Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 24,1,25Terentius Clemens libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Sed et si constante matrimonio res aliena uxori a marito donata fuerit, dicendum est confestim ad usucapionem eius uxorem admitti, quia et si non mortis causa donaverat ei, non impediretur usucapio. nam ius constitutum ad eas donationes pertinet, ex quibus et locupletior mulier et pauperior maritus in suis rebus fit: itaque licet mortis causa donatio interveniat, quasi inter extraneas personas fieri intellegenda est in ea re, quae quia aliena est usucapi potest.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. Where, however, during the existence of the marriage, property belonging to someone else is given by a husband to his wife, it must be said that the wife is immediately permitted to begin to hold it by usucaption, because, although it was not given to her mortis causa, its usucaption will not be prevented. For the law, as established, has reference to those donations by which the wife is enriched, and the husband becomes poorer; and therefore a donation mortis causa may take place—just as is understood to be made between persons who are not married—with reference to property which can be acquired by usucaption, because it belongs to another.
Dig. 35,1,64Terentius Clemens libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Hoc modo legato dato ‘si Lucio Titio non nubserit’ non esse legi locum Iulianus aiebat. 1Quod si ita scriptum esset ‘si Ariciae non nubserit’, interesse, an fraus legi facta esset: nam si ea esset, quae aliubi nuptias non facile possit invenire, interpretandum ipso iure rescindi, quod fraudandae legis gratia esset adscriptum: legem enim utilem rei publicae, subolis scilicet procreandae causa latam, adiuvandam interpretatione.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. Where a legacy is bequeathed under the following condition, “If she should not marry Lucius Titius,” Julianus says that the law will not apply. 1If, however, the testator had said, “If he should not marry Aricia,” it should be ascertained whether a fraud on the law has not been perpetrated; for if the said Aricia was a woman who could not easily find another man to marry, it should be held that what the testator had said for the purpose of evasion became void by operation of law, for a law which is beneficial to the State and which has been enacted for the purpose of increasing the population should be aided by a favorable interpretation.
Dig. 40,9,31Terentius Clemens libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Quaesitum est, si libertam patronus iureiurando adegisset, ne ea liberos impuberes habens nuberet, quid iuris esset. Iulianus dicit non videri contra legem Aeliam Sentiam fecisse eum, qui non perpetuam viduitatem libertae iniunxisset.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. The question arose, what would be the rule if a patron compelled his freedwoman to swear that she would not marry as long as her children are under the age of puberty? Julianus says that he would not be held to have acted against the Lex Ælia Sentia, as he did not enjoin her to remain in perpetual widowhood.
Dig. 50,16,151Terentius Clemens libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. ‘Delata’ hereditas intellegitur, quam quis possit adeundo consequi.
Ad Dig. 50,16,151Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 594, Note 1.Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. An estate is understood to have been granted to anyone when he can acquire it by entering upon the same.