Quaestionum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 28,3,18Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si qui heres institutus est a testatore adrogetur, potest dici satis ei factum, quia et antequam adoptetur, institutio in extraneo locum habebat.
Dig. 37,6,10Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si filius in potestate heres institutus adeat et emancipato petente bonorum possessionem contra tabulas ipse non petat, nec conferendum est ei: et ita edictum se habet. Scaevola: sed magis sentio, ut, quemadmodum pro parte hereditatem retinet iure eo, quod bonorum possessionem petere posset, ita et conferri ei debeat, utique cum iniuriam per bonorum possessionem patiatur.
Scævola, Questions, Book V. If a son under the control of his father, after having been appointed his heir, enters upon his estate, and an emancipated son demands prætorian possession of the same contrary to the provisions of the will, and he himself does not do so, no contribution by way of collation should be made for his benefit; and it is so stated in the Edict. I think, however, that just as he can legally retain the estate in proportion to his share, because he can demand prætorian possession of it, so, also, he certainly should contribute by way of collation for the benefit of his brother, as the latter suffers wrong through his obtaining prætorian possession.
Dig. 37,8,6Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si quis filium habens in potestate extraneum in nepotis locum quasi ex eo filio natum adoptet, mox filium emancipet, non iungetur hic nepos filio emancipato, quia desiit esse emancipato ex liberis.
Scævola, Questions, Book V. Where anyone who has a son under his control adopts a stranger in the place of his grandson, just as if he had been born to his son, and afterwards emancipated his son, the grandson will not be joined with the emancipated son in the prætorian possession, because he has ceased to be included among the children of the latter.
Dig. 38,5,7Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Ergo si senatus consultum locum non habet, cessat Faviana, cum exigi possit.
Dig. 45,1,127Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate Stichum promittat et fideiussorem dedit, servus autem post moram a pupillo factam decedat, nec fideiussor erit propter pupilli moram obligatus: nulla enim intellegitur mora ibi fieri, ubi nulla petitio est. esse autem fideiussorem obligatum ad hoc, ut vivo homine conveniatur vel ex mora sua postea.
Scævola, Questions, Book V. If a ward, without the authority of his guardian, promises Stichus to give a surety, and the slave dies after the ward has been in default, the surety will not be liable on this account; for no default can be understood to take place where no right to make a demand exists. The surety, however, will be liable to the extent that he can be sued during the lifetime of the slave, or afterwards, if he himself should be in default.
Dig. 50,17,88Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Nulla intellegitur mora ibi fieri, ubi nulla petitio est.