Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXXIII
Dig. 12,2,37Ulpianus libro tricensimo tertio ad edictum. Si non fuerit remissum iusiurandum ab eo qui detulerit, sed de calumnia non iuratur, consequens est, ut debeat denegari ei actio: sibi enim imputet, qui processit ad delationem iurisiurandi nec prius de calumnia iuravit, ut sit iste remittenti similis.
Ad Dig. 12,2,37ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 323: Voraussetzung des wegen der Eideszuschiebung zu verlangenden Calumnieneides.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If the oath has not been waived by the party who tendered it, and no oath has been taken denying that proceedings have been instituted for purposes of annoyance, the action will not be granted in consequence; for he has only himself to blame who proceeded to tender the oath before the denial that annoyance was intended was sworn to, so that he is in the same position as if he had dispersed with the oath.
Dig. 23,3,39Idem libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Si serva servo quasi dotem dederit, deinde constante coniunctione ad libertatem ambo pervenerint peculio eis non adempto et in eadem coniunctione permanserint, ita res moderetur, ut, si quae ex rebus corporalibus velut in dotem tempore servitutis datis exstiterint, videantur ea tacite in dotem conversa, ut earum aestimatio mulieri debeatur. 1Si spadoni mulier nubserit, distinguendum arbitror, castratus fuerit necne, ut in castrato dicas dotem non esse: in eo qui castratus non est, quia est matrimonium, et dos et dotis actio est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXII. If a female slave should give property, as dowry, to a male slave, and afterwards, during their marriage, both of them obtain their freedom, without being deprived of their peculium, and continue in the marriage relation; the matter will be arranged in such a way that if anything remains of what was bestowed as dowry while they were in servitude, it will be held to have been tacitly converted into dotal property, so that the appraised value of the same will be due to the woman. 1Where a woman marries an eunuch, I think that a distinction should be made where he has been absolutely castrated, and when he has not, for if he has been absolutely castrated, you may say that the dowry does not exist; but where this has not been done, for the reason that marriage can exist, the dowry is valid, and an action to recover it will lie.
Dig. 24,3,22Idem libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Si, cum dotem daret pater vel extraneus pro muliere, in unum casum pepigit, vel in divortium vel in mortem, dicendum est eum in casum, in quem non pepigit, esse mulieri actionem. 1Si post solutum matrimonium filia familias citra patris voluntatem exactam communem dotem consumat, patri et viva ea et mortua actio superest, ut dos ipsi solvatur. quod ita verum est, si perditurae solvatur: ceterum si non perditurae et ex iustis causis soluta sit, non supererit actio. sed mortuo patre nec etiam heredes agent nec mulier. 2Si mulier soluto matrimonio egentem reum dotis per novationem decepta accipiat, nihilo minus actio dotis ei manebit. 3Si pater filia absente de dote egerit, etsi omissa sit de rato satisdatio, filiae denegari debet actio, sive patri heres exstiterit, sive in legato tantum acceperit, quantum dotis satis esset. et ita Iulianus pluribus locis scribit compensandum ei in dotem quod a patre datur lucroque eius cedit, si tantum ab eo consecuta sit, quantum ei dotis nomine debeatur a marito qui patri solvit. 4Si patri propter condemnationem Romae, ubi dos petatur, esse non liceat, filiae satis dotis fieri oportet, ita tamen, ut caveat ratam rem patrem habiturum. 5Eo autem tempore consentire filiam patri oportet, quo lis contestatur. secundum haec si filia dicat se patri consentire et ante litis contestationem mutaverit voluntatem vel etiam emancipata sit, frustra pater aget. 6Nec non illud quoque probamus, quod Labeo probat, nonnumquam patri denegandam actionem, si tam turpis persona patris sit, ut verendum sit, ne acceptam dotem consumat: ideoque officium iudicis interponendum est, quatenus et filiae et patri competenter consuletur. sed si latitet filia, ne tali patri consentire cogatur, puto dari quidem patri actionem, sed causa cognita. quid enim, si filia verecunde per absentiam patri contradicat? cur non dicamus patri non esse dandam actionem? quod si is pater sit, cui omnimodo consentire filiam decet, hoc est vitae probatae, filia levis mulier vel admodum iuvenis vel nimia circa maritum non merentem, dicendum est patri potius adquiescere praetorem oportere dareque ei actionem. 7Si maritus vel uxor constante matrimonio furere coeperint, quid faciendum sit, tractamus. et illud quidem dubio procul observatur eam personam, quae furore detenta est, quia sensum non habet, nuntium mittere non posse. an autem illa repudianda est, considerandum est. et si quidem intervallum furor habeat vel perpetuus quidem morbus est, tamen ferendus his qui circa eam sunt, tunc nullo modo oportet dirimi matrimonium, sciente ea persona, quae, cum compos mentis esset, ita furenti quemadmodum diximus nuntium miserit, culpa sua nuptias esse diremptas: quid enim tam humanum est, quam ut fortuitis casibus mulieris maritum vel uxorem viri participem esse? sin autem tantus furor est, ita ferox, ita perniciosus, ut sanitatis nulla spes supersit, circa ministros terribilis, et forsitan altera persona vel propter saevitiam furoris vel, quia liberos non habet, procreandae subolis cupidine tenta est: licentia erit compoti mentis personae furenti nuntium mittere, ut nullius culpa videatur esse matrimonium dissolutum neque in damnum alterutra pars incidat. 8Sin autem in saevissimo furore muliere constituta maritus dirimere quidem matrimonium calliditate non vult, spernit autem infelicitatem uxoris et non ad eam flectitur nullamque ei competentem curam inferre manifestissimus est, sed abutitur dotem: tunc licentiam habeat vel curator furiosae vel cognati adire iudicem competentem, quatenus necessitas imponatur marito omnem talem mulieris sustentationem sufferre et alimenta praestare et medicinae eius succurrere et nihil praetermittere eorum, quae maritum uxori adferre decet secundum dotis quantitatem. sin vero dotem ita dissipaturus ita manifestus est, ut non hominem frugi oportet, tunc dotem sequestrari, quatenus ex ea mulier competens habeat solacium una cum sua familia, pactis videlicet dotalibus, quae inter eos ab initio nuptiarum inita fuerint, in suo statu durantibus et alterius exspectantibus sanitatem et mortis eventum. 9Item pater furiosae utiliter intendere sibi filiaeve suae reddi dotem potest: quamvis enim furiosa nuntium mittere non possit, patrem tamen eius posse certum est. 10Si soluto matrimonio pater furiosus sit, curator eius voluntate filiae dotem petere poterit: aut si curatoris copia non sit, agere filiae permittendum erit caverique oportebit de rato. 11Idem decernendum est et si ab hostibus captus sit pater, puellae dandam actionem de dote repetenda. 12Transgrediamur nunc ad hunc articulum, ut quaeramus, adversus quos competit de dote actio. et adversus ipsum maritum competere palam est, sive ipsi dos data sit sive alii ex voluntate mariti vel subiecto iuri eius vel non subiecto. sed si filius familias sit maritus et dos socero data sit, adversus socerum agetur. plane si filio data sit, si quidem iussu soceri, adhuc absolute socer tenebitur: quod si filio data sit non iussu patris, Sabinus et Cassius responderunt nihilo minus cum patre agi oportere: videri enim ad eum pervenisse dotem, penes quem est peculium: sufficit autem ad id damnandum quod est in peculio vel si quid in rem patris versum est. sin autem socero dotem dederit, cum marito non poterit experiri, nisi patri heres exstiterit. 13Si mulier in condicione mariti erraverit putaveritque esse liberum, cum servus esset, concedi oportet quasi privilegium in bonis viri mulieri, videlicet ut, si sint et alii creditores, haec praeferatur circa de peculio actionem et, si forte domino aliquid debeat servus, non praeferatur mulier nisi in his tantum rebus, quae vel in dote datae sunt vel ex dote comparatae, quasi et hae dotales sint.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Where a father gives the dowry, or a stranger who does so contracts for it subject to a certain contingency, as for instance, if a divorce or death should take place, it must be said that the woman will, in any event be entitled to the action which was not mentioned in the agreement. 1If, after the marriage has been dissolved, the wife, being under paternal control, uses up the dowry jointly belonging to herself and her father without the consent of the latter, the father will be entitled to an action to obtain the delivery of the dowry to himself, whether his daughter be living or dead. This rule also applies where the dowry is given to a woman who is likely to waste it. If, however, it was given for good reasons to one who will not be likely to squander it, no action will lie, and after the death of the father, neither his heirs nor the woman can institute proceedings to recover it. 2If, after the marriage has been dissolved, the woman, having been deceived, accepts by novation a debtor who is insolvent, she will, nevertheless, be entitled to an action on dowry. 3Where a father, during the absence of his daughter, institutes proceedings to recover the dowry, even though he fails to give security for the ratification of his act, the right to sue should be denied the daughter, whether she becomes her father’s heir, or whether she receives from him, by way of legacy, an amount equal to her dowry. Therefore, Julianus stated in several places, that what was given her by her father should be set off against her dowry, and that it would be to her profit if she received as much from him as was due from her husband as dowry, and which he had paid her father. 4If the father should not be permitted to remain at Rome, where the suit is brought for the dowry, on account of some sentence imposed upon him, the amount of the dowry must be paid to the daughter, provided she furnishes security that her father will ratify her act. 5It is necessary for the daughter to give her consent to her father bringing the action, at the time when issue was joined. In accordance with this, if she says that she consents, and, before issue is joined she should change her mind, or even be emancipated, the action brought by her father will be of no effect. 6We also agree with Labeo that sometimes an action should be refused the father, if his character is so degraded that it is to be feared that he will squander the dowry after receiving it; therefore the authority of the judge should be interposed, as far as he can do so, to protect the best interests of both daughter and father. If, however, the daughter conceals herself in order to avoid giving her consent to a father of this kind, I certainly think that an action should be granted the father, but only after proper cause has been shown. For what if the daughter, through motives of filial reverence, should agree with her father to be absent, why should we not hold that an action should not be granted him? But if the father is such a person that his daughter ought by all means to give her consent, that is to say, is a man of an excellent reputation, and his daughter is a woman of fickle character, or very young, or too much under the influence of an undeserving husband; it must be said that the Prætor should rather favor the father and grant him an action. 7Where either a husband or a wife becomes insane during marriage, let us consider what should be done. And, in the first place it should be observed that there is no doubt whatever that the one who is attacked by insanity cannot send notice of repudiation to the other, for the reason that he or she is not in possession of their senses. It must, however, be considered whether the woman should be repudiated under such circumstances. If, indeed, the insanity has lucid intervals, or if the affliction is perpetual but still endurable by those associated with the woman, then the marriage ought by no means to be dissolved. And where the party who is aware of this fact, and of sound mind, gives notice of repudiation to the other who is insane, he will, as we have stated, be to blame for the dissolution of the marriage; for what is so benevolent as for the husband or the wife to share in the accidental misfortunes of the other? If, however, the insanity is so violent, ferocious, and dangerous that no hope of recovery exists, and it causes terror to the attendants; then, if the other party desires to annul the marriage either on account of cruelty which accompanies the insanity, or because he has no children and is tempted by the desire of having offspring, the said party, being of sound mind, will be permitted to notify the other, who is insane, of repudiation; so that the marriage may be dissolved without reproach attaching to either, and neither party will suffer any damage. 8Where, however, the woman is affected with the most violent form of insanity, and the husband, through crafty motives, is unwilling to annul the marriage, but treats the unfortunate condition of his wife with scorn, and shows no sympathy for her, and it is perfectly evident that he does not give her proper care, and makes a wrongful use of her dowry; then, either the curator of the insane woman or her relatives have the right to go into court in order to require the husband to support her, furnish her with provisions, provide her with medicine, and omit nothing which a husband should do for his wife, according to the amount of the dowry which he received. If, however, it is evident that he is about to squander the dowry, and not enjoy it as a man ought to do, then the dowry shall be sequestered, and enough taken out of it for the maintenance of the wife and her slaves, and all dotal agreements made between the parties at the time of the marriage shall remain in their former condition, and be dependent upon the recovery of the wife, or the death of either of the parties. 9Moreover, the father of the woman who has become insane can legally begin an action for the restoration of the dowry to himself, or to his daughter; for although she, being insane, cannot give notice of repudiation, it is certain that her father can do so. 10If after the marriage has been dissolved, the father should become insane, his curator can bring suit to recover the dowry with the consent of his daughter; or, where there is no curator, his daughter will be allowed to bring it, but she must give security for the ratification of her act. 11It must also be held that, where the father is taken captive by the enemy, an action to recover the dowry should be granted to the daughter. 12Let us now pass to another subject, and inquire against whom the action on dowry will lie. It is clear that it will lie against the husband himself, whether the dowry was given to him, or to another with his consent, whether the latter was subject to his control or not. Where, however, the husband is subject to paternal authority, and the dowry is given to his father-in-law, then suit must be brought against the father-in-law. It is evident that if it was given to the son, or has been given by the direction of his father-in-law, the latter will still be absolutely liable. But if it is given to the son, but not by the direction of the father, Sabinus and Cassius gave it as their opinion that an action could, nevertheless, be brought against the father, because the dowry is held to have come into the hands of him who has the peculium. It will, however, be sufficient for judgment to be rendered against him for the amount of the peculium, or to the extent to which the property of the father has been benefited. If, however, the dowry has been given to the father-in-law, he cannot institute proceedings against the husband unless the latter becomes the heir of the father. 13Ad Dig. 24,3,22,13Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 500, Note 1.When a woman makes a mistake as to the condition of her husband, and thinks that he is a freeman while, in fact, he is a slave, some preference must be shown her with respect to the property of her husband; for example, if there are other creditors, she must be preferred in case an action de peculio is brought, and if the slave owes anything to his master, the woman shall not be preferred to him, except with reference to what was either given by way of dowry, or purchased with money forming part of it, since property of this kind is dotal.
Dig. 24,3,24Ulpianus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Si constante matrimonio propter inopiam mariti mulier agere volet, unde exactionem dotis initium accipere ponamus? et constat exinde dotis exactionem competere, ex quo evidentissime apparuerit mariti facultates ad dotis exactionem non sufficere. 1Si exheredato marito mulier agat, magis est, ut ex die aditae patris hereditatis incipiat ei dotis exactio. 2Quotiens mulieri satisdandum est de solutione dotis post certum tempus, si maritus satisdare non possit, tunc deducto commodo temporis condemnatio residui repraesentatur: sed si, cum maritus satisdare posset, nollet, in solidum eum condemnandum Mela ait non habita ratione commodi temporis. iudicis igitur officio convenit, ut aut satisdatione interposita absolvat maritum aut habita ratione compensationis eum condemnet, quod quidem hodie magis usurpatur: nec ferenda est mulier, si dicat magis se velle dilationem pati quam in repraesentatione deductionem. 3Sive autem mariti sive uxoris periculo dos fuit, nihilo minus legitimo tempore debet solvere maritus. 4Si vir voluntate mulieris servos dotales manumiserit, si quidem donare ei mulier voluit, nec de libertatis causa impositis ei praestandis tenebitur: quod si negotium inter eos gestum est, utique tenebitur, ut officio iudicis caveat restituturum se mulieri, quidquid ad eum ex bonis liberti vel ex obligatione pervenisset. 5Si maritus saevus in servos dotales fuit, videndum, an de hoc possit conveniri. et si quidem tantum in servos uxoris saevus fuit, constat eum teneri hoc nomine: si vero et in suos est natura talis, adhuc dicendum est immoderatam eius saevitiam hoc iudicio coercendam: quamvis enim diligentiam uxor eam demum ab eo exigat, quam rebus suis exiget, nec plus possit, attamen saevitia, quae in propriis culpanda est, in alienis coercenda est, hoc est in dotalibus. 6Si uxor viri rem commodaverit eaque perierit, videndum, an compensationem hoc nomine pati possit. et puto, si quidem prohibuit eam maritus commodare, statim deductionem fieri: si vero non prohibuit eam commodare arbitrio iudicis modicum tempus ei indulgeri cautionem praebenti. 7Si bona mulieris pro parte sint publicata, superest mulieri reliquae partis dotis exactio: plus puto: et si post litem contestatam publicata sit pro parte dos, sufficiet arbitrium iudicis ad partis condemnationem faciendam. quod si tota dos publicata sit, exspirabit iudicium.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If, during the existence of the marriage, the wife desires to institute proceedings on account of the impending insolvency of her husband, what time must we fix for her to claim the dowry? It is settled that it can be demanded from the time when it is perfectly apparent that the pecuniary resources of the husband are not sufficient for the delivery of the dowry. 1If the wife should institute proceedings after her husband has been disinherited, the better opinion is that the demand for the dowry should begin to date from the time that the heir entered upon the estate of the father of her husband. 2Whenever security should be given to a wife for the payment of her dowry, after a certain date, if her husband cannot furnish security, then the advantage arising from the enjoyment of the dowry during the intermediate time having been deducted, judgment should be rendered against him for the remainder. If, however, the husband should refuse to give security when he is able to do so; Mela says judgment should be rendered against him for the entire amount, and no account should be taken of any deduction growing out of the benefit obtained during the intermediate time. It is, therefore, a part of the duty of the judge to release the husband if security is furnished, or to render judgment against him, after having taken the set-off into consideration. This, indeed, is the practice at present, nor is a woman permitted to say that she prefers to suffer delay rather than submit to a reduction in the amount to be paid. 3Whether the dowry is at the risk of the husband or the wife, the husband must, nevertheless, pay it within the time established by law. 4Where a husband, with the consent of his wife, manumits slaves forming a part of the dowry, even if his wife intended to donate the slaves to him, he will not be liable for the expenses incurred in giving them their freedom; but if this was a business transaction carried on between them, he will be compelled by the court to give security to restore to his wife anything which comes into his hands from the property or the obligations of the freedmen. 5If the husband should be cruel to the dotal slaves, let us see whether an action can be brought against him on this account. And, in fact, if he is only cruel to the slaves of his wife, it is settled that he will be liable on this account; but if he is by nature cruel to his own slaves, it must be said that his immoderate severity should be checked by an order of court; for although a wife cannot require from her husband greater diligence than he employs in his own affairs, still, such cruelty as is reprehensible when exhibited with reference to his own property must be restrained with reference to that of others, that is to say, with respect to the slaves composing the dowry. 6Where a wife lends property belonging to her husband, and it is lost, it should be considered whether she must permit this to be set off against her dowry; and I think that if her husband forbade her to lend it, the deduction should at once be made; but if he did not permit her to do so, the judge can grant her a reasonable time to return it, if she gives security. 7When a portion of the property of a wife should be confiscated, she will have a right of action to recover the remainder of her dowry. I also hold that if a portion of the dowry has been confiscated alter issue has been joined, it will be sufficient for the judge to issue an order compelling the husband to restore the remainder. If, however, the entire dowry has been confiscated, the right of action will be extinguished.
Dig. 24,3,62Ulpianus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Quod si vir voluntate mulieris servos dotales manumiserit, cum donare ei mulier voluit, nec de libertatis causa impositis ei praestandis tenebitur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If a husband should manumit dotal slaves with the consent of his wife, it is just as if she intended to donate them to him, and he will not be liable to any claim on account of having given them their freedom.
Dig. 25,2,11Ulpianus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Marcellus libro octavo digestorum scribit, sive vir uxorem sive uxor virum domo expulit et res amoverunt, rerum amotarum teneri. 1Qui rerum amotarum instituit actionem si velit magis iusiurandum deferre, cogitur adversarius iurare nihil divortii causa amotum esse, dum prius de calumnia iuret qui iusiurandum defert. 2Iurare autem tam vir quam uxor cogetur. pater autem amoventis iurare non cogitur, cum iniquum sit de alieno facto alium iurare: is ergo cogitur iurare, qui amovisse dicitur. et idcirco nec heres eius, qui quaeve amovisse dicetur, iurare cogetur. 3Si quis delatum sibi iusiurandum referre velit, non videtur praetor permisisse,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Marcellus stated in the Eighth Book of the Digest that whether a husband drove his wife, or a wife her husband, from the house, and removed the property, either would be liable to an action for the recovery of property wrongfully appropriated. 1Where anyone institutes proceedings for the recovery of property wrongfully appropriated, if he prefers to tender an oath, his adversary will be compelled to swear that nothing was appropriated at the time of the divorce; provided whoever tenders the oath himself or herself first takes the oath de calumnia. 2The husband, as well as the wife, is compelled to take the oath with reference to property wrongfully appropriated. But the father of him or her who appropriated the property is not obliged to be sworn, as it would be unjust for anyone to take an oath relating to the act of another. That party, therefore, is compelled to take the oath who is said to have appropriated the property, and hence the heir of him or her who is said to have wrongfully appropriated it is not compelled to be sworn. 3Where anyone desires to tender back the oath which has been tendered him, it has been decided that the Prætor shall not permit this to be done.
Dig. 25,2,13Ulpianus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Ideo Labeo scribit mulieri non esse permittendum referre iusiurandum, et ita edictum ordinatum videtur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Therefore, Labeo states that a woman is not permitted to tender back an oath; and the Edict of the Prætor is held to establish this.
Dig. 26,7,11Idem libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Circa pupillum, cuius tutor servus erat pronuntiatus, divus Pius rescripsit in rebus, quas ex pecunia pupilli servus comparaverat, dominum non posse uti praerogativa deductionis. quod et in curatore observandum est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript with reference to a ward whose guardian was judicially decided to be a slave, that the owner of the latter was not entitled to the privilege of deducting what was due to him from property which the slave had purchased with the money of the ward. This rule also should be observed in the case of a curator.
Dig. 30,59Ulpianus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. si modo nulla culpa eius incendium contigisset.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Provided the fire did not take place through the negligence of the heir.
Dig. 48,8,8Ulpianus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Si mulierem visceribus suis vim intulisse, quo partum abigeret, constiterit, eam in exilium praeses provinciae exiget.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If it should be proved that a woman has employed force upon her abdomen for the purpose of producing abortion, the Governor of the province shall send her into exile.
Dig. 48,20,3Ulpianus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Quinque legibus damnatae mulieri dos publicatur: maiestatis, vis publicae, parricidii, venefici, de sicariis:
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Under five laws, the dowry of a convicted woman is confiscated, namely, for high treason, public violence, parricide, poisoning, and assassination.
Dig. 48,20,5Ulpianus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Sed si alia lege capitis punita sit, quae lex dotem non publicat, quia prius serva poenae efficitur, verum est dotem mariti lucro cedere, quasi mortua sit. 1Quod si deportata sit filia familias, Marcellus ait, quae sententia et vera est, non utique deportatione dissolvi matrimonium: nam cum libera mulier remaneat, nihil prohibet et virum mariti affectionem et mulierem uxoris animum retinere. si igitur eo animo mulier fuerit, ut discedere a marito velit, ait Marcellus tunc patrem de dote acturum. sed si mater familias sit et interim constante matrimonio fuerit deportata, dotem penes maritum remanere: postea vero dissoluto matrimonio posse eam agere, quasi humanitatis intuitu hodie nata actione.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If, however, the woman is punished with death under some other law which does not confiscate her dowry, for the reason that she first becomes a penal slave, it is true that her dowry passes to her husband just as if she were dead. 1Marcellus says that if a daughter under paternal control is deported, her marriage is not dissolved by the mere fact of her deportation, and this opinion is correct; for, as the woman remains free, nothing prevents the husband from retaining his marital affection, or the woman from retaining her affection as a wife. Therefore, if the woman has the intention of leaving her husband, Marcellus says that the father can then institute proceedings to recover her dowry. If, however, she is the mother of a family, and is deported during the existence of the marriage, the dowry will remain in the hands of the husband; but if the marriage is subsequently dissolved, she can bring her action, just as if, through considerations of humanity, the right to do so had recently been acquired.
Dig. 49,17,7Idem libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Si castrense peculium maritus habeat, in quantum facere potest condemnabitur, quia etiam non castrensibus creditoribus ex eo peculio magis est eum cogi respondere.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If the husband has a castrense peculium, judgment will be rendered against him to the extent of his means; for he will be compelled to make payment out of his peculium, even to those who are not castrensian creditors.