De appellationibus libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 48,19,13Ulpianus libro primo de appellationibus. Hodie licet ei, qui extra ordinem de crimine cognoscit, quam vult sententiam ferre, vel graviorem vel leviorem, ita tamen ut in utroque moderationem non excedat.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book I. It is lawful, at present, when anyone has extraordinary jurisdiction of a crime, to inflict any sentence which he may desire, either a more severe or a lighter one; provided that, in neither instance, he exceeds the bounds of reason.
Dig. 49,1,1Ulpianus libro primo de appellationibus. Appellandi usus quam sit frequens quamque necessarius, nemo est qui nesciat, quippe cum iniquitatem iudicantium vel imperitiam recorrigat: licet nonnumquam bene latas sententias in peius reformet, neque enim utique melius pronuntiat qui novissimus sententiam laturus est. 1Quaesitum est, an adversus rescriptum principis provocari possit, forte si praeses provinciae vel quis alius consuluerit et ad consultationem eius fuerit rescriptum: est enim quaesitum, an appellandi ius supersit. quid enim, si in consulendo mentitus est? de qua re extat rescriptum divi Pii πρὸς τὸ κοινὸν τῶν Θρᾳκῶν, quo ostenditur provocari oportere. verba rescripti ita se habent: ‘Ἐὰν ἐπιστείλῃ τις ἡμῖν ἃ διὰ καὶ ἀντιγράφωμεν ἡμεῖς ὁτιοῦν, ὑπάρξει τοῖσ βουλομένοις έπικαλεῖσθαι πρὸς τὴν ἀπόφασιν. εἰ γὰρ διδάξειν ἢ ψευδῶς ἢ οὐχ οὕτως ἔχειν τὰ ἐπεσταλμένα, οὐδὲν ὑφ’ ἡμῶν εἶναι δόξῃ προδιεγνωσμένον, τῶν ὡς ἑτέρως ἔχουσιν τοῖσ γραφεῖσιν ἀντεπεσταλκότων’. 2Huic consequenter videtur rescriptum a consultatione iudicis non esse appellandum, si quis forte interlocutus fuit principem se consultaturum, cum possit post rescriptum provocare. 3Si quis in appellatione erraverit, ut puta cum alium appellare deberet, alium appellaverit, videndum, an error ei nihil offuit. et si quidem, cum maiorem iudicem appellare deberet, ita erravit, ut minorem appellet, error ei nocebit: si vero maiorem iudicem provocavit, error ei nihil oberit. et ita multis constitutionibus continetur. denique cum quidam iudicem ex rescripto principis a consulibus accepisset et praefectum urbi appellasset, errori eius subventum est rescripto divorum fratrum, cuius verba haec sunt: ‘Cum per errorem factum dicas, uti a iudice, quem ex rescripto nostro ab amplissimis consulibus acceperas, ad Iunium Rusticum amicum nostrum praefectum urbi provocares, consules amplissimi perinde cognoscant, atque si ad ipsos facta esset provocatio’. si quis ergo vel parem vel maiorem iudicem appellaverit, alium tamen pro alio, in ea causa est, ut error ei non noceat: sed si minorem, nocebit. 4Libelli qui dantur appellatorii ita sunt concipiendi, ut habeant scriptum et a quo dati sint, hoc est qui appellet, et adversus quem et a qua sententia.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book I. There is no one who is not aware how frequently appeals are employed, and how necessary they are to correct the injustice or the ignorance of judges; although sometimes sentences which have been properly imposed are changed for the worse, as he who renders the last judgment does not, for this reason, render a better one. 1The question arose whether an appeal could be taken from a Rescript of the Emperor, when the Governor of a province, or anyone else, asked his advice, and the Rescript was issued by way of answer. It was also asked whether the right of appeal remained. What should be done if the Governor, when asking advice, had made a false statement? There is a Rescript of the Divine Pius on this point, addressed to the Community of the Thracians, by which it is shown that the right to appeal continues to exist. The words of the Rescript are as follows: “If anyone should write to us and we should state anything to him in a Rescript by way of reply, he will be permitted to appeal from our decision. For if it should be shown that what had been written to us was either untrue, or was misrepresented, no decision will be considered to have been rendered by us; and any statement made to us will be considered as not having been made before the answer deciding against it was written.” 2In consequence of this, it is held to have been decided that an appeal should not be taken after the consultation of the judge, if he happens to have rendered an interlocutory decree setting forth that he will consult the Emperor, since the party can take an appeal after the Rescript has been issued. 3When anyone makes a mistake in an appeal, for instance, when he should appeal to one judge, and he appeals to another, let us see whether his mistake will prejudice him. And, indeed, if he ought to appeal to a superior judge, and errs by appealing to one of inferior jurisdiction, the mistake will prejudice him. If, however, he appeals to a superior judge, his mistake will not be to his disadvantage, and this rule is contained in several constitutions. Hence when anyone has accepted a judge appointed by the Consuls under a Rescript of the Emperor, and afterwards appeals to the Prefect of the City, relief is given him for his mistake, under a Rescript of the Divine Brothers, the words of which are as follows: “As you say that, through mistake, you have appealed from the judge, whom you accepted under the terms of our Rescript from the eminent Consuls, to our friend, Julius Rusticus, the Prefect of the City, the said eminent Consuls shall take cognizance of the case, just as if the appeal had been made to them.” If, then, anyone should appeal to a judge of equal or superior jurisdiction, or to one instead of another, his mistake will not prejudice him; but if he appeals to a judge of inferior jurisdiction, it will prejudice him. 4The document presented by the appellants ought to be drawn up in such a way as to contain the names of the parties by whom it has been filed; that is to say, the names of those who appeal, and state against whom they appeal, and from what decision.
Dig. 49,1,3Ulpianus libro primo de appellationibus. Scio quaesitum, si quis non addiderit in libellis, contra quem adversarium appellet, an praescriptioni subiciatur: et puto nihil oportere praescribi. 1Sed illud cecidit in quaestionem, si plures habuerit adversarios et quorundam nomina libellis sint complexa, quorundam non, an aeque praescribi ei possit ab his, quorum nomina comprehensa non sunt, quasi adversus ipsos adquieverit sententiae. et cum una causa sit, arbitror non esse praescribendum. 2Certe si plures hi sunt, adversus quos pronuntiatur, et quorundam nomina in libellis sint comprehensa, quorundam non, hi soli appellasse videbuntur, quorum nomina libellis sunt comprehensa. 3Quid ergo, si causam appellandi certam dixerit, an liceat ei discedere ab hac et aliam causam allegare? an vero quasi forma quadam obstrictus sit? puto tamen, cum semel provocaverit, esse ei facultatem in agendo etiam aliam causam provocationis reddere persequique provocationem suam quibuscumque modis potuerit.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book I. When anyone does not mention in his petition against what adversary he appealed, I am aware that it has been asked whether he can be barred by an exception. I do not think that he can be barred in this manner. 1Where the appellant had several adversaries, and the names of some of them were included in his appeal, and those of others were not, the question arose whether he could be barred by an exception on the ground that, as their names were not included, he had, as it were, acquiesced in the decision, so far as they were concerned. As the cause of all is the same, I think that he should not be barred by an exception. 2It is clear that if there are several persons who have been convicted, and the names of some of them are included in the appeal, and those of the others are not, they only will be considered to have appealed whose names are mentioned in the petition. 3But what if a certain ground of appeal is mentioned? Can the appellant abandon it, and state another V Or, indeed, will he be bound, as by a certain formula? I think that when a party has once appealed, he should be permitted to give even another cause for doing so, and to prosecute it in every way that he can.
Dig. 49,2,1Ulpianus libro primo de appellationibus. Tractandum est, a quibus appellare non liceat. 1Et quidem stultum est illud admonere a principe appellare fas non esse, cum ipse sit qui provocatur. 2Sciendum est appellari a senatu non posse principem, idque oratione divi Hadriani effectum. 3Si quis ante sententiam professus fuerit se a iudice non provocaturum, indubitate provocandi auxilium perdidit. 4Interdum imperator ita solet iudicem dare, ne liceret ab eo provocare, ut scio saepissime a divo Marco iudices datos. an et alius possit ita iudicem dare, videbimus: et puto non posse.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book I. Inquiry should be made from whom it is not lawful to appeal. 1And, indeed, it would be foolish to warn anyone that it is not lawful to appeal from the Emperor, since he himself is the one to whom the appeal is made. 2It should be remembered that an appeal cannot be taken from the Senate to the Emperor; and this was established by an address of the Divine Hadrian. 3If anyone, before judgment has been rendered, should assert that he will not appeal from the decision of the judge, he unquestionably loses the benefit of the appeal. 4Sometimes the Emperor appoints a judge with the understanding that an appeal cannot be taken from his decision; for I know that judges have very frequently been appointed in this manner by the Divine Marcus. Let us see whether anyone else can appoint a judge in this way. I do not think that he can do so.
Dig. 49,3,1Ulpianus libro primo de appellationibus. Quod dicitur eum appellari, qui dedit iudicem, sic accipiendum est, ut et successor eius possit appellari. proinde et si praefectus urbi iudicem dederit vel praetorio, ipse erit provocandus, qui eum dederit iudicem. 1Ab eo, cui quis mandavit iurisdictionem, non ipse provocabitur: nam generaliter is erit provocandus ab eo cui mandata est iurisdictio, qui provocaretur ab eo qui mandavit iurisdictionem.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book I. When it is said that an appeal is taken from the judge who rendered the decision, this must be understood to mean that one can also be taken from his successor. Hence, where the Prefect of the City, or the Prætorian Prefect, renders a decision, an appeal should be taken from him who rendered it. 1An appeal is not taken to a person who has delegated his authority; for, generally speaking, it ought to be taken from him to whom the authority was delegated to him to whom the appeals would be taken from the official who delegated the authority.
Dig. 49,4,1Ulpianus libro primo de appellationibus. Si quidem in insulam deportandum adnotaverit praeses provinciae et imperatori scripserit, ut deportetur, videamus, quando sit provocandum, utrum cum imperator scripserit an cum ei scribitur? et putem tunc esse appellandum, cum recipi eum praeses iubet sententia prolata imperatori scribendum, ut deportetur. ceterum verendum est, ne sero sit, ut tunc provocetur, cum imperator insulam ei adsignaverit: comprobata enim sententia praesidis tunc solet insulam adsignare. rursus illud verendum est, si mendaciis apud principem oneravit eum, quem deportandum laborabat, intercludi illi viam provocandi. quid ergo est? recte dicetur humanitate suggerente, ut et hoc et illo tempore non frustra provocaretur, quia non adversus principem, sed adversus iudicis calliditatem provocavit. simili modo et in decurione erit probandum, quem punire sibi praeses permittere non debet, sed recipere eum in carcerem et principi scribere de poena eius. 1Si quis tutor datus fuerit vel testamento vel a quo alio, qui ius dandi habet, non oportet eum provocare (hoc enim divus Marcus effecit), sed intra tempora praestituta excusationem allegandam habet et, si fuerit repulsa, tunc demum appellare debebit: ceterum ante frustra appellatur. 2Alia causa est eorum, qui ad aliquod munus vel honorem vocantur, cum dicant se habere excusationem: nam non aliter allegare possunt causas immunitatis suae, quam si appellationem interposuerint. 3Solent plerumque praesides remittere ad ordinem nominatum ut Gaium Seium creent magistratum vel alius quis honor vel munus in eum conferatur. utrum igitur tunc appellandum est, cum ordo decretum interposuerit, an vero a remissione, quam praeses fecerit, appellatio sit interponenda? et magis est, ut tunc sit appellandum, cum ordo decreverit: magis enim consilium dedisse praeses videtur, quis sit creandus, quam ipse constituisse: denique ipse erit appellandus, non ab eo provocandum. 4Sed et si praeses in ordine fuerit (ut fieri adsolet), cum ab ordine crearetur quis, ipse erit provocandus, quasi ab ordine, non ab ipso fiat appellatio. 5Biduum vel triduum appellationis ex die sententiae latae computandum erit. quid ergo, si sententia fuerit sub condicione dicta? utrum ex die sententiae tempus computamus ad appellandum an vero ex die, quo condicio sententiae extitit? sane quidem non est sub condicione sententia dicenda: sed si fuerit dicta, quid fiet? et est utile statim tempora ad appellandum computari debere. 6Quod in sententiis praeceptum est, ut vel altera die vel tertia provocetur, hoc etiam in ceteris observandum, ex quibus sententia quidem non profertur, appellari tamen oportere et posse supra relatum est. 7Dies autem istos, quibus appellandum est, ad aliquid utiles esse oratio divi Marci voluit, si forte eius, a quo provocatur, copia non fuerit, ut ei libelli dentur: ait enim: ‘is dies servabitur, quo primo adeundi facultas erit’. quare si forte post sententiam statim dictam copiam sui non fecerit is qui pronuntiavit (ut fieri adsolet), dicendum est nihil nocere appellatori: nam ubi primum copiam eius habuerit, poterit provocare. ergo si statim se subduxit, similiter subveniendum est. 8Quid igitur, si condicio horae effecit, ut se reciperet? si forte dicta sit sententia iam suprema hora? utique non videbitur se subtraxisse. 9Adeundi autem facultatem semper accipimus, si in publico sui copiam fecit: ceterum si non fecit, an imputetur alicui, quod ad domum eius non venerit quodque in hortos non accesserit, et ulterius quod ad villam suburbanam? magisque est, ut non debeat imputari. quare si in publico eius adeundi facultas non fuit, melius dicetur facultatem non fuisse adeundi. 10Si quis ipsius quidem, a quo appellabit, adeundi facultatem non habuit, eius autem, quem appellabit, habeat copiam: videndum est, an ei praescribi possit, quod eum non adierit. et hoc iure utimur, ut, si alterutrius adeundi fuit copia, praescriptio locum habeat. 11In propria causa biduum accipitur. propriam causam ab aliena quemadmodum discernimus? et palam est eam esse propriam causam, cuius emolumentum vel damnum ad aliquem suo nomine pertinet. 12Quare procurator, nisi in suam rem datus est, tertium diem habebit: in suam autem rem datus magis est ut alteram diem observet. at si in partem proprio nomine, in partem pro alieno litigat, ambigi potest, utrum biduum an triduum observetur. et magis est, ut suo nomine biduum, alieno triduum observetur. 13Tutores, item defensores rerum publicarum et curatores adulescentium vel furiosi, tertium diem habere debent, idcirco quia alieno nomine appellant. ex hoc apparet tertio die provocandum defensori, si modo quasi defensor causam egit, non suo nomine, cum optentu alieni nominis suam causam agens tertio die appellare possit. 14Si quis suspectum tutorem faciens non optinuerit, appellare eum intra triduum debere Iulianus libro quadragensimo digestorum scripsit, profecto quasi pupilli defensorem. 15Si adversus absentem fuerit pronuntiatum, biduum vel triduum ex quo quis scit computandum est, non ex quo pronuntiatum est. quod autem dicitur absentem posse provocare ex quo scit, sic accipimus, si non in causa per procuratorem defensus est: nam si ille non provocavit, difficile est, ut hic audiatur.
Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book I. When the Governor of a province notifies someone that he shall be deported to an island, and writes to the Emperor in order that he may be deported, let us see when an appeal should be taken, whether at the time the Governor wrote to the Emperor, or when the latter wrote to him. I think that the appeal should be taken when the Governor orders the defendant to be taken into custody, and after he has rendered his decision that the Emperor shall be written to, in order that the defendant may be deported. It is, however, to be feared that it will be too late to appeal after the Emperor has assigned him an island, for the decision of the Governor having been confirmed, it is then customary to assign an island as the place of deportation. Again, it should be apprehended that if the Governor made false statements to the Emperor concerning the person whom he was attempting to have deported, the way of appeal will be closed to him. What then should be done? It can properly be decided in compliance with the suggestions of humanity that, in either case, an appeal will not be taken in vain, because the defendant does not appeal from the Emperor, but against the duplicity of the judge. This rule should also be adopted in the case of a decurion, whom the Governor ought not to permit himself to punish, but should confine in prison, and write to the Emperor with reference to his punishment. 1When anyone is appointed a guardian, either by will or by someone who has the right of appointment, it will not be necessary for him to appeal (as this rule was established by the Divine Marcus), but he should offer his excuse within the prescribed time; and if it is rejected, he then should appeal, otherwise he will do so in vain. 2The case is different with those who are called to some office of honor when they allege that they have an excuse; for they cannot allege their reasons for immunity unless they interpose an appeal. 3Governors usually are accustomed to send the name of a man to the order to which he belongs, asking it to elect Gaius Seius magistrate, or to confer upon him some other honor or office. Therefore, should an appeal be taken after the order has rendered its decision, or must it be taken on the submission of the name by the Governor? The better opinion is, that the appeal should be taken at the time when the order renders its decision; for the Governor appears rather to have given advice that someone should be appointed than to have, himself, made the nomination. Finally, the appeal should be taken to him, and not from him. 4But when the Governor himself is a member of the order (as sometimes happens), at the time when the person was appointed by it, an appeal can be taken to the Governor, as from the order, and not from the Governor himself. 5Ad Dig. 49,4,1,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 103, Note 12.The term of two or three days should be computed from the time when the decision was rendered, for the purpose of taking an appeal. What, however, must be done if the decision was rendered under a condition? Should we compute the time for taking the appeal from the day of the decision, or from the day on which the condition of the decision was complied with? It is clear that the decision ought not to be rendered under a condition, but if this is done, what course must be pursued? It is proper that the time for appeal should immediately begin to be computed. 6Ad Dig. 49,4,1,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 103, Note 12.What has been ordered with reference to decisions, namely, that an appeal should be taken upon the second or third day, should also be observed in other cases in which a decision has, indeed, not been rendered, but where, as was stated above, a party can appeal. 7An Address of the Divine Marcus prescribes that the days upon which a party can appeal should, to a certain extent, be available ones, if the person from whom the appeal is taken should not be present, so that the petition can be presented to him; for the Rescript says: “That day shall be observed upon which he shall first be able to appear.” Therefore, if after the appeal, the judge who rendered the decision should not be present, as he is accustomed to be, it must be said that the appellant is in nowise prejudiced; for he can appeal the first time that he has access to the judge. Hence, if the judge should conceal himself, the litigant should be entitled to the same relief. 8But what if the lateness of the hour caused him to retire, the judgment having been pronounced during the latter part of the day? In this instance, the judge will not appear to have withdrawn. 9We understand the opportunity of access to be when the judge appears in public. If, however, he has not done so, will the party be to blame for not having gone to his house; or not to have approached him in his garden; or even at any house in the country? The better opinion is that he should not be liable to censure. Therefore, if he did not have access to him in public, it will be better to hold that he did not have access to him at all. 10When, indeed, anyone has no opportunity to obtain access to the magistrate from whom he appeals, but has access to the appellee, let us see whether an exception can be pleaded against him, because he did not apply to the latter. The rule at present is, that if he had the opportunity to apply to either of them, there will be ground for an exception. 11The term of two days is understood to have reference to one’s own case. But how shall we distinguish one’s own case from that of another? It is clear that one’s own case is that whose profit or loss affects a litigant personally. 12Ad Dig. 49,4,1,12Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 103, Note 12.Therefore an attorney, unless he is acting in his own behalf, will be entitled to the term of three days. When he is appointed to conduct his own case, the better opinion is that he will only be entitled to two days. But if he is acting partly in his own name, and partly in that of another, it may be doubted whether he will be entitled to two or three days. The better opinion is that he will be entitled to two days, when he acts in his own name, and to three, when he acts in the name of another. 13Guardians, as well as the defenders of public matters, and the curators of minors or insane persons, should have three days, for the reason that they appeal in the name of others. From this it appears that a defender can appeal upon a third day, provided he is conducting the case as a defender, and not in his own name; for as he is conducting it in behalf of another, he can appeal on the third day. 14Where anyone who has accused a guardian of being suspicious loses his case, Julianus, in the Fortieth Book of the Digest, states that he can appeal within three days, just as the defender of a minor. 15Where judgment has been rendered against an absent person, the term of two or three days must be computed from the date when he learned of the judgment, and not from the day on which it was rendered. When, however, it is said that an absent party can appeal from the day on which he learns of the judgment, this must be understood to mean if he was not defended in the case by an attorney; for if the latter did not appeal, it will be difficult for the former to obtain a hearing.