Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXII
Dig. 1,9,1Ulpianus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Consulari feminae utique consularem virum praeferendum nemo ambigit. sed vir praefectorius an consulari feminae praeferatur, videndum. putem praeferri, quia maior dignitas est in sexu virili. 1Consulares autem feminas dicimus consularium uxores: adicit Saturninus etiam matres, quod nec usquam relatum est nec umquam receptum.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. No one doubts that a man of consular rank should always take precedence of a woman of consular rank, but it is a matter for consideration whether a man of præfectorian rank takes precedence of a woman of consular rank. I think that he does take precedence of her, because greater dignity attaches to the male sex. 1We call the wives of consuls women of consular rank, and Saturninus extends this quality to their mothers, but this is not stated anywhere else and it is nowhere admitted.
Dig. 2,12,5Ulpianus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Pridie kalendas Ianuarias magistratus neque ius dicere, sed nec sui potestatem facere consuerunt.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXXII. Magistrates are not accustomed to administer justice, or to exercise their authority at all on the day before the Kalends of January.
Dig. 17,1,44Idem libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Dolus est, si quis nolit persequi quod persequi potest, aut si quis nolit quod exegerit solvere.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXII. It is a fraudulent act for anyone to refuse to proceed against a debtor whom he can sue, or where he does not require payment when it can be exacted.
Dig. 22,1,46Ulpianus libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Quod in fructus redigendos impensum est, non ambigitur ipsos fructus deminuere debere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. There is no doubt that whatever has been expended in gathering the crops should be deducted from the crops themselves.
Dig. 42,5,9Idem libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Praetor ait: ‘Si quis, cum in possessione bonorum esset, quod eo nomine fructus ceperit, ei, ad quem ea res pertinet, non restituat: sive, quod impensae sine dolo malo fecerit, ei non praestabitur: sive dolo malo eius deterior causa possessionis facta esse dicetur, de ea re iudicium in factum dabo’. 1Quod de fructibus ait, etiam de ceteris, quaecumque ex re debitoris pervenerunt, intellegendum est. et sane debuit hoc ita esse: quid enim, si ex compromisso vel alio casu poenam consecutus est? nam eam poenam, quam consecutus est, praestare debet. 2Quod ait praetor ‘sive quod impensae nomine sine dolo fecit, ei non praestabitur’, hoc eo spectat, ut, si quid ipse erogavit creditor, si modo sine dolo malo erogavit, hoc ei praestetur: sufficit igitur sine dolo erogasse, etiamsi nihil profuit erogatio eius rei debitori. 3His verbis ‘ad quem ea res pertinet’ etiam curator bonis distrahendis datus continebitur et ipse debitor, si contigerit, ne bona eius veneant. et ipsi itaque creditori adversus hos dabitur actio, quos enumeravimus, sive quid in fructibus percipiendis erogavit sive in familia alenda curandave praediis fulciendis vel reficiendis vel damno infecto promittendo vel servo noxali iudicio defenso, si modo non magis eum expedit dedere quam retinere: quod si dedere expedit, consequens erit repetere eum non debere. 4Generaliter etiam dicendum est, quidquid impendit in rem, si modo sine dolo malo impendit, repetere eum posse: nam negotiorum gestorum agere non magis potest quam si socius commune aedificium fulsit, quia hic quoque creditor commune, non alienum negotium gessisse videtur. 5Est praeterea quaesitum, si deteriora praedia facta fuerint sine dolo malo creditoris vel iura eorum amissa vel aedificia diruta vel exusta, item familiae pecorumque acta cura non sit aut possessio alii tradita, sine dolo tamen malo, an teneatur. et apparet eum non teneri, quia dolo malo caret, eritque melior eius condicio quam in pignore creditoris, qui non tantum dolum malum, verum culpam quoque debet. eadem causa est curatoris bonorum: nam et is tenetur ut creditores. 6In eum quoque, qui neque locavit fructum praedii neque vendidit, in factum actionem dat praetor et in hoc condemnabitur, quanto minus propter hoc perceptum est, quia neque vendidit neque locavit. ceterum si tantum perceptum est, quantum perciperetur, si locatus vel distractus fructus esset, nihil ei imputabitur. praestat autem per id tantum temporis, quo in possessionem fuit vel ipse vel iussu eius alius, quoad inde de possessione discessum est: nam neque hoc imputatur creditori, cur in possessionem non venerit, neque illud, cur de possessione decesserit, cum voluntarium et suum potius negotium creditor gerat. aestimatio autem fit, quantum interest eius qui experitur. 7Hae actiones neque temporariae sunt et tam heredibus quam in heredes dabuntur ceterosque successores. 8Si possessionis causa deterior facta esse dicetur dolo eius, qui in possessionem missus sit, actio in eum ex dolo datur, quae neque post annum neque in heredes ceterosque successores dabitur, cum ex delicto oriatur poenaeque nomine concipiatur,
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXII. The Prætor says: “I will grant an action in factum, where anyone is in possession of property, and for this reason has gathered the crops, and refuses to return them to the person to whom the property belongs, or is unwilling to refund to him any expenses which he may have incurred without fraud, or where the condition of the property has become worse through the fraudulent acts of the possessor.” 1What the Prætor says with reference to the income must also be understood to refer to everything else which is obtained from the property of the debtor. And, indeed, this ought to be the case, for what would happen if the party in possession should obtain a penalty either through a submission to arbitration, or in some other way? He would be obliged to refund the penalty which he had obtained. 2When the Prætor says, “If he is unwilling to refund to him any expenses which he may have incurred without fraud,” this means that, if the creditor himself has incurred any expenses, he should be reimbursed for them, provided he did not incur them fraudulently. Hence, it is sufficient for the expenses to have been incurred without fraud, even if their payment did not, in any way, benefit the property of the debtor. 3In the words, “To the person to whom the property belongs,” the curator appointed for the sale of the property and the debtor himself are included, if the sale should not take place. An action is also granted to the creditor against the parties whom we have mentioned, if he incurred any expense in gathering the crops, or in supporting and caring for the slaves, or in keeping up and repairing the land, or in indemnifying a neighbor for threatened injury, or in defending a slave in a noxal action, provided it was not more advantageous to surrender the slave than to keep him. For if it is better to surrender him, the result will be that he cannot recover the expense of defending him. 4Generally speaking, it must be said that the party in possession can recover anything which he has expended upon the property, provided this was not done fraudulently. For he can no more bring the action based on voluntary agency than if, as a joint-owner, he had repaired a building held in common, because the creditor also is considered to have transacted the business in which he himself was jointly interested, and not that of another. 5Moreover, the question has been asked if, where lands have deteriorated without any bad faith on the part of the creditor; or rights attaching to them have been lost; or buildings have been demolished, or burned; or proper care has not been taken of the slaves or cattle; or possession delivered to another without fraudulent intent; whether the possessor will be liable. It is evident that he will not be liable, because he is not guilty of fraud. His position will be better than that of a creditor when a pledge is concerned, for he is responsible not only for fraud, but also for negligence. The same rule applies to the curator of property, for he also is liable as creditors are. 6The Prætor also grants an action in factum against him who neither leased nor sold the crops on the land, and judgment will be rendered against him for what he has collected, because he neither sold nor leased it. If, however, he has only collected as npteh as he would have done if the crop had been leased, or sold, he will not be liable for anything. He must, however, be responsible for the time In which either he himself, or someone else by his direction was in possession, until he relinquished it. For the creditor should not be considered responsible for not taking possession, or for relinquishing it, as he transacts the business voluntarily as his own. The appraisement should be made in proportion to the interest of the party who brings suit. 7These actions are not temporary ones, and they are granted for and against heirs and other successors. 8If the condition of the property is said to have become deteriorated through the fraud of the party placed in possession, an action on the ground of bad faith should be granted against him; but this will not be granted either against the heirs or other successors, after the expiration of a year, because it is derived from a criminal offence and involves a penalty:
Dig. 42,5,11Ulpianus libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Heredi autem dabitur, quia et rei continet persecutionem.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. This action is also granted to the heir, because it includes the pursuit of the property.
Dig. 42,5,15Ulpianus libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Cum plures creditores in possessionem rerum debitoris mittantur, ne corrumpantur rationes, uni hoc negotium a creditoribus esse dandum, quem maior pars creditorum elegerit. ego puto creditoribus instrumentorum etiam ἀναγραφὴν facere, non ut describant ipsa corpora instrumentorum, sed quot sint, de qua re sint, subnotent sibi et quasi inventarium faciant: quod etiam universorum facere eis erit permittendum. praeterea nonnumquam praetor causa cognita etiam describere aliquid ex instrumentis creditoribus debebit permittere, si qua idonea causa interveniat. 1Utrum semel an etiam saepius recognitio et dispunctio concedenda sit creditoribus, videamus. et ait Labeo amplius quam semel non esse concedendam: si quis tamen, inquit, iuraverit non calumniae causa se postulare neque habere quae dispunxerit, iterum ei faciendam potestatem ait nec amplius quam bis.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. When several creditors are placed in possession of the property of a debtor, one of their number should be selected by the majority to see that his accounts are not tampered with. I think that a list of the documents in the hands of the debtor should be made by the creditors; not that they ought to copy the documents themselves, but that they should take notes for their own benefit, and, make, as it were, an inventory, showing the number of the said documents, and to what matters they relate; a course of proceeding which they should be allowed to follow with reference to all other property. Moreover, the Prætor should sometimes, where proper cause is shown, permit the creditors to make extracts from the said documents, if any good reason exists for doing so. 1Let us see whether the creditors should be permitted to review and examine the papers of the debtor only once, or several times. Labeo says that this privilege should not be granted more than once. He, however, holds that if anyone swears that he is not requesting this for the purpose of annoyance, and that he no longer has the extracts which he tabulated, he should be granted the power to make a second examination, but that this should not be done more than twice.
Dig. 50,16,54Ulpianus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. ‘Condicionales creditores’ dicuntur et hi, quibus nondum competit actio, est autem competitura, vel qui spem habent, ut competat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Conditional creditors are those who are not yet entitled to an action, but who will be entitled to it; or such as expect that an action will lie in their favor.
Dig. 50,16,56Ulpianus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. ‘Cognoscere instrumenta’ est relegere et recognoscere: ‘dispungere’ est conferre accepta et data. 1‘Liberorum’ appellatione continentur non tantum qui sunt in potestate, sed omnes qui sui iuris sunt, sive virilis sive feminini sexus sunt exve feminini sexus descendentes.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. To scrutinize documents is to re-read and review them; to balance accounts is to compare the receipts and disbursements. 1Under the term “children” are included not only those who are under paternal control, but also all those who are their own masters, whether they are of the male or female sex, or descendants from females.
Dig. 50,17,143Ulpianus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Quod ipsis qui contraxerunt obstat, et successoribus eorum obstabit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Anything which will bar persons who have entered into a contract will also bar their successors.