Disputationum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 12,6,30Idem libro decimo disputationum. Qui invicem creditor idemque debitor est, in his casibus, in quibus compensatio locum non habet, si solvit, non habet condictionem veluti indebiti soluti, sed sui crediti petitionem.
The Same, Disputations, Book X. Where anyone is both creditor and debtor in a case in which no set-off can be allowed, and he pays the debt; he has no right of action to recover the money because it was paid when it was not due, but he can bring an action for his own debt.
Dig. 50,8,1Ulpianus libro decimo disputationum. Quod ad certam speciem civitatis relinquitur, in alios usus convertere non licet.
Ulpianus, Disputations, Book X. Anything which has been left to a city for a special purpose cannot be converted to other uses.
Dig. 50,17,60Idem libro decimo disputationum. Semper qui non prohibet pro se intervenire, mandare creditur. sed et si quis ratum habuerit quod gestum est, obstringitur mandati actione.
The Same, Disputations, Book X. He is always understood to direct something to be done who does not prevent another from intervening in his behalf. If, however, anyone who did not consent should ratify a transaction, he will be liable to an action on mandate.