Disputationum libri
Ex libro XIX
Dig. 37,4,20Idem libro nono decimo disputationum. Filium quem in potestate habebat exheredavit, emancipatum praeteriit: quaesitum est, quatenus emancipatus bonorum possessionem habiturus sit. dixi, si scripti heredes extranei adierint hereditatem, repellendum esse filium, qui mansit in potestate. quod si hi repudiaverint hereditatem (quod facile sunt facturi nihil laturi ex hereditate propter eum, qui contra tabulas accepit bonorum possessionem), filius ab intestato patris suus heres deprehendetur: emancipatus autem petens contra tabulas bonorum possessionem solus habebit bonorum possessionem. sed cum exheredatio non adita hereditate ex testamento nullius sit momenti (ideoque non obstare eam nec quo minus contra tabulas libertorum patris accipiat bonorum possessionem, Iulianus recte respondit, ne testamentum per omnia irritum ad notam exheredationis solam profecisse videatur), redit res ad intestati exitum, ut adversus filium suum ex asse heredem ab intestato patri emancipatum praetor in parte dimidia tueatur. erit ergo venale beneficium scripti heredis extranei, ut, cum ipse iure hereditatis nihil sit consecuturus, adeundo repellat filium in potestate relictum praestetque assem emancipato filio iure contra tabulas bonorum possessionis: si autem omiserit hereditatem, in portionem bonorum exheredatum effectu admittet, iure factum solum suum heredem. sed quemadmodum praetor emancipatum tueatur, si adita non fuerit hereditas, ita nec filius qui in potestate remansit aditione adhibita in totum expellendus erit, sed ad hereditatis petitionem admittendus est ex causa inofficiosi querellae contra emancipatum movendae. 1Videamus tamen isto casu, quo utrique ad bona patris veniunt, an ei conferre debeat emancipatus: nam neque ex hac parte edicti verbis id facere cogitur, unde contra tabulas accepit bonorum possessionem, quae inter eos, quibus ita bonorum possessio dabitur, caveri de collatione ab emancipato iubet: iste enim qui mansit in potestate quod exheredatus nominatim fuit, non est vocatus ad bonorum possessionem contra tabulas: neque ex illa parte edicti, qua intestato patre mortuo emancipatus ad bonorum possessionem admissus ad collationem compellitur, quia etsi frater ab intestato heres sit, emancipatus tamen non inde accepit bonorum possessionem. et vereor, ne hactenus filio suo profuerit factum heredis scripti non adeuntis, ut eum ad portionem admitteret bonorum paternorum, non etiam eorum, quae emancipatus propria habuit, et hoc sit consequens illi, quod, cum ex minore parte scriptus a patre heres relictus in potestate, admisso fratre emancipato ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem, eius beneficio plus consequatur, quamvis edicti verbis collatio inducatur, ex mente praetoris denegandam eam respondetur. multo magis autem huic conferri non oportet, quia ei a patre exheredatus, a praetore ad bonorum possessionem contra tabulas non vocatus occasione omissae hereditatis a scripto herede (nihil habituro propter delatam emancipato a praetore contra tabulas bonorum possessionem) nomen sui heredis adeptus est. 2Legata tamen ex parte sua iste emancipatus liberis et parentibus praestare cogetur non solida, sed deminuta in dimidium, quod relinquitur manenti in potestate. sed nec adversus eum constituendae actionis legatorum ratio est, qui mero iure intestato heres exstitit. 3Sed qui accepit contra tabulas bonorum possessionem, etiamsi non fuerit adita hereditas a scripto, praestat legata ea parte testamenti data, contra quam bonorum possessio accepta est. erit ergo melior hoc casu condicio in familia relicti filii, quam foret, si exheredatus non esset.
The Same, Disputations, Book XIX. A testator disinherited his son, who was under his control, and passed over another whom he had emancipated. The question arose under what circumstances the emancipated son would be entitled to prætorian possession of the estate. I answered that if the foreign heirs who were appointed should accept the estate, the son who remained under the control of his father would be excluded. If, however, the said heirs should reject it, which they could easily do, as they could obtain nothing from it on account of him who was entitled to prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will, and because the son who had remained under the control of his father, having become his own master, would be the heir-at-law of his father; still, the emancipated son, having demanded prætorian possession in opposition to the terms of the will, would alone be entitled to it. But, as disinheritance is of no force or effect, where an estate is not accepted under the will, Julianus very properly holds that this should not prevent the disinherited son from acquiring prætorian possession of the estate of his father contrary to the provisions of the will. In order to prevent a will, void in every other respect, from seeming to be effective solely so far as the reproach of disinheritance is concerned, the matter is referred to the death of the intestate, so that the Prætor may protect the emancipated son against the direct and sole heir-at-law, and secure for him half of the inheritance. Therefore the benefit to be obtained from the appointed foreign heir is purchaseable, and as he can legally obtain nothing of the estate, by entering upon the same he can exclude the son remaining under parental control, and by law will transfer it in its entirety to the emancipated son, in opposition to the terms of the will. If, however, the appointed heir should reject the estate, he will render the disinherited heir, who now becomes the sole heir, entitled to his share of the same. For, just as the Prætor protects the emancipated heir when an estate is not entered upon, so the son who remained under his father’s control should not be absolutely excluded in case the estate should be accepted; but he will be permitted to claim it, as against the emancipated son, on the ground that the will is inofficious. 1Let us see, however, where both heirs obtain the estate of their father, whether the one who has been emancipated is subject to contribution to the other, as he is not obliged to do this by the terms of the Section of the Edict under which he obtains prætorian possession in opposition to the terms of the will, since it directs security for contribution to be furnished by the emancipated heir, to those to whom possession of the estate is given. For the heir who is under the control of his father is not called to the prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will, because he was expressly disinherited. Nor is contribution required by that Section of the Edict under which the emancipated son is permitted to obtain prætorian possession after his father has died intestate, for the reason that although his brother may be the heir-at-law; still, the emancipated son does not obtain prætorian possession of the estate on account of the above mentioned Section. I fear that the act of the appointed heir, who rejects the estate, will not be of any benefit to the son, except to enable him to obtain half of the estate of his father; but by it he will not acquire half of the property of the son who was emancipated. In a case of this kind the result will be that, if the heir who is under the control of his father is appointed to a smaller share than he would otherwise have been entitled to, and if his emancipated brother has obtained prætorian possession of the estate, although contribution is indicated by the words of the Edict, still by the decision of the Prætor this advantage will be denied him. There is, however, much more reason that he should not be benefited by contribution, because, having been disinherited by his father, he is not called to the prætorian possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will; and on account of the rejection of the estate by the appointed heir, he will not be entitled to anything, because the emancipated son, having obtained possession contrary to the provisions of the will from the Prætor, occupies the position of the proper heir. 2The said emancipated son will be compelled to pay out of his share any legacies bequeathed to children, and ascendants of the deceased, not all of them, but only half; because of what remains of the inheritance for the son under paternal control. There is, however, no cause for the legatees to bring suit against him, since he is rightfully the heir at law. 3But where he received prætorian possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will, even if the estate should not be accepted by the appointed heir, he must pay the legacies granted by that part of the will in opposition to which he obtained possession of the estate. Therefore, in this instance, the condition of the son who remains under paternal control will, in fact, be better than if he had not been disinherited.