De castrensi peculio liber singularis
Dig. 29,1,23Tertullianus libro singulari de castrensi peculio. Idem et si pater familias miles de castrensibus rebus dumtaxat testatus adrogandum se dederit: si vero missus iam hoc fecerat, non valet testamentum.
Tertullianus, On the Castrense Peculium. The same rule applies where the head of a household, while a soldier, only disposes of his peculium castrense by will, and subsequently gives himself to be arrogated. If, however, he should do this after having been already discharged, his testament will not be valid.
Dig. 29,1,33Tertullianus libro singulari de castrensi peculio. Si filius familias miles fecisset testamentum more militiae, deinde post mortem patris postumus ei nasceretur, utique rumpitur eius testamentum. verum si perseverasset in ea voluntate, ut vellet adhuc illud testamentum valere, valiturum illud, quasi rursum aliud factum, si modo militaret adhuc eo tempore quo nasceretur illi postumus. 1Sed si filius familias miles fecisset testamentum, deinde postea vivo eo et adhuc avo quoque superstite nasceretur ei postumus, non rumpitur eius testamentum, quia cum id quod nasceretur in potestate eius non perveniret, non videtur suus heres adgnasci: ac ne avo quidem suo hunc nepotem postumum, cum vivo filio nasceretur, suum heredem protinus adgnasci et ideo nec avi testamentum rumpi, quoniam, licet in potestate avi protinus esse inciperet, tamen antecederet eum filius. 2Secundum quae si filius familias miles testamentum fecerit et omiserit postumum per errorem, non quod volebat exheredatum, deinde postumus post mortem avi vivo adhuc filio, id est patre suo natus fuerit, omnimodo rumpet illius testamentum. sed si quidem pagano iam illo facto natus sit, nec convalescet ruptum: si vero militante adhuc natus fuerit, rumpetur, deinde, si voluerit ratum illud esse pater, convalescet sic quasi denuo factum. 3Sed et si vivo avo nascatur postumus, hic non rumpet continuo patris testamentum: si supervixerit post mortem avi vivo adhuc patre, rumpet, quod novus illi nunc primum heres adgnascitur: ita tamen, ut numquam possit duorum simul testamenta rumpere et avi et patris.
Tertyllianus, On the Castrense Peculium. Where a son under paternal control, while in the army, makes a will according to military custom, and subsequently, after the death of his father, a posthumous child is born to him, his will is broken. If, however, he is still of the same mind, and wishes the said will to continue to be valid, he can render it so, just as if he had made another; provided he was serving as a soldier up to the time when the posthumous child was born. 1Where, however, a son under paternal control, who is serving as a soldier, makes a will, and then afterwards, during his lifetime, and during that of his grandfather, a posthumous child is born to him, his will will not be broken, because the said child will not come under his control, and is not held to be born a proper heir. Nor indeed, can this posthumous grandchild, since it was born during the lifetime of the son, become at once a proper heir to its grandfather, and therefore the will of the grandfather is not broken; as, although it at once comes under the control of its grandfather, the son will, nevertheless, be entitled to priority. 2It follows that if a son under paternal control makes a will while serving as a soldier, and through mistake, and not because he wished to disinherit him, omits to mention a posthumous child; and if the said posthumous child should be born after the death of his grandfather, but during the lifetime of the son, that is to say his own father, his testament will certainly be broken. If, however, it should be born after its father has become a civilian, the validity of the testament which has been broken will not be restored. But if it should be born while its father is still in the army, then, if the latter should desire the will to be valid, it will become so, just as if it had been executed a second time. 3If, however, a posthumous child should be born during the lifetime of its grandfather, this will not at once break the will of the father, but only where it survives its grandfather, while its father is still living, as it now for the first time becomes the heir of the latter. For this is the case because it never can break two wills at once, that is to say, those of its father and its grandfather.
Dig. 49,17,4Tertullianus libro singulari de castrensi peculio. Miles praecipua habere debet, quae tulit secum in castra concedente patre. 1Actionem persecutionemque castrensium rerum semper filius etiam invito patre habet. 2Si pater familias militiae tempore vel post missionem adrogandum se praebuerit, videndum erit, ne huic quoque permissa intellegatur earum rerum administratio, quas ante adrogationem in castris adquisierit, quamvis constitutiones principales de his loquantur, qui ab initio cum essent filii familias militaverint. quod admittendum est.
Tertullianus, On Castrense Peculium. A soldier should be especially entitled to any articles which he took with him into camp with the consent of his father. 1The son has always, even against the will of his father, the right of action and recovery of the property constituting his castrense peculium. 2If the head of a household, during the term of his military service, and after his discharge, should offer himself to be arrogated, let us see if he should not be understood to have the free administration of any property which he acquired in camp before his arrogation, although the Imperial Constitutions only mention those who, as sons under paternal control, served from the time when they entered the army. This rule should be adopted.