Quaestionum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 23,4,31Scaevola libro tertio quaestionum. Si inter virum et uxorem convenit, ut extremi anni matrimonii fructus nondum percepti mulieris lucro fiant, huiusmodi pactum valet.
Dig. 24,1,56Scaevola libro tertio quaestionum. Si quod mihi mortis causa donare vellet, ego pure uxori donare vellem, non valet quod uxori iubeo dari, quia illo convalescente condictione teneor, mortuo autem nihilo minus pauperior sum: non enim habeo quod habiturus essem.
Scævola, Questions, Book III. If I wish to give my wife absolutely, something which another person desires to give her mortis causa, what I order to be given to her will be void; because if the aforesaid party should regain his health, I will be liable to a personal action for recovery, and if he should die, I will, nevertheless, become poorer, for I will not have what I ought to be entitled to.
Dig. 35,2,16Scaevola libro tertio quaestionum. Si ex pluribus rebus legatis heres quasdam solverit, ex reliquis Falcidiam plenam per doli exceptionem retinere potest etiam pro his, quae iam data sunt. 1Sed et si una res sit legata, cuius pars soluta sit, ex reliquo potest plena Falcidia retineri.
Scævola, Questions, Book III. If an heir should deliver only certain articles out of several which have been bequeathed, he can retain the entire Falcidian portion out of the remainder, and can interpose an exception on the ground of bad faith against the legatee, even with reference to the property which he has already delivered. 1If only one article has been bequeathed, and a part of the same has been delivered, the heir can reserve the entire Falcidian portion out of the remainder.