Disputationum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 5,1,14Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Sed cum ambo ad iudicium provocant, sorte res discerni solet.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Where, however, both parties apply to the court, it is customary to determine the question by lot.
Dig. 5,1,66Idem libro secundo disputationum. Si quis intentione ambigua vel oratione usus sit, id quod utilius ei est accipiendum est.
The Same, Disputations, Book II. Where anyone makes use of ambiguous language, or his intention is doubtful, he must be understood in the sense which is most favorable to himself.
Dig. 5,2,25Idem libro secundo disputationum. Si non mortis causa fuerit donatum, sed inter vivos, hac tamen contemplatione, ut in quartam habeatur: potest dici inofficiosi querellam cessare, si quartam in donatione habet aut, si minus habeat, quod deest viri boni arbitratu repleatur: aut certe conferri oportere id quod donatum est. 1Si quis, cum non possit de inofficioso queri, ad querellam admissus pro parte rescindere testamentum temptet et unum sibi heredem eligat, contra quem inofficiosi querellam instituat, dicendum est, quia testamentum pro parte valet et praecedentes eum personae exclusae sunt, cum effectu eum querellam instituisse.
The Same, Disputations, Book II. Where a donation is made not mortis causa, but intervivos, and at all events with the understanding that it shall be included in the fourth, it may be said that suit cannot be brought on the ground of inofficiousness, if the party receives the fourth in the donation; or, if he receives less, the amount lacking, shall be made up according to the arbitration of some good citizen; or, under any circumstances, what has been donated must be placed in the common fund. 1Ad Dig. 5,2,25,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 584, Note 26.Where a person who has no right to bring suit on the ground of an inofficious will, is permitted to do so, and attempts to have the will partially set aside, and selects some particular heir against whom to bring the action; it must be said that as the will is partly valid, and the parties who were entitled to preference over the plaintiff are excluded, the latter has properly brought the suit.
Dig. 10,2,49Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Qui erat heres ex parte institutus, testatorem iussus a praetore sepelire servum, cui erat testamento data libertas, ideo distraxit duplamque promisit et ex ea cautione conventus praestitit: quaesitum est, an familiae erciscundae iudicio consequatur, quod ex duplae stipulatione abest. primo videamus, an hic debuerit duplam cavere. et mihi videtur non debuisse: hi enim demum ad duplae cautionem compelluntur, qui sponte sua distrahunt: ceterum si officio distrahentis fungitur, non debet adstringi, non magis quam si quis ad exsequendam sententiam a praetore datus distrahat: nam et hic in ea condicione est, ne cogatur implere quod coguntur hi qui suo arbitrio distrahunt: nam inter officium suscipientis et voluntatem distrahentis multum interest. quapropter re quidem integra stipulationem duplae interponere non debuit, sed decernere praetor debet esse emptori adversus heredem existentem actionem ex empto, si res distracta fuisset evicta. si autem heres erravit et cavit et servus perveniat ad libertatem, stipulatio committetur: quae si fuerit commissa, aequum erit utilem actionem ei adversus coheredem dari deficiente directo iudicio familiae erciscundae, ne in damno moretur. nam ut familiae erciscundae iudicio agere quis possit, non tantum heredem esse oportet, verum ex ea causa agere vel conveniri, quam gessit quodque admisit, posteaquam heres effectus sit: ceterum cessat familiae erciscundae actio. et ideo si ante, quam quis sciret se heredem esse, in hereditate aliquid gesserit, familiae erciscundae iudicio non erit locus, quia non animo heredis gessisse videtur. quare qui ante aditam hereditatem quid gessit, veluti si testatorem sepelivit, familiae erciscundae iudicium non habet: sed si post aditam hereditatem id fecit, consequenter dicemus familiae erciscundae iudicio consequi eum posse sumptum quem fecit in funus.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. A certain man was appointed heir to a share of an estate and having been ordered by the Prætor to bury the testator, he sold a slave who had been granted his freedom by the will, and promised the purchaser double damages in case of eviction, and suit having been brought against him on account of this guarantee, he paid the money. The question arose whether he could, in an action for the partition of the estate, recover the amount he lost on account of his agreement to pay double the value of the slave? Let us see, in the first place, whether he should have given security for double the amount? And it seems to me that he should not have done so; for those only are required to give security for double the amount who make sales voluntarily; but where the party who makes the sale is performing a duty, he ought not to be compelled to promise any more than where the one who makes a sale was appointed by the Prætor to execute a judgment; and even then the party is not in such a condition that he can be compelled to do what those who sell at their own will are forced to do; for there is a great deal of difference between him who discharges a duty and him who sells voluntarily. Hence in the first place the party was not obliged to make a stipulation for double the value, but the Prætor should hold that the purchaser has a right of action on the sale against the actual heir, if the property sold should be recovered by reason of a superior title. If, however, the heir made a mistake and furnished the bond, and the slave acquired his freedom, suit may be brought on the stipulation; and if this should be done, it is only just that a prætorian action should be granted against the co-heir, (as the action for the partition of an estate will not lie) so as to prevent him from sustaining the loss. And, indeed, for anyone to be able to bring the action for the partition of an estate, he must not only be an heir, but he must also sue or be sued because of some act which he performed, or failed to perform, after he became an heir; otherwise the action for the partition of an estate will not lie. Hence, if anyone should perform any act with reference to the estate before he knew that he was an heir, there will be no ground for an action in partition, because the party is not held to have acted with the intention of an heir; and therefore where anyone performs an act before the estate has been entered upon, for instance, if he buried the testator, he will not be entitled to an action for partition, but if he did this after the estate was entered upon, we hold, in consequence, that he can recover by an action in partition the expenses which he incurred through the funeral.
Dig. 12,4,5Idem libro secundo disputationum. Si pecuniam ideo acceperis, ut Capuam eas, deinde parato tibi ad proficiscendum condicio temporis vel valetudinis impedimento fuerit, quo minus proficiscereris, an condici possit, videndum: et cum per te non steterit, potest dici repetitionem cessare: sed cum liceat paenitere ei qui dedit, procul dubio repetetur id quod datum est, nisi forte tua intersit non accepisse te ob hanc causam pecuniam. nam si ita se res habeat, ut, licet nondum profectus sis, ita tamen rem composueris, ut necesse habeas proficisci, vel sumptus, qui necessarii fuerunt ad profectionem, iam fecisti, ut manifestum sit te plus forte quam accepisti erogasse, condictio cessabit: sed si minus erogatum sit, condictio locum habebit, ita tamen, ut indemnitas tibi praestetur eius quod expendisti. 1Si servum quis tradiderit alicui ita, ut ab eo intra certum tempus manumitteretur, si paenituerit eum qui tradiderit et super hoc eum certioraverit et fuerit manumissus post paenitentiam, attamen actio propter paenitentiam competit ei qui dedit. plane si non manumiserit, constitutio succedit facitque eum liberum, si nondum paenituerat eum qui in hoc dedit. 2Item si quis dederit Titio decem, ut servum emat et manumittat, deinde paeniteat, si quidem nondum emptus est, paenitentia dabit condictionem, si hoc ei manifestum fecerit, ne si postea emat, damno adficietur: si vero iam sit emptus, paenitentia non facit iniuriam ei qui redemit, sed pro decem quae accepit ipsum servum quem emit restituet aut, si ante decessisse proponatur, nihil praestabit, si modo per eum factum non est. quod si fugit nec culpa eius contigit qui redemit, nihil praestabit: plane repromittere eum oportet, si in potestatem suam pervenerit, restitutum iri. 3Sed si accepit pecuniam ut servum manumittat isque fugerit prius quam manumittatur, videndum, an condici possit quod accepit. et si quidem distracturus erat hunc servum et propter hoc non distraxit, quod acceperat ut manumittat non oportet ei condici: plane cavebit, ut, si in potestatem suam pervenerit servus, restituat id quod accepit eo minus, quo vilior servus factus est propter fugam. plane si adhuc eum manumitti velit is qui dedit, ille vero manumittere nolit propter fugam offensus, totum quod accepit restituere eum oportet. sed si eligat is, qui decem dedit, ipsum servum consequi, necesse est aut ipsum ei dari aut quod dedit restitui. quod si distracturus non erat eum, oportet id quod accepit restitui, nisi forte diligentius eum habiturus esset, si non accepisset ut manumitteret: tunc enim non est aequum eum et servo et toto pretio carere. 4Sed ubi accepit, ut manumitteret, deinde servus decessit, si quidem moram fecit manumissioni, consequens est, ut dicamus refundere eum quod accepit: quod si moram non fecit, sed cum profectus esset ad praesidem vel apud quem manumittere posset, servus in itinere decesserit, verius est, si quidem distracturus erat vel quo ipse usurus, oportere dici nihil eum refundere debere. enimvero si nihil eorum facturus, ipsi adhuc servum obisse: decederet enim et si non accepisset ut manumitteret: nisi forte profectio manumissionis gratia morti causam praebuit, ut vel a latronibus sit interfectus, vel ruina in stabulo oppressus, vel vehiculo obtritus, vel alio quo modo, quo non periret, nisi manumissionis causa proficisceretur.
The Same, Disputations, Book II. Where you receive money on the condition that you will go to Capua, and then at the time when you are prepared to start on your journey, the state of the weather, or your health prevents you from doing so; let us consider whether an action to recover the money can be brought on the ground of your failure to make the journey? Since you were not to blame for not going, it may be stated that an action to recover the money will not lie; but, as the party who paid it has a right to change his mind, there is no doubt that what has been paid can be recovered by an action, unless it would have been to your advantage not to have received the money for that purpose; or if the condition of things is such that, although you have not yet started you have, nevertheless, arranged your affairs so that you are compelled to go, or that you have already incurred the necessary expenses for the journey, so that it is evident, for instance, that you have expended more than you have received, an action for recovery will not lie; but if you have spent less, the action can be brought, provided, however, that you will be indemnified for what you have expended. 1Where one party delivers a slave to another with the understanding that he shall, within a certain time, be manumitted by him, and he who delivered the slave changes his mind and communicates this to the other party; and the slave should be manumitted after his mind has been changed, he who delivered the slave will, nevertheless, be entitled to bring an action because he changed his mind. It is evident, however, that if the other party does not manumit the slave, the constitution becomes operative, and renders the slave free, if the party who delivered him for this purpose has not yet changed his mind. 2Moreover, where anyone gives Titius ten aurei in order that he may purchase a slave with the money and manumit him, and he afterwards changes his mind; if the slave has not yet been purchased, the change of mind will give him a right of action to recover the money, if he makes this plain to Titius, lest he may purchase the slave afterwards and suffer loss. If, however, the slave has already been purchased, the change of mind will not injure the party who purchased him but, instead of the ten aurei which he received, he must surrender the slave that he purchased; or if, in the case proposed, the slave should have previously died he need not pay anything, provided his death was not caused by him. If, however, the slave has fled, and the party who purchased him was not to blame for it, he will not be required to pay anything; but it is clear that he must promise to restore him if he should ever come into his power. 3But if he received money in order to manumit a slave and he runs away before he is manumitted; let us consider whether what he received can be recovered by a personal action? If, indeed, he had been about to sell the said slave, and failed to do so because he had received money to manumit him, suit for recovery cannot be brought against him. But it is evident that he must give security that if the slave comes into his hands, he will return what he received, after deducting any diminished value the slave may have sustained on account of his flight. There is no doubt that if the party who made the payment is still desirous that the slave should be manumitted, but the other does not wish this to be done, because he is offered on account of his having taken to flight, he must return the entire amount that he received. If, however, the party who paid him the ten aurei chooses to have the slave himself delivered to him; the result will be, that either the slave must be delivered to him or the money which he paid be refunded. But if the party had no intention of selling the slave, then what he received must be returned, unless that if he had not received the money to manumit him he would have guarded him with greater care; for, in this instance, it is not just that he should be deprived of the slave and the entire price as well. 4Where, however, he accepted the money for the purpose of manumitting the slave, and the slave died; then, if he was in default with reference to the manumission, it follows that we must hold that he should refund what he received; but if he was not in default, having started on a journey to see the Governor of the province or any other magistrate before whom proceedings for manumission could be instituted, and the slave died on the journey; the better opinion is that, if he had the intention of selling the slave or of making use of him himself for some purpose, it must be held that he is not obliged to refund anything; for if he had no intention of doing these things, he must sustain the loss resulting from the death of the slave, since he would have died even if his owner had not received the money to manumit him, unless that the journey undertaken in order to manumit him happened to be the cause of his death; as, for instance, if he was killed by robbers, or crushed by the fall of a stable or by being run over by a vehicle, or lost his life in some other way, and this would not have occurred if the journey for the purpose of manumitting him had not been undertaken.
Dig. 12,6,29Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Interdum persona locum facit repetitioni, ut puta si pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate vel furiosus vel is cui bonis interdictum est solverit: nam in his personis generaliter repetitioni locum esse non ambigitur. et si quidem exstant nummi, vindicabuntur, consumptis vero condictio locum habebit.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Sometimes the personal condition of the party establishes a ground for recovery; for example, where a ward without the authority of his guardian, or an insane person, or one who has been forbidden the management of his property, makes payment; for, generally speaking, there is no doubt that there is ground for an action under these circumstances; and where any money remains, suit can be brought for its recovery, but if it has been spent there will be ground for a personal action.
Dig. 14,5,6Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Eum, qui se patrem familias simulavit et mandante aliquo stipulatus est, mandati teneri Marcellus scribsit, quamvis rem praestare non possit: et sane verum est teneri eum debere, quia dolo fecit. hoc et in omnibus bonae fidei iudiciis dicendum erit.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Marcellus states that a person who pretends to be the head of a family and enters into a stipulation under the direction of any one, is liable to an action on mandate, even though he cannot make good the amount; and, in fact, it is true that he should be liable, because he has been guilty of fraud. This also can be said with reference to all actions based on good faith.
Dig. 15,1,32Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Si ex duobus vel pluribus heredibus eius, qui manumisso servo vel libero esse iusso vel alienato vel mortuo intra annum conveniri poterat, unus fuerit conventus, omnes heredes liberabuntur, quamvis non in maiorem quantitatem eius peculii, quod penes se habet qui convenitur, condemnetur, idque ita Iulianus scripsit. idemque est et si in alterius rem fuerit versum. sed et si plures sint fructuarii vel bonae fidei possessores, unus conventus ceteros liberat, quamvis non maioris peculii, quam penes se est, condemnari debeat. sed licet hoc iure contingat, tamen aequitas dictat iudicium in eos dari, qui occasione iuris liberantur, ut magis eos perceptio quam intentio liberet: nam qui cum servo contrahit, universum peculium eius quod ubicumque est veluti patrimonium intuetur. 1In hoc autem iudicio licet restauretur praecedens, tamen et augmenti et decessionis rationem haberi oportet, et ideo sive hodie nihil sit in peculio sive accesserit aliquid, praesens status peculii spectandus est. quare circa venditorem quoque et emptorem hoc nobis videtur verius, quod accessit peculio posse nos ab emptore consequi, nec retrorsus velut in uno iudicio ad id tempus conventionem reducere emptoris, quo venditor conventus sit. 2Venditor servi si cum peculio servum vendidit et tradiderit peculium, ne intra annum quidem de peculio convenietur: neque enim hoc pretium servi peculium est, ut Neratius scripsit.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Where one of two or more heirs of a party who could have been sued within a year, has an action brought against him, and the slave has been manumitted, or this has been directed to be done, or he has been sold or died, all the heirs will be released from liability; even though the party who is sued may not have judgment rendered against him for a larger amount than that of the peculium which he has in his hands, and this Julianus also stated. The same rule applies where the property was employed for the benefit of any of the heirs. Where, however, there are several usufructuaries or bona fide possessors, and one is sued, he releases the others, although he should not have judgment rendered against him for a greater amount of the peculium than that which he has in his possession. But although this takes place in accordance with the strict rule of law, still, equity demands that an action should be granted against those who are released by an accident of the law, so that recovery rather than the bringing of the suit should discharge them; for he who makes the contract with the slave has in his mind, as his property, the entire amount of his peculium, wherever it may be. 1But although in this action the former one is restored, still, an account should be taken of both the increase and the decrease; and, therefore, whether at present there is nothing in the peculium or something has accrued to it, the present state of the peculium must be considered. Hence, so far as both the vendor and the purchaser are concerned, this seems to us to be the better opinion, namely: that we can recover from the purchaser what has accrued to the peculium and the claim of the purchaser is not to be regarded as retroactive, to the time when the vendor was sued, and as included in the same legal proceeding. 2If the vendor of the slave sells him along with the peculium, and delivers the peculium, suit cannot be brought against him on the same, even within a year; for, as Neratius has stated, this price of the slave is not peculium.
Dig. 15,1,36Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. In bonae fidei contractibus quaestionis est, an de peculio an in solidum pater vel dominus tenerentur: ut est in actione de dote agitatum, si filio dos data sit, an pater dumtaxat de peculio conveniretur. ego autem arbitror non solum de peculio, sed et si quid praeterea dolo malo patris capta fraudataque est mulier, competere actionem: nam si habeat res nec restituere sit paratus, aequum est eum quanti ea res est condemnari. nam quod in servo, cui res pignori data est, expressum est, hoc et in ceteris bonae fidei iudiciis accipiendum esse Pomponius scripsit. namque si servo res pignori data sit, non solum de peculio et in rem verso competit actio, verum hanc quoque habet adiectionem ‘et si quid dolo malo domini captus fraudatusque actor est’. videtur autem dolo facere dominus, qui, cum haberet restituendi facultatem, non vult restituere.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. It is a question whether, in contracts entered into in good faith, the father or master should be liable merely for the peculium, or for the entire amount; just as had been discussed in the action on dowry, where a dowry is given to a son, whether the father can only be sued for the amount of the peculium? I, however, think that the action can be brought not only for the amount of the peculium, but also to the extent that the woman has been deceived and defrauded by the malicious contrivance of the father; for, if he holds the property and is not ready to surrender it, it is only just that he should have judgment rendered against him for the amount that it is worth; for Pomponius said that what is expressly stated in a case of a slave to whom property has been given in pledge must also be understood to apply to other bona fide actions. For if property has been given in pledge to a slave, the action can be brought not only for the peculium, and for what has been employed in the business of the master, but it has also this additional sentence: “To the extent that the plaintiff has been deceived and defrauded by the malicious contrivance of the master.” The master is held to have acted fraudulently if he is unwilling to make restitution when he has the power to do so.
Dig. 15,3,15Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Si filius familias constituerit quod pater debuit, videndum est, an de in rem verso actio dari debeat. atquin non liberavit patrem: nam qui constituit, se quidem obligat, patrem vero non liberat. plane si solvat post constitutum, licet pro se videatur solvisse, hoc est ob id quod constituit, in rem tamen vertisse patris merito dicetur.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Where a son under paternal control has agreed to pay what his father owed, it should be considered whether the action for the employment of property in the affairs of another ought to be granted. He did not, however, release his father, for he who makes such an agreement binds himself, indeed, but does not discharge his father from liability. It is evident that, if he pays after making the agreement, although he may be held to have done so in his own behalf, that is on account of his having made the agreement, he will, nevertheless, be properly said to have employed the property in the affairs of his father.
Dig. 19,2,26Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. In operis duobus simul locatis convenit priori conductori ante satisfieri.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Where anyone has hired his services to two employers at the same time, he must satisfy the one who has first employed him.
Dig. 19,5,21Idem libro secundo disputationum. Quotiens deficit actio vel exceptio, utilis actio vel exceptio est.
The Same, Disputations, Book II. Wherever an ordinary action or exception will not lie, a prætorian action or exception will be available.
Dig. 21,2,38Idem libro secundo disputationum. In creditore qui pignus vendidit tractari potest, an re evicta vel ad hoc teneatur ex empto, ut quam habet adversus debitorem actionem, eam praestet: habet autem contrariam pigneraticiam actionem. et magis est ut praestet: cui enim non aequum videbitur vel hoc saltem consequi emptorem, quod sine dispendio creditoris futurum est?
The Same, Disputations, Book II. Where a creditor has sold a pledge it may be considered whether, in case of eviction, the vendor can in a suit based on the sale, be compelled to assign the right of action which he has against the debtor. He is, however, entitled to a counter-action on pledge, and the better opinion is that he must make the assignment, for does it not seem more just to him that the purchaser should at least obtain this advantage, which he can do without causing any expense to the creditor?
Dig. 26,1,7Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Si filius familias tutor a praetore datus sit, si quidem pater tutelam agnovit, in solidum debet teneri, si non adgnovit, dumtaxat de peculio. adgnovisse autem videtur, sive gessit sive gerenti filio consensit sive omnino attigit tutelam. unde cum quidam filio scripsisset, ut diligenter tutelam gereret, ‘cum scias’, inquit, ‘periculum ad nos pertinere’, dixi hunc quoque videri adgnovisse: plane si solum monuit filium, non videtur agnita.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. Where a son under paternal control is appointed guardian by the Prætor, and his father assents to the appointment, he should be held liable for the entire amount, but if he does not assent, he will be liable only for the amount of the peculium. He will be considered to have approved of the appointment if he himself transacts the business of the guardianship, or consents that his son shall do so; or if he, in any way whatever, concerns himself with the office. Hence, where a man wrote to his son to administer the guardianship carefully, and said, “For you know that we are responsible”; I held that he should be considered to have approved of the appointment. It is clear that if he only advises his son, he should not be held to have given his approbation.
Dig. 42,1,57Idem libro secundo disputationum. Quidam consulebat, an valeret sententia a minore viginti quinque annis iudice data. et aequissimum est tueri sententiam ab eo dictam, nisi minor decem et octo annis sit. certe si magistratum minor gerit, dicendum est iurisdictionem eius non improbari. et si forte ex consensu iudex minor datus sit scientibus his, qui in eum consentiebant, rectissime dicitur valere sententiam. proinde si minor praetor, si consul ius dixerit sententiamve protulerit, valebit: princeps enim, qui ei magistratum dedit, omnia gerere decrevit.
The Same, Disputations, Book II. Advice was taken whether a decision rendered by a judge, who is under twenty-five years of age, is valid. It is perfectly correct to hold that such a decision is valid, unless he was less than eighteen years of age. If a minor holds the office of a magistrate, it must certainly be said that his jurisdiction ought not to be questioned. If a judge, who is a minor, should be appointed with the consent of the parties, and they know his age, and agree that he shall preside in the case, it is most properly held that his decision will be valid. Hence, if a Prætor or a Consul, who is a minor, expounds the law and gives an opinion, his act will be valid; for the Emperor who appointed him a magistrate by his decree conferred upon him authority to transact all the business of his office.
Dig. 50,17,58Ulpianus libro secundo disputationum. Ex poenalibus causis non solet in patrem de peculio actio dari.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book II. An action De peculia is not usually granted against a father in criminal cases.