Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 26,9,7Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Tutori, qui infantem defendit, succurritur, ut in pupillum iudicati actio detur.
Dig. 29,2,89Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si pupillus se hereditate abstineat, succurrendum est et fideiussoribus ab eo datis, si ex hereditario contractu convenirentur.
Dig. 33,5,18Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Homine legato Neratius ait nihil agi repudiato Pamphilo itaque eum ipsum eligi posse.
Dig. 45,1,131Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Iulianus scripsit, si ‘neque per te neque per heredem tuum Titium fieri, quo minus mihi ire liceat’ stipuler, non solum Titium teneri, si prohibeat, sed etiam coheredes eius. 1Qui fundum sibi aut Titio dari stipulatur, quamvis fundus Titio traditus sit, nihilo minus petere fundum potest, ut sibi de evictione promittatur: nam interest eius, quia mandati actione fundum recepturus sit a Titio. sed si donationis causa Titium interposuit, dicetur traditione protinus reum liberari.
Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. Julianus says, “If I stipulate that nothing shall be done either by you or by Titius, your heir, to prevent me from using the right of way,” not only Titius will be liable, if he does anything to prevent this, but his co-heirs as well. 1A person who stipulates that a tract of land shall be conveyed to him, or Titius, even though the land may be conveyed to Titius, can still claim it, in order that he may be guaranteed against eviction; for he is interested, as he can recover the land from Titius in an action on mandate. If, however, he merely interposed Titius for the purpose of making a donation, it can be said that the principal debtor is at once released by its delivery.
Dig. 45,1,133Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si sic stipulatus sim: ‘neque per te neque per heredem tuum vim fieri spondes?’ et egi, quod mihi vim feceris, recte remanere factum heredis in stipulatione. nam et ex ipsius posteriore vi potest committi stipulatio: non enim ad unam vim pertinet. nam sicut et ipsius et heredis caput, ita ipsius vis vel saepius facta complectitur, ut condemnetur quanti interest. aut si sic volumus factam esse stipulationem: ‘neque per te neque per heredem tuum fieri?’, ut ad unam vim primam teneat: si vim fecerit, amplius ex heredis committi non poterit: ergo si actum sit quasi ex ipsius vi, tota consumpta sit: quod non est verum.
Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. If I stipulate as follows, “Do you promise that force will not be employed by you, or by your heir?” and I bring suit against you because you used violence against me, any act of this kind committed by the heir will still properly remain subject to the terms of the stipulation; for it can take effect, even if force is subsequently employed by the heir, as reference is not merely made to a single act of violence. For, just as the person of the heir is included, so also are any act or acts of violence committed by him, in order that judgment may be rendered against him to the amount of the other party’s interest. Or, if we wish the stipulation to be as follows, “Do you promise that nothing shall be done by you or by your heir?” so that it may relate to only the first act of violence committed, and if this occurs, the stipulation will not take effect a second time, on account of any act of the heir. Therefore, if an action based on this act of violence is brought, nothing further can be done under the stipulation. This is not true.
Dig. 45,3,19Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si alienus servus duobus bonae fidei serviens ex unius eorum re adquirat, ratio facit, ut ei ex cuius re adquisiit id totum ei adquirat, sive ei soli sive quasi duobus serviat: nam et in veris dominis quotiens utrique adquiritur, totiens partes adquiri: ceterum si alii non adquiratur, alium solidum habiturum. igitur eadem ratio erit et in proposito, ut hic servus alienus, qui mihi et tibi bona fide servit, mihi solidum ex re mea adquirat, quia tibi non potest adquiri, quia non sit ex re tua.
Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. If the slave of another who is serving two masters in good faith makes an acquisition by means of the property of one of them, reason dictates that he acquires it entirely for the benefit of him whose property was employed, whether he was serving one or both of his masters at the time; for in the case of genuine masters, whenever anything is acquired for the benefit of both, it is acquired for each one in proportion to his share, but if it is not acquired for one of them alone the other will be entitled to all of it. Therefore, the same rule will apply to the case stated and the slave who belongs to another, and is serving yourself and me in good faith, will acquire for me alone whatever is obtained by the use of my property, and he cannot acquire for you, because the profit was not derived from anything that was yours.
Dig. 46,8,4Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Procurator quinquaginta petit: si dominus centum petat, tenebuntur fideiussores, qui de ratihabitione caverunt, in quinquaginta et quanti interfuit differri quinquaginta actionem.