De adulteriis libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 47,11,3Idem libro tertio de adulteris. Stellionatus vel expilatae hereditatis iudicia accusationem quidem habent, sed non sunt publica.
The Same, On Adultery, Book III. The actions for embezzlement and the exploitation of estates include an accusation, but they are not criminal prosecutions.
Dig. 48,2,5Idem libro tertio de adulteriis. Servos quoque adulterii posse accusari nulla dubitatio est: sed qui prohibentur adulterii liberos homines accusare, idem servos quoque prohibebuntur. sed ex rescripto divi Marci etiam adversus proprium servum accusationem instituere dominus potest. post hoc igitur rescriptum accusandi necessitas incumbet domino servum suum: ceterum iuste mulier nupta praescriptione utetur.
The Same, On Adultery, Book III. There is no doubt that slaves can also be accused of adultery. Those, however, who are forbidden to accuse freemen of adultery are themselves forbidden to accuse slaves. A master, however, can, under a Rescript of the Divine Marcus, bring an accusation against his own slave for this offence. Therefore, since the promulgation of this rescript, the master is obliged to accuse his slave, but if his wife is legally married she can plead an exception in bar.
Dig. 48,5,28Idem libro tertio de adulteriis. Si postulaverit accusator, ut quaestio habeatur de servo adulterii accusato, sive voluit ipse interesse sive noluit, iubent iudices eum servum aestimari, et ubi aestimaverint, tantam pecuniam et alterum tantum eum, qui nomen eius servi detulerit, ei ad quem ea res pertinet dare iubebunt. 1Sed dispiciamus, cui ista poena praestanda sit, quia lex eum nominavit ‘ad quem ea res pertinebit’. igitur bonae fidei emptorem, quamvis ab eo emerit qui dominus non est, recte dicemus eum esse, ad quem ea res pertinet. 2Eum quoque, qui pignori accepit, magis admittimus in eadem causa esse, scilicet quia intererat eius quaestionem non haberi. 3Sed et si usus fructus in servo alienus sit, inter dominum et fructuarium dividi debet aestimatio. 4Et si communis plurium servus erit, utique inter eos quoque erit aestimatio dividenda. 5Si liber homo, dum servus existimatur, tortus sit, quia et ipse condicionem suam ignorat: magis admittit Caecilius actionem utilem ipsi dandam adversus eum, qui per calumniam appetit, ne impunita sit calumnia eius ob hoc, quod liberum hominem quasi servum deduxit in quaestionem. 6Haberi quaestionem lex iubet de servis ancillisve eius, de quo vel de qua quaereretur, parentisve utriusque eorum, si ea mancipia ad usum ei a parentibus data sint. divus autem Hadrianus Cornelio Latiniano rescripsit et de exteris servis quaestionem haberi. 7Quaestioni interesse iubentur reus reave et patroni eorum et qui crimen detulerit, interrogandique facultas datur patronis. 8De eo quoque servo, in quo usum fructum reus habuit, magis est, ut quaestio haberi possit: licet enim servus eius non fuerit, in servitute tamen fuisse videtur: nec tam proprietatis causa ad quaestionem quam ministerii pertinet. 9Ergo et si bona fide serviat reo servus alienus, admittet quis interrogari eum per quaestionem posse. 10Sed et si servus sit, cui fideicommissa libertas debetur vel statuta speratur, torqueri eum posse magis est. 11Iubet lex eos homines, de quibus quaestio ita habita est, publicos esse: proinde in communi partem publicamus: in proprio, cuius usus fructus alienus est, nudam proprietatem: in quo tantum usum fructum habuit reus, magis est, ut perceptio usus fructus ad publicum incipiat pertinere: alienum servum utique non publicabimus. ratio autem publicandorum servorum ea est, ut sine ullo metu verum dicant et ne, dum timeant se in reorum potestatem regressuros, obdurent in quaestione. 12Non tamen prius publicantur, quam quaestio de illis habita fuerit. 13Sed et si negaverint, nihilo minus publicantur: ratio enim adhuc eadem est, ne, dum hi sperant se in potestatem dominorum reversuros si negaverint, spe meriti collocandi in mendacio perseverent. 14Sed et servi accusatoris, si de his quaestio habita sit, publicantur: eius enim servi ne mentiantur, merito a dominio eius recedunt. extranei vero non habent cui gratificentur. 15Si reus vel rea absoluti fuerint, aestimari per iudices lex damnum voluit, sive mortui fuerint, quantae pecuniae ante quaestionem fuerint, sive vivent, quantae pecuniae in his damnum datum fuerit factumve esset. 16Notandum est, quod capite quidem novo cavetur, si servus adulterii accusetur et accusator quaestionem in eo haberi velit, duplum pretium domino praestari lex iubet, at hic simplum.
The Same, On Adultery, Book III. When an accuser demands that a slave charged with adultery shall be put to torture, whether he himself intends to be present or not, the judges shall order the slave to be appraised; and when this has been done, they must direct that he who has denounced the slave as guilty shall pay the amount of the appraisement, and as much more, to the party interested. 1Let us, however, consider to whom this penalty should be paid, as the law mentions the party in interest. Thus, a bona fide purchaser is such a person; and although he may have bought the slave from one who is not his owner, we can properly say that he is the party in interest. 2We will do well to include in the same category one who has received property in pledge; because it is to his interest that the torture should not take place. 3When, however, the usufruct of the slave belongs to another, his appraised value should be divided between the owner and the usufructuary. 4If the slave is owned in common by several persons, his estimated value should be divided among them. 5When a freeman, supposed to be a slave, is tortured for the reason that he himself is ignorant of his condition, Cæcilius is of the opinion that he is entitled to a prætorian action against the person who falsely accused him, in order that he may not go unpunished for having subjected a freeman to torture, just as if he had been a slave. 6The law directs that torture shall be applied to the male or female slaves of the man or woman complained of, or to those of the parents of either of them; if the said slaves have been given to the accused by his or her parents for their own use. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript addressed to Cornelius Latianus that the slaves of strangers should be tortured. 7The man and woman who are accused, their patrons, and the person who has brought the accusation, are ordered to be present at the torture, and the power of questioning is granted to the patrons. 8It is still more advisable that a slave in whom the accused person had the usufruct should be tortured, for although he was not actually his slave, he is still considered to have been in servitude; for in everything relating to torture the question of ownership is not so much involved as the fact of the service. 9Therefore, if a slave belonging to another serves the accused in good faith, anyone will admit that he can be interrogated while undergoing torture. 10Where, however, the slave is one who is entitled to his freedom under the terms of a trust, or who expects to be free on compliance with a condition, the better opinion is that he can be tortured. 11The law directs that slaves who have been put to the torture in this manner shall become public property; hence we confiscate a part of a slave owned in common, and the mere ownership of one in whom another enjoys the usufruct; and where the accused has only the usufruct, the better opinion is that the enjoyment of the usufruct begins to belong to the government; but we do not confiscate a slave who is the property of another. The reason for the confiscation of slaves is that they may tell the truth without fear; while, if they were apprehensive of again being brought under the power of the accused persons, they might become obdurate under torture. 12They are not, however, confiscated before being subjected to torture. 13Even if they should deny everything, they will, nevertheless, be confiscated. The reason for this is the same, as well as to prevent them from entertaining the hope of again coming under the control of their masters, if they should make denials with the expectation of being rewarded for perseverence in uttering falsehoods. 14Even the slaves of the accuser are confiscated, if they are put to the torture. For slaves of this kind should be taken from their masters to prevent them from lying, but those of strangers have no one to please. 15When the accused party of either sex is acquitted, the law provides that, if the slaves should die, the loss shall be estimated by the judges, according to what they were worth before being tortured; and if they live, to an amount in proportion to the damage caused or inflicted upon them. 16It must be noted that it is provided by the Ninth Section, when a slave is charged with adultery, and the accuser does not wish him to be put to torture, the law orders double his value to be paid to his master; but this is simple damages.
Dig. 48,18,7Ulpianus libro tertio de adulteriis. Quaestionis modum magis est iudices arbitrari oportere: itaque quaestionem habere oportet, ut servus salvus sit vel innocentiae vel supplicio.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book III. The judges must determine the measure of torture, and therefore it should be inflicted in such a way that the slave may be preserved either for his acquittal, or his punishment.