Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Ulp.ed. XXXIX
Ulp. Ad edictum praetoris lib.Ulpiani Ad edictum praetoris libri

Ad edictum praetoris libri

Ex libro XXXIX

Dig. 1,1De iustitia et iure (Concerning Justice and Law.)Dig. 1,2De origine iuris et omnium magistratuum et successione prudentium (Concerning the Origin of Law and of All Magistrates, Together With a Succession of Jurists.)Dig. 1,3De legibus senatusque consultis et longa consuetudine (Concerning Statutes, Decrees of the Senate, and Long Established Customs.)Dig. 1,4De constitutionibus principum (Concerning the Constitutions of the Emperors.)Dig. 1,5De statu hominum (Concerning the Condition of Men.)Dig. 1,6De his qui sui vel alieni iuris sunt (Concerning Those Who Are Their Own Masters, and Those That Are Under the Control of Others.)Dig. 1,7De adoptionibus et emancipationibus et aliis modis quibus potestas solvitur (Concerning Adoptions and Emancipations, and Other Methods by Which Paternal Authority is Dissolved.)Dig. 1,8De divisione rerum et qualitate (Concerning the Division and Nature of Things.)Dig. 1,9De senatoribus (Concerning Senators.)Dig. 1,10De officio consulis (Concerning the Office of Consul.)Dig. 1,11De officio praefecti praetorio (Concerning the Office of Prætorian Prefect.)Dig. 1,12De officio praefecti urbi (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the City.)Dig. 1,13De officio quaestoris (Concerning the Office of Quæstor.)Dig. 1,14De officio praetorum (Concerning the Office of the Prætors.)Dig. 1,15De officio praefecti vigilum (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the Night Watch.)Dig. 1,16 (0,9 %)De officio proconsulis et legati (Concerning the Office of Proconsul, and his Deputy.)Dig. 1,17De officio praefecti Augustalis (Concerning the Office of Augustal Prefect.)Dig. 1,18 (1,0 %)De officio praesidis (Concerning the Office of Governor.)Dig. 1,19De officio procuratoris Caesaris vel rationalis (Concerning the Office of the Imperial Steward or Accountant.)Dig. 1,20De officio iuridici (Concerning the Office of Juridicus.)Dig. 1,21De officio eius, cui mandata est iurisdictio (Concerning the Office of Him to Whom Jurisdiction is Delegated.)Dig. 1,22De officio adsessorum (Concerning the Office of Assessors.)
Dig. 2,1 (2,3 %)De iurisdictione (Concerning Jurisdiction.)Dig. 2,2Quod quisque iuris in alterum statuerit, ut ipse eodem iure utatur (Each One Must Himself Use the Law Which He Has Established for Others.)Dig. 2,3Si quis ius dicenti non obtemperaverit (Where Anyone Refuses Obedience to a Magistrate Rendering Judgment.)Dig. 2,4De in ius vocando (Concerning Citations Before a Court of Justice.)Dig. 2,5Si quis in ius vocatus non ierit sive quis eum vocaverit, quem ex edicto non debuerit (Where Anyone Who is Summoned Does Not Appear, and Where Anyone Summoned a Person Whom, According to the Edict, He Should Not Have Summoned.)Dig. 2,6In ius vocati ut eant aut satis vel cautum dent (Persons Who Are Summoned Must Either Appear, or Give Bond or Security to Do So.)Dig. 2,7Ne quis eum qui in ius vocabitur vi eximat (No One Can Forcibly Remove a Person Who Has Been Summoned to Court.)Dig. 2,8Qui satisdare cogantur vel iurato promittant vel suae promissioni committantur (What Persons Are Compelled to Give a Surety, and Who Can Make a Promise Under Oath, or Be Bound by a Mere Promise.)Dig. 2,9Si ex noxali causa agatur, quemadmodum caveatur (In What Way Security Must Be Given in a Noxal Action.)Dig. 2,10De eo per quem factum erit quominus quis in iudicio sistat (Concerning One Who Prevents a Person From Appearing in Court.)Dig. 2,11Si quis cautionibus in iudicio sistendi causa factis non obtemperaverit (Where a Party Who Has Given a Bond to Appear in Court Does Not Do So.)Dig. 2,12De feriis et dilationibus et diversis temporibus (Concerning Festivals, Delays, and Different Seasons.)Dig. 2,13De edendo (Concerning the Statement of a Case.)Dig. 2,14De pactis (Concerning Agreements.)Dig. 2,15De transactionibus (Concerning Compromises.)
Dig. 27,1De excusationibus (Concerning the Excuses of Guardians and Curators.)Dig. 27,2Ubi pupillus educari vel morari debeat et de alimentis ei praestandis (Where a Ward Should Be Brought Up, or Reside, and Concerning the Support Which Should Be Furnished Him.)Dig. 27,3De tutelae et rationibus distrahendis et utili curationis causa actione (Concerning the Action to Compel an Accounting for Guardianship, and the Equitable Action Based on Curatorship.)Dig. 27,4De contraria tutelae et utili actione (Concerning the Counter-action on Guardianship and the Prætorian Action.)Dig. 27,5De eo qui pro tutore prove curatore negotia gessit (Concerning One Who Transacts Business as Acting Guardian or Curator.)Dig. 27,6Quod falso tutore auctore gestum esse dicatur (Concerning Business Transacted Under the Authority of a False Guardian.)Dig. 27,7De fideiussoribus et nominatoribus et heredibus tutorum et curatorum (Concerning the Sureties of Guardians and Curators and Those Who Have Offered Them, and the Heirs of the Former.)Dig. 27,8De magistratibus conveniendis (Concerning Suits Against Magistrates.)Dig. 27,9De rebus eorum, qui sub tutela vel cura sunt, sine decreto non alienandis vel supponendis (Concerning the Property of Those Who Are Under Guardianship or Curatorship, and With Reference To The Alienation or Encumbrance of Their Property Without a Decree.)Dig. 27,10De curatoribus furioso et aliis extra minores dandis (Concerning the Appointment of Curators for Insane Persons and Others Who Are Not Minors.)
Dig. 37,1 (39,4 %)De bonorum possessionibus (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property.)Dig. 37,2Si tabulae testamenti extabunt (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where There is a Will.)Dig. 37,3 (9,3 %)De bonorum possessione furioso infanti muto surdo caeco competente (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Granted to an Insane Person, an Infant, or One Who is Dumb, Deaf, or Blind.)Dig. 37,4 (22,4 %)De bonorum possessione contra tabulas (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,5De legatis praestandis contra tabulas bonorum possessione petita (Concerning the Payment of Legacies Where Prætorian Possession of an Estate is Obtained Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,6De collatione bonorum (Concerning the Collation of Property.)Dig. 37,7De dotis collatione (Concerning Collation of the Dowry.)Dig. 37,8De coniungendis cum emancipato liberis eius (Concerning the Contribution to be Made Between an Emancipated Son and His Children.)Dig. 37,9De ventre in possessionem mittendo et curatore eius (Concerning the Placing of an Unborn Child in Possession of an Estate, and his Curator.)Dig. 37,10De Carboniano edicto (Concerning the Carbonian Edict.)Dig. 37,11 (26,7 %)De bonorum possessione secundum tabulas (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in Accordance with the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,12Si a parente quis manumissus sit (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where a Son Has Been Manumitted by His Father.)Dig. 37,13De bonorum possessione ex testamento militis (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in the Case of the Will of a Soldier.)Dig. 37,14De iure patronatus (Concerning the Right of Patronage.)Dig. 37,15De obsequiis parentibus et patronis praestandis (Concerning the Respect Which Should be Shown to Parents and Patrons.)
Dig. 38,1De operis libertorum (Concerning the Services of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,2De bonis libertorum (Concerning the Property of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,3De libertis universitatium (Concerning the Freedmen of Municipalities.)Dig. 38,4De adsignandis libertis (Concerning the Assignment of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,5Si quid in fraudem patroni factum sit (Where Anything is Done to Defraud the Patron.)Dig. 38,6 (11,0 %)Si tabulae testamenti nullae extabunt, unde liberi (Where no Will is in Existence by Which Children May be Benefited.)Dig. 38,7Unde legitimi (Concerning Prætorian Possession by Agnates.)Dig. 38,8Unde cognati (Concerning the Prætorian Possession Granted to Cognates.)Dig. 38,9De successorio edicto (Concerning the Successory Edict.)Dig. 38,10De gradibus et adfinibus et nominibus eorum (Concerning the Degrees of Relationship and Affinity and Their Different Names.)Dig. 38,11Unde vir et uxor (Concerning Prætorian Possession With Reference to Husband and Wife.)Dig. 38,12De veteranorum et militum successione (Concerning the Succession of Veterans and Soldiers.)Dig. 38,13Quibus non competit bonorum possessio (Concerning Those Who are Not Entitled to Prætorian Possession of an Estate.)Dig. 38,14Ut ex legibus senatusve consultis bonorum possessio detur (Concerning Prætorian Possession of Property Granted by Special Laws or Decrees of the Senate.)Dig. 38,15Quis ordo in possessionibus servetur (What Order is to be Observed in Granting Prætorian Possession.)Dig. 38,16De suis et legitimis heredibus (Concerning Proper Heirs and Heirs at Law.)Dig. 38,17Ad senatus consultum Tertullianum et Orphitianum (On the Tertullian and Orphitian Decrees of the Senate.)
Dig. 40,1De manumissionibus (Concerning Manumissions.)Dig. 40,2De manumissis vindicta (Concerning Manumissions Before a Magistrate.)Dig. 40,3De manumissionibus quae servis ad universitatem pertinentibus imponuntur (Concerning the Manumission of Slaves Belonging to a Community.)Dig. 40,4De manumissis testamento (Concerning Testamentary Manumissions.)Dig. 40,5De fideicommissariis libertatibus (Concerning Freedom Granted Under the Terms of a Trust.)Dig. 40,6De ademptione libertatis (Concerning the Deprivation of Freedom.)Dig. 40,7De statuliberis (Concerning Slaves Who are to be Free Under a Certain Condition.)Dig. 40,8Qui sine manumissione ad libertatem perveniunt (Concerning Slaves Who Obtain Their Freedom Without Manumission.)Dig. 40,9Qui et a quibus manumissi liberi non fiunt et ad legem Aeliam Sentiam (What Slaves, Having Been Manumitted, do not Become Free, by Whom This is Done; and on the Law of Ælia Sentia.)Dig. 40,10De iure aureorum anulorum (Concerning the Right to Wear a Gold Ring.)Dig. 40,11De natalibus restituendis (Concerning the Restitution of the Rights of Birth.)Dig. 40,12De liberali causa (Concerning Actions Relating to Freedom.)Dig. 40,13Quibus ad libertatem proclamare non licet (Concerning Those Who are Not Permitted to Demand Their Freedom.)Dig. 40,14Si ingenuus esse dicetur (Where Anyone is Decided to be Freeborn.)Dig. 40,15Ne de statu defunctorum post quinquennium quaeratur (No Question as to the Condition of Deceased Persons Shall be Raised After Five Years Have Elapsed After Their Death.)Dig. 40,16De collusione detegenda (Concerning the Detection of Collusion.)
Dig. 43,1De interdictis sive extraordinariis actionibus, quae pro his competunt (Concerning Interdicts or the Extraordinary Proceedings to Which They Give Rise.)Dig. 43,2Quorum bonorum (Concerning the Interdict Quorum Bonorum.)Dig. 43,3Quod legatorum (Concerning the Interdict Quod Legatorum.)Dig. 43,4Ne vis fiat ei, qui in possessionem missus erit (Concerning the Interdict Which Prohibits Violence Being Employed Against a Person Placed in Possession.)Dig. 43,5De tabulis exhibendis (Concerning the Production of Papers Relating to a Will.)Dig. 43,6Ne quid in loco sacro fiat (Concerning the Interdict for the Purpose of Preventing Anything Being Done in a Sacred Place.)Dig. 43,7De locis et itineribus publicis (Concerning the Interdict Relating to Public Places and Highways.)Dig. 43,8Ne quid in loco publico vel itinere fiat (Concerning the Interdict Forbidding Anything to be Done in a Public Place or on a Highway.)Dig. 43,9De loco publico fruendo (Concerning the Edict Relating to the Enjoyment of a Public Place.)Dig. 43,10De via publica et si quid in ea factum esse dicatur (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Public Streets and Anything Done Therein.)Dig. 43,11De via publica et itinere publico reficiendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Repairs of Public Streets and Highways.)Dig. 43,12De fluminibus. ne quid in flumine publico ripave eius fiat, quo peius navigetur (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Rivers and the Prevention of Anything Being Done in Them or on Their Banks Which May Interfere With Navigation.)Dig. 43,13Ne quid in flumine publico fiat, quo aliter aqua fluat, atque uti priore aestate fluxit (Concerning the Interdict to Prevent Anything From Being Built in a Public River or on Its Bank Which Might Cause the Water to Flow in a Different Direction Than it did During the Preceding Summer.)Dig. 43,14Ut in flumine publico navigare liceat (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Use of a Public River for Navigation.)Dig. 43,15De ripa munienda (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Raising the Banks of Streams.)Dig. 43,16De vi et de vi armata (Concerning the Interdict Against Violence and Armed Force.)Dig. 43,17Uti possidetis (Concerning the Interdict Uti Possidetis.)Dig. 43,18De superficiebus (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Surface of the Land.)Dig. 43,19De itinere actuque privato (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Private Rights of Way.)Dig. 43,20De aqua cottidiana et aestiva (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Water Used Every Day and to Such as is Only Used During the Summer.)Dig. 43,21De rivis (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to Conduits.)Dig. 43,22De fonte (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Springs.)Dig. 43,23De cloacis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Sewers.)Dig. 43,24Quod vi aut clam (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Works Undertaken by Violence or Clandestinely.)Dig. 43,25De remissionibus (Concerning the Withdrawal of Opposition.)Dig. 43,26De precario (Concerning Precarious Tenures.)Dig. 43,27De arboribus caedendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Cutting of Trees.)Dig. 43,28De glande legenda (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Gathering of Fruit Which Has Fallen From the Premises of One Person Upon Those of Another.)Dig. 43,29De homine libero exhibendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of a Person Who Is Free.)Dig. 43,30De liberis exhibendis, item ducendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of Children and Their Recovery.)Dig. 43,31Utrubi (Concerning the Interdict Utrubi.)Dig. 43,32De migrando (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Removal of Tenants.)Dig. 43,33De Salviano interdicto (Concerning the Salvian Interdict.)
Dig. 47,1De privatis delictis (Concerning Private Offences.)Dig. 47,2De furtis (Concerning Thefts.)Dig. 47,3De tigno iuncto (Concerning the Theft of Timbers Joined to a Building.)Dig. 47,4Si is, qui testamento liber esse iussus erit, post mortem domini ante aditam hereditatem subripuisse aut corrupisse quid dicetur (Where Anyone Who is Ordered to be Free by the Terms of a Will, After the Death of His Master and Before the Estate is Entered Upon, is Said to Have Stolen or Spoiled Something.)Dig. 47,5Furti adversus nautas caupones stabularios (Concerning Theft Committed Against Captains of Vessels, Innkeepers, and Landlords.)Dig. 47,6Si familia furtum fecisse dicetur (Concerning Thefts Alleged to Have Been Made by an Entire Body of Slaves.)Dig. 47,7Arborum furtim caesarum (Concerning Trees Cut Down by Stealth.)Dig. 47,8Vi bonorum raptorum et de turba (Concerning the Robbery of Property by Violence, and Disorderly Assemblages.)Dig. 47,9De incendio ruina naufragio rate nave expugnata (Concerning Fire, Destruction, and Shipwreck, Where a Boat or a Ship is Taken by Force.)Dig. 47,10De iniuriis et famosis libellis (Concerning Injuries and Infamous Libels.)Dig. 47,11De extraordinariis criminibus (Concerning the Arbitrary Punishment of Crime.)Dig. 47,12De sepulchro violato (Concerning the Violation of Sepulchres.)Dig. 47,13De concussione (Concerning Extortion.)Dig. 47,14De abigeis (Concerning Those Who Steal Cattle.)Dig. 47,15De praevaricatione (Concerning Prevarication.)Dig. 47,16De receptatoribus (Concerning Those Who Harbor Criminals.)Dig. 47,17De furibus balneariis (Concerning Thieves Who Steal in Baths.)Dig. 47,18De effractoribus et expilatoribus (Concerning Those Who Break Out of Prison, and Plunderers.)Dig. 47,19Expilatae hereditatis (Concerning the Spoliation of Estates.)Dig. 47,20Stellionatus (Concerning Stellionatus.)Dig. 47,21De termino moto (Concerning the Removal of Boundaries.)Dig. 47,22De collegiis et corporibus (Concerning Associations and Corporations.)Dig. 47,23De popularibus actionibus (Concerning Popular Actions.)
Dig. 48,1De publicis iudiciis (On Criminal Prosecutions.)Dig. 48,2De accusationibus et inscriptionibus (Concerning Accusations and Inscriptions.)Dig. 48,3De custodia et exhibitione reorum (Concerning the Custody and Appearance of Defendants in Criminal Cases.)Dig. 48,4Ad legem Iuliam maiestatis (On the Julian Law Relating to the Crime of Lese Majesty.)Dig. 48,5Ad legem Iuliam de adulteriis coercendis (Concerning the Julian Law for the Punishment of Adultery.)Dig. 48,6Ad legem Iuliam de vi publica (Concerning the Julian Law on Public Violence.)Dig. 48,7Ad legem Iuliam de vi privata (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Private Violence.)Dig. 48,8Ad legem Corneliam de siccariis et veneficis (Concerning the Cornelian Law Relating to Assassins and Poisoners.)Dig. 48,9De lege Pompeia de parricidiis (Concerning the Pompeian Law on Parricides.)Dig. 48,10De lege Cornelia de falsis et de senatus consulto Liboniano (Concerning the Cornelian Law on Deceit and the Libonian Decree of the Senate.)Dig. 48,11De lege Iulia repetundarum (Concerning the Julian Law on Extortion.)Dig. 48,12De lege Iulia de annona (Concerning the Julian Law on Provisions.)Dig. 48,13Ad legem Iuliam peculatus et de sacrilegis et de residuis (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Peculation, Sacrilege, and Balances.)Dig. 48,14De lege Iulia ambitus (Concerning the Julian Law With Reference to the Unlawful Seeking of Office.)Dig. 48,15De lege Fabia de plagiariis (Concerning the Favian Law With Reference to Kidnappers.)Dig. 48,16Ad senatus consultum Turpillianum et de abolitionibus criminum (Concerning the Turpillian Decree of the Senate and the Dismissal of Charges.)Dig. 48,17De requirendis vel absentibus damnandis (Concerning the Conviction of Persons Who Are Sought For or Are Absent.)Dig. 48,18 (0,7 %)De quaestionibus (Concerning Torture.)Dig. 48,19De poenis (Concerning Punishments.)Dig. 48,20De bonis damnatorum (Concerning the Property of Persons Who Have Been Convicted.)Dig. 48,21De bonis eorum, qui ante sententiam vel mortem sibi consciverunt vel accusatorem corruperunt (Concerning the Property of Those Who Have Either Killed Themselves or Corrupted Their Accusers Before Judgment Has Been Rendered.)Dig. 48,22De interdictis et relegatis et deportatis (Concerning Persons Who Are Interdicted, Relegated, and Deported.)Dig. 48,23De sententiam passis et restitutis (Concerning Persons Upon Whom Sentence Has Been Passed and Who Have Been Restored to Their Rights.)Dig. 48,24De cadaveribus punitorum (Concerning the Corpses of Persons Who Are Punished.)
Dig. 49,1De appellationibus et relegationibus (On Appeals and Reports.)Dig. 49,2A quibus appellari non licet (From What Persons It Is Not Permitted to Appeal.)Dig. 49,3Quis a quo appelletur (To Whom and From Whom an Appeal Can be Taken.)Dig. 49,4Quando appellandum sit et intra quae tempora (When an Appeal Should be Taken, and Within What Time.)Dig. 49,5De appellationibus recipiendis vel non (Concerning the Acceptance or Rejection of Appeals.)Dig. 49,6De libellis dimissoriis, qui apostoli dicuntur (Concerning Notices of Appeal Called Dispatches.)Dig. 49,7Nihil innovari appellatione interposita (No Change Shall be Made After the Appeal Has Been Interposed.)Dig. 49,8Quae sententiae sine appellatione rescindantur (What Decisions Can be Rescinded Without an Appeal.)Dig. 49,9An per alium causae appellationum reddi possunt (Whether the Reasons for an Appeal Can be Presented by Another.)Dig. 49,10Si tutor vel curator magistratusve creatus appellaverit (Where a Guardian, a Curator, or a Magistrate Having Been Appointed, Appeals.)Dig. 49,11Eum qui appellaverit in provincia defendi (He Who Appeals Should Be Defended in His Own Province.)Dig. 49,12Apud eum, a quo appellatur, aliam causam agere compellendum (Where a Party Litigant is Compelled to Bring Another Action Before the Judge From Whose Decision He Has Already Appealed.)Dig. 49,13Si pendente appellatione mors intervenerit (If Death Should Occur While an Appeal is Pending.)Dig. 49,14De iure fisci (Concerning the Rights of the Treasury.)Dig. 49,15De captivis et de postliminio et redemptis ab hostibus (Concerning Captives, the Right of Postliminium, and Persons Ransomed From the Enemy.)Dig. 49,16De re militari (Concerning Military Affairs.)Dig. 49,17De castrensi peculio (Concerning Castrense Peculium.)Dig. 49,18De veteranis (Concerning Veterans.)

Dig. 1,16,8Idem libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. et ideo maius imperium in ea provincia habet omnibus post principem.

The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. Therefore the Proconsul has in his own province greater authority than anyone else except the Emperor.

Dig. 1,18,4Ulpianus libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Praeses provinciae maius imperium in ea provincia habet omnibus post principem.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. The Governor of a province has greater authority therein than anyone else except the Emperor.

Dig. 2,1,14Idem libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Est receptum eoque iure utimur, ut si quis maior vel aequalis subiciat se iurisdictioni alterius, possit ei et adversus eum ius dici.

The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. It is an accepted rule which we make use of in law, that if anyone of higher, or of equal rank, submits himself to the jurisdiction of another, the latter can administer justice for and against him.

Dig. 5,1,62Idem libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Inter litigantes non aliter lis expediri potest, quam si alter petitor, alter possessor sit: esse enim debet qui onera petitoris sustineat et qui commodo possessoris fungatur.

The Same, On the Edict, Book LIX. An action cannot proceed between two litigants unless where one of them is the claimant and the other the possessor of the property; for there must be someone to bear the burden of the plaintiff, and another who enjoys the advantage of possession.

Dig. 12,4,4Idem libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Si quis accepto tulerit debitori suo, cum conveniret, ut expromissorem daret, nec ille det, potest dici condici posse ei, qui accepto sit liberatus.

The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. Where a creditor discharges his debtor after he had agreed to provide someone who would promise to make payment in his stead, and he does not do so; it may be held that the party who was discharged is liable to a suit for the recovery of the money.

Dig. 28,1,22Idem libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. Ad testium numerum simul adhiberi possumus ut ego et pater et plures, qui fuimus in eiusdem potestate. 1Condicionem testium tunc inspicere debemus, cum signarent, non mortis tempore: si igitur cum signarent, tales fuerint, ut adhiberi possint, nihil nocet, si quid postea eis contigerit. 2Si ab ipso testatore anulum accepero et signavero, testamentum valet, quasi alieno signaverim. 3Si signa turbata sint ab ipso testatore, non videtur signatum. 4Si quis ex testibus nomen suum non adscripserit, verumtamen signaverit, pro eo est atque si adhibitus non esset: et si, ut multi faciunt, adscripserit se, non tamen signaverit, adhuc idem dicemus. 5Signum autem utrum anulo tantum inpressum adhibemus, an vero et si non anulo, verum alio quodam inpresso? varie enim homines signant. et magis est, ut tantum anulo quis possit signare, dum tamen habeat χαρακτῆρα. 6Posse et nocte signari testamentum nulla dubitatio est. 7Signatas tabulas accipi oportet et si linteo, quo tabulae involutae sunt, signa inpressa fuerint.

The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. In order to obtain at the same time the legal number of witnesses, the father, the son, and any other persons who are under his control may be called. 1In order to establish the condition of the witnesses, we should consider the time when they attached their seals to the will, and not the time when the testator died. Therefore, if at the time they attached their seals they were competent to do so, the validity of the will can not be questioned if anything should afterwards happen to the witnesses. 2If I take a ring from the testator himself, and make use of it to seal his will, the latter will be valid, just as if I had sealed it with another ring. 3If the seals should be broken by the testator himself, the will will not be held to have been sealed. 4Where one of the witnesses did not sign his name, but, nevertheless, attached his seal, it is the same as if he had not been present; and if he signed it (as many do) without attaching his seal, we hold that the same rule applies. 5Can we only attach our seals by means of a ring, or if we do not use a ring can we do so with any other article, as men frequently do? The better opinion is that the seal can only be impressed by means of a ring, for it must have a form and be engraved with a device. 6There is no doubt that a will can be sealed at night. 7A will must be considered to have been sealed when the seals have been impressed upon the cloth in which it is wrapped.

Dig. 37,1,1Ulpianus libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. Bonorum possessio admissa commoda et incommoda hereditaria itemque dominium rerum, quae in his bonis sunt, tribuit: nam haec omnia bonis sunt coniuncta.

Ad Dig. 37,1,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 42, Note 3.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. Prætorian possession transfers both the benefits and inconveniences attached to an estate, as well as the ownership of the property belonging to the same; for all these things are associated with it.

Dig. 37,1,3Idem libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. Bona autem hic, ut plerumque solemus dicere, ita accipienda sunt universitatis cuiusque successionem, qua succeditur in ius demortui suscipiturque eius rei commodum et incommodum: nam sive solvendo sunt bona sive non sunt, sive damnum habent sive lucrum, sive in corporibus sunt sive in actionibus, in hoc loco proprie bona appellabuntur. 1Hereditatis autem bonorumve possessio, ut Labeo scribit, non uti rerum possessio accipienda est: est enim iuris magis quam corporis possessio. denique etsi nihil corporale est in hereditate, attamen recte eius bonorum possessionem adgnitam Labeo ait. 2Bonorum igitur possessionem ita recte definiemus ius persequendi retinendique patrimonii sive rei, quae cuiusque cum moritur fuit. 3Invito autem nemini bonorum possessio adquiritur. 4A municipibus et societatibus et decuriis et corporibus bonorum possessio adgnosci potest. proinde sive actor eorum nomine admittat sive quis alius, recte competet bonorum possessio: sed et si nemo petat vel adgnoverit bonorum possessionem nomine municipii, habebit municipium bonorum possessionem praetoris edicto. 5Dari autem bonorum possessio potest tam patris familias quam filii familias, si modo ius testandi habuit de peculio castrensi vel quasi castrensi. 6Sed et eius, qui apud hostes decessit, bonorum possessionem admitti posse, quamvis in servitute decedat, nulla dubitatio est. 7Adquirere quis bonorum possessionem potest vel per semetipsum vel per alium. quod si me non mandante bonorum possessio mihi petita sit, tunc competet, cum ratum habuero id quod actum est. denique si ante decessero quam ratum habeam, nulla dubitatio est quin non competet mihi bonorum possessio, quia neque ego ratum habui neque heres meus ratum habere potest, cum ad eum non transeat ius bonorum possessionis. 8Si causa cognita bonorum possessio detur, non alibi dabitur quam pro tribunali, quia neque decretum de plano interponi neque causa cognita bonorum possessio alibi quam pro tribunali dari potest. 9In bonorum possessione sciendum est ius esse adcrescendi: proinde si plures sint, quibus bonorum possessio competit, quorum unus admisit bonorum possessionem, ceteri non admiserunt,

Ad Dig. 37,1,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 42, Note 3.The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. The term “property” in this instance (as we generally accept the term), must be understood to mean everything belonging to an estate to which succession is granted under the rights of the deceased, all benefits and disadvantages connected with it being included. For the estate is either solvent or insolvent, and is liable to loss or gain, or the assets consist of things which are corporeal, or of rights of action; and, under these circumstances, they are very properly designated property. 1The possession of an estate, or prætorian possession (as Labeo says), should not be understood to be the actual possession of the property, for it is rather legal than real. Hence, where nothing corporeal belongs to the estate, Labeo holds that, nevertheless, prætorian possession may be acquired. 2Therefore, we define prætorian possession to be the right of recovering or retaining an estate, or the effects which belonged to someone at the time of his death. 3Prætorian possession of property is not acquired by anyone against his will. 4Prætorian possession can be acquired by municipalities, associations, decurite, and corporate bodies. Hence an agent of any of the said corporations can obtain it, or anyone else can do so in their name; and even if no one should demand or receive such possession in the name of a municipality, it still can acquire it under the Edict of the Prætor. 5Prætorian possession of property can be granted to the head of a household, as well as to a son under paternal control, provided the latter has the right of disposing of his peculium castrense or quasi castrense, by will. 6There is no doubt that prætorian possession of the estate of a person who has died in the hands of the enemy can be acquired, even though he may have died in a condition of slavery. 7Any person can obtain prætorian possession either himself or through the agency of another. If, however, someone should demand possession for me, when I have not directed this to be done, his act will not be legal until I have ratified it. Moreover, there is no doubt that if I should die before ratifying his act, I will not be entitled to the possession of the property, because I have not consented to what he has done, and my heir cannot do so, as the right to claim prætorian possession does not pass to him. 8Where prætorian possession is granted after proper cause has been shown, it shall not be granted anywhere else than in court, because the Prætor cannot render such a decree without ceremony; nor, after an investigation, can prætorian possession be granted anywhere else than in his tribunal. 9It should be remembered that the right of accrual applies to the prætorian possession of property. Hence, if there are several persons entitled to such possession, and one of them obtains it, the others are not included:

Dig. 37,1,5Ulpianus libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. ei, qui admisit, adcrescent etiam hae portiones, quae ceteris competerent, si petissent bonorum possessionem.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. For the shares to which the others would have been entitled, if they had claimed possession of the estate, will accrue to the one who did obtain possession.

Dig. 37,3,2Ulpianus libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. Mutus surdus caecus bonorum possessionem admittere possunt, si quod agatur intellegant.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. A person who is dumb, deaf, or blind, can obtain prætorian possession of property, if he understands what is taking place.

Dig. 37,4,1Ulpianus libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. In contra tabulas bonorum possessione liberos accipere debemus sive naturales sive adoptivos, si neque instituti neque exheredati sunt. 1Vocantur autem ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem liberi eo iure eoque ordine, quo vocantur ad successionem ex iure civili. 2Haec autem clausula etiam ad postumos videtur pertinere. 3Sed et si ab hostibus postliminio redierint filii, Pomponius putat ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem eos admitti. 4Si ex tribus filiis unus ab hostibus captus sit, duobus, qui sunt in civitate, bessis bonorum possessio competit. 5Idem et in postumo: nam quamdiu postumus speratur, in ea causa est, ut partem faciat. 6Et sui iuris factos liberos inducit in bonorum possessionem praetor (sive igitur emancipati sunt sive alias exierunt de patris potestate, admittuntur ad bonorum possessionem): sed adoptivi patris non potest: ut enim admitti possit, ex liberis esse eum oportet. 7Qui habebat filium, habebat et nepotem ex eo, filium emancipavit et adoptavit in locum nepotis, deinde emancipavit: quaeritur an nepoti obstet. et mihi magis videtur hunc nepotem non excludi, sive pater eius in adoptione mansisset quasi nepos sive emancipatus est: puto enim et emancipato patre nepotem quoque cum patre suo ex edicto admitti. 8Filium habuit et ex eo nepotem: filius emancipatus vel in potestate manens deportatus est: quaeritur, an nepoti noceat. et verius est in utroque casu nepotem admittendum: deportatos enim mortuorum loco habendos. 9Si et pater et filius deportati sint et ambo restituti, dicemus ad bonorum possessionem admitti filium. sed et si filius in metallum damnatus vel alia poena, quae servum efficit, restitutus sit, nihilo minus admittetur: aliter non.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. We must understand the term “children” when used with reference to the prætorian possession of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will, to mean either natural or adopted children, where they have either been appointed heirs, nor disinherited. 1Moreover, children are called to the prætorian possession of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will by the same right, and in the same order, in which they are called to the succession under the Civil Law. 2This general principle is also held to apply to posthumous children. 3Pomponius thinks that where children return from captivity by the enemy, and enjoy the right of postliminium, they can be admitted to prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will. 4Where one of three sons has been taken prisoner by the enemy, the two remaining ones who are at home will be entitled to prætorian possession of two-thirds of the estate. 5The same rule applies to a posthumous child, for as long as his birth is expected, he will be entitled to a share of the estate. 6The Prætor gives possession of property to children who are their own masters. For if they have been emancipated, or released from parental control in some other manner, they are allowed to acquire possession of the estate; but this is not the case with an adopted child, since, in order for it to be admitted to prætorian possession, it must be included in the number of children. 7A certain man had a son, and a grandson by the latter. He emancipated his son, and adopted him instead of his grandson, and then emancipated him a second time. The question arose whether he prejudiced the rights of the grandson. The better opinion seems to me to be that the grandson was not excluded, as his father either remained adopted as a grandson, or was emancipated. For I think that the father, having once been emancipated, the grandson, together with his father, should, under the terms of the Edict, be entitled to possession of the estate. 8A man had a son, and by him a grandson; the son was emancipated, or, having remained under his father’s control, was banished. The question arose whether this would prejudice the rights of the grandson. The better opinion is that, in either instance, the grandson should be permitted to have prætorian possession of the estate, for persons who are banished are considered to be dead. 9Where a father and his son were both banished, and both regained their rights, we say that the son ought to be admitted to prætorian possession of the estate. Where, however, the son was sentenced to the mines, or to any other punishment equivalent to servitude, and was afterwards restored to his rights, he will, nevertheless, be admitted to prætorian possession of the estate; but this will not be the case if he should not be restored to his former condition.

Dig. 37,4,3Ulpianus libro trigesimo nono ad edictum. Non tantum autem ipsi emancipati admittuntur ad bonorum possessionem, verum etiam hi quoque, qui ex his nati sunt. 1Si duos habens nepotes alterum emancipatum loco filii adoptaverit, videndum, an solus ille quasi filius admittatur: quod ita scilicet procedit, si quasi patrem eius nepotis, quem retinuerat, sic adoptaverit: melius est autem dicere posse eum solum ad bonorum possessionem pervenire. 2Sed si sit hic nepos emancipatus, verum est dicere non admitti eum quasi filium: hic enim quasi filius non est ex liberis, cum iura adoptionis emancipatione finita sint. 3Si filium habens et ex eo nepotem in locum filii nepotem adoptavero, ambo admittentur: plane si fuerit emancipatus nepos, non admittetur, quia pater eum praecedit. 4Si quis post emancipationem quaesitum sibi filium patri suo in adoptionem dederit in locum filii, aequissimum est ei praestari quod cuivis adrogato filio, idcircoque patri suo iungendus est. sed si emancipatus hic nepos post adoptionem proponatur, aequissimum erit eum abstinere (recipit enim locum suum) nec debet patri suo iungi. 5Si emancipatus filius uxore non ex voluntate patris ducta filium fuerit sortitus, dein nepos patre iam mortuo ad bonorum possessionem avi velit venire, admittendus est ad eam: non enim per rescissionem is, qui filius iustus est, efficietur non filius, cum rescissio, quo magis admittantur, non quo minus, adhibeatur. nam etsi tam ignominiosam duxerit uxorem filius, ut dedecori sit tam ipsi quam patri mulierem talem habere, dicemus et ex ea natum ad bonorum possessionem avi admitti, cum possit avus iure suo uti eumque exheredare: nec enim minus in hoc nepote is, qui de inofficioso cogniturus est, quam merita nepotis patris eius delicta perpendet. 6Si emancipatus filius praeteritus ante petitam bonorum possessionem adrogandum se dederit, amittit contra tabulas bonorum possessionem. 7Si quis filio suo emancipato nepotem, quem ex eo retinuerat, dederit in adoptionem, nepos iste ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem avi sui admittitur patre eius ante defuncto, quia in eius est familia, qui et ipse admitti potuit ad bonorum possessionem contra tabulas. 8Idemque est et si emancipatus filium, quem post emancipationem quaesierat, patri suo in adoptionem dederit et decesserit: nam et hic nepos iste ad bonorum possessionem patris sui admitti debet, quasi non sit in alia familia. 9Si pater alicuius pervenerit in adoptivam familiam, filius non, an patris sui in adoptiva familia mortui bonorum possessionem accipere possit? et arbitror humaniorem esse hanc sententiam, ut filius hic, quamvis non sit in eadem familia, in qua pater, ad bonorum possessionem tamen eius admittatur. 10Liberi, qui institui heredes iure non possunt, nec contra tabulas bonorum possessionem petere possunt. haec autem verba ‘institui non possunt’ ad mortis tempus referuntur. 11Si quis ex liberis heres scriptus sit, ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem vocari non debet: cum enim possit secundum tabulas habere possessionem, quo bonum est ei contra tabulas dari? plane si alius committat edictum, et ipse ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem admittetur. 12Sed si sub condicione scriptus sit, bonorum possessionem contra tabulas accipere non potest, et ita Iulianus quoque libro vicesimo tertio digestorum scripsit. quid ergo, si defecerit condicio? verum est eum contra tabulas accipere bonorum possessionem. 13Si sub ea condicione filius emancipatus heres sit institutus, quae in ipsius potestate non est, quia scriptus heres est, bonorum possessionem secundum tabulas accipere potest et debet, nec contra tabulas potest: et si forte defecerit condicio, tuendus erit a praetore in tantum, quantum ferret, si contra tabulas bonorum possessionem accepisset. 14Sed et si nepos sub huiusmodi condicione scriptus sit heres, idem erit dicendum. 15Si quis ex liberis non sit scriptus heres, sed servus eius scriptus sit eumque iusserit adire hereditatem, denegari ei debet bonorum possessio contra tabulas. 16Idemque est et si legatum relictum sibi vel servo suo elegerit: nam et hic dicimus bonorum possessionem contra tabulas debere denegari.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. Not only are emancipated children themselves admitted to the prætorian possession of property, but also their children as well. 1Where a man has two grandsons, and after emancipating one of them adopts him instead of his son, let us see whether he alone will be entitled to prætorian possession as a son. This is based upon the presumption that the deceased adopted the said grandson as his son, and as the father of the other grandson whom he retained under his control. In this case it is better to hold that he alone will be entitled to possession of the estate under the Prætorian Law. 2But if the said grandson should be emancipated, it is preferable to conclude that he will not be entitled to possession in the capacity of a son. For this so called son is not included in the number of children, as his right acquired by adoption has been lost by emancipation. 3If I have a son, and by him a grandson, and adopt the grandson instead of the son, both will be entitled to prætorian possession; but it is clear that if the grandson should be emancipated he will not be permitted to have possession because his father takes precedence of him. 4If anyone, after having been emancipated, should give his son to his father to be adopted as his own son, it is perfectly just that all rights to which any other arrogated child is entitled should be conceded to him, and therefore he ought to be joined with his father, when prætorian possession of an estate is granted. If the said grandson should be emancipated after his adoption, it will be perfectly just for him to be excluded, for then he resumes his proper place, and should not be joined with his father. 5If an emancipated son marries a woman without the consent of his father, and a child is born to him, and his father having died, the said grandson applies to be placed in possession of the estate of his grandfather, his application should be granted. For, by setting aside the emancipation by the Prætor, a legitimate son does not lose his rights as such; for a rescission of the emancipation is made in order that the children may, the more readily, obtain prætorian possession of the estate, and not be excluded from it. And even if the son should marry a woman of such bad character that marriage to her would be dishonorable to himself, as well as to his father, still, we say that a child born of the said woman should be permitted to obtain possession of the property of the estate, as his grandfather could have availed himself of his right to disinherit him. In the decision of a case where the will has been attacked as inofficious, the magistrate who has jurisdiction, in rendering judgment must weigh the merits of the grandson as well as the offences of the father. 6Where an emancipated son, who was passed over, gives himself to be arrogated before an application for prætorian possession of the estate is made, he loses his right to demand possession contrary to the provisions of the will. 7Where anyone gives his grandson, whom he has under his control, in adoption to his emancipated son, the father of said grandson will be permitted to take possession of the estate of the grandfather, contrary to the provisions of the will, if his father is already dead, because he belongs to his family; and he himself can be permitted to take possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will. 8The same rule applies where an emancipated son gives his own son, who was born after his emancipation, to his father, in adoption, and then dies; for, in this instance, the said grandson should be permitted to acquire possession of the estate of his father, just as if he did not belong to another family. 9Where a father enters a family by adoption, and his son does not, can the son acquire possession of the estate of his father who died while a member of the adoptive family? I think that the more equitable opinion is, that the son, although he may not belong to the same family as his father, should still be permitted to take possession of the property of his estate under the Prætorian Law. 10Children who cannot legally be appointed heirs are not entitled to demand possession of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will. The words, “Cannot be appointed,” refer to the time of the death of their father. 11Where one of several children is appointed heir, he should not be permitted to take possession of the estate in opposition to the provisions of the will. For if he was entitled to possession under the will, what good would it do to give him possession in opposition to it? It is clear that, if another child should have recourse to the Edict, he would be entitled to possession contrary to the provisions of the will. 12Where, however, anyone is appointed heir under a condition, he cannot obtain possession of the estate in opposition to the will; and this was stated by Julianus in the Twenty-third Book of the Digest. But what if the condition should not be complied with? It is true that then he could obtain possession contrary to the provisions of the will. 13If an emancipated son should be appointed heir under a condition which it is not in his power to comply with, he can receive prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will; and he ought to receive it, because he was appointed heir, but he cannot obtain it contrary to the provisions of the will. If, however, the condition should not be fulfilled, he must be protected by the Prætor to the same extent as if he had obtained possession contrary to the provisions of the will. 14Even if a grandson is appointed heir under a condition of this kind, the same rule will apply. 15Where one of several children is not appointed heir, but his slave is appointed, and he orders him to accept the estate, possession contrary to the provisions of the will should be denied him. 16The same rule applies if the child should prefer to take what was left to him, or to his slave; for, in this instance, the possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will should be refused him.

Dig. 37,11,1Ulpianus libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Tabulas testamenti accipere debemus omnem materiae figuram: sive igitur tabulae sint ligneae sive cuiuscumque alterius materiae, sive chartae sive membranae sint vel si corio alicuius animalis, tabulae recte dicentur. 1Non autem omnes tabulas praetor sequitur hac parte edicti, sed supremas, hoc est eas, quae novissimae ita factae sunt, post quas nullae factae sunt: supremae enim hae sunt non quae sub ipso mortis tempore factae sunt, sed post quas nullae factae sunt, licet hae veteres sint. 2Sufficit autem extare tabulas, etsi non proferantur, si certum sit eas exstare. igitur etsi apud furem sint vel apud eum, apud quem depositae sunt, dubitari non oportet admitti posse bonorum possessionem: nec enim opus est aperire eas, ut bonorum possessio secundum tabulas agnoscatur. 3Semel autem exstitisse tabulas mortuo testatore desideratur, tametsi exstare desierint: quare et si postea interciderunt, bonorum possessio peti poterit. 4Scientiam tamen exigemus, ut sciat heres extare tabulas certusque sit delatam sibi bonorum possessionem. 5Si quis in duobus exemplaribus fecerit testamentum et aliud exstet, aliud non exstet, tabulae extare videntur petique potest bonorum possessio. 6Sed et si in duobus codicibus simul signatis alios atque alios heredes scripserit et utrumque extet, ex utroque quasi ex uno competit bonorum possessio, quia pro unis tabulis habendum est et supremum utrumque accipiemus. 7Sed si unum fecerit testator quasi testamentum, aliud quasi exemplum, si quidem id extat quod voluit esse testamentum, bonorum possessio petetur, si vero id quod exemplum erat, bonorum possessio peti non poterit, ut Pomponius scripsit. 8Exigit praetor, ut is, cuius bonorum possessio datur, utroque tempore ius testamenti faciendi habuerit, et cum facit testamentum et cum moritur. proinde si impubes vel furiosus vel quis alius ex his qui testamentum facere non possunt testamentum fecerit, deinde habens testamenti factionem decesserit, peti bonorum possessio non poterit. sed et si filius familias putans se patrem familias testamentum fecerit, deinde mortis tempore pater familias inveniatur, non potest bonorum possessio secundum tabulas peti. sed si filius familias veteranus de castrensi faciat, deinde emancipatus vel alias pater familias factus decedat, potest eius bonorum possessio peti. sed si quis utroque tempore testamenti factionem habuerit, medio tempore non habuerit, bonorum possessio secundum tabulas peti poterit. 9Si quis autem testamentum fecerit, deinde amiserit testamenti factionem vel furore vel quod ei bonis interdictum est, potest eius peti bonorum possessio, quia iure testamentum eius valet: et hoc generaliter de omnibus huiusmodi dicitur, qui amittant mortis tempore testamenti factionem, sed ante factum eorum testamentum valet. 10Si linum, quo ligatae sunt tabulae, incisum sit, si quidem alius contra voluntatem testatoris inciderit, bonorum possessio peti potest: quod si ipse testator id fecerit, non videntur signatae et ideo bonorum possessio peti non potest. 11Si rosae sint a muribus tabulae vel linum aliter ruptum vel vetustate putrefactum vel situ vel casu, et sic videntur tabulae signatae, maxime si proponas vel unum linum tenere. si ter forte vel quater linum esset circumductum, dicendum est signatas tabulas eius extare, quamvis vel incisa vel rosa sit pars uni.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. By a will we should understand any kind of material upon which it is written; therefore, whether it is written upon tablets of wood, or upon those of any other kind of material, or upon papyrus, or parchment, or upon the skin of any animal whatsoever, it is also properly designated a will. 1The Prætor does not, under this Section of the Edict, confirm all wills, but only the last ones; that is to say, those which were most recently made, and after which no others have been drawn up. A last will is not one which was executed at the very time of death, but one after which no other has been executed, even though it is old. 2It is sufficient for there to be a will, although it may not be produced, if it is certain that it does exist. Therefore, if it is in possession of a thief, or in the hands of one with whom it has been deposited for safe-keeping, there is no doubt that prætorian possession of the estate should be granted; for it is not necessary to open the will in order that prætorian possession may be obtained in accordance with its provisions. 3Again, it is necessary for the will to have been in existence at the time of the death of the testator, even if it may have ceased to exist afterwards, hence, where it has subsequently been destroyed prætorian possession can be demanded. 4Nevertheless, we require that the heir should know that the will existed, and be certain that the possession of the estate was given to him by its provisions. 5Where anyone makes two copies of his will, and one of them remains, and the other is destroyed, the will is considered to be in existence, and prætorian possession of the estate can be demanded. 6Even if the testator made two wills, and sealed them at the same time, and appointed different heirs by each one, and both are in existence; possession of the estate can be obtained under both, because they are considered as one document and the last will of the testator. 7If, however, a testator should execute a will, and also a copy of the same, and if the one which he intended to be his will is in existence, prætorian possession of the estate can be demanded; but Pomponius says that if only the copy is in existence, possession of the estate cannot be claimed. 8For possession to be given of an estate of anyone, the Prætor requires that he should have the right of testation, not only when he made the will, but also at the time of his death; hence, if a minor under the age of puberty, or an insane person, or anyone else of those who have not testamentary capacity should make a will and afterwards became competent to do so, and die, prætorian possession of his estate cannot be demanded. If, however, a son under paternal control, thinking that he was the head of a household when he was not, should make a will, and afterwards be found to be his own master at the time of his death, possession of his estate in accordance with the provisions of the will cannot be claimed under the terms of the Prætorian Edict. But if a son under paternal control, who was a veteran, should make a will disposing of his castrense peculium, and afterwards be emancipated, or become the head of a family and then die, prætorian possession of his estate can be demanded. If anyone should have the power to make a will at both the times above mentioned, but should not have that power in the interval, prætorian possession of his estate can be claimed in accordance with the provisions of his will. 9Moreover, if anyone should make a will, and afterwards be deprived of testamentary capacity either through becoming insane, or for the reason that he was forbidden to manage his property, possession of his estate can be demanded under the Edict, because his will is valid in law. Generally speaking, this may be said of all persons of this kind who have lost the power to make a will at the time of their death; but their wills executed before that time are valid. 10Where the cord which binds the tablets of the will together is cut, even though this was done against the wish of the testator, prætorian possession of the estate can be demanded. If, however, the testator himself should cut it, the will is not considered to have been sealed, and therefore possession of the estate cannot be claimed. 11If the tablets on which the will is written should be gnawed by mice, or the cord be broken in some other way, either through being decayed by age, or by the dampness of the place where it was deposited, or by a fall, the will is considered to have been sealed; especially if you suppose that it is fastened with only one cord. If a cord is wound three or four times around the tablets, it must be held that they are sealed, even though it may be cut or gnawed in one place.

Dig. 38,6,6Ulpianus libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Si pater filium emancipaverit, nepotem retinuerit, deinde filius decesserit: et rei aequitas et causa edicti, quo de bonorum possessione liberis danda cavetur, efficit, ut eius ratio habeatur et bonorum possessio intestato patris detur, ut tamen bona sorori, quae necessaria heres patri extitit, conferre cogatur avus, qui per eum bonorum possessionis emolumentum adquisiturus est: nisi forte avus iste nullum ex his fructum adquirere vult paratusque est de potestate nepotem demittere, ut ad emancipatum emolumentum omne bonorum possessionis perveniat. nec idcirco soror, quae patri heres extitit, iuste queri poterit, quod eo facto a collationis commodo excluditur, cum avo quandoque intestato defuncto ad bona eius simul cum fratre possit venire.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. If a father should emancipate his son, retaining his grandson under his control, and his son should afterwards die, both the equity of the case and the terms of the Edict by which it is provided that prætorian possession of the estate of a father shall be granted to his children, on the ground of intestacy, will have the effect of causing an account to be taken, and the possession of the estate of the intestate father to be delivered; so that the grandfather who will obtain the benefit of prætorian possession of the estate through his grandson will be compelled to make contribution to a sister who becomes her father’s necessary heir; unless the grandfather should not wish to obtain any benefit from the property, and is ready to release his grandson from his control in order that, after his emancipation, he may obtain all the advantages of prætorian possession. Therefore, the sister, who becomes the heir of her father, cannot justly complain of being in this way excluded from the benefit of contribution; since, if her grandfather sliould die intestate, she will be entitled to share equally with her brother in his estate.

Dig. 48,18,2Ulpianus libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. Hereditarii servi, quamdiu incertum est ad quem bona pertineant, non possunt videri in caput domini torqueri.

Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. Slaves forming part of an estate cannot be put to the torture to obtain evidence against their masters, as long as it is uncertain to whom the property belongs.

Dig. 50,1,4Idem libro trigensimo nono ad edictum. non utique ibi, ubi pater habuit, sed ubicumque ipse domicilium constituit.

The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIX. He can not only establish his domicile where his father has his, but anywhere else.