De appellationibus libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 49,1,6Ulpianus libro secundo de appellationibus. Non tantum ei, qui ad supplicium ducitur, provocare permittitur, verum alii quoque nomine eius, non tantum si ille mandaverit, verum quisquis alius provocare voluerit. neque distinguitur, utrum necessarius eius sit nec ne: credo enim humanitatis ratione omnem provocantem audiri debere. ergo et si ipse adquiescit sententiae: nec quaerimus, cuius intersit. quid ergo, si resistat qui damnatus est adversus provocationem, nec velit admitti eius appellationem perire festinans? adhuc putem differendum supplicium.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book II. Not only is he who is brought to punishment permitted to appeal, but also others in his name; and not only when he himself directs this to be done, but where anyone else desires to appeal he can do so, nor does it make any difference whether he is nearly related to the defendant or not; for I think that on the ground of humanity every persons who appeals should be heard. Therefore, if the defendant himself acquiesces in the decision, we do not ask whether anyone else has an interest in the matter. But what should be done if the convicted person, hastening to lose his life, opposes the appeal, and does not wish it to be entertained? I still think that his punishment should be postponed.