Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XV
Dig. 28,5,83Scaevola libro quinto decimo quaestionum. Si quis ita heres instituatur: ‘si legitimus heres vindicare nolit hereditatem meam’, puto deficere condicionem testamenti illo vindicante.
Dig. 28,6,29Scaevola libro quinto decimo quaestionum. Si pater captus sit ab hostibus, mox filius et ibi ambo decedant, quamvis prior pater decedat, lex Cornelia ad pupilli substitutionem non pertinebit, nisi reversus in civitate impubes decedat, quoniam et si ambo in civitate decessissent, veniret substitutus.
Scævola, Questions, Book XV. Where a father as well as his son have been captured by the enemy, and both die in captivity; even though the father may die first, the Cornelian Law does not confirm the substitution, unless the minor should die after returning home; although if both should die at home, the substitute will be entitled to the estate.
Dig. 35,2,23Scaevola libro quinto decimo quaestionum. Si fundus mihi legetur et via, in Falcidiae ratione, si tantum sit in via, quantum amplius est in Falcidia, integer fundus capietur et via perit. sed si via legetur nec solvendo sit hereditas, non debebitur. videndum etiam, si fundo et via legato minus ex utroque desideret quam sit viae pretium. potest coacta ratione dici non tantum fundum solidum capi, sed etiam, ut doli exceptio tantum sarciat, quantum deest, ne plus habeat, quam Falcidia desiderat: ut tunc solum via intercidat, quotiens plus Falcidia desiderat quam est viae pretium.
Scævola, Questions, Book XV. Where a tract of land with a right of way is devised to me, and, after the deduction of the Falcidian portion, the estimated value of the right of way is greater, I will be entitled to the land without incumbrance, and the right of way will be extinguished. If, however, the right of way should be bequeathed, and the estate should prove insolvent, the right of way will not be due. Where the land and the right of way are both devised, it should also be considered whether the heir will be entitled to make, from one or the other, a deduction of less than the value of the right of way. Strictly speaking, it may be said that, in this instance, the devisee will not only be entitled to the entire tract of land, but can also file an exception on the ground of bad faith, in order to obtain what is lacking, so that he may not have more than can be claimed under the Falcidian Law. Hence the right of way will only be lost where the requirements of the Falcidian Law amount to more than its value.