Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXI
Dig. 5,1,15Idem libro vicensimo primo ad edictum. Filius familias iudex si litem suam faciat, in tantam quantitatem tenetur, quae tunc in peculio fuit, cum sententiam dicebat. 1Iudex tunc litem suam facere intellegitur, cum dolo malo in fraudem legis sententiam dixerit (dolo malo autem videtur hoc facere, si evidens arguatur eius vel gratia vel inimicitia vel etiam sordes), ut veram aestimationem litis praestare cogatur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXI. Where the son of a family is a judge, and makes the case his own, he is liable for a sum equal in value to his peculium when he rendered his decision. 1A judge is understood to make the case his own when he maliciously renders a decision in violation of law. He is held to do this maliciously, where it is clearly proved that either favor, enmity, or even corruption, influenced him; and, under these circumstances, he can be forced to pay the true amount of the matter in controversy.
Dig. 20,1,19Ulpianus libro vicesimo primo ad edictum. Qui pignori plures res accepit, non cogitur unam liberare nisi accepto universo quantum debetur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXI. Where a party receives several articles in pledge, he is not compelled to release one of them, unless he receives the entire amount that is due to him.
Dig. 28,5,30Ulpianus libro vicesimo primo ad edictum. Pignori obligatum servum necessarium domino posse fieri imperator Severus rescripsit, ita tamen, si paratus sit prius creditori satisfacere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXI. The Emperor Severus stated in a Rescript that where a slave was pledged he could be the necessary heir of his master, provided that he was ready to satisfy the creditor beforehand.
Dig. 35,2,44Idem libro vicesimo primo ad edictum. Falcidia intervenire non potest, si statuliber de alieno dedit, non de bonis defuncti, vel alias est homo liber, qui condicionem implevit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXI. The Falcidian Law will not be applicable where a slave is to become free on condition of his paying a certain sum, and he does so with money belonging to another person, and not with what forms part of the estate of the deceased, or where he who is to comply with this condition becomes free for other reasons.
Dig. 39,6,30Idem libro vicensimo primo ad edictum. Qui mortis causa donavit, ipse ex paenitentia condictionem vel utilem actionem habet.
Ad Dig. 39,6,30Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 174, Note 9.The Same, On the Edict, Book XXI. Anyone who makes a donation mortis causa, and afterwards changes his mind, will be entitled to either an action to recover the property or to an equitable action.
Dig. 42,3,2Idem libro vicensimo primo ad edictum. In personalibus actionibus qui postea quidem contraxerunt, verum ut pecunia eorum ad priores creditores perveniat, in locum eorum succedunt.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXI. In personal actions, those Who have subsequently made contracts, and whose money has been paid to former creditors, are subrogated to them.
Dig. 44,7,42Ulpianus libro vicesimo primo ad edictum. Is, cui sub condicione legatum est, pendente condicione non est creditor, sed tunc, cum exstiterit condicio, quamvis eum, qui stipulatus est sub condicione, placet etiam pendente condicione creditorem esse. 1Creditores eos accipere debemus, qui aliquam actionem vel civilem habent, sic tamen, ne exceptione submoveantur, vel honorariam actionem, vel in factum.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXI. A person, to whom a legacy was bequeathed under a condition is not a creditor of the estate while the condition is pending, but only after it has been fulfilled; although it is established that anyone who stipulated under a condition remains a creditor while that condition is in abeyance. 1We should understand creditors to be those who are entitled to a civil action (provided they cannot be barred by an exception), or a prætorian action, or an action in factum.
Dig. 50,16,33Ulpianus libro vicensimo primo ad edictum. ‘Palam’ est coram pluribus.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXI. The term “publicly” means in the presence of several persons.
Dig. 50,17,134Ulpianus libro vicesimo primo ad edictum. Non fraudantur creditores, cum quid non adquiritur a debitore, sed cum quid de bonis deminuitur. 1Nemo ex suo delicto meliorem suam condicionem facere potest.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXI. Creditors are not defrauded when nothing is acquired by their debtor, but only when his property is diminished. 1No one can improve his condition by means of a crime.