Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 29,2,82Terentius Clemens libro sexto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si servus eius qui capere non potest heres instituatur et antequam iussu domini adeat hereditatem, manumissus alienatusve sit et nihil in fraudem legis factum esset, ipse admittitur ad hereditatem. sed et si partem capere possit dominus eius, eandem dicenda sunt de parte, quam ille capere non potest: nihil enim interest, de universo quaeratur quod capere non possit an de portione.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XVI. If the slave of a person who is incapable of taking under a will should be appointed an heir, and is manumitted or alienated before entering upon the estate by order of his master, and commits no act for the purpose of evading the law, he himself will be admitted to the succession. If, however, his master can take but a certain share of the estate, the same rule will apply to that portion which he cannot take under the will. For, generally speaking, it makes no difference where the question is raised whether someone cannot take anything under a will, or can only take a part of the estate.