Disputationum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 5,2,22Tryphoninus libro septimo decimo disputationum. Filius non impeditur, quo minus inofficiosum testamentum matris accusaret, si pater eius legatum ex testamento matris accipiet vel adisset hereditatem, quamquam in eius esset potestate: nec prohiberi patrem dixi iure filii accusare: nam indignatio filii est. 1Et quaerebatur, si non optinuisset in accusando, an quod patri datum est publicaretur? quoniam alii commodum victoriae parat et in hac causa nihil ex officio patris, sed totum de meritis filii agitur. et inclinandum est non perdere patrem sibi datum, si secundum testamentum pronuntiatum fuisset. 2Multo magis si mihi legatum testator dedit, cuius de inofficioso testamento filius agens decessit me herede relicto, egoque hereditariam causam peregi et victus sum: id quod mihi eo testamento relictum est, non perdam: utique si iam defunctus agere coeperat. 3Item si adrogavi eum, qui instituerat litem de inofficioso testamento eius qui mihi legatum dedit, litemque peregero nomine filii nec optinuero: perdere me legatum non oportet, quia non sum indignus, ut auferatur mihi a fisco id quod derelictum est: cum non proprio nomine, sed iure cuiusdam successionis egi.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XVII. A son is not prevented from attacking the testament of his mother as inofficious, where his father has received a legacy by the will of the mother, or has entered upon the estate, even though the said son was still under his father’s control; and I have stated that the father is not forbidden to attack the will in behalf of his son, for the indignity is inflicted upon the latter. 1It was also asked if the son failed in his attack on the will, whether what was left to the father would be forfeited to the State? For, as he would not be benefited by his success, and in this instance the duty of the father was not in any way concerned, but everything depended upon the merit of the son, we must incline to the opinion that the father does not lose what was left to him, if a decision is rendered in favor of the will. 2Much more is this the fact where a testator left me a legacy, and his son, after instituting proceedings on the ground that the will was inofficious, died, leaving me his heir, and I still proceed with the action against the estate, and I am defeated, I do not lose what was left me by the will; if, of course, the deceased had already begun suit. 3Moreover, if I adopt a person after he has already brought an action to declare the will inofficious, by which will a legacy had been bequeathed to me, and I conduct the case in behalf of my adopted son, and do not succeed; I should not lose my legacy because I have been guilty of anything for which I ought to be deprived by the Treasury of what was bequeathed to me; for I did not bring the suit in my own name, but on account of a certain kind of legal succession.
Dig. 37,15,10Tryphoninus libro septimo decimo disputationum. Nullum ius libertatis causa impositorum habet in mancipato filio, quia nihil imponi liberis solet. nec quisquam dixit iureiurando obligari filium patri manumissori ut libertum patrono: nam pietatem liberi parentibus, non operas debent.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XVII. A father has no right to place any obligation upon his emancipated son, in consideration of having granted him his freedom, for the reason that nothing of this kind can be imposed upon children. Nor can anyone say that a son is bound by an oath to his father, who manumits him, in the same way as a freedman is to his patron, as children owe their parents affection and not menial services.
Dig. 38,2,15Tryphoninus libro septimo decimo disputationum. Idem est et si crimen quidem, quod in liberto probatum est, meruerat capitis poenam, benignius autem punitus est libertus, veluti tantum relegatus: de calumniatore enim sensit praetor.
Tryphonimis, Disputations, Book XVII. The same rule applies where the crime which was proved against the freedman carries with it capital punishment, but the freedman was subjected to a lower penalty; as, for instance, he was only banished, for the Prætor only takes cognizance of a patron who brings a false accusation.
Dig. 38,2,50Tryphoninus libro septimo decimo disputationum. Nihil interest, ipse patronus scriptus heres ex minore parte adierit hereditatem an servum suum scriptum iusserit adire hereditatem, quam retinet: nihilo minus enim repulsus erit a contra tabulas bonorum possessione. 1Si tamen antequam iuberet liberti hereditatem adire, servum vendiderit aut manumiserit et ita ipse novus libertus aut emptor heredes extiterint, verbis edicti non prohibetur patronus accipere contra tabulas bonorum possessionem. 2Sed numquid praetor ei denegare possessorias actiones debeat, si fraudem edicto eius facere voluit, ut pretio uberiore percepto vel tacita pactione etiam hereditatis ex institutione delatae commodum et bonorum possessionis contra tabulas haberet? faciliorque suspicio per filium scriptum heredem quamvis emancipatum adeuntem liberti hereditatem ipsum patronum habere, cum omnia, quae nostra sunt, liberis nostris ex voto paremus. 3Si tamen clusis adhuc tabulis testamenti liberti, cum ignoraret iudicium eius patronus, eorum quid, quae supra scripta sunt, circa institutum subiectum iuri suo fecit, amota fraudis suspicione suo iure in bonorum possessione contra tabulas utetur. 4Si patronus ex debita portione a liberto scriptus rogatusque hereditatem restituere suspectam dixit et compulsus adire, cum retinere posset, restituerit, non poterit accipere contra tabulas bonorum possessionem, et quia adgnovit iudicium liberti et quia sprevit et quasi damnavit eam possessionem. 5Longe distat ab hoc patroni filius, quem libertus adrogavit et ex minore parte heredem scripsit, cum nemo ex familia patroni alius esset: quamquam enim hic ipso iure, quippe suus, heres deprehendatur, si tamen se non immiscuit hereditati ut patris, sed abstinuit, quasi patroni tamen filius admittendus est ad contra tabulas bonorum possessionem. 6Si debenti patrono certam pecuniam liberationem libertus reliquisset isque usus est adversus heredem petentem debitum doli exceptione aut acceptilatione liberatus est debito propter legatum, dicendum est eum non posse accipere contra tabulas bonorum possessionem.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XVII. It makes no difference whether the patron, having been appointed heir, accepts a smaller share of the estate of his freedman than the one he is entitled to by law, or whether he orders his own slave, who was appointed heir, to enter upon the estate, and he retains the same, as he will, in either instance, be excluded from prætorian possession of the estate of his freedman in opposition to the terms of the will. 1If, however, he should sell the slave before ordering him to enter upon the estate of the freedman, or manumit him, so that the new freedman himself or the purchaser will become the heir, the patron is not prohibited by the terms of the Edict from accepting prætorian possession of the estate of the freedman contrary to the provisions of the will. 2But ought the Prætor to refuse him the action to obtain possession, because he attempted to evade the Edict for the purpose of acquiring prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will either by receiving a larger price from the purchaser, or by making a tacit agreement with the slave to gain an undue advantage from his appointment as heir to the estate? The suspicion is still greater where the patron himself acquires the estate of the freedman through the acceptance of his son, who was appointed heir, even though he was emancipated, as everything which we have we wish to go to our children. 3If, however, while the will remains unopened, and the patron is still ignorant of the intentions of his freedman, he commits any of the above-mentioned acts, having reference to the heir who was appointed while under his control, and there is no suspicion of fraud, he can avail himself of his right to obtain prætorian possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will. 4Where a patron, who is appointed by his freedman heir to the share of his estate to which he is legally entitled, and is charged to transfer the estate to another, alleges that he considers it to be insolvent, and, having been compelled to accept it, although he could retain the share to which he was entitled, transfers the same, he cannot obtain prætorian possession contrary to the testamentary provisions, both because he accepted the will of the freedman, and despised, and, as it were, rejected his right to the possession of his legal share of the estate. 5The case of the son of a patron, whom a freedman has arrogated and appointed heir to a smaller share of his estate than that to which he was entitled, is very different from this, where there is no one else belonging to the family of the patron. For, although he is, by operation of law, the proper heir of the freedman, if he did not interfere with the estate of the latter as belonging to his father, but abstained from doing so in order to retain his right as patron, the son will, nevertheless, be permitted to obtain prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the testamentary provisions. 6If a freedman should leave to his patron, who owed him a certain sum of money, a release from liability, and he should avail himself of an exception on the ground of bad faith against an heir demanding payment of the debt, or he is released on account of the legacy, it must be said that he cannot obtain prætorian possession of the estate in opposition to the provisions of the will.