Quaestionum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 13,1,18Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Quoniam furtum fit, cum quis indebitos nummos sciens acceperit, videndum, si procurator suos nummos solvat, an ipsi furtum fiat. et Pomponius epistularum libro octavo ipsum condicere ait ex causa furtiva: sed et me condicere, si ratum habeam quod indebitum datum sit. sed altera condictione altera tollitur.
Scævola, Questions, Book IV. Where a party knowingly receives money which is not due, since this is the same as a theft, it should be considered whether, when an agent makes payment with his own money, he does not commit a theft upon himself? Pomponius says in the Eighth Book of the Epistles, that the agent has a right of action for recovery based on theft; and that I, also, have such a right, if I ratify the payment of money which is not due; but where one action is brought, the right to bring the other is extinguished.
Dig. 26,2,31Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Si pater exheredatae filiae tutores dederit et testamentum eius ruptum dicatur nato postumo, commodissimum est eosdem tutores pupillae dari ad petendam intestati hereditatem.
Scævola, Questions, Book IV. If a father should appoint guardians for a daughter whom he has disinherited, and the will should be declared to be broken on account of the birth of a posthumous child, it will be best for the said guardians to be appointed for the ward, for the purpose of claiming the inheritance of the intestate.
Dig. 38,1,44Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Si libertus moram in operis fecerit, fideiussor tenetur: mora fideiussoris nulla est. at in homine debito fideiussor etiam ex sua mora in obligatione retinetur.
Dig. 47,2,70Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. aut in qua usus fructus alienus est.
Dig. 47,6,6Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Labeo putat, si coheres meus, quod furtum familia cuius fecisset, duplum abstulisset, me non impediri, quo minus dupli agam, eoque modo fraudem edicto fieri esseque iniquum plus heredes nostros ferre, quam ferremus ipsi. 1Idem, si defunctus minus duplo abstulit, adhuc singulos heredes recte experiri. Scaevola respondit: verius puto partes eius heredes persecuturos, sed ut cum eo, quod defunctus abstulit, uterque heres non plus duplo ferat.
Scævola, Questions, Book IV. If my co-heir has collected double damages on account of a theft perpetrated by a number of slaves, Labeo thinks I will not be prevented from bringing an action for double damages; and that, in this way, a fraud will be committed against the Edict; and that it is unjust for our heirs to collect more than we ourselves could have done. 1He also says that if the deceased recovered less than double damages, his heirs cannot properly bring suit for more than equal portions; but I think that the better opinion is that the heirs can sue for their shares, and that both heirs together cannot recover more than double damages including what the deceased collected.