Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XX
Dig. 10,3,7Idem libro vicensimo ad edictum. Communi dividundo iudicium locum habet et in vectigali agro. vectigalis ager an regionibus dividi possit, videndum: magis autem debet iudex abstinere huiusmodi divisione: alioquin praestatio vectigalis confundetur. 1Neratius scribit arbitrum, si regionibus fundum non vectigalem divisum duobus adiudicaverit, posse quasi in duobus fundis servitutem imponere. 2Qui in rem Publicianam habent, etiam communi dividundo iudicium possunt exercere. 3Ex quibusdam autem causis vindicatio cessat, si tamen iusta causa est possidendi, utile communi dividundo competit, ut puta si ex causa indebiti soluti res possideatur. 4Inter praedones autem hoc iudicium locum non habet, nec si precario possideant locum habebit nec si clam, quia iniusta est possessio ista, precaria vero iusta quidem, sed quae non pergat ad iudicii vigorem. 5Iulianus scribit, si alter possessor provocet, alter dicat eum vi possidere, non debere hoc iudicium dari nec post annum quidem, quia placuit etiam post annum in eum qui vi deiecit interdictum reddi. et si precario, inquit, dicat eum possidere, adhuc cessabit hoc iudicium, quia et de precario interdictum datur. sed et si clam dicatur possidere qui provocat, dicendum esse ait cessare hoc iudicium: nam de clandestina possessione competere interdictum inquit. 6Si duo sint qui rem pignori acceperunt, aequissimum esse utile communi dividundo iudicium dari. 7Sed et si de usu fructu sit inter duos controversia, dari debet. 8Item si duo a praetore missi sint in possessionem legatorum: est enim iusta causa possidendi custodiae gratia. ergo et si duo ventres, idem erit dicendum: quod habet rationem. 9Plane si iam damni infecti missus iussus sit possidere, non erit huic utili iudicio locus, cum vindicationem habere possit. 10Cum de usu fructu communi dividundo iudicium agitur, iudex officium suum ita diriget, ut vel regionibus eis uti frui permittat: vel locet usum fructum uni ex illis: vel tertiae personae, ut hi pensiones sine ulla controversia percipiant: vel si res mobiles sint, etiam sic poterit, ut inter eos conveniat caveantque per tempora se usuros et fruituros, hoc est ut apud singulos mutua vice certo tempore sit usus fructus. 11Neque colonis neque eis qui depositum susceperunt hoc iudicium competit, quamvis naturaliter possideant. 12Inter eos, qui pignori acceperunt, talis divisio fieri debet, ut non vero pretio aestimetur pars, sed in tantum dumtaxat, quantum pro ea parte debetur, et adsignetur quidem pignus uni ex creditoribus, licentia tamen non denegetur debitori debitum offerre et pignus suum luere. idemque dicitur et si possessor pignoris litis aestimationem pigneraticiam in rem agenti offerat. 13Si debitor communis praedii partem pignori dedit et a domino alterius partis provocatus creditor eius aut ab alio creditore alterius debitoris licendo superavit et debitor eius cui res fuit adiudicata velit partem suam praedii reciperare soluto eo quod ipse debuit: eleganter dicitur non esse audiendum, nisi et eam partem paratus sit reciperare, quam creditor per adiudicationem emit. nam et si partem vendideris rei et prius, quam traderes emptori, communi dividundo iudicio provocatus fueris aliaque pars tibi adiudicata sit, consequenter dicitur ex empto agi non posse, nisi totam rem suscipere fuerit paratus, quia haec pars beneficio alterius venditori accessit: quin immo etiam ex vendito posse conveniri emptorem, ut recipiat totum: solum illud spectandum erit, num forte fraus aliqua venditoris intervenit. sed et si distracta parte cesserit victus licitatione venditor, aeque, pretium ut restituat, ex empto tenebitur. haec eadem et in mandato ceterisque huius generis iudiciis servantur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XX. There is ground for an action for the partition of land held in common where it is subject to a perpetual lease. It should be considered whether land under a perpetual lease can be divided into separate tracts; but, as a general rule, the judge ought to avoid making a division of this kind, otherwise the perpetual rent will become confused. 1Neratius says that where an arbiter, dividing an estate not subject to a perpetual lease into two parts, awards them to two persons, he can impose a servitude, just as if they were two separate tracts of land. 2Where parties have the right to bring the Publician Action in rem, they can also bring an action for the partition of common property. 3An action for the recovery of property by the owner of the same does not lie under certain circumstances; still, if there is just cause for retaining possession, an equitable action for the partition of common property can be brought; for instance, where property is held in possession on account of the payment of a debt which in reality is not due. 4There is no ground for this action among depredators, nor is there any where parties hold possession by sufferance or by stealth; for the reason that this possession is unjust, and while possession by sufferance is, in fact, lawful, it does not justify judicial proceedings. 5Julianus states that if one possessor makes a demand for partition, and the other alleges that he holds possession by force, this action should not be granted, not even after a year has elapsed; because it is settled that, even after a year, an interdict will be granted against the one who forcibly ejected the other. He also says that where the party who instituted proceedings is said to be in possession by sufferance, this action will not lie, because an interdict is also granted in an instance of this kind. Moreover, if the plaintiff is said to hold possession by stealth, it must be held that this action will not lie; for, he adds, an interdict can likewise be obtained in a case of possession by stealth. 6Where there are two persons who have received property in pledge, it is perfectly just that they should be granted an equitable action for partition. 7Moreover, if a controversy arises between two parties with reference to an usufruct, this action should be granted. 8Again, if two parties are placed in possession by order of the Prætor for the preservation of legacies, there is good ground for possession on account of the custody; and hence, where there are two unborn children, the same rule will apply, and this is reasonable. 9It is evident that where anyone who was placed in possession for the prevention of threatened injury has already been ordered to take possession, he would not be entitled to an equitable action for his own benefit, as he has a right to bring an action for recovery. 10Where an action for the division of a common usufruct is brought, the judge must discharge his duty either so as to permit each one to enjoy the usufruct in different parts, or he can lease the usufruct to one of them, or to a third person; so that in this way they may collect the rents without any further disagreement; or if the property is movable, he can contrive to make the parties agree among themselves, and give security to one another for use and enjoyment for a certain time, that is to say that the usufruct shall belong to them alternately, each one having for it a special term. 11Neither tenants, nor persons who have received property on deposit are entitled to this action, although they may hold possession in accordance with natural law. 12Where parties have accepted a pledge in common, a division should be made between them in such a way that a share shall not be appraised at its true value, but only at so much as the indebtedness on that particular share amounts to; and the pledge should be assigned to one of the creditors, but permission shall not be refused to the debtor to tender the amount which he owes and redeem his pledge. The same rule applies where the possessor of a pledge brings an action in rem for redemption, and the party in possession tenders him the amount assessed by the Court. 13Where a debtor has pledged his share of a tract of land owned in common, and his creditor is sued by the owner of the other share, or by another creditor of another debtor, and he makes a higher bid for the property in question, and the debtor of the party to whom the property was adjudged wishes to recover his share of the land after paying what he himself owed; it is very properly held that he should not be heard, unless he is prepared to also recover what his creditor purchased under the adjudication. For, if you should sell a share of the property, and, before you have delivered it to the purchaser, an action for partition is brought against you, and the other share also should be adjudged to you; it is stated in consequence that no action can be brought on the ground of purchase, unless the plaintiff was prepared to take the entire property, because this share accrues to the vendor through another; and the purchaser can also be sued on account of the sale to compel him to take all of it; and the only question to be considered is whether any fraud was committed by the vendor. Where, however, one share has been disposed of, and the vendor is defeated in the bidding, he will be liable in an action on purchase to refund the price. The same rule is observed in mandate and other cases of this kind.
Dig. 17,2,41Ulpianus libro vicensimo ad edictum. Si quis a socio poenam stipulatus sit, pro socio non aget, si tantundem in poenam sit, quantum eius interfuit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XX. Where one partner has entered into a stipulation with another with reference to a penalty, he cannot bring an action on partnership if the amount of the penalty was only equal to that of his interest.
Dig. 43,19,5Ulpianus libro vicensimo ad edictum. Apparet ergo eum, qui non patitur haec congeri, vim facere, quo minus quis perficiat. 1Plane si quis, cum posset alia parte agri sine incommodo domini fundi impensam adportare, id egit, ut alia parte adportet, impune ei vim fieri recte placuit. 2Hoc interdictum non solum ipsi, verum successoribus quoque esse dandum non est ambigendum: emptori quoque dabitur et in emptorem. 3Si quis servitutem iure impositam non habeat, habeat autem velut longae possessionis praerogativam ex eo, quod diu usus est servitute, interdicto hoc uti potest. 4Qui hoc interdicto usurus est, de vitio operis cavere adversario debet.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XX. It is apparent that if anyone prevents the materials from being piled up, he employs force to prevent the repairs from being made. 1If anyone, being able to transport the materials through another part of a field without causing any inconvenience to the owner of the land, transports them through some other part, it has been very properly decided that force can be employed to prevent him from doing so. 2There is no doubt that this interdict can not only be granted to the person himself who has been interfered with, but also to his successors. It will also be granted for and against a purchaser. 3If anyone has a servitude that was not legally imposed, but of which he has had the enjoyment for a long time, the fact that he has used it for an extended period will entitle him to employ this interdict. 4He who wishes to avail himself of this interdict should furnish security to his adversary against any injury which may be caused by his acts.
Dig. 45,1,60Ulpianus libro vicensimo ad edictum. Idem erit et si Capuae certum olei pondo dari quis stipulatus sit: nam eius temporis fit aestimatio, cum peti potest: peti autem potest, quo primum in locum perveniri potuit.
Ad Dig. 45,1,60Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 258, Note 7.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XX. The same rule will apply if anyone stipulates for the delivery of a certain weight of oil at Capua, for an estimate should be made at the time when it can be claimed, which is as soon as a person can arrive at the place designated.
Dig. 45,1,72Idem libro vicensimo ad edictum. Stipulationes non dividuntur earum rerum, quae divisionem non recipiunt, veluti viae itineris actus aquae ductus ceterarumque servitutium. idem puto et si quis faciendum aliquid stipulatus sit, ut puta fundum tradi vel fossam fodiri vel insulam fabricari, vel operas vel quid his simile: horum enim divisio corrumpit stipulationem. Celsus tamen libro trigensimo octavo digestorum refert Tuberonem existimasse, ubi quid fieri stipulemur, si non fuerit factum, pecuniam dari oportere ideoque etiam in hoc genere dividi stipulationem: secundum quem Celsus ait posse dici iusta aestimatione facti dandam esse petitionem. 1Si quis ita stipulatus sit: ‘si ante kalendas Martias primas opus perfectum non erit, tum quanti id opus erit, tantam pecuniam dari?’, diem promissionis cedere non ex quo locatum est opus, sed post kalendas Martias, quia nec conveniri ante kalendas Martias reus promittendi poterat. 2Plane si ‘insulam fulciri’ quis stipulatus sit, non est exspectandum, ut insula ruat, sic deinde agi possit: nec ‘insulam fieri’, ut tantum temporis praetereat, quanto insula fabricari possit: sed ubi iam coepit mora faciendae insulae fieri, tunc agetur diesque obligationi cedit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XX. Ad Dig. 45,1,72 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 253, Note 8; Bd. II, § 299, Note 7.Stipulations are not divided when they relate to things which are not susceptible of division; as, for example, rights of way of every description, the privilege of conducting water, and other servitudes. I think that the same rule will apply when anyone stipulates for the performance of some act, for instance, the delivery of land, the excavation of a ditch, the building of a house; or for certain services, or for anything else of this kind, as their division annuls the stipulation. Celsus, however, in the Thirty-Eighth Book of the Digest, says that it was the opinion of Tubero that where we stipulate for something to be done, and it is not done, a sum of money should be paid, and that even in this kind of a transaction the stipulation is divided; in accordance with which, Celsus says that it may be held that an action should be granted, dependent upon the circumstances of the case. 1When anyone stipulates as follows, “If the work is not completed before the Kalends of next March, do you promise to pay a sum of money equal to the value of the work?” the promise will not date from the day when the work was begun, but after the Kalends of March, because the person who makes the promise cannot be sued before the Kalends of March. 2It is clear that if anyone has stipulated to prop up a house, it will not be necessary to wait until the house falls down before bringing suit; nor, where a house is to be built, to wait until the time has passed in which it could be built; but as soon as the promisor is in default in building the house, then suit can be brought, as the time fixed for the performance of the obligation has elapsed.