Notae ad Scaevolae Digestorum libros
Ex libro XX
Dig. 35,1,109Idem libro vicesimo digestorum. A testatore rogatus, ut acceptis centum nummis restitueret hereditatem Titiae coheredi suae, adita hereditate decessit: similiter et Titia, antequam daret centum: quaesitum est, an heres Titiae offerendo centum fideicommisso partem hereditatis consequi possit. respondit heredem condicioni parere non posse. Claudius. magno ingenio de iure aperto respondit, cum potest dubitari, an in proposito condicio esset.
The Same, Digest, Book XX. An heir, having been charged by the testator to accept a hundred sesterces, and surrender his share of the estate to Titia, his co-heir, died after entering upon the estate; and Titia also died before paying the hundred sesterces. The question arose whether the heir of Titia, by tendering a hundred sesterces, could, under the terms of the trust, obtain her share of the estate. The answer was that the heir could not comply with the condition. Claudius: The opinion of Scævola is stated with a great deal of ability, where the law is clear; but, still, some doubt may arise whether in the present instance a condition was not imposed.
Dig. 36,1,79Idem libro vicensimo digestorum. Heredibus institutis filiis utriusque sexus singulos rogavit, ut qui sine liberis decederet partem suam hereditatis sorori fratrive restitueret aut, si frater sororve non esset, matri suae et haec verba adiecit: ‘vosque, liberi carissimi, hoc fideicommisso teneri invicem volo, donec binos liberos educaveritis’. quaesitum est, si quis ex liberis duos filios procreaverit, quamvis superstites non reliquerit, an heredes eius fideicommissum debeant. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur videri fideicommissi onere liberatos. 1Titius nepotes ex filia et furiosam filiam suam heredes instituit et fidei commisit filiae, ut, si sine liberis decessisset, pars ei data perveniret ad coheredes: eam furiosam ipse Titius in matrimonio collocavit et enixa est filiam post mortem patris. quaesitum est, defuncta furiosa superstite ex eiusmodi coniunctione parta filia, an fideicommissum ad coheredes pertineret. respondit, cum filiam reliquisse proponeretur, fideicommissum non deberi. Claudius: nam etsi matrimonium cum furiosa non fuit, satis tamen factum est eiusmodi condicioni.
The Same, Book XX. A testator charged each one of his children of both sexes, whom he had appointed his heirs, if any of them should die without issue, to leave his or her share of the estate to his or her brother or sister, and if there should be no brother or sister, to leave it to his or her mother, and added the following words, “I charge you, my dear children, with this trust until you have brought up two children.” If anyone of the said heirs should have two children, although they might not survive, the question arose whether his or her heirs would be compelled to execute the trust. The answer was that, according to the facts stated, they would be considered to have been released from the obligation of the trust. 1Titius appointed his grandsons by his daughter, and his daughter, who was insane, his heirs, and charged the said daughter with the trust that if she should die without issue, the share of his estate which had been given to her should pass to her co-heirs. Titius gave his insane daughter in marriage, and she brought forth a daughter after the death of her father. The said insane daughter, having died leaving a daughter as the issue of this union, the question arose whether the co-heirs were entitled to the benefit of the trust. The answer was that as, according to the facts stated, the heir had left a daughter, the trust was not due. Claudius: For though the marriage with the insane woman was not legally valid, still it was sufficient to enable the condition to be complied with.
Dig. 46,7,20Scaevola libro vicensimo digestorum. Cum apud Sempronium iudicem datum reus defenderetur, stipulatione cautum est, ut, quod Sempronius iudex iudicasset, praestaretur: a cuius sententia petitor appellavit et, cum apud competentem appellationi iudicem res ageretur, defensore condemnato quaesitum est, an stipulatio commissa esset. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur non esse iure commissam. Claudius: ideo stipulatione adicitur: ‘quive in eius locum substitutus erit’.
Scævola, Digest, Book XX. While a party to a suit was making a defence before Sempronius, the judge, it was provided by a stipulation that the amount decided to be due by Sempronius, the judge, should be paid. The plaintiff appealed from his decision, and the case having been taken before a competent court on appeal, and a decision rendered against the defendant, the question arose whether the stipulation would become operative. The answer was that, according to the facts stated, it would not become operative by law. Claudius: For this reason the following is added in a stipulation, “Or whoever may be substituted in his place.”