Disputationum libri
Ex libro XV
Dig. 9,4,37Tryphoninus libro quinto decimo disputationum. Si alienus servus furtum mihi fecerit, qui postea in meum dominium pervenerit, extinguitur furti actio, quae mihi conpetierat, nondum in iudicium deducta, nec si postea alienavero eum, quem ante litem contestatam emeram, furti actio restaurabitur: quod si post litem contestatam eum redemero, condemnandus erit venditor,
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XV. Where a slave belonging to another steals my property and afterwards comes into my hands as owner, the right of action for theft to which I was entitled is extinguished, if it has not yet been made use of; and if I should afterwards dispose of the slave whom I bought before issue was joined, the right of action for theft will not be renewed; but if I purchase him after issue has been joined, the vendor can have judgment rendered against him:
Dig. 13,1,20Tryphoninus libro quinto decimo disputationum. Licet fur paratus fuerit excipere condictionem et per me steterit, dum in rebus humanis res fuerat, condicere eam, postea autem perempta est, tamen durare condictionem veteres voluerunt, quia videtur, qui primo invito domino rem contrectaverit, semper in restituenda ea, quam nec debuit auferre, moram facere.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XV. Suppose a thief is prepared to defend a personal action brought against him for the recovery of stolen property; as long as the property exists I have a right to bring the action, but where it is afterwards destroyed, the ancient authorities held that the right still remained, because it was their opinion that where a man had, in the beginning, handled the property without the consent of the owner, he is always in default with reference to returning it, because he ought not to have removed it.
Dig. 37,4,19Tryphoninus libro quinto decimo disputationum. Quod volgo dicitur liberis datam bonorum possessionem contra lignum esse sic intellegendum est, ut sufficiat exstitisse tabulas mortis tempore patris, ex quibus vel adiri hereditas vel secundum eas bonorum possessio peti potuit, quamvis neutrum eorum postea secutum sit vel sequi potuit: nam si vel omnes instituti substitutique ante testatorem decesserint vel is scriptus heres fuit, cum quo testamenti factio non fuit, peti contra tabulas inane est, quae sine effectu forent.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XV. When it is said that prætorian possession of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will is granted to children, this should be understood to mean that it is sufficient that there was a will at the time of the death of their father, under which they could either accept the estate, or demand possession of it under the Prætorian Edict; although neither of these things was done, or could have been done afterwards. For if all the appointed heirs and their substitutes should die before the testator, and an heir should be appointed who was not capable of taking under the will, it would be useless to claim possession contrary to the provisions of the will, which would be absolutely without effect.
Dig. 37,14,23Tryphoninus libro quinto decimo disputationum. Si filius patris necem inultam reliquerit, quam servus detexit et meruit libertatem, dixi non habendum pro patroni filio, quia indignus est. 1Cum ex falsis codicillis, qui veri aliquo tempore crediti sunt, heres ignorans quasi ex fideicommisso libertatem servis praestitisset, rescriptum est a divo Hadriano liberos quidem eos esse, sed aestimationem sui praestare debere: et hos libertos manumissoris esse recte probatur, quia salvum est etiam in his libertis ius patroni.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XV. When a son left the death of a father unavenged, and a slave having detected the murderer, had deserved his freedom on this account, I held that the son should not be considered as the patron of the slave, for the reason that he was unworthy. 1Where a false codicil had been made, which at first was considered to be genuine, and the heir, ignorant of the fact, granted freedom to certain slaves by virtue of a trust created by said codicil, it was stated in a Rescript of the Divine Hadrian that the slaves would be free, but that they must pay the heir their full value. And it was justly held that the said slaves should become the manumitted freedmen of the heir, for the reason that his right over them as patron still remained in force.
Dig. 43,16,19Tryphoninus libro quinto decimo disputationum. Merito Iulianus respondit, si me de fundo vi deieceris, in quo res moventes fuerunt, cum mihi interdicto unde vi restituere debeas non solum possessionem soli, sed et ea quae ibi fuerunt, quamquam ego moram fecero, quo minus interdicto te convenirem, subtractis tamen mortalitate servis aut pecoribus aliisve rebus casu intercidentibus tuum tamen onus nihilo minus in eis restituendis esse, quia ex ipso tempore delicti plus quam frustrator debitor constitutus es.
Tryphoninus, Disputations, Book XV. Julianus very properly held that if you forcibly dispossess me of land, on which there is movable property, you will be obliged, under the interdict Unde vi, to restore to me not only the possession of the land, but also that of the movable property which was there at the time; even though I may have been in default in proceeding against you under the interdict; so that if some of the slaves or cattle have died, or any other property has been destroyed by accident, you will, nevertheless, be obliged to make restitution, because you are in default more than a debtor is considered to be.