Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XIV
Dig. 2,8,7Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Si fideiussor non negetur idoneus, sed dicatur habere fori praescriptionem et metuat petitor, ne iure fori utatur: videndum quid iuris sit. et divus Pius (ut et Pomponius libro epistularum refert et Marcellus libro tertio digestorum et Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum) Cornelio Proculo rescripsit merito petitorem recusare talem fideiussorem: sed si alias caveri non possit, praedicendum ei non usurum eum privilegio, si conveniatur. 1Si necessaria satisdatio fuerit et non facile possit reus ibi eam praestare, ubi convenitur: potest audiri, si in alia eiusdem provinciae civitate satisdationem praestare paratus sit. si autem satisdatio voluntaria est, non in alium locum remittitur: neque enim meretur qui ipse sibi necessitatem satisdationis imposuit. 2Si satisdatum pro re mobili non sit et persona suspecta sit, ex qua satis desideratur: apud officium deponi debebit si hoc iudici sederit, donec vel satisdatio detur vel lis finem accipiat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. If the solvency of the surety is not denied, it should be said that he has the privilege of objecting to the jurisdiction of the court, and as the plaintiff may fear that he will make use of his right; we must ascertain what the law is. The Divine Pius, (as Pomponius states in his Book of Epistles, Marcellus in the Third Book of the Digest, and Papinianus in the Third Book of the Questions), set forth in a rescript to Cornelius Proculus, that the plaintiff might justly reject such a surety, but that if he was unable to find any other, he could warn him not to use his privilege, if suit was brought. 1When security is required, and the defendant cannot readily obtain it where the action is brought, he can be heard, if he is ready to give security in another city of the same province. Where, however, the security is voluntary, he cannot have recourse elsewhere; for he who has imposed upon himself the necessity for security does not deserve such consideration. 2Where security has not been given, and the property for which it is required is personal, and the party is liable to suspicion; the article should be deposited in court if the judge approves of this, or security is furnished, or the suit is brought to an end.
Dig. 4,9,1Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Ait praetor: ‘Nautae caupones stabularii quod cuiusque salvum fore receperint nisi restituent, in eos iudicium dabo’. 1Maxima utilitas est huius edicti, quia necesse est plerumque eorum fidem sequi et res custodiae eorum committere. ne quisquam putet graviter hoc adversus eos constitutum: nam est in ipsorum arbitrio, ne quem recipiant, et nisi hoc esset statutum, materia daretur cum furibus adversus eos quos recipiunt coeundi, cum ne nunc quidem abstineant huiusmodi fraudibus. 2Qui sunt igitur, qui teneantur, videndum est. ait praetor ‘nautae’. nautam accipere debemus eum qui navem exercet: quamvis nautae appellantur omnes, qui navis navigandae causa in nave sint: sed de exercitore solummodo praetor sentit. nec enim debet, inquit Pomponius, per remigem aut mesonautam obligari, sed per se vel per navis magistrum: quamquam si ipse alicui e nautis committi iussit, sine dubio debeat obligari. 3Et sunt quidam in navibus, qui custodiae gratia navibus praeponuntur, ut ναυφύλακες et diaetarii. si quis igitur ex his receperit, puto in exercitorem dandam actionem, quia is, qui eos huiusmodi officio praeponit, committi eis permittit, quamquam ipse navicularius vel magister id faciat, quod χειρέμβολον appellant. sed et si hoc non exercet, tamen de recepto navicularius tenebitur. 4De exercitoribus ratium, item lyntrariis nihil cavetur: sed idem constitui oportere Labeo scribit, et hoc iure utimur. 5Caupones autem et stabularios aeque eos accipiemus, qui cauponam vel stabulum exercent, institoresve eorum. ceterum si qui opera mediastini fungitur, non continetur, ut puta atriarii et focarii et his similes. 6Ait praetor: ‘quod cuiusaaDie Großausgabe liest cuiusque statt cuius. salvum fore receperint’: hoc est quamcumque rem sive mercem receperint. inde apud Vivianum relatum est ad eas quoque res hoc edictum pertinere, quae mercibus accederent, veluti vestimenta quibus in navibus uterentur et cetera quae ad cottidianum usum habemus. 7Item Pomponius libro trigensimo quarto scribit parvi referre, res nostras an alienas intulerimus, si tamen nostra intersit salvas esse: etenim nobis magis, quam quorum sunt, debent solvi. et ideo si pignori merces accepero ob pecuniam nauticam, mihi magis quam debitori nauta tenebitur, si ante eas suscepit. 8Recipit autem salvum fore utrum si in navem res missae ei adsignatae sunt: an et si non sint adsignatae, hoc tamen ipso, quod in navem missae sunt, receptae videntur? et puto omnium eum recipere custodiam, quae in navem illatae sunt, et factum non solum nautarum praestare debere, sed et vectorum,
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Ad Dig. 4,9,1 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 25 (1880), Nr. 79, S. 333: Haftpflicht des Gastwirths für das Receptum.The Prætor says: “When sailors, innkeepers, and the proprietors of stables have received property for safe keeping, I will grant an action against them if they do not restore it”. 1Ad Dig. 4,9,1,1ROHGE, Bd. 17 (1875), Nr. 12, S. 40: Haftung des Gastwirths für die Sachen eines Reisenden ohne Rücksicht auf die Dauer und Bezahlung der Beherbergung.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 384, Note 5.This Edict is extremely useful, for the reason that it is very frequently necessary to place confidence in persons of this kind, and to entrust them with the care of property. No one should think that this Edict imposes any hardship upon them, for they have the choice of refusing to receive anyone; and, unless this rule was established, opportunity would be given for them to cooperate with thieves against those whom they receive as guests; since, even now, they do not abstain from fraudulent acts of this description. 2Therefore, let us consider who those are that are liable. The Prætor says “Sailors”. We must understand a “sailor” to be the person who has charge of the ship, although all are called sailors who are on board the vessel for the purpose of navigating it, but the Prætor only has in mind the owner; for Pomponius says that the latter ought not to be liable for the act of an oarsman, or sub-pilot, but only for what he does himself, or for the act of the captain; although if he himself ordered anyone to commit something to the care of a sailor, he would himself undoubtedly be liable. 3There are also persons who occupy positions on board ships for the purpose of caring for merchandise such as ναυφύλακες, that is to say, marine guards and stewards. Therefore, if any of these should receive anything, I think that an action should be granted against the owner of the ship, because he who appointed persons of this kind to office permits property to be placed in their charge; even though the captain, or master does that which is called χειρεμβολον that is to say, “taking the property in his hands”. But even if he does not do this, the ship-owner will nevertheless be liable for what was received. 4No provision is made with reference to those who have charge of rafts or boats, but Labeo says that the same rule applies to them; and this is our practice. 5We understand by the terms “innkeepers” and “stablekeepers”, those who conduct an inn or a stable, or their agents. Persons, however, who are engaged in menial occupations, are not included; as, for instance, door-keepers, cooks, and others like them. 6The Prætor says, “Where they have received the property of anyone for safe keeping”; that is to say, any article or any goods whatsoever. Hence, it is stated in Vivianus, that this Edict also has reference to things which do not come under the head of merchandise; as, for instance, clothing which is worn on board ship, and other things such as persons daily make use of. 7Moreover, Pomponius says in the Thirty-fourth Book, that it makes a little difference whether we bring in our own property or that of others, if we have an interest in having it kept safely, for the property should be returned to us rather than to those to whom it belonged; and, therefore, if I accept merchandise as a pledge for money loaned on a maritime risk, the owner of the vessel will be liable to me rather than to the debtor, if he had previously received the property from me. 8Ad Dig. 4,9,1,8ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 108, S. 344: Haftpflicht des Gasthofbesitzers für die vom Gaste eingebrachten Effecten. Uebergabe von Sachen an den Portier zur Beförderung mit dem Gasthofomnibus zur Post.ROHGE, Bd. 25 (1880), Nr. 79, S. 333: Haftpflicht des Gastwirths für das Receptum.Does he “receive the property for safe-keeping”, only where having been placed on board the ship it was entrusted to him, or if it is not thus entrusted, is he still considered to have received it for this purpose, if it was merely placed on board the ship? I think that he always receives property for safe-keeping when it is placed on board, and that he not only should be liable for the acts of the sailors, but also for those of the passengers:
Dig. 4,9,3Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Et ita de facto vectorum etiam Pomponius libro trigensimo quarto scribit. idem ait, etiamsi nondum sint res in navem receptae, sed in litore perierint, quas semel recepit, periculum ad eum pertinere. 1Ait praetor: ‘nisi restituent, in eos iudicium dabo’. ex hoc edicto in factum actio proficiscitur. sed an sit necessaria, videndum, quia agi civili actione ex hac causa poterit: si quidem merces intervenerit, ex locato vel conducto: sed si tota navis locata sit, qui conduxit ex conducto etiam de rebus quae desunt agere potest: si vero res perferendas nauta conduxit, ex locato convenietur: sed si gratis res susceptae sint, ait Pomponius depositi agi potuisse. miratur igitur, cur honoraria actio sit inducta, cum sint civiles: nisi forte, inquit, ideo, ut innotesceret praetor curam agere reprimendae improbitatis hoc genus hominum: et quia in locato conducto culpa, in deposito dolus dumtaxat praestatur, at hoc edicto omnimodo qui receperit tenetur, etiam si sine culpa eius res periit vel damnum datum est, nisi si quid damno fatali contingit. inde Labeo scribit, si quid naufragio aut per vim piratarum perierit, non esse iniquum exceptionem ei dari. idem erit dicendum et si in stabulo aut in caupona vis maior contigerit. 2Eodem modo tenentur caupones et stabularii, quo exercentes negotium suum recipiunt: ceterum si extra negotium receperunt, non tenebuntur. 3Si filius familias aut servus receperit et voluntas patris domini intervenit, in solidum erit conveniendus. item si servus exercitoris subripuit vel damnum dedit, noxalis actio cessabit, quia ob receptum suo nomine dominus convenitur. sin vero sine voluntate exerceant, de peculio dabitur. 4Haec autem rei persecutionem continet, ut Pomponius ait, et ideo et in heredem et perpetuo datur. 5Novissime videndum, an eiusdem rei nomine et de recepto honoraria actione et furti agendum sit: et Pomponius dubitat: sed magis est, ut vel officio iudicis vel doli exceptione alterutra esse contentus debeat.
Ad Dig. 4,9,3ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 108, S. 344: Haftpflicht des Gasthofbesitzers für die vom Gaste eingebrachten Effecten. Uebergabe von Sachen an den Portier zur Beförderung mit dem Gasthofomnibus zur Post.Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Pomponius says, in the Thirty-fourth Book, the same thing with reference to the acts of passengers. He also asks that where the property has not yet been placed on board a ship, but has been lost on land, it is at the risk of the owner of the vessel who at first took charge of it. 1The Prætor says: Unless they restore it, I will grant an action against them. The action arising from this Edict is one in factum. Let us consider, however, whether this is necessary, as the case is one in which a party can proceed by a civil action; that is to say, where any compensation is involved, an action based on leasing or hiring will lie. But where the entire ship was hired, the party who did so can bring suit on that ground, even for articles that are missing; but if the master contracted to transport the goods, an action on the ground of hiring can be brought against him; and if he received the goods gratis, Pomponius says that an action on deposit will lie. He, therefore, is surprised that a prætorian action was introduced, since civil actions are applicable; unless, as he states, it was for the purpose of making it known that the Prætor was desirous of checking the dishonesty of persons of this kind, and because in cases of leasing and hiring, a person is responsible for negligence, but in cases of deposit, only for fraud; but, under this Edict, the party who received the property is absolutely liable, even though the goods were lost, or damage resulted without his fault, unless something occurred to cause inevitable injury. Hence, Labeo holds that, where anything is lost through shipwreck, or by the violence of pirates, it is not improper to grant the owner an exception. The same must be said where irresistible force is used in a stable, or an inn. 2Inn-keepers and the proprietors of stables are also liable, if, in the transaction of their business, they take charge of property; but they are not liable if they do so outside of their business. 3Where the son of a family, or a slave receives property for safe-keeping, and the consent of the father or master is granted, an action may be brought against him for the entire amount. Moreover, if a slave of the owner of the vessel stole the property or injured it, a noxal action will not lie, for the reason that the owner can be sued directly, on account of his having received the goods; but if the son of the family, or the slave acted without the consent of his superiors, an action De Peculio will be granted. 4This action, as Pomponius states, has for its object the recovery of property; and therefore is granted perpetually, and against an heir. 5Finally, let us consider whether proceedings by a prætorian action on the ground of property received, and also on that of theft, can be instituted for the same property. Pomponius is in doubt as to whether it can, but the better opinion is that the party ought to be content with one or the other of the two proceedings; that is, either application to the court, or an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 5,2,1Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Sciendum est frequentes esse inofficiosi querellas: omnibus enim tam parentibus quam liberis de inofficioso licet disputare. cognati enim proprii qui sunt ultra fratrem melius facerent, si se sumptibus inanibus non vexarent, cum optinere spem non haberent.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book IV. It must be borne in mind that complaints are frequently made with reference to inofficious testaments, as it is lawful for all persons, whether they be parents or children, to attack an inofficious testament. Those relatives who are beyond the degree of brothers will do better, however, not to trouble themselves by incurring useless expense, since they have no hope of success.
Dig. 5,2,6Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Postumus inofficiosum testamentum potest dicere eorum, quibus suus heres vel legitimus potuisset fieri, si in utero fuerit mortis eorum tempore: sed et cognatorum, quia et horum ab intestato potuit bonorum possessionem accipere. quid ergo? eis imputatur, cur intestati non decesserant? sed hoc nemo apud iudicem potest impetrare: non enim interdicitur testamenti factione. hoc plane ei imputare potest, cur eum heredem non scripserit: potuit enim scriptus heres in possessionem mitti ex clausula de ventre in possessionem mittendo: item natus secundum tabulas haberet. simili modo et eum, qui post testamentum matris factum exsecto ventre extractus est, posse queri dico. 1Si quis ex his personis, quae ad successionem ab intestato non admittuntur, de inofficioso egerit (nemo enim eum repellit) et casu optinuerit, non ei prosit victoria, sed his qui habent ab intestato successionem: nam intestatum patrem familias facit. 2Si quis instituta accusatione inofficiosi decesserit, an ad heredem suum querellam transferat? Papinianus respondit, quod et quibusdam rescriptis significatur, si post adgnitam bonorum possessionem decesserit, esse successionem accusationis. et si non sit petita bonorum possessio, iam tamen coepta controversia vel praeparata, vel si cum venit ad movendam inofficiosi querellam decessit, puto ad heredem transire.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. A posthumous son can allege that a will is inofficious where the testator was one to whom he might have been a proper or lawful heir, if he was unborn at the time of the death of the former. He has also a right to attack the wills of cognates, since, in this instance, he would be able to obtain possession of the property in case of intestacy. What then? Should the testator be blamed for not dying intestate? But no one could obtain assent from a judge where such a proposition was advanced; for parties of this kind are not prohibited from making wills. This, however, he can clearly be charged with, namely: not appointing the party his heir, for an heir who has been appointed can be placed in possession in accordance with the clause by which possession can be granted to the mother of an unborn child; and if it was born, it would be entitled to possession in accordance with the provisions of the will. I hold that, in like manner, the complaint can be brought by a party who, after the will of his mother was made, was removed from her womb by the Cæsarean operation. 1Where a person has no right to succession by intestacy institutes proceedings on the ground that the will is inofficious, and no one contests his right to do so, and he happens to succeed, his success will be of no benefit to him, but will only be of advantage to those who are entitled to the succession on intestacy, for he makes the former head of the family intestate. 2Where anyone dies after having instituted proceedings on the ground of inofficiousness, does he transfer his right of complaint to his heir? Papinianus answered (and this is also stated in several rescripts) that if the party should die after he has already obtained possession of the property of the estate, the right of proceeding with the action passes to the heir; and where the possession of the property is not demanded, but the controversy has already begun or is in course of preparation, or if the party should die after having arrived for the purpose of filing a complaint on the ground of inofficiousness; I think that the right passes to his heir.
Dig. 5,2,8Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Papinianus libro quinto quaestionum recte scribit inofficiosi querellam patrem filii sui nomine instituere non posse invito eo: ipsius enim iniuria est. sequenti loco scribit, si filius post adgnitam litis ordinandae gratia bonorum possessionem decesserit, finitam esse inofficiosi querellam, quae non patri, sed nomine dabatur filii. 1Si quis post rem inofficiosi ordinatam litem dereliquerit, postea non audietur. 2Si imperator sit heres institutus, posse inofficiosum dici testamentum saepissime rescriptum est. 3Papinianus libro secundo responsorum ait contra veterani patris familias testamentum esse inofficiosi querellam, etsi ea sola bona habuit quae in castris quaesierat. 4Si quis in militia fecerit testamentum et intra annum post militiam decesserit, dubito an, quia ad hoc usque temporis iure militari testamentum eius valet, querella inofficiosi cesset: et potest dici querellam inofficiosi cessare. 5Sed nec impuberis filii mater inofficiosum testamentum dicit, quia pater ei hoc fecit (et ita Papinianus respondit): nec patris frater, quia filii testamentum est: ergo nec frater impuberis, si patris non dixit. sed si in patris obtentum est, nec hoc valebit: nisi si pro parte patris rescissum est: tunc enim pupillare valet. 6Si quis mortis causa filio donaverit quartam partem eius quod ad eum esset perventurum, si intestatus pater familias decessisset, puto secure eum testari. 7Si quis impuberi filio substituit secundas tabulas faciendo, non ob hoc admittemus ipsum impuberem ad inofficiosi querellam. 8Quoniam autem quarta debitae portionis sufficit ad excludendam querellam, videndum erit an exheredatus partem faciat qui non queritur: ut puta sumus duo filii exheredati. et utique faciet, ut Papinianus respondit, et si dicam inofficiosum, non totam hereditatem debeo, sed dimidiam petere. proinde si sint ex duobus filiis nepotes, ex uno plures, tres puta, ex uno unus: unicum sescuncia, unum ex illis semuncia querella excludit. 9Quarta autem accipietur scilicet deducto aere alieno et funeris impensa: sed an et libertates quartam minuant, videndum est. et numquid minuant? nam si, cum quis ex asse heres institutus est, ideo non potest dicere inofficiosum, quia habet Falcidiam, Falcidia autem libertates non minuit: potest dici deductis libertatibus quartam ineundam. cum igitur placet quartam minui per libertates, eveniet ut, qui servos tantum habet in patrimonio suo, dando eis libertatem inofficiosi querellam excludat: nisi forte hic filius, si non fuit in potestate, a patre heres institutus merito omittit hereditatem et ad substitutum transmittens querellam inofficiosi instituet, vel ab intestato citra edicti poenam habeat hereditatem. 10Si condicioni parere testator heredem iussit in persona filii vel alterius qui eandem querellam movere potest et sciens is accepit, videndum, ne ab inofficiosi querella excludatur: adgnovit enim iudicium. idem est et si legatarius ei vel statuliber dedit. et potest dici excludi eum, maxime si heredem ei iusserat dare: ceterum si legatarium, numquid semel natam inofficiosi querellam non peremat legatarii oblatio? cur ergo in herede absolute diximus? quoniam ante aditam hereditatem nec nascitur querella. ego eventum puto sequendum in hac re, ut, si forte antequam iudicium moveatur oblatio ei fiat eius quod relictum est, quasi ex voluntate testatoris oblato eo satis ei factum videatur. 11Unde si quis fuit institutus forte ex semisse, cum ei sextans ex substantia testatoris deberetur, et rogatus esset post certum temporis restituere hereditatem, merito dicendum est nullum iudicium movere, cum debitam portionem et eius fructus habere possit: fructus enim solere in Falcidiam imputari non est incognitum. ergo et si ab initio ex semisse heres institutus rogetur post decennium restituere hereditatem, nihil habet quod queratur, quoniam facile potest debitam portionem eiusque fructus medio tempore cogere. 12Si quis et irritum dicat testamentum vel ruptum et inofficiosum, condicio ei deferri debet, utrum prius movere volet. 13Si filius exheredatus in possessione sit hereditatis, scriptus quidem heres petet hereditatem, filius vero in modum contradictionis querellam inducat, quemadmodum ageret, si non possideret, sed peteret. 14Meminisse autem oportebit eum, qui testamentum inofficiosum improbe dixit et non optinuit, id quod in testamento accepit perdere et id fisco vindicari quasi indigno ablatum. sed ei demum aufertur quod testamento datum est, qui usque ad sententiam iudicum lite improba perseveraverit: ceterum si ante sententiam destitit vel decessit, non ei aufertur quod datum est: proinde et si absente eo secundum praesentem pronuntietur, potest dici conservandum ei quod accepit. eo autem solo carere quis debet, cuius emolumentum ad eum pertinet: ceterum si id rogatus fuit restituere, non debet iniuria fieri. unde non male Papinianus libro secundo responsorum refert, si heres fuit institutus et rogatus restituere hereditatem, deinde in querella inofficiosi non optinuit, id quod iure Falcidiae potuit habere solum perdere. 15Si quis impubes adrogatus sit ex his personis, quae et citra adoptionem et emancipationem queri de inofficioso possunt, hunc puto removendum a querella, cum habeat quartam ex constitutione divi Pii. quod si egit nec optinuit, an quartam perdat? et puto aut non admittendum ad inofficiosum, aut si admittatur, etsi non optinuerit, quartam ei quasi aes alienum concedendam. 16Si ex causa de inofficiosi cognoverit iudex et pronuntiaverit contra testamentum nec fuerit provocatum, ipso iure rescissum est: et suus heres erit secundum quem iudicatum est et bonorum possessor, si hoc se contendit: et libertates ipso iure non valent: nec legata debentur, sed soluta repetuntur aut ab eo qui solvit, aut ab eo qui optinuit et haec utili actione repetuntur. fere autem si ante controversiam motam soluta sunt, qui optinuit repetit: et ita divus Hadrianus et divus Pius rescripserunt. 17Plane si post quinquennium inofficiosum dici coeptum est ex magna et iusta causa, libertates non esse revocandas, quae competierunt vel praestitae sunt, sed viginti aureos a singulis praestandos victori.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Papinianus very properly says in the Fifth Book of Questions, that a father cannot institute proceedings on the ground of inofficiousness in behalf of his son, if the latter is unwilling; for the wrong was committed against the son. He states immediately afterwards that if his son should die after having obtained possession of the estate, with a view to proceeding regularly with the case, the complaint for inofficiousness is terminated; for it was not granted to the father himself, but on account of his son. 1Where a party abandons the case after having instituted proceedings on the ground of inofficiousness, he shall not afterwards be heard. 2It has very frequently been stated in rescripts that when the Emperor is appointed an heir, the testament can be declared inofficious. 3Papinianus, in the Second Book of Opinions, says that a complaint for an inofficious testament can be brought against the head of a family who is a veteran, even though the only property which he owns is what he obtained in military service. 4Where a soldier makes a will while in the army, and dies a year after he is discharged, I doubt whether a complaint for inofficiousness will be allowed, because his will is valid up to this time, in accordance with military law, and it may be said that a complaint on the ground of inofficiousness is not available. 5A mother cannot claim that the will of her son who is under age is inofficious, because his father made it for him; and Papinianus gave this opinion; nor can his father’s brother do so, because it is the will of the son; therefore, the brother of the minor cannot do so either, if he did not object to his own father’s testament. Where, however, the testament of the father is attacked successfully, that of his son will be void, unless it was broken only with reference to his father, for then the pupillary part will remain valid. 6Where anyone makes a donation mortis causa to his son of the fourth part of what he would have been entitled to if the testator had died intestate, I am of the opinion that his will is secure. 7Where a man provided a substitute for his son, who is a minor, by making a secondary bequest, we cannot, for this reason permit the minor himself to file a complaint for inofficiousness. 8Since the fourth part of the share which is due is sufficient to exclude the complaint, it should be considered whether a disinherited child, who does not object, should be included, as, for example, where there are two sons who are disinherited; and no doubt he should be included, as Papinian states; and if the other should say that the will is inofficious, he cannot claim the entire estate, but only half of the same. Thus, for the same reason, where there are grandchildren, the issue of two sons, for instance, three by one of them, and only one by the other; the son who is alone will be excluded from the complaint by obtaining three-twenty-fourths of the estate, and any one of the others by obtaining one twenty-fourth of the same. 9This fourth part will, of course, be estimated after the debts and funeral expenses have been deducted; but it must be considered whether testamentary grants of freedom will diminish the fourth part, and do they diminish it? For if anyone is appointed sole heir, he cannot claim that the will is inofficious, because he has received the Falcidian portion; but the Lex Falcidia does not apply to testamentary manumissions, and it may be held that the fourth part is to be entered on after deducting what is lost by manumission; therefore, as it is established that the fourth part is reduced by manumission, the result will be that, where a person’s estate consists of slaves, by emancipating them he bars a complaint for an inofficious testament; unless, perhaps, his son, if he was not under his control after being appointed the heir of his father, may properly reject the estate, and having transmitted it to the substitute, may begin proceedings for inofficiousness, so as to obtain the estate on the ground of intestacy without being liable to the penalty prescribed by the Edict. 10Ad Dig. 5,2,8,10Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 581, Note 7.Where a testator directed his heir to fulfill some condition having reference to his son, or to some other person who had a right to bring the same complaint, and he knowingly agreed to this, it should be considered whether he is prevented from making a complaint for inofficiousness, since he accepted the will of the deceased. The case is the same where the party who gave him the donation was a legatee, or a statuliber; and it may be said that the son is prevented, and especially where the testator ordered the heir to make the gift; but if it was a legatee, may it not be true that where the right to file a complaint for inofficiousness has once vested, the tender by the legatee will not abrogate it? For why did we absolutely establish this principle in the case of the heir? It was because no right to file a complaint arises before he had entered upon the estate. I think that, in this instance, the event must be followed, so that if what was left was tendered to the son before proceedings were instituted by him, then it appears that he has all that he is entitled to, as the donation was offered in accordance with the wishes of the testator. 11Wherefore, if anyone has been appointed heir, for instance to one half the estate, when a sixth would have been coming to him from the testator’s property if he had died intestate, and he is asked to surrender the estate after a certain time; it can reasonably be held that he cannot bring an action, since he could have the share which was due to him, and the profits of the same, for it is well established that the profits are usually included in the Falcidian portion. Therefore, where, in the beginning, an heir was appointed to half the estate, and afterwards is asked to relinquish his inheritance after the expiration of ten years; there is no ground on which to make complaint, since he could during that time, easily have collected the share that was due to him together with the profits of the same. 12Where a party alleges that a will is void, defective, and inofficious, the choice should be given him as to which claim he wished to make first. 13Where a son who has been disinherited is in possession of the estate, and the party who has been appointed heir brings suit to recover it; the son can file the complaint by way of cross action, just as he would do if he were not in possession but was bringing an action for recovery. 14It must be remembered that where a party improperly alleges that a testament is inofficious, and loses his case, he will also lose what was left him by the testament, and it can be recovered in a suit by the Treasury as property of which he was deprived because he was unworthy of it. He is, however, only deprived of what was bequeathed to him by the will, where he, without any ground, continued to prosecute the case until judgment was rendered. Where, however, he desisted or died before judgment, he will not be deprived of what was left him. Hence, if while he was absent, a decision was pronounced in favor of the other party, who was present, it may be said that he can hold what was left him. A party, however, can only lose anything where the enjoyment of it belongs to him; and if he is asked to surrender it to another, no injury should be done. Wherefore, Papinianus not incorrectly states in the Second Book of Opinions, that where a party is appointed an heir and is asked to surrender the estate, and then, after bringing complaint for inofficiousness, does not succeed, he only loses what he could have obtained under the Lex Falcidia. 15Ad Dig. 5,2,8,15Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 593, Note 5.Where a minor has been arrogated, and is one of those persons who can make complaint of an inofficious testament without depending upon adoption or emancipation to do so; I think that he will be barred, since he is entitled to a fourth part of the estate, according to the Constitution of the Divine Pius. If, however, he brings suit, and does not obtain a judgment, will he lose this fourth part? I am of the opinion that he should not be permitted to contest the will on the ground of inofficiousness, or if he should be permitted, even if he does not gain the suit, to have the fourth part granted him as a debt which is due to him. 16Where a judge investigates a case based on an inofficious testament and renders a decree against the testament, and no appeal is taken, the testament is rescinded by operation of law; and the party who succeeds will become the direct heir, or the possessor of the property in accordance with the terms of the decree; testamentary grants of freedom will become void by operation of law; legacies will not be due; and if they have been paid they can be recovered either by him who paid them or by the successful litigant (by means of a prætorian action). Generally, however, where they have been paid before proceedings were instituted, the successful litigant should bring suit for their recovery; as the Divine Hadrian and the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript. 17It is certain that if the claim of inofficiousness is alleged for some very just cause after five years, manumissions which have already taken place, or which could be demanded, cannot be revoked; but twenty aurei should be paid by each liberated slave to the party who gained the suit.
Dig. 5,3,5Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Divus Pius rescripsit prohibendum possessorem hereditatis, de qua controversia erit, antequam lis inchoaretur, aliquid ex ea distrahere: nisi maluerit pro omni quantitate hereditatis vel rerum eius restitutione satisdare: causa autem cognita, etsi non talis data sit satisdatio, sed solita cautio, etiam post litem coeptam. deminutionem se concessurum praetor edixit, ne in totum deminutio impedita in aliquo etiam utilitates alias impediat. ut puta si ad funus sit aliquid necessarium: nam funeris gratia deminutionem permittit. item si futurum est, ut, nisi pecunia intra diem solvatur, pignus distrahatur. sed et propter familiae cibaria necessaria erit deminutio. sed et res tempore perituras permittere debet praetor distrahere. 1Divus Hadrianus Trebio Sergiano rescripsit, ut Aelius Asiaticus daret satis de hereditate quae ab eo petitur, et sic falsum dicat: hoc ideo, quia sustinetur hereditatis petitionis iudicium, donec falsi causa agatur. 2Eorum iudiciorum, quae de hereditatis petitione sunt, ea auctoritas est, ut nihil in praeiudicium eius iudicii fieri debeat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that the possessor of an estate which was in dispute should be forbidden to dispose of any portion of it before proceedings are instituted; unless he prefers to furnish security for the entire amount of the estate, or for the restitution of the property belonging thereto. The Prætor, however, stated in an edict that: “Where proper cause was shown he would permit a part of the property to be alienated, even where such security was not given, but only the customary undertaking after proceedings had been instituted; lest, if the disposal of any of the property of an estate were prevented, it might hinder, in some way or other, other advantageous measures from being taken; as, for instance, if something was needed for funeral expenses; (for he allows a diminution of the estate on account of funeral expenses), and he will also do this when a pledge is to be sold if a sum of money is not paid within a certain time. A diminution of property belonging to an estate likewise becomes necessary to provide food for the family, and the Prætor must also permit the sale of perishable articles which in a short time would be destroyed. 1The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript to Trebius Sergianus that Ælius Asiaticus ought to give security for an estate, to recover; which suit had been brought against him, and then he can allege that the will is forged. This is done for the reason that the proceedings for recovery may remain in abeyance while investigation of the allegation of forgery is being made. 2The authority of the action brought for the recovery of estates is such that no other legal proceedings shall be permitted to prejudice it.
Dig. 5,3,7Idem libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Si quis libertatem ex testamento sibi competisse dicat, non debebit iudex de libertate sententiam dicere, ne praeiudicium de testamento cognituro faciat: et ita senatus censuit: sed et divus Traianus rescripsit differendum de libertate iudicium, donec de inofficioso iudicium aut inducatur aut finem accipiat. 1Ita demum autem sustinentur liberalia iudicia, si iam de inofficioso iudicium contestatum est: ceterum si non contestetur, non exspectantur liberalia iudicia: et ita divus Pius rescripsit. nam cum quidam Licinnianus de statu suo quaestionem patiebatur et, ne maturius pronuntiaretur de condicione sua, nolebat ad liberale iudicium ire, dicens suscepturum se de inofficioso testamento iudicium et petiturum hereditatem, quia libertatem et hereditatem ex testamento sibi defendebat: divus Pius ait, si quidem possessor esset hereditatis Licinnianus, facilius audiendum, quoniam esset hereditatis nomine iudicium suscepturus et erat in arbitrio eius, qui se dominum esse dicit, agere de inofficioso testamento iudicium. nunc vero sub obtentu iudicii de inofficioso testamento ab ipso Licinniano non suscepti per quinquennium non debere moram fieri servituti. plane summatim aestimandum iudici concessit, an forte bona fide imploretur iudicium de testamento: et si id depraehenderit, praestituendum modicum tempus, intra quod si non fuerit contestatum, iubeat iudicem libertatis partibus suis fungi. 2Quotiens autem quis patitur controversiam libertatis et hereditatis, sed se non ex testamento liberum dicit, sed alias vel a vivo testatore manumissum, non debere impediri liberalem causam, licet iudicium de testamento moveri speretur, divus Pius rescripsit: adiecit plane in rescripto, dummodo praedicatur iudici liberalis causae, ne ullum adminiculum libertatis ex testamento admittat.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XIV. Where anyone states that he is entitled to his freedom under the terms of a will, the judge should not decide the question of his freedom, lest he may prejudice some decree rendered with reference to the will; and this law was passed by the Senate. The Divine Trajan stated in a Rescript that the trial to determine his freedom must be postponed until the suit on the ground of inofficiousness was either dismissed or concluded. 1Ad Dig. 5,3,7,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 584, Note 16.Trials relating to freedom are, however, only stayed where joinder of issue has taken place in a suit for inofficious testament, but if this has not been done, the trial of the question of freedom shall not be postponed. This the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript, for when a certain Licinnianus had been brought into court to ascertain his status, and, to prevent a too early decision as to what it was, he refused to appear at the trial where the question of his freedom was to be heard, saying that he would join issue on the inofficiousness of the testament, and then bring an action to recover the estate; because he alleged that both freedom and the estate were conferred upon him by the testament. The Divine Pius said that if Licinnianus had been in possession of the estate, he would have a better right to be heard, since he could then have joined issue in behalf of the estate, and it was in the discretion of the party claiming to be his master to proceed on the ground that the testament was inofficious; but Licinnianus should not remain in slavery for five years under the pretext of the inofficiousness of the will on which point he himself had not joined issue. In the end, the Emperor permitted the judge to determine generally whether the trial with reference to the will was demanded in good faith, and if he ascertained that it was, that a reasonable time should be granted; and if issue had not been joined before it elapsed, the judge should be ordered to perform his duties in the trial involving the question of freedom. 2The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that whenever anyone is compelled to defend a case which involves his own freedom, and the inheritance of an estate, but where he does not allege that he was made free under the will, but in some other manner—as for instance, that he had been manumitted by the testator in his lifetime—then the case involving the question of freedom should not be delayed, even though it was anticipated that an action would be brought with reference to the will. He added plainly in the Rescript: “Provided the judge who was to decide the question of freedom had been notified not to hear any statements in favor of freedom which were based upon the testament”.
Dig. 8,5,1Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Actiones de servitutibus rusticis sive urbanis eorum sunt, quorum praedia sunt: sepulchra autem nostri dominii non sunt: adquin viam ad sepulchrum possumus vindicare.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book IV. Rights of action with reference to servitudes, whether they are rustic or urban, belong to those who own the land; but our burial-places are not the subject of our ownership, although we can claim a right of way to a tomb.
Dig. 13,5,27Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Utrum praesente debitore an absente constituat quis, parvi refert. hoc amplius etiam invito constituere eum posse Pomponius libro trigensimo quarto scribit: unde falsam putat opinionem Labeonis existimantis, si, postquam quis constituit pro alio, dominus ei denuntiet ne solvat, in factum exceptionem dandam: nec immerito Pomponius: nam cum semel sit obligatus qui constituit, factum debitoris non debet eum excusare.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. It makes but little difference whether anyone promises to pay in the presence or in the absence of the debtor. Pomponius goes still farther in the Thirty-fourth Book, and states that anyone can make a promise for payment even without the consent of the debtor, and, therefore, he considers the opinion of Labeo to be incorrect, who thinks that if, after a party has made a promise on account of someone else, the principal should notify him not to pay, he ought to be granted an exception in factum; and Pomponius is not unreasonable in this; for when the party who made the promise is once bound, the act of the debtor should not enable him to avoid liability.
Dig. 17,1,28Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum ait mandatorem debitoris solventem ipso iure reum non liberare (propter mandatum enim suum solvit et suo nomine) ideoque mandatori actiones putat adversus reum cedi debere.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Papinianus says, in the Third Book of Questions, that the mandator of a debtor who pays does not release the principal debtor by operation of law; for he pays on account of his own mandate in his own behalf, and therefore he thinks that the rights of action against the principal debtor should be assigned to the mandator.
Dig. 34,9,4Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Papinianus libro quinto quaestionum ait, si quis unum heredem quasi per falsum adscriptum accusavit, legatum ei non auferri a coherede relictum, quem non inquietavit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Papinianus, in the Fifth Book of Questions, says that where anyone accuses an heir of forging an appointment in a will, he will not be deprived of a legacy with which his co-heir, whom he did not disturb, has been charged.
Dig. 35,2,42Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. In Falcidia aestimatio pretii rerum ex veritate facienda est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. In estimating the amount due under the Falcidian Law, the actual value of the property must be appraised.
Dig. 37,1,2Idem libro quarto decimo ad edictum. In omnibus enim vice heredum bonorum possessores habentur.
Ad Dig. 37,1,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 42, Note 3.The Same, On the Edict, Book XIV. Prætorian possessors, in every respect, take the place of heirs.
Dig. 40,5,1Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Si quidam ex his, qui fideicommissam libertatem debeant, praesentes sint, alii ex iusta causa absint, alii latitent, perinde is cui fideicommissaria libertas relicta est liber erit, atque si soli, qui adessent et qui ex iusta causa abessent, rogati essent: pars ergo latitantis his proficit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Where any persons among those who have been charged with a grant of freedom under a trust are present, and others are absent for some good reason, and others still have concealed themselves, the slave to whom freedom was bequeathed under the trust will become free, just as if those who were present, and those who were absent for good reasons had been charged with the execution of the trust; and therefore the share of the right of patronage to which those who concealed themselves are entitled will accrue to the others.
Dig. 40,7,19Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Si servus liber esse iussus sit et legatum ei datum, si filius quartum decimum annum compleverit, et filius ante decesserit: libertas favore competet die veniente, legati autem condicio deficit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Where a slave is ordered to be free, and a legacy is left to him to vest when the son of the testator shall reach his fourteenth year, and the son dies before that time, the slave will become free when the term has expired, on account of indulgence with which freedom is regarded; but the condition upon which the legacy is dependent is held to have failed.
Dig. 46,3,52Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Satisfactio pro solutione est.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Satisfaction is equivalent to payment.
Dig. 46,5,7Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Praetoriae satisdationes personas desiderant pro se intervenientium et neque pignoribus quis neque pecuniae vel auri vel argenti depositione in vicem satisdationis fungitur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Prætorian security requires persons to appear for themselves, and no one can replace this kind of security by pledges, or by depositing money or articles of gold or silver.
Dig. 46,7,9Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Iudicatum solvi stipulatio expeditam habet quantitatem: in tantum enim committitur, in quantum iudex pronuntiaverit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. The stipulation for the payment of a judgment has reference to an indeterminate sum, for it becomes operative for the amount that the judge may decide to be due.
Dig. 49,1,14Idem libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Si perlusorio iudicio actum sit adversus testamentum, an ius faciat iudex, videndum. et divus Pius, cum inter coniunctas personas diceretur per collusionem in necem legatariorum et libertatium actum, appellare eis permisit. et hodie hoc iure utimur, ut possint appellare: sed et agere causam apud ipsum iudicem, qui de testamento cognoscit, si suspicantur non ex fide heredem causam agere. 1Quotiens herede non respondente secundum adversarium sententia datur, rescriptum est nihil nocere neque legatis neque libertatibus. et hoc divorum fratrum epistula continetur ad Domitium in haec verba: ‘Quod absente possessore nec quoquam nomine eius respondente pronuntiatum est, non habet rei iudicatae auctoritatem nisi adversus eum solum qui adesse neglexerit. quare his, qui testamento libertates vel legata vel fideicommissa acceperunt, salvae sunt actiones, si quas habuerunt, perinde ac si nihil esset iudicatum: et ideo adversus eum qui vicit permittimus eis agere’.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XIV. When a judgment is rendered against a will, by collusion, let us see whether the decision of the court will stand. The Divine Pius permitted the parties to appeal when it was alleged that certain persons had joined together, through collusion, to annul the rights of legatees, and slaves who had obtained their freedom; and, at present, this is the law, that is to say, they can appeal, and even appear in court before the same judge who tried the case relating to the will, if they have reason to suspect that the heir will not faithfully conduct the defence. 1Whenever the heir does not answer, a decision is rendered in favor of his adversary, and it has been stated in a Rescript that this does not prejudice either legacies or grants of freedom. This Rescript of the Divine Brothers, addressed to Domitius, is as follows: “Whenever the possessor is absent, and no one answers in his name, it has been decided that the judgment will not have the authority of res judicata, unless it is rendered only against him alone who failed to appear. Therefore rights of action are preserved for those who have received freedom, legacies, or trusts by the will, if they are entitled to any, just as if no judgment had been rendered; and therefore we permit them to proceed against the party who gained the case.”
Dig. 49,17,1Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Filii familias militis si peculium apud patrem remansit sine testamento filio defuncto, pater ipsi heres non fit, sed tamen heres is fiet, quibus filius fuit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLII. Where the peculium of a son under paternal control, who is a soldier, remains in the hands of his father, and the son dies intestate, his father will not become his heir; but he will, nevertheless, become the heir of those from whom the son has a right to inherit.
Dig. 50,16,23Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. ‘Rei’ appellatione et causae et iura continentur.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. Under the term “property” are also included legal action and various rights.
Dig. 50,17,123Ulpianus libro quarto decimo ad edictum. Nemo alieno nomine lege agere potest. 1Temporaria permutatio ius provinciae non innovat.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XIV. No one can legally bring suit in the name of another. 1A temporary change does not injuriously affect the rights of a province.