Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Ulp.ed. L
Ulp. Ad edictum praetoris lib.Ulpiani Ad edictum praetoris libri

Ad edictum praetoris libri

Ex libro L

Dig. 1,1De iustitia et iure (Concerning Justice and Law.)Dig. 1,2De origine iuris et omnium magistratuum et successione prudentium (Concerning the Origin of Law and of All Magistrates, Together With a Succession of Jurists.)Dig. 1,3De legibus senatusque consultis et longa consuetudine (Concerning Statutes, Decrees of the Senate, and Long Established Customs.)Dig. 1,4De constitutionibus principum (Concerning the Constitutions of the Emperors.)Dig. 1,5De statu hominum (Concerning the Condition of Men.)Dig. 1,6De his qui sui vel alieni iuris sunt (Concerning Those Who Are Their Own Masters, and Those That Are Under the Control of Others.)Dig. 1,7De adoptionibus et emancipationibus et aliis modis quibus potestas solvitur (Concerning Adoptions and Emancipations, and Other Methods by Which Paternal Authority is Dissolved.)Dig. 1,8De divisione rerum et qualitate (Concerning the Division and Nature of Things.)Dig. 1,9De senatoribus (Concerning Senators.)Dig. 1,10De officio consulis (Concerning the Office of Consul.)Dig. 1,11De officio praefecti praetorio (Concerning the Office of Prætorian Prefect.)Dig. 1,12De officio praefecti urbi (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the City.)Dig. 1,13De officio quaestoris (Concerning the Office of Quæstor.)Dig. 1,14De officio praetorum (Concerning the Office of the Prætors.)Dig. 1,15De officio praefecti vigilum (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the Night Watch.)Dig. 1,16De officio proconsulis et legati (Concerning the Office of Proconsul, and his Deputy.)Dig. 1,17De officio praefecti Augustalis (Concerning the Office of Augustal Prefect.)Dig. 1,18De officio praesidis (Concerning the Office of Governor.)Dig. 1,19De officio procuratoris Caesaris vel rationalis (Concerning the Office of the Imperial Steward or Accountant.)Dig. 1,20De officio iuridici (Concerning the Office of Juridicus.)Dig. 1,21De officio eius, cui mandata est iurisdictio (Concerning the Office of Him to Whom Jurisdiction is Delegated.)Dig. 1,22De officio adsessorum (Concerning the Office of Assessors.)
Dig. 2,1De iurisdictione (Concerning Jurisdiction.)Dig. 2,2Quod quisque iuris in alterum statuerit, ut ipse eodem iure utatur (Each One Must Himself Use the Law Which He Has Established for Others.)Dig. 2,3Si quis ius dicenti non obtemperaverit (Where Anyone Refuses Obedience to a Magistrate Rendering Judgment.)Dig. 2,4De in ius vocando (Concerning Citations Before a Court of Justice.)Dig. 2,5Si quis in ius vocatus non ierit sive quis eum vocaverit, quem ex edicto non debuerit (Where Anyone Who is Summoned Does Not Appear, and Where Anyone Summoned a Person Whom, According to the Edict, He Should Not Have Summoned.)Dig. 2,6In ius vocati ut eant aut satis vel cautum dent (Persons Who Are Summoned Must Either Appear, or Give Bond or Security to Do So.)Dig. 2,7Ne quis eum qui in ius vocabitur vi eximat (No One Can Forcibly Remove a Person Who Has Been Summoned to Court.)Dig. 2,8Qui satisdare cogantur vel iurato promittant vel suae promissioni committantur (What Persons Are Compelled to Give a Surety, and Who Can Make a Promise Under Oath, or Be Bound by a Mere Promise.)Dig. 2,9Si ex noxali causa agatur, quemadmodum caveatur (In What Way Security Must Be Given in a Noxal Action.)Dig. 2,10De eo per quem factum erit quominus quis in iudicio sistat (Concerning One Who Prevents a Person From Appearing in Court.)Dig. 2,11Si quis cautionibus in iudicio sistendi causa factis non obtemperaverit (Where a Party Who Has Given a Bond to Appear in Court Does Not Do So.)Dig. 2,12De feriis et dilationibus et diversis temporibus (Concerning Festivals, Delays, and Different Seasons.)Dig. 2,13De edendo (Concerning the Statement of a Case.)Dig. 2,14De pactis (Concerning Agreements.)Dig. 2,15 (1,2 %)De transactionibus (Concerning Compromises.)
Dig. 27,1De excusationibus (Concerning the Excuses of Guardians and Curators.)Dig. 27,2Ubi pupillus educari vel morari debeat et de alimentis ei praestandis (Where a Ward Should Be Brought Up, or Reside, and Concerning the Support Which Should Be Furnished Him.)Dig. 27,3De tutelae et rationibus distrahendis et utili curationis causa actione (Concerning the Action to Compel an Accounting for Guardianship, and the Equitable Action Based on Curatorship.)Dig. 27,4De contraria tutelae et utili actione (Concerning the Counter-action on Guardianship and the Prætorian Action.)Dig. 27,5De eo qui pro tutore prove curatore negotia gessit (Concerning One Who Transacts Business as Acting Guardian or Curator.)Dig. 27,6Quod falso tutore auctore gestum esse dicatur (Concerning Business Transacted Under the Authority of a False Guardian.)Dig. 27,7De fideiussoribus et nominatoribus et heredibus tutorum et curatorum (Concerning the Sureties of Guardians and Curators and Those Who Have Offered Them, and the Heirs of the Former.)Dig. 27,8De magistratibus conveniendis (Concerning Suits Against Magistrates.)Dig. 27,9De rebus eorum, qui sub tutela vel cura sunt, sine decreto non alienandis vel supponendis (Concerning the Property of Those Who Are Under Guardianship or Curatorship, and With Reference To The Alienation or Encumbrance of Their Property Without a Decree.)Dig. 27,10De curatoribus furioso et aliis extra minores dandis (Concerning the Appointment of Curators for Insane Persons and Others Who Are Not Minors.)
Dig. 37,1De bonorum possessionibus (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property.)Dig. 37,2Si tabulae testamenti extabunt (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where There is a Will.)Dig. 37,3De bonorum possessione furioso infanti muto surdo caeco competente (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Granted to an Insane Person, an Infant, or One Who is Dumb, Deaf, or Blind.)Dig. 37,4De bonorum possessione contra tabulas (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,5De legatis praestandis contra tabulas bonorum possessione petita (Concerning the Payment of Legacies Where Prætorian Possession of an Estate is Obtained Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,6De collatione bonorum (Concerning the Collation of Property.)Dig. 37,7De dotis collatione (Concerning Collation of the Dowry.)Dig. 37,8De coniungendis cum emancipato liberis eius (Concerning the Contribution to be Made Between an Emancipated Son and His Children.)Dig. 37,9De ventre in possessionem mittendo et curatore eius (Concerning the Placing of an Unborn Child in Possession of an Estate, and his Curator.)Dig. 37,10De Carboniano edicto (Concerning the Carbonian Edict.)Dig. 37,11De bonorum possessione secundum tabulas (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in Accordance with the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,12Si a parente quis manumissus sit (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where a Son Has Been Manumitted by His Father.)Dig. 37,13De bonorum possessione ex testamento militis (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in the Case of the Will of a Soldier.)Dig. 37,14De iure patronatus (Concerning the Right of Patronage.)Dig. 37,15De obsequiis parentibus et patronis praestandis (Concerning the Respect Which Should be Shown to Parents and Patrons.)
Dig. 38,1De operis libertorum (Concerning the Services of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,2De bonis libertorum (Concerning the Property of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,3De libertis universitatium (Concerning the Freedmen of Municipalities.)Dig. 38,4De adsignandis libertis (Concerning the Assignment of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,5Si quid in fraudem patroni factum sit (Where Anything is Done to Defraud the Patron.)Dig. 38,6Si tabulae testamenti nullae extabunt, unde liberi (Where no Will is in Existence by Which Children May be Benefited.)Dig. 38,7Unde legitimi (Concerning Prætorian Possession by Agnates.)Dig. 38,8Unde cognati (Concerning the Prætorian Possession Granted to Cognates.)Dig. 38,9De successorio edicto (Concerning the Successory Edict.)Dig. 38,10De gradibus et adfinibus et nominibus eorum (Concerning the Degrees of Relationship and Affinity and Their Different Names.)Dig. 38,11Unde vir et uxor (Concerning Prætorian Possession With Reference to Husband and Wife.)Dig. 38,12De veteranorum et militum successione (Concerning the Succession of Veterans and Soldiers.)Dig. 38,13Quibus non competit bonorum possessio (Concerning Those Who are Not Entitled to Prætorian Possession of an Estate.)Dig. 38,14Ut ex legibus senatusve consultis bonorum possessio detur (Concerning Prætorian Possession of Property Granted by Special Laws or Decrees of the Senate.)Dig. 38,15Quis ordo in possessionibus servetur (What Order is to be Observed in Granting Prætorian Possession.)Dig. 38,16De suis et legitimis heredibus (Concerning Proper Heirs and Heirs at Law.)Dig. 38,17Ad senatus consultum Tertullianum et Orphitianum (On the Tertullian and Orphitian Decrees of the Senate.)
Dig. 40,1De manumissionibus (Concerning Manumissions.)Dig. 40,2De manumissis vindicta (Concerning Manumissions Before a Magistrate.)Dig. 40,3De manumissionibus quae servis ad universitatem pertinentibus imponuntur (Concerning the Manumission of Slaves Belonging to a Community.)Dig. 40,4 (2,8 %)De manumissis testamento (Concerning Testamentary Manumissions.)Dig. 40,5De fideicommissariis libertatibus (Concerning Freedom Granted Under the Terms of a Trust.)Dig. 40,6De ademptione libertatis (Concerning the Deprivation of Freedom.)Dig. 40,7De statuliberis (Concerning Slaves Who are to be Free Under a Certain Condition.)Dig. 40,8Qui sine manumissione ad libertatem perveniunt (Concerning Slaves Who Obtain Their Freedom Without Manumission.)Dig. 40,9Qui et a quibus manumissi liberi non fiunt et ad legem Aeliam Sentiam (What Slaves, Having Been Manumitted, do not Become Free, by Whom This is Done; and on the Law of Ælia Sentia.)Dig. 40,10De iure aureorum anulorum (Concerning the Right to Wear a Gold Ring.)Dig. 40,11De natalibus restituendis (Concerning the Restitution of the Rights of Birth.)Dig. 40,12De liberali causa (Concerning Actions Relating to Freedom.)Dig. 40,13Quibus ad libertatem proclamare non licet (Concerning Those Who are Not Permitted to Demand Their Freedom.)Dig. 40,14Si ingenuus esse dicetur (Where Anyone is Decided to be Freeborn.)Dig. 40,15Ne de statu defunctorum post quinquennium quaeratur (No Question as to the Condition of Deceased Persons Shall be Raised After Five Years Have Elapsed After Their Death.)Dig. 40,16De collusione detegenda (Concerning the Detection of Collusion.)
Dig. 43,1De interdictis sive extraordinariis actionibus, quae pro his competunt (Concerning Interdicts or the Extraordinary Proceedings to Which They Give Rise.)Dig. 43,2Quorum bonorum (Concerning the Interdict Quorum Bonorum.)Dig. 43,3Quod legatorum (Concerning the Interdict Quod Legatorum.)Dig. 43,4Ne vis fiat ei, qui in possessionem missus erit (Concerning the Interdict Which Prohibits Violence Being Employed Against a Person Placed in Possession.)Dig. 43,5De tabulis exhibendis (Concerning the Production of Papers Relating to a Will.)Dig. 43,6Ne quid in loco sacro fiat (Concerning the Interdict for the Purpose of Preventing Anything Being Done in a Sacred Place.)Dig. 43,7De locis et itineribus publicis (Concerning the Interdict Relating to Public Places and Highways.)Dig. 43,8Ne quid in loco publico vel itinere fiat (Concerning the Interdict Forbidding Anything to be Done in a Public Place or on a Highway.)Dig. 43,9De loco publico fruendo (Concerning the Edict Relating to the Enjoyment of a Public Place.)Dig. 43,10De via publica et si quid in ea factum esse dicatur (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Public Streets and Anything Done Therein.)Dig. 43,11De via publica et itinere publico reficiendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Repairs of Public Streets and Highways.)Dig. 43,12De fluminibus. ne quid in flumine publico ripave eius fiat, quo peius navigetur (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Rivers and the Prevention of Anything Being Done in Them or on Their Banks Which May Interfere With Navigation.)Dig. 43,13Ne quid in flumine publico fiat, quo aliter aqua fluat, atque uti priore aestate fluxit (Concerning the Interdict to Prevent Anything From Being Built in a Public River or on Its Bank Which Might Cause the Water to Flow in a Different Direction Than it did During the Preceding Summer.)Dig. 43,14Ut in flumine publico navigare liceat (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Use of a Public River for Navigation.)Dig. 43,15De ripa munienda (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Raising the Banks of Streams.)Dig. 43,16De vi et de vi armata (Concerning the Interdict Against Violence and Armed Force.)Dig. 43,17Uti possidetis (Concerning the Interdict Uti Possidetis.)Dig. 43,18De superficiebus (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Surface of the Land.)Dig. 43,19De itinere actuque privato (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Private Rights of Way.)Dig. 43,20De aqua cottidiana et aestiva (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Water Used Every Day and to Such as is Only Used During the Summer.)Dig. 43,21De rivis (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to Conduits.)Dig. 43,22De fonte (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Springs.)Dig. 43,23De cloacis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Sewers.)Dig. 43,24Quod vi aut clam (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Works Undertaken by Violence or Clandestinely.)Dig. 43,25De remissionibus (Concerning the Withdrawal of Opposition.)Dig. 43,26De precario (Concerning Precarious Tenures.)Dig. 43,27De arboribus caedendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Cutting of Trees.)Dig. 43,28De glande legenda (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Gathering of Fruit Which Has Fallen From the Premises of One Person Upon Those of Another.)Dig. 43,29De homine libero exhibendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of a Person Who Is Free.)Dig. 43,30De liberis exhibendis, item ducendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of Children and Their Recovery.)Dig. 43,31Utrubi (Concerning the Interdict Utrubi.)Dig. 43,32De migrando (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Removal of Tenants.)Dig. 43,33De Salviano interdicto (Concerning the Salvian Interdict.)
Dig. 47,1De privatis delictis (Concerning Private Offences.)Dig. 47,2De furtis (Concerning Thefts.)Dig. 47,3De tigno iuncto (Concerning the Theft of Timbers Joined to a Building.)Dig. 47,4Si is, qui testamento liber esse iussus erit, post mortem domini ante aditam hereditatem subripuisse aut corrupisse quid dicetur (Where Anyone Who is Ordered to be Free by the Terms of a Will, After the Death of His Master and Before the Estate is Entered Upon, is Said to Have Stolen or Spoiled Something.)Dig. 47,5Furti adversus nautas caupones stabularios (Concerning Theft Committed Against Captains of Vessels, Innkeepers, and Landlords.)Dig. 47,6Si familia furtum fecisse dicetur (Concerning Thefts Alleged to Have Been Made by an Entire Body of Slaves.)Dig. 47,7Arborum furtim caesarum (Concerning Trees Cut Down by Stealth.)Dig. 47,8Vi bonorum raptorum et de turba (Concerning the Robbery of Property by Violence, and Disorderly Assemblages.)Dig. 47,9De incendio ruina naufragio rate nave expugnata (Concerning Fire, Destruction, and Shipwreck, Where a Boat or a Ship is Taken by Force.)Dig. 47,10De iniuriis et famosis libellis (Concerning Injuries and Infamous Libels.)Dig. 47,11De extraordinariis criminibus (Concerning the Arbitrary Punishment of Crime.)Dig. 47,12De sepulchro violato (Concerning the Violation of Sepulchres.)Dig. 47,13De concussione (Concerning Extortion.)Dig. 47,14De abigeis (Concerning Those Who Steal Cattle.)Dig. 47,15De praevaricatione (Concerning Prevarication.)Dig. 47,16De receptatoribus (Concerning Those Who Harbor Criminals.)Dig. 47,17De furibus balneariis (Concerning Thieves Who Steal in Baths.)Dig. 47,18De effractoribus et expilatoribus (Concerning Those Who Break Out of Prison, and Plunderers.)Dig. 47,19Expilatae hereditatis (Concerning the Spoliation of Estates.)Dig. 47,20Stellionatus (Concerning Stellionatus.)Dig. 47,21De termino moto (Concerning the Removal of Boundaries.)Dig. 47,22De collegiis et corporibus (Concerning Associations and Corporations.)Dig. 47,23De popularibus actionibus (Concerning Popular Actions.)
Dig. 48,1De publicis iudiciis (On Criminal Prosecutions.)Dig. 48,2De accusationibus et inscriptionibus (Concerning Accusations and Inscriptions.)Dig. 48,3De custodia et exhibitione reorum (Concerning the Custody and Appearance of Defendants in Criminal Cases.)Dig. 48,4Ad legem Iuliam maiestatis (On the Julian Law Relating to the Crime of Lese Majesty.)Dig. 48,5Ad legem Iuliam de adulteriis coercendis (Concerning the Julian Law for the Punishment of Adultery.)Dig. 48,6Ad legem Iuliam de vi publica (Concerning the Julian Law on Public Violence.)Dig. 48,7Ad legem Iuliam de vi privata (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Private Violence.)Dig. 48,8Ad legem Corneliam de siccariis et veneficis (Concerning the Cornelian Law Relating to Assassins and Poisoners.)Dig. 48,9De lege Pompeia de parricidiis (Concerning the Pompeian Law on Parricides.)Dig. 48,10De lege Cornelia de falsis et de senatus consulto Liboniano (Concerning the Cornelian Law on Deceit and the Libonian Decree of the Senate.)Dig. 48,11De lege Iulia repetundarum (Concerning the Julian Law on Extortion.)Dig. 48,12De lege Iulia de annona (Concerning the Julian Law on Provisions.)Dig. 48,13Ad legem Iuliam peculatus et de sacrilegis et de residuis (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Peculation, Sacrilege, and Balances.)Dig. 48,14De lege Iulia ambitus (Concerning the Julian Law With Reference to the Unlawful Seeking of Office.)Dig. 48,15De lege Fabia de plagiariis (Concerning the Favian Law With Reference to Kidnappers.)Dig. 48,16Ad senatus consultum Turpillianum et de abolitionibus criminum (Concerning the Turpillian Decree of the Senate and the Dismissal of Charges.)Dig. 48,17De requirendis vel absentibus damnandis (Concerning the Conviction of Persons Who Are Sought For or Are Absent.)Dig. 48,18 (0,7 %)De quaestionibus (Concerning Torture.)Dig. 48,19De poenis (Concerning Punishments.)Dig. 48,20De bonis damnatorum (Concerning the Property of Persons Who Have Been Convicted.)Dig. 48,21De bonis eorum, qui ante sententiam vel mortem sibi consciverunt vel accusatorem corruperunt (Concerning the Property of Those Who Have Either Killed Themselves or Corrupted Their Accusers Before Judgment Has Been Rendered.)Dig. 48,22De interdictis et relegatis et deportatis (Concerning Persons Who Are Interdicted, Relegated, and Deported.)Dig. 48,23De sententiam passis et restitutis (Concerning Persons Upon Whom Sentence Has Been Passed and Who Have Been Restored to Their Rights.)Dig. 48,24De cadaveribus punitorum (Concerning the Corpses of Persons Who Are Punished.)
Dig. 49,1De appellationibus et relegationibus (On Appeals and Reports.)Dig. 49,2A quibus appellari non licet (From What Persons It Is Not Permitted to Appeal.)Dig. 49,3Quis a quo appelletur (To Whom and From Whom an Appeal Can be Taken.)Dig. 49,4Quando appellandum sit et intra quae tempora (When an Appeal Should be Taken, and Within What Time.)Dig. 49,5De appellationibus recipiendis vel non (Concerning the Acceptance or Rejection of Appeals.)Dig. 49,6De libellis dimissoriis, qui apostoli dicuntur (Concerning Notices of Appeal Called Dispatches.)Dig. 49,7Nihil innovari appellatione interposita (No Change Shall be Made After the Appeal Has Been Interposed.)Dig. 49,8Quae sententiae sine appellatione rescindantur (What Decisions Can be Rescinded Without an Appeal.)Dig. 49,9An per alium causae appellationum reddi possunt (Whether the Reasons for an Appeal Can be Presented by Another.)Dig. 49,10Si tutor vel curator magistratusve creatus appellaverit (Where a Guardian, a Curator, or a Magistrate Having Been Appointed, Appeals.)Dig. 49,11Eum qui appellaverit in provincia defendi (He Who Appeals Should Be Defended in His Own Province.)Dig. 49,12Apud eum, a quo appellatur, aliam causam agere compellendum (Where a Party Litigant is Compelled to Bring Another Action Before the Judge From Whose Decision He Has Already Appealed.)Dig. 49,13Si pendente appellatione mors intervenerit (If Death Should Occur While an Appeal is Pending.)Dig. 49,14De iure fisci (Concerning the Rights of the Treasury.)Dig. 49,15De captivis et de postliminio et redemptis ab hostibus (Concerning Captives, the Right of Postliminium, and Persons Ransomed From the Enemy.)Dig. 49,16De re militari (Concerning Military Affairs.)Dig. 49,17De castrensi peculio (Concerning Castrense Peculium.)Dig. 49,18De veteranis (Concerning Veterans.)

Dig. 2,15,1Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Qui transigit, quasi de re dubia et lite incerta neque finita transigit. qui vero paciscitur, donationis causa rem certam et indubitatam liberalitate remittit.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. When a man makes a compromise with reference to something which is in doubt, and the issue of the trial is uncertain, the compromise is not brought to a termination; but he who makes an agreement surrenders by way of donation through liberality, something which is certain and undisputed.

Dig. 22,4,6Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si de tabulis testamenti deponendis agatur et dubitetur, cui eas deponi oportet, semper seniorem iuniori et amplioris honoris inferiori et marem feminae et ingenuum libertino praeferemus.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Where a question arises with reference to the deposit of a will, and there is some doubt with whom this should be done, we prefer that it should always be left with an old, rather than with a young person, with one of high rather than with one of inferior rank, with a man rather than with a woman, and with a freeborn person rather than with a freedman.

Dig. 28,7,8Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Quae sub condicione iurisiurandi relinquuntur, a praetore reprobantur: providit enim, ne is, qui sub iurisiurandi condicione quid accepit, aut omittendo condicionem perderet hereditatem legatumve aut cogeretur turpiter accipiendi condicionem iurare. voluit ergo eum, cui sub iurisiurandi condicione quid relictum est, ita capere, ut capiunt hi, quibus nulla talis iurisiurandi condicio inseritur, et recte: cum enim faciles sint nonnulli hominum ad iurandum contemptu religionis, alii perquam timidi metu divini numinis usque ad superstitionem, ne vel hi vel illi aut consequerentur aut perderent quod relictum est, praetor consultissime intervenit. etenim potuit is, qui voluit factum, quod religionis condicione adstringit sub condicione faciendi relinquere: ita enim homines aut facientes admitterentur aut non facientes deficerentur condicione. 1Hoc edictum etiam ad legata pertinet, non tantum ad heredum institutionem. 2In fideicommissis quoque oportebit eos, qui de fideicommisso cognoscunt, subsequi praetoris edictum eapropter, quia vice legatorum funguntur. 3Et in mortis causa donationibus dicendum est edicto locum esse, si forte quis caverit, nisi iurasset se aliquid facturum, restituturum quod accepit: oportebit itaque remitti cautionem. 4Si quis sub iurisiurandi condicione et praeterea sub alia sit institutus, huic videndum est an remittatur condicio: et magis est, ut remitti iurisiurandi condicio debeat, licet alii condicioni parendum habeat. 5Sed si sub iurisiurandi condicione sit institutus aut si decem milia dederit, hoc est alternata condicione, ut aut pareat condicioni aut iuret aliud quid, videndum, numquid remitti ei condicio non debet, quia potest alteri condicioni parendo esse securus. sed est verius remittendam condicionem, ne alia ratione condicio alia eum urgueat ad iusiurandum. 6Quotiens heres iurare iubetur daturum se aliquid vel facturum: quod non improbum est, actiones hereditarias non alias habebit, quam si dederit vel fecerit id, quod erat iussus iurare. 7Mortuo autem vel manumisso Sticho vivo testatore qui ita heres institutus est, si iurasset se Stichum manumissurum, non videbitur defectus condicione heres, quamvis verum sit compellendum eum manumittere, si viveret. idem est et si ita heres institutus esset quis: ‘Titius heres esto ita, ut Stichum manumittat’ aut ‘Titio centum ita lego, ut Stichum manumittat’. nam mortuo Sticho nemo dicet summovendum eum: non videtur enim defectus condicione, si parere condicioni non possit: implenda est enim voluntas, si potest. 8De hoc iureiurando remittendo non est necesse adire praetorem: semel enim in perpetuum a praetore remissum est nec per singulos remittendum. et idcirco ex quo dies legati cesserit, remissum videtur etiam ignorante scripto herede. ideoque in herede legatarii recte probatur, ut post diem legati cedentem si decesserit legatarius, debeat heres eius actione de legato uti, quasi pure legato relicto ei cui heres exstiterat.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Whatever is left by a testator under the condition of taking an oath is disapproved by the Prætor. For he takes care that no one who accepts any property under the condition of taking an oath, or by omitting to comply with the condition, shall lose the estate, or a legacy, or that he shall be compelled shamefully to take an oath on condition of receiving what was bequeathed to him. The Prætor, therefore, sees that anyone to whom property was left under the condition of taking an oath, can acquire it just as those do upon whom no condition of being sworn is imposed, and in this case he acts very properly, as there are some men who, through their contempt for religion, are always ready to take an oath, and there are others who are timid, even to superstition, on account of their fear of Divinity; hence the Prætor most wisely interposes his authority, in order that neither the latter nor the former may either acquire or lose what was left to them in this manner. For he who wishes, by the influence of religion, to restrain those to whom he left property under the condition of taking an oath, would not be able to accomplish his purpose unless they did so; for the parties complying with the condition would be admitted to the succession, or if they failed to comply with it, they would be excluded on account of non-fulfillment of the condition. 1This Edict also relates to legacies, and not merely to the appointment of heirs. 2With reference to trusts, it is also necessary for those who have jurisdiction over a trust to obey the Edict of the Prætor; for the reason that trusts are discharged in the same manner as legacies. 3In the case of donations mortis causa, it must be said that there is ground for the application of the Edict; if, for instance, anyone should provide that the party must surrender whatever he received, unless he swears that he will perform some act. Therefore, it will be necessary for the bond to be given up. 4Where anyone has been appointed under the condition of taking an oath, as well as under some other condition, it must be considered whether he can be released from the performance of the condition. The better opinion is, that he should be released from the condition of the oath, although he may be obliged to comply with the other condition. 5But where an heir has been appointed under the condition of taking an oath, or of the payment of ten thousand aurei, that is to say, that he is required either to pay the money or be sworn, it must be considered whether he should not be released from one condition because he can be secure by complying with the other. The better opinion is, that he should be released from the first condition, lest, by some means, he may be compelled to take the oath. 6Whenever an heir is ordered by the testator, “To give something, or to perform some act”, which is not dishonorable, he will not be entitled to an action unless he gives or does what he was ordered to swear to do. 7When an heir was appointed on the condition that he would swear to manumit Stichus, and Stichus died, or was manumitted during the lifetime of the testator, the condition will not be held to have been violated; although it is true that the heir would have been compelled to manumit the slave if he had lived. The same rule applies where an heir was appointed as follows: “Let Titius be my heir, in order that he may manumit Stichus”; or, “I bequeath a hundred aurei to Titius, in order that he may manumit Stichus”. For if Stichus should die, no one can say that the heir will be barred from receiving the legacy, for he is not considered to have failed to comply with the condition, when he was unable to do so, and the will of the testator must be executed if this can be done. 8It is not necessary to appear before the Prætor for the purpose of being released from this oath, for where a release is once given by the Prætor it is good for all time; and a release is not obligatory in each individual instance. Therefore, it is held that a release is granted from the day on which the legacy was payable, even though the appointed heir was ignorant of the fact. Hence, it is very properly held in the case of the heir of a legatee, that if the legatee should die after the day appointed for the payment of the legacy, his heir must make use of the action de legato, just as if the legacy had been left unconditionally to the party whom he succeeded as heir.

Dig. 29,3,2Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Tabularum testamenti instrumentum non est unius hominis, hoc est heredis, sed universorum, quibus quid illic adscriptum est: quin potius publicum est instrumentum. 1Testamentum autem proprie illud dicitur, quod iure perfectum est: sed abusive testamenta ea quoque appellamus, quae falsa sunt vel iniusta vel irrita vel rupta: itemque inperfecta solemus testamenta dicere. 2Ad causam autem testamenti pertinere videtur id quodcumque quasi ad testamentum factum sit, in quacumque materia fuerit scriptum, quod contineat supremam voluntatem: et tam principales quam secundae tabulae edicto continentur. 3Si plura sint testamenta, quae quis exhiberi desideret, universorum ei facultas facienda est. 4Si dubitetur, utrum vivat an decesserit is, cuius quis quod ad causam testamenti pertinet inspici describique postulat, dicendum est praetorem causa cognita statuere id debere, ut, si liquerit eum vivere, non permittat. 4aInspici tabulas est, ut ipsam scripturam quis inspiciat et sigilla et quid aliud ex tabulis velit spectare. 5Inspectio tabularum etiam lectionem earum indicat. 6Diem autem et consulem tabularum non patitur praetor describi vel inspici idcirco, ne quid falsi fiat: namque etiam inspectio materiam falso fabricando instruere potest. 7Utrum autem in continenti potestatem inspiciendi vel describendi iubet an desideranti tempus dabit ad exhibitionem? et magis est, ut dari debeat secundum locorum angustias seu prolixitates. 8Si quis non negans apud se tabulas esse non patiatur inspici et describi, omnimodo ad hoc compelletur: si tamen neget penes se tabulas esse, dicendum est ad interdictum rem mitti quod est de tabulis exhibendis.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. The instrument containing the provisions of the will does not belong to one person, that is to say, to the heir, but it is the property of all those to whom anything has been bequeathed; and, indeed, it is rather a public document. 1That is properly said to be a will which is legally perfect; however, we also improperly call certain papers wills which are forged, illegal, void, or broken, and we are also accustomed to designate as wills such as are defective. 2It is held that whatever has been done with reference to a will is subject to the same rules as the will itself, no matter upon what material it has been written; provided that it contains the last wishes of the deceased, and the will itself, as well as the substitution, is embraced in the Edict. 3Where anyone desires to produce several wills, authority to produce them all should be granted. 4If any doubt should exist whether the person whose will someone desires to have examined or copied is living or dead, it must be held that the Prætor shall decide this after proper investigation, so that if it is proved that the testator is living, he shall not permit the will to be examined; 4aotherwise, he can allow the applicant to examine the writing, the seals, and anything else belonging to the instrument which he may desire to inspect. 5The examination of a will also includes the perusal of the same. 6The Prætor does not permit the date of the will or the name of the Consul under whose administration it was drawn up to be copied or examined, in order to avoid opportunity for fraud; for even the examination of these may furnish material for the perpetration of forgery. 7Can the Prætor order that power to examine or copy a will be accorded without delay, or shall he grant time for its production to the person having possession of the same if he wishes it? The better opinion is that he should grant a certain time, dependent upon the difficulty of communication, and the distance of the place. 8If anyone does not deny that he has possession of a will, but will not allow it to be examined and copied, he should, by all means, be compelled to do so. If, however, he denies that the will is in his possession, it must be said that recourse should be had to the interdict which provides for the production of wills.

Dig. 29,3,4Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Cum ab initio aperiendae sint tabulae, praetoris id officium est, ut cogat signatores convenire et sigilla sua recognoscere

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. When the will is about to be opened, it is the duty of the Prætor to require the witnesses to appear and acknowledge their seals,

Dig. 29,3,6Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Sed si maior pars signatorum fuerit inventa, poterit ipsis intervenientibus resignari testamentum et recitari.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. If the majority of the witnesses are found, the will can be opened and read in their presence.

Dig. 29,3,8Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Pupillares tabulas, etiamsi non fuerit superscriptum ne aperirentur, attamen, si seorsum eas signatas testator reliquerit, praetor eas aperiri nisi causa cognita non patietur.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. The Prætor does not permit the opening of a pupillary will, even if there is no endorsement on it forbidding this to be done; still, if the testator left his will partially sealed, the Prætor can allow it to be opened, if proper cause be shown.

Dig. 29,4,1Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Praetor voluntates defunctorum tuetur et eorum calliditati occurrit, qui omissa causa testamenti ab intestato hereditatem partemve eius possident ad hoc, ut eos circumveniant, quibus quid ex iudicio defuncti deberi potuit, si non ab intestato possideretur hereditas, et in eos actionem pollicetur. 1Et parvi refert, utrum quis per semet ipsum an per alium adquirere potuit hereditatem: nam quomodocumque potuit, si non adquisiit hereditatem, in ea causa est, ut incidat in edictum praetoris: 2praetermittere autem causam testamenti videtur, qui, cum posset iubere, noluit id facere. 3Quid ergo si servus eius cum iuberetur adire hereditatem, dicto audiens non fuit? sed compellendus est servus hoc facere ideoque dominus ab intestato veniens incidit in edictum. 4Sin autem nec certioratus est dominus a servo et postea ipse ab intestato possedit hereditatem, non debet incidere in edictum, nisi si fingit ignorantiam. 5Si proponatur idem et institutus et substitutus et praetermiserit institutionem, an incidat in edictum, quaeritur. et non puto incidere, quasi testator hanc ei dederit facultatem, qui eum substituit. 6Praetermittere est causam testamenti, si quis repudiaverit hereditatem. 7Qui sunt in potestate statim heredes sunt ex testamento nec quod se abstinere possunt, quicquam facit. quod si postea miscuerunt, ex testamento videntur heredes: nisi si abstinuerint quidem se testamento, verum ab intestato petierint bonorum possessionem: hic enim incident in edictum. 8Qui sub condicione institutus heres potuit parere condicioni nec paruit, cum condicio talis sit, ut in arbitrio sit heredis instituti, deinde ab intestato possideat hereditatem, debebit edicto teneri, quia eiusmodi condicio pro pura debet haberi. 9Non quaerimus, qui praetermissa causa testamenti ab intestato hereditatem possideant, utrum iure legitimo possideant an non: nam quoquo iure possideant hereditatem vel partem eius, conveniri ex edicto poterunt, utique si non ex alia causa possideant: ut puta si quis omisit quidem hereditatem, sed ex causa fideicommissi possidet missus in possessionem fideicommissorum servandorum causa: vel si proponas eum crediti servandi causa venisse in possessionem: nam nec ex hac causa legatariis respondere cogetur. totiens igitur edictum praetoris locum habebit, quotiens aut quasi heres legitimus possidet aut quia bonorum possessionem accipit ab intestato aut si forte quasi praedo possideat hereditatem fingens sibi aliquem titulum ab intestato possessionis: quocumque enim modo hereditatem lucrifacturus quis sit, legata praestabit, sane interveniente cautione ‘evicta hereditate legata reddi’. 10Et si non possideat quis hereditatem, dolo autem malo fecerit quo minus possideat, eveniet, ut perinde teneatur atque si hereditatem adisset. 11Dolo autem malo fecisse videtur quo minus possideat, qui ad alium transtulit possessionem per fraudem, ut legatarii ceterique qui quid in testamento acceperunt careant his quae sibi relicta sunt. 12Sane quaestionis fuit, utrum is demum dolo malo facere videatur quo minus possideat, qui per dolum eam possessionem dimittat, quam aliquando habuit, an vero is quoque, qui hoc ipsum malitiose fecit, ne ab initio possidere inciperet. Labeo sibi videri ait non minus delinquere eum, qui non incipiat possidere, quam eum qui desinat: quae sententia optinet. 13Si quis per fraudem omiserit hereditatem, ut ad legitimum perveniat, legatorum petitione tenebitur.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. The Prætor attempts to carry out the wishes of deceased persons, and opposes the cunning of those who, by refusing to take under the will, obtain possession of the estate, or a portion of the same, on the ground of intestacy; in order to defraud legatees to whom something may be due under the will of the decedent, if the estate should not be obtained ab intestato; and he promises to grant an action against them. 1It makes little difference whether the party in question acquires the estate himself, or through someone else; for in whatever way he may be able to do so, if he does not acquire it under the will, he is in a position to be affected by the Edict of the Prætor. 2An heir is held to have omitted to take advantage of the benefits granted him by will, who, when he can order someone to enter upon the estate, declines to do so. 3But what if his slave, when ordered to enter upon the estate, after receiving the order should not obey it? The slave, however, can be compelled to do this, and therefore his master comes within the scope of the Edict. 4If, however, the master has not been informed by his slave of his appointment as heir, and he himself afterwards obtains possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy; he will not be liable under the Edict, unless he pretends ignorance of the facts. 5Ad Dig. 29,4,1,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 602, Note 6.Where the proposed case is, that the same party was, at the same time, appointed heir and substituted, and neglected to take advantage of his appointment; the question arises whether he comes within the scope of the Edict. I do not think that he does, as the testator who appointed him as substitute for himself granted him the privilege of rejection. 6Where anyone rejects an estate, he forfeits any rights to which he may be entitled under the will. 7Where children subject to the authority of their father immediately become heirs by his will, there is no reason why they cannot reject his estate. If, however, they subsequently interfere with it, they are considered to be heirs by virtue of the will, unless they refrain from taking under it, and claim possession of the property on the ground of intestacy; for, in this instance, they come within the terms of the Edict. 8Where an heir is appointed under a condition, and being able to comply with it, does not do so, when the condition is such that it depends upon the consent of the said heir, and he afterwards obtains possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy, he should be held liable under the Edict; for the reason that a conditional appointment of this kind should be considered as an absolute one. 9Ad Dig. 29,4,1,9Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 614, Note 4.When parties who have refused to take under the will obtain an estate on the ground of intestacy, we do not inquire whether they have acquired possession of the same as heirs-at-law or not, for by whatever title they may acquire possession of the estate, or a portion of it, they can be sued under the Edict, provided they do not acquire it on some other ground; for instance, where anyone rejects an estate and acquires it by means of a trust, and is placed in possession for the purpose of discharging the trust; or if you should state that be obtained possession in order to preserve a claim; as, in this instance, he cannot be compelled to answer in a suit brought by the legatees. Therefore, the Edict of the Prætor will apply whenever any one holds possession as an heir-at-law, or acquires the estate on the ground of intestacy, or holds it as a depredator, pretending that he has some title to possession on the ground of intestacy; for no matter in what way he may be pecuniarily benefited by obtaining the estate, he must pay the legacies. 10Security, however, must be furnished by the legatees, that in case the heir should be deprived of the estate by a better title the legacies shall be repaid to him; and even if the party may not have the estate in his possession, but has acted in bad faith to avoid being in possession, the result is that he will be held liable, just as if he had entered upon the estate. 11A person is considered to have acted in bad faith to avoid being in possession, who fraudulently transfers possession to someone else, in order that the legatees and others who have received anything under the will may be deprived of whatever was bequeathed to them. 12The question was asked whether anyone should not be held to have acted in bad faith who, in order to avoid being in possession, fraudulently relinquished it after having held it for some time; or whether he is also liable who did this maliciously to avoid obtaining possession in the first place. Labeo says that it seems to him that he who avoided obtaining possession in the first place is not less guilty than he who fraudulently relinquishes it, after having obtained it. This is one prevalent opinion. 13Where anyone fraudulently rejects an estate in order that it may descend to the heir-at-law, he will be liable to an action brought by the legatees.

Dig. 29,4,4Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si quis pecuniam non accepit, simpliciter autem omisit causam testamenti, dum vult praestitum ei qui substitutus est vel legitimo, numquid locus non sit edicto? plane indignandum est circumventam voluntatem defuncti: et ideo si liquido constiterit in necem legatariorum hoc factum, quamvis non pecunia accepta, sed nimia gratia collata, dicendum erit locum esse utili actioni adversus eum qui possidet hereditatem. 1Et recte dicetur, ubicumque quis, dum vult praestitum ei, qui se repudiante venturus est, non repudiaturus, nisi praestitum vellet, et maxime si ob evertenda iudicia id fecit, ibi dicendum est adversus possessorem competere actionem, sic tamen, ut, ubi quidem pecunia accepta repudiavit, ibi dicamus eum qui omisit conveniendum, ubi vero gratis, in fraudem tamen eorum quibus quid relictum est, possessorem debere conveniri utili actione. 2Quamquam de heredibus institutis videatur praetor loqui, attamen etiam ad alios haec res serpit: ut, si sit legatarius, a quo fideicommissum relictum est, et hic id egisset, ut omittatur hereditas, doloque id fecit, conveniri debet. 3Si quis vendiderit hereditatem, utique possidere videtur, non dolo fecisse, quo minus possideat.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. In case the heir should not receive any money, but refuses to take under the will, because he desires to confer a favor either on the substitute, or the heir-at-law, will there be ground for the application of the Edict? It would be intolerable for him to be able to prevent the execution of the will of the deceased; and therefore if it is clearly established that this was done for the purpose of injuring the legatees—even though no money was received but the act was prompted by excessive partiality—it must be said that there will be ground for an equitable action against the party who is in possession of the estate. 1It is very properly held that whenever anyone wishes to confer a favor upon another who will become the heir by his rejection of the estate, and he would not have rejected it unless he had intended to confer the favor, and especially if he did so for the purpose of preventing the execution of the will, it must, in this instance, be said that an action will lie against the possessor of the estate, with this distinction, however, that where money having been accepted, the heir rejected the estate, we can, under these circumstances, say that suit should be brought against him; but where he acted through partiality and for the purpose of defrauding those to whom something was bequeathed, the possessor of the estate should be sued in a prætorian action. 2Although the Prætor seems to refer to appointed heirs, still, this provision also extends to others; for instance, where there is a legatee who has been charged with a trust, and he causes the estate to be rejected through his fraudulent act, suit should be brought against him. 3Where anyone sells his right to an estate, he is held to remain in possession of the same, and not to have acted fraudulently in order to avoid being in possession.

Dig. 29,4,6Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Quia autem is qui ab intestato possidet hereditatem conveniri potest, si omittit causam testamenti, quaesitum est, si quasi ex voluntate testatoris videatur omisisse, an cogatur praestare. ut puta fratrem suum scripsit heredem et codicillos fecit ab intestato petitque a fratre, ut, si legitima hereditas ad eum pertinuerit, fideicommissa praestaret quibusdam: si igitur omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possideat hereditatem, videndum est, an legatariis cogatur respondere. et Iulianus libro trigesimo primo digestorum scribit cogendum primum legata praestare, mox dimissis legatis si quid superfuerit ex dodrante, tunc fideicommissa cogi praestare: ceterum si legata absumant dodrantem, tunc nihil fideicommissariis praestandum: habere enim integrum quadrantem legitimum heredem oportet. ordo igitur a Iuliano adhibetur, ut prius legata praestentur, deinde ex superfluo fideicommissa, dummodo quadrans non tangatur. ego puto Iuliani sententiam ita accipiendam, ut, si omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possideat hereditatem, cogatur omnimodo legata praestare: nec enim utique omittere ei hereditatem permisit, qui fideicommissa ab eo relinquit ab intestato. 1Plane si nominatim id ei permisit, dicemus non eum incidere in edictum, quia usus est facultate ea, quam ei testator concessit: quod si non ei concessit specialiter testator omittere, is ordo erit sequendus, quem Iulianus ostendit. 2Quid deinde dicemus, is isdem et ex testamento legata et fideicommissa ab intestato fuerint relicta et praeterea aliis fideicommissa? an ordinem illum debeamus facere, quem Iulianus monstrat, an vero contribuemus omnes fideicommissarios quasi aequales? et magis est, ut ita distinguamus multum interesse, utrum incidit in edictum heres an non. nam si incidit, praeferendi erunt hi quibus testamento relicta fuerunt quaedam: sin vero non incidit, quia haec fuit testatoris voluntas, ut daret ei facultatem et ab intestato succedendi, vel quia alia causa intercessit, quae secundum ea quae supra scripta sunt non offendit edictum, dicendum est contribui fideicommissa debere quasi exaequata. 3Non simpliciter autem praetor pollicitus est se daturum actionem, sed causa cognita: nam sive invenerit testatorem huius rei auctorem esse ipsumque permississe ab intestato succedere aut si qua alia iusta causa omittendi intervenerit, utique non dabit actionem in eum legatorum. 4Item si invenerit bona ad alium pertinere, non dabit actionem, si vero nulla suspicio collusionis religionem praetoris instruxerit. 5Si autem is, cui auferri hereditas potest, aliquid possideat de hereditate et possidere desierit sine dolo malo, magis est, ut desinat conveniri. 6Quod ergo tempus spectabimus, possideat nec ne? litis contestatae tempus spectari debet. 7Certe si vacantia bona quis possederit et quadriennium praeterierit, indubitate conveniri poterit ex hac parte edicti, quia et omisit causam testamenti et quia ab intestato possedit et quidem sic, ut praescriptione quadriennii tutus sit. 8Si patronus ex debita sibi portione heres scriptus dato sibi coherede ex alia parte omiserit institutionem, quia debita pars eius erat exhausta, omiserit et coheres, deinde possideat patronus ab intestato legitimam hereditatem totam, dandam in eum legatorum actionem Celsus libro sexto decimo digestorum ait, quae in Titium competeret, sufficeretque patrono, quod integram debitam sibi portionem habeat. haec autem ita sunt, si coheres collusit cum patrono: aliter enim non esse patronum cogendum legata praestare: neque enim interdictum est, ut quis omittat hereditatem, si sine fraude id fiat. 9Hoc edictum etiam ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem pertinere magis dicendum est, scilicet ut qui accipiendo contra tabulas bonorum possessionem liberis parentibusque legata praestaret si omiserit eam bonorum possessionem et ab intestato possideat hereditatem, cogatur ea praestare, quae praestaret, si contra tabulas possessionem accepit. 10Si libertas sub condicione fuerit data ‘si decem dederit’ et omissa causa testamenti fuerit, non aliter libertas competet, quam si condicioni paritum sit.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. For the reason that a party who is in possession of an estate on the ground of intestacy can be sued if he relinquishes his rights under the will, the question arose whether he can be compelled to make payment if he seems to have relinquished them in compliance with the wishes of the testator. For example, a man appointed a brother his heir, and then executed a codicil requesting his brother, if the estate should come to him by law, to discharge a trust in favor of certain individuals; and therefore it should be considered, he having renounced his rights under the will and obtained possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy, whether he will be liable to the legatees. Julianus states, in the Thirty-first Book of the Digest, that he can be compelled in the first place to pay the legacies, and afterwards, they having been settled, should anything be remaining from the three-fourths of the estate, he can be required to discharge the trust. If, however, the legacies exhaust three-fourths of the estate, then nothing shall be paid under the trust, for the heir-at-law must have the fourth undiminished. Hence the order was established by Julianus that the legacies should first be discharged, and the trusts paid out of the remainder, with the understanding that the fourth should remain intact. I think that the opinion of Julianus should be adopted, so that if the estate was rejected under the will, in order that it might be obtained ab intestato, the party ought by all means to be compelled to pay the legacies, for the reason that the testator who left him the trust to be discharged in case the succession was intestate did not authorize him to reject the estate under such circumstances. 1If, however, it is evident that the testator expressly authorized him to do this, he will not become liable under the Edict, because he availed himself of the privilege which the testator granted him. But if the testator did not under the will specifically grant him the privilege of rejecting the estate, the order prescribed by Julianus should be followed. 2But what shall we say where legacies are left by will, and trusts in case of intestacy, to the same person, and, in addition to this, trusts are left to other parties? Shall we follow the same order established by Julianus, or shall we subject all the trustees to contribution as if they were equal? The better opinion is to ascertain whether it makes much difference if the heir becomes liable under the Edict, or not; for if he does become liable, those are to be preferred to whom something was left by the will; but if he does not, as it was the wish of the testator to grant him the privilege of succeeding ab intestato, or because he was admitted for some other reason, which, in accordance with what we have above stated, is not in violation of the Edict, it must be said that all the trusts ought to contribute as if they had all been placed on the same footing. 3The Prætor does not promise to grant the action indiscriminately, but only where proper cause is shown; for if he should ascertain that the testator was the author of this arrangement, and himself had permitted the heir to succeed ab intestato, or if he should find that there was any other good reason for the rejection of the estate, he will not grant the legatees an action against him. 4Also if the Prætor should ascertain that the property belongs to another, he will not grant an action, provided no suspicion of collusion influences the decision of the Prætor. 5Where, however, the person who can be deprived of the estate has in his possession any portion of the same, and relinquishes possession of it without being guilty of fraud, the better opinion is that he ceases to be liable to be sued. 6What time then shall we consider, when investigating as to whether he is in possession or not? The time when issue was joined should be considered. 7It is evident that where anyone is in possession of the property of an unclaimed estate, and that the term of four years has elapsed, suit can undoubtedly be brought against him, under this Section of the Edict, both for the reason that he refused to take under the will and because he is in possession on the ground of intestacy, and, indeed, as he is rendered safe by prescription on account of the expiration of four years. 8Where a patron is appointed heir to the share of an estate to which he is entitled, and a co-heir is appointed with him, and he rejects the appointment for his share, because what is due to him has been already exhausted, and the co-heir also rejects his portion; and then the patron obtains possession of the entire estate ab intestato, by operation of law; Celsus says in the Sixteenth Book of the Digest that the same action should be granted against him which could have been brought against his co-heir Titius, and that it will be sufficient for the patron to have for himself the entire share to which he was legally entitled. This, however, is correct only where the co-heir is in collusion with the patron, for otherwise, the latter cannot be compelled to pay the legacies, as it is not forbidden for anyone to refuse an estate, if he does so without being guilty of fraud. 9The better opinion is, that this Edict also applies to the prætorian possession of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will, so that, where a party, by taking possession of the estate in opposition to the will, must pay the legacies to the children, and the parents, and if he should fail to obtain possession of the estate, and should acquire possession of it on the ground of intestacy, he can be compelled to pay whatever he would have paid if he had obtained possession of the estate in opposition to the will. 10Where freedom has been given to a slave on the condition of his paying ten aurei, and his rights under the will are relinquished by the heir, the slave will not be liberated unless the condition is complied with.

Dig. 29,4,8Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si quis sub condicione dandorum decem vel qua alia, quae in dando vel in faciendo fuit, heres institutus omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possideat hereditatem, videndum est, an huic, in cuius personam condicio collata est, subveniri debeat. et magis est, ne subveniatur: neque enim legatarius est.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Where a person becomes an heir under the condition of paying ten aurei, or under any other condition which consists of either giving or doing something, and the heir, having relinquished his rights under the will, obtains possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy, it should be considered whether or not relief should be granted to him for whose benefit the condition was imposed. The better opinion is that he is not entitled to relief, for he is not a legatee.

Dig. 29,4,10Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si non solus, sed cum alio possidet hereditatem is qui omisit causam testamenti, rectissime Iulianus ait, quod et Marcellus probat, dandam in ipsum quoque legatorum actionem utilem: nec enim aspernari debet obesse sibi factum heredis scripti, cui etiam profuerit. hoc autem ita est, nisi si pecuniam accepit is qui omisit causam testamenti: tunc enim in solidum tenebitur. 1Cum substitutis ab institutis legata fuissent relicta et tam instituti quam substituti omissa causa testamenti possideant ab intestato hereditatem, divus Pius rescripsit neque improbe neque imprudenter institutos legata recusare substitutis data: recte enim recusant in se dari legatorum fideive commissorum petitionem substitutio, cui liberum fuit adeunti hereditatem non fideicommissum petere, sed universa bona optinere. 2Si duo sint heredes institutus et substitutus et ambo omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possideant hereditatem, quaestionis est, an ambo cogantur legata praestare et utrum unusquisque ea legata quae a se relicta sunt an vero ambo utraque legata cogantur praestare. ego puto in solidum adversus singulos legatorum petitionem dandam: sed utrum eorum quae a se legata sunt an vero etiam eorum quae ab altero herede, videamus. et alias proponamus institutum solum possidere hereditatem: eorum legatorum, quae sunt a se relicta, an etiam eorum, quae sunt a substituto relicta, actionem patietur? dicendum est ita demum etiam eorum, si dolo substituti perveniat ad institutos hereditas sine pecunia: nam si pecuniam accepit substitutus, ipse erit conveniendus. item si solus substitutus possideret, si quidem pecunia accepta institutus omisisset, dicemus institutum suis legatariis respondere debere, substitutum suis: si autem sine pecunia, adversus substitutum dabimus actionem. nunc cum ambo possideant, melius dicetur singulos suis legatariis respondere debere.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Where he who has relinquished his rights under the will is not alone, but together with another party has possession of the estate, Julianus very properly says, and his opinion is approved by Marcellus, that an equitable action should also be granted against him in favor of the legatees, for he ought not to object because the act of the appointed heir prejudices him, since he also profited by it. This, however, is correct where the person who relinquishes his rights under the will did not receive any money for doing so, for he will then be liable for the entire amount. 1Where legacies have been left to be discharged by appointed heirs in favor of substitutes, and the said appointed heirs as well as the substitutes have obtained possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy, after their rights under the will have been relinquished by them, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that the appointed heirs can honorably refuse to pay the legacies bequeathed to the substitutes; for they may very properly refuse to pay any legacy or trust to a substitute who claims it, if he was free to enter upon the estate, and to obtain all the property belonging to it without demanding the discharge of the trust. 2Where there are two heirs, one of whom was appointed and the other substituted, and both of them having relinquished their rights under the will obtain possession of the estate ab intestato; the question arises whether both of them can be compelled to pay the legacies, and whether each one of them is obliged to pay those legacies, with which he was charged, or whether both of them should pay the legacies together. I think an action should be granted in favor of the legatees against each one of them, for the payment of all the legacies; but let us consider whether each one is obliged to pay the legacies with which he himself was charged, or also those with which the other heir was charged. Let us also suppose that the appointed heir alone was in possession of the estate: will he be liable to an action for the payment of the legacies with which he was charged, or will he be also responsible for those with which the substitute was charged? It must be held that he will only be liable for the legacies with which the substitute was charged in case the estate should come into the hands of the heirs appointed under the will, on account of the bad faith of the substitute, where no money was paid; for if the substitute received any money, he himself should be sued. Moreover, if the substitute alone is in possession of the estate, and the appointed heir should reject it in consideration of having received a sum of money, we say that he will be liable to his legatees, and the substitute to his own; but where no money has been paid, we will grant an action against the substitute. If, however, both parties are in possession, the better opinion is that each one will be liable to his respective legatees.

Dig. 29,4,12Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. De libertatibus quoque in hoc casu quaesitum est, an competant tam hae quae ab instituto quam hae quae a substituto datae sunt. et magis est, ut competant, tam directae quam fideicommissariae. 1Heredem eius, qui omissa causa testamenti ab intestato possidet hereditatem, in solidum legatorum actione teneri constat: magis est enim rei persecutionem quam poenam continere et ideo et perpetuam esse. hoc autem ita est, nisi propter dolum defuncti conveniatur heres: tunc enim in id quod ad eum pervenit conveniretur.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. The question also arose in this case with respect to grants of freedom, whether it was proper that they should be conferred by both of the heirs, when the one appointed as well as the substitute were charged with their execution. The better opinion is that both those which were direct and those which were granted in trust become operative. 1It is established that the heir of anyone who relinquished his rights under a will in order to obtain possession of the estate on the ground of intestacy is liable in an action brought by the legatees to recover the entire amount; for the proceeding rather has reference to the recovery of the property than the penalty, and therefore the action is a perpetual one. This, however, will not be the case if the heir is sued on account of the bad faith of the deceased, for then an action can be brought against him for the property which came into his hands.

Dig. 29,5,1Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Cum aliter nulla domus tuta esse possit, nisi periculo capitis sui custodiam dominis tam ab domesticis quam ab extraneis praestare servi cogantur, ideo senatus consulta introducta sunt de publica quaestione a familia necatorum habenda. 1Domini appellatione continetur qui habet proprietatem, etsi usus fructus alienus sit. 2Qui servum bona fide possedit, domini appellatione non continebitur, nec qui usum fructum solum habuit. 3Servus pignori datus, quod attinet ad debitoris necem, per omnia perinde habetur atque si pignori datus non esset. 4Servi appellatione etiam hi continentur, qui sub condicione legati sunt: nam medio tempore heredis sunt, nec quod condicio existens efficit, ut desinant esse heredis, facit ne videantur interim eius. idemque erit dicendum in statulibero. 5Sed in eo, cui fideicommissa libertas pure debetur, exstat rescriptum divi Pii ad Iuventium Sabinum, quo ostenditur non esse festinandum ad tormenta eius, cui fideicommissa libertas debetur: et magis est, ne puniatur ob hoc quod sub eodem tecto fuit, nisi particeps sceleris fuerit. 6Domini appellatione etiam pro parte dominum contineri dicendum est. 7Domini appellatione et filius familias ceterique liberi, qui in potestate sunt, continentur: senatus consultum enim Silanianum non solum ad patres familias, verum ad liberos quoque pertinet. 8Quid deinde dicemus, si liberi non sint in potestate? Marcellus libro duodecimo digestorum dubitat: ego puto plenius accipiendum, ut etiam ad eos liberos pertineat, qui in potestate non sunt. 9In eo, qui est in adoptionem datus, non putamus locum habere senatus consultum, quamvis in adoptato locum habet. 10Sed nec in alumno occiso locus est senatus consulto. 11De matris servis filio filiave occisis quaestio non habebitur. 12Si pater ab hostibus captus sit, quaestionem de servis habendam et supplicium filio occiso eleganter Scaevola ait: quod etiam post mortem patris probat, si ante, quam suus ei heres existat, occisus fuerit. 13Idem Scaevola ait constantius defendendum herede instituto filio de his quaestionem habendam et supplicium, qui pure legati vel manumissi sunt, ante aditam hereditatem filio occiso: quamvis enim, si viveret, herede eo existente ipsius non essent futuri, attamen ubi decessit, qua extinctum legatum et libertas est, senatus consulto fore locum dicit. 14Si pater necatus sit, an de servis filii quaestio habeatur, si forte castrensi peculio servos habuit? et magis est quaestionem de servis filii habendam suppliciumque sumendum, licet non sit in potestate filius. 15Si vir aut uxor occisi esse proponantur, de servis eorum quaestio habetur, quamquam neque viri servi proprie uxoris dicantur neque uxoris proprie viri: sed quia commixta familia est et una domus est, ita vindicandum atque in propriis servis senatus censuit. 16Sed neque uxore occisa neque marito de servis soceri quaestionem habendam senatus censuit: Marcellus autem libro duodecimo digestorum etiam in soceri servis idem quod in mariti recte dixit. 17Occisorum appellatione eos contineri Labeo scribit, qui per vim aut caedem sunt interfecti, ut puta iugulatum strangulatum praecipitatum vel saxo vel fuste vel lapide percussum vel quo alio telo necatum. 18Quod si quis puta veneno vel etiam quo alio quod clam necare soleat interemptus sit, ad hoc senatus consultum vindicta mortis eius non pertinebit: hoc idcirco, quia totiens puniendi sunt servi, quia auxilium domino non tulerunt, quotiens potuerunt ei adversus vim opem ferre et non tulerunt: ceterum quid potuerunt facere adversus eos, qui veneno vel quo alio more insidiantur? 19Plane si venenum per vim infusum sit, senatus consultum locum habet. 20Ubicumque igitur vis adhibita est quae interemere solet, ibi dicendum est locum senatus consulto fore. 21Quid ergo, si dominus veneno non per vim necatus esse proponatur? impunitum erit factum? nullo modo: licet enim cessat senatus consultum Silanianum nec quaestio suppliciumque de his qui sub eodem tecto fuerunt habeatur, tamen si qui conscii vel factores sceleris fuerunt, hi demum supplicio adficiuntur: et adiri hereditas aperirique tabulae etiam ante quaestionem habitam possunt. 22Si sibi manus quis intulit, senatus consulto quidem Silaniano locus non est, sed mors eius vindicatur, scilicet ut, si in conspectu servorum hoc fecit potueruntque eum in se saevientem prohibere, poena adficiantur, si vero non potuerunt, liberentur. 23Si quis non metu criminis inminentis, sed taedio vitae vel inpatientia doloris sibi manus intulit, eius testamentum aperiri et recitari mortis casus non impedit. 24Item illud sciendum est, nisi constet aliquem esse occisum, non haberi de familia quaestionem: liquere igitur debet scelere interemptum, ut senatus consulto locus sit. 25Quaestionem autem sic accipimus non tormenta tantum, sed omnem inquisitionem et defensionem mortis. 26Hoc autem senatus consultum eos quidem, qui sub eodem tecto fuerunt, omnimodo punit, eos vero, qui non sub eodem tecto, sed in eadem regione, non aliter, nisi conscii fuissent. 27‘Eodem’ autem ‘tecto’ qualiter accipiatur, videamus, utrum intra eosdem parietes an et ultra intra eandem diaetam vel cubiculum vel eandem domum vel eosdem hortos vel totam villam. et ait Sextus sic esse saepe iudicatum, ut quicumque eo loci fuerunt, unde vocem exaudire potuerunt, hi puniantur, quasi sub eodem tecto fuerunt, licet alii validioris vocis, alii exiguioris sunt nec omnes undique exaudiri possunt. 28Iuxta hoc tamen videtur et divus Hadrianus rescripsisse in haec verba: ‘Servi quotiens dominis suis auxilium ferre possunt, non debent saluti eorum suam anteponere: potuisse autem ancillam, quae in eodem conclavi cum domina sua fuerat, auxilium rei ferre, si non corpore suo, at certe voce plorantem, ut hi, qui in domo fuerant aut vicini audirent, hoc ipso manifestum est, quod dixit percussorem sibi mortem minatum, si proclamasset. ultimum itaque supplicium pati debet vel hoc, ne ceteri servi credant in periculo dominorum sibi quemque consulere debere.’ 29Hoc rescriptum multa continet: nam ei non parcit, qui eodem conclavi fuit: et ei, qui timuit mori, non ignoscit: et quod vel voce oporteat servos dominis auxilium ferre, ostendit. 30Si quis in villa agens occisus sit, plus quam iniquum est, si forte diffusa late praedia habeat, de omnibus qui in ea regione fuerint servis et quaestionem haberi et supplicium sumi: sufficit ergo eos, qui cum ipso qui occisus dicitur fuerunt et qui suspicione caedis aut conscientia attingi videbuntur, de his quaestionem haberi. 31Cum dominus in itinere esset occisus, de his, qui una cum eo fuerunt cum occideretur vel, cum una fuissent, profugerunt, supplicium sumendum est. quod si cum domino nemo fuit cum occideretur, cessant ista senatus consulta. 32Impubes servus vel ancilla nondum viripotens non in eadem causa erunt: aetas enim excusationem meretur. 33Impuberi autem utrum in supplicio tantum parcimus an vero etiam in quaestione? et magis est, ut de impubere nec quaestio habeatur: et alias solet hoc in usu observari, ut impuberes non torqueantur: terreri tantum solent et habena et ferula vel caedi. 34Excusantur autem servi, qui auxilium tulerunt sine dolo malo: nam si finxit se quis auxilium ferre vel dicis gratia tulit, nihil hoc commentum ei proderit. 35Tulisse autem auxilium non tantum is videtur qui servavit dominum, hoc est qui potuit ita opem ferre, ut salvus esset dominus, verum is quoque, qui quidquid potuit fecit, tametsi dominus interfectus est: veluti si quis clamavit, ut ad auxilium conveniretur, aut terruit adgressores atque si quis turbam convocavit aut si corpus suum obiecit vel alias corpore suo auxilium tulit. 36Non tamen semper qui clamore usus est, auxilium tulisse videtur: quid enim, si, cum posset manu depellere a domino periculum, ille clamorem inanem elegit? plectendus utique erit. 37Quid si vulnerati sint servi, cum protegerent dominum? dicendum est parci eis debere, nisi si aut ipsi sibi vulnera ista fecerunt data opera, ne punirentur, aut talia vulnera isti acceperunt, ut possent nihilo minus opem ferre, si voluissent. 38Si dominus mortifere vulneratus supervixerit nec de quoquam servorum suorum conquestus sit, etiamsi sub eodem tecto fuerunt, tamen parcendum illis erit.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXX. As no household can be safe unless slaves are compelled, under peril of their lives, to protect their masters, not only from persons belonging to his family, but also from strangers, certain decrees of the Senate were enacted with reference to putting to public torture all the slaves belonging to a household in case of the violent death of their master. 1A person is included in the appellation of master who possesses the ownership of the slaves, even though the usufruct of the same may belong to another. 2Where anyone is in possession of a slave in good faith, but who is, in fact, free, he is not included in the appellation of master; nor is he, either, who has only the usufruct of a slave. 3A slave given by way of pledge is, so far as the death of the debtor is concerned, in every respect considered as if he had not been pledged. 4Those also are included in the appellation of slaves, who are bequeathed under a certain condition; for in the meantime they belong to the heir, and as, when the condition is fulfilled they cease to belong to him, it follows that meanwhile they should not be held to constitute part of his property. The same rule must be said to apply to the case of a slave who is to be free under a certain condition. 5A Rescript of the Divine Pius to Jubentius Sabinus is extant which has reference to a slave whose unconditional freedom was due under the terms of a trust; from which it is evident that too much haste should not be employed in the torture of a slave who is entitled to his freedom under a trust, and the better opinion is that he should not be punished, for the reason that he lives under the same roof with the testator, unless he participated in the crime. 6It must be said that he who has only a share in the ownership of a slave is also included in the appellation of master. 7Sons under paternal control, and other children who are in the power of their father, are also included in the appellation of master; for the Silanian Decree of the Senate not only refers to the heads of families, but also to the children. 8But what shall we say if the children are not subject to the authority of their father? Marcellus, in the Twelfth Book of the Digest, expresses uncertainty on this point. I think that the most liberal construction should be given to the Decree of the Senate, so that it may also include children who are not under paternal control. 9We do not think that the Decree of the Senate is applicable to the case of a son who has been given in adoption, even though it may apply to an adoptive father. 10The Decree of the Senate does not apply where a youth who is being reared is killed. 11Torture shall not be inflicted upon the slaves of a mother, where a son or a daughter have been killed. 12Scævola very properly says that where a father has been captured by the enemy, and his son is killed, the slaves of the father should be put to the torture and punished. He approves of this also being done, even after the death of the father, if the son was killed before he became the proper heir. 13Scævola also says that it may uniformly be maintained, where a son has been appointed heir and is killed before entering upon the estate, that the slaves can be put to the torture and punished, even if they have been unconditionally bequeathed or manumitted. For although even if he had lived and had become the heir, the slaves would not belong to him, therefore when he died, as both the legacies and the grants of freedom will be extinguished, he holds there is ground for the application of the Decree of the Senate. 14If the father is killed, should torture be inflicted upon the slaves of the son, if they form part of the castrense peculium? The better opinion is that the slaves of the son should be put to the torture, and subjected to punishment, even though the son is not under the control of his father. 15In the case of murder of a man and his wife, torture should be inflicted upon their slaves, although, properly speaking, the slaves of the husband do not belong to the wife, nor her slaves to him, but, for the reason that the two sets of slaves are commingled, and there is but one household, the Senate decreed that punishment should be inflicted, just as if the slaves belonged equally to both of them. 16But where the wife or the husband was killed, the Senate did not decree that the slaves of the father-in-law should be put to the torture. Marcellus, however, very properly says, in the Twelfth Book of the Digest, that what has been determined with reference to the slaves of the husband also applies to those of a father-in-law. 17Labeo states that those are understood to be included in the term “killed” who have been put to death by violence, or murdered; for instance, by having their throats cut, by being strangled, or thrown down from some height, or struck with a stone or a club, or deprived of life by the use of any other kind of weapon. 18Where a man is killed, for instance, by poison, or by some other agency which it is customary to employ secretly, this Decree of the Senate will not apply to the avenging of his death; for the reason that slaves are punished whenever they do not assist their master against anyone who is guilty of violence towards him, when they are able to do so. But what could they effect against those who insidiously make use of poison or any other method of this kind? 19It is evident that the Decree of the Senate will be applicable where poison is forcibly administered. 20Therefore, whenever such force is employed as usually causes death, it must be held that there is ground for the application of the Decree of the Senate. 21But what if the master was killed by poison, and not by violence, will the deed go unpunished? By no means. For although the Silanian Decree of the Senate may not apply, nor torture and punishment be inflicted upon those who are under the same roof, still, any who knew of the crime or were participants in it must be subjected to punishment, and the estate can be entered upon, and the will opened, even before torture is inflicted. 22Where a person lays violent hands upon himself, there is indeed no ground for the application of the Decree of the Senate; still, his death should be avenged. For example, if he committed the act in the presence of his slaves, and they could have prevented it, they should be punished, but if they were unable to prevent it, they will be free from liability. 23Where anyone lays violent hands upon himself, not through remorse for some crime which he has committed, but through being weary of life, or unable to suffer pain, the manner of his death does not prevent his will from being opened and read. 24It should also be noted that, unless it is established that a man has been killed, his slaves ought not to be tortured. Hence, it must positively be ascertained that the party owed his death to crime, for the Decree of the Senate to be applicable. 25We, however, understand the term torture to mean not merely being put to the question, but every inquiry and defence that may be made in the investigation of the death of the master. 26Again, this Decree of the Senate punishes, without exception, all those slaves, “Who live under the same roof”; but such as are not under the same roof, but in the same neighborhood, shall not be punished, unless they have knowledge of the crime. 27Let us consider what must be understood by the term “under the same roof”; whether it means within the same walls, or outside, within the same enclosure, within the same apartment, or the same house, or the same garden, or the entire residence. Sextus says that it has often been decided that wherever slaves were if they could have heard the voice of their master, they shall be punished just as if they has been under the same roof; although some persons have louder voices than others, and all cannot be heard from the same place. 28With reference to this, it appears that the Divine Hadrian also stated the following in a Rescript: “Whenever slaves can afford assistance to their master, they should not prefer their own safety to his. Moreover, a female slave who is in the same room with her mistress can give her assistance, if not with her body, certainly by crying out, so that those who are in the house or the neighbors can hear her; and this is evident even if she should allege that the murderer threatened her with death if she cried out. She ought, therefore, to undergo capital punishment, to prevent other slaves from thinking that they should consult their own safety when their master is in danger.” 29This Rescript contains many provisions, for it does not spare anyone who is in the same room, and does not excuse a slave who fears death, and requires slaves to summon aid to their masters by crying out. 30Where a master is killed while on one of his estates in the country, it would be extremely unjust if all the slaves who are in that neighborhood should be subjected to torture and punishment, if the said estate is very large. It will then be sufficient for those to be put to the torture who were with him when he was said to have been killed, and who appeared to be liable to suspicion of having committed the murder, or of having knowledge of it. 31Where a master was murdered while on a journey, the slaves who were with him at the time he lost his life, or those who had been with him and took to flight, should be subjected to punishment. If, however, no one was with him at the time he was killed, these Decrees of the Senate do not apply. 32A male or a female slave who has not yet reached the age of puberty is not included in this category, for their age is deserving of excuse. 33Shall we grant a slave, who has not yet attained puberty, indulgence merely with reference to punishment, or does this also relate to torture? The better opinion is that torture should not be inflicted upon a slave under the age of puberty; and, besides, it is the custom ordinarily observed that minors shall not be put to the torture, but only be frightened, or be whipped with a rod, or a leather thong. 34Slaves are excused who have obtained aid without fraudulent intent; for if one should pretend to be of assistance, or should bring it merely for the sake of appearance, this will be of no advantage to him. 35A slave is considered to have rendered assistance to his master not only when he has preserved him from harm, that is to say, when he could have exerted his power to the extent of saving him, but also when, although he did all that he could, he was unable to prevent his master from being killed; for example, where he cried out for the purpose of obtaining aid, or frightened the persons who were attacking his master, or if he assembled a crowd of people, or interposed his body between them and his master, or afforded him protection in any other way by means of his body. 36A slave who cries out is not, however, always considered to have aided his master; for what, if when he could have averted the danger from him, he chose to cry out in vain? He should undoubtedly be punished. 37But what if the slaves should be wounded while they are protecting their master? It must be said that they should be excused unless they inflicted wounds upon themselves purposely in order to avoid being punished; or if they did not receive wounds sufficiently serious to prevent them from still assisting their master, if they had desired to do so. 38Where the master, being mortally wounded, survives for a certain time, without complaining of any of his slaves, even if they should be under the same roof with him, they must be spared.

Dig. 29,5,3Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si quis in gravi valetudine adfectus opem domino ferre non potuerit, subveniendum est ei. 1Si quis moriens dixisset a servo vim mortis allatam esse sibi, dicendum est non esse credendum domino, si moriens hoc dixit, nisi potuerit et probari. 2Si maritus uxorem noctu intra cubiculum secum cubantem necaverit vel uxor maritum, servi poena senatus consulti liberabuntur. sed si exaudissent et opem non tulissent, plectendi erunt, non tantum si proprii essent mulieris, sed etiam si mariti. 3Si tamen maritus in adulterio deprehensam occidat, quia ignoscitur ei, dicendum est non tantum mariti, sed etiam uxoris servos liberandos, si iustum dolorem exsequenti domino non restiterunt. 4Si cum omnes domini adgressuram paterentur, uni servus opem tulit, an sit excusandus, an vero quia omnibus non tulit plectendus? et magis est, ut, si quidem omnibus ferre potuit, quamvis quibusdam tulit, supplicio adficiendum: si vero simul omnibus non potuit, excusandum, quia quibusdam opem tulerit. nam illud durum est dicere, si, cum duobus auxilium ferre non possit, elegit alteri esse auxilio, electione crimen eum contraxisse. 5Quare et si servus mulieris marito dominae magis auxilio fuit quam dominae vel contra, dicendum est ignosci ei debere. 6Subvenitur eis, qui eo tempore quo dominus dominave occisa est clausi ita fuerunt sine dolo malo, ut erumpere succurrendi causa aut comprehendendi eos, qui caedem fecerint, non potuerint: nec interest, a quo clausi continebuntur: sic tamen, si non data opera voluerint se ita includi, ne opem ferre possint. clusos accipere debemus et si sunt vincti, si tamen ita vincti, ut omnino rumpere vincula et auxilio esse non potuerint. 7Ignoscitur etiam his qui aetate defecti sunt. 8Surdus quoque inter inbecillos numerandus est aut inter eos qui sub eodem tecto non sunt, quia ut illi per spatium, ita hic per morbum nihil audit. 9Caecus quoque veniam mereri debet. 10Mutum simili modo excipimus, sed ibi, ubi vocis tantum auxilium superfuit. 11Furiosos excipi nequaquam dubium est. 12Si quis quem eorum servum servamve ex ea familia, qui eius facinoris noxius erit, receperit vel celaverit sciens dolo malo, in ea causa est, ac si lege quae de sicariis lata est facinoris noxius fuerit. 13Si ex stipulatu servus debeatur et caedem domini arguerit et pro hoc praemio liber esse iussus sit, ex stipulato actio stipulatori non datur: nam et si supplicio adfectus fuisset, non daretur. quod si sub eodem tecto non fuit, ex stipulatu actio in aestimatione servi utilis erit creditori. 14Utrum autem is solus videatur indicasse vel arguisse, qui ad hoc prosilit ultro, an etiam is, qui, cum accusaretur ipse, detorsit in alium crimen? et magis est, ut ille hoc praemio dignus sit, qui ultro ad accusationem prosilit. 15Hi quoque, qui non potuerunt alias ad libertatem pervenire, ut puta si hac lege distractus erat quis, ne manumitteretur, poterunt propter hoc, quod in commune utile est, ad libertatem pervenire. 16De his quoque servis, qui testamento manumissi sunt, perinde atque servis supplicium sumendum est. 17De his, qui antequam testamentum occisi occisaeve aperiretur profugissent posteaque aperto testamento liberi scripti invenirentur, perinde ac si de servis quaestio habenda suppliciumque sumendum est: nam est aequissimum ultioni dominorum non obstare indulgentiam ipsorum, quam quisque pleniorem esset expertus, eo graviorem sceleri suo poenam merebitur. 18Quod ad causam testamenti pertinens relictum erit ab eo qui occisus esse dicetur, id ne quis sciens dolo malo aperiendum recitandum describendumque curet, edicto cavetur, priusquam de ea familia quaestio ex senatus consulto habita suppliciumque de noxiis sumptum fuerit. 19Aperire autem hic ille videtur qui naturaliter aperit, sive sint signatae sive non sint legatae, sed tantum naturaliter clausae. 20Aperire accipere debemus prohibitos nos vel palam publice vel secreto: omnis enim apertura prohibita est. 21Si quis ignorans occisum aperuerit, non debet hoc edicto teneri. 22Et si sciens, non tamen dolo aperuit, aeque non tenebitur, si forte per imperitiam vel per rusticitatem ignarus edicti praetoris vel senatus consulti aperuit. 23Si quis tabulas quidem non aperuit naturaliter, linum autem inciderit, excusatus erit, quia dolo caret, qui ipsas tabulas non aperuit. 24Si autem non totum testamentum, sed pars eius aperta sit, dicendum est in edictum incidisse eum qui aperuit: parvi enim refert, utrum totum an pars aperiatur. 25Si quis codicillos aperuerit, testamentum non aperuerit, in edictum incidit: nam et codicilli ad causam testamenti pertinent. 26Item sive iure valeat id quod apertum est sive non valeat, attamen edicto locus est. 27Eadem servantur et de his, quae ad causam substitutionis pertinent, si pupillus pupillave occisus occisave esse dicetur. 28Si alius aperuit, alius recitavit, alius descripserit, omnes in edictum incident, qui singula eorum fecerunt. 29Non tantum ex testamento, sed etiam ab intestato hereditas ad hoc edictum pertinet, ut ne quis adeat bonorumve possessionem petat, antequam quaestio de familia habeatur, ne heres propter compendium suum familiae facinus occultaret. 30Eleganter Scaevola ait, ut quis ad heredem suum utiles actiones transmittat, si forte ante aditionem decessit, exploratum esse debere idcirco eum non adire, quod senatus consulto edictoque terreatur. 31Si condicioni intra diem ex die mortis praestitutum parere iussi ignorantia non paruerunt, si idcirco ignoratum est, quia metu senatus consulti aperiri tabulae non potuerunt, succurritur eis ad implendam condicionem. 32Si et aliud impedimentum sit de non adeunda hereditate vel aperiendarum tabularum, sit et senatus consulti, nihil prodesse impedimentum senatus consulti, si et aliud fuit: veluti si praegnas uxor occisi fuit vel etiam putabatur et propterea adire hereditatem institutus non potuerit.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Where a slave who was suffering from serious illness could not render his master assistance, he must be granted relief. 1If anyone while dying says that he was killed by his slave, it must be held that the master should not be believed, if he made this statement at the point of death, unless it can otherwise be proved. 2If a husband should kill his wife, or a wife should kill her husband at night, while they were together in their bedroom, the slaves will not be liable to punishment under the Decree of the Senate; but if they heard cries, and did not render assistance, they shall be punished, not only if they belong to the wife, but also if they belong to the husband. 3Where, however, a husband kills his wife caught in the act of adultery; for the reason that he himself is excused, it must be held that his slaves, as well as those of his wife, are free from liability, if they did not resist their master while seeking just reparation for a grievance. 4Where several masters, owning a slave in common, are attacked, and the slave only assists one of them, shall he be excused, or, indeed, shall he be punished for not assisting all of them? The better opinion is, that he should be subjected to punishment, if he could have assisted all of them, but only assisted one. If, however, he could not assist all at the same time, he must be excused, because he only afforded aid to one, for it would be harsh to claim that where a slave could not protect two of his masters, that he was guilty of crime for having chosen to protect but one of them. 5Wherefore, if a slave belonging to the wife should assist her husband rather than his mistress, or vice versa, it must be said that he ought to be excused. 6Those slaves must be excused who, at the time their master or mistress was killed, were shut up without bad faith on their part, so that they could not break out for the purpose of rendering assistance, or of seizing those who committed the murder. Nor does it make any difference by whom they were shut up, provided this was not done on purpose to prevent them from bringing aid. We understood the term “shut up” also to mean where they are bound, provided they have been bound in such a way that they cannot release themselves, and render assistance. 7Those also are excused who are incapacitated on account of age. 8A deaf slave also should be included among those who are infirm, or who do not live under the same roof; because as the latter cannot hear anything on account of the distance, so the former can hear nothing on account of his affliction. 9A blind slave also deserves to be excused. 10We must likewise except a dumb slave, but only where he could render aid by means of his voice. 11There is no doubt whatever that slaves who are insane should be excepted. 12Where anyone knowingly receives, or conceals through fraud a male or a female slave who belonged to the deceased, and who is liable to punishment on account of not having assisted him when the crime was committed, he is in the same position as if he had been guilty of the crime as prescribed by the law enacted with reference to assassins. 13Where a slave is due by reason of a stipulation, and discloses who committed the murder of his master, and on this account is directed to be free by way of reward, an action based on the stipulation shall not be granted to the stipulator, for it would not be granted if the slave had been subjected to punishment. Where, however, the slave did not live under the same roof with his master, an equitable action based on the stipulation will be granted to the creditor to recover the estimated value of the slave. 14But does this only apply to a slave who seems to have indicated or proved who committed the crime, if he did this voluntarily; or shall he also be included who, when he was accused, threw the responsibility of the crime upon another? The better opinion is, that he is entitled to the reward who voluntarily came forward with the accusation. 15Those slaves also, who otherwise would be unable to obtain their freedom, for instance, where they have been sold on condition that they will never be manumitted, can become free by an act of this kind, because it is conducive to the public welfare. 16Punishment must also be inflicted upon slaves who have been manumitted by will, just as upon other slaves. 17Torture and punishment must also be inflicted upon any slaves who, before the will of their murdered master or mistress has been opened, take to flight, and who afterwards, when the will is opened are found to have been left their freedom, just as upon other slaves. For it is perfectly just that the kindness of their masters should not stand in the way of their being avenged, and the more the slave has enjoyed their favor, the more serious punishment he deserves for his crime. 18It is provided by the Edict that where anything has been bequeathed by will by the person who is said to have been killed, no one who is aware of this shall open, read, or copy the will, before the slaves have been tortured and punishment is inflicted upon the guilty, in compliance with the Decree of the Senate; otherwise he will be guilty of bad faith. 19He is considered to have opened a will who opens it in the ordinary way, whether it is sealed, or not fastened with a cord, but merely closed. 20We must understand the term “to open”, to mean that we are forbidden to open the will in the presence of anyone, or publicly, or secretly; for every kind of opening is prohibited. 21Where anyone who did not know of the murder opens a will he should not be held liable under this Edict. 22And if he should be aware of the death of the testator, but does not open the will in bad faith, he will also not be liable, or if he does this through inexperience, or through rusticity is not aware of the existence of the Edict of the Prætor, or the Decree of the Senate. 23Where anyone does not open a will in the ordinary way, but cuts the cord with which it is tied, he will be excused, because he is not guilty of bad faith who does not open the will itself. 24Where, not the entire will, but only a portion of the same, is opened, it must be said that the person who opens it comes within the terms of the Edict, for it makes but little difference whether the entire will, or only a part of it, is opened. 25Where anyone opens a codicil, but does not open the will, he becomes liable under the Edict, because the codicil forms a part of the will. 26There is ground for the enforcement of the Edict whether the will that is opened is valid, or not. 27The same rule applies to those matters which relate to the substitution, where a male or a female minor is alleged to have been killed. 28When one person opens a will, and another reads it publicly, and a third copies it, all of those who did these things separately will be liable under the Edict. 29This Edict has reference not only to testamentary estates but also to intestate successions, in order to prevent anyone from entering upon the estate, or demanding prætorian possession of property belonging to the same, before torture has been inflicted upon the slaves, lest an heir might conceal the crime of his slaves for his own advantage. 30Scævola very properly says that anyone will transmit to his heir the right to bring prætorian actions if he should happen to die before entering upon the estate, and it should be ascertained that he did not do so because he feared to become liable under the Decree of the Senate and the Edict. 31If I should order a condition to be complied with between a certain day and the time of my death, and the heirs do not comply with it through ignorance, and, for the reason that such ignorance existed, the will could not be opened without incurring the penalty of the Decree of the Senate; relief should be granted to the heirs to enable them to fulfill the condition. 32Where any other impediment than fear of violating the Decree of the Senate exists to prevent entrance upon the estate or opening of the will, that arising from the Decree of the Senate, if there is any other, will be of no advantage to the heir; as, for instance, if the wife of the murdered man was pregnant, or was even supposed to be in that condition, and for this reason the appointed heir could not enter upon the estate.

Dig. 29,5,5Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Necessarios heredes puto edicto comprehendi, si se misceant hereditati. 1Nec bonorum possessionem peti praetor permittit: et ego puto ad omnes bonorum possessiones hoc edictum pertinere. 2Non alias bona publicantur, quam si constabit esse occisum patrem familias et heredem ante quaestionem de familia habitam suppliciumque sumptum adisse hereditatem. 3Ubi quis incuria necatus est vel medici insidiis, adiri quidem hereditas potest, sed heredi defensio mortis incumbit.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. I think that necessary heirs are included in the Edict, if they interfere in the business of the estate. 1The Prætor does not permit the possession of the estate to be demanded under these circumstances; and I think that the Edict applies to all prætorian possession. 2Property belonging to an estate shall not be confiscated, unless it is established that the head of the household was killed, and that the heir entered upon the estate before the slaves were put to the question, and punished. 3Where anyone dies through neglect, or through the treachery of a physician, his estate can be entered upon; but the duty of avenging his death devolves upon the heir.

Dig. 29,5,24Ulpianus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si quis quasi suspectam hereditatem coactus adit, non tenetur edicto.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Where anyone is compelled to enter upon an estate which he has reason to suspect of being insolvent, he will not be liable under the Edict.

Dig. 40,4,12Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Si quis libertatem sub iurisiurandi condicione reliquerit, edicto praetoris locus non erit, ut iurisiurandi condicio remittatur, et merito: nam si quis remiserit condicionem libertatis, ipsam libertatem impedit, dum competere aliter non potest, quam si paritum fuerit condicioni. 1Proinde et si legatum quis cum libertate acceperit, non aliter legatum habebit, nisi condicioni iurisiurandi paruerit. 2Sed si pure libertatem acceperit, legatum sub iurisiurandi condicione, putat Iulianus libro trigensimo primo digestorum remitti ei condicionem iurisiurandi. 3Idem puto dicendum et si libertati quoque iniecta condicio sit, sed testator eum vivus manumiserit: nam et hic condicio legati remittetur.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. Where anyone leaves a slave his freedom under the condition of his taking an oath, there will be no ground for the application of the Prætorian Edict for the purpose of remitting the oath; and this is reasonable, for if anyone should remit the condition upon which the freedom of the slave depends, he will prevent the freedom itself from taking effect, as the slave cannot obtain it except by complying with the condition. 1Hence, if anyone should bequeath a slave a legacy with his freedom, the latter will not be entitled to the legacy, unless he complies with the condition of taking the oath. 2If, however, he should receive his freedom absolutely, and the legacy was granted under the condition of his taking the oath, Julianus, in the Thirty-first Book of the Digest, thinks that the condition of taking the oath should be remitted. 3Moreover, I hold that the same rule will apply where the condition was imposed upon the grant of freedom, and the testator, during his lifetime, manumitted the slave; for, in this instance, the condition on which the legacy depended is remitted.

Dig. 45,1,50Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. In illa stipulatione: ‘per te non fieri?’ non hoc significatur nihil te facturum, quo minus facere possis, sed curaturum, ut facere possis. 1Item stipulatione emptae hereditatis: ‘quanta pecunia ad te pervenerit dolove malo tuo factum est eritve, quo minus perveniat’ nemo dubitabit quin teneatur, qui id egit, ne quid ad se perveniret.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. In the following stipulation the words, “Nothing will be done by you,” do not mean that you will not do anything to prevent some act from being performed, but that you will use your utmost efforts to accomplish it. 1Again, in a stipulation having reference to the purchase of an estate, and which is in the following terms, “All the money which comes into your hands; or which you have prevented from coming into your hands; or which you may, in the future, prevent from doing so,” there is no doubt that he who has prevented anything from coming into his hands will be liable.

Dig. 48,18,3Idem libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Constitutione imperatoris nostri et divi Severi placuit plurium servum in nullius caput torqueri posse.

The Same, On the Edict, Book LVI. It was established by a Constitution of Our Emperor and the Divine Severus that a slave belonging to several owners cannot be subjected to torture against any of them.

Dig. 50,16,197Ulpianus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. ‘Indicasse’ est detulisse: ‘arguisse’ accusasse et convicisse.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book L. “To inform” is to denounce, to impeach, to accuse, and to convict.