Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXXIV
Dig. 1,9,10Ulpianus libro trigensimo quarto ad edictum. Liberos senatorum accipere debemus non tantum senatorum filios, verum omnes, qui geniti ex ipsis exve liberis eorum dicantur, sive naturales sive adoptivi sint liberi senatorum, ex quibus nati dicuntur. sed si ex filia senatoris natus sit, spectare debemus patris eius condicionem.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. We should consider the children of Senators to be not only their sons, but also all those descended from them or from their children, whether they be the natural or adopted offspring of the Senators from whom they are said to have descended; but in the case of a child, born to the daughter of a Senator, we must examine the condition of the father.
Dig. 5,1,65Idem libro trigensimo quarto ad edictum. Exigere dotem mulier debet illic, ubi maritus domicilium habuit, non ubi instrumentum dotale conscriptum est: nec enim id genus contractus est, ut et eum locum spectari oporteat, in quo instrumentum dotis factum est, quam eum, in cuius domicilium et ipsa mulier per condicionem matrimonii erat reditura.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. A woman must bring an action for her dowry where her husband has his residence, and not where the dotal contract was entered into; for this is not such a contract that it is necessary to take into consideration the locality where the said instrument was executed, so much as the place to which the woman herself, in accordance with the condition of marriage, would always have returned as to her home.
Dig. 22,1,21Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Sciendum est non omne, quod differendi causa optima ratione fiat, morae adnumerandum: quid enim si amicos adhibendos debitor requirat vel expediendi debiti vel fideiussoribus rogandis? vel exceptio aliqua allegetur? mora facta non videtur,
Ad Dig. 22,1,21ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 263: Voraussetzung der mora, wenn zur Erfüllung der Verbindlichkeit die Mitwirkung des Gläubigers erforderlich ist. Durch Mittheilung der Klage wird der Schuldner noch nicht unbedingt in Verzug gesetzt.ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 102, S. 363, 371: Feststellung des Zeitpunkts des Verzugs mit Rücksicht auf die subjective Auffassung des Säumigen über die Sachlage.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. It must be remembered that not everything which is done for a good reason in order to postpone payment should be considered as default. For what if the debtor desires his friends to be present, or his sureties to be summoned at the time that the debt is paid, or intends to offer some exception? It is not held that he is guilty of default;
Dig. 22,1,23Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Sed et si rei publicae causa abesse subito coactus sit, ut defensionem sui mandare non possit, moram facere non videbitur: sive in vinculis hostiumve potestate esse coeperit. 1Aliquando etiam in re moram esse decerni solet, si forte non exstat qui conveniatur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. Where a debtor is suddenly compelled to be absent on public business, and cannot entrust his defence to anyone, he is not held to be in default; and this is the case where he is in the power of the enemy. 1Sometimes it is customary for a party to be considered to be in default where there is no one against whom suit can be brought.
Dig. 23,3,14Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Si rem aestimatam mulier in dotem dederit, deinde ea moram faciente in traditione in rerum natura esse desierit, actionem eam habere non puto.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. Where a woman gives, by way of dowry, property which has been appraised, and afterwards is in default in delivering the same, and the property ceases to exist, I do not think that she will be entitled to an action.
Dig. 23,3,40Idem libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Divus Severus rescripsit Pontio Lucriano in haec verba: ‘Si mulier, quae dotem dederat, post divortium rursus in matrimonium redit non revocatis instrumentis, non dubitabit is, apud quem res agetur, secundum voluntatem mulieris, quae utique non indotata redire in matrimonium voluit, partibus suis fungi quasi renovata dote’.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. The Divine Severus stated in a Rescript to Pontius Lucrianus that: “If a woman who has given a dowry, returns to her husband after having been divorced, without the annulment of the marriage contract, the magistrate before whom the matter is brought should have no hesitancy in deciding in her favor; as she certainly did not intend to return to the matrimonial condition without being endowed, and he must discharge his judicial duty just as the dowry had been renewed.”
Dig. 23,4,11Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Cum pater dotem pollicitus fuerit et paciscatur, ne se vivo petatur neve constante matrimonio dos petatur, ita pactum interpretandum divus Severus constituit, quasi adiectum esset se vivo: hoc enim ita accipiendum esse contemplatione paternae pietatis et contrahentium voluntatis, ut posterior quoque pars conventionis ad vitam patris relata videatur, ne diversa sententia fructum dotis ab oneribus matrimonii separet quodque indignissimum est, inducat ut non habuisse dotem existimetur. quo rescripto hoc effectum est, ut, si quidem vivo patre decesserit filia aut sine culpa sua divorterit, omnimodo dos peti non possit, constante autem matrimonio mortuo patre peti possit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. Where a father promised a dowry, and agreed that it should not be claimed by him while he was living, nor, in any event, so long as the marriage continued to exist, the Divine Severus decreed that the agreement should be interpreted just as if it had contained the addition, “While he was living.” For this is to be understood to have reference to paternal affection, and the wishes of the contracting parties, in such a way that the latter part of the agreement will be held to have reference to the lifetime of the father, as a different construction would separate the profits of the dowry from the expenses of marriage, which would be intolerable; and the result would be that the woman would be held to have no dowry. Hence it was brought about by this Rescript, that if the daughter should die while her father was living, or should be divorced without any blame attaching to her, the dowry could, by no means, be claimed by her husband, but that he could claim it if the father should die while the marriage existed.
Dig. 24,1,35Idem libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Si non secundum legitimam observationem divortium factum sit, donationes post tale divortium factae nullius momenti sunt, cum non videatur solutum matrimonium.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. If the divorce did not take place in accordance with the prescribed lawful formalities, donations made after such a divorce are of no effect, since it can not be held that the marriage was dissolved.
Dig. 24,2,5Idem libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Si filia emancipata idcirco diverterat, ut maritum lucro dotis adficiat, patrem fraudet, qui profecticiam dotem potuit petere, si constante matrimonio decessisset, ideo patri succurrendum est, ne dotem perdat: non enim minus patri quam marito succurrere praetorem oportet. danda igitur est ei dotis exactio, atque si constante matrimonio decessisset filia.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. If a girl who has been emancipated should obtain a divorce in order that her husband may profit by her dowry, and defraud her father who could claim it as profectitious if she should die during marriage, relief should be granted the father to prevent him from losing the dowry, for the Prætor must come to the aid of the father just as much as to that of the husband. The right to claim the dowry should therefore be granted to the father, just as if his daughter had died during marriage.
Dig. 25,2,15Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Nihil interest, utrum simul an separatim habitaverunt, cum actio rerum amotarum competat etiam adversus eam, quae ex ea domo subtraxit, in qua non simul cum viro habitavit. 1Uxor et nurus et pronurus viro et socero et prosocero furtum facere possunt, furti autem non tenentur, nisi forte emancipatus sit filius: tunc enim nurus patri eius et furtum facit et furti tenetur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book III. In a case of this kind it makes no difference whether the parties are living together or separately; since an action for property wrongfully appropriated can even be brought against a woman who has taken it into a house in which she is not living with her husband. 1A wife, a daughter-in-law, or the wife of a grandson can steal from her husband, her father-in-law, and the grandfather of her husband, but still she will not be liable for theft unless the son is not emancipated; for, in this instance, the daughter-in-law commits a theft against her father-in-law, and is liable to an action for theft.
Dig. 25,2,19Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Sed et si divortii tempore fures in domum mariti induxerit et per eos res amoverit, ita ut ipsa non contrectaverit, rerum amotarum iudicio tenebitur. verum est itaque quod Labeo scripsit uxorem rerum amotarum teneri, etiamsi ad eam res non pervenerit.
Ad Dig. 25,2,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 454, Note 24.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. If a woman, at the time of the divorce, introduces thieves into the house of her husband, and removes property by their agency, even if she herself does not handle it, she will be liable to an action for its wrongful appropriation. It is therefore true, as Labeo states, that a wife is liable to this action, even if the property does not come into her possession.
Dig. 25,3,1Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Senatus consultum, quod factum est de liberis agnoscendis, duas species complectitur, unam eorum qui agnoscunt, aliam earum quae falsum partum subiciunt. 1Permittit igitur mulieri parentive in cuius potestate est vel ei cui mandatum ab eis est, si se putet praegnatem, denuntiare intra dies triginta post divortium connumerandos ipsi marito vel parenti in cuius potestate est, aut domum denuntiare, si nullius eorum copiam habeat. 2Domum accipere debemus hospitium, si in civitate maneat: quod si non sit, sed in villa vel in municipio, illic ubi larem matrimonio collocarent: 3Denuntiare autem hoc tantum esse mulierem ex eo praegnantem. non ergo hoc denuntiat, ut mittat custodes maritus: sufficit enim mulieri hoc notum facere, quod sit praegnas. mariti est iam aut mittere custodes aut ei denuntiare, quod non sit ex se praegnas: hoc autem vel ipsi marito vel alii nomine eius facere permittitur. 4Poena autem mariti ea est, ut, nisi aut custodes praemiserit aut contra denuntiaverit non esse ex se praegnatem, cogatur maritus partum agnoscere: et, si non agnoverit, extra ordinem coercetur. debebit igitur respondere non esse ex se praegnatem aut nomine eius responderi: quod si factum fuerit, non alias necesse habebit agnoscere, nisi vere filius fuerit. 5Illud notandum est, quod denuntiatio a marito non incipit, sed a muliere: 6Sed si maritus ultro custodes offerat et ea non admittat, vel si non denuntiaverit mulier, aut si denuntiaverit quidem, custodes autem arbitrio iudicis non admiserit, liberum est marito parentive eius partum non agnoscere. 7Si mulier esse se praegnatem intra triginta dies non denuntiaverit, postea denuntians causa cognita audiri debebit. 8Quin immo et si in totum omiserit denuntiationem, Iulianus ait nihil hoc nocere ei quod editur. 9Dies autem triginta continuos accipere debemus ex die divortii, non utiles. 10Eleganter autem apud Iulianum libro nono decimo digestorum quaeritur, si intra dies triginta mulier marito non denuntiaverit et intra triginta partum ediderit, an senatus consulto locus sit. et ait Plancianum senatus consultum cessare, quia de eo partu non videtur sentire, qui intra diem trigesimum nascatur: quippe dies triginta ad denuntiandum praestituit senatus. sed hanc rem non facere praeiudicium partui arbitror. 11Quemadmodum per contrarium si maritus uxore denuntiante custodes miserit, nullum praeiudicium sibi facit. licebit igitur ei partum editum ex se negare nec ei nocebit, quod ventrem custodierit: et ita Marcellus libro septimo digestorum scripsit: ait enim, sive quis neget uxorem sive ex se praegnatem, sine praeiudicio recte mittet custodes, maxime si missurus id ipsum protestetur. 12Iulianus libro nono decimo digestorum scripsit: quod senatus consulto comprehensum est, si mulier viro denuntiaverit se ex eo concepisse et is cui denuntiatum erit custodes ad ventrem custodiendum inspiciendumque non misserit neque contestato dixerit eam ex se praegnatem non esse, ut ei id quod editum sit agnoscere sit necesse, non eo pertinet, ut, si quis agnoscere se filium diceret, suum heredem haberet, quamvis ex alio conceptus sit: quandoque enim, inquit, coepit causa agi, grande praeiudicium adfert pro filio confessio patris. 13Idem per contrarium quoque ait, si mulier divortio facto non fecerit ea, quae senatus consulto praecipiuntur, ut liceat patri non agnoscere, non eo pertinere, ut filius natus suum se dicere non possit, sed ad id tantum, ut ita pater alere eum cogatur, si constiterit eum filium esse. 14Idem Iulianus scribit, si uxore denuntiante se praegnatem maritus non negaverit, non utique suum illi partum effici, cogendum tamen alere: ceterum esse satis iniuriosum ait, si quis longo tempore afuerit et reversus uxorem praegnatem invenerit et idcirco reiecerit, si quid ex his, quae senatus consulto continentur, omiserit, suum heredem ei nasci. 15Ex his apparet, sive uxor omisserit, quae eam ex senatus consulto observare oportuit, nihil praeiudicare filio, si filius est, non tantum in iure sui, verum ne in alimentis quidem secundum divi Pii rescriptum: sive maritus neglexerit facere, quae ex senatus consulto debet, natum cogitur omnimodo alere, ceterum recusare poterit filium. 16Plane si denuntiante muliere negaverit ex se esse praegnatem, tametsi custodes non miserit, non evitabit, quo minus quaeratur, an ex eo mulier praegnas sit. quae causa si fuerit acta apud iudicem et pronuntiaverit, cum de hoc agetur quod ex eo praegnas fuerit nec ne, in ea causa esse, ut agnosci debeat: sive filius non fuit sive fuit, esse suum
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. The Decree of the Senate enacted with reference to the recognition of children is in two parts, one of which has reference to the recognition of children by their parents, and the other to those who substitute spurious offspring. 1The Decree permits the woman herself, or her father under whose control she is, or anyone who is directed by either of them, in case she believes herself to be pregnant, to notify her husband, or her father under whose control she is, within thirty days after the divorce; or to leave the notice at his residence if there is no opportunity for personal service. 2We should understand the term “residence” to mean the lodging of the husband, if he lives in a city, but if he does not, but resides in a country house, or in a provincial town, the place where the parties have established their domicile during marriage. 3The wife should merely notify the husband that she is pregnant by him. She does not give this notice in order that her husband may send guards to watch her, for it is sufficient for her to inform him that she is pregnant. The husband should then either send persons to watch her, or should notify her that she is not pregnant by him; and it is permissible for this notification to be made by the husband himself, or by another party in his name. 4The penalty of the husband, if he does not send persons to watch, or does not notify the woman that she is not pregnant by him, is that he shall be compelled to recognize the child; and if he should not do so, to be punished with extraordinary severity. Therefore, he should answer the notice, or it should be answered in his name, that the woman is not pregnant by him. If this is done, it will not be necessary for him to recognize the child, unless it is really his own. 5It should be remembered that the notice does not proceed from the husband, but from the woman. 6If, however, the husband should offer guards to watch his wife, and she should not allow this; or if she does not give him notice of her condition; or if she should give him notice, but not consent to accept the guards appointed by the court, the husband or his father is at liberty to refuse to acknowledge the child. 7Where a woman does not give notice of her pregnancy within thirty days, but does so afterwards, she should be heard after proper cause is shown. 8If, however, she should entirely neglect to give the notice, Julianus says that this does not in any way prejudice the child. 9We should understand the thirty days subsequent to the divorce to be continuous, and not available days. 10In the Nineteenth Book of the Digest by Julianus, the following nice point is suggested. If the woman should not notify her husband of her condition within thirty days, but should be delivered of a child within that period, will the Decree of the Senate apply? He says that, in this instance, the Plautian Decree of the Senate will not be applicable, because it was not considered to have reference to a child who was born within thirty days, for the Senate appointed the thirty days for the notification of the pregnancy. I think, however, that this would not in any way prejudice the child. 11Just as, on the other hand, if the husband, after receiving notice from his wife, should send guards, this would not cause any prejudice to himself. He will, therefore, be permitted to deny that the child is his, nor will it prejudice him, because he placed a watch over the woman. This opinion is also stated by Marcellus in the Seventh Book of the Digest, for he says that if a party denies that a woman is his wife, or that she is pregnant by him, he can, without any prejudice to himself, very properly send persons to watch her, especially if he makes protest at the time that he does so. 12Julianus says in the Nineteenth Book of the Digest, that it is stated in the Decree of the Senate that if the woman should notify her husband that she had conceived by him, and he, after having been notified, should not send persons to watch or examine her, and does not declare in the presence of witnesses that she is not pregnant by him, he will be compelled to recognize the child when it is born; but it does not follow from this that if he says that the child is his, he must make it his heir if it was begotten by someone else. Still, he holds that when the case is heard in court, the admission of the father will establish a strong presumption in favor of the child. 13He also says that, on the other hand, where the woman, after a divorce has taken place, does not comply with what was prescribed by the Decree of the Senate, the father has the right not to acknowledge the child; and that it does not follow from this that, after the child is born, it cannot be declared to be his, but merely that the father will not be compelled to support it, if it should be proved to be his own offspring. 14Julianus also says that if a woman notifies her husband that she is pregnant, and he does not deny it, it must not be concluded from this that the child is his, although he can be compelled to support it. It would, however, be very unjust if, where a man has been absent for a long time, and having returned, finds his wife pregnant, and for this reason repudiates her, and he neglects to comply with any of the provisions of the Decree of the Senate, the child should be his heir. 15It is apparent from what has been said, that the child is in no way prejudiced, if the wife should fail to observe any of the provisions of the Decree of the Senate, when the child in fact belongs to her husband—and this not merely has reference to its rights, nor indeed to its maintenance, according to a Rescript of the Divine Pius; or if the husband has neglected to do what is prescribed by the Decree of the Senate, he can certainly be compelled to support the child, but he can repudiate it. 16It is clear that, if, after the woman has notified her husband, he should deny that she is pregnant by him, even though he may not send persons to watch her, he cannot prevent an examination being made to ascertain whether the woman is pregnant by him, or not. If this case is brought into court, and a decision be rendered on the point as to whether or not the woman is pregnant by her husband, the child must be recognized by the husband, whether it belongs to him, or not.
Dig. 25,3,3Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. sive contra pronuntiaverit, non fore suum, quamvis suus fuerit: placet enim eius rei iudicem ius facere. et ita Marcellus libro septimo digestorum probat, eoque iure utimur. 1Quia Plancianum senatus consultum ad eos partus pertinet qui post divortium eduntur, aliud senatus consultum temporibus divi Hadriani factum est, ut, etiamsi constante matrimonio partus sit editus, de agnoscendo eo agatur. 2Quid ergo, si quis post mortem patris nascatur avo superstite, in cuius potestate recasurus est, ut si ex filio eius susceptus probetur? videndum quid dici debeat. et certe probandum est cum avo praeiudicium de partu agnoscendo similiter agendum. 3Quid si hoc ipsum in quaestionem veniat, utrum in matrimonio an postea editus sit? dicendum est et super hoc ex senatus consultis agendum. 4Et quid sit, si an uxor fuerit disceptetur? et Iulianus Sexto Caecilio Africano respondit locum esse praeiudicio. 5Illud tenendum haec senatus consulta post mortem parentis cessare, si is supersit, in cuius potestate recasuri non sunt. quid ergo est? in petitione hereditatis, quam filius intendit, quaeretur, utrum ex eo natus sit cuius hereditatem petit an non. adeo hoc verum est, ut Iulianus libro nono decimo digestorum scribat, si vivo patre redditum sit praeiudicium et antequam sententia feratur, pater decesserit, transeundum ad Carbonianum edictum. 6Item haec senatus consulta pertinent ad eos, qui sui heredes adgnascantur: ceterum si forte non sint in potestatem recasuri, verius est senatus consulta cessare.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. If, on the other hand, the judge should decide that the child does not belong to the husband, even though it is really his, it is settled that a decision of this kind is equivalent to law. This opinion Marcellus approves in the Seventh Book of the Digest, and we make use of it at the present time. 1For the reason that the Plautian Decree of the Senate has reference to children born after a divorce, another Decree of the Senate was enacted during the reign of the Divine Hadrian, which prescribed that children born during marriage must be recognized by their parents. 2But what if a child should be born after the death of its father, and during the lifetime of its grandfather, under whose control it would be placed, if it should be proved that the said child is the issue of the son of the grandfather? It should be considered what must be held in this instance. The opinion should be adopted that the question of its recognition should be left to its grandfather. 3But what if, in this case, the question should arise whether the child was born during marriage, or subsequently? It must be said that proceedings should be taken in accordance with the Decree of the Senate for the determination of this point. 4And what should be done if it was denied that the woman was the wife of the alleged husband? Julianus informed Sextus Cæcilius Africanus that there was ground for a preliminary inquiry. 5It must be held that these Decrees of the Senate are not applicable after the death of the father, if there is no relative under whose control the child can be placed. What claim to the estate could a child in this instance assert? Could he make such a claim, whether he was begotten by the person whose estate he demands, or not? What Julianus wrote in the Nineteenth Book of the Digest is true to the extent that, if proceedings for the recognition of the child had been begun during the lifetime of the father, and the latter should die before a decision was rendered, recourse must be had to the Carbonian Edict. 6These decrees of the Senate also have reference to children who are born their own heirs. The better opinion is, however, that they are not applicable where the child, whose recognition is in question, was not under the control of the party instituting the proceedings.
Dig. 25,5,1Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Hoc edicto rectissime praetor prospexit, ne, dum in favorem partus possessionem polliceatur, aliis praedae occasionem praebeat: 1Idcirco constituit actionem in mulierem, quae in alium hanc possessionem dolo malo transtulit. non solum mulierem praetor coercet, verum eum quoque in cuius potestate ea fuerit, scilicet si dolo ipsorum alius in possessionem fuerit admissus, actionemque in tantum pollicetur in eos, quanti interfuit eius qui experitur. 2Necessario praetor adiecit, ut, qui per dolum venit in possessionem, cogatur decedere: coget autem eum decedere non praetoria potestate vel manu ministrorum, sed melius et civilius faciet, si eum per interdictum ad ius ordinarium remiserit. 3Interest autem eius qui experitur admissum alium in possessionem non fuisse, cum forte bona fide fructus perceptos consumpserit, aut si praedo venerit in possessionem, a quo fructus consequi non possit, quia solvendo non est. 4Haec actio etiam post annum dabitur, quia rei habet persecutionem. 5Et si filia familias sit quae dolo fecit, in patrem dabitur actio, si quid ad eum pervenerit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. The Prætor has most properly provided by this Edict that the possession which he promises in favor of an unborn child shall not give occasion to the depredations of others. 1He, therefore, establishes an action against a woman who fraudulently transfers this possession to another. For not only does he exercise his authority over the woman herself, but also over anyone under whose control she may be; that is to say, where another is allowed to obtain possession through their fraudulent acts, and he promises an action against them to the extent of the interest of the party who institutes the proceedings. 2The Prætor necessarily adds that where anyone has fraudulently obtained possession of the property he shall be compelled to relinquish it. He will, however, compel him to do this not through the authority of his office, or by means of his subordinates, but he attains his object better, and more in accordance with the Civil Law when, by means of an interdict, he compels the party in question to have recourse to the ordinary procedure. 3It is to the interest of him who institutes the proceedings, that another should not be allowed to obtain possession when the latter has consumed the income collected in good faith, or when a depredator has obtained possession, and the income cannot be recovered from him, for the reason that he is insolvent. 4This action will be granted even after the expiration of a year, because its object is the recovery of the property. 5If the woman who has committed the fraud is under paternal control, an action will be granted against her father, if any of the property has come into his hands.
Dig. 25,6,1Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Si de possessione ventris nomine quaeratur et deferente herede mulier iuraverit praegnatem se esse, servandum est iusiurandum nec tenebitur mulier, quasi calumniae causa fuerit in possessionem missa, nec vis ei facienda est post iusiurandum. si tamen peperit, quaeretur veritas, an ex eo praegnas fuerit: alteri enim nec prodest nec nocet iusiurandum inter alios factum, nec partui igitur nocebit. 1Et hoc edictum ex eadem causa proficiscitur, qua superius: debet enim praetor, quemadmodum facilis est circa bonorum possessionem dandam mulieri ventris nomine, ita calumniam eius impunitam non relinquere. 2Per calumniam autem in possessione fuisse videtur, quae sciens prudensque se praegnatem non esse voluit in possessionem venire. 3Hanc autem actionem praetor intra annum utilem pollicetur, ultra non, videlicet quasi poenalem. 4Simili autem modo et hic quanti agentis interfuit praetor actionem pollicetur. 5In parentem etiam praetor actionem pollicetur, si modo per eum factum sit, ut in possessionem per calumniam veniret. 6Competit autem haec actio ei, cuius interfuit in possessionem missam non esse: ut puta vel coheredi speranti partum, vel si qui substitutus fuit, vel qui ab intestato, si partus non fuisset, succedere potuit. 7Interesse autem videtur primum de alimentis, quae in ventrem sunt erogata: nec enim alias haec repetuntur, nisi per calumniam in possessionem venit: ceterum si res calumnia caret, nihil praestabit mulier, quae sine causa alta est sub praetextu ventris. 8Nonnumquam augebitur quod interest, si quis forte dubitans, an praegnas sit, exclusus sit hereditate: nam heredi eius qui exclusus est dandam hanc actionem Iulianus ait, siquidem eius quoque interfuit non fuisse calumniae causa in possessione mulierem, quia hoc si non fuisset, adeundo hereditatem institutus heredi suo locupletiorem hereditatem suam relinqueret. sed et hoc imputatur mulieri, quod deminuta sunt multa in hereditate, dum hic contemplatione ventris non attigit hereditatem. 9Idem Iulianus libro decimo nono digestorum sic ait: si substitutus manente muliere in possessione decesserit, heres eius eadem actione pretium hereditatis a muliere exiget. 10Sed an decedant legata ceteraque onera hereditatis, videndum. et mihi videtur posse dici legatarios potius cum muliere usuros hac actione, quia et ipsorum interfuit adiri hereditatem. 11Libertati plane subveniendum erit adversus eum, qui propter hereditatem hac actione egit, scilicet ut fideicommissarias cogatur is praestare, qui pretium utique etiam eorum consequitur: sed et directis credo praetorem succurrere oportere, ut interventu suo tueatur eorum libertatem. 12Si dolus filiae familias intervenerit et particeps doli fuerit pater, suo nomine tenebitur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. Where possession is demanded by a woman in the name of her unborn child, and the oath having been tendered by the heir she swears that she is pregnant, the oath must be upheld, and she will not be liable on the ground that she has obtained possession through a false statement, nor shall any compulsion be applied to her after she has been sworn. If, however, she should bring forth a child, an inquiry can be made as to whether it is true that she was pregnant by her husband; for where an oath is taken between two persons, it cannot profit a third party, nor prejudice the rights of the others. Nor, under such circumstances, will the rights of the child be prejudiced. 1This Edict is based upon the same principle as the former one, for the Prætor, as it is easy to grant the woman possession of the estate in the name of her unborn child, should not fail to punish her false statement. 2A woman is held to have obtained possession fraudulently, who attempts to obtain possession being well aware that she is not pregnant. 3The Prætor promises this action within the available year, but not beyond it, because it is of the nature of a penal one. 4In like manner, in this instance the Prætor promises an action for the recovery of the amount of the interest of the plaintiff. 5The Prætor also promises this action against the father of the woman, provided it was by his act that she fraudulently obtained possession. 6This action can be brought by anyone whose interest it is that a woman should not be placed in possession of the estate; as, for example, either by a co-heir, who is waiting for a child to be born, or a person who has been substituted, or one who would inherit ab intestato if the woman should die. 7The interest of the plaintiff is, first of all, held to have reference to the maintenance which is claimed by the woman on the ground of her pregnancy; for nothing can be recovered on this account, unless the woman obtained possession of the estate through fraudulent representation. If, however, there was no fraudulent representation, she will not be compelled to pay anything, because she obtained support, without any reason, under the pretext of her pregnancy. 8Sometimes, the amount of the interest is increased, where, for instance, the heir being in doubt as to the woman’s pregnancy, is excluded from the estate. For Julianus says that this action should be granted to the heir who is excluded, if it was to his interest that the woman should not fraudulently obtain possession; because if this were not the case, the appointed heir, by entering upon the estate, would leave a more valuable inheritance to his own heir. The woman could also be blamed for the diminution of the value of the estate, as the heir did not accept it on account of the prospect of the birth of a child. 9Julianus also says in the Nineteenth Book of the Digest, that if an heir, who has been substituted, should die while the woman is in possession of the estate, his heir can collect its value from the woman by means of the same action. 10But it should be considered whether the legacies and other charges of the estate should be relinquished by the woman; and it seems to me that it can be held that the legatees have a right to avail themselves of this action against her, because it is to their interest that the estate should be entered upon. 11It is clear that relief must be given to slaves who have been liberated, as against the party who has brought this action in behalf of the estate; that is to say, that he shall be compelled to discharge the trust, as he has received their value. I think, however, that the Prætor should come to the relief of those who have been directly manumitted, and by his intervention should maintain their freedom. 12Where fraud exists on the part of a woman under paternal control, and her father has participated in it, he will be liable in his own name.
Dig. 27,2,1Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Solet praetor frequentissime adiri, ut constituat, ubi filii vel alantur vel morentur, non tantum in postumis, verum omnino in pueris. 1Et solet ex persona, ex condicione et ex tempore statuere, ubi potius alendus sit: et nonnumquam a voluntate patris recedit praetor. denique cum quidam testamento suo cavisset, ut filius apud substitutum educetur, imperator Severus rescripsit praetorem aestimare debere praesentibus ceteris propinquis liberorum: id enim agere praetorem oportet, ut sine ulla maligna suspicione alatur partus et educetur. 2Quamvis autem praetor recusantem apud se educari non polliceatur se coacturum, attamen quaestionis est, an debeat etiam invitum cogere, ut puta libertum, parentem vel quem alium de adfinibus cognatisve. et magis est, ut interdum debeat id facere. 3Certe non male dicetur, si legatarius vel heres educationem recuset testamento sibi iniunctam, denegari ei actiones debere exemplo tutoris testamento dati: quod ita demum placuit, si idcirco sit relictum: ceterum si esset relicturus, etiamsi educationem recusaturum sciret, non denegabitur ei actio, et ita divus Severus saepissime statuit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. The Prætor is frequently called upon to determine where children must be supported or reside, not only such as are posthumous, but all kinds of children. 1It is customary for him to decide, after taking into account the persons, their position, and the term of guardianship, where wards can be best supported, and sometimes the Prætor goes contrary to the will of the father. Hence, where a certain man provides in his will that his son should be reared by a party whom he had substituted, the Emperor Severus stated in a Rescript that the Prætor should determine in the presence of near relatives of the child whether this should be done; as the Prætor should act so that the ward may be supported and brought up by someone to whom no evil suspicion could attach. 2Although the Prætor does not promise that anyone who refuses to bring up a ward in his house shall be compelled to do so, still, the question arises whether, if he is unwilling, he can be compelled; as for instance, where a freedman, a parent, or any of the connections or relatives of the ward has been appointed. The better opinion is that sometimes this should be done. 3It is not improperly held that where a legatee or an heir refuses to bring up a ward, as he has been charged to do by will, he shall be refused rights of action; just as in the case of a testamentary guardian. This, however, only holds good where the bequest was made with this understanding, for if the testator knew at the time he made the bequest that the legatee would refuse to bring up the ward, the right of action will not be denied him. This rule was frequently stated by the Divine Severus.
Dig. 35,1,41Ulpianus libro trigesimo quarto ad edictum. Legata sub condicione relicta non statim, sed cum condicio exstiterit deberi incipiunt, ideoque interim delegari non potuerunt.
Ad Dig. 35,1,41Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 89, Note 10.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. When a legacy is bequeathed under a condition, it does not become payable at once, but only after the condition has been complied with, and hence it cannot, in the meantime, be transferred by the heir.
Dig. 49,14,27Idem libro trigensimo quarto ad edictum. Cum mortem maritus uxoris necatae non defendit, divus Severus rescripsit dotem fisco vindicandam, prout ad maritum pertineat.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. When a husband does not prosecute the murderer of his wife, the Divine Severus stated in a Rescript that the dowry should be confiscated to the Treasury, to the extent of the husband’s interest.
Dig. 50,16,190Ulpianus libro trigensimo quarto ad edictum. ‘Provinciales’ eos accipere debemus, qui in provincia domicilium habent, non eos, qui ex provincia oriundi sunt.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIV. We must understand provincials to be persons who have their domicile in a province, and not those who are born there.