Disputationum libri
Ex libro XX
Dig. 28,2,28Tryphoninus libro vicensimo disputationum. Filius a patre, cuius in potestate est, sub condicione, quae non est in ipsius potestate, heres institutus et in defectum condicionis exheredatus decessit pendente etiam tunc condicione tam institutionis quam exheredationis. dixi heredem eum ab intestato mortuum esse, quia dum vivit, neque ex testamento heres neque exheredatus fuit. herede autem scripto ex parte filio coheres post mortem filii institui potest. 1Filius familias miles de castrensi peculio fecit testamentum habens filium in eiusdem potestate. cum militare desisset, patre eodemque avo defuncto quaesitum est, an rumpetur eius testamentum. non quidem adoptavit nec hodie ei natus est filius nec priore subducto de potestate suo herede ulterior successit in proximum locum: sed tamen in potestate sua habere coepit, quem non habebat simulque pater familias factus est et filius sub eius reccidit potestate: rumpetur ergo testamentum. sed si heres sit institutus vel exheredatus iste eius filius, non rumpitur, quia nullo circa eum novo facto, sed ordine quodam naturali nactus est potestatem. 2Si quis ex certa uxore natum scribit heredem, in periculum rumpendi testamentum deducit ex alia susceptis liberis. 3Si quis eo tempore, quo nondum eius uxor esse posset, testator natum ex ea scripsit heredem, an postea contracto licito matrimonio natus heres ex testamento esse possit, quaeritur: veluti si scribas hodie heredem, qui tibi ex Titia natus erit, quando Titia ancilla vel minor annis viginti quinque ea, cuius pater tuus tutelam administravit aut tutor tu ipse fuisti, postea Titia uxor iusta tibi fuerit vel libertatem adepta aut tempore annorum viginti quinque et utilis anni et rationum allegatione, an natus heres esse possit? nemo certo dubitabit ex Titia, quae tunc propter tenorem aetatis uxor duci non potuit, quando testamentum fiebat, natum postea ea uxore ducta heredem esse posse. et generaliter nato post testamentum heredi scripto aditus est ad hereditatem, in qualicumque statu testamenti faciendi tempore fuit quae postea testatori civiliter nupta est. 4Quid autem, si filium post testamentum natum ex besse, filiam autem post testamentum natam ex triente scripsit heredem nec ullum coheredem dedit nec substituit invicem alium? unus natus solus ex testamento fit heres.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XX. A son who was appointed an heir by his father while under control of the latter, dependent upon a certain condition with which he had nothing to do, and who was disinherited when the condition was not fulfilled, died while the condition of his appointment, as well as of his disinheritance, was still pending. I held that the son, when he died, was the heir of his intestate father, since during his lifetime he was neither the heir under his will, nor was he disinherited. Where a son is appointed heir to a certain share of an estate, his co-heir can be appointed after the death of the son. 1A son under paternal control, who was in the military service, made a will disposing of his peculium castrense, having at the same time a son under his control. After he left the service, and his father, who was also a grandfather, died; the question arose whether his will was broken. He did not, in fact, adopt anyone, nor had any son recently been born to him, nor was his nearest heir removed from his control, so that the next in order might take his place; still, he began to have under his control a person not previously in that position, and at the same time he became the head of a family and his own son became subject to his authority. Therefore, his will is broken. If, however, his said son had been either appointed or disinherited by his will, it would not be broken; for the reason that he obtained power not by any innovation on his part, but in the natural course of affairs. 2Where a party appoints an heir to be born of a certain wife of his he runs the risk of breaking his will if children are born to him by some other woman. 3If a testator appoints as heir a child to be born from a certain woman who at that time could not be his wife, and he afterwards was legally able to marry her; the question arises whether a child born under such circumstances can be an heir under the will. For example, if to-day you appoint as an heir a child born to yourself and Titia, and Titia at the time is a female slave, or a minor under twenty-five years of age, or because your father administered her guardianship, or you yourself administered it, and Titia afterwards should become your legal wife, either because she obtained her freedom, or reached the age of twenty-five years, her legal majority, or your accounts as guardian had been rendered; would your child born of her be your heir? Certainly, no one will doubt that such a child born after you married her would be your heir, even though on account of her age she could not be legally married at the time that the will was executed. And, generally speaking, whenever an heir appointed by a will is born after it is made, he has a right to enter upon the estate, no matter in what condition the woman who subsequently married the testator may have been in at the time of the execution of the will. 4But what if the testator had appointed the son and daughter to be born after his will his heirs, the son for two-thirds, and the daughter for one-third of his estate, without appointing any co-heir, or substituting one for the other? The child that was born would be the sole heir under the will.