Notae ad Scaevolae Digestorum libros
Ex libro XV
Dig. 33,2,32Scaevola libro quinto decimo digestorum. Generali capite praeposito quidam in testamento suo ita adiecit: ‘Felici, quem liberum esse iussi, usum fructum fundi Vestigiani lego: cuius proprietatem puto te consecuturum, si non contenderis cum herede meo, sed potius concordaveris: sed et tu, heres, omnia fac, ut amici sitis: hoc enim vobis expedit’: quaesitum est, an vivente herede exigere possit felix fundi proprietatem. respondit nihil proponi, cur Felici proprietas fundi legata videretur. 1Filios ex Seio et filiam ex alio marito heredes instituit aequis portionibus et matri ita legaverat: ‘Aeliae Dorcadi matri meae dari volo, quoad vivat, usum fructum bonorum meorum, ita ut post obitum eius ad liberos meos aut ad eum, qui ex his vivet, pertineat’. filii post aditam hereditatem decesserant: quaesitum est mortua matre superstite filia testatricis usus fructus utrum ad solam filiam an vero pro portione hereditatis pertineret. respondit ad eos redire, apud quos proprietas esset. Claudius: non credidit ipsum usum fructum in vicem portionum hereditariarum post mortem aviae inter ipsos datum, eo magis, quod aequis partibus heredes erant scripti. 2Uxori usum fructum domuum et omnium rerum, quae in his domibus erant, excepto argento legaverat, item usum fructum fundorum et salinarum: quaesitum est, an lanae cuiusque coloris mercis causa paratae, item purpurae, quae in domibus erat, usus fructus ei deberetur. respondit excepto argento et his, quae mercis causa comparata sunt, ceterorum omnium usum fructum legatariam habere. 3Idem quaesiit, cum in salinis, quarum usus fructus legatus esset, salis inventus sit non minimus modus, an ad uxorem ex causa fideicommissi usus fructus pertineat. respondit de his legandis, quae venalia ibi essent, non sensisse testatorem. 4Idem quaesiit, cum eodem testamento ita caverit: ‘a te peto, uxor, uti ex usu fructu, quem tibi praestari volo in annum quintum decimum, contenta sis annuis quadringentis, quod amplius fuerit, rationibus heredis heredumve meorum inferatur’, an recessum videatur a superiore capite ideoque uxor non amplius habeat ex usu fructu, quam annuos quadringentos. respondit satis id, quod quaereretur, aperte verba quae proponerentur declarare. 5Lucius Titius testamento suo Publio Maevio fundum Tusculanum reliquit eiusque fidei commisit, uti eiusdem fundi partem dimidiam usus fructus Titiae praestaret: Publius Maevius villam vetustate corruptam cogendis et conservandis fructibus necessariam aedificavit: quaero, an sumptus partem pro portione usus fructus Titia adgnoscere debeat. respondit, si prius, quam usum fructum praestaret, necessario aedificavit, non alias cogendum restituere, quam eius sumptus ratio habeatur. 6Duas filias et filium mente captum heredes scripsit, filii portionis mente capti datae usum fructum legavit in haec verba: ‘hoc amplius Publia Clementiana praecipiet sibi quartae partis hereditatis meae, ex qua Iulium Iustum filium meum heredem institui: petoque a te, Publia Clementiana, uti fratrem tuum Iulium Iustum alas tuearis dependas pro eo: pro quo tibi usum fructum portionis eius reliqui, donec mentis compos fiat et convalescat’. quaesitum est, cum filius in eodem furore in diem mortis suae perseverans decesserit, an usus fructus interciderit. respondit verbis quae proponerentur perseverare legatum, nisi manifestissime probetur aliud testatorem sensisse. 7Heredis instituti fidei commisit filio suo annua decem praestare aut ea praedia emere et adsignare, ut usum fructum haberet, reditum efficientia annua decem: filius fundos sibi ab herede secundum matris voluntatem traditos locavit: et quaesitum est, defuncto eo reliqua colonorum utrumne ad heredem filii fructuarii an vero ad heredem Seiae testatricis pertineant. respondit nihil proponi, cur ad heredem Seiae pertineant. 8Usum fructum tertiae partis bonorum suorum uni ex heredibus legaverat: quaesitum est, an pecuniae, quae ex rebus divisis secundum aestimationem effecta est, tertia praestanda sit. respondit heredis esse electionem, utrum rerum an aestimationis usum fructum praestare vellet. 9Item quaesitum est, tributa praeterea, quae vel pro praediis aut moventibus deberi et reddi necesse est, an eximenda sint ex quantitate, ut reliquae dumtaxat pecuniae, si hoc heres elegerit, reddi debeat. respondit reliquae pecuniae tertiam praestandam.
Scævola, Digest, Book XV. A certain man having stated his intentions in general terms, added the following in his will: “I bequeath to Felix, whom I have directed to be free, the usufruct of the Vestigian Estate, as I think that he will be entitled to the property if he does not enter into a contest with my heir, but remains on good terms with him. I ask my heir to act in such a way that he and Felix may continue to be friends, for this will be of advantage to both of them.” The question arose whether Felix could during the lifetime of the heir exact the ownership of the land. The answer was that there was nothing in the facts stated which showed that the ownership of the land was left to Felix. 1A testatrix appointed her children by Seius, and her daughter by another husband, her heirs to equal shares of her estate, and made the following bequest to her mother: “I desire that the usufruct of my property be given to ælia Dorcas, my mother, as long as she lives, and that, at her death, it shall go to my children, or to the survivor of them.” The children of Seius died after entering upon the estate, and after the death of the mother, who was survived by the daughter of the testatrix, the question arose whether the usufruct would belong entirely to the daughter, or only in proportion to her share of the estate. The answer was that it would revert to those in whom the ownership of the land was vested. Claudius: Scævola believed that after the death of their grandmother, the usufruct itself would revert to the children in proportion to their shares of the estate, especially because they were appointed heirs to equal portions of the same. 2Where a husband left to his wife the usufruct of his houses and everything contained therein, except the silver plate, and, in addition, that of his lands and salt-pits; the question arose whether the usufruct of wools of different colors which were intended for commerce, as well as of the purple which was in the houses, were also due to the wife. The answer was that, with the exception of the silver plate and the articles which would be classed as merchandise, the legatee would be entitled to the usufruct of all the other property. 3It was also asked, as a considerable amount of salt had been found in the salt-pits, the usufruct of which was bequeathed, whether it also would belong to the wife, under the terms of the trust. The answer was that the testator had not intended to bequeath any property which was for the purpose of sale. 4The question was also asked, if the testator should have made the following provision in the same will, namely, “I ask you, my wife, to be content with the sum of four hundred aurei a year, which I desire you to receive for the term of fifteen years, out of the usufruct, and that you pay to my heirs anything in excess of said sum which may be derived from the said usufruct,” whether it should not be held that the testator had changed his mind with reference to the former bequest, and therefore that the wife would not be entitled to more than four hundred aurei a year out of the usufruct. The answer was that the inquiry was clearly explained by the words which were quoted. 5Lucius Titius, by his will, left the Tusculan Estate to Publius Mævius, and charged him to give half of the usufruct of the same to Titia. Publius Mævius rebuilt an old country-house which had fallen into decay through age, and which was required for the collection and preservation of the crops. I ask whether Titia should contribute to the payment of the expense of this, in proportion to her share of the usufruct. The answer was that if the legatee had rebuilt the house before he delivered the legacy of the usufruct to Titia, he could not be compelled to deliver it until she had paid her share of the expense. 6A man appointed his two daughters and his son, who was not of sound mind, his heirs, and bequeathed the usufruct of the share of his imbecile son to one of his daughters, in the following terms: “In addition to this, let Publia Clementiana take, by way of preferred legacy, the usufruct of the fourth part of my estate, to which I have appointed my son, Julius Justus, my heir; and I ask you, Publia Clementiana, in consideration of the usufruct of his share which I have bequeathed to you, to support and take care of him until he becomes of sound mind and recovers.” As the son continued in the same condition until the time of his death, the question arose whether the usufruct would be extinguished. The answer was that, according to the case stated, the legacy would continue to exist, unless it was clearly proved that the testator intended otherwise. 7A testatrix charged her appointed heir to pay ten aurei to her son every year, or to purchase land which would return a revenue of ten aurei annually, and assign the usufruct of the same to him; and the son, having received the land from the heir, rented it in compliance with the will of his mother. After his death the question arose, whether the amount remaining due from the tenants would belong to the heir of the son, who was the usufructuary, or to the heir of Seia, the testatrix? The answer was that there was nothing in the case stated which would prevent the balance of the rent from belonging to the heir of Seia. 8A certain man left the usufruct of a third part of his estate to one of his heirs, and the question arose whether the third of the money to which the property, after having been divided, amounted to according to the appraisement, should be paid to the usufructuary. The answer was that the heir had the choice of delivering either the usufruct of the property itself, or that of the appraised valuation of the same. 9It was also asked whether the taxes, in addition to what was due and required to be paid on the land or personal property might be deducted from the amount, so that payment would only be made of the remainder, if the heir should prefer to do this? The answer was that the third of the remaining sum could be paid.