De censibus libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 50,15,1Ulpianus libro primo de censibus. Sciendum est esse quasdam colonias iuris Italici, ut est in Syria phoenice splendidissima tyriorum colonia, unde mihi origo est, nobilis regionibus, serie saeculorum antiquissima, armipotens, foederis quod cum Romanis percussit tenacissima: huic enim divus Severus et imperator noster ob egregiam in rem publicam imperiumque Romanum insignem fidem ius Italicum dedit: 1Sed et Berytensis colonia in eadem provincia Augusti beneficiis gratiosa et (ut divus Hadrianus in quadam oratione ait) Augustana colonia, quae ius Italicum habet. 2Est et Heliupolitana, quae a divo Severo per belli civilis occasionem Italicae coloniae rem publicam accepit. 3Est et Laodicena colonia in Syria Coele, cui divus Severus ius Italicum ob belli civilis merita concessit. Ptolemaeensium enim colonia, quae inter Phoenicen et Palaestinam sita est, nihil praeter nomen coloniae habet. 4Sed et Emisenae civitati Phoenices imperator noster ius coloniae dedit iurisque Italici eam fecit. 5Est et Salmyrena civitas in provincia Phoenice prope barbaras gentes et nationes collocata. 6In Palaestina duae fuerunt coloniae, Caesariensis et Aelia Capitolina, sed neutra ius Italicum habet. 7Divus quoque Severus in Sebastenam civitatem coloniam deduxit. 8In Dacia quoque Zernensium colonia a divo Traiano deducta iuris Italici est. 9Zarmizegetusa quoque eiusdem iuris est: item Napocensis colonia et Apulensis et Patavissensium vicus, qui a divo Severo ius coloniae impetravit. 10Est et in Bithynia Apamena et in Ponto Sinopensis. 11Est et in Cilicia Selinus et Traianopolis.
Ulpianus, On Taxes, Book I. It should be remembered that there are certain colonies subject to the Italian Law, as, for example, the magnificent colony of Tyre, in Phoenician Syria (where I was born), the most noble of all, most ancient in point of time, warlike, and most constant in observance of the treaties which it made with the Romans. The Divine Severus and Our Emperor conferred upon it the privileges of an Italian city, on account of the extraordinary and distinguished fidelity which it always manifested in its intercourse with the Roman government. 1The colony of Berytus, in the same Province, through the favor of Augustus, bears the title of an Imperial colony (as the Divine Hadrian stated in a certain Address), and it also is subject to the Italian Law. 2The City of Heliopolis also received the title of an Italian colony from the Divine Severus, on account of services rendered during the Civil War. 3There is also the colony of Laodicea, in Cæle Syria, to which also the Divine Severus granted the Italian Law on account of its services in the Civil War. The colony of Ptolomais, which is situated between Phoenicia and Palestine, has nothing but the name of a colony. 4Our Emperor bestowed upon Emessa, a city of Phoenicia, the title and the rights of an Italian colony. 5The city of Palmyra, situated in the Province of Phoenicia, and adjoining barbarous peoples and nations, enjoys the same right. 6In Palestine there are two colonies, those of Cæsarea and Ælia Capitolina; but neither of these enjoy Italian privileges. 7The Divine Severus also conferred the title of Italian colony upon the city of Sebastena. 8The privileges of an Italian city were also conferred by the Divine Trajan upon the colony of Gyrene. 9The city of Zarmizegethusa, together with the towns of Napo, Apulia, and Padua also enjoy the same privileges bestowed by the Divine Severus. 10In Bithynia is the colony of Apameaa, and in Pontus, that of Sinope. 11The colonies of Seleucia and Trajanopolis are situated in Cilicia.