Disputationum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 2,14,46Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Pactum inter heredem et legatarium factum, ne ab eo satis accipiatur, cum in semestribus relata est constitutio divi Marci servari in hoc quoque defuncti voluntatem, validum esse constat. nec a legatario remissa heredi satisdatio per pactionem ex paenitentia revocari debet, cum liceat sui iuris persecutionem aut spem futurae perceptionis deteriorem constituere.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. An agreement entered into between an heir and a legatee, by which the latter agrees not to take security from the former, has been held to be valid; as a Constitution of the Divine Marcus recorded in the Semestria, sets forth that the will of the deceased shall be observed in this, as well as in other matters; and the release of security to the heir by the legatee under contract cannot be revoked if he changes his mind; as it is entirely lawful for a man to change for the worse his power to enforce his legal right, or his hope of future payment.
Dig. 3,5,37Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Qui sine usuris pecuniam debebat, creditoris sui gessit negotia: quaesitum est, an negotiorum gestorum actione summae illius usuras praestare debeat. dixi, si a semet ipso exigere eum oportuit, debiturum usuras: quod si dies solvendae pecuniae tempore quo negotia gerebat nondum venerat, usuras non debiturum: sed die praeterito si non intulit rationibus creditoris cuius negotia gerebat eam pecuniam a se debitam, merito usuras bonae fidei iudicio praestaturum. sed quas usuras debebit, videamus: utrum eas, quibus aliis idem creditor faenerasset, an et maximas usuras: quoniam ubi quis eius pecuniam, cuius tutelam negotiave administrat, aut magistratus municipii publicam in usus suos convertit, maximas usuras praestat, ut est constitutum a divis principibus. sed istius diversa causa est, qui non sibi sumpsit ex administratione nummos, sed ab amico accepit et ante negotiorum administrationem. nam illi, de quibus constitutum est, cum gratuitam certe integram et abstinentem omni lucro praestare fidem deberent, licentia, qua videntur abuti, maximis usuris vice cuiusdam poenae subiciuntur: hic bona ratione accepit ab alio mutuum et usuris, quia non solvit, non quia ex negotiis quae gerebat ad se pecuniam transtulit, condemnandus est. multum autem refert, incipiat nunc debitum an ante nomen fuerit debitoris, quod satis est ex non usurario facere usurarium.
Tryphoninus, Disputes, Book II. A man who owed a debt which did not bear interest transacted the business of his creditor, and the question arose whether he could be compelled to pay interest on the above-mentioned sum by a suit based on business transacted. I stated that he would owe interest if he had been required to collect it for himself, but if the day for payment had not arrived at the time when he was transacting the business, he would not be compelled to pay interest; but if the time had elapsed, and he did not include the money owed by himself in the accounts of the creditor whose business he was transacting, he certainly would be compelled to pay interest in a bona fide action. Let us see what interest he would owe, whether it would be that on which the same creditor would loan money to others, or would it be the highest rate? It is true that anyone who converts to his own use the money of a party whose guardianship or business he has charge of, or if a magistrate appropriates the money of a municipality, he must pay the highest rate of interest, as has been established by the Divine Emperors. But it is different in this instance, where a party did not appropriate money from the business which he was transacting, but borrowed it from a friend before he assumed the administration of the latter’s affairs; for those to whom the above rule has reference were obliged to show good faith without compensation, at all events such as was absolute and without any profit whatever; and where they appear to have abused their privileges they are forced to pay the highest rate of interest by way of a kind of penalty; but this party received property as a loan in a legal way, and is liable to interest because he did not pay the principal, and not because he appropriated to his own use money derived from the business which he was transacting. It makes a great deal of difference whether the indebtedness has just begun to be incurred, or whether it was done previously, because in the latter instance this is enough to make a debt bear interest which did not do so before.
Dig. 26,7,54Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Non existimo maximis usuris subiciendum eum, qui a contutoribus suis mutuam pecuniam pupilli accepit et cavit certasque usuras promisit, quas et alii debitores pupillo dependunt, quia hic sibi non consumpsit nec clam nec quasi sua pecunia licenter abutitur et, nisi his usuris a contutore mutuum ei daretur, aliunde accepisset: et multum refert, palam aperteque debitorem se ut extraneum et quemlibet faceret pupillo an sub administratione tutelae pupillique utilitate latente sua commoda pupilli pecunia iuvaret.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. I do not think that a guardian should be liable for a higher rate of interest, who has borrowed money belonging to his ward from his fellow-guardian and has given security, and promised a rate of interest which other debtors usually pay to wards, because he did not appropriate the money to his own use, and did not secretly or prodigally squander said money as if it was his own, and if the loan had not been made to him at this rate by his fellow-guardian, he could have obtained it elsewhere. It makes a great deal of difference where a guardian publicly and openly renders himself a debtor to his ward, just as any stranger would do; and where, under the pretext of administering the guardianship for the benefit of his ward, he secretly profits by the money of the latter.
Dig. 27,1,44Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Cum ex oratione divi Marci ingenuus libertino tutor datus excusari debeat, eandem excusationem competere etiam ei, qui ius anulorum impetrasset, imperator noster cum divo Severo patre suo rescripsit. 1Ergo si pupillo libertino habenti ius anulorum datus sit ingenuus tutor vel curator, consequens est, ut excusatio eius ob hanc condicionum diversitatem non debeat accipi. 2At si antequam pupillus vel pubes minor annorum viginti quinque ius anulorum acciperet, Lucius Titius ei datus ut ingenuus excusatus fuit, post impetratum beneficium denuo eidem tutor curatorve dari poterit exemplo eo, quo placuit et rescriptum est eum, qui tempore, quod intra annum erat ex quo rei publicae causa abesse desierat, excusatus fuit, praeterito eo ipsum suo loco dari posse. 3Et quamvis libertinus, qui senatori patrono procurat, excusationem ab aliorum tutela habeat, iste tamen, qui ius anulorum impetravit, qui in ordinem ingenuorum transit, tali excusatione uti non posset.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. In compliance with a Decree of the Divine Marcus, where a freeborn man was appointed guardian of one who is emancipated had a right to be excused, our Emperor, along with his father, the Divine Severus, stated in a Rescript that the same cause for release could also be advanced by anyone who had obtained the right to wear a gold ring. 1Therefore, if a freeborn guardian or curator is appointed for an emancipated ward, entitled to wear a gold ring, the result is that an application to be excused offered by him on account of a difference of condition should not be accepted. 2If, however, before the ward or minor under twenty-five years of age has acquired the right to wear a gold ring, Lucius Titius, having been appointed his guardian, should be excused on account of his being freeborn, he can be appointed a second time the guardian or curator of said minor, after he has obtained this privilege; for the same reason that it has been decided, and stated in a Rescript, that a guardian shall be excused who has been appointed within a year after he had returned from employment in the public service, and that period having elapsed, he can be appointed in his own place. 3And, although a freedman who acts as agent for the transaction of the business of his patron, a Senator, has a valid excuse for not assuming the guardianship of others, still, he who has acquired the right to wear a gold ring and by this means passes into the rank of freeborn persons cannot avail himself of an excuse of this kind.
Dig. 29,5,11Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Idemque erit et de his, qui ius anulorum petierant.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. The same rule will apply to those who have obtained the right to wear rings.
Dig. 37,5,13Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Item a substituto legata deberi dicimus, si institutus condicione defectus esset, quae in ipsius potestate non fuit: nam si eam, quae in ipsius potestate fuit, non implevit, pro eo habendus est, qui noluit adire hereditatem, quando nihil habiturus emolumenti condicioni merito non paruerit.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. We also hold that legacies with which a substitute is charged are payable where the appointed heir has failed to comply with a condition, which was not in his power. For if he should not comply with it when he was able to do so, he should be considered as occupying the same position as an heir who refuses to accept an estate, as he will not be entitled to any benefit from it, and deservedly so, as he did not observe the condition.
Dig. 42,1,48Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Decreta a praetoribus Latine interponi debent.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. Decisions must be rendered by the Prætor in Latin.
Dig. 48,5,43Tryphoninus libro secundo disputationum. Si is, qui ius anulorum impetravit, adulterium commisit in patroni uxorem aut in patronam suam, aut in eius eive, cuius libertus patris aut matris, filii filiaeve fuit: an ut libertus puniri debeat? et si deprehensus sit in adulterio, an impune occidatur? et magis probo subiciendum poenae libertinorum, quoniam lege Iulia de adulteriis coercendis ad tuenda matrimonia pro libertinis eos haberi placuit et deteriorem causam per istud beneficium patronorum haberi non oportet.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book II. If he who has obtained the right to wear a gold ring should commit adultery with the wife of his patron; or with his patroness; or with the wife of him, or of the father of him from whom he obtained his freedom; or with the mother, or the son’s wife; or with the daughter of any of these persons, shall he be punished as a freedman? And if he is surprised in adultery, can he be killed with impunity? I am inclined to think that he should be subjected to the penalty imposed upon freedmen; because, by the Julian Law for the suppression of Adultery, and with a view to the protection of marriage, it is settled that they should be considered as freedmen; and, as the result of this advantage, the case of patrons should not be rendered any worse.