De adulteriis libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 48,5,1Ulpianus libro primo de adulteriis. Haec lex lata est a divo Augusto.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book I. This law was introduced by the Divine Augustus.
Dig. 48,5,13Ulpianus libro primo de adulteriis. Haec verba legis ‘ne quis posthac stuprum adulterium facito sciens dolo malo’ et ad eum, qui suasit, et ad eum, qui stuprum vel adulterium intulit, pertinent.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book II. These words of the law, namely, “In order that no one may, knowingly and fraudulently, commit debauchery or adultery,” are applicable both to him who advised it, and to him who committed the act of debauchery or adultery.
Dig. 48,5,17Ulpianus libro primo de adulteriis. Qui uxori repudium miserit, postea denuntiare, ne Seio nuberet, et, si denuntiaverit, et ab ea incipere potest.
The Same, On Adultery, Book I. Anyone who has served notice of repudiation upon his wife can also notify her not to marry Seius, and if he has notified her, he can begin with her.
Dig. 48,5,22Ulpianus libro primo de adulteris. (sic eveniet, ut nec pater nec avus possint occidere) nec immerito: in sua enim potestate non videtur habere, qui non est suae potestatis.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book I, Hence it happens that neither the father nor the grandfather can kill the adulterer. This is not unreasonable, for he cannot be considered to have anyone under his control who has not control of himself.
Dig. 48,5,24Ulpianus libro primo de adulteriis. Quod ait lex ‘in filia adulterum deprehenderit’, non otiosum videtur: voluit enim ita demum hanc potestatem patri competere, si in ipsa turpitudine filiam de adulterio deprehendat. Labeo quoque ita probat, et Pomponius scripsit in ipsis rebus veneris deprehensum occidi: et hoc est quod solo et draco dicunt ἐν ἔργῳ. 1Sufficit patri, si eo tempore habeat in potestate, quo occidit, non quo in matrimonio collocavit: finge enim postea redactam in potestatem. 2Quare non, ubicumque deprehenderit pater, permittitur ei occidere, sed domi suae generive sui tantum, illa ratio redditur, quod maiorem iniuriam putavit legislator, quod in domum patris aut mariti ausa fuerit filia adulterum inducere. 3Sed si pater alibi habitet, habeat autem et aliam domum, in qua non habitet, deprehensam illo filiam, ubi non habitat, occidere non poterit. 4Quod ait lex ‘in continenti filiam occidat’, sic erit accipiendum, ne occiso hodie adultero reservet et post dies filiam occidat, vel contra: debet enim prope uno ictu et uno impetu utrumque occidere, aequali ira adversus utrumque sumpta. quod si non affectavit, sed, dum adulterum occidit, profugit filia et interpositis horis adprehensa est a patre qui persequebatur, in continenti videbitur occidisse.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book I. What the law says, that is, “If he finds a man committing adultery with his daughter,” does not seem to be superfluous; for it signifies that the father shall have this power only when he surprises his daughter in the very act of adultery. Labeo also adopts this opinion; and Pomponius says that the man must be killed while in the very performance of the sexual act. This is what Solon and Dracho mean by the words, “ἔρνῳ.” 1It is sufficient for the father for his daughter to be subject to his authority at the time when he kills the adulterer, although she may not have been at the time when he gave her in marriage; for suppose that she had afterwards come under his control. 2Therefore the father shall not be permitted to kill the parties wherever he surprises them, but only in his own house, or in that of his son-in-law. The reason for this is, that the legislator thought that the injury was greater where the daughter caused the adulterer to be introduced into the house of her father or her husband. 3If, however, her father lives elsewhere, and has another house in which he does not reside, and surprises his daughter there, he cannot kill her. 4Where the law says, “He may kill his daughter at once;” this must be understood to mean that having to-day killed the adulterer he can not reserve his daughter to be killed subsequently; for he should kill both of them with one blow and one attack, and be inflamed by the same resentment against both. But if, without any connivance on his part, his daughter should take to flight, while he is killing the adulterer, and she should be caught and put to death some hours afterwards by her father, who pursued her, he will be considered to have killed her immediately.
Dig. 48,8,2Ulpianus libro primo de adulteris. Inauditum filium pater occidere non potest, sed accusare eum apud praefectum praesidemve provinciae debet.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book I. A father cannot kill his son without his having been heard; but he should accuse him before the Prefect or the Governor of the province.
Dig. 48,13,3Ulpianus libro primo de adulteriis. Peculatus poena aquae et ignis interdictionem, in quam hodie successit deportatio, continet. porro qui in eum statum deducitur, sicut omnia pristina iura, ita et bona amittit.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book I. The penalty for peculation originally was the interdiction of water and fire, for which, at present, deportation has been substituted. Moreover, anyone who is placed in this position loses not only all his former rights but also his property.
Dig. 50,16,212Ulpianus libro primo de adulteriis. ‘Praevaricatores’ eos appellamus, qui causam adversariis suis donant et ex parte actoris in partem rei concedunt: a varicando enim praevaricatores dicti sunt.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book I. We call those persons prevaricators who assist the cause of their adversaries, and while on the side of the plaintiff favor that of the defendant; for the term “prevaricator” is derived from the verb “varico,” to straddle.
Ex libro II
Dig. 48,2,4Ulpianus libro secundo de adulteriis. Is, qui iudicio publico damnatus est, ius accusandi non habet, nisi liberorum vel patronorum suorum mortem eo iudicio vel rem suam exequatur. sed et calumnia notatis ius accusandi ademptum est, item his, qui cum bestiis depugnandi causa in harenam intromissi sunt, quive artem ludicram vel lenocinium fecerint, quive praevaricationis calumniaeve causa quid fecisse iudicio publico pronuntiatus erit, quive ob accusandum negotiumve cui facessendum pecuniam accepisse iudicatus erit.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book II. A man who has been condemned in a criminal prosecution has no right to accuse anyone himself, unless, under the terms of the decision he is authorized to institute criminal proceedings for the death of his children or his patrons, or the loss of his own property. The right of accusation is also taken away from those who have been rendered infamous on account of malicious prosecution, as well as from those who have entered the arena for the purpose of contending with wild beasts, or who follow the profession of buffoons, or keep women for prostitution, or have been convicted of prevarication or calumny, or of having received money in consideration of their accusing anyone, or injuring his business.
Dig. 48,5,3Idem libro secundo de adulteris. Nisi igitur pater maritum infamem aut arguat aut doceat colludere magis cum uxore quam ex animo accusare, postponetur marito.
The Same, On Adultery, Book II. Therefore, unless the father proves that the husband is infamous, or shows that he was in collusion with his wife rather than that he actually intends to accuse her, he must give place to the husband.
Dig. 48,5,14Idem libro secundo de adulteris. Si uxor non fuerit in adulterio, concubina tamen fuit, iure quidem mariti accusare eam non poterit, quae uxor non fuit, iure tamen extranei accusationem instituere non prohibebitur, si modo ea sit, quae in concubinatum se dando matronae nomen non amisit, ut puta quae patroni concubina fuit. 1Plane sive iusta uxor fuit sive iniusta, accusationem instituere vir poterit: nam et Sextus Caecilius ait, haec lex ad omnia matrimonia pertinet, et illud Homericum adfert: nec enim soli, inquit, atridae uxores suas amant. οὐ μόνοι φιλέουσ’ ἀλόχους μερόπων ἀνθρώπων Ἀτρεῖδαι. 2Sed et in ea uxore potest maritus adulterium vindicare, quae volgaris fuerit, quamvis, si vidua esset, impune in ea stuprum committeretur. 3Divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt etiam in sponsa hoc idem vindicandum, quia neque matrimonium qualecumque nec spem matrimonii violare permittitur. 4Sed et si ea sit mulier, cum qua incestum commissum est, vel ea, quae, quamvis uxoris animo haberetur, uxor tamen esse non potest, dicendum est iure mariti accusare eam non posse, iure extranei posse. 5Iudex adulterii ante oculos habere debet in inquirere, an maritus pudice vivens mulieri quoque bonos mores colendi auctor fuerit: periniquum enim videtur esse, ut pudicitiam vir ab uxore exigat, quam ipse non exhibeat: quae res potest et virum damnare, non rem ob compensationem mutui criminis inter utrosque communicare. 6Si quis uxorem suam velit accusare dicatque eam adulterium commisisse antequam sibi nuberet, iure viri accusationem instituere non poterit, quia non, cum ei nupta est, adulterium commisit. quod et in concubina dici potest, quam uxorem quis postea habuit, vel in filia familias, cuius coniunctioni pater postea concessit. 7Si quis plane uxorem suam, cum apud hostes esset, adulterium commisisse arguat, benignius dicetur posse eum accusare iure viri: sed ita demum adulterium maritus vindicabit, si vim hostium passa non est: ceterum quae vim patitur, non est in ea causa, ut adulterii vel stupri damnetur. 8Si minor duodecim annis in domum deducta adulterium commiserit, mox apud eum aetatem excesserit coeperitque esse uxor, non poterit iure viri accusari ex eo adulterio, quod ante aetatem nupta commisit, sed vel quasi sponsa poterit accusari ex rescripto divi Severi, quod supra relatum est. 9Sed et si qua repudiata, mox reducta sit non quasi eodem matrimonio durante, sed quasi alio interposito, videndum est, an ex delicto, quod in priore matrimonio admisit, accusari possit. et puto non posse: abolevit enim prioris matrimonii delicta reducendo eam. 10Idem dicendum est, si stupri velit accusare eam quam postea duxit uxorem: sero enim accusat mores, quos uxorem ducendo probavit.
The Same, On Adultery, Book II. Where a wife did not commit adultery, but a concubine did, the husband cannot accuse her as such, because she is not his wife; still, he is not prohibited by law from bringing an accusation as a stranger, provided that she, in giving herself as a concubine, did not forfeit the name of a matron, as, for instance, a woman who had been the concubine of her patron. 1It is clear that, whether the woman is a lawful wife or not, her husband can bring the accusation against her; for Sextus Cæcilius states that this law is applicable to all marriages; and he quotes the passage from Homer where he says the Atrides are not the only ones who love their wives. 2A husband can prosecute his wife for adultery when she has committed it publicly, although if she were a widow, debauchery could be committed by her with impunity. 3The Divine Severus and Antoninus stated in a Rescript, that this offence could even be prosecuted in the case of a woman who was betrothed, because she is not permitted to violate any marriage whatever, nor even the hope of matrimony. 4Where, however, she is a person with whom incest has been committed, or a woman who is kept as a wife, but still cannot be one in reality, it must be said that the husband cannot, as such, accuse her, but he can do so as a stranger. 5The judge who has jurisdiction of adultery must have before his eyes, and investigate whether the husband, living modestly, has afforded his wife the opportunity of having good morals; for it would be considered extremely unjust for the husband to require chastity for his wife, which he himself does not practice. This, indeed, may condemn the husband, but cannot afford a set-off for mutual crime when committed by both parties. 6If anyone wishes to accuse his wife, and alleges that she committed adultery before he married her, he cannot bring the accusation by his right as a husband, because she did not commit adultery while she was married to him. This can also be said with reference to a concubine whom the man who kept her subsequently married; or with reference to a daughter under paternal control, to whose union her father afterwards gave his consent. 7If anyone should openly accuse his wife of having committed adultery, while he was a prisoner in the hands of the enemy, it would be more indulgent to hold that he can accuse her by the right of a husband; but her husband cannot prosecute her for adultery, if she suffered violence from the enemy. For anyone who is violated cannot be convicted of adultery or fornication on this account. 8Where a girl, less than twelve years old, brought into the house of her husband, commits adultery, and afterwards remains with him until she has passed that age, and begins to be his wife; she cannot be accused of adultery by her husband, for the reason that she committed it before reaching the marriageable age; but, according to a Rescript of the Divine Severus, which is mentioned above, she can be accused as having been betrothed. 9If a woman who has been repudiated should afterwards be taken back by her husband, not in order to continue the first marriage, but under another which has taken place, let us see whether she can be accused of the crime which she committed during her first marriage. I think that she cannot be, for her husband, by taking her back, has done away with all the crimes of the first marriage. 10The same rule must be adopted, if he desires to accuse of fornication the woman whom he afterwards married; for he is too late when he bases his accusation on conduct which he approved by marrying her.
Dig. 48,5,16Ulpianus libro secundo de adulteriis. Si maritus sit in magistratu, potest praeveniri a patre: atquin non oportet. et putat Pomponius debere dici, quoad maritus magistratum gerit, patris quoque accusationem impediendam, ne praeripiatur marito ius, quod cum eo aequale habet: igitur non cedent sexaginta dies patri, cum accusare non potest. 1Legis Iuliae de adulteriis capite septimo ita cavetur: ‘ne quis inter reos referat eum, qui tum sine detrectatione rei publicae causa aberit’: neque enim aequum visum est absentem rei publicae causa inter reos referri, dum rei publicae operatur. 2Necessario adicitur ‘sine detrectatione’: ceterum si quis evitandi criminis id egit, ut rei publicae causa abesset, nihil illi commentum hoc proficiat. 3Quod si quis praesens sit, vice tamen absentis habetur (ut puta qui in vigilibus vel urbanis castris militat), dicendum est deferri hunc posse: neque enim laborare habet, ut se repraesentet. 4Et generaliter dicendum est eorum demum absentiam excusatam esse, qui in alia provincia rei publicae causa absunt, quam in ea in qua deferuntur. proinde si quis in provincia, in qua agit, adulterium commiserit, accusari poterit, nisi sit ea persona, quae ad praesidis cognitionem non pertinet. 5Si negaverint se pater et maritus accusaturos intra diem sexagensimum, an statim incipiant tempora extraneo cedere? et primus Pomponius putat admitti ad accusationem extraneum posse statim atque isti negaverint. cui adsentiendum puto: fortius enim dicitur eum, qui se negaverit acturum, postea non audiendum. 6Lex Iulia de adulteriis specialiter quosdam adulterii accusare prohibet, ut minorem annis viginti quinque: nec enim visus est idoneus accusator, qui nondum robustae aetatis est. quod ita verum est, si non matrimonii sui iniuriam exequatur: ceterum si suum matrimonium vindicare velit, quamvis iure extranei ad accusationem veniat, tamen audietur: nec enim ulla praescriptio obicitur suam iniuriam vindicanti. sane si iuvenali facilitate ductus vel etiam fervore aetatis accensus ad accusationem prosilit, accusanti ei non facile calumniae poena irrogabitur. minorem viginti quinque annis etiam eum accipimus, qui vicensimum quintum annum aetatis agit. 7Praescriptiones, quae obici solent accusantibus adulterii, ante solent tractari, quam quis inter reos recipiatur: ceterum posteaquam semel receptus est, non potest praescriptionem obicere. 8Si in viduitate mulier perseverat, in accusatoris est arbitrio, a quo velit incipere, utrum ab adultero an ab adultera. 9Si quis et adulterum et adulteram simul detulit, nihil agit poteritque, quasi neutrum detulerit, rursus a quo velit initium facere, quia nihil agit prima delatione.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book II. If the husband is a magistrate, the father can precede him in bringing the accusation, but it is not necessary for him to do so. Pomponius thinks that it should be held that, as long as the husband retains his office, action by the father should be prevented, to avoid depriving the husband of a right to which he also is entitled. Therefore the sixty days do not run against the father, as he cannot bring the accusation. 1It is provided by the Seventh Section of the Julian Law with reference to Adultery, that no one can include in the number of accused persons anyone who is absent on business for the State, without invalidating the judgment. For it does not seem just for a person who is absent on public business to be numbered among the accused, when he is in the employ of the government. 2It is necessary to add, “without invalidating the judgment.” But if anyone should be absent on public business, for the purpose of avoiding prosecution, this pretext will not be of any advantage to him. 3If, however, anyone is present who still is considered absent, for instance, a person who belongs to the night watch, or who is serving as a soldier in the city camps, it must be said that he cannot be accused, for he is not compelled to trouble himself to appear. 4Generally speaking, it should be held that only the absence of those is excusable who are in another province of the country than that in which they are accused. Hence, if anyone commits adultery in a province in which he is employed, he can be accused there, unless he is a person over whom the Governor has no jurisdiction. 5If the father and the husband fail to accuse the woman within sixty days, will the time immediately begin to run in favor of a stranger? Pomponius thinks that a stranger can be permitted to bring the accusation as soon as the others have refused to do so. I think that his opinion should be adopted, for it can be said even more decidedly that he who has stated that he will not bring the accusation ought not afterwards to be heard. 6The Julian Law relating to Adultery especially prohibits accusation by certain persons, as, for instance, by a minor of twenty-five years of age, for an accuser is not considered capable who is not yet of mature age. This is correct, if he does not prosecute an injury to his own marriage. But if he desires to vindicate the honor of his own marriage, although he may bring the accusation by the right of a stranger, he should still be heard; for no prescription ought to bar anyone who avenges his own injury. And, indeed, if induced by the alacrity of youth, or inflamed by the fervor of maturity, he hastens to bring the accusation, the penalty for malicious prosecution will not hastily be inflicted upon him. We understand a minor of twenty-five years of age to be one who is in his twenty-fifth year. 7The prescriptions which it is customary to introduce against persons bringing the accusation of adultery are usually discussed before the party implicated has been included in the number of those accused, but when this once has taken place, he cannot plead prescription. 8If a woman remains in widowhood, the accuser has the right to begin with either party he wishes, with the adulterer or the adulteress. 9If anyone accuses the adulterer and the adulteress at the same time, the accusation is void, and he can begin again with either party whom he may select, just as if he had accused neither, because the first accusation is of no force or effect.
Dig. 48,16,12Ulpianus libro secundo de adulteriis. Si interveniente publica abolitione ex senatus consulto, ut fieri adsolet, vel ob laetitiam aliquam vel honorem domus divinae vel ex aliqua causa, ex qua senatus censuit abolitionem reorum fieri, nec intra dies praestitutos reum repetierit: dicendum est cessare Turpillianum senatus consultum. nec enim videtur desistere, qui exemptum reum non defert: eximitur autem reorum abolitione interveniente.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book II. Where a public dismissal of a criminal case has occurred under the Decree of the Senate, as ordinarily happens; or on account of some public rejoicing; or to honor the Imperial House; or for some reason for. which the Senate decreed that the defendants should be discharged, and the accuser did not renew the accusation within the prescribed time, it must be said that the Turpillian Decree of the Senate does not apply, for he is not held to desist who does not accuse a person that is exempt from criminal liability. He, however, becomes exempt from prosecution by the discharge of the defendants.
Ex libro III
Dig. 47,11,3Idem libro tertio de adulteris. Stellionatus vel expilatae hereditatis iudicia accusationem quidem habent, sed non sunt publica.
The Same, On Adultery, Book III. The actions for embezzlement and the exploitation of estates include an accusation, but they are not criminal prosecutions.
Dig. 48,2,5Idem libro tertio de adulteriis. Servos quoque adulterii posse accusari nulla dubitatio est: sed qui prohibentur adulterii liberos homines accusare, idem servos quoque prohibebuntur. sed ex rescripto divi Marci etiam adversus proprium servum accusationem instituere dominus potest. post hoc igitur rescriptum accusandi necessitas incumbet domino servum suum: ceterum iuste mulier nupta praescriptione utetur.
The Same, On Adultery, Book III. There is no doubt that slaves can also be accused of adultery. Those, however, who are forbidden to accuse freemen of adultery are themselves forbidden to accuse slaves. A master, however, can, under a Rescript of the Divine Marcus, bring an accusation against his own slave for this offence. Therefore, since the promulgation of this rescript, the master is obliged to accuse his slave, but if his wife is legally married she can plead an exception in bar.
Dig. 48,5,28Idem libro tertio de adulteriis. Si postulaverit accusator, ut quaestio habeatur de servo adulterii accusato, sive voluit ipse interesse sive noluit, iubent iudices eum servum aestimari, et ubi aestimaverint, tantam pecuniam et alterum tantum eum, qui nomen eius servi detulerit, ei ad quem ea res pertinet dare iubebunt. 1Sed dispiciamus, cui ista poena praestanda sit, quia lex eum nominavit ‘ad quem ea res pertinebit’. igitur bonae fidei emptorem, quamvis ab eo emerit qui dominus non est, recte dicemus eum esse, ad quem ea res pertinet. 2Eum quoque, qui pignori accepit, magis admittimus in eadem causa esse, scilicet quia intererat eius quaestionem non haberi. 3Sed et si usus fructus in servo alienus sit, inter dominum et fructuarium dividi debet aestimatio. 4Et si communis plurium servus erit, utique inter eos quoque erit aestimatio dividenda. 5Si liber homo, dum servus existimatur, tortus sit, quia et ipse condicionem suam ignorat: magis admittit Caecilius actionem utilem ipsi dandam adversus eum, qui per calumniam appetit, ne impunita sit calumnia eius ob hoc, quod liberum hominem quasi servum deduxit in quaestionem. 6Haberi quaestionem lex iubet de servis ancillisve eius, de quo vel de qua quaereretur, parentisve utriusque eorum, si ea mancipia ad usum ei a parentibus data sint. divus autem Hadrianus Cornelio Latiniano rescripsit et de exteris servis quaestionem haberi. 7Quaestioni interesse iubentur reus reave et patroni eorum et qui crimen detulerit, interrogandique facultas datur patronis. 8De eo quoque servo, in quo usum fructum reus habuit, magis est, ut quaestio haberi possit: licet enim servus eius non fuerit, in servitute tamen fuisse videtur: nec tam proprietatis causa ad quaestionem quam ministerii pertinet. 9Ergo et si bona fide serviat reo servus alienus, admittet quis interrogari eum per quaestionem posse. 10Sed et si servus sit, cui fideicommissa libertas debetur vel statuta speratur, torqueri eum posse magis est. 11Iubet lex eos homines, de quibus quaestio ita habita est, publicos esse: proinde in communi partem publicamus: in proprio, cuius usus fructus alienus est, nudam proprietatem: in quo tantum usum fructum habuit reus, magis est, ut perceptio usus fructus ad publicum incipiat pertinere: alienum servum utique non publicabimus. ratio autem publicandorum servorum ea est, ut sine ullo metu verum dicant et ne, dum timeant se in reorum potestatem regressuros, obdurent in quaestione. 12Non tamen prius publicantur, quam quaestio de illis habita fuerit. 13Sed et si negaverint, nihilo minus publicantur: ratio enim adhuc eadem est, ne, dum hi sperant se in potestatem dominorum reversuros si negaverint, spe meriti collocandi in mendacio perseverent. 14Sed et servi accusatoris, si de his quaestio habita sit, publicantur: eius enim servi ne mentiantur, merito a dominio eius recedunt. extranei vero non habent cui gratificentur. 15Si reus vel rea absoluti fuerint, aestimari per iudices lex damnum voluit, sive mortui fuerint, quantae pecuniae ante quaestionem fuerint, sive vivent, quantae pecuniae in his damnum datum fuerit factumve esset. 16Notandum est, quod capite quidem novo cavetur, si servus adulterii accusetur et accusator quaestionem in eo haberi velit, duplum pretium domino praestari lex iubet, at hic simplum.
The Same, On Adultery, Book III. When an accuser demands that a slave charged with adultery shall be put to torture, whether he himself intends to be present or not, the judges shall order the slave to be appraised; and when this has been done, they must direct that he who has denounced the slave as guilty shall pay the amount of the appraisement, and as much more, to the party interested. 1Let us, however, consider to whom this penalty should be paid, as the law mentions the party in interest. Thus, a bona fide purchaser is such a person; and although he may have bought the slave from one who is not his owner, we can properly say that he is the party in interest. 2We will do well to include in the same category one who has received property in pledge; because it is to his interest that the torture should not take place. 3When, however, the usufruct of the slave belongs to another, his appraised value should be divided between the owner and the usufructuary. 4If the slave is owned in common by several persons, his estimated value should be divided among them. 5When a freeman, supposed to be a slave, is tortured for the reason that he himself is ignorant of his condition, Cæcilius is of the opinion that he is entitled to a prætorian action against the person who falsely accused him, in order that he may not go unpunished for having subjected a freeman to torture, just as if he had been a slave. 6The law directs that torture shall be applied to the male or female slaves of the man or woman complained of, or to those of the parents of either of them; if the said slaves have been given to the accused by his or her parents for their own use. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript addressed to Cornelius Latianus that the slaves of strangers should be tortured. 7The man and woman who are accused, their patrons, and the person who has brought the accusation, are ordered to be present at the torture, and the power of questioning is granted to the patrons. 8It is still more advisable that a slave in whom the accused person had the usufruct should be tortured, for although he was not actually his slave, he is still considered to have been in servitude; for in everything relating to torture the question of ownership is not so much involved as the fact of the service. 9Therefore, if a slave belonging to another serves the accused in good faith, anyone will admit that he can be interrogated while undergoing torture. 10Where, however, the slave is one who is entitled to his freedom under the terms of a trust, or who expects to be free on compliance with a condition, the better opinion is that he can be tortured. 11The law directs that slaves who have been put to the torture in this manner shall become public property; hence we confiscate a part of a slave owned in common, and the mere ownership of one in whom another enjoys the usufruct; and where the accused has only the usufruct, the better opinion is that the enjoyment of the usufruct begins to belong to the government; but we do not confiscate a slave who is the property of another. The reason for the confiscation of slaves is that they may tell the truth without fear; while, if they were apprehensive of again being brought under the power of the accused persons, they might become obdurate under torture. 12They are not, however, confiscated before being subjected to torture. 13Even if they should deny everything, they will, nevertheless, be confiscated. The reason for this is the same, as well as to prevent them from entertaining the hope of again coming under the control of their masters, if they should make denials with the expectation of being rewarded for perseverence in uttering falsehoods. 14Even the slaves of the accuser are confiscated, if they are put to the torture. For slaves of this kind should be taken from their masters to prevent them from lying, but those of strangers have no one to please. 15When the accused party of either sex is acquitted, the law provides that, if the slaves should die, the loss shall be estimated by the judges, according to what they were worth before being tortured; and if they live, to an amount in proportion to the damage caused or inflicted upon them. 16It must be noted that it is provided by the Ninth Section, when a slave is charged with adultery, and the accuser does not wish him to be put to torture, the law orders double his value to be paid to his master; but this is simple damages.
Dig. 48,18,7Ulpianus libro tertio de adulteriis. Quaestionis modum magis est iudices arbitrari oportere: itaque quaestionem habere oportet, ut servus salvus sit vel innocentiae vel supplicio.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book III. The judges must determine the measure of torture, and therefore it should be inflicted in such a way that the slave may be preserved either for his acquittal, or his punishment.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 40,9,12Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Prospexit legis lator, ne mancipia per manumissionem quaestioni subducantur, idcircoque prohibuit ea manumitti certumque diem praestituit, intra quem manumittere non liceat. 1Ipsa igitur quae divertit omnes omnimodo servos suos manumittere vel alienare prohibetur, quia ita verba faciunt, ut ne eum quidem servum, qui extra ministerium eius mulieris fuit vel in agro vel in provincia, possit manumittere vel alienare: quod quidem perquam durum est, sed ita lex scripta est. 2Sed et si post divortium servum mulier paravit aut alia ratione adquisiit, aeque, quod ad verba attinet, manumittere non poterit: et ita Sextus quoque Caecilius adnotat. 3Pater vero in cuius potestate filia fuerit, ea tantum mancipia prohibetur manumittere alienareve, quae in usu filiae fuerunt tributa. 4Matrem quoque prohibuit manumittere alienareve ea mancipia, quae in ministerium filiae concesserat. 5Sed et avum et aviam prohibuit manumittere, cum horum quoque mancipia quaestione postulari posse lex voluerit. 6Sextus Caecilius recte ait angustissimum tempus legem praestitisse alienandis manumittendisve servis. finge, inquit, ream adulterii intra sexagesimum diem postulatam: quae cognitio tam facile expediri potuit adulterii, ut intra sexagesimum diem finiatur? et tamen licere mulieri quamvis postulatae adulterii servum suspectum in adulterio vel quaestioni necessarium, quod ad verba legis attinet, manumittere. sane in hunc casum subveniendum est, ut destinati servi quasi conscii vel quasi nocentes non debeant manumitti ante finitam cognitionem. 7Pater mulieris vel mater, si intra sexagesimum diem decedant, ex his servis, quos in ministerium filiae dederint, neque manumittere neque alienare poterunt.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book V. The legislator had in view that slaves should not by manumission be released from liability to torture; and therefore he forbade them to be manumitted, and prescribed a certain term within which it would not be lawful to set them free. 1Therefore, a woman who is separated from her husband is forbidden, under any circumstances, to manumit or alienate any of her slaves, because in the words of the law, “She cannot either manumit or alienate a slave who was not employed in her personal service, or on her land, or in the province,” which is, to a certain extent, a hardship, but it is the law. 2And even if the woman, after a divorce, purchases a slave, or obtains one in any way, she cannot manumit him under the provisions of the law. Sextus Cæcilius also mentions this. 3A father, however, whose daughter is under his control, is only forbidden to manumit or alienate such slaves as have been given to his daughter for her personal service. 4The law also prohibits a mother from manumitting or alienating any slaves which she has given for the service of her daughter. 5It also forbids a grandfather and grandmother fo manumit their slaves, as the intention of the law is that they also may be subjected to torture. 6Sextus Cæcilius very properly holds that the time prescribed by the law for alienating or manumitting slaves is too short. For he says, suppose a woman has been accused of adultery within the sixty days; how can the trial for adultery readily take place, so as to be concluded within the said sixty days? Still, according to the terms of the law the woman, even though she has been accused of adultery, is permitted, after this time, to manumit the slave who is suspected of having committed adultery with her, or another slave who should be put to torture. And, indeed, relief should be granted in this instance, so that slaves wlio are indicated as guilty, or who have knowledge of the crime, may not be manumitted before the trial is ended. 7If the father or mother of the woman should die within the sixty days, they can neither manumit nor alienate any of the slaves whom they have given to the daughter for her personal service.
Dig. 40,9,14Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Sed si maritus intra sexagesimum diem decesserit, an manumittere vel alienare iam possit supra scriptas personas, videamus. et non puto posse, quamvis accusatore mulier deficiatur marito, cum pater accusare possit. 1Et simpliciter quidem lex mulierem prohibuit intra sexagesimum diem divortii manumittere: 2Sive autem divertit sive repudio dimissa sit, manumissio impedietur. 3Sed si morte mariti solutum sit matrimonium vel aliqua poena eius, manumissio non impedietur. 4Sed et si bona gratia finierit matrimonium, dicetur manumissionem vel alienationem non impediri. 5Sed et si constante matrimonio mulier, dum divortium cogitat, manumittat vel alienet et hoc dilucidis probationibus fuerit adprobatum: quasi in fraudem legis hoc factum sit, non debet alienatio valere vel manumissio. 6Alienationem omnem omnino accipere debemus.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book IV. If a husband should die within the sixty days, let us see whether the woman can manumit or alienate the slaves above referred to. I do not think that she can do so, although she may have no other accuser than her husband, as the father of the latter can accuse her. 1The law simply prohibits a woman from manumitting her slaves within sixty days after the divorce. 2Manumission is also prohibited whether she is divorced or repudiated. 3If the marriage is dissolved by the death of the husband, or on account of any penalty to which he has rendered himself liable, manumission will not be prevented. 4Even if the marriage is terminated by agreement, it is held that manumission or alienation is not prevented. 5When the woman, during the existence of the marriage but while she is contemplating divorce, manumits or alienates a slave, and this is established by conclusive evidence, the alienation or manumission will not be valid, as having been done to evade the law. 6We must understand every kind of alienation to be meant.
Dig. 48,5,10Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Et si amici quis domum praebuisset, tenetur. 1Sed et si quis in agro balneove stuprum fieri praebuisset, comprehendi debet. 2Sed et si in domum aliquam soliti fuerint convenire ad tractandum de adulterio, etsi eo loci nihil fuerit admissum, verum tamen videtur is domum suam, ut stuprum adulteriumve committeretur, praebuisse, quia sine colloquio illo adulterium non committeretur.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book IV. Anyone who lends the house of a friend is also liable. 1Where anyone encourages the commission of debauchery in a field, or in a bath, he should be included in the law. 2When, however, persons are accustomed to assemble in some house for the purpose of making arrangements to commit adultery, even if it was not committed in that place, still, the owner is considered to have lent his house for the commission of debauchery or adultery, because these offences would not have been perpetrated if these meetings had not taken place.
Dig. 48,5,30Ulpianus libro quarto de adulteriis. Mariti lenocinium lex coercuit, qui deprehensam uxorem in adulterio retinuit adulterumque dimisit: debuit enim uxori quoque irasci, quae matrimonium eius violavit. tunc autem puniendus est maritus, cum excusare ignorantiam suam non potest vel adumbrare patientiam praetextu incredibilitatis: idcirco enim lex ita locuta est ‘adulterum in domo deprehensum dimiserit’, quod voluerit in ipsa turpitudine prehendentem maritum coercere. 1Quod ait lex, adulterii damnatum si quis duxerit uxorem, ea lege teneri, an et ad stuprum referatur, videamus: quod magis est. certe si ob aliam causam ea lege sit condemnata, impune uxor ducetur. 2Plectitur et qui pretium pro comperto stupro acceperit: nec interest, utrum maritus sit qui acceperit an alius quilibet: quicumque enim ob conscientiam stupri accepit aliquid, poena erit plectendus. ceterum si gratis quis remisit, ad legem non pertinet. 3Qui quaestum ex adulterio uxoris suae fecerit, plectitur: nec enim mediocriter deliquit, qui lenocinium in uxore exercuit. 4Quaestum autem ex adulterio uxoris facere videtur, qui quid accepit, ut adulteretur uxor: sive enim saepius sive semel accepit, non est eximendus: quaestum enim de adulterio uxoris facere proprie ille existimandus est, qui aliquid accepit, ut uxorem pateretur adulterari meretricio quodam genere. quod si patiatur uxorem delinquere non ob quaestum, sed neglegentiam vel culpam vel quandam patientiam vel nimiam credulitatem, extra legem positus videtur. 5Sex mensuum haec fit separatio, ut in nupta quidem ex die divortii sex menses computentur, in vidua vero ex die commissi criminis: quod significari videtur rescripto ad Tertullum et Maximum consules. praeterea si ex die divortii sexaginta dies sint, ex die vero commissi criminis quinquennium praeteriit, debuit dici nec mulierem posse accusari, ut, quod dantur sex menses utiles, sic sit accipiendum, ne crimen quinquennio continuo sopitum excitetur. 6Hoc quinquennium observari legislator voluit, si reo vel reae stuprum adulterium vel lenocinium obiciatur. quid ergo, si aliud crimen sit quod obiciatur, quod ex lege Iulia descendit, ut sunt qui domum suam stupri causa praebuerunt et alii similes? et melius est dicere omnibus admissis ex lege Iulia venientibus quinquennium esse praestitutum. 7Quinquennium autem ex eo die accipiendum est, ex quo quid admissum est, et ad eum diem, quo quis postulatus postulatave est, et non ad eum diem, quo iudicium de adulteriis exercetur. 8Hoc amplius senatus consulto adiectum est, ut, si plures eundem postulaverint, eius, qui perseveraverit reum reamve facere, postulationis dies prima exigatur, scilicet ut qui accusat suos libellos accusatorios exspectet, non alienos. 9Eum autem, qui per vim stuprum intulit vel mari vel feminae, sine praefinitione huius temporis accusari posse dubium non est, cum eum publicam vim committere nulla dubitatio est.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book IV. The law punishes the pandering of a husband who retains his wife, after she has been surprised in adultery, and permits the adulterer to depart. For the husband should be angry against his wife who has violated her marriage vow, and he ought also to be punished when he cannot excuse his ignorance, or conceal his indifference under the pretext that his information is incredible. Therefore, the law says he “shall permit the adulterer surprised in his house to depart,” because it wishes to punish the husband who caught her in such an infamous act. 1When the law says that anyone who marries a woman who has been convicted of adultery shall be legally liable, let us see whether this refers to fornication? The better opinion is that it does, for if the woman was condemned for any other reason under that law she could be married with impunity. 2He also is punished who accepts money on account of the fornication which he detected, and it does not make any difference whether the husband himself or someone else receives it, for he who accepts compensation for concealing his knowledge of fornication should be punished. The law, however, does not apply to him who keeps the secret gratuitously. 3Anyone who has pecuniarily profited by the adultery of his wife shall be punished; for he who acts as his wife’s pander does not commit a trivial offence. 4A man who receives anything in consideration of the adultery of his wife is held to have received it in order that she might commit adultery; and whether he has obtained it frequently or only once, he ought not to be exempt from punishment. He is correctly said to have profited by the adultery of his wife, who accepts something in order that she may be permitted to be debauched, as prostitutes are. Where, however, he permits his wife to commit the offence, not on account of gain, but through negligence, his own fault, or a certain degree of indifference, or excessive credulity, he is considered to have been placed outside the law. 5The division of the six months is made as follows: in the case of a married woman, the time is computed from the day of the divorce; in the case of a widow, from the day when the offence was committed. This seems to be indicated by a rescript addressed to the Consuls Tertyllus and Maximus. Moreover, if sixty days have elapsed since the divorce, and the term of five years has passed since the day when the crime was perpetrated, it must be said that the woman cannot be accused; so that when six available months are granted, this should be understood to mean that the accusation, having been extinguished by the uninterrupted period of five years, cannot be renewed. 6The legislator intended that this term of five years should be observed, when either of the defendants was accused of fornication, adultery, or pandering. Therefore what ought to be done if another crime derived from the Julian Law should be pleaded as a defence, as in the case of those who lend their houses for the purpose of fornication, and of others like them? The better opinion is, that all of the offences included in the Julian Law are prescribed after the lapse of five years. 7Moreover, the five years must be reckoned from the day when the crime was committed to the one on which the party was prosecuted, and not to that on which the judgment for adultery was carried into execution. 8It was also added in the Decree of the Senate that if several persons should prosecute the same defendant, reference must be had to the date of the information of the one who persevered in the prosecution; so that he who brings the accusation may rely upon his own information, and not on those of the others. 9There is no doubt that anyone who has committed fornication by means of force employed against the man or woman in question can be prosecuted without reference to the above-mentioned term of five years; for there is no doubt that he has committed a criminal act of violence.
Ex libro V
Dig. 23,5,2Ulpianus libro quinto de adulteriis. Si maritus fuerit in servitutem redactus, an dominus alienare hunc fundum non possit? quod puto esse verius. quare et si ad fiscum pervenerit, nihilo minus venditio fundi impeditur, quamvis fiscus semper idoneus successor sit et solvendo.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book V. If a husband should be reduced to slavery, cannot his owner alienate his land? I think the better opinion is that he cannot. Wherefore, if the property of the husband should be confiscated, the sale of the land would, nevertheless, be prevented; even though the Treasury is always held to be a good and solvent successor.
Dig. 23,5,6Idem libro quinto de adulteriis. Sed nec libertas servitutis urbano praedio dotali debitae competit, ne per hoc deterior condicio praedii fiat.
The Same, On Adultery, Book V. Freedom from a servitude due to an urban estate subject to dowry cannot be granted by the husband, for fear that by this the condition of the property may be deteriorated.
Dig. 23,5,13Ulpianus libro quinto de adulteriis. Dotale praedium accipere debemus tam urbanum quam rusticum: ad omne enim aedificium lex Iulia pertinebit. 1Praedii appellatione etiam pars continetur. proinde sive totum praedium in dotem sit datum sive pars praedii, alienari non poterit: et hoc iure utimur. 2Dotale praedium sic accipimus, cum dominium marito quaesitum est, ut tunc demum alienatio prohibeatur. 3Heredi quoque mulieris idem auxilium praestabitur, quod mulieri praestabatur. 4Si uxore herede instituta fundus dotalis fuerit legatus, si quidem deductis legatis mulier quantitatem dotis in hereditatem habitura est, valet legatum, si minus, an non valeat, quaeritur. Scaevola, et si non totus, sed vel aliqua pars ex eo vindicari possit, si modo aliqua pars ad dotem supplendam desit, id dumtaxat ex eo remanere apud mulierem ait, quod quantitati dotis deest.
Ulpianus, On Adultery, Book V. We should understand dotal land to include both that situated in town and country, for the Lex Julia had reference to every kind of buildings. 1The term “land” also applies to a portion of the tract, hence, whether the entire tract has been given as dowry, or only a part of the same, it cannot be alienated. This is the law at present. 2We understand the term “dotal land” to refer to that of which the ownership is acquired by the husband, so that then only is he forbidden to alienate it. 3The same relief is granted by the law to the heir of the wife, as is granted to the wife herself. 4Where a wife is appointed heir to her husband, and the land belonging to the dowry is bequeathed, if, after the deduction of the legacy, the woman should have an amount of interest in the estate equal in value to the dowry, the legacy will be valid. The question arises whether it will be valid if the amount should be less. Scævola says that a portion can be recovered, if not all of it, if a certain amount is lacking to make up the dowry; and that only that much will remain in the hands of the woman which is required to supply the deficiency.