Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XLVI
Dig. 28,3,11Ulpianus libro quadragesimo sexto ad edictum. Si binae tabulae proferantur diversis temporibus factae, unae prius, aliaaaDie Großausgabe liest aliae statt alia. postea, utraeque tamen septem testium signis signatae, et apertae posteriores vacuae inventae sint, id est nihil scriptum habentes omnino, superius testamentum non est ruptum, quia sequens nullum est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. Where two wills executed at different times are produced, and each of them is sealed with the seals of seven witnesses, and the last one, having been opened, is found to be blank, that is, without any writing whatsoever, the first will is not broken for the reason that the second one is void.
Dig. 29,2,39Idem libro quadragesimo sexto ad edictum. Quam diu potest ex testamento adiri hereditas, ab intestato non defertur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XLVI. As long as an estate can be entered upon by virtue of a will, it does not descend as intestate.
Dig. 29,4,23Ulpianus libro quadragesimo sexto ad edictum. Si filius qui mansit in patris potestate, item filia heredes instituti praeterito fratre emancipato, qui contra tabulas accipere possessionem potuit, ut intestati patris possessionem acceperint, legata omnibus praestabunt nec filia dotem suam fratri conferet, cum ut scripta videatur hereditatem habere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. Where a son, who is under the control of his father, and also a daughter were appointed heir, an emancipated brother, having been passed over, obtained possession of the estate in opposition to the will. By this means the heirs acquired the estate of their father on the ground of intestacy, and paid all the legacies. The daughter, however, did not divide her dowry with her brother, as she was held to be entitled to her share of the estate as an appointed heir.
Dig. 38,7,2Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad edictum. Si repudiaverint sui ab intestato bonorum possessionem, adhuc dicemus obstare eos legitimis, hoc est his, quibus legitima potuit deferri hereditas, idcirco, quia repudiando quasi liberi bonorum possessionem hanc incipiunt habere quasi legitimi. 1Haec autem bonorum possessio non tantum masculorum defertur, verum etiam feminarum, nec tantum ingenuorum, verum etiam libertinorum. communis est igitur pluribus. nam et feminae possunt vel consanguineos vel adgnatos habere, item libertini possunt patronos patronasque habere. 2Nec tantum masculi hanc bonorum possessionem accipere possunt, verum etiam feminae. 3Si quis decesserit, de quo incertum est, utrum pater familias an filius familias sit, quia pater eius ab hostibus captus adhuc vivat vel quod alia causa suspendebat eius statum, magis est, ne possit peti bonorum eius possessio, quia nondum intestatum eum esse apparet, cum incertum sit, an testari possit. cum igitur coeperit certi status esse, tunc demum petenda est bonorum possessio: non cum certum esse coeperit intestatum esse, sed cum certum esse coeperit patrem familias esse. 4Haec autem bonorum possessio omnem vocat, qui ab intestato potuit esse heres, sive lex duodecim tabularum eum legitimum heredem faciat sive alia lex senatusve consultum. denique mater, quae ex senatus consulto venit Tertulliano, item qui ex Orphitiano ad legitimam hereditatem admittuntur, hanc bonorum possessionem petere possunt.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. When the proper heirs reject possession of an estate ab intestato, we hold that they offer no obstacle to the heirs-at-law, that is to say, to those to whom the estate can legally pass. The reason for this is because, by rejecting the possession of the estate in the capacity of children, they begin to be entitled to it as heirs-at-law. 1Moreover, this kind of prætorian possession not only passes to males, but also to females, and not only to freeborn persons but also to freedmen; and therefore it is common to several. For women may have either blood relatives or agnates, and freedmen may also have patrons and patronesses. 2Not only can males obtain prætorian possession of this kind, but females likewise can do so. 3Where anyone dies, and it is uncertain whether he is the head of a household or a son under paternal control, for the reason that his father, who has been captured by the enemy, is still living, or because his civil status is in suspense for some other reason, the better opinion is that prætorian possession of his estate cannot be demanded, as it is not apparent that he has died intestate, and it is uncertain whether he can make a will or not. Therefore, when his condition is ascertained beyond a doubt, prætorian possession of his estate can be demanded; not from the time when it began to be positively known that he died intestate, but when it became certain that he was the head of a household when he died. 4Moreover, this kind of prætorian possession includes everyone who can succeed to the inheritance on the ground of intestacy, whether the provision of the Twelve Tables, or some other enactment, or a decree of the Senate constitutes him an heir at law. Finally the mother, who is entitled to the succession under the Tertullian Decree of the Senate, and also the children, who, under the Orphitian Decree of the Senate, are admitted to the succession of their mother as her heirs at law, can demand prætorian possession.
Dig. 38,8,1Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad edictum. Haec bonorum possessio nudam habet praetoris indulgentiam neque ex iure civili originem habet: nam eos invitat ad bonorum possessionem, qui iure civili ad successionem admitti non possunt, id est cognatos. 1Cognati autem appellati sunt quasi ex uno nati, aut, ut Labeo ait, quasi commune nascendi initium habuerint. 2Pertinet autem haec lex ad cognationes non serviles: nec enim facile ulla servilis videtur esse cognatio. 3Haec autem bonorum possessio, quae ex hac parte edicti datur, cognatorum gradus sex complectitur et ex septimo duas personas sobrino et sobrina natum et natam. 4Cognationem facit etiam adoptio: etenim quibus fiet adgnatus hic qui adoptatus est, isdem etiam cognatus fiet: nam ubicumque de cognatis agitur, ibi sic accipiemus, ut etiam adoptione cognati facti contineantur. evenit igitur, ut is qui in adoptionem datus est tam in familia naturalis patris iura cognationis retineat quam in familia adoptiva nanciscatur: sed eorum tantum cognationem in adoptiva familia nanciscetur, quibus fit adgnatus, in naturali autem omnium retinebit. 5Proximus autem accipietur etiam is qui solus est, quamvis proprie proximus ex pluribus dicitur. 6Proximum accipere nos oportet eo tempore, quo bonorum possessio defertur. 7Si quis igitur proximus cognatus, dum heredes scripti deliberant, diem suum obierit, sequens quasi proximus admittetur, hoc est quicumque fuerit tum deprehensus proximum locum optinens. 8Si quis proximior cognatus nasci speretur, in ea condicione est, ut dici debeat obstare eum sequentibus: sed ubi natus non est, admittemus eum, qui post ventrem proximus videbatur. sed hoc ita demum erit accipiendum, si hic qui in utero esse dicitur vivo eo de cuius bonorum possessione agitur fuit conceptus, nam si post mortem, neque obstabit alii neque ipse admittetur, quia non fuit proximus cognatus ei, quo vivo nondum animax fuerit. 9Si qua praegnas decesserit et utero exsecto partus sit editus, in ea condicione est partus iste, ut matris suae accipere bonorum possessionem possit ‘unde proximi cognati’. sed post senatus consultum Orphitianum et ‘unde legitimi’ petere poterit, quia mortis tempore in utero fuit. 10Gradatim autem admittuntur cognati ad bonorum possessionem: ut qui sunt primo gradu, omnes simul admittuntur. 11Si quis apud hostes fuerit mortis tempore eius, de cuius bonorum possessione quaeritur, dicendum est bonorum possessionem peti ab eo posse.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. This kind of prætorian possession depends entirely upon the indulgence of the Prætor, and does not derive its origin from the Civil Law, for he calls those to the possession of an estate who, under the Civil Law, cannot be admitted to the succession, that is to say, cognates. 1They are called cognates on account of their having the same birth; or, as Labeo says, because they have a common origin, so far as their birth is concerned. 2Moreover, this law refers to such cognate relationship as is not servile, for any cognation can hardly be considered servile. 3Again, the prætorian possession which is granted by this Section of the Edict includes six degrees of cognates, and two persons in the seventh, that is, the children of a male or a female cousin. 4Adoption also constitutes cognation. For anyone who is adopted becomes the cognate of those persons of whom he becomes the agnate; since whenever the rights of agnates are taken into account, we understand that those who are made cognates by adoption are included. The result is, therefore, that where a person is given in adoption, he will still retain his rights of cognation in the family of his natural father, as well as those which he obtains in his adoptive family; but he will only obtain cognation in the adoptive family with reference to those persons of whom he becomes the agnate; and he will retain the rights of cognation with all the members of his natural family. 5Moreover, he who is alone will be understood to be the next of kin among the cognates; although, strictly speaking, the next of kin is referred to as one of several. 6It is proper for us to examine the rights of the next of kin among the cognates at the time when prætorian possession of an estate is granted. 7Hence, if the nearest cognate should die while the appointed heirs were deliberating whether to accept the estate or not, the next of kin in the succession will take his place; that is to say, whoever is ascertained to have a right to the next place. 8If there is any prospect that a cognate who will be the next of kin may be born, the condition is such that it must be said that he offers an obstacle to those who follow him in the line of descent. But if the child should not be born, we must admit to the succession the person who appears to be next of kin to the said unborn child. This rule, however, should only be adopted where the child who is said to be unborn was conceived during the lifetime of him the possession of whose estate is in question; for if he should have been conceived after the death of the latter, he will offer no obstacle to the other, nor will he himself be admitted to the succession; because he was not the cognate next of kin to him in whose lifetime the unborn child was not yet in existence. 9If a woman should die while pregnant, and an operation should afterwards be performed to deliver the child, the latter is in such a position that it can obtain prætorian possession of the estate of its mother, as the nearest cognate. Since the passage of the Orphitian Decree of the Senate, the child can demand possession of the estate as heir at law, because it was in its mother’s womb at the time of her death. 10Moreover, cognates are permitted to obtain prætorian possession in regular gradation, so that those who belong to the first degree are all admitted at once. 11If a cognate should be in the hands of the enemy, at the time of the death of the person the prætorian possession of whose estate is in question, it must be said that prætorian possession of the same can be demanded by him.
Dig. 38,10,2Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad edictum. hoc est patris eius, de cuius cognatione quaeritur, consobrinus consobrina sive frater patruelis.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. That is to say the male and female cousins of the father of him whose relationship is in question, or the children of a father’s brother.
Dig. 38,16,5Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad edictum. Si quis, cum haberet fratrem et patruum, decesserit testamento facto, deinde pendente condicione heredum scriptorum frater intestato decesserit, mox condicio defecerit: patruum posse utriusque adire legitimam hereditatem constat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. Where anyone, having a brother and a paternal uncle, dies after having made a will, and the brother then dies intestate while a condition imposed upon the appointed heir is still pending, and the condition should not afterwards be complied with, it is settled that the paternal uncle can enter upon the estates of both the deceased brothers.
Dig. 50,16,195Idem libro quadragensimo sexto ad edictum. Pronuntiatio sermonis in sexu masculino ad utrumque sexum plerumque porrigitur. 1‘Familiae’ appellatio qualiter accipiatur, videamus. et quidem varie accepta est: nam et in res et in personas deducitur. in res, ut puta in lege duodecim tabularum his verbis ‘adgnatus proximus familiam habeto’. ad personas autem refertur familiae significatio ita, cum de patrono et liberto loquitur lex: ‘ex ea familia’, inquit, ‘in eam familiam’: et hic de singularibus personis legem loqui constat. 2Familiae appellatio refertur et ad corporis cuiusdam significationem, quod aut iure proprio ipsorum aut communi universae cognationis continetur. iure proprio familiam dicimus plures personas, quae sunt sub unius potestate aut natura aut iure subiectae, ut puta patrem familias, matrem familias, filium familias, filiam familias quique deinceps vicem eorum sequuntur, ut puta nepotes et neptes et deinceps. pater autem familias appellatur, qui in domo dominium habet, recteque hoc nomine appellatur, quamvis filium non habeat: non enim solam personam eius, sed et ius demonstramus: denique et pupillum patrem familias appellamus. et cum pater familias moritur, quotquot capita ei subiecta fuerint, singulas familias incipiunt habere: singuli enim patrum familiarum nomen subeunt. idemque eveniet et in eo qui emancipatus est: nam et hic sui iuris effectus propriam familiam habet. communi iure familiam dicimus omnium adgnatorum: nam etsi patre familias mortuo singuli singulas familias habent, tamen omnes, qui sub unius potestate fuerunt, recte eiusdem familiae appellabuntur, qui ex eadem domo et gente proditi sunt. 3Servitutium quoque solemus appellare familias, ut in edicto praetoris ostendimus sub titulo de furtis, ubi praetor loquitur de familia publicanorum. sed ibi non omnes servi, sed corpus quoddam servorum demonstratur huius rei causa paratum, hoc est vectigalis causa. alia autem parte edicti omnes servi continentur: ut de hominibus coactis et vi bonorum raptorum, item redhibitoria, si deterior res reddatur emptoris opera aut familiae eius, et interdicto unde vi familiae appellatio omnes servos comprehendit. sed et filii continentur. 4Item appellatur familia plurium personarum, quae ab eiusdem ultimi genitoris sanguine proficiscuntur (sicuti dicimus familiam Iuliam), quasi a fonte quodam memoriae. 5Mulier autem familiae suae et caput et finis est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XLVI. The term “masculine” frequently extends to both sexes. 1Let us see how the word “family” should be understood. And indeed, it is understood in various ways, for it has reference to both property and persons; to property, as in the Law of the Twelve Tables where it is said, “Let the next of kin on the father’s side have the estate” (familia). The term “family” also has reference to persons, as where the same law referring to a patron and his freedman says, “From this family to that.” In this instance, it is established that the law has reference to individuals. 2The term “family” has reference to every collection of persons which are connected by their own rights as individuals, or by the common bond of general relationship. We say that a family is connected by its own rights where several are either by nature or by law subjected to the authority of one; for example, the father of a family, the mother of a family, and a son and a daughter under paternal control, as well as their descendants; for instance, grandsons, granddaughters, and their successors. He is designated the father of a family who has authority over the household, and he is properly so called even if he has no son, for we do not merely consider his person, but also his right. Then we also style a minor the father of a family, when his father dies, and each of the persons who were under his control begins to have a separate household, and all obtain the title of father of a family. The same thing happens in the case of a son who is emancipated, for he also has his own family when he becomes independent. We say that the family of all the agnates is a common one, because even though the head of the household may be dead, and each of them has a separate family, still, all who were under the control of him alone are properly said to belong to the same family, as they have sprung from the same house and race. 3We are also accustomed to apply the term “family” to bodies of slaves, as we explained, according to the Edict of the Prætor, under the Title of Theft, where the Prætor mentions the family of farmers of the revenue. In this instance, all slaves are not meant, but only those are designated who were appointed for this purpose, that is to say, for the collection of taxes. In another part of the Edict all slaves are included; as in the case of unlawful assemblies, and property taken by force, and also where suit for the annulment of a contract can be brought, and the property is returned in a worse condition through the act of the purchaser or his family; and finally, in the case of the interdict Unde vi, the term family embraces not only all the slaves, but also the children. 4The word “family” also applies to all those persons, who are descended from the last father, as we say the Julian Family, referring, as it were, to persons derived from a certain origin within our memory. 5The wife is the beginning and the end of her family.
Dig. 50,17,54Ulpianus libro quadragensimo sexto ad edictum. Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest, quam ipse haberet.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLVI. No one can transfer to another a right which he himself does not possess.