Quaestionum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,3,27Tertullianus libro I quaestionum. Ideo, quia antiquiores leges ad posteriores trahi usitatum est, semper quasi hoc legibus inesse credi oportet, ut ad eas quoque personas et ad eas res pertinerent, quae quandoque similes erunt.
Tertullianus, Questions, Book I. Therefore, for the reason that it is the custom to interpret recent laws by former ones, it ought always to be understood that the principles of the laws are applicable to such persons or things as may at any time be of a similar character.
Dig. 41,2,28Tertullianus libro primo quaestionum. Si aliquam rem possideam et eandem postea conducam, an amittam possessionem? multum refert in his, quid agatur: primum enim refert, utrum sciam me possidere an ignorem: et utrum quasi non meam rem conducam an quasi meam: et sciens meam esse, utrum quasi proprietatis respectu an possessionis tantum. nam et si rem meam tu possideas et ego emam a te possessionem eius rei vel stipuler, utilis erit et emptio et stipulatio, et sequitur, ut et precarium et conductio specialiter possessionis solius conducendae vel precario rogandae animus interveniat.
Tertullianus, Questions, Book I. If I possess property, and afterwards lease it, do I lose possession? It makes a great deal of difference as to what the intention of the testator was in this case. First, it is important to ascertain whether I know that I am in possession, or am ignorant of the fact; and whether I lease the property as my own, or as belonging to someone else, and, knowing it to be mine, whether I lease it with reference to the ownership, or merely to obtain possession. For if you are in possession of my property, and I purchase the possession of the same from you, or enter into a stipulation with reference thereto, both the purchase and the stipulation will be valid; and the result is that there will be both a precarious title and a lease, if there was an express intention of only leasing possession, or an intention of claiming it by a precarious title.