De adulteriis libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 40,9,12Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Prospexit legis lator, ne mancipia per manumissionem quaestioni subducantur, idcircoque prohibuit ea manumitti certumque diem praestituit, intra quem manumittere non liceat. 1Ipsa igitur quae divertit omnes omnimodo servos suos manumittere vel alienare prohibetur, quia ita verba faciunt, ut ne eum quidem servum, qui extra ministerium eius mulieris fuit vel in agro vel in provincia, possit manumittere vel alienare: quod quidem perquam durum est, sed ita lex scripta est. 2Sed et si post divortium servum mulier paravit aut alia ratione adquisiit, aeque, quod ad verba attinet, manumittere non poterit: et ita Sextus quoque Caecilius adnotat. 3Pater vero in cuius potestate filia fuerit, ea tantum mancipia prohibetur manumittere alienareve, quae in usu filiae fuerunt tributa. 4Matrem quoque prohibuit manumittere alienareve ea mancipia, quae in ministerium filiae concesserat. 5Sed et avum et aviam prohibuit manumittere, cum horum quoque mancipia quaestione postulari posse lex voluerit. 6Sextus Caecilius recte ait angustissimum tempus legem praestitisse alienandis manumittendisve servis. finge, inquit, ream adulterii intra sexagesimum diem postulatam: quae cognitio tam facile expediri potuit adulterii, ut intra sexagesimum diem finiatur? et tamen licere mulieri quamvis postulatae adulterii servum suspectum in adulterio vel quaestioni necessarium, quod ad verba legis attinet, manumittere. sane in hunc casum subveniendum est, ut destinati servi quasi conscii vel quasi nocentes non debeant manumitti ante finitam cognitionem. 7Pater mulieris vel mater, si intra sexagesimum diem decedant, ex his servis, quos in ministerium filiae dederint, neque manumittere neque alienare poterunt.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book V. The legislator had in view that slaves should not by manumission be released from liability to torture; and therefore he forbade them to be manumitted, and prescribed a certain term within which it would not be lawful to set them free. 1Therefore, a woman who is separated from her husband is forbidden, under any circumstances, to manumit or alienate any of her slaves, because in the words of the law, “She cannot either manumit or alienate a slave who was not employed in her personal service, or on her land, or in the province,” which is, to a certain extent, a hardship, but it is the law. 2And even if the woman, after a divorce, purchases a slave, or obtains one in any way, she cannot manumit him under the provisions of the law. Sextus Cæcilius also mentions this. 3A father, however, whose daughter is under his control, is only forbidden to manumit or alienate such slaves as have been given to his daughter for her personal service. 4The law also prohibits a mother from manumitting or alienating any slaves which she has given for the service of her daughter. 5It also forbids a grandfather and grandmother fo manumit their slaves, as the intention of the law is that they also may be subjected to torture. 6Sextus Cæcilius very properly holds that the time prescribed by the law for alienating or manumitting slaves is too short. For he says, suppose a woman has been accused of adultery within the sixty days; how can the trial for adultery readily take place, so as to be concluded within the said sixty days? Still, according to the terms of the law the woman, even though she has been accused of adultery, is permitted, after this time, to manumit the slave who is suspected of having committed adultery with her, or another slave who should be put to torture. And, indeed, relief should be granted in this instance, so that slaves wlio are indicated as guilty, or who have knowledge of the crime, may not be manumitted before the trial is ended. 7If the father or mother of the woman should die within the sixty days, they can neither manumit nor alienate any of the slaves whom they have given to the daughter for her personal service.
Dig. 40,9,14Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Sed si maritus intra sexagesimum diem decesserit, an manumittere vel alienare iam possit supra scriptas personas, videamus. et non puto posse, quamvis accusatore mulier deficiatur marito, cum pater accusare possit. 1Et simpliciter quidem lex mulierem prohibuit intra sexagesimum diem divortii manumittere: 2Sive autem divertit sive repudio dimissa sit, manumissio impedietur. 3Sed si morte mariti solutum sit matrimonium vel aliqua poena eius, manumissio non impedietur. 4Sed et si bona gratia finierit matrimonium, dicetur manumissionem vel alienationem non impediri. 5Sed et si constante matrimonio mulier, dum divortium cogitat, manumittat vel alienet et hoc dilucidis probationibus fuerit adprobatum: quasi in fraudem legis hoc factum sit, non debet alienatio valere vel manumissio. 6Alienationem omnem omnino accipere debemus.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book IV. If a husband should die within the sixty days, let us see whether the woman can manumit or alienate the slaves above referred to. I do not think that she can do so, although she may have no other accuser than her husband, as the father of the latter can accuse her. 1The law simply prohibits a woman from manumitting her slaves within sixty days after the divorce. 2Manumission is also prohibited whether she is divorced or repudiated. 3If the marriage is dissolved by the death of the husband, or on account of any penalty to which he has rendered himself liable, manumission will not be prevented. 4Even if the marriage is terminated by agreement, it is held that manumission or alienation is not prevented. 5When the woman, during the existence of the marriage but while she is contemplating divorce, manumits or alienates a slave, and this is established by conclusive evidence, the alienation or manumission will not be valid, as having been done to evade the law. 6We must understand every kind of alienation to be meant.
Dig. 48,5,10Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Et si amici quis domum praebuisset, tenetur. 1Sed et si quis in agro balneove stuprum fieri praebuisset, comprehendi debet. 2Sed et si in domum aliquam soliti fuerint convenire ad tractandum de adulterio, etsi eo loci nihil fuerit admissum, verum tamen videtur is domum suam, ut stuprum adulteriumve committeretur, praebuisse, quia sine colloquio illo adulterium non committeretur.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book IV. Anyone who lends the house of a friend is also liable. 1Where anyone encourages the commission of debauchery in a field, or in a bath, he should be included in the law. 2When, however, persons are accustomed to assemble in some house for the purpose of making arrangements to commit adultery, even if it was not committed in that place, still, the owner is considered to have lent his house for the commission of debauchery or adultery, because these offences would not have been perpetrated if these meetings had not taken place.
Dig. 48,5,30Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Mariti lenocinium lex coercuit, qui deprehensam uxorem in adulterio retinuit adulterumque dimisit: debuit enim uxori quoque irasci, quae matrimonium eius violavit. tunc autem puniendus est maritus, cum excusare ignorantiam suam non potest vel adumbrare patientiam praetextu incredibilitatis: idcirco enim lex ita locuta est ‘adulterum in domo deprehensum dimiserit’, quod voluerit in ipsa turpitudine prehendentem maritum coercere. 1Quod ait lex, adulterii damnatum si quis duxerit uxorem, ea lege teneri, an et ad stuprum referatur, videamus: quod magis est. certe si ob aliam causam ea lege sit condemnata, impune uxor ducetur. 2Plectitur et qui pretium pro comperto stupro acceperit: nec interest, utrum maritus sit qui acceperit an alius quilibet: quicumque enim ob conscientiam stupri accepit aliquid, poena erit plectendus. ceterum si gratis quis remisit, ad legem non pertinet. 3Qui quaestum ex adulterio uxoris suae fecerit, plectitur: nec enim mediocriter deliquit, qui lenocinium in uxore exercuit. 4Quaestum autem ex adulterio uxoris facere videtur, qui quid accepit, ut adulteretur uxor: sive enim saepius sive semel accepit, non est eximendus: quaestum enim de adulterio uxoris facere proprie ille existimandus est, qui aliquid accepit, ut uxorem pateretur adulterari meretricio quodam genere. quod si patiatur uxorem delinquere non ob quaestum, sed neglegentiam vel culpam vel quandam patientiam vel nimiam credulitatem, extra legem positus videtur. 5Sex mensuum haec fit separatio, ut in nupta quidem ex die divortii sex menses computentur, in vidua vero ex die commissi criminis: quod significari videtur rescripto ad Tertullum et Maximum consules. praeterea si ex die divortii sexaginta dies sint, ex die vero commissi criminis quinquennium praeteriit, debuit dici nec mulierem posse accusari, ut, quod dantur sex menses utiles, sic sit accipiendum, ne crimen quinquennio continuo sopitum excitetur. 6Hoc quinquennium observari legislator voluit, si reo vel reae stuprum adulterium vel lenocinium obiciatur. quid ergo, si aliud crimen sit quod obiciatur, quod ex lege Iulia descendit, ut sunt qui domum suam stupri causa praebuerunt et alii similes? et melius est dicere omnibus admissis ex lege Iulia venientibus quinquennium esse praestitutum. 7Quinquennium autem ex eo die accipiendum est, ex quo quid admissum est, et ad eum diem, quo quis postulatus postulatave est, et non ad eum diem, quo iudicium de adulteriis exercetur. 8Hoc amplius senatus consulto adiectum est, ut, si plures eundem postulaverint, eius, qui perseveraverit reum reamve facere, postulationis dies prima exigatur, scilicet ut qui accusat suos libellos accusatorios exspectet, non alienos. 9Eum autem, qui per vim stuprum intulit vel mari vel feminae, sine praefinitione huius temporis accusari posse dubium non est, cum eum publicam vim committere nulla dubitatio est.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book IV. The law punishes the pandering of a husband who retains his wife, after she has been surprised in adultery, and permits the adulterer to depart. For the husband should be angry against his wife who has violated her marriage vow, and he ought also to be punished when he cannot excuse his ignorance, or conceal his indifference under the pretext that his information is incredible. Therefore, the law says he “shall permit the adulterer surprised in his house to depart,” because it wishes to punish the husband who caught her in such an infamous act. 1When the law says that anyone who marries a woman who has been convicted of adultery shall be legally liable, let us see whether this refers to fornication? The better opinion is that it does, for if the woman was condemned for any other reason under that law she could be married with impunity. 2He also is punished who accepts money on account of the fornication which he detected, and it does not make any difference whether the husband himself or someone else receives it, for he who accepts compensation for concealing his knowledge of fornication should be punished. The law, however, does not apply to him who keeps the secret gratuitously. 3Anyone who has pecuniarily profited by the adultery of his wife shall be punished; for he who acts as his wife’s pander does not commit a trivial offence. 4A man who receives anything in consideration of the adultery of his wife is held to have received it in order that she might commit adultery; and whether he has obtained it frequently or only once, he ought not to be exempt from punishment. He is correctly said to have profited by the adultery of his wife, who accepts something in order that she may be permitted to be debauched, as prostitutes are. Where, however, he permits his wife to commit the offence, not on account of gain, but through negligence, his own fault, or a certain degree of indifference, or excessive credulity, he is considered to have been placed outside the law. 5The division of the six months is made as follows: in the case of a married woman, the time is computed from the day of the divorce; in the case of a widow, from the day when the offence was committed. This seems to be indicated by a rescript addressed to the Consuls Tertyllus and Maximus. Moreover, if sixty days have elapsed since the divorce, and the term of five years has passed since the day when the crime was perpetrated, it must be said that the woman cannot be accused; so that when six available months are granted, this should be understood to mean that the accusation, having been extinguished by the uninterrupted period of five years, cannot be renewed. 6The legislator intended that this term of five years should be observed, when either of the defendants was accused of fornication, adultery, or pandering. Therefore what ought to be done if another crime derived from the Julian Law should be pleaded as a defence, as in the case of those who lend their houses for the purpose of fornication, and of others like them? The better opinion is, that all of the offences included in the Julian Law are prescribed after the lapse of five years. 7Moreover, the five years must be reckoned from the day when the crime was committed to the one on which the party was prosecuted, and not to that on which the judgment for adultery was carried into execution. 8It was also added in the Decree of the Senate that if several persons should prosecute the same defendant, reference must be had to the date of the information of the one who persevered in the prosecution; so that he who brings the accusation may rely upon his own information, and not on those of the others. 9There is no doubt that anyone who has committed fornication by means of force employed against the man or woman in question can be prosecuted without reference to the above-mentioned term of five years; for there is no doubt that he has committed a criminal act of violence.