Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 34,3,21Terentius Clemens libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si id quod mihi deberes vel tibi vel alii legavero idque mihi solveris vel qualibet alia ratione liberatus a me fueris, exstinguitur legatum. 1Unde Iuliano placuit et si debitori heres exstiterit creditor posteaque ipse creditor decesserit, legatum extingui: et hoc verum est, quia confusione perinde exstinguitur obligatio ac solutione. 2Sed si sub condicione dato legato heres praeoccupaverit et exegerit debitum, aliud dici oportet, quia in arbitrio heredis esse non debet, ut quandoque condicione existente neque ipsi legatario debeatur legatum, si tum vivat et capere possit, neque ei, ad quem hoc commodum pervenit, si legatarius capere non possit.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XI. If I should bequeath anything which you owe me, either to yourself or to a third party, and you should pay it to me, or be released by me for any other reason, the legacy will be extinguished. 1Hence, it was held by Julianus that, even if a creditor should become the heir of his debtor and should afterwards die, the legacy will be extinguished; and this is correct, because an obligation is, as it were, extinguished by confusion, just as it is by payment. 2Where, however, a legacy is bequeathed under some condition, and the heir comes in beforehand and collects the debt, another opinion must be rendered; because, while the condition is still pending, the prevention of the payment of the legacy to the legatee, if he is still living and entitled to receive it, does not depend upon the inclination of the heir, nor, if the legatee should not be legally capable of taking it, can the heir prevent the party entitled to the benefit of the legacy from obtaining the same.
Dig. 38,2,40Idem libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si pater exheredato filio ita cavit, ut ius in libertum salvum ei esset, nihil ei ad hanc rem nocet exheredatio.
The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XII. If a father makes such a provision for his disinherited son that his right over his freedman remains unimpaired, the disinheritance will not prejudice his rights in this respect.
Dig. 38,4,10Terentius Clemens libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Sub condicione vel in diem liberto adsignato interim pendente die vel condicione omnia perinde observabuntur, ac si adsignatus non esset: itaque mortuo eo interim ad omnes liberos hereditas et bonorum possessio pertinebit. 1Si uni pure, alii sub condicione libertus adsignatus sit, eum, cui pure adsignatus sit, pendente condicione solum patroni ius habere dicendum est.
Terentius Clemens, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XII. Where a freedman is assigned under a condition, or after a certain period, everything will remain unchanged while the condition is pending, or the day has not arrived, just as if the freedman had not been assigned. Therefore, if, in the meantime, he should die, his estate, both under the Civil Law and the Prætorian Edict, will belong to all the children. 1Where a freedman has been assigned to one child absolutely, and to another conditionally, the one to whom he was assigned absolutely must be said to alone have the right of a patron over him, while the condition is pending.