Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 22,3,16Terentius Clemens libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Etiam matris professio filiorum recipitur: sed et avi recipienda est.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. The statement of a mother as to the birth of her children, as well as that of a grandfather, must be accepted.
Dig. 23,2,21Terentius Clemens libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Non cogitur filius familias uxorem ducere.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. A son under paternal control cannot be forced to marry.
Dig. 23,3,61Terentius Clemens libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Sive generalis curator sive dotis dandae causa constitutus sit et amplius doti promissum est quam facultates mulieris valent, ipso iure promissio non valet, quia lege rata non habetur auctoritas dolo malo facta. quaerendum tamen est, utrum tota obligatio an quod amplius promissum est, quam promitti oportuit, infirmetur? et utilius est dicere id quod superfluum est tantummodo infirmare. 1Iste autem curator res dotis nomine tradere debet, non etiam ut vendat cuilibet et pretium eius in dotem det. dubitari autem potest, an hoc verum sit: quid enim si aliter honeste nubere non possit, quam ut pecuniam in dotem det idque ei magis expediat? atquin possunt res in dotem datae plerumque alienari et pecunia in dotem converti. sed ut expediatur quaestio, si quidem res in dotem maritus accipere maluerit, nihil amplius quaerendum est: sin autem non aliter contrahere matrimonium vir patitur nisi pecuniis in dotem datis, tunc officium est curatoris apud eundem intrare iudicem, qui eum constituit, ut iterum ei causa cognita etiam viro absente permittat rerum venditione celebrata dotem constituere.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. A curator may be appointed for the general management of property, or for the purpose of giving a dowry, and where a larger dowry is promised than is justified by the estate of the woman, the promise will be void by operation of law, because an authorization fraudulently granted is not held to be confirmed by the law. Still, the question should be asked whether the entire obligation is annulled, or only what was promised in excess of what should have been. It is more equitable to hold that that only is annulled which is superfluous. 1The said curator should deliver the property bestowed as dowry, but he cannot sell it to anyone, and give the price of the same, by way of dowry. But it may be doubted whether this is correct, for what if the ward cannot marry honorably unless she gives money as dowry, and this will be more advantageous to her? However, property which is given by way of dowry can very frequently be alienated, and the money become the dowry. In order that this question may be determined, if the husband prefers to receive the property as dowry, it is not necessary to inquire any farther; but if he is not willing to contract marriage unless money is given, as dowry, it then becomes the duty of the curator to appear before the judge who appointed him, so that, if proper cause is shown, even though the man is absent, he may permit the dowry to be constituted by the proceeds of the sale of the property.
Dig. 31,52Terentius Clemens libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Non oportet prius de condicione cuiusquam quaeri, quam hereditas legatumve ad eum pertineat.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. It is not necessary to examine the legal capacity of anyone before an estate or a legacy belongs to him.
Dig. 50,16,147Idem libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Qui in continentibus urbis nati sunt, ‘Romae’ nati intelleguntur.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Persons who are born in the suburbs of the City are understood to be born at Rome.