De appellationibus libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 49,1,8Ulpianus libro quarto de appellationibus. Illud sciendum est eum qui provocavit non debere conviciari ei a quo appellat: ceterum oportebit eum plecti. et ita divi fratres rescripserunt.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book IV. It must be remembered that the party who appeals should not abuse him from whom he appeals, for if he does, he shall be punished. This was stated by the Divine Brothers in a Rescript.
Dig. 49,5,5Ulpianus libro quarto de appellationibus. Ei, cuius appellatio non recipitur, sufficit, si possit dicere appellationem suam non esse receptam: quod quaqua ratione doceat, admittetur eius appellatio. 1Non recepta autem appellatione, si quidem principem appellari oportuit, principi erit supplicandum: sin vero alius appellabatur quam princeps, ille erit adeundus. 2Sed et si quid aliud post receptam appellationem impedimento factum fuerit, eum adire oportet, quem appellare quis debet. 3Plane si appellatione non recepta non ipsum adierit, quem debuit, sed principem, pro eo habebitur, atque si is aditus est, qui adiri debuit: idque rescriptis imperatoris nostri Antonini declaratur. 4Plane si alium pro alio adiit non principem, nihil ei hic error proderit, licet non videatur cessasse. 5Intra constituta autem appellatoria tempora debet is, cuius appellatio non est recepta, vel competentem iudicem vel principem adire.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book IV. It is sufficient for him whose appeal is not received merely to state this fact, and in whatever way he does so, his appeal will be admitted. 1When an appeal is not received, and it becomes necessary to appeal to the Emperor, a petition should be presented to him. If, howr ever, an appeal should be taken to anyone but the Emperor, the former must be applied to. 2Where, after the appeal has been received, any impediment is interposed, he must be applied to before whom the litigant wishes to bring the appeal. 3It is clear that if the appeal should not be received, and the appellant did not apply to the proper official, but to the Emperor, it will be the same as if he had gone before the magistrate whom he should have applied to; and this is stated in different Rescripts of our Emperor Antoninus. 4It is also evident that if a party litigant has appealed to one magistrate instead of another, and not to the Emperor, this mistake will be of no advantage to him, although he will not be considered to have failed to appeal. 5During the time prescribed for taking an appeal, the party whose appeal was not accepted can either apply to a competent judge, or to the Emperor.
Dig. 49,7,1Ulpianus libro quarto de appellationibus. Appellatione interposita, sive ea recepta sit sive non, medio tempore nihil novari oportet: si quidem fuerit recepta appellatio, quia recepta est: si vero non est recepta, ne praeiudicium fiat, quoad deliberetur, utrum recipienda sit appellatio an non sit. 1Recepta autem appellatione tamdiu nihil erit innovandum, quamdiu de appellatione fuerit pronuntiatum. 2Si quis ergo forte relegatus fuit et appellaverit, non arcebitur neque in Italia neque in provincia, qua relegatus est. 3Propter eandem rationem et si quis deportatus fuit ab eo, cui deportandi ius est, vel adnotatus, neque vincula patietur neque ullam aliam iniuriam, quam patitur, qui sententiae non adquieverat: integer enim status esse videtur provocatione interposita. 4Ergo et si abstinere ordine iussus sit et provocaverit, eadem ratione potest coetum participare, cum hoc sit constitutum et sit iuris, ne quid pendente appellatione novetur. 5Si quis ex pluribus facinoribus condemnatus propter quaedam appellavit, propter quaedam non: utrum differenda poena eius sit an non, quaeritur. et si quidem graviora sint crimina, ob quae appellatio interposita est, levius autem id, propter quod non appellavit, recipienda est omnimodo appellatio et differenda poena: si vero graviorem sententiam meruit ex ea specie, ex qua non est appellatum, omnimodo poena inponenda est.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book IV. After an appeal has been interposed, whether it is received or not, nothing must be altered in the meantime, if the appeal is received, for this reason; but if it is not received, in order that nothing may be prejudiced while it is being decided, whether the appeal should be received or not. 1If the appeal is received, no change shall be made until a decision has been rendered with reference to the appeal. 2If anyone should happen to be relegated, and takes an appeal, he will not be restricted to Italy, nor to any single province to which he may have been relegated. 3For the same reason, if anyone has been deported, or notified by a magistrate who has a right to deport him, he shall not be put in chains, nor shall he be subjected to any of the severe treatment which those are liable who do not acquiesce in a decision; for his condition is considered to remain unimpaired after the appeal has been interposed. 4Therefore, if he has been ordered to withdraw from his order, and he appeals, for the same reason he can attend its meetings; as it has been decided, and is a rule of law, that no further steps can be taken while an appeal is pending. 5When anyone is convicted of several crimes, and has appealed on account of some of them, but not on account of others, the question arises whether his punishment should be postponed, or not. If the appeal was taken on account of the more serious crimes, but he did not appeal for those which were less serious, the appeal should by all means be received, and the punishment deferred. Where, however, he deserves a heavier sentence for offences on account of which he did not appeal, the penalty must certainly be imposed.
Dig. 49,9,1Ulpianus libro quarto appellationum. Quaeri solet, an per alium causae appellationis reddi possunt: quae res in rebus pecuniariis et in criminibus agitari consuevit. et in rebus pecuniariis sunt rescripta posse agi. verba rescripti ita se habent: ‘divi fratres longino. si tibi qui appellavit mandavit, ut eum de appellatione, quam Pollia ad eum fecit, defenderes, et res pecuniaria est: nihil prohibet nomine eius te respondere. sin autem non sit pecuniaria causa, sed capitalis, per procuratorem agi non licet. sed et si ea causa sit, ex qua sequi solet poena usque ad relegationem, non oportet per alium causas agi, sed ipsum adesse auditorio debere sciendum est’. plane si pecuniaria causa est, ex qua ignominia sequitur, potest et per procuratorem hoc agi. idque erit probandum et in ipso accusatore, si appellaverit vel si adversus eum sit appellatum. et generaliter quae causa per alium agi non potest, eius nec appellationem per alium agi oportet.
Ulpianus, Appeals, Book IV. It is frequently asked whether the reasons for an appeal can be stated by another person, and this point is usually discussed in pecuniary and criminal cases. It is established by Rescripts that this can be done in pecuniary cases. The terms of one Rescript are as follows: “The Divine Brothers, to Longinus. If he who appealed directed you to defend him against the appeal which Pollia took against him, and the case is a pecuniary one, there is nothing to prevent you from answering in his name. If, however, the case is not a pecuniary one, but one involving the punishment of death, it is not permitted to proceed by an attorney. But if it is one in which a penalty as serious as relegation can be enforced, it is not necessary to act by another, but it should be noted that the party himself must appear in court.” It is clear that if the case is a pecuniary one, from which infamy may result, it can be conducted by means of an attorney. This opinion should be adopted, not only if the accuser should appeal, but also with reference to him against whom the appeal was taken; and, generally speaking, an appeal cannot be taken by another in any case where one person cannot appear by another.
Dig. 49,11,1Ulpianus libro quarto de appellationibus. Eum, qui appellavit, oportere in provincia defendi in aliis suis causis, etiamsi appellationis causa peregrinetur, divi fratres Decimo Philoni rescripserunt.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book IV. He who appeals must be defended in his own province, in all other cases of his own, even though he may be absent for the purpose of conducting his appeal. This the Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript addressed to Decimus Philo.
Dig. 49,12,1Ulpianus libro quarto de appellationibus. Si quis ex alia causa appellaverit a iudice, an in alia causa eundem iudicem habere necesse habeat, videamus. et hodie hoc iure utimur, et, tametsi appellatio interposita sit, tamen apud eundem iudicem, a quo quis provocavit, compelletur alias causas si quas habet agere: nec utetur hoc praetextu, quasi ad offensum iudicem non debeat experiri, cum possit denuo provocare.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book IV. When anyone has appealed from a judge in one case, and is compelled to have the same judge preside in another, let us see what course must be pursued. It is the law, at present, that even though an appeal has been taken, the party will still be required to appear before the same judge from whom he has appealed, and conduct other cases if he has any; nor can he avail himself of the pretext that he should not try them before a judge who may be hostile to him, as he can appeal again.