facta hoc tantum remittit, in quo non tenuit nuntiatio. plane si satisdatum est, exinde remissio facta est, non est necessaria remissio. 3Ius habet opus novum nuntiandi, qui aut dominium aut servitutem habet. 4Item Iuliano placet fructuario vindicandarum servitutium ius esse: secundum quod opus novum nuntiare poterit vicino et remissio utilis erit. ipsi autem domino praedii si nuntiaverit, remissio inutilis erit: neque sicut adversus vicinum, ita adversus dominum agere potest ius ei non esse invito se altius aedificare. sed si hoc facto usus fructus deterior fiat, petere usum fructum debebit. idem Iulianus dicit de ceteris, quibus aliqua servitus a vicino debetur. 5Ei quoque, qui pignori fundum acceperit, scribit Iulianus non esse iniquum detentionem servitutis dari.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXI. The Prætor says: “The notice will hold, if the complainant has a right to prevent the construction of a new work against his consent; otherwise, I will grant a withdrawal of the prohibition.” 1Withdrawals of opposition are discussed under this Title. 2The words of the Prætor indicate that a withdrawal of this kind only should be made where the notice does not hold, and that he intends that it only should hold where the person serving it has a right to forbid a new work being constructed without his consent. Moreover, whether security is given or not, the withdrawal granted is only applicable to property with reference to which the notice is not valid. It is clear that if security has been furnished, and withdrawal is granted afterwards, the withdrawal is not necessary. 3He only is entitled to serve notice not to construct a new work in whom the right of ownership or the servitude is vested. 4It was also held by Julianus that the usufructuary had the right to recover the servitude; and, according to this, he can serve notice upon a neighbor not to construct a new work, and the withdrawal of opposition will also be valid. If, however, he should serve notice upon the owner of the land himself, the withdrawal of opposition would be of no effect, nor would the usufructuary have any right of action against the owner, since he has one against the neighbor; as, for instance, to prevent him from raising his house to a greater height. But if his usufruct should be impaired by this act, he ought to bring an action to recover it. Julianus says the same thing with reference to others to whom servitudes are due from their neighbors. 5Julianus also says that it is not inequitable to allow a person, who has received land in pledge, the retention of a servitude imposed upon said land.
Dig. 43,26,2Idem libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Quod precario ab illo habes aut dolo malo fecisti, ut desineres habere, qua de re agitur, id illi restituas’. 1Hoc interdictum restitutorium est. 2Et naturalem habet in se aequitatem, namque precarium revocare volenti competit: est enim natura aequum tamdiu te liberalitate mea uti, quamdiu ego velim, et ut possim revocare, cum mutavero voluntatem. itaque cum quid precario rogatum est, non solum hoc interdicto uti possumus, sed etiam praescriptis verbis actione, quae ex bona fide oritur. 3Habere precario videtur, qui possessionem vel corporis vel iuris adeptus est ex hac solummodo causa, quod preces adhibuit et impetravit, ut sibi possidere aut uti liceat:
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXIII. The Prætor says: “You must return the property in question to him from whom you hold it by a precarious tenure, or which you have ceased to possess through some fraudulent act.” 1This interdict is restitutory. It is based upon natural equity, and lies in favor of anyone who desires to revoke the precarious tenure. 2Ad Dig. 43,26,2,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 376, Note 3.For it is naturally just that you should only enjoy my liberality as long as I desire you to do so, and that I can revoke it whenever I change my mind. Therefore, where anything is granted under a precarious tenure, we can not only make use of the interdict, but also of the Actio præscriptis verbis, which is based upon good faith. 3He is considered to hold property by a precarious title who has possession of the same either in fact or in law, for the sole reason that he has asked for, and obtained the right to possess, or to use it.
Dig. 43,26,4Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. In rebus etiam mobilibus precarii rogatio constitit. 1Meminisse autem nos oportet eum, qui precario habet, etiam possidere. 2Tenetur hoc interdicto non utique ille, qui precario rogavit, sed qui precario habet: etenim fieri potest, ut quis non rogaverit, sed habeat precario. ut puta servus meus rogavit: mihi adquisiit precarium: vel quis alius, qui iuri meo subiectus est. 3Item si rem meam precario rogavero, rogavi quidem precario, sed non habeo precario idcirco, quia receptum est rei suae precarium non esse. 4Item qui precario ad tempus rogavit, finito tempore, etiamsi ad hoc temporis non rogavit, tamen precario possidere videtur: intellegitur enim dominus, cum patitur eum qui precario rogaverit possidere, rursus precario concedere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XVII. A precarious title also exists with reference to movable property. 1Moreover, we must also remember that he who holds property by a precarious tenure is also in possession of the same. 2It is not he who has asked for the property under a precarious tenure, but he who holds it under such a tenure, that is liable under this interdict. For it may happen that he who did not ask for it may, nevertheless, hold it by a precarious tenure; as, for instance, if my servant should apply for it, or anyone else who is under my control should do so, he will acquire it for me under this tenure. 3Likewise, if I should ask for property under a precarious tenure, which already belongs to me, although I have made this request, I will not hold the property under this tenure, for the reason that it is established that no one can hold his own property by a precarious title. 4Likewise, he who requests property to be given him under a precarious tenure, for a certain period of time, will still be considered to possess it under this tenure after the time has elapsed, even though he may not have asked to hold it longer; as the owner of property is understood to renew the precarious tenure when he permits the person who asked for it under such a title to continue to hold possession of the same.
Dig. 43,26,6Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Certe si interim dominus furere coeperit vel decesserit, fieri non posse Marcellus ait, ut precarium redintegretur, et hoc verum est. 1Si procurator meus me mandante vel ratum habente precario rogaverit, ego precario habere proprie dicor. 2Is qui rogavit, ut precario in fundo moretur, non possidet, sed possessio apud eum qui concessit remanet: nam et fructuarius, inquit, et colonus et inquilinus sunt in praedio et tamen non possident. 3Iulianus ait eum, qui vi alterum deiecit et ab eodem precario rogavit, desinere vi possidere et incipere precario, neque existimare sibi ipsum causam possessionis mutare, cum voluntate eius quem deiecit coeperit precario possidere: nam si ab eodem emisset, incipere etiam pro emptore posse dominium capere. 4Quaesitum est, si quis rem suam pignori mihi dederit et precario rogaverit, an hoc interdictum locum habeat. quaestio in eo est, ut precarium consistere rei suae possit. mihi videtur verius precarium consistere in pignore, cum possessionis rogetur, non proprietatis, et est haec sententia etiam utilissima: cottidie enim precario rogantur creditores ab his, qui pignori dederunt, et debet consistere precarium.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. If, in the meantime, the owner of the property should become insane, or die, Marcellus says that it is not possible for the precarious tenure to be renewed. This is true. 1If my agent, under my direction, asks for property under a precarious tenure, or if I ratify his act, I will properly be said to hold it under such a tenure. 2He who has asked permission to reside upon land under a precarious tenure is not in possession of the land, but its possession remains with the person who granted him permission. For jurists hold that an usufructuary, a tenant, and a lessee, all live on the land, and still they are not in possession of it. 3Ad Dig. 43,26,6,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 182, Note 10.Julianus says that where anyone who has forcibly ejected another afterwards obtains from him the same land by a precarious tenure, he ceases to possess it by force, and begins to hold it by a precarious title; and he does not think that he has changed his title to the property, as he commences to possess it under a precarious tenure with the consent of him who ejected him. For if he had bought the same property for him, he would begin to acquire the ownership of the same as the purchaser. 4The question arose, if anyone should give his property to me in pledge, and then ask to hold it by a precarious tenure, whether there would be ground for this interdict. The point in this case is whether a precarious title to one’s own property can exist. The better opinion seems to me to be that the precarious tenure relates to the pledge, as it is the possession, and not the ownership, which is granted. This opinion is extremely useful, for, every day, creditors are requested by those who have given their property in pledge, to permit them to hold it by a precarious tenure. A precarious tenure of this kind should be valid.
Dig. 43,26,8Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Quaesitum est, si Titius me rogaverit, ut re Sempronii utatur, deinde ego Sempronium rogavero, ut concederet, et ille, dum mihi vult praestitum, concesserit. Titius a me habet precario et ego cum eo agam interdicto de precario: Sempronius autem non aget cum eo, quia haec verba ‘ab illo precario habes’ ostendunt ei demum competere interdictum, a quo quis precario rogavit, non cuius res est, an tamen Sempronius mecum, quasi a me rogatus, interdictum habeat? et magis est, ne habeat, quia non habeo precario, cum non mihi, sed alii impetravi. mandati tamen actionem potest adversus me habere, quia me mandante dedit tibi: aut si quis dixerit non mandatu meo, sed magis mihi credentem hoc fecisse, dicendum est in factum dandam actionem et adversus me. 1Quod a Titio precario quis rogavit, id etiam ab herede eius precario habere videtur: et ita et Sabinus et Celsus scribunt eoque iure utimur. ergo et a ceteris successoribus habere quis precario videtur. idem et Labeo probat et adicit, etiamsi ignoret quis heredem, tamen videri eum ab herede precario habere. 2Illud tamen videamus quale sit, si a me precario rogaveris et ego eam rem alienavero, an precarium duret re ad alium translata. et magis est, ut, si ille non revocet, posse interdicere quasi ab illo precario habeas, non quasi a me: et si passus est aliquo tempore a se precario habere, recte interdicet, quasi a se precario habeas. 3Eum quoque precario teneri voluit praetor, qui dolo fecit, ut habere desineret. illud adnotatur, quod culpam non praestat is qui precario rogavit, sed solum dolum praestat, quamquam is, qui commodatum suscepit, non tantum dolum, sed etiam culpam praestat. nec immerito dolum solum praestat is qui precario rogavit, cum totum ex liberalitate descendat eius qui precario concessit et satis sit, si dolus tantum praestetur. culpam tamen dolo proximam contineri quis merito dixerit. 4Ex hoc interdicto restitui debet in pristinam causam: quod si non fuerit factum, condemnatio in tantum fiet, quanti interfuit actoris ei rem restitui ex eo tempore, ex quo interdictum editum est: ergo et fructus ex die interdicti editi praestabuntur. 5Si servitute usus non fuit is qui precario rogavit ac per hoc amissa sit, videamus, an interdicto teneatur. ego arbitror non alias, quam si dolo fecerit. 6Et generaliter erit dicendum in restitutionem venire dolum et culpam latam dumtaxat, cetera non venire. plane post interdictum editum oportebit et dolum et culpam et omnem causam venire: nam ubi moram quis fecit precario, omnem causam debebit constituere. 7Interdictum hoc et post annum competere Labeo scribit eoque iure utimur: cum enim nonnumquam in longum tempus precarium concedatur, absurdum est dicere interdictum locum non habere post annum. 8Hoc interdicto heres eius qui precario rogavit tenetur quemadmodum ipse, ut, sive habet sive dolo fecit quo minus haberet vel ad se perveniret, teneatur: ex dolo autem defuncti hactenus, quatenus ad eum pervenit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The question arose, if Titius should request me to allow him to use something belonging to Sempronius, and I afterwards ask Sempronius to grant permission for this to be done and he, desiring to favor me, gives permission, Titius will hold the property from me by a precarious title, and I can sue him under the interdict. Sempronius, however, cannot proceed against him, because the following words, “which you hold of him by a precarious title,” show that the interdict can be employed by the person who asked for the precarious tenure, and not by him to whom the property belongs. But will Sempronius be entitled to sue me under the interdict, on account of my having requested him to permit the property to be held under a precarious tenure? The better opinion is, that he will not be entitled to the interdict, because I do not hold the property by a precarious title, as I did not obtain it for myself, but for another. He will, nevertheless, be entitled to an action on mandate against me, because he granted it to you under my direction. Or, if anyone should say that this was done, not by my direction, but rather in order to render me his debtor, it must be held that an action in factum should also be granted against me. 1When anyone has obtained property from Titius under a precarious tenure, it is also considered to be held from his heir in the same manner, as is stated by Sabinus and Celsus; and this is our practice. Therefore, a man is considered to hold property under this tenure from all other successors; which opinion is approved by Labeo. He adds that, even if he did not know that there was an heir, fie would still hold the property from him under a precarious tenure. 2Let us see what the rule will be, if you request me to grant you property under a precarious tenure, and I alienate it; will the tenure continue to exist, after the transfer of the property to another? The better opinion is that he can make use of the interdict, if he has not revoked the precarious tenure; just as if you held the property in this way from him, and not from me, and if you permit him to hold it by this tenure for some time, he can properly employ the interdict just as if you held it from him. 3The Prætor wished that he also should be liable under this proceeding, who committed a fraudulent act in order to avoid retaining possession. It must be noted that anyone who retains possession by a precarious tenure is not liable for negligence, but only for fraud; although he who has borrowed an article is responsible for negligence, as well as for fraud. And it is not without reason that he who obtains property by a precarious title is only liable for fraud, for all this only arises from the generosity of him who granted the property under such a tenure; and it is sufficient if he is only liable for fraud. It may, however, be said that he will also be liable for gross negligence which resembles fraud. 4Under this interdict the property should be restored to its original condition, and if this is not done, judgment must be rendered for the amount of the interest of the plaintiff in having the property restored to its former condition, from the time when the interdict was issued. Therefore, an estimate of the crops should also be made, and paid for from the same date. 5If he who obtained the property under a precarious tenure does not make use of a servitude, and, on this account, it is extinguished, let us see whether he will be liable to the interdict. I think that he will not be liable, unless he was guilty of fraud. 6Generally speaking, it must be held that in making restitution, both fraud and gross negligence should be taken into account, but nothing else. It is evident that after the issue of the interdict, fraud, and both gross and ordinary negligence should be considered, for where anyone who holds property under a precarious tenure is in default, he should be responsible for everything. 7Ad Dig. 43,26,8,7Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 160, Note 17.Labeo says that this interdict can be employed after the lapse of a year, and this is our practice; for, as property is sometimes granted under a precarious tenure for a considerable time, it would be absurd to hold that there will be no ground for the interdict after a year. 8The heir of him who asks that he be granted the property under a precarious tenure will be liable under this interdict, just as he himself would be, if he had possession of the property, or was guilty of fraud to avoid having it, or to prevent it from coming into his hands; but he will only be liable for the amount of the profit which he obtained, where any fraud was committed by the deceased.
Dig. 43,27,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Quae arbor ex aedibus tuis in aedes illius impendet, si per te stat, quo minus eam adimas, tunc, quo minus illi eam arborem adimere sibique habere liceat, vim fieri veto’. 1Hoc interdictum prohibitorium est. 2Si arbor aedibus alienis impendeat, utrum totam arborem iubeat praetor adimi an vero id solum, quod superexcurrit, quaeritur. et Rutilius ait a stirpe excidendam idque plerisque videtur verius: et nisi adimet dominus arborem, Labeo ait permitti ei, cui arbor officeret, ut si vellet succideret eam lignaque tolleret. 3Arboris appellatione etiam vites continentur. 4Non solum autem domino aedium, sed etiam ei qui usumfructum habet competit hoc interdictum, quia et ipsius interest arborem istam non impendere. 5Praeterea probandum est, si arbor communibus aedibus impendeat, singulos dominos habere hoc interdictum et quidem in solidum, quia et servitutium vindicationem singuli habeant. 6Ait praetor: ‘si per te stat, quo minus eam adimas, quo minus illi eam arborem adimere liceat, vim fieri veto’. prius itaque tibi datur adimendi facultas: si tu non facias, tunc vicino prohibet vim fieri adimere volenti. 7Deinde ait praetor: ‘Quae arbor ex agro tuo in agrum illius impendet, si per te stat, quo minus pedes quindecim a terra eam altius coerceas, tunc, quo minus illi ita coercere lignaque sibi habere liceat, vim fieri veto’. 8Quod ait praetor, et lex duodecim tabularum efficere voluit, ut quindecim pedes altius rami arboris circumcidantur: et hoc idcirco effectum est, ne umbra arboris vicino praedio noceret. 9Differentia duorum capitum interdicti haec est: si quidem arbor aedibus impendeat, succidi eam praecipitur, si vero agro impendeat, tantum usque ad quindecim pedes a terra coerceri.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor says: “If a tree projects from your premises over those of your neighbor, and you are to blame for not removing it, I forbid force to be employed to prevent him from doing so and keeping it as his own.” 1This interdict is prohibitory. 2Where a tree projects over the house of a neighbor, the question arises whether the Prætor can order the entire tree to be removed, or only that portion of it which projects above the building? Rutilius says that it should be taken out by the roots, and this is held to be correct by many authorities. Labeo asserts that if the owner does not remove the tree, he who is injured by it can, if he wishes to do so, cut it down and carry away the wood. 3Vines are also included under the term trees. 4This interdict lies not only in favor of the owner of the house, but also in favor of the usufructuary of the same, for the reason that it is to his interest, also, that the tree should not project above the building. 5Ad Dig. 43,27,1,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 169a, Note 4d.Moreover, the opinion should be adopted, that if a tree projects over a house owned in common by several persons, each of the joint-owners will be entitled to the benefit of the interdict, and indeed, for the entire amount, because each one of them has a right to bring an action to recover servitudes. 6The Prætor says: “If you are to blame for not removing it, I forbid force to be employed to prevent him from doing so.” Therefore, authority to remove the tree is first granted to you, and if you fail to do so, then the Prætor forbids you to employ violence in order to prevent your neighbor from removing it. 7The Prætor also says: “Where a tree on your premises projects over those of your neighbor, and you are to blame for not trimming it up to a height of fifteen feet from the ground, I forbid force to be employed to prevent your neighbor from trimming it up to the height aforesaid, and removing the wood for his own use.” 8What the Prætor says, the Law of the Twelve Tables intended to establish; namely, that the branches of trees should be cut off within fifteen feet of the ground, in order that the shade of the tree may not injure the land of a neighbor. 9There is a difference between the two Sections of the interdict, for if the tree projects over a neighboring house, it must be entirely cut down; but if it projects over land, it need only be trimmed to the height of fifteen feet from the ground.
Dig. 43,28,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Glandem, quae ex illius agro in tuum cadat, quo minus illi tertio quoque die legere auferre liceat, vim fieri veto’. 1Glandis nomine omnes fructus continentur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor says: “Where any nuts fall from the premises of your neighbor upon yours, I forbid force to be employed to prevent him from gathering them, and carrying them away within the space of three days.” 1All kinds of fruits are included under this term.
Dig. 43,29,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Quem liberum dolo malo retines, exhibeas’. 1Hoc interdictum proponitur tuendae libertatis causa, videlicet ne homines liberi retineantur a quoquam:
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor says: “You shall produce any person who is free, the possession of whom you fraudulently hold.” 1This interdict has been framed for the purpose of maintaining freedom; that is to say, to prevent any persons who are free from being restrained of their liberty by anyone.
Dig. 43,29,3Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. quod et lex Fabia prospexit. neque hoc interdictum aufert legis Fabiae exsecutionem: nam et hoc interdicto agi poterit et nihilo minus accusatio legis Fabiae institui: et versa vice qui egit Fabia, poterit nihilo minus etiam hoc interdictum habere, praesertim cum alius interdictum, alius Fabiae actionem habere possit. 1Haec verba ‘quem liberum’ ad omnem liberum pertinent, sive pubes sit sive impubes, sive masculus sive femina, sive unus sive plures, sive sui iuris sit sive alieni: hoc enim tantum spectamus, an liber sit. 2Is tamen, qui in potestate habet, hoc interdicto non tenebitur, quia dolo malo non videtur habere qui suo iure utitur. 3Si quis eum, quem ab hostibus redemit, retineat, in ea causa est, ut interdicto non teneatur: non enim dolo malo facit. plane si offertur pretium, interdictum locum habet. sed et si eum remisit pretio non accepto, dicendum est interdicto locum fore, si, posteaquam semel remisit, velit retinere. 4Si eum quis retineat filium, quem non habet in potestate, plerumque sine dolo malo facere videbitur: pietas enim genuina efficit sine dolo malo retineri, nisi si evidens dolus malus intercedat. proinde et si libertum suum vel alumnum vel noxae deditum adhuc impuberem, idem erit dicendum. et generaliter qui iustam causam habet hominis liberi apud se retinendi, non videtur dolo malo facere. 5Si quis volentem retineat, non videtur dolo malo retinere. sed quid si volentem quidem retineat, non tamen sine calliditate circumventum vel seductum vel sollicitatum, neque bona vel probabili ratione hoc facit? recte dicetur dolo malo retinere. 6Is, qui nescit apud se esse hominem liberum, dolo malo caret; sed ubi certioratus retinet, dolo malo non caret. 7Plane si dubitat, utrum liber an servus sit, vel facit status controversiam, recedendum erit ab hoc interdicto et agenda causa libertatis. etenim recte placuit tunc demum hoc interdictum locum habere, quotiens quis pro certo liber est: ceterum si quaeratur de statu, non oportet praeiudicium fieri alienae cognitioni. 8Ait praetor ‘exhibeas’. exhibere est in publicum producere et videndi tangendique hominis facultatem praebere: proprie autem exhibere est extra secretum habere. 9Hoc interdictum omnibus competit: nemo enim prohibendus est libertati favere. 10Plane ex causa suspectae personae removendae sunt, si forte talis persona sit, quam verisimile est colludere vel calumniari. 11Sed et si mulier vel pupillus hoc interdictum desiderent pro cognato vel parente vel adfine suo solliciti, dandum esse eis interdictum dicendum est: nam et publico iudicio reos facere possunt, dum suas suorumque iniurias exsequuntur. 12Si tamen plures sunt, qui experiri volent, eligendus est a praetore, ad quem maxime res pertinet vel is qui idoneior est: et est optimum ex coniunctione, ex fide, ex dignitate actorem hoc interdicto eligendum. 13Si tamen, posteaquam hoc interdicto actum est, alius hoc interdicto agere desideret, palam erit postea alii non facile dandum, nisi si de perfidia prioris potuerit aliquid dici. itaque causa cognita amplius quam semel interdictum hoc erit movendum. nam nec in publicis iudiciis permittitur amplius agi quam semel actum est quam si praevaricationis fuerit damnatus prior accusator. si tamen reus condemnatus malit litis aestimationem sufferre quam hominem exhibere, non est iniquum saepius in eum interdicto experiri vel eidem sine exceptione vel alii. 14Hoc interdictum et in absentem esse rogandum Labeo scribit, sed si non defendatur, in bona eius eundum ait. 15Hoc interdictum perpetuum est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Lex Fabia also had reference to this, and the interdict does not prevent recourse to the Fabian Law, for a person can institute proceedings under the interdict, and an accusation can still be brought under the Lex Fabia; and vice versa, anyone who institutes proceedings under this law can, nevertheless, avail himself of the benefit of the interdict, especially as one party can employ the interdict, and the other make use of the action authorized by the Fabian Law. 1These words, “any person who is free,” have reference to every one who is free whether he has reached the age of puberty or not; whether the individual is male or female; whether there is one, or there are several; and whether the party in question is his own master, or under the control of another; for we only consider whether he is free. 2He, however, who has another under his control, will not be liable under this interdict, as he is not considered to hold anyone fraudulently who avails himself of a right to which he is legally entitled. 3If anyone restrains of his liberty a person whom he has ransomed from the enemy, he will not be liable under the interdict, because he does not do so fraudulently. It is clear that if he tenders the amount of the ransom the interdict will apply. But, if he releases him without having received the money, it must be said that there will be ground for the interdict, if once having given him his liberty, he afterwards desires to hold him. 4If anyone retains his son, who is not under his control, he is usually considered to do so without being guilty of fraud; for genuine affection causes his retention to be made, without the presumption of fraud, unless the existence of bad faith is evident. Hence, the same rule will apply if a patron subjects to his authority his freedmen, his foster-child, or a slave still under the age of puberty, who has been surrendered by way of reparation for damage which he has caused. And, generally speaking, anyone who has a good reason for retaining control of a freeman is not considered to act in bad faith. 5If anyone continues to hold a free person with his own consent, he is not considered to do so in bad faith; but what if he holds him with his consent, but, after having deceived, seduced, or solicited him, without having good and sufficient reasons for doing so? He is very properly held to retain him fraudulently. 6A man who does not know that a freeman is one of his family is not guilty of bad faith; but when he is aware of it, and still holds him, he is not free from fraud. 7It is clear that if he who holds possession of the freeman is in doubt as to whether he is free or a slave, or institutes proceedings to ascertain his condition, this interdict must not be employed, but proceedings to establish freedom should be instituted, for it has very properly been held that there will only be ground for this interdict where there is no doubt that the man is free. If, however, a question is raised as to his condition, the right to bring another action ought not to be prejudiced. 8The Prætor says, “You shall produce the person.” To produce hin is to bring him to public notice, and afford an opportunity of seeing and touching him. The term “to produce” literally means not to keep him in secrecy. 9This interdict will lie in favor of every individual, for no one is forbidden to favor freedom. 10It is clear that all those who are liable to suspicion should be excluded from the use of this interdict, if the character of the person is such that he is presumably acting in collusion, or for the purpose of annoyance. 11If, however, a woman or a minor desires to make use of this interdict for the benefit of a blood-relative, a parent, or a connection, it must be said that the interdict should be granted; for they can prosecute others in criminal cases when they do so for injuries committed against themselves. 12But where there are several persons who wish to avail themselves of this interdict, the one who has the greatest interest in the matter, or who is best fitted for the purpose, should be selected by the Prætor; and this choice should depend upon the relationship, the trustworthiness, or the rank of the individual selected. 13If, however, when proceedings have been instituted under this interdict, another person desires to proceed under it, it is evident that permission to make use of it cannot afterwards readily be granted to another, unless something can be proved with reference to the perfidy of the original prosecutor. Therefore, where proper cause is shown, this interdict can be employed more than once. For one person cannot be prosecuted more than once in criminal cases, unless the first accuser is convicted of prevarication. But the defendant, having been convicted, prefers to pay the damages assessed in court rather than produce the man, it will not be unjust to grant the same interdict against him repeatedly, or grant it to the same party who cannot be barred by an exception, or to someone else. 14Labeo says that this interdict may be granted against a person who is absent, and if no defence is made by him, his property can be taken in execution. 15This interdict is perpetual.
Dig. 43,30,1Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Qui quaeve in potestate Lucii Titii est, si is eave apud te est dolove malo tuo factum est, quo minus apud te esset, ita eum eamve exhibeas’. 1Hoc interdictum proponitur adversus eum, quem quis exhibere desiderat eum, quem in potestate sua esse dicit. et ex verbis apparet ei, cuius in potestate est, hoc interdictum conpetere. 2In hoc interdicto praetor non admittit causam, cur apud eum sit is, qui exhiberi debet, quemadmodum in superiore interdicto, sed omnimodo restituendum putavit, si in potestate est. 3Si vero mater sit, quae retinet, apud quam interdum magis quam apud patrem morari filium debere (ex iustissima scilicet causa) et divus Pius decrevit et a Marco et a Severo rescriptum est, aeque subveniendum ei erit per exceptionem. 4Pari modo si iudicatum fuerit non esse eum in potestate, etsi per iniuriam iudicatum sit, agenti hoc interdicto obicienda erit exceptio rei iudicatae, ne de hoc quaeratur, an sit in potestate, sed an sit iudicatum. 5Si quis filiam suam, quae mihi nupta sit, velit abducere vel exhiberi sibi desideret, an adversus interdictum exceptio danda sit, si forte pater concordans matrimonium, forte et liberis subnixum, velit dissolvere? et certo iure utimur, ne bene concordantia matrimonia iure patriae potestatis turbentur. quod tamen sic erit adhibendum, ut patri persuadeatur, ne acerbe patriam potestatem exerceat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor says: “You shall produce any male or female child who is subject to the authority of Lucius Titius, and who is in your hands, or whose possession you have fraudulently relinquished.” 1This interdict is intended to be employed against one whom a parent desires shall produce a child that he alleges is subject to his authority. It is evident from the words of the Edict that it will lie in favor of the person entitled to the control of the child. 2In this interdict, the Prætor does not consider the reason why the child is in the possession of him who is required to produce it, as is the case in a former interdict; but holds that it should by all means be restored, if it is subject to the authority of the plaintiff. 3If, however, it is the mother of the child who retains it in her possession, and it appears to be better that it should remain under her care than to be placed under that of its father, that is to say, if the reason is perfectly just, the Divine Pius decided, and it was stated in a Rescript by Marcus Severus, that relief should be granted to the mother by means of an exception. 4In like manner, if it should be ascertained that the child was under no one’s control, although this decision may be unjust, if anyone should attempt to proceed under this interdict, he can be barred by the exception of res judicata; so that the question is no longer whether the child is under the control of the plaintiff, but whether there has been a decision on this point. 5If a father wishes to take his daughter away, or to have her produced after she is married to me, cannot an exception be granted me against the interdict, if he, having, in the first place, agreed to the marriage, should afterwards desire to dissolve it, even if children have been born? Where a marriage has been properly solemnized, it certainly ought not, under our practice, to be interfered with on account of paternal control. Still, an attempt should be made to persuade the father not to exert his right of paternal authority with too much severity.
Dig. 43,30,3Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Deinde ait praetor: ‘Si Lucius Titius in potestate Lucii Titii est, quo minus eum Lucio Titio ducere liceat, vim fieri veto’. 1Superiora interdicta exhibitoria sunt, hoc est pertinent ad exhibitionem liberorum ceterorumque, de quibus supra diximus: hoc autem interdictum pertinet ad ductionem, ut ducere quis possit eos, in quos habet ius ductionis. itaque prius interdictum, quod est de liberis exhibendis, praeparatorium est huius interdicti: quo magis enim quis duci possit, exhibendus fuit. 2Ex iisdem causis hoc interdictum tribuendum est, ex quibus causis de exhibendis liberis competere diximus: itaque quaecumque ibi diximus, eadem hic quoque dicta accipienda sunt. 3Hoc autem interdictum competit non adversus ipsum filium, quem quis ducere vult, sed utique esse debet is qui eum interdicto defendat: ceterum cessat interdictum, et succedere poterit notio praetoris, ut apud eum disceptetur, utrum quis in potestate sit an non sit. 4Iulianus ait, quotiens id interdictum movetur de filio ducendo vel cognitio et is de quo agitur impubes est, alias differri oportere rem in tempus pubertatis, alias repraesentari: idque ex persona eorum, inter quos controversia erit, et ex genere causae constituendum est. nam si is, qui se patrem dicit, auctoritatis prudentiae fidei exploratae esset, usque in diem litis impuberem apud se habebit: is vero, qui controversiam facit, humilis calumniator notae nequitiae, repraesentanda cognitio est. item si is, qui impuberem negat in aliena potestate esse, vir omnibus modis probatus, tutor vel testamento vel a praetore datus pupillum, quem in diem litis apud se habuit, tuetur, is vero, qui patrem se dicit, suspectus est quasi calumniator, differri litem non oportebit. si vero utraque persona suspecta est aut tamquam infirma aut tamquam turpis, non erit alienum, inquit, disponi, apud quem interim puer educeretur et controversiam in tempus pubertatis differri, ne per collusionem vel imperitiam alterutrius contendentium aut alienae potestati pater familias addicatur aut filius alienus patris familiae loco constituatur. 5Etiamsi maxime autem probet filium pater in sua potestate esse, tamen causa cognita mater in retinendo eo potior erit, idque decretis divi Pii quibusdam continetur: optinuit enim mater ob nequitiam patris, ut sine deminutione patriae potestatis apud eam filius moretur. 6In hoc interdicto, donec res iudicetur, feminam, Praetextatum eumque, qui proxime Praetextati aetatem accedet, interim apud matrem familias deponi praetor iubet. proxime aetatem Praetextati accedere eum dicimus, qui puberem aetatem nunc ingressus est. cum audis matrem familias, accipe notae auctoritatis feminam.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. The Prætor next says: “If Lucius Titius is under the control of Lucius Titius, I forbid force to be employed to prevent the latter from taking Lucius Titius with him.” 1The interdicts previously mentioned are exhibitory, that is. to say, they have reference to the production of children and others of whom we have spoken. This interdict also relates to the removal of such persons, and anyone who has the right to do so can take them away from him. Therefore, the first interdict, which relates to the production of children, is preparatory to this one, by which the plaintiff can remove the person who was produced. 2This interdict should be granted for the same reason for which we have stated children should be produced in court. Hence, whatever we have previously stated should also be understood to be applicable here. 3Moreover, this interdict is not granted against the child itself whom the plaintiff desires to take away, but someone must appear to defend it against the interdict. The interdict, however, will not lie, and the Prætor himself can at once proceed, and render a decision, if any controversy arises before him as to whether the child is, or is not, under paternal control. 4Julianus says that whenever an interdict is employed, or an investigation is instituted with reference to the removal of a child, and the latter is under the age of puberty, in some instances the inquiry should be deferred until the child reaches that age, and in others, it ought to be decided without delay. This is a matter which must be determined in accordance with the rank of the persons between whom the controversy has arisen, and the nature of the case. If the party who alleges that he is the father is one whose social position, wisdom, and integrity are established, he will be entitled to keep the minor in his care until the case has been disposed of; but if he who instituted proceedings is of inferior rank, a malicious person, or one of bad reputation, the investigation should take place at once. Likewise, if he who denies that the minor is under the control of another is honorable in every respect, and is either a testamentary guardian, or one appointed by the Prætor, and has care of the ward, and charge of him during the trial of the case; and on the other hand, he who alleges that he is his father is a malicious person, the investigation should not be postponed. Where, however, both parties are liable to suspicion, either on account of inferior rank, or bad character, Julianus says it will not be improper to appoint someone else by whom the child can be brought up in the meantime, and postpone the determination of the case until it reaches the age of puberty; in order that, through the collusion or ignorance of one or the other of the contending parties, a child who is independent may not be decided to be under the control of another, or one who is subject to the authority of another may be held to occupy the place of the head of a household. 5Even if it should be conclusively proved by the father that the child is under his control, still, if after investigation it is ascertained that the mother should have the preference, and retain possession of the child, she can do so; for it was established by several decrees of the Divine Pius that the mother can obtain permission for the child to remain with her on account of the bad character of the father, without any diminution of paternal authority. 6In this interdict, the Prætor orders that a girl or a boy seventeen years of age, or one who is near that age, shall, pending the hearing of the case, be left in the care of the mother of the family. We say that a child is near the age of seventeen, immediately after he has reached that of puberty. The mother of a family is understood to be a woman of acknowledged good repute.
Dig. 50,16,63Ulpianus libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. ‘Penes te’ amplius est quam ‘apud te’: nam apud te est, quod qualiterqualiter a te teneatur, penes te est, quod quodam modo possidetur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXI. “In your possession” has a broader meaning than “In your hands,” for what you have in your hands is whatever is held by you under any title whatsoever, but what is in your possession is, to a certain extent, retained by you as your own.
Dig. 50,17,157Idem libro septuagensimo primo ad edictum. Ad ea, quae non habent atrocitatem facinoris vel sceleris, ignoscitur servis, si vel dominis vel his, qui vice dominorum sunt, veluti tutoribus et curatoribus obtemperaverint. 1Semper qui dolo fecit, quo minus haberet, pro eo habendus est, ac si haberet. 2In contractibus successores ex dolo eorum, quibus successerunt, non tantum in id quod pervenit, verum etiam in solidum tenentur, hoc est unusquisque pro ea parte qua heres est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXXI. Where a crime or an offence is not classed as atrocious, it will be pardoned in those who commit it, if, as slaves, they have obeyed their masters; or where the offenders have obeyed those who take the place of masters, as, for instance, guardians and curators. 1Anyone who commits a fraud for the purpose of relinquishing possession is considered to still retain possession. 2In contracts, the successors of those who have been guilty of fraud are not only liable for any profits which they may obtain, but also for the entire amount; that is to say, each one will be liable for his share as heir.