Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXIX
Dig. 12,1,14Idem libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si filius familias contra senatus consultum mutuatus pecuniam solverit, patri nummos vindicanti nulla exceptio obicietur: sed si fuerint consumpti a creditore nummi, Marcellus ait cessare condictionem, quoniam totiens condictio datur, quotiens ex ea causa numerati sunt, ex qua actio esse potuisset, si dominium ad accipientem transisset: in proposito autem non esset. denique per errorem soluti contra senatus consultum crediti magis est cessare repetitionem.
Ad Dig. 12,1,14Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 373, Note 16.The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where a son under paternal control having borrowed money in violation of the Decree of the Senate pays it, no exception can be pleaded against a suit brought by the father for the recovery of the money; but, where it has been expended by the creditor, Marcellus says that the personal action for recovery will not lie, since such a suit is only granted where the money was paid over under such circumstances as would permit an action to be brought if the ownership had been transferred to the party who received the money, but this is not the case in the proposed instance. Finally, where money is loaned contrary to the Decree of the Senate, and is repaid by mistake, the better opinion is that no action for its recovery will lie.
Dig. 14,1,4Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si tamen plures per se navem exerceant, pro portionibus exercitionis conveniuntur: neque enim invicem sui magistri videnturaaDie Großausgabe liest videbuntur statt videntur.. 1Sed si plures exerceant, unum autem de numero suo magistrum fecerint, huius nomine in solidum poterunt conveniri. 2Sed si servus plurium navem exerceat voluntate eorum, idem placuit quod in pluribus exercitoribus. plane si unius ex omnibus voluntate exercuit, in solidum ille tenebitur, et ideo puto et in superiore casu in solidum omnes teneri. 3Si servus sit, qui navem exercuit voluntate domini, et alienatus fuerit, nihilo minus is qui eum alienavit tenebitur. proinde et si decesserit servus, tenebitur: nam et magistro defuncto tenebitur. 4Hae actiones perpetuo et heredibus et in heredes dabuntur: proinde et si servus, qui voluntate domini exercuit, decessit, etiam post annum dabitur haec actio, quamvis de peculio ultra annum non detur.
Ad Dig. 14,1,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 407, Note 7.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where, however, several persons have the management of a ship between them, they must be sued in proportion to their shares in the same, for they are not regarded as masters for one another. 1Where several persons having the management of a ship appoint one of their number to be the master, they can be sued on his account for the entire claim. 2Where a slave belonging to several persons manages a ship with their consent, the same rule applies as where there are several managers. For it is clear that if he acted with the consent of any one of them, the latter will be liable for the entire amount; and therefore I think that in the case above mentioned all of them are liable in full. 3If a slave who had control of a ship with the consent of his owner should be alienated, the party who alienated him will, nevertheless, be liable. Hence he would also be liable if the slave should die, for the owner of the ship will be liable after the death of the master. 4These actions are granted without limitation of time both in the favor of heirs, and against them. Hence, if a slave who has control of a ship with the consent of his master should die, this action will be granted after the expiration of a year, although an action De peculio is not granted after a year has elapsed.
Dig. 14,4,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Huius quoque edicti non minima utilitas est, ut dominus, qui alioquin in servi contractibus privilegium habet (quippe cum de peculio dumtaxat teneatur, cuius peculii aestimatio deducto quod domino debetur fit), tamen, si scierit servum peculiari merce negotiari, velut extraneus creditor ex hoc edicto in tributum vocatur. 1Licet mercis appellatio angustior sit, ut neque ad servos fullones vel sarcinatores vel textores vel venaliciarios pertineat, tamen Pedius libro quinto decimo scribit ad omnes negotiationes porrigendum edictum. 2Peculiarem autem mercem non sic uti peculium accipimus, quippe peculium deducto quod debetur accipitur, merx peculiaris, etiamsi nihil sit in peculio, dominum tributoria obligat, ita demum si sciente eo negotiabitur. 3Scientiam hic eam accipimus, quae habet et voluntatem, sed ut ego puto, non voluntatem, sed patientiam: non enim velle debet dominus, sed non nolle. si igitur scit et non protestatur et contra dicit, tenebitur actione tributoria. 4Potestatis verbum ad omnem sexum, item ad omnes, qui sunt alieno iuri subiecti, porrigendum erit. 5Non solum ad servos pertinebit tributoria actio, verum ad eos quoque, qui nobis bona fide serviunt, sive liberi sive servi alieni sunt, vel in quibus usum fructum habemus,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The advantage of this Edict is far from being of trifling importance, as a master, who, otherwise, enjoys a privilege in the case of contracts made by a slave (since he is liable only for the amount of the peculium, the estimate of which is made after what is due to the master has been deducted), is, nevertheless, called upon by this Edict to contribute like any other creditor, if he was aware that the slave was transacting business with property belonging to the peculium. 1Although the term “merchandise” is one of limited signification, and does not apply to slaves who are fullers, tailors, weavers, or dealers in slaves, still, Pedius says in the Fifteenth Book that the Edict must be held to embrace transactions of every description. 2Merchandise of the peculium we do not understand to mean the same as the peculium itself, for the latter is considered to indicate the remainder after what has been due to the master has been deducted; but merchandise of the peculium renders a master liable to the Tributorian Action, even though there may be nothing whatever in the peculium, only however, where the business is transacted with his knowledge. 3In this instance we understand the word “knowledge” to signify that which includes consent, but (as I think) not merely consent but tolerance, for the master need not wish it, but he must not be unwilling. Hence, if he is aware of the facts, and does not protest and evince opposition, he will be liable under the Tributorian Action. 4The term “control” must be extended to both sexes, and also to all such as are subject to the power of others. 5The Tributorian Action will be applicable not only to slaves, but also to such as are serving us in good faith, whether they are free born, the slaves of others, or those in whom we have an usufruct,
Dig. 14,4,3Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed si servus communis sit et ambo sciant domini, in utrumlibet ex illis dabitur actio: at si alter scit, alter ignoravit, in eum qui scit dabitur actio, deducetur tamen solidum quod ei qui ignoravit debetur. quod si ipsum quis ignorantem convenerit, quoniam de peculio convenitur, deducetur etiam id quod scienti debetur et quidem in solidum: nam et si ipse de peculio conventus esset, solidum quod ei deberetur deduceretur, et ita Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum scripsit. 1Si servus pupilli vel furiosi sciente tutore vel curatore in merce peculiari negotietur, dolum quidem tutoris vel curatoris nocere pupillo vel furioso non debere puto, nec tamen lucrosum esse debere, et ideo hactenus eum ex dolo tutoris tributoria teneri, si quid ad eum pervenerit: idem et in furioso puto. quamvis Pomponius libro octavo epistularum, si solvendo tutor sit, ex dolo eius pupillum teneri scripsit: et sane hactenus tenebitur, ut actionem, quam contra tutorem habeat, praestet. 2Sed et si ipsius pupilli dolo factum sit, si eius aetatis sit, ut doli capax sit, efficere ut teneatur, quamvis scientia eius non sufficiat ad negotiationem. quid ergo est? scientia quidem tutoris et curatoris debet facere locum huic actioni: dolus autem quatenus noceat, ostendi.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where, however, a slave is held in common, and both owners are aware of the fact, an action will be granted against either of them, but if one of them knows and the other is ignorant, an action will be granted against the one who knows; and whatever is due to the one who was ignorant will be deducted in full. But if anyone should sue the owner who is ignorant, since proceedings are brought against him on the peculium, what was due to the party who knew will be deducted, and, indeed, in full; for if he himself was sued in the action on the peculium, what is owing to him would be deducted in full. This Julianus stated in the Twelfth Book of the Digest. 1If the slave of a ward or of an insane person, with the knowledge of his guardian or curator, employs the funds of the peculium in business transactions, I am of the opinion that the fraud of the guardian or of the curator should not prejudice the ward, or the insane person, nor should it be a source of gain to him; and hence he ought not to be liable to the Tributorian Action, on account of the fraud of the guardian, only so far as he may have derived any advantage from it. I think that the same rule applies to an insane person, although Pomponius, in the Eighth Book of Epistles, stated that if a guardian is solvent, his ward is liable on account of his fraud, and it is evident that he will be liable to such an extent that he must assign the right of action which he has against his guardian. 2Again, if fraud was committed by the ward himself, and he is of such an age as to be capable of it, it has the effect of rendering him liable; although his knowledge may not be sufficient for the transaction of business. What course must then be pursued? The knowledge of the guardian and curator should furnish ground for this action, and I have shown to what extent fraud may cause injury.
Dig. 14,4,5Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Procuratoris autem scientiam et dolum nocere debere domino neque Pomponius dubitat nec nos dubitamus. 1Si vicarius servi mei negotietur, si quidem me sciente, tributoria tenebor, si me ignorante, ordinario sciente, de peculio eius actionem dandam Pomponius libro sexagensimo scripsit, nec deducendum ex vicarii peculio, quod ordinario debetur, cum id quod mihi debetur deducatur. sed si uterque scierimus, et tributoriam et de peculio actionem competere ait, tributoriam vicarii nomine, de peculio vero ordinarii: eligere tamen debere agentem, qua potius actione experiatur, sic tamen, ut utrumque tribuatur et quod mihi et quod servo debetur, cum, si servus ordinarius ignorasset, deduceretur integrum, quod ei a vicario debetur. 2Sed et si ancilla negotiabitur, admittendam tributoriam dicimus. 3Item parvi refert, cum ipso servo contrahatur an cum institore eius. 4‘Mercis nomine’ merito adicitur, ne omnis negotiatio cum eo facta tributoriam inducat. 5Per hanc actionem tribui iubetur, quod ex ea merce et quod eo nomine receptum est. 6In tributum autem vocantur, qui in potestate habent, cum creditoribus mercis. 7Sed est quaesitum, dominus utrum ita demum partietur ex merce, si quid ei mercis nomine debeatur, an vero et si ex alia causa. et Labeo ait, ex quacumque causa ei debeatur, parvique referret, ante mercem an postea ei debere quid servus coeperit: sufficere enim, quod privilegium deductionis perdidit. 8Quid tamen si qui contrahebant ipsam mercem pignori acceperint? puto debere dici, praeferendos domino iure pignoris. 9Sive autem domino sive his qui in potestate eius sunt, debeatur, utique erit tribuendum. 10Sed si duo pluresve domini sint, utique omnibus tribuetur pro rata debiti sui. 11Non autem totum peculium venit in tributum, sed id dumtaxat, quod ex ea merce est, sive merces manent sive pretium earum receptum conversumve est in peculium. 12Sed et si adhuc debeatur mercis nomine a quibusdam, quibus solebat servus distrahere, hoc quoque tribuetur, prout fuerit receptum. 13Si praeter mercem servus iste in tabernam habeat instrumentum, an hoc quoque tribuatur? et Labeo ait et hoc tribui, et est aequissimum: plerumque enim hic apparatus ex merce est, immo semper. cetera tamen, quae extra haec in peculium habuit, non tribuentur, ut puta argentum habuit vel aurum, nisi si haec ex merce comparavit. 14Item si mancipia in negotiatione habuit ex merce parata, etiam haec tribuentur. 15Si plures habuit servus creditores, sed quosdam in mercibus certis, an omnes in isdem confundendi erunt et omnes in tributum vocandi? ut puta duas negotiationes exercebat, puta sagariam et linteariam, et separatos habuit creditores. puto separatim eos in tributum vocari: unusquisque enim eorum merci magis quam ipsi credidit. 16Sed si duas tabernas eiusdem negotiationis exercuit et ego fui tabernae verbi gratia quam ad Bucinum habuit ratiocinator, alius eius quam trans Tiberim, aequissimum puto separatim tributionem faciendam, ne ex alterius re merceve alii indemnes fiant, alii damnum sentiant. 17Plane si in eadem taberna merces deferebantur, licet hae quae exstentaaDie Großausgabe liest extent statt exstent. ex unius creditoris pecunia sint comparatae, dicendum erit omnes in tributum venire, nisi fuerint creditori pigneratae. 18Sed si dedi mercem meam vendendam et exstat, videamus, ne iniquum sit in tributum me vocari. et si quidem in creditum ei abiit, tributio locum habebit: enimvero si non abiit, quia res venditae non alias desinunt esse meae, quamvis vendidero; nisi aere soluto vel fideiussore dato vel alias satisfacto, dicendum erit vindicare me posse. 19Tributio autem fit pro rata eius quod cuique debeatur, et ideo, si unus creditor veniat desiderans tribui, integram portionem consequitur, sed quoniam fieri potest, ut alius quoque vel alii exsistere possint mercis peculiaris creditores, cavere debet creditor iste pro rata se refusurum, si forte alii emerserint creditores.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Ad Dig. 14,4,5 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 85: Umfang der Ermächtigung des Inspectors einer Feuerversicherungsgesellschaft zur Feststellung des Schadens.ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 403: Recht des durch den Procuristen Betrogenen, die ganze Contractsobligation gegen den Geschäftsführer oder gegen den Principal geltend zu machen.Pomponius does not doubt, however, neither do we, that the knowledge and the malicious intent of an agent prejudice the principal. 1Where the sub-slave of my slave transacts business, and I am aware of the fact, I shall be liable to the Tributorian Action, but if I am not aware of it, and the chief slave is, Pomponius states in the Sixtieth Book, that an action De peculio should be granted, and that nothing should be deducted from the peculium of the sub-slave for what he owes to the chief slave, while what is due to me should be deducted. But if both of us were aware of the facts, he says that both the Tributorian Action and the one on the peculium will lie; the Tributorian Action on account of the sub-slave, and that on the peculium on account of the chief slave; but the plaintiff must decide under which action he would rather proceed, but in such a way that contribution shall be made of both what is due to me and what is due to the chief slave, while if the latter was ignorant of the facts, whatever was due to him from the sub-slave should be deducted in full. 2Moreover, where a female slave transacts business, we hold that the Tributorian Action will lie. 3Again, it makes little difference whether the contract is entered into with the slave himself or with his business manager. 4The terms, “On account of the business,” are added with good reason, in order to prevent every kind of transaction carried on with him from affording ground for the Tributorian Action. 5By means of this action it is established that everything connected with the merchandise, or which has been received on account of it, shall be subject to contribution. 6Those who have slaves under their control are called upon to contribute, together with the creditors of the business. 7The question arose, however, whether the master has a right to share in the division of the merchandise only to the extent of what is due to him on account of the same; or whether he can do so on account of other matters? Labeo says that this is the case where money is due to him for any reason whatsoever; and that it makes very little difference whether the slave became indebted to him before or after the business was transacted, for it is sufficient that he has lost the privilege of deduction. 8What would be the case, however, if those who contracted with the slave received the merchandise itself by way of pledge? I think that it should be said that they will be preferred to the master by the right of pledge. 9Whether the debt is owing to the master or to those who are under his control, contribution must be made in every instance. 10Where there are two or more masters, contribution should be made to each of them in proportion to his debt. 11The entire peculium, however, is not subject to contribution, but only that which is connected with the business, whether it consists of merchandise, or whether the price of the latter has been received and placed in a peculium. 12Again, if money was due for merchandise from parties to whom the slave was accustomed to make sales, this also will be subject to contribution to the extent of the receipts. 13If, in addition to merchandise, this slave has in the shop utensils belonging to the business, are these also subject to contribution? Labeo says that they are, and this is perfectly just, for generally, and in fact always, such tools are derived from the stock. Other articles, however, which he had in the peculium will not be liable to contribution, as for instance, if he had silver or gold, except where he acquired them with money obtained from trade. 14Moreover, if he employed slaves in the business who had been acquired with the proceeds of the same, these also will be subject to contribution. 15If the slave had several creditors, but some of them were engaged in certain branches of commerce, are all of them to be brought in and called upon to share in the contribution; for example, if he was engaged in two kinds of business, such as cloak making and the weaving of linen, and had separate creditors? It is my opinion that they should be called upon separately to share in the contribution, for each of them gave credit rather to the business than to the party himself. 16Moreover, if he had two shops devoted to the same kind of business, and I, for example, purchased goods at the shop in the Bucinum, and someone else made purchases in that across the Tiber; I think it would be perfectly just that the contributions should be made separately, to avoid having one set of creditors indemnified out of the property of the other, and the latter suffer loss. 17It is evident that if merchandise is offered for sale in the same shop, even if what was there had been obtained with the money of one of the creditors, it will all be subject to contribution, unless it was pledged to the creditor. 18Ad Dig. 14,4,5,18Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 370, Note 11.If, however, I have delivered my merchandise to be sold, and it is still in existence, let us consider whether it will not be unjust that I should be called upon for contribution? If, however, I have only a claim against the slave, there will be ground for contribution, but if this is not the case, for the reason that property which is sold does not cease to belong to me, even though I have disposed of it, unless the money has been paid, or a surety furnished, or satisfaction made in some other manner; it must be said that I can bring an action for recovery. 19Contribution, however, is made in proportion to the amount which is due to each one; and therefore if one creditor appears asking for contribution, he will obtain his share in full, but since it may happen that there is one other or several other creditors of the business conducted with a peculium, this creditor must furnish security that he will refund pro rata if other creditors should appear.
Dig. 14,4,7Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Illud quoque cavere debet, si quid aliud domini debitum emerserit, refusurum se ei pro rata. finge enim condicionale debitum imminere vel in occulto esse: hoc quoque admittendum est: nam iniuriam dominus pati non debet, licet in tributum vocatur. 1Quid tamen si dominus tribuere nolit nec hanc molestiam suscipere, sed peculio vel mercibus cedere paratus sit? Pedius refert audiendum eum, quae sententia habet aequitatem: et plerumque arbitrum in hanc rem praetor debebit dare, cuius interventu tribuantur merces peculiares. 2Si cuius dolo malo factum est, quo minus ita tribueretur, in eum tributoria datur, ut quanto minus tributum sit quam debuerit, praestet: quae actio dolum malum coercet domini. minus autem tribuere videtur etiam si nihil tributum sit. si tamen ignorans in merce servum habere minus tribuit, non videtur dolo minus tribuisse, sed re comperta si non tribuat, dolo nunc non caret. proinde si sibi ex ea merce solvi fecit, utique dolo videtur minus tribuisse. 3Sed et si mercem perire passus est aut eam avertit aut vilioris data opera distraxit vel si ab emptoribus pretium non exegerit, dicendum erit teneri eum tributoria, si dolus intervenit. 4Sed et si negaverit dominus cuiquam deberi, videndum erit, an tributoriae locus sit: et est verior Labeonis sententia tributoriam locum habere: alioquin expediet domino negare. 5Haec actio et perpetuo et in heredem datur de eo dumtaxat quod ad eum pervenit,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. He should also furnish security that, if anything else should be found to be due to the master, he will refund it to him pro rata; for suppose that a conditional debt is about to be due, or that there is one which has been concealed; this also must be admitted, for the master should not suffer injury, even though he may be called to share in the contribution. 1What, however, must be done if the master refuses to make contribution, or to take this trouble, but is prepared to surrender the peculium or the goods? Pedius states that he should be heard, and this opinion is equitable; and generally, the Prætor should appoint an arbiter, by whose intervention the goods belonging to the peculium may be distributed. 2Where, through the malicious contrivance of anyone, the result is that the proper contribution was not made, the Tributorian Action is granted against him, in order to compel him to make good the amount by which what was contributed is less than it should have been. This action acts as a restraint upon the malicious intent of the master. It is held that too little is contributed, if nothing is contributed. Where, however, he, being ignorant of what the slave has invested in merchandise, contributes too little, he is not held to have acted with malicious intent; but if, having ascertained the facts, he neglects to make proper contribution, he is now not free from fraud. Hence if he obtains payment to himself out of the merchandise, he is, in fact, held to have fraudulently contributed too little. 3Again, if he permitted the property to be destroyed, or to be converted to an improper purpose, or intentionally sold it at too low a price, or did not require payment from the purchasers; it must be held that he will be liable to the Tributorian Action, if fraudulent intent existed. 4Moreover, if the master denies that anything is due to anybody, it should be considered whether there is ground for the Tributorian Action. The opinion of Labeo that this action will lie is the better one; otherwise it will be expedient for the master to set up a denial. 5This action is both perpetual and granted against the heir, but only for the amount which conies into his hands:
Dig. 14,4,9Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Quod in herede dicimus, idem erit et in ceteris successoribus. 1Eligere quis debet, qua actione experiatur, utrum de peculio an tributoria, cum scit sibi regressum ad aliam non futurum. plane si quis velit ex alia causa tributoria agere, ex alia causa de peculio, audiendus erit. 2Si servo testamento manumisso peculium legatum sit, non debere heredem tributoria teneri, quasi neque ad eum pervenerit neque dolo fecerit, Labeo ait. sed Pomponius libro sexagensimo scripsit heredem nisi curaverit caveri sibi a servo vel deduxit a peculio quod tribuendum erat, teneri tributoria, quae sententia non est sine ratione: ipse enim auctor doli est, qui id egit, ne intribueret: totiens enim in heredem damus de eo quod ad eum pervenit, quotiens ex dolo defuncti convenitur, non quotiens ex suo.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. What we state with respect to the heir will also apply to other successors. 1A party must elect by what kind of an action he will proceed, whether by the one on the peculium, or by the Tributorian Action, since he knows that he can not have recourse to the other. It is clear that if anyone desires to bring the Tributorian Action for one claim, and the one De peculio for another, he should be heard. 2Labeo says that if the peculium is bequeathed to a slave manumitted by will, the heir should not be liable to the Tributorian Action, as neither has obtained anything nor has been guilty of fraud. Pomponius, in the Sixtieth Book, states that the heir is liable to the Tributorian Action, unless he took care to obtain security for himself from the slave, or deducted from the peculium what should have been contributed. This opinion is not unreasonable, since he who acted in such a way as to avoid contribution is himself guilty of malicious contrivance. For the action against the heir with reference to what comes into his hands will be granted by us, as often as he is sued on account of the fraud of the deceased, but not when he is sued on account of his own.
Dig. 14,5,2Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘In eum, qui emancipatus aut exheredatus erit quive abstinuit se hereditate eius cuius in potestate cum moritur fuerit, eius rei nomine, quae cum eo contracta erit, cum is in potestate esset, sive sua voluntate sive iussu eius in cuius potestate erit contraxerit, sive in peculium ipsius sive in patrimonium eius cuius in potestate fuerit ea res redacta fuerit, actionem causa cognita dabo in quod facere potest.’ 1Sed et si citra emancipationem sui iuris factus sit vel in adoptionem datus, deinde pater naturalis decesserit, item si quis ex minima parte sit institutus, aequissimum est causa cognita etiam in hunc dari actionem in id quod facere potest.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The Prætor says: “After proper cause is shown I will grant an action for the amount that the party is able to pay against anyone who is emancipated or disinherited, or who has rejected the estate of the person under whose control he was at the time the former died; whether the business was transacted on his own responsibility, or with the consent of the party to whose control he was subject; and whether this was done for the benefit of his own peculium, or for that of the estate of him under whose control he was.” 1Further, if he had become his own master without emancipation, or was given in adoption and his natural father afterwards died, and, moreover, if he had been appointed heir to a very small share of the estate, it is perfectly just that, after investigation, an action should be granted against him for the amount that he is able to pay.
Dig. 14,5,4Idem libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed si ex parte non modica sit heres scriptus filius, in arbitrio est creditoris, utrum pro portione hereditaria an in solidum eum conveniat. sed et hic iudex aestimare debeat, ne forte in id quod facere potest debeat conveniri. 1Interdum autem et si exheredatus filius vel emancipatus sit, in solidum actio adversus eum dabitur, ut puta si patrem familias se mentitus est, cum contraheretur cum eo: nam libro secundo digestorum Marcellus scripsit, etiamsi facere non possit, conveniendum propter mendacium. 2Quamquam autem ex contractu in id quod facere potest actio in eum datur, tamen ex delictis in solidum convenietur. 3Soli autem filio succurritur non etiam heredi eius: nam et Papinianus libro nono quaestionum scribit in heredem filii in solidum dandam actionem. 4Sed an etiam temporis haberi debeat ratio, ut, si quidem ex continenti cum filio agatur, detur actio in id quod facere potest, sin vero post multos annos, non debeat indulgeri? et mihi videtur rationem habendam esse: in hoc enim causae cognitio vertitur. 5Is qui de peculio egit, cum posset quod iussu, in ea causa est, ne possit quod iussu postea agere, et ita Proculus existimat: sed si deceptus de peculio egit, putat Celsus succurrendum ei: quae sententia habet rationem.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIX. But where the son is appointed heir of a larger portion of the estate, it is in the choice of the creditor whether he will sue him for the share of the estate to which he is entitled, or for the entire amount of the claim. In this instance also it is the duty of the judge to decide whether he should be sued only for the amount which he is able to pay. 1Sometimes, however, if the son is disinherited or emancipated, an action will be granted against him for the entire amount; for example, if, when the contract was made with him, he denied that he was the head of the household; for Marcellus stated in the Second Book of the Digest that an action can be brought against him on account of his falsehood, even if he is not able to pay. 2Although an action can be brought against him on his contracts only for the amount that he is able to pay, still, he may be sued for the entire amount on account of his offences. 3Relief is granted to the son alone, and not to his heir also; for Papinianus states in the Ninth Book of Questions that an action for the entire indebtedness should be granted against the heir of the son. 4But ought not the lapse of time be considered, so that, if proceedings are instituted without delay against the son, the action may be granted for what he is able to pay, but if many years have elapsed he should not be indulged in this way? It seems to me that it ought to be considered, for the investigation of the case will include this. 5Where a party brings suit on the peculium when he could have brought an action on the ground of having been expressly authorized, he is in the position of not being able subsequently to bring an action on the ground of special authority given; and this is the opinion of Proculus. But if the plaintiff, having been deceived, brings the action De peculio, Celsus thinks that he is entitled to relief, and this opinion is reasonable.
Dig. 14,6,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Verba senatus consulti Macedoniani haec sunt: ‘Cum inter ceteras sceleris causas Macedo, quas illi natura administrabat, etiam aes alienum adhibuisset, et saepe materiam peccandi malis moribus praestaret, qui pecuniam, ne quid amplius diceretur incertis nominibus crederet: placere, ne cui, qui filio familias mutuam pecuniam dedisset, etiam post mortem parentis eius, cuius in potestate fuisset, actio petitioque daretur, ut scirent, qui pessimo exemplo faenerarent, nullius posse filii familias bonum nomen exspectata patris morte fieri.’ 1Si pendeat, an sit in potestate filius, ut puta quoniam patrem apud hostes habet, in pendenti est, an in senatus consultum sit commissum: nam si recciderit in potestatem, senatus consulto locus est, si minus, cessat: interim igitur deneganda est actio. 2Certe si adrogatus mutuam pecuniam acceperit, deinde sit restitutus, ut emanciparetur, senatus consultum locum habebit: fuit enim filius familias. 3In filio familias nihil dignitas facit, quo minus senatus consultum Macedonianum locum habeat: nam etiamsi consul sit vel cuiusvis dignitatis, senatus consulto locus est: nisi forte castrense peculium habeat: tunc enim senatus consultum cessabit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The words of the Macedonian Decree of the Senate are as follows: “Whereas, among the other causes of crime which nature bestowed upon him, Macedo also added indebtedness, and as he who lends money on doubtful security (without saying any more) often furnishes material for wrong-doing to parties who are evilly disposed; it is hereby decreed that no action or claim shall be granted to anyone who has lent money to a son under paternal control, even after the death of the parent to whose authority he was subject, so that those who, by lending money at interest, set an extremely bad example, may learn that the obligation of no son under paternal control can become a valid claim by waiting for the death of his father.” 1If the question as to whether the son is under parental control is in abeyance, for instance, because his father is in the hands of the enemy, the question as to whether the Decree of the Senate has been violated is itself in abeyance; for if he should again come under parental control, the Decree of the Senate will become operative, but if he does not, it will not apply; and therefore in the meantime an action should be refused. 2It is certain that if a party who has been arrogated borrows money and afterwards obtains restitution, so that he can be emancipated, the Decree of the Senate will be available, for he was a son under paternal control. 3Ad Dig. 14,6,1,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 373, Note 6.Any office held by a son under paternal control will not cause the Macedonian Decree of the Senate to become inoperative; for even though he be Consul, or hold any other office, the Decree of the Senate applies, unless he should have castrense peculium, for in this instance the Decree of the Senate will not be applicable.
Dig. 14,6,3Idem libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si quis patrem familias esse credidit non vana simplicitate deceptus nec iuris ignorantia, sed quia publice pater familias plerisque videbatur, sic agebat, sic contrahebat, sic muneribus fungebatur, cessabit senatus consultum. 1Unde Iulianus libro duodecimo in eo, qui vectigalia conducta habebat, scribit (et est saepe constitutum) cessare senatus consultum. 2Proinde et in eo, qui scire non potuit, an filius familias sit, Iulianus libro duodecimo cessare senatus consultum ait, ut puta in pupillo vel minore viginti quinque annis. sed in minore, causa cognita et a praetore succurrendum: in pupillo autem etiam alia ratione debuit dicere cessare senatus consultum, quod mutua pecunia non fit, quam sine tutoris auctoritate pupillus dat, quemadmodum ipse dicit Iulianus libro duodecimo, si filius familias crediderit, cessare senatus consultum, quod mutua pecunia non fit, quamvis liberam peculii administrationem habuit: non enim perdere ei peculium pater concedit, cum peculii administrationem permittit: et ideo vindicationem nummorum patri superesse ait. 3Is autem solus senatus consultum offendit, qui mutuam pecuniam filio familias dedit, non qui alias contraxit, puta vendidit locavit vel alio modo contraxit: nam pecuniae datio perniciosa parentibus eorum visa est. et ideo etsi in creditum abii filio familias vel ex causa emptionis vel ex alio contractu, in quo pecuniam non numeravi, etsi stipulatus sim: licet coeperit esse mutua pecunia, tamen quia pecuniae numeratio non concurrit, cessat senatus consultum. quod ita demum erit dicendum, si non fraus senatus consulto sit cogitata, ut qui credere non potuit magis ei venderet, ut ille rei pretium haberet in mutui vicem. 4Si a filio familias stipulatus sim et patri familias facto crediderim, sive capite deminutus sit sive morte patris vel alias sui iuris sine capitis deminutione fuerit effectus, debet dici cessare senatus consultum, quia mutua iam patri familias data est:
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where anyone believed an individual to be the head of a family, not having been deceived by vain folly or ignorance of law, but because he was publicly considered by most persons to be such, and acted, made contracts, and performed the duties of offices as the head of a household, the Decree of the Senate will not be applicable. 1Wherefore, Julianus states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest that the Decree of the Senate will not apply in the case of a party who was accustomed to farm out the public revenues, and this has been frequently decided by the Emperor. 2Hence, where a person could not know whether another was a son under paternal control or not, Julianus says, in the Twelfth Book, that the Decree of the Senate will not be applicable; as, for instance, in the case of a ward or a minor under twenty-five years of age. But so far as the minor is concerned, relief should be granted by the Prætor after investigation, but in the case of the ward, he should say that the Decree of the Senate was not operative for another reason, that is, because the money which the ward pays without the authority of his guardian does not become a loan; just as Julianus himself states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest, that if a son under paternal control makes a loan the Decree of the Senate is not applicable, since the money does not become a loan even if he had the unrestricted management of the peculium. For the father, when he granted him the management of the peculium, did not give him permission to waste it, and therefore he says the right to bring suit for the recovery of the money remains with the father. 3Ad Dig. 14,6,3,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 370, Note 11.Only he, however, violates the Decree of the Senate who lent money to a son under paternal control, not one who contracted otherwise, for example, one who has sold, leased, or entered into a contract of another kind, for it was the giving of money which was held to be dangerous to their parents. And therefore, even though I have become the creditor of a son under paternal control, either because of purchase, or on account of some other contract in which I have not paid down any money, but in which I made a stipulation; although the transaction has become a loan, still, as the payment of money did not take place, the Decree of the Senate will not be applicable. This, however, can only be said where no fraud on the Decree of the Senate is intended; so that the party who could not lend money preferred to sell to him, in order that he might have the price of the property instead of a loan. 4If I entered into a stipulation with a son under paternal control, and lent him money after he became the head of the household, whether his change of civil status had occurred through the death of his father, or he had become his own master in some other way without affecting his civil rights; it should be held that the Decree of the Senate is not operative, because the loan was made to one who was already the head of a family;
Dig. 14,6,7Ulpianus libro vicesimo nono ad edictum. Item si filius familias fideiusserit, Neratius libro primo et secundo responsorum cessare senatus consultum ait. idem Celsus libro quarto. sed Iulianus adicit, si color quaesitus sit, ut filius familias, qui mutuam accepturus erat, fideiuberet alio reo dato, fraudem senatus consulto factam nocere et dandam exceptionem tam filio familias quam reo, quoniam et fideiussori filii subvenitur. 1Idem ait, si duos reos accepero filium familias et Titium, cum ad filium familias esset perventura pecunia, ideo autem reum Titium acceperim, ne quasi fideiussor auxilio senatus consulti uteretur, utilem esse exceptionem adversus fraudem dandam. 2Sed et si filius familias patre suo relegato vel longo tempore absente dotem pro filia promiserit et rem patris pignori dederit, senatus consultum cessabit. patris tamen res non tenebitur: plane si patri heres exstiterit filius et pignus persequatur, exceptione doli summovebitur. 3Mutui dationem non solum numeratae pecuniae, verum omnium, quae mutua dari possunt, an accipere debeamus, videndum. sed verba videntur mihi ad numeratam pecuniam referri: ait enim senatus ‘mutuam pecuniam dedisset’. sed si fraus sit senatus consulto adhibita, puta frumento vel vino vel oleo mutuo dato, ut his distractis fructibus uteretur pecunia, subveniendum est filio familias. 4Si filius in alterius erat potestate, cum mutua daretur, nunc in alterius, mens senatus consulti non cessat: dabitur itaque exceptio. 5Sed et si patri eius non mors, sed alia causa inciderit quo minus sit in civitate, dicendum senatus consulto locum esse. 6Non solum ei, qui mutuam dedisset, sed et successoribus eius deneganda est actio. 7Proinde et si alius mutuam dedit, alius stipulatus est, dabitur adversus eum exceptio, licet hic non dederit. sed et si alteruter eorum ignoravit in patris esse potestate, severius dicendum est utrique nocere. idem est et in duobus reis stipulandi. 8Item si duos filios familias accepero reos, sed alterum putavi patrem familias, intererit, ad quem pecunia pervenit, ut, si eum scivi filium familias ad quem pervenit pecunia, exceptione summovear, si ad eum quem ignorem, non summovear. 9Sive autem sub usuris mutua data sunt sive sine usuris, ad senatus consultum spectat. 10Quamquam autem non declaret senatus, cui exceptionem det, tamen sciendum est et heredem filii, si pater familias decesserit, et patrem eius, si filius familias decesserit, exceptione uti posse. 11Interdum tamenetsi senatus consulto locus sit, tamen in alium datur actio, ut puta filius familias institor mutuam pecuniam accepit: scribit enim Iulianus libro duodecimo ipsum quidem institorem exceptione senatus consulti usurum, si conveniatur, sed institoriam actionem adversus eum qui praeposuit competere. quamquam, inquit, si ipse pater eum praeposuisset merci suae vel peculiarem exercere passus esset, cessaret senatus consultum, quoniam patris voluntate contractum videretur: nam si scit eum negotiari, etiam hoc permississe videtur, si non nominatim prohibuit merces accipere. 12Proinde si acceperit pecuniam et in rem patris vertit, cessat senatus consultum: patri enim, non sibi accepit. sed et si ab initio non sic accepit, verum postea in rem patris vertit, cessare senatus consultum libro duodecimo digestorum Iulianus ait intellegendumque ab initio sic accepisse, ut in rem verteret. non tamen vertisse videbitur, si mutuam pecuniam acceptam patri in proprium debitum solvit et ideo, si pater ignoravit, adhuc senatus consulto locus erit. 13Quod dicitur in eo, qui studiorum causa absens mutuum acceperat, cessare senatus consultum, ita locum habet, si probabilem modum in mutua non excessit, certe eam quantitatem, quam pater solebat subministrare. 14Si filius accepit mutuam pecuniam, ut eum liberaret, qui, si peteret, exceptione non summoveretur, senatus consulti cessabit exceptio. 15Hoc amplius cessabit senatus consultum, si pater solvere coepit quod filius familias mutuum sumpserit, quasi ratum habuerit. 16Si pater familias factus solverit partem debiti, cessabit senatus consultum nec solutum repetere potest.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Also, if a son subject to paternal control becomes a surety, Neratius states in the First and Second Book of Opinions that the Decree of the Senate is not applicable. Celsus says the same thing in the Fourth Book, but Julianus adds that if a pretext is sought, in order that a son under paternal control, who was about to receive a loan, may become a surety, another party appearing as the principal debtor; the fraud committed against the Decree of the Senate causes prejudice, and that an exception should be granted to the son under paternal control as well as to the principal debtor, since relief is granted also to the surety of a son. 1He also says that if I accept two debtors, a son under paternal control and Titius, when the money was to come into the hands of the former, but I accept Titius as the principal debtor, in order that, as surety, he might not take advantage of the Decree of the Senate; an exception based upon this fraudulent act should be granted. 2Moreover, if a son under paternal control when his father had been exiled or was absent for a long time, promised a dowry for his daughter, and gave property of his father in pledge; the Decree of the Senate will not apply, and the property of the father will not be liable. It is evident that if the son becomes the heir of his father, and brings an action to recover the pledge, he will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud. 3It should be considered whether we ought to hold that a loan is not only the payment of money, but, in fact, the delivery of everything which can be lent. The words, however, seem to me to refer to money paid, for the Decree of the Senate says, “Has lent money.” But if a fraud has been committed on the Decree of the Senate, for example, where grain, wine, or oil is lent, so that, these things having been sold, the money obtained from them may be used, relief should be granted to a son under paternal control. 4Where the son was under the control of one party when the loan was made, and is now under that of another, the intention of the Decree of the Senate remains, and an exception will therefore be granted. 5But if it was not the death of the father, but something else which happened to him, through which his civil status was changed, it must be said that the Decree of the Senate will be operative. 6The action should be denied not only to the party who lent the money, but also to his successors. 7Hence, if one person paid the money and another made the stipulation, the exception would be granted against the latter, even though he did not make the payment. But if one or the other of them was not aware that he was under the control of his father, the severe rule that the rights of both are prejudiced, is applicable. This is also the case where two debtors enter into the stipulation. 8Moreover, if I accepted two sons under paternal control as debtors, but thought that one of them was the head of a family; it will make a difference which of them got the money, so that, if I was aware that the one to whom the money went was a son under paternal control, I shall be barred by an exception; but if I did not know into whose hands it came, I will not be barred. 9The Decree of the Senate will apply whether the money was lent at interest, or without it. 10Although the Senate does not state to whom it grants the exception, still, it must be remembered that the heir of a son under paternal control, if he dies the head of a family, and his father, if he dies under paternal control, can make use of the exception. 11Sometimes, however, even though there is ground for the Decree of the Senate, still, an action will be granted against a third party; as, for instance, if a son under paternal control, who is a business manager, borrowed money; for Julianus states in the Twelfth Book that the business manager himself can make use of the exception based on the Decree of the Senate, if suit is brought against him; but the Institorian Action will lie against the party who appointed him. He further says that if the father himself had appointed him to carry on his business, or he was permitted to manage his own peculium the Decree of the Senate would not be available, since he would be held to have contracted with the consent of the father; for if the latter knew that he was transacting business, he may be held to have permitted this also, if he did not expressly forbid it. 12Thus, if he has borrowed money and employed it in his father’s business, the Decree of the Senate will not apply, for he borrowed it for his father and not for himself. But if in the beginning he did not borrow it for this purpose, but afterwards employed it in the business of his father, Julianus says in the Twelfth Book of the Digest that the Decree of the Senate does not apply, and that he must be understood to have received it in the first place with the intention of employing it in his father’s business. He will not, however, be held to have employed it in this manner if he pays to his father, for the settlement of his own debt, money which he has borrowed; and therefore, if his father was not aware of it, the Decree of the Senate will still be operative. 13Where it is stated that the Decree of the Senate does not apply in the case of a person who, being absent for the purpose of prosecuting his studies, borrowed money; it will be applicable if he, when borrowing the money, did not exceed a moderate limit, or, at all events, the amount with which his father was accustomed to provide him. 14Ad Dig. 14,6,7,14Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 373, Note 11.If a son has borrowed money in order to satisfy someone who, if he should bring suit could not be barred by an exception, an exception based on the Decree of the Senate will not be available. 15Again, the Decree of the Senate will not apply if the father begins to pay what the son has borrowed, just as if he ratified the act. 16Ad Dig. 14,6,7,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 373, Note 17.If, after he has become the head of a family, he pays part of the debt, the Decree of the Senate will not apply, and he cannot recover what he paid.
Dig. 14,6,9Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed si pater familias factus rem pignori dederit, dicendum erit senatus consulti exceptionem ei denegandam usque ad pignoris quantitatem. 1Si ab alio donatam sibi pecuniam filius creditori solverit, an pater vindicare vel repetere possit? et ait Iulianus, si quidem hac condicione ei donata sit pecunia, ut creditori solvat, videri a donatore profectam protinus ad creditorem et fieri nummos accipientis: si vero simpliciter ei donavit, alienationem eorum filium non habuisse et ideo, si solverit, condictionem patri ex omni eventu competere. 2Hoc senatus consultum et ad filias quoque familiarum pertinet nec ad rem pertinet, si adfirmetur ornamenta ex ea pecunia comparasse: nam et ei quoque qui filio familias credidit decreto amplissimi ordinis actio denegatur nec interest, consumpti sint nummi an exstent in peculio. multo igitur magis severitate senatus consulti eius contractus improbabitur, qui filiae familias mutuum dedit. 3Non solum filio familias et patri eius succurritur, verum fideiussori quoque et mandatori eius, qui et ipsi mandati habent regressum, nisi forte donandi animo intercesserunt: tunc enim, cum nullum regressum habeant, senatus consultum locum non habebit. sed et si non donandi animo, patris tamen voluntate intercesserunt, totus contractus a patre videbitur comprobatus. 4Et hi tamen, qui pro filio familias sine voluntate patris eius intercesserunt, solvendo non repetent: hoc enim et divus Hadrianus constituit et potest dici non repetituros. atquin perpetua exceptione tuti sunt: sed et ipse filius, et tamen non repetit, quia hi demum solutum non repetunt, qui ob poenam creditorum actione liberantur, non quoniam exonerare eos lex voluit. 5Quamquam autem solvendo non repetantaaDie Großausgabe liest repetunt statt repetant.,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Ad Dig. 14,6,9 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 373, Note 17.But if, when he has become the head of a family, he gives property by way of pledge, it must be said that the exception based on the Decree of the Senate should be refused him, to the extent of the value of the pledge. 1Ad Dig. 14,6,9,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 373, Note 16.Where the son pays the creditor money which has been given to him, can a father claim said money as belonging to him, or can he recover it by a personal action? Julianus says that if, in fact, the money was given to him on the condition that he should pay it to the creditor, it must be held to have passed immediately from the donor to the creditor, and to have become the property of him who received it, but if it was merely given to him, the son had no right to dispose of the money, and therefore, if he paid it, an action for its recovery will lie in behalf of the father, in any event. 2This Decree of the Senate has reference also to daughters under paternal control, nor does it signify if they are said to have obtained ornaments with the money; for an action is refused by a Decree of the most eminent Order of the State to a party who has lent money to a son under paternal control; and it makes no difference whether the coins have been consumed, or still exist as part of the peculium. Much more, therefore, should a party who has lent money to a daughter under paternal control have his contract disapproved by the severity of the Decree of the Senate. 3Ad Dig. 14,6,9,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 477, Note 9.Relief is not only granted to a son under paternal control and to his father, but also to his surety, and to the party under whose direction he acted, and who themselves may have recourse to the action on mandate, unless they have intervened with the intention of making a gift; for then, as they have no recourse to him, the Decree of the Senate will not be applicable. If, however, the parties intervened, not with the intention of making a gift, but at the wish of the father, the entire contract will be held to have been approved by the latter. 4Those also have intervened in behalf of a son under paternal control without the consent of the father, cannot recover after they have made payment; for this was decreed also by the Divine Hadrian, and it may be said that they will not recover their money. Still, however, they are protected by a perpetual exception, and so is the son himself, but he does not recover, for the reason that those only cannot regain what they have paid who are released from an action by way of penalty on the creditors, and not because the law intended that they should be absolutely discharged from liability. 5Although they cannot recover after having paid,
Dig. 14,6,11Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. tamen, si non opposita exceptione condemnati sunt, utentur senatus consulti exceptione: et ita Iulianus scribit in ipso filio familias exemplo mulieris intercedentis.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Still, if not having pleaded an exception, they have judgment rendered against them, they can make use of the exception based on the Decree of the Senate. Julianus stated this in the case of a son who was himself under paternal control, just as in the case of a woman who becomes a surety.
Dig. 15,1,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Ordinarium praetor arbitratus est prius eos contractus exponere eorum qui alienae potestati subiecti sunt, qui in solidum tribuunt actionem, sic deinde ad hunc pervenire, ubi de peculio datur actio. 1Est autem triplex hoc edictum: aut enim de peculio aut de in rem verso aut quod iussu hinc oritur actio. 2Verba autem edicti talia sunt: ‘Quod cum eo, qui in alterius potestate esset, negotium gestum erit’. 3De eo loquitur, non de ea: sed tamen et ob eam quae est feminini sexus dabitur ex hoc edicto actio. 4Si cum impubere filio familias vel servo contractum sit, ita dabitur in dominum vel patrem de peculio, si locupletius eorum peculium factum est. 5Potestatis verbum communiter accipiendum est tam in filio quam in servo. 6Nec magis dominium servorum esse spectandum quam facultatem habendi eos: non enim solum servorum propriorum nomine conveniemur, item communium, verum eorum quoque qui bona fide nobis serviunt, sive liberi sint sive servi alieni.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The Prætor judged it to be the proper way to first explain the contracts of those who are subjected to the authority of another which give a right of action for the entire amount, and then to come to the present one, where an action is granted on the peculium. 1This Edict, moreover, is threefold, for from it arises an action on the peculium, one for property employed in the affairs of another, and one based upon the order of another. 2The words of the Edict are as follows: “Whatever business is transacted with him who is under the control of another.” 3Mention is made of him and not of her, still, however, an action is granted by this Edict on account of one belonging to the female sex. 4Where a contract is made with a son under paternal control or a slave who has not yet reached puberty, the action on the peculium is granted either against the master or the father, if the peculium of either of them has been increased in value. 5The word “control” is understood to be applicable both to the son and to the slave. 6The ownership of slaves should not be given greater consideration than the right of having authority over them; for we may be sued not only on account of our own slaves but also on account of those who are held in common, as well as of those who serve us in good faith as slaves, whether they are freemen, or the slaves of others.
Dig. 15,1,3Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Licet tamen praetor, si cum eo qui in potestate sit gestum sit polliceatur actionem, tamen sciendum est et si in nullius sit potestate, dari de peculio actionem, ut puta si cum servo hereditario contractum sit ante aditam hereditatem. 1Unde Labeo scribit et si secundo tertiove gradu substitutus sit servus et deliberantibus primis heredibus cum eo contractum sit, mox repudiantibus eis ipse liber heresque exstiterit, posse dici de peculio eum conveniri et de in rem verso. 2Parvi autem refert, servus quis masculi an mulieris fuerit: nam de peculio et mulier convenietur. 3Pedius etiam impuberes dominos de peculio obligari ait: non enim cum ipsis impuberibus contrahitur, ut tutoris auctoritatem spectes. idem adicit pupillum non posse servo peculium constituere nec tutoris auctoritate. 4In furiosi quoque curatorem dicimus dandam de peculio actionem: nam et huius servus peculium habere potest, non si fuerit concessum, ut habeat, sed si non fuerit prohibitum, ne habeat. 5Si filius familias vel servus pro aliquo fideiusserint vel alias intervenerint vel mandaverint, tractatum tum est, an sit de peculio actio. et est verius in servo causam fideiubendi vel mandandi spectandam, quam sententiam et Celsus libro sexto probat in servo fideiussore. si igitur quasi intercessor servus intervenerit, non rem peculiarem agens, non obligabitur dominus de peculio. 6Iulianus quoque libro duodecimo digestorum scribit, si servus mandaverit, ut creditori meo solveretur, referre ait, quam causam mandandi habuerit: si pro creditore suo solvi mandavit, esse obligatum dominum de peculio: quod si intercessoris officio functus sit, non obligari dominum de peculio. 7Cui congruit, quod idem Iulianus scribit, si a filio meo fideiussorem accepero, quidquid a fideiussore accepero, id me non de in rem verso, sed de peculio actione mandati praestaturum. idem accipias et in servi fideiussore, idemque si alius mihi pro filio meo debitore solvisset. quod si filius meus debitor non fuisset, exceptione doli fideiussorem usurum et, si solvisset, condicturum scribit. 8Si servus, cum se pro libero gereret, compromiserit, quaeritur, an de peculio actio ex poena compromissi quasi ex negotio gesto danda sit, sicuti traiecticiae pecuniae datur. sed hoc et Nervae filio et mihi videtur verius ex compromisso servi non dandam de peculio actionem, quia nec si iudicio condemnetur servus, datur in eum actio. 9Sed si filius fideiussor vel quasi interventor acceptus sit, an de peculio patrem obligat, quaeritur. et est vera Sabini et Cassii sententia existimantium semper obligari patrem de peculio et distare in hoc a servo. 10Quare et ex compromisso pater tenebitur. et ita Papinianus quoque libro nono quaestionum scribit nec interesse ait, ex qua causa compromiserit, utrum ex ea causa, ex qua potuit cum patre de peculio agere, an vero ex ea qua non potuit, cum ex stipulatu pater conveniatur. 11Idem scribit iudicati quoque patrem de peculio actione teneri, quod et Marcellus putat, etiam eius actionis nomine, ex qua non potuit pater de peculio actionem pati: nam sicut in stipulatione contrahitur cum filio, ita iudicio contrahi: proinde non originem iudicii spectandam, sed ipsam iudicati velut obligationem. quare et si quasi defensor condemnatus sit, idem putat. 12Ex furtiva causa filio quidem familias condici posse constat. an vero in patrem vel in dominum de peculio danda est, quaeritur: et est verius, in quantum locupletior dominus factus esset ex furto facto, actionem de peculio dandam: idem Labeo probat, quia iniquissimum est ex furto servi dominum locupletari impune. nam et circa rerum amotarum actionem filiae familias nomine in id quod ad patrem pervenit competit actio de peculio. 13Si filius familias duumvir pupillo rem salvam fore caveri non curavit, Papinianus libro nono quaestionum de peculio actionem competere ait. nec quicquam mutare arbitror, an voluntate patris decurio factus sit, quoniam rem publicam salvam fore pater obstrictus est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Although the Prætor promises this action where business was done with a party who is under the control of someone, still, it must be remembered that the action on the peculium is granted even if he is under the control of no one; for instance, where a contract is made with a slave belonging to an estate before the estate is entered upon. 1Wherefore Labeo says that if a slave is substituted in the second or third degree, and a contract is made with him while the heirs of the first degree are deliberating, and, afterwards, when they reject the estate, he himself becomes free and an heir, it may be said that an action can be brought against him on the peculium, as well as on the ground of property employed in the affairs of another. 2It is of little importance whether a slave belongs to a man or a woman, for a woman can also be sued in an action on the peculium. 3Pedius states that even owners under puberty can be sued in the action on the peculium, for the contract is not made with the minors themselves, and the authority of the guardian must be considered. He also says that a ward cannot give his peculium to a slave without the authority of his guardian. 4We say also that the action on the peculium should be granted against the curator of an insane person; for even the slave of the latter may have a peculium, not where it has been conceded that he should have it, but where he was not prohibited from having it. 5It has been discussed, whether if a son under paternal control or a slave becomes surety for anyone, or incurs liability in any other way, or gives a mandate, an action on the peculium will lie? The better opinion is that in the case of a slave the cause for giving the security or the mandate should be considered; and Celsus in the Sixth Book approves of this opinion in the case of a slave who is a surety. Therefore, where a slave intervenes as surety, and not as managing property belonging to the peculium, his master will not be bound on account of the peculium. 6Julianus also stated in the Twelfth Book of the Digest that where a slave directs that a payment be made to my creditor, it should be ascertained what reason he had for giving this mandate. If he directed him to make payment to the party as to his own creditor, the master will be liable on the peculium, but if he only performed the duty of a voluntary surety, the master will not be liable on the peculium. 7What the same Julianus stated agrees with the following, namely; if I accept a surety from my son, whatever I receive from the said surety I shall be compelled to make good, not on the ground of property employed for my benefit, but in an action on mandate to the amount of the peculium. You may understand that the same rule applies in the case of the surety of a slave, and where another person pays me in behalf of my son who is my debtor. He also stated that if my son was not my debtor, the surety will be entitled to make use of an exception on the ground of fraud, and to bring a personal action for recovery if he has made payment. 8Where a slave who is assuming to be a freeman, consents to arbitration, the question arises whether an action on the peculium should be granted for the penalty for non-compliance with the award, this being, as it were an instance of voluntary agency, just as it is granted in the case of a maritime loan? The better opinion seems to both Nerva, the son, and myself to be that an action on the peculium arising from a reference to arbitration by a slave should not be granted, since an action is not granted against him if the slave is condemned in court. 9Where a son is accepted as a surety, or is voluntarily bound in any way, the question arises whether he makes his father liable on the peculium? The correct opinion is that of Sabinus and Cassius, who think that the father is always liable on the peculium, and that the son differs in this respect from the slave. 10Wherefore, the father will always be liable where a reference to arbitration is made. Papinianus also makes a similar statement in the Ninth Book of Questions; and he says that it makes no difference what point was referred to arbitration, whether it was one on which a party could have brought an action on the peculium against the father, or one on which he could not have done this, as suit is brought against the father on the stipulation. 11He also says that the father is liable to an action on a judgment to the amount of the peculium, and this view Marcellus likewise holds, even in a case on account of which a father would not be liable to a suit on the peculium; for just as in a stipulation a contract is made with the son, so also a contract is made in a case in court; hence the origin of the proceeding should not be considered as the source of the obligation, but the liability under the judgment. Wherefore, he is of the same opinion where the son, acting as a defender of another, has a decision rendered against him. 12It is established that a personal action for recovery on the ground of theft can be brought against a son under paternal control. The question arises, however, whether the action on the peculium should be granted against the father or the master, and the better opinion is that the action on the peculium should be granted for the amount by which the master has been pecuniarily benefited by the theft which was committed. Labeo approves of this opinion, for the reason that it is most unjust that by the theft of the slave, the master should profit without being accountable. For the action on the peculium will also lie in a case where property has been carried away, and an action is brought on account of a son under paternal control to the amount which has come into the hands of the father. 13If a son under paternal control who is a duumvir, did not take care that security be given to insure the safety of the property of a ward, Papinianus says in the Ninth Book of Questions that the action De peculio will lie. I do not think that the question whether the son was made a decurion with the consent of his father changes anything, for the father was obliged to provide for the public welfare.
Dig. 15,1,5Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Depositi nomine pater vel dominus dumtaxat de peculio conveniuntur et si quid dolo malo eorum captus sum. 1Sed et si precario res filio familias vel servo data sit, dumtaxat de peculio pater dominusve obligantur. 2Si filius familias iusiurandum detulerit et iuratum sit, de peculio danda est actio, quasi contractum sit: sed in servo diversum est: 3Peculium dictum est quasi pusilla pecunia sive patrimonium pusillum. 4Peculium autem Tubero quidem sic definit, ut Celsus libro sexto digestorum refert, quod servus domini permissu separatum a rationibus dominicis habet, deducto inde si quid domino debetur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The father or master can be sued on account of a deposit only to the extent of the peculium, and where advantage has been taken of me through any wrongful conduct of theirs. 1Moreover, the father or master is liable only to the amount of the peculium, where any property has been delivered to a son under paternal control, or to a slave to be held on sufferance. 2Where a son under paternal control has tendered an oath, and it has been taken, an action on the peculium should be granted, as if a contract had been entered into; but it is different in the case of a slave. 3The peculium is so called on account of its being a trifling sum of money or a small amount of property. 4Tubero, however, defines peculium to be (as Celsus states in the Sixth Book of the Digest) what the slave has separate and apart from his master’s accounts with the permission of the latter, after deducting therefrom anything which may be due to his master.
Dig. 15,1,7Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Quam Tuberonis sententiam et ipse Celsus probat. 1Et adicit pupillum vel furiosum constituere quidem peculium servo non posse: verum ante constitutum, id est ante furorem vel a patre pupilli, non adimetur ex his causis. quae sententia vera est et congruit cum eo, quod Marcellus apud Iulianum notans adicit ‘posse fieri, ut apud alterum ex dominis servus peculium habeat, apud alterum non, ut puta si alter ex dominis furiosus sit vel pupillus, si (ut quidam, inquit, putant) peculium servus habere non potest nisi concedente domino. ego autem puto non esse opus concedi peculium a domino servum habere, sed non adimi, ut habeat’. alia causa est peculii liberae administrationis: nam haec specialiter concedenda est. 2Scire autem non utique singulas res debet, sed παχυμερέστερον, et in hanc sententiam Pomponius inclinat. 3Pupillum autem tam filium quam servum peculium habere posse Pedius libro quinto decimo scribit, cum in hoc, inquit, totum ex domini constitutione pendeat. ergo et si furere coeperit servus vel filius, retinebunt peculium. 4In peculio autem res esse possunt omnes et mobiles et soli: vicarios quoque in peculium potest habere et vicariorum peculium: hoc amplius et nomina debitorum. 5Sed et si quid furti actione servo deberetur vel alia actione, in peculium computabitur: hereditas quoque et legatum, ut Labeo ait. 6Sed et id quod dominus sibi debet in peculium habebit, si forte in domini rationem impendit et dominus ei debitor manere voluit aut si debitorem eius dominus convenit. quare si forte ex servi emptione evictionis nomine duplum dominus exegit, in peculium servi erit conversum, nisi forte dominus eo proposito fuit, ut nollet hoc esse in peculium servi. 7Sed et si quid ei conservus debet, erit peculii, si modo ille habeat peculium vel prout habebit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Celsus himself approves of this opinion of Tubero. 1Ad Dig. 15,1,7,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 484, Note 7.And he adds that a ward of an insane person cannot grant a peculium to his slave, but the peculium which has been previously granted (that is before the insanity occurred, or where it was created by the father of the ward), will not be taken away by these conditions. This opinion is correct, and agrees with what Marcellus added in a note on Julianus, namely: that it can happen that where a slave has two masters he may have a peculium with reference to one, but not with reference to the other; for instance, where one of the masters is insane or a ward, if, as he says, some hold that a slave cannot have a peculium unless it is granted by his master. I think, however, that in order for the slave to have a peculium, it is not necessary that it should be granted by his master, but that it cannot be taken away. The free administration of the peculium is a different matter, for this must be explicitly granted. 2It is evident, however, that it is not necessary for him to know all the details of the peculium, but to be generally informed as to them; and Pomponius inclines to this opinion. 3Pedius states in the Fifteenth Book that a minor, as well as a son and a slave, can have a peculium, since he says that in this instance, everything depends upon the grant of the master, and therefore if the slave or the son should become insane, he will retain the peculium. 4Property of all kinds, both chattels and land, may be included in the peculium; the party may also have in his peculium sub-slaves as well as the peculium of the latter, and, in addition to this, even claims due from their debtors. 5Moreover, if anything is owing to the slave in an action of theft or in any other action, it is counted as part of the peculium, and as Labeo says, an estate and a legacy likewise. 6Again, he will have in his peculium whatever his master owes him, for suppose he has expended money in the business of his master, and the latter is willing to remain his debtor, or his master has brought suit against one of his debtors. Wherefore, for example, if the owner has recovered double damages for eviction on account of a purchase by the slave, the amount must be turned into his peculium, unless the master should happen to have had the intention that this should not form part of the peculium of the slave. 7In like manner, if a fellow-slave owes him anything, it will belong to the peculium, provided he has a peculium, or shall acquire one afterwards.
Dig. 15,1,9Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed si damnum servo dominus dederit, in peculium hoc non imputabitur, non magis quam si subripuerit. 1Plane si conservus dedit damnum vel subripuit, in peculium videtur haberi, et ita Pomponius libro undecimo scribit: nam et si quid dominus ab eo qui rem peculiarem subripuit vel consecutus est vel consequi potest, in peculium esse ei imputandum Neratius libro secundo responsorum scribit. 2Peculium autem deducto quod domino debetur computandum esse, quia praevenisse dominus et cum servo suo egisse creditur. 3Huic definitioni Servius adiecit et si quid his debeatur qui sunt in eius potestate, quoniam hoc quoque domino deberi nemo ambigit. 4Praeterea id etiam deducetur, quod his personis debetur, quae sunt in tutela vel cura domini vel patris vel quorum negotia administrant, dummodo dolo careant, quoniam et si per dolum peculium vel ademerint vel minuerint, tenentur: nam si semper praevenire dominus et agere videtur, cur non dicatur etiam hoc nomine eum secum egisse, quo nomine vel tutelae vel negotiorum gestorum vel utili actione tenebitur? nam ut eleganter Pedius ait, ideo hoc minus in peculio est, quod domino vel patri debetur, quoniam non est verisimile dominum id concedere servo in peculium habere, quod sibi debetur. sane cum ex ceteris causis ipsum a semet ipso exegisse dicimus qui negotia vel tutelam geret, cur non etiam in specie peculiari exegerit, quod exigi debuit? defendendum igitur erit quasi sibi eum solvere, cum quis agere de peculio conabitur. 5Sed et creditor servi, qui heres exstitit domino eius, deducit de peculio quod sibi debetur, si conveniatur, sive libertatem servus acceperit sive non, idemque et si legatus sit pure servus: nam quasi praevenerit et ipse secum egerit, sic deducet quod sibi debetur, licet nullo momento dominium in manumisso vel legato pure habuerit. et ita Iulianus libro duodecimo scribit. certe si sub condicione servus libertatem acceperit, minus dubitanter Iulianus eodem loco scribit heredem deducere: dominus enim factus est. ad defensionem sententiae suae Iulianus etiam illud adfert, quod, si ei, qui post mortem servi vel filii intra annum potuit conveniri de peculio. heres exstitero, procul dubio deducam quod mihi debetur. 6Sive autem ex contractu quid domino debeat sive ex rationum reliquis, deducet dominus. sed et si ex delicto ei debeat, ut puta ob furtum quod fecit, aeque deducetur. sed est quaestionis, utrum ipsa furti aestimatio, id est id solum quod domino abest, an vero tantum, quantum, si alienus servus commississet, id est cum furti poenis? sed prior sententia verior est, ut ipsa furti aestimatio sola deducatur. 7Si ipse servus sese vulneravit, non debet hoc damnum deducere, non magis quam si se occiderit vel praecipitaverit: licet enim etiam servis naturaliter in suum corpus saevire. sed si a se vulneratum servum dominus curaverit, sumptuum nomine debitorem eum domino puto effectum, quamquam, si aegrum eum curasset, rem suam potius egisset. 8Item deducetur de peculio, si quid dominus servi nomine obligatus est aut praestitit obligatus: ita si quid ei creditum est iussu domini: nam hoc deducendum Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum scribit. sed hoc ita demum verum puto, si non in rem domini vel patris quod acceptum est pervenit: alioquin secum debebit compensare. sed et si pro servo fideiusserit, deducendum Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum scribit. Marcellus autem in utroque, si nondum quicquam domino absit, melius esse ait praestare creditori, ut caveat ille refusurum se, si quid praestiterit dominus hoc nomine conventus, quam ab initio deduci, ut medii temporis interusurium magis creditor consequatur. sed si de peculio conventus dominus condemnatus est, debebit de sequenti actione de peculio deduci: coepit enim dominus vel pater iudicati teneri: nam et si quid servi nomine non condemnatus praestitisset creditori, etiam hoc deduceret.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. But if the master causes any damage to his slave, this will not be credited to the peculium, any more than if he stole it. 1It is clear that if a fellow-slave has committed any damage to property, or stolen it from the other, this will be considered to form part of the peculium, and Pomponius holds the same opinion in the Eleventh Book, for if the master either has recovered or can recover anything from a party who has stolen property from the peculium, this, Neratius says, in the Second Book of Opinions, must be credited to him. 2The peculium, however, is to be computed after what is due to the master has been deducted, for the master is presumed to have been more diligent, and to have proceeded against his slave. 3To this explanation Servius adds: “Where anything is due to those who are under his control,” for no one doubts that this also is owing to the master. 4Moreover, that also will be deducted which is due to those persons who are under the guardianship or care of the master or father, or whose business he is attending to, provided he is free from fraud; since if he destroys or diminishes the peculium by fraudulent acts, he will be liable; for if the master is always presumed to be more diligent and to bring suit, why may he not be said also to have proceeded against himself in this instance, in which he would be liable either on the ground of guardianship, or of business transacted, or in an equitable action? For, as Pedius very properly says, the amount of the peculium is diminished by what is owing to the master or father, because it is not probable that the master would consent to the slave having in his peculium what is owing to him. And, indeed, since, in other instances, we say that one who is attending to business for another or who is administering a guardianship, has recovered money from himself, why should he not in this case of peculium also have recovered what he ought to have done? Therefore this opinion may be defended, just as if he had paid the amount to himself, where anyone attempts to bring an action on the peculium. 5The creditor of the slave who has become the heir of his master, also deducts from the peculium whatever is owing to him, if he is sued, whether the slave has received his freedom or not. The same rule applies if the slave is bequeathed absolutely; for he can deduct what is due to him in this way, as if he had appeared and proceeded against himself, although he had, at no time, the ownership of the slave who was manumitted or bequeathed unconditionally; and this Julianus states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest. Julianus says in the same place, more positively, that it is certain if the slave has received his freedom on some condition, the heir can make the deduction, for he has become the master. To confirm his opinion, Julianus also states that if I become the heir of a party who, after the death of the slave or the son, could have been sued within a year on the peculium, there is no doubt that I can deduct what is owing to me. 6The master will make the deduction, whether the slave owes anything to him on a contract, or on accounts which remain unpaid. And also if he owes him because of some offence, as, for instance, on account of a theft which he has committed, the deduction will be made. It is a question, however, whether the amount of the theft itself, that is, only the loss which the master has sustained, shall be deducted, or in fact only so much as could be demanded if the slave of another had committed the offence; that is to say, with the penalties for theft. The former opinion is the more correct one, namely, that only the amount of the theft itself can be deducted. 7Where a slave has wounded himself, the master should not deduct this damage, any more than if he had killed himself or thrown himself over a precipice; for even slaves have a natural right to inflict injuries upon their bodies. But if the master has cared for the slave who has been wounded by himself, I think that he is indebted to his master for the expenses incurred; although if he had cared for him when he was ill, he would rather have been seeing after his own property. 8Again, if a master has bound himself on account of a slave, or, having done so has made payment, this will be deducted from the peculium; so, likewise, if money has been lent to him by the direction of his master; for Julianus states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest that this should be deducted. I think that this is true only where what was received did not come into the hands of the master or father, otherwise, he ought to charge this against himself. If, however, he becomes security for his slave, Julianus states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest, that this should be deducted; Marcellus, however, says that, in both instances, if the master has not yet lost anything, it is better that the money should be paid to the creditor, provided he gives security to refund it, if the master is sued on this account and pays anything; than that the deduction should be made in the first place, so that the creditor, in the meantime may profit by the interest on the money. Where, however, the master, having been sued, has judgment rendered against him, a deduction should be made in a subsequent action on the peculium, as the master or father has become liable on the judgment; for, if not having had judgment rendered against him, he should have paid the creditor anything on account of the slave, he could deduct this also.
Dig. 15,1,11Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si noxali iudicio conventus dominus litis aestimationem obtulerit, de peculio deducendum est: quod si noxae dederit, nihil est deducendum. 1Sed et si quid dominus soluturum se servi nomine repromisit, deduci oportebit, quemadmodum si quid domino servus pro debitore expromiserat. idem est et si pro libertate quid domino expromisit, quasi debitor domino sit effectus, sed ita demum, si manumisso eo agatur. 2Sed si a debitore dominico servus exegerit, an domini debitorem se fecerit, quaeritur: et Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum non aliter dominum deducturum ait, quam si ratum habuisset quod exactum est: eadem et in filio familias dicenda erunt. et puto veram Iuliani sententiam: naturalia enim debita spectamus in peculii deductione: est autem natura aequum liberari filium vel servum obligatione eo quod indebitum videtur exegisse. 3Est autem quaestionis, an id, quod dominus semel deduxit cum conveniretur, rursus si conveniatur, de peculio eximere debeat, an vero veluti solutum ei videatur semel facta deductione. et Neratius et Nerva putant, item Iulianus libro duodecimo scribit, si quidem abstulit hoc de peculio, non debere deduci, si vero eandem positionem peculii reliquit, debere eum deducere. 4Denique scribit, si servus vicarium quinque valentem in peculium habuit et domino quinque deberet, pro quibus vicarium dominus deduxisset, et mortuo postea vicario alium eiusdem pretii servus comparaverit, non desinere domini esse debitorem, quasi vicarius ille domino decesserit: nisi forte, cum eum servo ademisset et sibi solvisset, tunc decesserit. 5Idem recte ait, si, cum vicarius valeret decem, dominus conventus de peculio quinque pro servo praestitisset, quoniam quinque ipsi debebantur, mox vicarius decessisset, adversus alium agentem de peculio decem dominum deducturum, quia et in eo, quod iam pro eo solvit, debitorem servum sibi fecerit. quae sententia vera est, nisi servo ademit vicarium, ut sibi solveret. 6Quod autem deduci debere diximus id quod debetur ei qui de peculio convenitur, ita accipiendum est, si non hoc aliunde consequi potuit. 7Denique Iulianus scribit venditorem, qui servum cum peculio vendidit, si de peculio conveniatur, non debere deducere quod sibi debetur: potuit enim hoc ex ratione peculii detrahere et nunc condicere quasi indebitum (quoniam non est in peculio quod domino debetur). potest, inquit, etiam ex vendito agere. quod ita erit probandum, si tantum fuit in peculio cum venderet, ut satisfacere debito dominus possit: ceterum si postea quid accessit condicionibus debiti existentibus, quod dominus non distraxerat, contra erit dicendum. 8Idem scribit, si quis servum, cuius nomine de peculio habebat actionem, comparasset, an possit deducere quod sibi debetur, quoniam adversus venditorem habeat actionem de peculio? et recte ait posse: nam et quivis alius potest eligere, utrum cum emptore an cum venditore ageret: hunc igitur eligere pro actione deductionem. nec video quid habeant creditores quod querantur, cum possint ipsi venditorem convenire, si quid forte putant esse in peculio. 9Non solum autem quod ei debetur qui convenitur deducendum est, verum etiam si quid socio eius debetur, et ita Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum scribit: nam qua ratione in solidum alteruter convenitur, pari ratione deducere eum oportet quod alteri debetur: quae sententia recepta est:
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where a master who has been sued in a noxal action has paid the damages assessed, this ought to be deducted from the peculium; but where he surrendered the slave by way of reparation, nothing should be deducted. 1Moreover, if the master bound himself to pay something on account of the slave, this should be deducted; just as if the slave had promised to assume the obligation of a debtor to his master. The same rule applies if he has assumed an obligation to his master in consideration of his freedom, he, having become, to a certain extent, a debtor of his master, but only where suit is brought against him after he has been manumitted. 2Where, however, a slave has exacted payment from a debtor of his master, the question arises whether he has made himself a debtor to his master? Julianus, in the Twelfth Book of the Digest, says that the master will not be entitled to make a deduction, unless he ratified the collection of the money, and the same must also be said in the case of a son under paternal control. I think that the opinion of Julianus is correct, for we take into account natural debts in deductions from the peculium; for natural equity requires that a son or a slave should be released from liability because he seems to have exacted what was not due. 3It is a question, however, whether, what the master has once deducted, when he has been sued, he should again remove from the peculium, if suit is brought against him; or whether, where deduction has once been made, it should be held that he has been satisfied. Neratius and Nerva think, and Julianus also states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest, that if he really removed it from the peculium it should not be deducted, but if, in fact, he left the peculium in the same condition he should make a deduction. 4He further says that, if a slave has in his peculium a sub-slave worth five aurei, and he owes the master five, on account of which the master deducted the sub-slave, and the latter having afterwards died, the slave purchased another of the same value; he does not cease to be a debtor to the master, just as if the sub-slave had been a loss to the latter, unless he happened to die after he had taken him away from the slave and had paid himself. 5The same author very properly says that, if when the sub-slave was worth ten aurei, the master having been sued on the peculium paid five on account of the slave, because five were due to himself, and that afterwards the sub-slave died; the master can deduct ten aurei against another plaintiff on the peculium, because he had made the slave his debtor with reference also to the five aurei which he had paid on his account. This opinion is correct, unless he took the sub-slave away for the purpose of paying himself. 6What we have said, however, that is, that what is due to him who is sued on the peculium should be deducted, must be understood to mean if he could not recover this in any other way. 7Julianus then says that if a vendor who has sold a slave together with his peculium, is sued on the peculium, he should not deduct what is due to him, for he could have deducted this from the account of the peculium; and he can now bring a personal action to recover it as not having been due, since what is owing to the master is not to be included in the peculium. He can also, so he says, bring an action on sale. This is to be approved where there was so much in the peculium when it was sold that the master could satisfy his debt, but if afterwards there was an addition made to his claim, and the condition of the debt having been fulfilled, which debt the master has not satisfied, the contrary opinion must be held. 8He also asks, if anyone has obtained a slave on account of whom he had an action on the peculium, can he deduct what is owing to him since he is entitled to an action De peculio against the vendor? He says very properly that he can, for any other person, likewise, can choose whether he will bring suit against the vendor or the purchaser, and this party therefore selects deduction instead of suit. I do not see what the creditors have to complain of, since they themselves can sue the vendor if they think that perhaps there may be something in the peculium. 9But, not only what is owing to the party who is sued should be deducted, but also what may be owing to his partner, and Julianus holds this opinion in the Twelfth Book of the Digest; for, accordance with the same principle on which either may be sued for the entire amount, he has a right to deduct what is due to the other. This opinion is accepted:
Dig. 15,1,13Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed in emptore et venditore vera non est, item in fructuario et proprietario et ceteris qui non sunt socii, et in domino et bonae fidei emptore: nam et Iulianus libro duodecimo scribit neutrum horum deducere id quod alteri debetur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. But that neither party can deduct what is due to the other is not true in the case of purchaser and vendor, of usufructuary and the mere owner, and in that of others who are not partners, as well as the sole proprietor and the bona fide purchaser; and this Julianus states in the Twelfth Book.
Dig. 15,1,15Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed si duo sint bonae fidei possessores, adhuc dicendum erit neutrum plus deducturum quam quod sibi debetur. idemque et si duo sunt fructuarii, quia nullam inter se habent societatem. idem dicetur interdum et in sociis, si forte separata apud se peculia habeant, ut alter alterius peculii nomine non conveniatur: ceterum si commune sit peculium, et in solidum convenientur et deducetur quod utrique debetur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. But if there are two bona fide possessors, it must still be said that neither can deduct more than is due to him; and the same rule applies where there are two usufructuaries, because they have no partnership between them. The same rule sometimes also applies to the case of partners, if they should happen to have separate peculia among themselves, so that one of them cannot be sued on account of the peculium of the other. Where, however, the peculium is in common, they may be sued for the entire amount, and what is owing to each one of them shall be deducted.
Dig. 15,1,17Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si servus meus ordinarius vicarios habeat, id quod vicarii mihi debent an deducam ex peculio servi ordinarii? et prima illa quaestio est, an haec peculia in peculio servi ordinarii computentur. et Proculus et Atilicinus existimant, sicut ipsi vicarii sunt in peculio, ita etiam peculia eorum: et id quidem, quod mihi dominus eorum, id est ordinarius servus debet, etiam ex peculio eorum detrahetur: id vero quod ipsi vicarii debent, dumtaxat ex ipsorum peculio: sed et si quid non mihi, sed ordinario servo debent, deducetur de peculio eorum quasi conservo debitum: id vero, quod ipsis debet ordinarius servus, non deducetur de peculio ordinarii servi, quia peculium eorum in peculio ipsius est (et ita Servius respondit), sed peculium eorum augebitur, ut opinor, quemadmodum si dominus servo suo debeat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. If my ordinary slave has sub-slaves, can I deduct from the peculium of my ordinary slave what the sub-slaves owe me? And the first question is, whether their peculia are included in that of the ordinary slave. Proculus and Atilicinus think that as the sub-slaves belong to the peculium together with their own peculia, and indeed, what their owner (that is to say the ordinary slave) owes me can be deducted from their peculium, but that, however, which the sub-slaves themselves owe, can only be deducted from their own peculium. Moreover, if they are indebted, not to me but to the ordinary slave, the amount due will be deducted from their peculium as owing to a fellow-slave. That, however, which the ordinary slave owes to them will not be deducted from the peculium of the former, because their peculium is included in his. Servius was of this opinion, but I hold that their peculium will be increased, just as if a master is indebted to his slave.
Dig. 15,1,19Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Hinc quaeritur, si ordinarii servi nomine actum sit de peculio, an agi possit et vicariorum: et puto non posse. sed si actum sit de peculio vicarii, agi poterit et de peculio ordinarii. 1Potest esse apud me duplicis iuris peculium: ut puta servus est dotalis, potest habere peculium, quod ad me respiciat, potest et quod ad mulierem, nam quod ex re mariti quaesiit vel ex operis suis, id ad maritum pertinet: et ideo, si respectu mariti heres sit institutus vel ei legatum datum, id eum non debere restituere Pomponius scribit. si igitur mecum agatur ex eo contractu qui ad me respicit, utrum omne deducam quodquod debetur mihi, sive ex mea causa sive ex ea quae ad uxorem respicit? an vero separamus causas quasi in duobus peculiis, ut et causa debiti quod petitur spectetur? ut, si quidem ex eo peculio agatur, quod ad mulierem spectat, id deducam, quod ex eo contractu debeatur, si ex eo contractu, qui ad me respicit, meum deducam? quae quaestio dilucidius est in fructuario tractata, utrum ex eo demum contractu potest de peculio conveniri, quod ad se pertinet, an ex omni. et Marcellus etiam fructuarium teneri scribit et ex omni contractu: eum enim qui contrahit totum servi peculium velut patrimonium intuitum. certe illud admittendum omnimodo dicit, ut priore convento, ad quem res respicit, in superfluum is, cui quaesitum non est, conveniatur: quae sententia probabilior est et a Papiniano probatur. quod et in duobus bonae fidei emptoribus erit dicendum. sed in marito melius est dicere simpliciter eum de peculio teneri. sin autem maritus huiusmodi servi nomine aliquid praestiterit, an adversus mulierem agentem dotis nomine deducere id possit? et ait, si id quod creditori praestitum est ad utriusque generis peculium pertinebit, pro rata utrique peculio decedere debere. ex quo intellegi potest, si ad alterum peculium contractus pertinebit, modo soli uxori detrahi, modo non detrahi, si ad id peculium pertinuit contractus, quod apud maritum resedit. 2Interdum et ipsi fructuario adversus dominum datur actio de peculio, ut puta si apud eum habeat peculium, apud ipsum vero aut nihil aut minus, quam fructuario debetur. idem etiam contra eveniet, quamvis in duobus dominis sufficiat pro socio vel communi dividundo actio:
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Hence the question arises whether, if an action is brought on a peculium on account of the ordinary slave, proceedings can also be instituted with reference to the sub-slave, and I think this cannot be done. But where an action has been brought on the peculium of a sub-slave, one can also be brought on the peculium of the ordinary slave. 1There may be in my hands a peculium held by two different legal titles; as, for instance, if there is a dotal slave, he may have a peculium in which I am interested, and he may also have one in which my wife is interested, for what he has obtained through the business of the husband, or by his labor, belongs to the husband; and hence, if he has been appointed an heir, or a legacy has been bequeathed to him with reference to the husband, Pomponius says that he is not obliged to give it up. Therefore, if an action is brought against me on a contract in which I am interested, can I deduct everything that is owing to me, whether connected with my own business or with that of my wife? Or do we separate the cases of the husband and wife so far as the two peculia are concerned, to enable the origin of the debt for which suit is brought to be considered; so that if, in fact, proceedings are instituted with reference to the peculium in which the wife is concerned, I can deduct what is due from that contract, if on a contract in which I am interested I can deduct what belongs to me? This question is more clearly treated in the case of an usufructuary, whether suit on the peculium can be brought against him only on the contract which concerns him, or whether it can be brought on any contract? Marcellus states that the usufructuary is also liable, and on any contract, for he who makes the contract considers the entire peculium of the slave to be his own property. He says that it is evident that it must be admitted, in any event, that when the party who is interested in the matter has been first sued, he who has not obtained anything may be sued for the remainder. This opinion is the more reasonable one, and is approved by Papinianus. It must also be held in the case of two bona fide purchasers. But in the case of the husband, it is better to say simply that he is liable to the action on the peculium. If, however, the husband had paid something on account of a slave of this kind, can he deduct it as against the wife bringing an action on account of her dowry? And he says that if what was paid to the creditor relates to the peculium of each kind, it should be deducted pro rata from the peculium of both, and from this it may be understood that if the contract had reference to either peculium, there will be, on the one hand, a deduction made for the wife alone, and on the other, none will be made, if the contract had reference to that peculium which remained with the husband. 2Sometimes an action on the peculium is granted to the usufructuary himself against the master; as, for instance, if the slave has a peculium with reference to the former but with reference to the latter he has none, or less than what is due to the usufructuary. Conversely speaking, the same thing takes place, although in the case of two owners an action on partnership or one for the partition of common property will be sufficient;
Dig. 15,1,21Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Summa cum ratione etiam hoc peculio praetor imputavit, quod dolo malo domini factum est, quo minus in peculio esset. sed dolum malum accipere debemus, si ei ademit peculium: sed et si eum intricare peculium in necem creditorum passus est, Mela scribit dolo malo eius factum. sed et si quis, cum suspicaretur alium secum acturum, alio peculium avertat, dolo non caret. sed si alii solvit, non dubito de hoc, quin non teneatur, quoniam creditori solvitur et licet creditori vigilare ad suum consequendum. 1Si dolo tutoris vel curatoris furiosi vel procuratoris factum sit, an pupillus vel furiosus vel dominus de peculio conveniatur, videndum. et puto, si solvendo tutor sit, praestare pupillum ex dolo eius, maxime si quid ad eum pervenit, et ita Pomponius libro octavo epistularum scribit. idem et in curatore et procuratore erit dicendum. 2Emptor autem ex dolo venditoris non tenebitur nec heres vel alius successor, nisi in id quod ad se pervenit. sive autem post iudicium acceptum sive ante dolo factum sit, continetur officio iudicis. 3Si dominus vel pater recuset de peculio actionem, non est audiendus, sed cogendus est quasi aliam quamvis personalem actionem suscipere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The Prætor has also, for the best of reasons, charged to the peculium whatever the master had done with malicious intent through which the peculium is diminished. We must, however, understand malicious intent to signify where he has deprived him of the peculium, and also where he has permitted him to involve the affairs of the peculium to the prejudice of creditors; and Mela writes that this is an act performed with malicious intent. Moreover, if when anyone entertains the idea that some other party is going to bring an action against him, and transfer the peculium to someone else, he is not free from fraud. If, however, he pays the debt to a third party, I have no doubt that he is not liable, as he pays a creditor, and it is lawful for a creditor to be diligent in recovering what belongs to him. 1If the act is committed through the fraud of a guardian, the curator of an insane person, or an agent, it should be considered whether the ward, or the insane person, or the principal should be sued on the peculium? I think that if the guardian is solvent, the ward should make good what has been lost through his fraud, and especially is this the case if anything has come into his hands; and so Pomponius states in the Eighth Book of the Epistles. The same must be said in the case of a curator or an agent. 2A purchaser will not be liable for the fraud of the vendor, nor will the heir or other successor, except to the extent that property has come into his hands by reason of it. Whether the fraud has been committed before or after issue has been joined, it comes within the jurisdiction of the court. 3If the master or father refuses to answer in the action on peculium, he should not be heard, but he must be compelled to join issue as in the case of any other personal action.
Dig. 15,1,30Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Quaesitum est, an teneat actio de peculio, etiamsi nihil sit in peculio cum ageretur, si modo sit rei iudicatae tempore. Proculus et Pegasus nihilo minus teneri aiunt: intenditur enim recte, etiamsi nihil sit in peculio. idem et circa ad exhibendum et in rem actionem placuit, quae sententia et a nobis probanda est. 1Si cum ex parte herede domini vel patris agatur, dumtaxat de peculio condemnandum, quod apud eum heredem sit qui convenitur: idem et in rem verso pro parte, nisi si quid in ipsius heredis rem vertit: nec quasi unum ex sociis esse hunc heredem conveniendum, sed pro parte dumtaxat. 2Sed si ipse servus sit heres ex parte institutus, aeque cum eo agendum erit. 3Sin vero filius sit quamvis ex parte institutus, nihilo minus in solidum actionem patietur. sed si velit pro parte nomen coheredis redimere, audiendus est: quid enim si in rem patris versum sit? cur non consequatur filius a coherede, quod in patris re est? idem et si peculium locuples sit. 4Is, qui semel de peculio egit, rursus aucto peculio de residuo debiti agere potest. 5Si annua exceptione sit repulsus a venditore creditor, subveniri ei adversus emptorem debet: sed si alia exceptione, hactenus subveniri, ut deducta ea quantitate, quam a venditore consequi potuisset, ab emptore residuum consequatur. 6In dolo obiciendo temporis ratio habetur: fortassis enim post tempus de dolo actionis non patietur dolum malum obici praetor, quoniam nec de dolo actio post statutum tempus datur. 7In heredem autem doli clausula in id quod ad eum pervenit fieri debet, ultra non.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The question arises whether the action on the peculium may be brought, even if there is nothing in the peculium when proceedings are instituted, provided only there is something in it at the time that judgment was rendered? Proculus and Pegasus say that it will, nevertheless, lie, for the claim is properly set forth, even though there may be nothing in the peculium. It has been established that the same rule applies with reference to an action for production, and an action in rem. This opinion is also approved by us. 1Where the action is brought against one who is heir to a share of the estate of his master or father, judgment must be rendered against him only to the amount of the peculium to which the heir who is sued is entitled. The same rule applies where property has been employed for his benefit, proportionately, unless he has used something for the benefit of the heir himself, nor can the heir be sued like one of the joint-owners, but only for his share. 2But if the slave himself is appointed heir to a share, the action may also be brought against him, in like manner. 3Where, however, the son is appointed, although only for a share, he will, nevertheless, be liable to an action for the entire amount, but if he wishes to obtain the proportionate obligation of his co-heir, he should be heard; for what if the property has been employed for the benefit of the father? Why should not the son recover from his co-heir what is included in the estate of his father? The rule is the same where the peculium, is very valuable. 4He who has once brought an action on the peculium, can again bring suit for the remainder of the debt if the peculium has been increased. 5Where a creditor has been beaten by a vendor by means of an exception grounded on the lapse of a year, relief should be granted him against the purchaser; but if this has been effected by any other exception, he should only be relieved to the extent that, where the amount which he could have obtained from the vendor has been deducted, he may recover the remainder from the purchaser. 6Where fraud is alleged, account must be taken of the time, for the Prætor might not permit fraud to be pleaded in bar after the term for bringing an action on fraud has elapsed, since this action is not granted after the expiration of the time established by law. 7In the case of the heir, however, the clause relating to fraud ought to be drawn up with reference to what has come into his hands, and not for more than this.
Dig. 15,2,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Praetor ait: ‘Post mortem eius qui in alterius potestate fuerit, posteave quam is emancipatus manumissus alienatusve fuerit, dumtaxat de peculio et si quid dolo malo eius in cuius potestate est factum erit, quo minus peculii esset, in anno, quo primum de ea re experiundi potestas erit, iudicium dabo’. 1Quamdiu servus vel filius in potestate est, de peculio actio perpetua est: post mortem autem eius vel postquam emancipatus manumissus alienatusve fuerit, temporaria esse incipit, id est annalis. 2Annus autem utilis computabitur: et ideo et si condicionalis sit obligatio, Iulianus scripsit ex eo computandum annum, non ex quo emancipatus est, sed ex quo peti potuit condicione existente. 3Merito autem temporariam in hoc casu fecit praetor actionem: nam cum morte vel alienatione extinguitur peculium, sufficiebat usque ad annum produci obligationem. 4Alienatio autem et manumissio ad servos pertinet, non ad filios, mors autem tam ad servos quam ad filios refertur, emancipatio vero ad solum filium. sed et si alio modo sine emancipatione desierit esse in potestate, annalis erit actio. sed et si morte patris vel deportatione sui iuris fuerit effectus filius, de peculio intra annum heres patris vel fiscus tenebuntur. 5In alienatione accipitur utique venditor, qui actione de peculio intra annum tenetur: 6sed et si donavit servum vel permutavit vel in dotem dedit, in eadem causa est: 7item heres eius, qui servum legavit non cum peculio. nam si cum peculio vel legavit vel liberum esse iussit, quaestionis fuit: et mihi verius videtur non dandam neque in manumissum neque in eum, cui legatum sit peculium, de peculio actionem. an ergo teneatur heres? et ait Caecilius teneri, quia peculium penes eum sit, qui tradendo id legatario se liberavit. Pegasus autem caveri heredi debere ait ab eo, cui peculium legatum sit, quia ad eum veniunt creditores: ergo si tradiderit sine cautione, erit conveniendus. 8Si praecepto servo et peculio rogatus sit heres restituere hereditatem, si de peculio conveniatur, Trebelliani exceptione non utetur, ut Marcellus tractans admittit: is autem cui restituta est hereditas non tenetur, ut Scaevola ait, cum peculium non habeat nec dolo fecerit quo minus haberet. 9Usu fructu quoque exstincto intra annum actionem dandam in usufructuarium Pomponius libro sexagensimo primo scripsit. 10Quaesitum est apud Labeonem, si, cum filius viveret, tu credens eum mortuum annali actione egeris et, quia annus praeterierat, exceptione sis repulsus, an rursus experiri tibi comperto errore permittendum est. et ait permitti debere dumtaxat de peculio, non etiam de in rem verso: nam priore iudicio de in rem verso recte actum est, quia annua exceptio ad peculium, non ad in rem versum pertinet.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. The Prætor says: “After the death of him who was under the control of another, or after he has been emancipated, manumitted, or alienated, I will grant an action only to the amount of the peculium, within a year from the time when proceedings could first have been instituted with reference to the matter, where anything has been done through the malicious intent of him under whose control the party was, on account of which the value of the peculium is diminished.” 1So long as the slave or the son is under control, the action on the peculium is not limited by time, but after his death, or after he has been emancipated, manumitted, or alienated, it becomes limited by time, that is to say to a year. 2The year will, however, be computed to the extent that it is available, and therefore Julianus says that if the obligation is conditional, the year must be computed, not from the time when the party was emancipated, but from that at which, if the condition was complied with, suit could be brought. 3The Prætor, with good reason, made the action temporary in this instance, for, as the peculium is extinguished by death or alienation, it is sufficient for the obligation to be extended for a year. 4Alienation and manumission, however, relate to slaves, and not to sons, but death refers to slaves as well as sons, emancipation, however, to sons alone. Moreover, if he ceases to be under control in some other way, without emancipation, the action will only lie for the term of a year. Also if the son becomes his own master through the death or deportation of his father, the heir of his father, or the Treasury, will be liable to the action on the peculium within a year. 5In case of alienation, a vendor is undoubtedly included, who is liable to an action on the peculium within a year. 6But also, if he has given away the slave, or exchanged him, or bestowed him by way of dowry, he is in the same position. 7So, likewise, is the heir of one who has bequeathed the slave, but not with his peculium; for if he had bequeathed him with his peculium, or had directed him to be free, a question might arise; and it seems to me to be the better opinion that the action De peculio should not be granted against a manumitted slave, nor against him to whom the peculium was bequeathed. Will the heir then be liable? Cæcilius says that he will be liable, because the peculium is in the hands of him who released himself from obligation by delivering it to the legatee. Pegasus, however, says that security should be furnished to the heir by him to whom the peculium has been bequeathed, because the creditors apply to him, and therefore if he delivers it without security, suit can be brought against him. 8Where the heir is asked to deliver up the estate the slave and the peculium being reserved, and an action on the peculium is brought against him, he cannot make use of the Trebellian exception; as Marcellus, when discussing this point, admits. He, however, to whom the estate is delivered, is not liable, as Scævola says, since he has not the peculium, nor has committed any fraudulent act to avoid having it. 9Pomponius also, in the Sixty-first Book, says that if an usufruct is extinguished, the action should be granted against the usufructuary within a year. 10The question was raised by Labeo whether if you, during the lifetime of the son whom you believed to be dead, brought an action, and, because the year had elapsed, were defeated by an exception; you should be permitted to again institute proceedings after the mistake had been discovered? He says you should be permitted to do so only for the amount of the peculium, but not for what had been employed for the benefit of the property of the other party; for in the former case the action with reference to any advantage which had been obtained by its employment was properly brought, because the exception based on the lapse of a year relates to the peculium, and not to what had been used for the benefit of the property.
Dig. 15,3,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si hi qui in potestate aliena sunt nihil in peculio habent, vel habeant, non in solidum tamen, tenentur qui eos habent in potestate, si in rem eorum quod acceptum est conversum sit, quasi cum ipsis potius contractum videatur. 1Nec videtur frustra de in rem verso actio promissa, quasi sufficeret de peculio: rectissime enim Labeo dicit fieri posse, ut et in rem versum sit et cesset de peculio actio. quid enim si dominus peculium ademit sine dolo malo? quid si morte servi exstinctum est peculium et annus utilis praeteriit? de in rem verso namque actio perpetua est et locum habet, sive ademit sine dolo malo sive actio de peculio anno finita est. 2Item si plures agant de peculio, proficere hoc ei, cuius pecunia in rem versa est, debet, ut ipse uberiorem actionem habeat. certe si praeventum sit ab aliquo et actum de peculio, de in rem verso actio an cesset, videndum. et refert Pomponius Iulianum existimare de peculio actione peremi de in rem verso actionem (quia in peculium conversum est quod in domini rem erat versum et pro servo solutum est, quemadmodum si ipsi servo a domino fuisset solutum), sed ita demum, si praestiterit ex actione de peculio dominus quod servus in rem eius verterat: ceterum si non praestiterit, manet actio de in rem verso.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where those who are under the control of another have nothing in the peculium, or have something, but not the entire amount; the persons having them under their control are liable if what was received has been used for the benefit of their property, the contract being held to have been rather made with them. 1Nor does the action having reference to the employment of property in the affairs of another, seem to have been promised without effect, as that on the peculium would be sufficient; for Labeo very properly says that the property may be so applied, and the action on the peculium not be applicable; for what should be done if the owner had taken away the peculium without malicious intent? What if the peculium is put an end to by the death of the slave, and the year in which the suit can be brought has elapsed? For the suit having reference to the employment of property in the affairs of another is perpetual, and will lie whether the party has taken away the peculium without malicious intent, or the action on the peculium is terminated by the lapse of a year. 2Moreover, if several are bringing suits on the peculium, he should be benefited whose money has been employed in the business of the master, so that he will have the more profitable action. If someone has come forward and brought an action on the peculium, it should certainly be considered whether the action founded on the employment of property for another’s benefit will not lie. Pomponius states that Julianus is of the opinion that the action on the ground of the employment of property for another’s benefit is destroyed by the action on the peculium, because what has been employed for the benefit of the master and paid on account of the slave, has been bought into the peculium, just as if it had been paid by the master to the slave himself, but only so far as the master has paid in the action on the peculium what the slave had used in his affairs; otherwise, if he has not paid it, the action based on the employment of the property remains.
Dig. 15,3,3Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Quod si servus domino quantitatem dederit, ut manumittatur, quam a me mutuam accepit, in peculium quidem hanc quantitatem non computari, in rem autem videri versum, si quid plus sit in eo quod servus dedit quam est in servi pretio. 1In rem autem versum videtur, sive id ipsum quod servus accepit in rem domini convertit (veluti si triticum acceperit et id ipsum in familiam domini cibariorum nomine consumpserit) aut si pecuniam a creditore acceptam dominico creditori solverit (sed et si erravit in solvendo et putavit creditorem eum qui non erat, aeque in rem versum esse Pomponius libro sexagensimo primo ait, quatenus indebiti repetitionem dominus haberet) sive cum servus domini negotii gerendi administrandive causa quid gessit (veluti si mutuatus sit pecuniam, ut frumentum compararet ad familiam alendam vel si ad vestiendam) sive peculiariter mutuatus postea in rem domini vertit: hoc enim iure utimur, ut, etiamsi prius in peculium vertit pecuniam, mox in rem domini esse de in rem verso actio possit. 2Et regulariter dicimus totiens de in rem verso esse actionem, quibus casibus procurator mandati vel qui negotia gessit negotiorum gestorum haberet actionem quotiensque aliquid consumpsit servus, ut aut meliorem rem dominus habuerit aut non deteriorem. 3Proinde si servus sumpsit pecuniam, ut se aleret et vestiret secundum consuetudinem domini, id est usque ad eum modum, quem dominus ei praestare consueverat, in rem videri domini vertisse Labeo scribit. ergo idem erit et in filio. 4Sed si mutua pecunia accepta domum dominicam exornavit tectoriis et quibusdam aliis, quae magis ad voluptatem pertinent quam ad utilitatem, non videtur versum, quia nec procurator haec imputaret, nisi forte mandatum domini aut voluntatem habuit: nec debere ex eo onerari dominum, quod ipse facturus non esset. quid ergo est? pati debet dominus creditorem haec auferre, sine domus videlicet iniuria, ne cogendus sit dominus vendere domum, ut quanti pretiosior facta est, id praestet. 5Idem Labeo ait, si servus mutuatus nummos a me alii eos crediderit, de in rem verso dominum teneri, quod nomen ei adquisitum est: quam sententiam Pomponius ita probat, si non peculiare nomen fecit, sed quasi dominicae rationis. ex qua causa hactenus erit dominus obligatus, ut, si non putat sibi expedire nomen debitoris habere, cedat creditori actionibus procuratoremque eum faciat. 6Nec non illud quoque in rem domini versum Labeo ait, quod mutuatus servus domino emit volenti ad luxuriae materiam unguenta forte, vel si quid ad delicias vel si quid ad turpes sumptus sumministravit: neque enim spectamus, an bono domini cesserit quod consumptum est, sed an in negotium domini. 7Unde recte dicitur et si frumentum comparavit servus ad alendam domini familiam et in horreo dominico reposuit et hoc periit vel corruptum est vel arsit, videri versum. 8Sed et si servum domino necessarium emisset isque decessisset vel insulam fulsisset eaque ruisset, dicerem esse actionem de in rem verso. 9Sed si sic accepit quasi in rem domini verteret nec vertit et decepit creditorem, non videtur versum nec tenetur dominus, ne credulitas creditoris domino obesse vel calliditas servi noceret. quid tamen, si is fuit servus, qui solitus erat accipiens vertere? adhuc non puto nocere domino, si alia mente servus accepit aut si, cum hac mente accepisset, postea alio vertit: curiosus igitur debet esse creditor, quo versatur. 10Si mutuatus sit pecuniam servus ad vestem comparandam et nummi perierint, quis de in rem verso agere possit, utrum creditor an venditor? puto autem, si quidem pretium numeratum sit, creditorem de in rem verso acturum et si vestis perierit: si autem non fuit pretium solutum, ad hoc tamen data pecunia, ut vestis emeretur et pecunia perierit, vestis tamen familiae divisa est, utique creditorem de in rem verso habere actionem. an et venditor habeat, quia res eius pervenerunt in rem domini? ratio hoc facit, ut teneatur: unde incipit dominus teneri ex una causa duobus. proinde et si tam pecunia quam vestis periit, dicendum erit utrique dominum teneri, quoniam ambo in rem domini vertere voluerunt.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Ad Dig. 15,3,3 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 483, Note 4.If, however, the slave pays his master a certain sum of money which he has borrowed from me, in order that he may be manumitted, the said sum of money should not be computed as forming part of the peculium, but there is held to have been employed in the business of the master any amount in excess of the value of the slave which the latter paid. 1Property is held to have been employed in the business of the master, if the slave uses in his master’s business the very article which he received; as, for instance (where he received wheat and used it up as food for the slaves of his master) or where he pays to one creditor of his master money which he has borrowed from another creditor. But if he made a mistake in paying, and thought a party to be a creditor who was not one, Pomponius says in the Sixty-first Book that this also is property employed for the benefit of the master, so far as the right of the latter to recover it as not being due is concerned; or where the slave, for the sake of transacting or managing the business of his master, performed any act (for example, if he borrowed money for the purpose of purchasing grain for the maintenance of his slaves, or in order to clothe them) or, when, having borrowed for the peculium, he afterwards uses the money for his master’s benefit; for the law which is at present in force provides that there may be an action on the ground of property employed for another’s benefit, even though he employs it at first for the benefit of the peculium, and afterwards in the business of his master. 2We state, as a general rule, that an action founded on the employment of property in the business of another will lie in those cases in which an agent would be entitled to an action on mandate, or a person who had transacted business without being empowered to do so, could bring suit on the ground of voluntary agency; and wherever the slave has consumed anything in order that the property of the owner might be improved, or not deteriorated. 3Thus, if a slave has obtained money in order to support, feed, and clothe himself, according to the custom of his master, that is to say, to the extent to which his master was in the habit of furnishing him with these necessaries; Labeo states that he will be held to employ the money for his master’s benefit and therefore this will be the case with reference to a son. 4But where, having borrowed money, he adorns his master’s house with stucco work and certain other things which are more for the purpose of pleasure than for that of utility, he will not be held to have employed the money in this manner; for the reason that an agent could not have charged this, unless he had happened to have the order of the master or his consent, nor should the master be burdened on account of what he himself would not have done. What course then should be pursued? The master should permit the creditor to remove these things—of course without injury to the house—lest the owner should be forced to sell it in order to make good the amount by which its value had been increased. 5Labeo also says that if a slave having borrowed money from me lends it to another, the owner is liable to the action based on property used for another’s benefit, because an obligation has been acquired by him; and this opinion is approved by Pomponius, if he did not make the obligation a liability of the peculium, but treated it as acquired on the account of his master. For which reason the master will be bound to the extent that if he did not think it was advantageous to himself to hold the obligation of the debtor, he could assign the rights of action to his creditor, and make him his agent. 6Labeo says that it is also an instance of the employment of property for the business of the master where a slave, having borrowed money, uses it with his master’s consent to purchase articles of luxury, for example, ointments, or anything which he may have obtained for pleasure, or for some dishonorable purpose; for we do not consider whether what was consumed was for the good of the master, but whether it was employed in his affairs. 7Hence, it is very properly said also that if a slave has procured grain for the purpose of feeding the slaves of his master, and has deposited the same in his master’s granary, and it has been destroyed, or spoiled, or burned, it is held to have been employed in the affairs of the master. 8Moreover, if he purchased a necessary slave for his master, and the slave died, or he propped up a building and it fell down; I should say that an action for property employed for the benefit of another will lie. 9Where, however, he received it for the purpose of employing it in the affairs of his master, but did not do so, and deceived the creditor; it is not held to be so employed, nor is the master liable, lest the credulity of the creditor prejudice the master or the craftiness of the slave injure him. What, however, would be the case if the slave was one who was in the habit of employing what he received in the affairs of his master? Even in this instance, I do not think that this injures a master if the slave receives it with a different intention, or if he received it with this intention but afterwards employed it for another purpose; since the creditor should be careful to ascertain the way in which it was employed. 10If the slave borrowed money for the purpose of purchasing clothing and the money is lost, who can bring the action for property employed for the benefit of another, the creditor or the vendor? I think, however, that if the price has been paid, the creditor will be entitled to the action based on the ground of property employed for another’s benefit, even though the clothing has been destroyed; but if the price has not been paid, but the money was given for the purpose that clothing should be purchased, and the money was lost, but the clothing has been divided among the slaves, the creditor will undoubtedly be entitled to the action for money employed in the business of another. But has not the vendor also a right of action, because his property has been used in the affairs of the master? Reason demands that he should be liable, hence the result is that the master will be liable to two parties on account of one transaction. Therefore, even if both the money and the clothing have been destroyed, it must be said that the master will be liable to both, since both intended to employ the articles in his affairs.
Dig. 15,3,5Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si res domino non necessarias emerit servus quasi domino necessarias, veluti servos, hactenus videri in rem eius versum Pomponius scribit, quatenus servorum verum pretium facit, cum, si necessarias emisset, in solidum quanto venissent teneretur. 1Idem ait, sive ratum habeat servi contractum dominus sive non, de in rem verso esse actionem. 2Quod servus domino emit, si quidem voluntate eius emit, potest quod iussu agi: sin vero non ex voluntate, si quidem dominus ratum habuerit vel alioquin rem necessariam vel utilem domino emit, de in rem verso actio erit: si vero nihil eorum est, de peculio erit actio. 3Placet non solum eam pecuniam in rem verti, quae statim a creditore ad dominum pervenerit, sed et quae prius fuerit in peculio. hoc autem totiens verum est, quotiens servus rem domini gerens locupletiorem eum facit nummis peculiaribus. alioquin si servo peculium dominus adimat vel si vendat eum cum peculio vel rem eius peculiarem et pretium exigat, non videtur in rem versum.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. If a slave purchases articles, which are not necessary, as if they were required by his master, as, for instance, slaves; Pomponius says that they will be held to have been employed in his affairs to the extent of the true value of the slaves; but if he should purchase articles which were really necessary, the master will be held liable for the entire amount for which they were sold. 1He also says that, whether the master ratifies the contract of the slave or not, the action on the ground of property employed for his benefit will lie. 2An action based on his order can be brought for what the slave purchased for his master, if he did so at his desire, but if he did not make the purchase at his desire, but the master indeed ratified his act; or, on the other hand, if he purchased something necessary or beneficial to the master, an action for property employed for his benefit will lie; but if none of these conditions exist, an action on the peculium will lie. 3It is established that not only the money which passes at once from the creditor to the master is employed for the benefit of the latter, but also that which was in the peculium in the first place. This, however, is true in every instance in which the slave transacting his master’s business makes him more wealthy with the money of the peculium. Otherwise, if the master deprives the slave of the peculium, or sells him along with it, or disposes of the property belonging to the peculium and collects the price of the same, this is not held to be employed in the business of the master.
Dig. 15,3,7Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Et ideo et si donaverit servus domino rem peculiarem, actio de in rem verso cessabit, et sunt ista vera. 1Plane si mutuum servus acceperitaaDie Großausgabe liest accepit statt acceperit. et donandi animo solvit, dum non vult eum debitorem facere peculiarem, de in rem verso actio est. 2Illud verum non est, quod Mela scribit, si servo meo argentum dederis, ut pocula tibi faceret ex quolibet argento, mox factis poculis servus decesserit, esse tibi adversus me de in rem verso actionem, quoniam possum pocula vindicare. 3Illud plane verum est, quod Labeo scribit, si odores et unguenta servus emerit et ad funus erogaverit quod ad dominum suum pertinebat, videri in rem domini versum. 4Idem ait et si hereditatem a servo tuo emero quae ad te pertinebat et creditoribus pecuniam solvero, deinde hanc hereditatem abstuleris mihi, ex empto actione me id ipsum consecuturum: videri enim in rem tuam versum: nam et si hereditatem a servo emero, ut quod mihi ab ipso servo debebatur compensarem, licet nihil solvi, tamen consequi me ex empto quod ad dominum pervenit. ego autem non puto de in rem verso esse actionem emptori, nisi hoc animo gesserit servus, ut in rem domini verteret. 5Si filius familias pecuniam mutuatus pro filia sua dotem dederit, in rem versum patris videtur, quatenus avus pro nepte daturus fuit. quae sententia ita demum mihi vera videtur, si hoc animo dedit ut patris negotium gerens.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Ad Dig. 15,3,7 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 483, Note 4.And, therefore, also, if the slave gives his master things forming part of the peculium, the action for property employed in his affairs will not lie; and this is true. 1Ad Dig. 15,3,7,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 483, Note 4.It is evident that, if the slave should borrow money, and pay it to his master with the intention of giving it to him; provided he does not wish to make him a debtor to the peculium, an action for property employed in the affairs of the master can be brought. 2What Mela says is not true, namely, that if you give silver to my slave in order that he may make cups out of any silver he chooses, and then, after the cups have been made, the slave dies; you will be entitled to an action for property employed for the benefit of another against me, since I can bring an action to recover the cups. 3What Labeo says is entirely true, that is, if the slave purchases perfumes and ointments and uses them at a funeral which concerned his master, he will be held to have employed them in his master’s business. 4He also says that if I purchase from your slave an estate which belonged to you, and I pay money to the creditors, and then you deprive me of said estate, I can recover it by an action on purchase; for it would be held that it was employed in your affairs. Moreover, if I purchase an estate from a slave in order that I may set off what is due to me from said slave, even though I paid nothing, still I can recover in an action on purchase what has come into the hands of the master. I, however, do not think that the purchaser is entitled to an action for property employed in the business of another, unless the slave had the intention of employing it in his master’s affairs. 5If a son under paternal control, having borrowed money, gives it as dowry for his daughter, it is held to have been employed in the affairs of his father to the extent that the grandfather was about to give the dowry for the granddaughter. This opinion seems to me to be correct, only where he gave the money with the intention of transacting the business of his father.
Dig. 15,3,10Ulpianus libro vicesimo nono ad edictum. Si pro patre filius fideiusserit et creditori solverit, in rem patris videtur versum, quia patrem liberavit. 1Cui simile est, quod Papinianus libro nono quaestionum scribit, si filius quasi defensor patris iudicium susceperit et sit condemnatus, de in rem verso teneri patrem: namque filius eum iudicio suscepto liberavit. 2Idem tractat Papinianus et si, quod patrem dare oporteret, a filio sim stipulatus et ita convenerim filium, nam et hic de in rem verso fore actionem: nisi si donare patri filius voluit, dum se obligat. 3Quare potest dici et si de peculio actionem quasi defensor patris susceperit, teneri patrem de in rem verso usque ad peculii quantitatem: cuius sententiae id erit emolumentum, ut, si finita sit actio de peculio, de in rem verso conveniatur. ego et ante condemnationem post iudicium patris nomine acceptum de in rem verso patrem teneri puto. 4In rem autem versum videtur, prout aliquid versum est: proinde si pars versa est, de parte erit actio. 5Sed utrum in sortem dumtaxat tenebitur dominus an et in usuras? et si quidem promisit usuras, Marcellus libro quinto digestorum scribit dominum praestaturum: sed si non sint promissae, utique non debebuntur, quia in stipulatum deductae non sunt. plane si contemplatione domini pecuniam dedi non gerenti servo negotia domini, sed ipse gerens, negotiorum gestorum actione potero etiam de usuris experiri. 6Versum autem sic accipimus, ut duret versum: et ita demum de in rem verso competit actio, si non sit a domino servo solutum vel filio. si tamen in necem creditoris, id est perdituro servo vel filio solutum sit, quamvis solutum sit, desinit quidem versum, aequissimum autem est de dolo malo adversus patrem vel dominum competere actionem: nam et peculiaris debitor, si fraudulenter servo solverit quod ei debebat, non liberatur. 7Si domini debitor sit servus et ab alio mutuatus ei solverit, hactenus non vertit, quatenus domino debet: quod excedit, vertit. proinde si, cum domino deberet triginta, mutuatus quadraginta creditori eius solverit vel familiam exhibuerit, dicendum erit de in rem verso in decem competere actionem: aut si tantundem debeat, nihil videtur versum. nam, ut Pomponius scribit, adversus lucrum domini videtur subventum: et ideo, sive debitor fuit domino, cum in rem verteret, nihil videri versum, sive postea debitor esse domino coeperit, desinere versum: idemque et si solverit ei. plus dicit et si tantundem ei donavit dominus, quantum creditori solvit pro se, si quidem remunerandi animo, non videri versum, si vero alias donavit, durare versum. 8Idem quaerit, si decem in rem domini vertit et postea tantandem summam a domino mutuatus sit, habeat praeterea et peculium decem, videndum ait, utrum desiit esse versum? an vero, quoniam est peculium, unde detrahaturaaDie Großausgabe liest trahatur statt detrahatur. debitum, de in rem verso non tollimus actionem? an potius ex utroque pro rata detrahimus? ego autem puto sublatam de in rem verso actionem, cum debitor domini sit constitutus. 9Idem quaerit, si in rem tuam verterit et debitor tuus factus sit, mox creditor eiusdem summae quam tibi debuit, an renascatur de in rem verso actio an vero ex postfacto non convalescat? quod verum est. 10Idem tractat, an ex eventu possit in rem patris filius vertere, veluti si duo rei pater et filius fuerint et filius mutuatus suo nomine solvat, vel si filio iussu patris credidisti et filius creditum tibi solvisset. mihi videtur, si quidem pecunia ad patrem pervenerat, videri in rem versum: quod si non fuit et suum negotium gerens filius solvit, non esse de in rem verso actionem.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where a son has become surety for his father and has paid the creditor, he is held to have employed the money in the affairs of his father, because he released the latter from liability. 1What Papinianus states in the Ninth Book of Questions is an instance similar to this, namely: where a son undertook the conduct of a case as the voluntary defender of his father, and judgment was rendered against him, his father is liable to an action for property employed in his behalf, for the son released him from liability by undertaking his defence. 2Ad Dig. 15,3,10,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 483, Note 4.Papinianus also discusses the case in which I stipulated with the son for what the father was compelled to pay, and then I brought suit against the son; for, in this instance, also, an action will lie for money employed for another’s benefit, unless the son, when he bound himself, intended to make a gift to his father. 3Wherefore, it can be said that if he appears in an action on the peculium as the defender of his father, the latter will be liable to the action for property employed for his benefit, to the extent of the peculium; and the benefit to be derived from this opinion will be that if the action De peculio should be terminated, he can be sued in that for money employed for his benefit. I think that the father is liable to an action for money employed for his benefit, even before an adverse decision was rendered, after issue has been joined in behalf of the father. 4Property is held to have been employed in the affairs of a father to the extent that any use of the same is made; and hence if a part has been employed, an action can be brought for that part. 5Ad Dig. 15,3,10,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 483, Note 4.But will the master be held liable only for the principal, or for the interest as well? And, indeed, if the slave promised interest, Marcellus states in the Fifth Book of the Digest that the master must pay it, but if he did not promise it, it certainly is not due, because it was not included in the agreement. It is evident that if I, having the master in mind, paid money to a slave who was not managing his master’s business, but I myself was managing it, I shall be able to institute proceedings to collect the interest also, by an action based on voluntary agency. 6We understand property to be employed in the business of a master when it continues to be so employed; and hence an action on the ground of property employed in his affairs will only lie where payment has not been made by the master to the slave or the son. If, however, this has been done to the prejudice of the creditor, that is to say, if the money has been paid to the slave or the son who is liable to lose it, since it has been paid, it ceases to have been employed for this purpose; but it is perfectly just that the action on the ground of malicious intent should lie either against the father or the master; for a debtor to the peculium, also, is not released from liability, if he fraudulently pays the slave what he owed him. 7Where the slave is a debtor of the master, and, having borrowed money from another pays him; he does not employ it in the business of the latter to the extent to which he is indebted to him, but he does so as far as the excess is concerned. Hence, if, when he owed his master thirty aurei, having borrowed forty, he paid the sum to his creditor, or spent it on the slaves; it must be said that an action for the employment of money in the business of another to the amount of ten aurei will lie; but if he owes the whole amount, it is not held to have been employed in this manner; for, (as Pomponius says), it is considered that relief is granted against the profit of the master, and therefore, if he was indebted to the master when he used the property in his affairs, it is held that nothing was employed for that purpose, but if afterwards he became indebted to him, it ceases to be employed for that purpose; and the same rule will apply if he should pay him. He says moreover, that if a master makes him a present of an amount equal to that which he paid the creditor in his behalf, and this was done with the intention of remunerating him, the money will not be held to have been employed for his benefit. If, however, he gave it to him in any other way, the use of the money for this purpose will still exist. 8He also makes the following inquiry. If he employed ten aurei in the business of his master, and afterwards borrowed the same amount from the latter, and, in addition to this, he has a peculium of ten aurei, should it be considered that the employment of the money in his master’s affairs has ceased? Or shall we, indeed, not take away the right of action for property employed in his affairs, as there is peculium from which the debt can be paid; or should we preferably make the deduction from each, pro rata? I think, however, that the action for money employed for the benefit of the master has ceased to be available, since he has become a debtor to the master. 9He also asks whether, if he has employed money in your affairs, and has become your debtor, and then your creditor for the same amount that he owed you, the action based on the employment of money for the benefit of another is revived, or whether it cannot be reestablished retroactively? The latter opinion is correct. 10He also discusses the point whether a son can employ property in the affairs of his father in accordance with what may transpire; for example, if the father and son are co-debtors, and the son, having borrowed money, pays it in his own behalf; or if you have lent money to the son under the direction of the father, and the son has paid you the debt. It seems to me that if the money had actually come into the hands of the father, it will be held to have been employed in his business; but if this was not the case, and the son paid while transacting his own affairs, an action on the ground of property employed in the business of another will not lie.
Dig. 15,3,13Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si in rem alterius ex dominis versum sit, utrum is solus in cuius rem versum est, an et socius possit conveniri, quaeritur. et Iulianus scribit eum solum conveniri in cuius rem versum est, sicuti cum solus iussit: quam sententiam puto veram.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. If property has been used in the business of one of two masters, the question arises whether he alone for whose benefit it was employed can be sued, or his partner as well? Julianus says that he alone should be sued in whose affairs the money was employed, just as where he alone directed the contract to be made; and I think this opinion to be correct.
Dig. 15,4,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Merito ex iussu domini in solidum adversus eum iudicium datur, nam quodammodo cum eo contrahitur qui iubet. 1Iussum autem accipiendum est, sive testato quis sive per epistulam sive verbis aut per nuntium sive specialiter in uno contractu iusserit sive generaliter: et ideo et si sic contestatus sit: ‘quod voles cum Sticho servo meo negotium gere periculo meo’, videtur ad omnia iussisse, nisi certa lex aliquid prohibet. 2Sed ego quaero, an revocare hoc iussum antequam credatur possit: et puto posse, quemadmodum si mandasset et postea ante contractum contraria voluntate mandatum revocasset et me certiorasset. 3Sed et si mandaverit pater dominusve, videtur iussisse. 4Sed et si servi chirographo subscripserit dominus, tenetur quod iussu. 5Quid ergo si fideiusserit pro servo? ait Marcellus non teneri quod iussu: quasi extraneus enim intervenit: neque hoc dicit ideo, quod tenetur ex causa fideiussionis, sed quia aliud est iubere, aliud fideiubere: denique idem scribit, etsi inutiliter fideiusserit, tamen eum non obligari quasi iusserit, quae sententia verior est. 6Si ratum habuerit quis quod servus eius gesserit vel filius, quod iussu actio in eos datur. 7Si pupillus dominus iusserit, utique non tenetur, nisi tutore auctore iussit. 8Si iussu fructuarii erit cum servo contractum, item eius cui bona fide servit, Marcellus putat quod iussu dandam in eos actionem: quam sententiam et ego probo. 9Si curatore adulescentis vel furiosi vel prodigi iubente cum servo contractum sit, putat Labeo dandam quod iussu actionem in eos quorum servus fuerit: idem et in vero procuratore. sed si procurator verus non sit, in ipsum potius dandam actionem idem Labeo ait.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. An action is very properly granted against a master for the entire amount, on the ground that he has authorized a contract; for, to a certain extent, a contract is entered into with the party who ordered it to be made. 1Ad Dig. 15,4,1,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 482, Note 12.Authority must, however, be understood, whether anyone gives it in the presence of a witness, or by a letter, or verbally, or by a messenger, or whether the authority was given in a specified contract, or in general terms; and therefore, if a party made a statement as follows: “Transact what business you desire with my slave Stichus, at my risk,” he is held to have directed that everything be done, unless a special agreement prohibits something. 2I ask, however, whether he can revoke this sanction before a debt is incurred. I think that he can do so, just as if he had given a mandate, and afterwards, having changed his mind, before the contract had been made, he had revoked the mandate and notified me. 3Also, if a father or a master has given a mandate, he is held to have conferred authority. 4And, moreover, if a master has signed the written contract of the slave, he will be liable in the proceeding aforesaid. 5But what if he becomes surety for the slave? Marcellus says that he is not liable to this action, for he intervened as a stranger; and he does not say this for the reason that the master is liable on the ground of security, but because to give authority is one thing, and to become surety is another; and he further says that even though the security may be worthless, he will not be liable on account of having given authority; and this is the more correct opinion. 6If anyone should ratify a transaction made by his slave or his son, an action on this ground will be granted against him. 7Where a ward, who is the owner, grants authority, he is undoubtedly not liable, unless he did so with the consent of his guardian. 8Where a contract is entered into with a slave by authority of the usufructuary, or with that of a person whom he is serving in good faith as a slave; Marcellus thinks that this action should be granted against him, and I also approve this opinion. 9Ad Dig. 15,4,1,9Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 73, Note 13a.Where a contract is entered into with a slave by authority of the curator of a minor, or of an insane person, or of a spendthrift; Labeo thinks that the action should be granted against the party whose slave he was, and the same applies to a veritable agent. If, however, the latter is not a genuine agent, Labeo also says that the action should preferably be granted against the party himself.
Dig. 16,1,2Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Et primo quidem temporibus divi Augusti, mox deinde Claudii edictis eorum erat interdictum, ne feminae pro viris suis intercederent. 1Postea factum est senatus consultum, quo plenissime feminis omnibus subventum est. cuius senatus consulti verba haec sunt: ‘Quod Marcus Silanus et Velleus tutor consules verba fecerunt de obligationibus feminarum, quae pro aliis reae fierent, quid de ea re fieri oportet, de ea re ita censuere: quod ad fideiussores et mutui dationes pro aliis, quibus intercesserint feminae, pertinet, tametsi ante videtur ita ius dictum esse, ne eo nomine ab his petitio neve in eas actio detur, cum eas virilibus officiis fungi et eius generis obligationibus obstringi non sit aequum, arbitrari senatum recte atque ordine facturos ad quos de ea re in iure aditum erit, si dederint operam, ut in ea re senatus voluntas servetur’. 2Verba itaque senatus consulti excutiamus prius providentia amplissimi ordinis laudata, quia opem tulit mulieribus propter sexus inbecillitatem multis huiuscemodi casibus suppositis atque obiectis. 3Sed ita demum eis subvenit, si non callide sint versatae: hoc enim divus Pius et Severus rescripserunt. nam deceptis, non decipientibus opitulatur et est et Graecum Severi tale rescriptum: ταῖς ἀπατώσαις γυναιξὶν τὸ δόγμα τῆς συγκλήτου βουλῆς οὐ βοηθεῖ. infirmitas enim feminarum, non calliditas auxilium demeruit. 4Omnis omnino obligatio senatus consulto Velleiano comprehenditur, sive verbis sive re sive quocumque alio contractu intercesserint. 5Sed et si mulier defensor alicuius exstiterit, procul dubio intercedit: suscipit enim in se alienam obligationem, quippe cum ex hac re subeat condemnationem. proinde neque maritum neque filium neque patrem permittitur mulieri defendere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. In the first place, during the reign of the Divine Augustus, and subsequently during that of Claudius, it was forbidden by Imperial Edicts that women should become sureties for their husbands. 1Afterwards, a Decree of the Senate was enacted by which relief was granted in the most perfect manner to all women. The terms of this Decree of the Senate are as follows: “Whereas, Marcus Silanus and Velleius Tutor, Consuls, have made statements concerning the obligations of women who have become responsible for the debts of other persons, and have given advice on this subject, as to what was necessary to be done; and, whereas this matter relates to securities and the making of loans in behalf of others for whom women had become bound, and although it appears to have been formerly decided by law that no demand, on this account, could be made upon them, nor any action be brought against them when they performed the duties of men, and as it is not just for them to be liable to obligations of this description; therefore, the Senate has decreed that those to whom application is made in court must act properly and in conformity with the established mode of procedure, and exert themselves so that the will of the Senate with respect to this matter may be observed.” 2Therefore, let us examine the terms of this Decree of the Senate, after having previously eulogized the forethought of this most distinguished body of men which has brought relief to women on account of the weakness of their sex, in many supposed, as well as actual instances. 3Ad Dig. 16,1,2,3ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 45, S. 114: Intercession der Ehefrau. Voraussetzung der intercessio tactita. Betrug. Beweislast, daß keine Schenkung zum Grunde gelegen.Relief is only granted to them, however, where they have not been guilty of deceit, and this the Divine Pius and Severus stated in a Rescript, for assistance is rendered to those who have been deceived, but not to such as are guilty of fraud; and this is set forth in the Rescript of Severus, written in the Greek language, which says that this Decree of the Senate is not for the purpose of aiding women who are guilty of deception, for it is the infirmity of women, and not their cunning, that deserves assistance. 4Every kind of obligation is included in the Velleian Decree of the Senate, whether women have rendered themselves liable verbally, by the delivery of property, or by any other contract whatsoever. 5Where a woman even appears voluntarily in defence of anyone, there is no doubt that she binds herself in his favor, for she assumes the obligation of another, since she exposes herself to have judgment rendered against him in a matter of this kind. Hence a woman is not permitted to undertake the defence of her husband, her child, or her father.
Dig. 16,1,4Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Sed si ego cum muliere ab initio contraxerim, cum ignorarem cui haec factum vellet, non dubito senatus consultum cessare: et ita divus Pius et imperator noster rescripserunt. 1Proinde si, dum vult Titio donatum, accepit a me mutuam pecuniam et eam Titio donavit, cessabit senatus consultum. sed et si tibi donatura creditori tuo nummos numeraverit, non intercedit: senatus enim obligatae mulieri succurrere voluit, non donanti: hoc ideo, quia facilius se mulier obligat quam alicui donat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. If, however, I make a contract in the beginning, when I am ignorant for whom she wishes this to be done, the Decree of the Senate undoubtedly will not apply; and this the Divine Pius and our present Emperor stated in a Rescript. 1Ad Dig. 16,1,4,1BOHGE, Bd. 2 (1871), S. 106: Voraussetzungen der tacita intercessio.Hence, if when she wished to make a gift to Titius, she borrowed a sum of money from me, and gave it to Titius, the Decree of the Senate will not apply; but if she was about to give it to you, and pays the money to your creditor, she does not bind herself, for the Senate intended to give relief to a woman who had obligated herself, and not to one who had made a donation; and this was done for the reason that a woman incurs an obligation with more facility than she makes donations.
Dig. 16,1,6Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si fideiussores pro defensore absentis filii ex mandato matris eius intercesserint, quaeritur, an etiam his senatus consulto subveniatur. et ait Papinianus libro nono quaestionum exceptione eos usuros: nec multum facere, quod pro defensore fideiusserunt, cum contemplatione mandati matris intervenerunt. plane, inquit, si qui accepit eos fideiussores, matrem eis mandasse ignoravit, exceptionem senatus consulti replicatione doli repellendam.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Where persons bind themselves as sureties in behalf of the defender of a son who is absent, by the direction of his mother; the question arises whether relief will be granted them also by this Decree of the Senate? Papinianus says, in the Ninth Book of Questions, that they can make use of an exception, nor does it make much difference that they have given security for the defender, since they did so having in mind the direction of the mother. He says that it is evident that, if the party who accepted the said sureties was ignorant that the mother directed them to assume the obligation, the exception based on the Decree of the Senate can be met with a reply on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 16,1,8Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Quamvis pignoris datio intercessionem faciat, tamen Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum scribit redditionem pignoris, si creditrix mulier rem, quam pignori acceperat, debitori liberaverit, non esse intercessionem. 1Si mulier intervenerit apud tutores filii sui, ne hi praedia eius distraherent, et indemnitatem eis repromiserit, Papinianus libro nono quaestionum non putat eam intercessisse: nullam enim obligationem alienam recepisse neque veterem neque novam, sed ipsam fecisse hanc obligationem. 2Si mulier apud Primum pro Secundo intervenerit, mox pro Primo apud creditorem eius, duas intercessiones factas Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum scribit, unam pro Secundo apud Primum, aliam pro Primo apud creditorem eius, et ideo et Primo restitui obligationem et adversus eum. Marcellus autem notat esse aliquam differentiam, utrum hoc agatur, ut ab initio mulier in alterius locum subdatur et onus debitoris, a quo obligationem transferre creditor voluit, suscipiat, an vero quasi debitrix delegetur, scilicet ut, si quasi debitrix delegata est, una sit intercessio. proinde secundum hanc suam distinctionem in prima visione, ubi quasi debitrix delegata est, exceptionem ei senatus consulti Marcellus non daret: sed condemnata vel ante condemnationem condicere utique ei a quo delegata est poterit vel quod ei abest vel, si nondum abest, liberationem. 3Interdum intercedenti mulieri et condictio competit, ut puta si contra senatus consultum obligata debitorem suum delegaverit: nam hic ipsi competit condictio, quemadmodum, si pecuniam solvisset, condiceret: solvit enim et qui reum delegat. 4Sed si is, qui a muliere delegatus est, debitor eius non fuit, exceptione senatus consulti poterit uti, quemadmodum mulieris fideiussor. 5Plane si mulier intercessura debitorem suum delegaverit, senatus consultum cessat, quia et si pecuniam numerasset, cessaret senatus consultum: mulier enim per senatus consultum relevatur, non quae deminuit, restituitur. 6Sed si eum delegaverit qui debitor eius non fuit, fraus senatus consulto facta videbitur et ideo exceptio datur. 7Quotiens pro debitore intercesserit mulier, datur in eum pristina actio, etsi ille prius acceptilatione liberatus sit quam mulier intercesserit. 8Si convenerit cum debitore, ut expromissorem daret, et acceptum ei latum sit, deinde is dederit mulierem quae auxilio senatus consulti munita est, potest ei condici, quasi non dedisset: quid enim interest, non det an talem det? non erit igitur actio utilis necessaria, cum condictio competat. 9Marcellus quoque scribit, si mulieri post intercessionem accepto tulerit creditor, nihilo minus restitutoriam actionem ei dari debere: inanem enim obligationem dimisit. 10Si mulier post intercessionem sic solverit, ne repetere possit, iuste prior debitor actionem recusat. sed cum relevatur reus, si mulier sic solvit, ut repetere non possit, et cum ei mulieri, quae repetere non poterat, si solvisset, accepto tulit creditor, similiter relevatur reus. 11Quamquam in omnes qui liberati sunt restituitur actio, non tamen omnibus restituitur. ut puta duo rei stipulandi fuerunt: apud alterum mulier intercessit: ei soli restituitur obligatio, apud quem intercessit. 12Si mulieri heres extiterit creditor, videndum, an restitutoria uti non possit. et ait Iulianus libro duodecimo restitutoria eum nihilo minus usurum, non immerito, cum non obligatae cum effectu successerit: denique in Falcidia hoc aes alienum non imputabitur. 13Plane si mihi proponas mulierem veteri debitori successisse, dicendum erit restitutoria eam conveniri posse, sed et directa actione: nihil enim eius interest, qua actione conveniatur. 14Si, cum essem tibi contracturus, mulier intervenerit, ut cum ipsa potius contraham, videtur intercessisse: quo casu datur in te actio, quae instituit magis quam restituit obligationem, ut perinde obligeris eodem genere obligationis, quo mulier est obligata: verbi gratia si per stipulationem mulier, et tu quasi ex stipulatu convenieris. 15Illud videndum est, si mulier pro eo intervenit, qui, si cum ipso contractum esset, non obligaretur, an hac actione ille debeat teneri? ut puta si pro pupillo intercessit, qui sine tutoris auctoritate non obligatur. et puto non obligari pupillum, nisi locupletior factus est ex hoc contractu. item si minor viginti quinque annis sit, pro quo mulier intercessit, in integrum restitutionem poterit implorare: vel filius contra senatus consultum contracturus est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Although the giving of a pledge establishes an obligation, still, Julianus states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest that the restoration of a pledge does not constitute the giving of security, if a woman, who is the creditor, releases to the debtor the property which she received in pledge. 1Where a woman appears before the guardians of her son to prevent them from selling his land, and promises to indemnify them; Papinianus, in the Ninth Book of Questions, does not think that she bound herself as surety, for she did not accept either the old or new obligation with reference to another, but she herself contracted this obligation. 2Ad Dig. 16,1,8,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 485, Note 18; Bd. II, § 487, Note 3.Where a woman binds herself to Primus in behalf of Secundus, and afterwards binds herself in behalf of Primus to his creditor; Julianus states in the Twelfth Book of the Digest that she has bound herself twice, once for Primus to Secundus, and again for Primus to his creditor, and therefore she has contracted an obligation both for Primus, and against him. Marcellus, however, notes that a difference exists here, that is, whether it must be understood that the woman, in the beginning, has been substituted in the place of another, and has undertaken to assume the burden of the debtor from whom the creditor desired the obligation to be transferred; or whether she was substituted as a debtor, so that, if this was the case, there is but one giving of security. Hence, in accordance with this distinction, which existed at first sight where she has, so to speak, been substituted as a debtor, Marcellus will not grant her an exception based on the Decree of the Senate. However, after having judgment rendered against her, or even before this takes place, she will certainly be entitled to a personal action against the party by whom she has been substituted. 3Sometimes a suit for recovery will lie in favor of a woman who gives security, to recover what she has paid, or if she has not yet paid anything, to obtain her release from liability, for example, where, having bound herself in violation of the Decree of the Senate, she substitutes her debtor; as, in this instance, a personal action for recovery will lie in her favor against her creditor, just as if she brought suit for money which she had paid, for anyone who substitutes a debtor makes payment. 4Ad Dig. 16,1,8,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 355, Note 13.But if he who has been substituted by the woman is not indebted to her, he can avail himself of the exception based on the Decree of the Senate, as he could have done if he had been her surety. 5It is evident that if a woman, being about to bind herself, substitutes her debtor, the Decree of the Senate will not apply, because, even though she paid the money, it will not be applicable; for the woman is granted relief by the Decree of the Senate, but does not make restitution of property which has been lost. 6If, however, she has substituted some one who was not her debtor, a fraud is held to have been committed against the Decree of the Senate, and therefore an exception will be granted. 7Where a woman becomes bound for a debtor, the former action is granted against him, even though he may have been discharged from liability by a release before the woman obligated herself. 8Ad Dig. 16,1,8,8Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 354, Note 6.Where a creditor has agreed with his debtor that the latter shall provide some one in his place, and this proposition having been accepted, he is thereupon released, and he then gives a woman as surety who can have recourse for aid to the Decree of the Senate, a personal action can be brought against him, just as if he had not given any surety; for what difference is there between not giving any, and giving one of this kind? Therefore, a prætorian action will not be necessary, since a personal action for recovery will lie. 9Marcellus also states that, if a creditor releases a woman after she has become a surety, an action for restitution should, nevertheless, be granted to the creditor, for he has released an obligation which is void. 10If a woman, after having become a surety, makes payment in such a way that she cannot recover, the former debtor can very properly refuse to defend an action brought against him; but, as the principal debtor is released, and the woman makes payment in such a way that she cannot recover, he cannot recover from her either, if he should pay, and the creditor should release him in the same manner. 11Although the action is restored against all those who are released, this is, however, not done in favor of all creditors; as, for instance, where there are two creditors who enter into a stipulation, and a woman becomes surety to one of them, the obligation is restored in the case of him alone to whom she became surety. 12Where a creditor becomes the heir of a woman who has assumed an obligation of this kind, it should be considered whether the action for restitution will not be available. Julianus says in the Twelfth Book that he is, nevertheless, entitled to the action for restitution, and this is not unreasonable, as he in fact succeeded to a woman not legally bound, and therefore this debt will not be taken into account in the administration of the Lex Falcidia. 13It is evident that, if you propose to me the case of a woman who has succeeded as heir to an original debtor, it must be said that she can be sued in an action for restitution as well as in a direct action, for it makes no difference whatever under which action proceedings are brought. 14Ad Dig. 16,1,8,14BOHGE, Bd. 2 (1871), S. 106: Voraussetzungen der tacita intercessio.ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 45, S. 114: Intercession der Ehefrau. Voraussetzung der intercessio tactita. Betrug. Beweislast, daß keine Schenkung zum Grunde gelegen.If, when I am about to make a contract with you, a woman appears, and I prefer to make a contract with her, she is held to have bound herself as surety, and, in this instance, an action will be granted against you, the effect of which is rather to originate than to restore an obligation; so that, in consequence, you will be bound by the same kind of an obligation as that by which the woman is bound; for example, if the woman is bound by a stipulation, you also can be sued as under a stipulation. 15It should be considered whether, if a woman offered herself as a surety for a party who was not bound when a contract was made with him, he should be liable to this action; as, for instance, where a woman became surety for a ward without the sanction of his guardian. I think that the ward would not be bound unless he profited pecuniarily by the contract. Moreover, he for whom the woman became a surety, if he is under twenty-five years of age, can demand complete restitution, or if, while a son under paternal control, he entered into a contract in violation of the Decree of the Senate, he will be entitled to the same privilege.
Dig. 16,1,10Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Hae actiones, quae in eos pro quibus mulier intercessit dantur, et heredibus et in heredes et perpetuo competunt: habent enim rei persecutionem: ceteris quoque honorariis successoribus dabuntur et adversus eos.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. These actions which are granted against those in whose behalf a woman has become surety, and against their heirs, are perpetual; for they have in view the recovery of the property, and they will be granted also in favor of prætorian successors as well as against them.
Dig. 33,8,11Ulpianus libro vicesimo nono ad edictum. Ei quoque, qui nihil in peculio habet, potest peculium legari: non enim tantum praesens, sed etiam futurum peculium legari potest.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. A peculium can also be bequeathed to someone who has none, for such a bequest can be made not only of peculium owned at the present time, but also of any which may subsequently be acquired.
Dig. 43,16,16Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. In interdicto unde vi dicendum est, ut eius causa, quod ad patrem pervenit, ipse teneatur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. It must be said with reference to the interdict Unde vi that, in the case of dispossession by a son under paternal control, his father will be liable for anything which has come into his hands.
Dig. 48,9,7Idem libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Si sciente creditore ad scelus committendum pecunia sit subministrata, ut puta si ad veneni mali comparationem vel etiam ut latronibus adgressoribusque daretur, qui patrem interficerent: parricidii poena tenebitur, qui quaesierit pecuniam quique eorum ita crediderint aut a quo ita caverint.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIX. When money has been furnished for the commission of a crime, with the knowledge of a creditor, where, for instance, it has been given to purchase poison, or paid to robbers or assassins for the purpose of killing his father, he who obtained the money will be liable to the penalty for parricide, as well as those who lent it, or took measures to have it used in this way.
Dig. 49,5,1Ulpianus libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Non solent audiri appellantes nisi hi, quorum interest vel quibus mandatum est vel qui negotium alienum gerunt, quod mox ratum habetur. 1Sed et cum mater filii rem sententia eversam animadverteret, provocaverit, pietati dandum est et hanc audiri debere: et si litem praeparandam curare maluerit, intercedere non videtur, licet ab initio defendere non potest.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXIX. Appellants are not usually heard unless they have an interest in the suit, or have been commissioned to act, or are conducting the business of others, and their acts are ratified immediately. 1When, however, a mother sees the case of her son overthrown by a decision, and, induced by maternal affection, appeals, it must be said that she should be heard; and if she prefers to prepare the case, she should not be considered to have interfered, although in the beginning she could not have undertaken the defence.
Dig. 50,17,44Idem libro vicensimo nono ad edictum. Totiens in heredem damus de eo quod ad eum pervenit, quotiens ex dolo defuncti convenitur, non quotiens ex suo.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIX. We grant an action against an heir for the amount by which he has profited through the fraud of the deceased, but this does not apply to any fraud of his own.