Quaestionum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 29,7,14Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Quidam referunt, quantum repeto apud Vivianum, Sabini et Cassii et Proculi expositam esse in quaestione huiusmodi controversiam: an legata, quae posteaquam instituti mortem obierunt codicillis adscripta vel adempta sunt, a substitutis debeantur, id est an perinde datio et ademptio etiam hoc tempore codicillis facta valeat ac si testamento facta esset. quod Sabinum et Cassium respondisse aiunt Proculo dissentiente. nimirum autem Sabini et Cassii collectio, quam et ipsi reddunt illa est, quod codicilli pro parte testamenti habentur observationemque et legem iuris inde traditam servent. ego autem ausim sententiam Proculi verissimam dicere. nullius enim momenti est legatum, quod datum est ei, qui tempore codicillorum in rebus humanis non est, licet testamenti fuerit: esse enim debet cui detur, deinde sic quaeri, an datum consistat, ut non ante iuris ratio quam persona quaerenda sit. et in proposito igitur quod post obitum heredis codicillis legatum vel ademptum est, nullius momenti est, quia heres, ad quem sermonem conferat, in rebus humanis non est eaque ademptio et datio nunc vana efficietur. haec in eo herede, qui ex asse institutus erit dato substituto, ita ut ab instituto codicilli confirmarentur. 1Quod si duo instituti sint substitutis datis unusque eorum decesserit, utilia videntur legata: sed circa coheredem erit tractatus, numquid totum legatum debeat, si ‘quisquis mihi heres erit’ legatum erit, an vero non, quia sit substitutus heres, qui partem faciat, licet ipse non debeat. idem etiam potest circa nomina expressa tractari. multoque magis solum coheredem totum debere puto, quia is adiunctus sit, qui etiam tunc cum adiungebatur in rebus humanis non erat.
Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. Certain authorities hold (as I recollect) that in Vivianus a controversy is explained which arose between Sabinus, Cassius, and Proculus with reference to the question whether legacies given, or taken away by a codicil from persons who died after they were appointed heirs, were due to the substitutes; that is to say, whether the giving or the taking away of the legacies was as valid where they were provided for by a codicil, as they were when provided for by a will. It is said that Sabinus and Cassius answered that this was the case, and that Proculus dissented. The conclusion of Sabinus and Cassius, (as they themselves assert) is that the codicil is considered as part of the will, and that it sustains the observance of the law with reference to the delivery of the property. Still, I venture to say that the opinion of Proculus is the more correct; for a legacy is of no force or effect which is bequeathed to one who, at the time the codicil was made, was not in existence, even though he was living at the time when the will was drawn up; as it should belong to him to whom it is given. Then the question should be asked whether the legacy was properly bequeathed, so that the rule of law shall not be inquired into before the existence of the person is ascertained. In the case stated, therefore, the bequest is of no force or effect, if it was made or taken away by a codicil, after the death of the heir; for the reason that the heir referred to was not in existence, and the deprivation or the grant of the legacy becomes void in consequence. This would not apply where a substitute is given for an heir appointed to the entire estate, as the codicil would be confirmed by the appointment. 1Where two heirs have been appointed, and substitutes assigned, and one of them should die, the legacies will still be considered valid; but some discussion arose with reference to the co-heir, and whether he owed the entire legacy, where the bequest was as follows: “Whoever shall be my heir.” Or must it be held that all is not due, for the reason that the heir who was substituted should pay a portion of the same, even though he himself does not owe it? The same discussion may arise with reference to specified obligations; but I think that there is much more ground for the co-heir being liable for the entire legacy, because the party who was joined with him is no longer in existence.
Dig. 33,4,10Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Si Seiae pro dote centum fundus legatus sit idemque Maevio: quod Maevio Falcidia aufert, pro eo quasi concursus non fuerit, mulier plus vindicet, quia amplius sit in dote mulieris.
Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. If a tract of land of the value of a hundred aurei should be left to Seia, in lieu of her dowry, and the same should be devised to Mævius, the woman can recover, in addition, the amount which the Falcidian Law will take from Mævius, because they are not, so to speak, joint legatees of the same, as there is more included in the dowry of the woman than in the remainder of the land.
Dig. 33,8,21Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Si Sticho manumisso peculium legatum sit et Titio servus peculiaris, quantum peculio detractum erit ob id quod domino debetur, tantum ei accedere, cui vicarius legatus est, Iulianus ait.
Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. If, after Stichus has been manumitted, his peculium should be left to him, and a slave belonging to said peculium is bequeathed to Titius, Julianus says that the amount deducted from the peculium on account of the debt due to the master will be added to that received by him to whom the sub-slave was bequeathed.
Dig. 35,1,80Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Eas causas, quae protinus agentem repellunt, in fideicommissis non pro condicionalibus observari oportet: eas vero, quae habent moram cum sumptu, admittemus cautione oblata: nec enim parem dicemus eum, cui ita datum sit, si monumentum fecerit, et eum, cui datum est, ut monumentum faciat.
Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. Reasons which immediately exclude the party from taking action must not be considered conditional with reference to trusts, but we can only consider those as such which cause delay with expense, where the legatee can receive his bequest after having furnished a bond. For we cannot say that the following cases are similar, namely, where property is bequeathed, “If the legatee will erect a monument,” and where it is bequeathed, “to enable him to erect a monument.”
Dig. 35,2,19Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Si dignum decem fundum damnetur heres quinque vendere, sine dubio quinque erunt imputanda Falcidiae.