Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Scaev. Quaestionum lib.Scaevolae Quaestionum libri

Quaestionum libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 3,5,8Scaevola libro primo quaestionum. Pomponius scribit, si negotium a te quamvis male gestum probavero, negotiorum tamen gestorum te mihi non teneri. videndum ergo ne in dubio hoc, an ratum habeam, actio negotiorum gestorum pendeat: nam quomodo, cum semel coeperit, nuda voluntate tolletur? sed superius ita verum se putare, si dolus malus a te absit. Scaevola: immo puto et si comprobem, adhuc negotiorum gestorum actionem esse, sed eo dictum te mihi non teneri, quod reprobare non possim semel probatum: et quemadmodum quod utiliter gestum est necesse est apud iudicem pro rato haberi, ita omne quod ab ipso probatum est. ceterum si ubi probavi, non est negotiorum actio: quid fiet, si a debitore meo exegerit et probaverim? quemadmodum recipiam? item si vendiderit? ipse denique si quid impendit, quemadmodum recipiet? nam utique mandatum non est. erit igitur et post ratihabitionem negotiorum gestorum actio.

Scævola, Questions, Book I. Pomponius says that if I approve of any transaction by you, even though it was badly done, still, you will not be liable to me on the ground of business transacted. It must be taken into consideration if it is not true that, so long as it is doubtful whether I will ratify it or not, the right of action based on business transacted is in abeyance; for, when it has once accrued, how can it be annulled by the mere will alone? He holds, however, that this is only true when you are not guilty of any bad faith. And Scævola states that even if I ratified what had been done, an action on the ground of business transacted will still lie; and where it is said that you are not liable to me, this is because I cannot disapprove of what I have once agreed to; and just as anything which has been properly done must be considered by the court as ratified, so, also must whatever has been approved by the party himself. Moreover, if no action based on business transacted will lie where I have given my approval, what must be done if the other party collects money from my debtor, and I approve of it? How can I recover it? And, also, suppose he has sold property belonging to me, how then can he recover any expense which he has incurred? For, as there is no mandate, an action based on business transacted will lie, even after ratification.

Dig. 3,5,34Scaevola libro primo quaestionum. Divortio facto negotia uxoris gessit maritus: dos non solum dotis actione, verum negotiorum gestorum servari potest. haec ita, si in negotiis gestis maritus dum gerit facere potuit: alias enim imputari non potest, quod a se non exegerit. sed et posteaquam patrimonium amiserit, plena erit negotiorum gestorum actio, quamvis si dotis actione maritus conveniatur, absolvendus est. sed hic quidam modus servandus est, ut ita querellae locus sit ‘quantum facere potuit, quamvis postea amiserit’, si illo tempore ei solvere potuit: non enim e vestigio in officio deliquit, si non protinus res suas distraxit ad pecuniam redigendam: praeterire denique aliquid temporis debebit, quo cessasse videatur. quod si interea priusquam officium impleat, res amissa est, perinde negotiorum gestorum non tenetur, ac si numquam facere possit. sed et si facere possit maritus, actio negotiorum gestorum inducitur, quia forte periculum est, ne facere desinat. 1Illum autem non credimus teneri, qui gerit negotia debitoris, ad reddendum pignus, cum pecunia ei debeatur nec fuerit quod sibi possit exsolvere. 2Sed nec redhibitoriae speciem venire in negotiorum gestorum actionem et per hoc sex mensibus exactis perire, si vel mancipium in rebus non invenit: vel eo invento quod accessionum nomine additum est, vel quod deterior homo factus esset, vel quod per eum esset adquisitum non ex re emptoris, nec invenit nec recepisset: nec esset in ipsis emptoris negotiis quae gerebat, unde sibi in praesenti redderet. 3Ceterum si ex alia causa perpetuae obligationis, cum sit locuples, debeat, non est imputandum, quod non solverit, utique si neque usurarum ratio querellam movet. diversumque est in tutore debitore, quia ibi interfuit ex priore obligatione solvi, ut deberetur ex tutelae actione.

Scævola, Questions, Book I. Where a husband has transacted the affairs of his wife after a divorce has taken place, her dowry can be recovered not only by an action for dowry, but also on the ground of business transacted. This is the case where the husband was able to deliver the dowry while he was attending to the business; otherwise, he cannot be made responsible, for not exacting it from himself; but after he has lost his property, a full right of action on the ground of business transacted will lie against him; although if the husband is sued in an action for dowry he must be discharged. But in this instance a limit should be fixed, so if the statement of the complaint is: “As far as he was able although he afterwards lost his property”; where he was able to pay her during that time; for he was not guilty of wrong-doing, so far as his duty was concerned, if he did not immediately sell his property in order to obtain the amount, for he must have allowed some time to pass during which he appeared not to have done anything. If, in the meantime, before he had fulfilled his duty, the property was lost, he is not liable on the ground of business transacted any more than if he had never been able to pay the money. But where the husband is able to pay, an action founded on business transacted is permitted because there is danger if he ceases to be solvent. 1I do not think that a man who transacts the business of a debtor is bound to restore to him a pledge when he still owes the money, and there is no other way in which it can be paid. 2The action for the rescission of a contract does not belong to the class of actions based on business transacted, and is barred after six months have elapsed, if the party did not find the slave among the assets of the other; or, if he did find them, did not find, and therefore did not recover, certain additional property which belonged under the head of accessions, so that the slave was less valuable, or any thing that was acquired through the slave which was not derived from the property of the purchaser; and there was not enough obtained from the business of the purchaser for the vendor to satisfy his claim. 3Moreover, if the person who is transacting the business owes his principal on some other ground, and the obligation is one of long time, and the party is wealthy, he cannot be blamed for not paying the debt; that is, provided the payment of the interest does not give rise to complaint. The rule is different in the case where a guardian is a debtor to his ward, because there the latter was interested in the payment of the former debt, as he then might bring suit for the debt on the ground of guardianship.

Dig. 12,1,38Scaevola libro primo quaestionum. Respiciendum enim esse, an, quantum in natura hominum sit, possit scire eam debitu iri.

Scævola, Questions, Book I. For it should also be considered whether, as far as human nature can determine, it can be ascertained that the money will be due:

Dig. 50,1,19Scaevola libro primo quaestionum. Quod maior pars curiae effecit, pro eo habetur, ac si omnes egerint.

Scævola, Questions, Book I. What is done by the majority of an assembly is considered to be the same as if it had been done by all.

Ex libro II

Dig. 5,2,20Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Qui de inofficioso vult dicere, licet negetur filius, Carbonianam bonorum possessionem non debet accipere (totiens enim ea indulgenda est, quotiens, si vere filius esset, heres esset aut bonorum possessor, ut interim et possideat et alatur et actionibus praeiudicium non patiatur: qui vero de inofficioso dicit, nec actiones movere debet nec aliam ullam quam hereditatis petitionem exercere nec ali), ne umquam melioris sit condicionis, quam si confitetur adversarius.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. Where anyone wishes to have a will declared inofficious, although it may be denied that he is the son of the deceased, he is not entitled to the Carbonian possession of property, for this is only permitted where, if the party were actually the son he would be the heir, or the legal possessor of the estate; so that if, in the meantime, he should obtain possession, and be supported, his rights would not be prejudiced by any actions which might be brought by him. Where a party makes a claim of inofficiousness, he cannot bring any actions except one to obtain the estate, and he has no right to support. This is done to prevent him from being in a better position than if his adversary had acknowledged him to be the son of the testator.

Dig. 11,7,46Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Si plura praedia quis habuit et omnium usum fructum separatim legaverit, poterit in unum inferri et electio erit heredis et gratificationi locus: sed fructuario utilem actionem in heredem dandam ad id recipiendum, quod propter eam electionem minutus est usus fructus. 1Si heres mulieris inferat mortuam in hereditarium fundum, a marito qui debet in funus conferre pro aestimatione loci consequatur. 2Ei, cui vestimenta legantur, si in funus erogata sint, utilem actionem in heredem dandam placuit et privilegium funerarium.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. Where a man had several tracts of land and bequeathed the usufruct of all of them separately, he can be buried in any one of them, and the heir shall have the right of selection, and the opportunity to favor the others. A prætorian action will, however, be granted the usufructuary against the heir, to enable him to recover damages to the amount that the value of his usufruct is diminished by the selection. 1Where the heir of a woman buries her body on land belonging to her estate, he can recover from her husband the amount which he should contribute towards the expense of the funeral, which depends upon the value of the land. 2Where clothing is bequeathed to anyone, and he sells it for the purpose of paying the funeral expenses, it is held that a prætorian action based on a prior claim should be granted against the heir.

Dig. 14,6,4Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. quia quod volgo dicitur filio familias credi non licere, non ad verba referendum est, sed ad numerationem.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. For what is commonly stated, namely: that it is not lawful to lend to a son under paternal control, does not relate to the terms of the transaction, but to the payment of the money.

Dig. 14,6,6Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Contra etiam recte dicetur, si a patre familias stipulatus sis, credas postea filio familias facto, senatus potestatem exercendam, quia expleta est numeratione substantia obligationis.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. On the other hand, it is very properly stated that, if you have entered into a stipulation with the head of a family, and afterwards lend the money to him when he has become a son under paternal control, the power of the Decree of the Senate should be exercised, because the substantial part of the obligation was completed by the payment of the money.

Dig. 15,1,51Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Quod debetur servo ab extraneis, agenti de peculio non omnimodo dominus ad quantitatem debiti condemnandus est, cum et sumptus in petendo et eventus exsecutionis possit esse incertus et cogitanda sit mora temporis quod datur iudicatis, aut venditionis bonorum, si id magis faciendum erit. ergo si paratus sit actiones mandare, absolvetur. quod enim dicitur, si cum uno ex sociis agatur, universum peculium computandum quia sit cum socio actio, in eodem redibit, si actiones paratus sit praestare: et in omnibus, quos idcirco teneri dicimus quia habent actionem, delegatio pro iusta praestatione est.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. With reference to what is due to a slave from strangers, the master should, by no means, have judgment rendered against him for the amount of the debt, where anyone brings suit on the peculium; since both the expense incurred in bringing the action and the result of the execution may be uncertain, and the delay of time granted to those who have been held judicially liable, or that consumed in the sale of the property, should be considered, if this is the better thing to do; therefore, if the party is ready to assign his rights of action he will be discharged. What is said where an action is brought against one of several partners, namely: that the entire peculium must be computed, because the proceeding is against the partner, will have the same result if the party is ready to assign his rights of action; and, in the case of all those whom we say are liable on this account since they have a right of action, the substitution takes the place of legal payment.

Dig. 16,2,22Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Si debeas decem aut hominem, utrum adversarius volet, ita compensatio huius debiti admittitur, si adversarius palam dixisset, utrum voluisset.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. If you owe anyone ten thousand sesterces or a slave, whichever he may choose, set-off of the debt will be admitted, if he states openly which he prefers.

Dig. 21,2,69Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Qui libertatis causam excepit in venditione, sive iam tunc cum traderetur liber homo fuerit, sive condicione quae testamento proposita fuerit impleta ad libertatem pervenerit, non tenebitur evictionis nomine. 1Qui autem in tradendo statuliberum dicit, intellegetur hanc speciem dumtaxat libertatis excipere, quae ex testamento impleta condicione ex praeterito possit optingere: et ideo si praesens testamento libertas data fuerit et venditor statuliberum pronuntiavit, evictionis nomine tenetur. 2Rursus qui statuliberum tradit, si certam condicionem pronuntiaverit, sub qua dicit ei libertatem datam, deteriorem condicionem suam fecisse existimabitur, quia non omnem causam statutae libertatis, sed eam dumtaxat quam pronuntiaverit excepisse videbitur: veluti si quis hominem dixerit decem dare iussum isque post annum ad libertatem pervenerit, quia hoc modo libertas data fuerit: ‘Stichus post annum liber esto’, evictionis obligatione tenebitur. 3Quid ergo, qui iussum decem dare pronuntiat viginti dare debere, nonne in condicionem mentitur? verum est hunc quoque in condicionem mentiri et ideo quidam existimaverunt hoc quoque casu evictionis stipulationem contrahi: sed auctoritas Servii praevaluit existimantis hoc casu ex empto actionem esse, videlicet quia putabat eum, qui pronuntiasset servum viginti dare iussum, condicionem excepisse, quae esset in dando. 4Servus rationibus redditis liber esse iussus est: hunc heres tradidit et dixit centum dare iussum. si nulla reliqua sunt quae servus dare debeat et per hoc adita hereditate liber factus est, obligatio evictionis contrahitur, eo quod liber homo tamquam statuliber traditur. si centum in reliquis habet, potest videri heres non esse mentitus, quoniam rationes reddere iussus intellegitur summam pecuniae quae ex reliquis colligitur iussus dare: cui consequens est, ut, si minus quam centum in reliquis habuerit, veluti sola quinquaginta, ut, cum eam pecuniam dederit, ad libertatem pervenerit, de reliquis quinquaginta actio ex empto competat. 5Sed et si quis in venditione statuliberum perfusorie dixerit, condicionem autem libertatis celaverit, empti iudicio tenebitur, si id nescierit emptor: hic enim exprimitur eum, qui dixerit statuliberum et nullam condicionem pronuntiaverit, evictionis quidem nomine non teneri, si condicione impleta servus ad libertatem pervenerit, sed empti iudicio teneri, si modo condicionem, quam sciebat praepositam esse, celavit: sicuti qui fundum tradidit et, cum sciat certam servitutem deberi, perfusorie dixerit: ‘itinera actus quibus sunt utique sunt, recte recipitur’, evictionis quidem nomine se liberat, sed quia decepit emptorem, empti iudicio tenetur. 6In fundo vendito cum modus pronuntiatus deest, sumitur portio ex pretio, quod totum colligendum est ex omnibus iugeribus dictis.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. Where the vendor reserves the question of freedom in the sale of a slave, he will not be liable on the ground of eviction, if at the time that the slave was delivered he should become free, or should obtain his liberty when a condition prescribed by will is fulfilled. 1Where a vendor, in delivering a slave, states that he is to be free on a certain condition, it is understood that only the kind of freedom is referred to which can result from the fulfillment of a condition already prescribed by a will, and therefore if freedom was conferred at once by the will, and the vendor says that the slave will be liberated under a condition, he will be liable in case of eviction. 2On the other hand, where anyone sells a slave who has the prospect of freedom, and states the condition under which he will be entitled to be free, and in doing so causes his condition to be considered worse, because he would not be held to have excepted every condition under which the slave would be free, but only that which he indicated; as, for instance, if anyone should say that the slave was ordered to pay ten aurei to become free, and he should obtain his liberty after the lapse of a year, because his freedom had been granted in the following terms: “Let Stichus be free after a year,” the vendor will be liable in case of eviction. 3But what if a slave whom the vendor had declared would be free on the payment of twenty aurei had been, in fact, ordered to pay ten; would the vendor be considered to have told a falsehood with reference to the condition? It is true that he made a false statement with reference to the condition, and therefore certain jurists have held that, in this instance also, the stipulation would become operative in case of eviction. The authority of Servius, however, prevailed, who thought that under these circumstances an action on purchase would lie; because it was his opinion that he who stated that the slave had been ordered to pay twenty aurei had excepted the condition which depended upon the payment. 4A slave was ordered to be free after his accounts had been rendered; the heir sold and delivered him, and stated that he had been directed to pay a hundred aurei for his freedom. If nothing remained which the slave was obliged to pay when he rendered his accounts, he therefore became free as soon as the estate was entered upon, and liability for eviction was contracted for the reason that a man who was free was sold as one whose liberty was dependent on a condition. If the slave was a defaulter to the amount of a hundred aurei, it may be held that the heir did not tell a falsehood; and as the slave was ordered to render his accounts, it is understood that he was directed to make good the amount of money collected which remained unpaid. The result of this is, that, if he was in default for less than a hundred aurei, for example, only fifty, so that he would obtain his freedom when he paid this sum, the purchaser will be entitled to an action on sale to recover the remaining fifty aurei. 5Where anyone, at the time of the sale, states indefinitely that a slave will be conditionally free, but conceals the condition of his freedom, he will be liable to an action on sale if the purchaser is not aware of the fact; for, in this instance, it is settled that he who says that a slave has a prospect of freedom, and does not mention any condition, will indeed not be liable on the ground of eviction, if the condition is fulfilled, and the slave obtains his freedom; but he will be liable to an action on sale provided he concealed the condition which he knew had been prescribed; just as where a party sells a tract of land, and being aware that a certain servitude was due from it, stated indefinitely, “that all rights of way of every description would continue to be enjoyed by those entitled to them,” is properly held to have released himself from liability for eviction, but, because he deceived the purchaser, he will be liable to an action on sale. 6Where the amount stated to be included in a tract of land which is sold falls short, a part of the price is deducted in proportion to the value of all the jugera which the land was alleged to contain.

Dig. 24,3,43Scaevola libro secundo quaestionum. Si maritus in id quod facere potest condemnatus sit et nomina sint ad dotis quantitatem neque amplius, necesse habebit mandare actiones.

Scævola, Questions, Book II. Where a husband has judgment rendered against him for a sum which he is able to pay, and he has claims equal to, but not greater than the amount of the dowry, he will not be compelled to assign his rights of action.

Ex libro III

Dig. 23,4,31Scaevola libro tertio quaestionum. Si inter virum et uxorem convenit, ut extremi anni matrimonii fructus nondum percepti mulieris lucro fiant, huiusmodi pactum valet.

Scævola, Questions, Book III. If it is agreed between husband and wife that the profits of the last year of marriage, which have not yet been obtained, shall be applied for her benefit, a contract of this kind is valid.

Dig. 24,1,56Scaevola libro tertio quaestionum. Si quod mihi mortis causa donare vellet, ego pure uxori donare vellem, non valet quod uxori iubeo dari, quia illo convalescente condictione teneor, mortuo autem nihilo minus pauperior sum: non enim habeo quod habiturus essem.

Scævola, Questions, Book III. If I wish to give my wife absolutely, something which another person desires to give her mortis causa, what I order to be given to her will be void; because if the aforesaid party should regain his health, I will be liable to a personal action for recovery, and if he should die, I will, nevertheless, become poorer, for I will not have what I ought to be entitled to.

Dig. 35,2,16Scaevola libro tertio quaestionum. Si ex pluribus rebus legatis heres quasdam solverit, ex reliquis Falcidiam plenam per doli exceptionem retinere potest etiam pro his, quae iam data sunt. 1Sed et si una res sit legata, cuius pars soluta sit, ex reliquo potest plena Falcidia retineri.

Scævola, Questions, Book III. If an heir should deliver only certain articles out of several which have been bequeathed, he can retain the entire Falcidian portion out of the remainder, and can interpose an exception on the ground of bad faith against the legatee, even with reference to the property which he has already delivered. 1If only one article has been bequeathed, and a part of the same has been delivered, the heir can reserve the entire Falcidian portion out of the remainder.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 13,1,18Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Quoniam furtum fit, cum quis indebitos nummos sciens acceperit, videndum, si procurator suos nummos solvat, an ipsi furtum fiat. et Pomponius epistularum libro octavo ipsum condicere ait ex causa furtiva: sed et me condicere, si ratum habeam quod indebitum datum sit. sed altera condictione altera tollitur.

Scævola, Questions, Book IV. Where a party knowingly receives money which is not due, since this is the same as a theft, it should be considered whether, when an agent makes payment with his own money, he does not commit a theft upon himself? Pomponius says in the Eighth Book of the Epistles, that the agent has a right of action for recovery based on theft; and that I, also, have such a right, if I ratify the payment of money which is not due; but where one action is brought, the right to bring the other is extinguished.

Dig. 26,2,31Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Si pater exheredatae filiae tutores dederit et testamentum eius ruptum dicatur nato postumo, commodissimum est eosdem tutores pupillae dari ad petendam intestati hereditatem.

Scævola, Questions, Book IV. If a father should appoint guardians for a daughter whom he has disinherited, and the will should be declared to be broken on account of the birth of a posthumous child, it will be best for the said guardians to be appointed for the ward, for the purpose of claiming the inheritance of the intestate.

Dig. 38,1,44Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Si libertus moram in operis fecerit, fideiussor tenetur: mora fideiussoris nulla est. at in homine debito fideiussor etiam ex sua mora in obligatione retinetur.

Scævola, Questions, Book IV. If a freedman is in default in rendering his services, his surety will be liable, but the surety himself cannot be in default. A surety, however, who has agreed to furnish a substitute for the debtor will be liable for delay.

Dig. 47,2,70Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. aut in qua usus fructus alienus est.

Scævola, Questions, Book IV. Or where the usufruct belongs to another.

Dig. 47,6,6Scaevola libro quarto quaestionum. Labeo putat, si coheres meus, quod furtum familia cuius fecisset, duplum abstulisset, me non impediri, quo minus dupli agam, eoque modo fraudem edicto fieri esseque iniquum plus heredes nostros ferre, quam ferremus ipsi. 1Idem, si defunctus minus duplo abstulit, adhuc singulos heredes recte experiri. Scaevola respondit: verius puto partes eius heredes persecuturos, sed ut cum eo, quod defunctus abstulit, uterque heres non plus duplo ferat.

Scævola, Questions, Book IV. If my co-heir has collected double damages on account of a theft perpetrated by a number of slaves, Labeo thinks I will not be prevented from bringing an action for double damages; and that, in this way, a fraud will be committed against the Edict; and that it is unjust for our heirs to collect more than we ourselves could have done. 1He also says that if the deceased recovered less than double damages, his heirs cannot properly bring suit for more than equal portions; but I think that the better opinion is that the heirs can sue for their shares, and that both heirs together cannot recover more than double damages including what the deceased collected.

Ex libro V

Dig. 28,3,18Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si qui heres institutus est a testatore adrogetur, potest dici satis ei factum, quia et antequam adoptetur, institutio in extraneo locum habebat.

Scævola, Questions, Book V. Where anyone who has been appointed heir by a testator is arrogated by him, it can be said that he has done enough for him, because before he adopted him, his appointment was merely that of a stranger.

Dig. 37,6,10Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si filius in potestate heres institutus adeat et emancipato petente bonorum possessionem contra tabulas ipse non petat, nec conferendum est ei: et ita edictum se habet. Scaevola: sed magis sentio, ut, quemadmodum pro parte hereditatem retinet iure eo, quod bonorum possessionem petere posset, ita et conferri ei debeat, utique cum iniuriam per bonorum possessionem patiatur.

Scævola, Questions, Book V. If a son under the control of his father, after having been appointed his heir, enters upon his estate, and an emancipated son demands prætorian possession of the same contrary to the provisions of the will, and he himself does not do so, no contribution by way of collation should be made for his benefit; and it is so stated in the Edict. I think, however, that just as he can legally retain the estate in proportion to his share, because he can demand prætorian possession of it, so, also, he certainly should contribute by way of collation for the benefit of his brother, as the latter suffers wrong through his obtaining prætorian possession.

Dig. 37,8,6Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si quis filium habens in potestate extraneum in nepotis locum quasi ex eo filio natum adoptet, mox filium emancipet, non iungetur hic nepos filio emancipato, quia desiit esse emancipato ex liberis.

Scævola, Questions, Book V. Where anyone who has a son under his control adopts a stranger in the place of his grandson, just as if he had been born to his son, and afterwards emancipated his son, the grandson will not be joined with the emancipated son in the prætorian possession, because he has ceased to be included among the children of the latter.

Dig. 38,5,7Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Ergo si senatus consultum locum non habet, cessat Faviana, cum exigi possit.

Scævola, Questions, Book V. Therefore, if the Decree of the Senate does not apply, neither will the Favian Action, as the property can be recovered by another proceeding.

Dig. 45,1,127Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Si pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate Stichum promittat et fideiussorem dedit, servus autem post moram a pupillo factam decedat, nec fideiussor erit propter pupilli moram obligatus: nulla enim intellegitur mora ibi fieri, ubi nulla petitio est. esse autem fideiussorem obligatum ad hoc, ut vivo homine conveniatur vel ex mora sua postea.

Scævola, Questions, Book V. If a ward, without the authority of his guardian, promises Stichus to give a surety, and the slave dies after the ward has been in default, the surety will not be liable on this account; for no default can be understood to take place where no right to make a demand exists. The surety, however, will be liable to the extent that he can be sued during the lifetime of the slave, or afterwards, if he himself should be in default.

Dig. 50,17,88Scaevola libro quinto quaestionum. Nulla intellegitur mora ibi fieri, ubi nulla petitio est.

Scævola, Questions, Book V. No one is understood to be in default where the claim is void.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 28,2,29Scaevola libro sexto quaestionum. Gallus sic posse institui postumos nepotes induxit: ‘Si filius meus vivo me morietur, tunc si quis mihi ex eo nepos sive quae neptis post mortem meam in decem mensibus proximis, quibus filius meus moreretur, natus nata erit, heredes sunto’. 1Quidam recte admittendum credunt, etiamsi non exprimat de morte filii, sed simpliciter instituat, ut eo casu valeat, qui ex verbis concipi possit. 2Idem credendum est Gallum existimasse et de pronepote, ut dicat testator: ‘si me vivo nepos decedat, tunc qui ex eo pronepos’ et cetera. 3Sed et si vivo filio iam mortuo pronepote cuius uxor praegnas esset, testamentum faceret, potest dicere: ‘Si me vivo filius decedat, tunc qui pronepos’. 4Num si et filius et nepos vivat, concipere ‘utrisque mortuis vivo se, tunc qui pronepos nasceretur?’ quod similiter admittendum est, ita sane, si prius nepos, deinde filius decederet, ne successione testamentum rumperetur. 5Et quid si tantum in mortis filii casum conciperet? quid enim si aquae et ignis interdictionem pateretur? quid si nepos, ex quo pronepos institueretur, ut ostendimus, emancipatus esset? hi enim casus et omnes, ex quibus suus heres post mortem scilicet avi nasceretur, non pertinent ad legem VellaeamaaDie Großausgabe liest Velleam statt Vellaeam.: sed ex sententia legis VellaeaebbDie Großausgabe liest Velleae statt Vellaeae. et haec omnia admittenda sunt, ut ad similitudinem mortis ceteri casus admittendi sint. 6Quid si qui filium apud hostes habebat testaretur? quare non induxere, ut, si antea quam filius ab hostibus rediret quamvis post mortem patris decederet, tunc deinde nepos vel etiam adhuc illis vivis post mortem scilicet avi nasceretur, non rumperet? nam hic casus ad legem VellaeamccDie Großausgabe liest Velleam statt Vellaeam. non pertinet. melius ergo est, ut in eiusmodi utilitate praesertim post legem VellaeamddDie Großausgabe liest Velleam statt Vellaeam., quae et multos casus rumpendi abstulit, interpretatio admittatur, ut instituens nepotem, qui sibi post mortem suus nasceretur, recte instituisse videatur, quibuscumque casibus nepos post mortem natus suus esset rumperetque praeteritus: atque etiam si generaliter, ‘quidquid sibi liberorum natum erit post mortem’ aut ‘quicumque natus fuerit’ sit institutus, si suus nasceretur. 7Si eius, qui filium habeat et nepotem ex eo instituat, nurus praegnas ab hostibus capta sit ibique vivo pariat, mox ille post mortem patris atque avi redeat, utrum hic casus ad legem VellaeameeDie Großausgabe liest Velleam statt Vellaeam. respiciat an ad ius antiquum aptandus sit, possitque vel ex iure antiquo vel ex VellaeaffDie Großausgabe liest Vellea statt Vellaea. institutus non rumpere? quod quaerendum est, si iam mortuo filio pronepotem instituat redeatque mortuo. sed cum testamentum ab eo non rumpitur, nihil refert, utrum ex iure antiquo an ex lege VellaeaggDie Großausgabe liest Vellea statt Vellaea. excludatur. 8Forsitan addubitet quis, an istis casibus si nepos post testamentum nascatur vivo patre suo, deinde ex eo concipiatur, isque vivo patre deinde avo nascatur, an non potuerit heres institui, quia pater ipsius non recte institutus esset. quod minime est expavescendum: hic enim suus heres nascitur et post mortem nascitur. 9Ergo et si pronepos admittetur, qui natus erit ex nepote postea vivo filio, atque si ex eo natus esset, adoptatur. 10In omnibus his speciebus illud servandum est, ut filius dumtaxat, qui est in potestate, ex aliqua parte sit heres institutus: nam frustra exheredabitur post mortem suam: quod non esse necessario in eo filio, qui apud hostes est, si ibi decedat et in nepote certe et pronepote, quorum si liberi heredes instituantur, institutionem numquam exigemus, quia possunt praeteriri. 11Nunc de lege VellaeahhDie Großausgabe liest Vellea statt Vellaea. videamus. voluit vivis nobis natos similiter non rumpere testamentum. 12Et videtur primum caput eos spectare, qui, cum nascerentur, sui heredes futuri essent. et rogo, si filium habeas et nepotem nondum natum tantum ex eo heredem instituas, filius decedat, mox vivo te nepos nascatur? ex verbis dicendum est non rumpi testamentum, ut non solum illud primo capite notaverit, si nepos, qui eo tempore instituatur, quo filius non sit, verum et si vivo patre nascatur: quid enim necesse est tempus testamenti faciendi respici, cum satis sit observari id tempus quo nascitur? nam etsi ita verba sunt: ‘qui testamentum faciet, is omnis virilis sexus, qui ei suus heres futurus erit’ et cetera. 13Etiam si vovente parente vivo nascantur, sequenti parte succedentes in locum liberorum non vult rumpere testamentum: et ita interpretandum est, ut, si et filium et nepotem et pronepotem habeas, mortuis utrisque pronepos institutus succedens in sui heredis locum non rumpat. et bene verba se habent ‘si quis ex suis heredibus suus heres esse desierit’ ad omnes casus pertinentia, quos supplendos in Galli Aquili sententia diximus: nec solum, si nepos vivo patre decedat, nec succedens pronepos avo mortuo rumpat, sed et si supervixit patri ac decedat, dummodo heres institutus sit aut exheredatus. 14Videndum, num hac posteriore parte ‘si quis ex suis heredibus suus heres esse desierit, liberi eius’ et cetera ‘in locum suorum sui heredes succedunt’, possit interpretatione induci, ut, si filium apud hostes habens nepotem ex eo heredem instituas, non tantum si vivo te filius decedat, sed etiam post mortem, antequam ab hostibus reversus fuerit, succedendo non rumpet: nihil enim addidit, quo significaret tempus: nisi quod, licet audenter, possis dicere vivo patre hunc suum heredem esse desisse, licet post mortem decedat, quia nec redit nec potest redire. 15Ille casus in difficili est, si filium habeas et nepotem nondum natum instituas isque nascatur vivo patre suo ac mox pater decedat: non enim suus heres est tempore quo nascatur nec posteriori alii succedendo prohiberi videtur rumpere quam qui iam natus erit. denique et superiore capite ut liceat institui nondum natos, qui cum nascentur sui erunt, permitti, posteriore capite non permittit institui, sed vetat rumpi neve ob eam rem minus ratum esset, quod succedit. porro procedere debet, ut utiliter sit institutus: quod nullo iure potuit qui nondum natus erat. Iuliano tamen videretur duobus quasi capitibus legis commixtis in hoc quoque inducere legem, ne rumpantur testamenta. 16Quaeremus tamen, cum recepta est Iuliani sententia, an, si nascatur nepos vivo patre suo, deinde emancipetur, sponte adire possit hereditatem. quod magis probandum est: nam emancipatione suus heres fieri non potuit.

Ad Dig. 28,2,29Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 576, Note 7.Scævola, Questions, Book VI. Gallus stated that posthumous grandchildren could be appointed heirs in the following terms, namely: “If my son should die during my lifetime, and within ten months after my death any grandchildren, either male or female, should be born to his wife, let them be my heirs.” 1Certain authorities hold that the appointment of heirs will be legal, even if the father does not mention the death of the son, but simply appoints his grandchildren his heirs; since it may be inferred from his words that in such an event the appointment will be valid. 2It must also be believed that Gallus held the same opinion with reference to grandchildren, when the testator says: “If my grandson should die during my lifetime, then my great-grandchild who is his issue,” etc. 3If, however, the grandson should die during the lifetime of the son, leaving his wife pregnant, and the testator should make a will; he can say: “If my son should die during my lifetime, then my great-grandson sprung from him shall be my heir.” 4While the testator’s son and grandson are still living, can the testator provide for the succession of his great-grandson, under the assumption that both the former will die during his lifetime? This also must be admitted, in order to prevent the will from being broken by the succession, if in fact the grandson should die, and then the son after him. 5Ad Dig. 28,2,29,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 557, Note 5.What if the testator should only anticipate the event of the death of his son, and what would be the result if the testator should suffer the interdiction of water and fire? What if the grandson, the father of the great-grandson appointed heir, as we have stated, should be emancipated? These instances, as well as any of those in which a lawful heir is born after the death of his grandfather, have no connection with the Lex Velleia. But, in accordance with the spirit of the Lex Velleia, all these matters should be taken into consideration, just as other cases should be admitted, for example, where death occurs. 6What course must be pursued where the person who makes the will has a son in the hands of the enemy? Why has it not been held that, if the son should die before returning from captivity, but after the death of his father, then the grandson who was born during their lifetime, or even after the death of his grandfather, could not break the will? This case has no relation to the Lex Velleia. The better opinion therefore is that, for the sake of convenience, and especially after the Lex Velleia, which disposed of many cases where a will could be broken, the interpretation should be adopted that, where a testator appoints his grandson who was born after his death, he shall be held to have appointed him legally. And no matter under what circumstances the grandson born after the testator’s death may become his heir, whenever he has been passed over in the will, he can break it. Even if its provisions are stated in general terms, for instance: “Any children born to me after my death, or whoever shall be born after my death, shall be appointed my heir”; provided such a child should be born his heir. 7Where anyone has a son, and appoints his grandson born of said son his heir, and his daughter-in-law, being pregnant, is captured by the enemy, and while in their hands, and, during the lifetime of the grandfather and his son, brings forth a child, and the latter, after the death of his father and grandfather returns; is this case included in the Lex Velleia, or must recourse be had to the ancient law, so that the grandson who is appointed may not break the will either under the ancient law or the Lex Velleia? This question may be raised, if, after the death of the son, the grandfather appoints his grandson his heir, and the latter returns after the death of his grandfather. However, when the will cannot be broken by him who was appointed, it makes no difference whether he is excluded from the succession by the ancient law or by the Lex Velleia. 8Someone perhaps may doubt whether, in this instance, if the grandson should be born after the execution of the will, and during the lifetime of his father and grandfather, he can be appointed an heir because his father had not been legally appointed. There should be no apprehension on this ground, for the grandchild is born of a lawful heir after the death of his ancestors. 9Hence, if a great-grandson, born of a grandson, can be admitted to the succession, if afterwards his son should be living, a son born to him will also be entitled to the succession. 10In all these instances, it must be observed that only a son who is under parental control can be appointed heir to any portion of an estate, for his disinheritance after the death of the testator will be void. It is not necessary, however, for the son to be disinherited if he is in the hands of the enemy and dies there; and certainly with respect to the grandson and great-grandson, we never require their appointment if their children are appointed heirs, because they can be passed over. 11Let us now examine the Lex Velleia. It prescribes that children born in our lifetime, in like manner, cannot break our wills. 12The first section of the law has reference to those who after they are born, will become proper heirs. I ask, if you should have a son, and appoint as your heir your grandson by said son, who is not yet born, and your son should die, and your grandson should be born during your lifetime, what will be the result? It must be held from the words of the law that the will is not broken, as it not only states in the first section if the grandson is appointed at the time during which the son was not in existence, but also if he should be born during the lifetime of his father. In this case, why should it be necessary for the time when the will was executed to be considered, since it is sufficient to observe the time when the grandson was born? For, in fact, the following are the words of the law: “He who makes a will can appoint as heirs all those children of the male sex who will be his proper heirs”; and also, “even though they may have been born during the lifetime of their father”. 13In the next section of the law, it is not provided that those who succeed to the place of the children can break the will; and this must be interpreted in such a way that if you have a son, a grandson, and a great-grandson, and after the death of the first two, your grandson having been appointed and succeeding the lawful heir, will not break the will. It has been very properly decided that the words: “If any one of his heirs should cease to be his heir”; have reference to all those cases to which we have stated the formula of Gallus Aquilius is applicable; for not only where a grandson dies during the lifetime of his father, the great-grandson succeeding his deceased grandfather does not break the will, but also where he survives his father and then dies, provided he has either been appointed heir, or been disinherited. 14It should be considered whether by the words of this last section, namely: “If any of his heirs should cease to be his heir, his children shall become heirs in his stead”, are susceptible of the interpretation that if, having a son in the hands of the enemy, you appoint your grandson by said son your heir, not only if your son should die during your lifetime, but even after your death and before he returns from captivity, he does not break the will by the succession, for the testator added nothing by which the time might be indicated, unless you may rather rashly hold that he has ceased to be a lawful heir during the lifetime of his father (although he died after the death of the latter), because he did not and could not return. 15The following case is a difficult one. If you have a son and you appoint your grandson, who is not yet born, your heir, and the latter is born during the life of his father, and then his father dies, he is not his heir at the time when he was born, nor afterwards, for by his succession he who has already been born is held to be forbidden to break the will. Hence, by the first section of the law, those children are permitted to be appointed heirs who are as yet unborn, and who, after they are born, will be proper heirs. By the second section, their appointment is not permitted, but the law forbids them to break the will; nor on this account should the second section be considered of inferior importance. However, the child who was not yet born at the time he was appointed should take the place of his father (which in fact he could not do by law), just as if he had been legally appointed. Julianus, however, held that the two confused sections of the law might be reconciled in such a way as to prevent wills from being broken. 16After adopting the opinion of Julianus, let us, however, examine whether if a grandson is born during the lifetime of his father, and is subsequently emancipated, he can voluntarily enter upon the estate. This opinion should be approved, for a party cannot become a proper heir by emancipation.

Dig. 28,3,19Idem libro sexto quaestionum. Si ego et Titius instituti simus et a nobis postumus exheredatus sit, a substitutis nostris non sit exheredatus, Titio defuncto ne ego quidem adire potero: iam enim propter instituti personam, a quo postumus exheredatus est, in cuius locum substitutus vocatur, a quo postumus exheredatus non est, ruptum est testamentum. 1Sed si ego et Titius invicem substituti simus, quamvis in partem substitutionis exheredatus non sit, mortuo vel repudiante Titio me posse adire puto et ex asse heredem esse. 2In prima tamen specie et si vivat Titius, neque ego sine illo neque ipse sine me adire poterit, quia incertum est, an adhuc altero omittente rumpatur testamentum: itaque simul adire possumus.

The Same, Questions, Book VI. If Titius and myself should be appointed heirs, and by our appointment a posthumous child is disinherited, or one is not disinherited on account of our substitution as heirs, and Titius should die, I cannot enter upon the estate; for the will is broken on account of the appointment of a person by which the posthumous child is disinherited, and who is called to the succession as a substituted heir, by whom the posthumous child is not disinherited. 1Where, however, Titius and myself are substituted for one another, even though the posthumous child may not have been disinherited in that part of the will which mentions the substitution, and Titius either dies, or rejects the estate, I think that I can enter upon and become the heir of all of it. 2However, in the first case, even though Titius may be living, I cannot enter upon the estate without him, nor can he do so without me, for the reason that it is uncertain whether the will may not be broken by one of us refusing to accept, and therefore we should both enter upon the estate together.

Dig. 35,2,17Idem libro sexto quaestionum. Si post missionem faciat codicillos miles et intra annum decedat, ex testamento, quod in militia iure militari fecit, plena legata, ex codicillis habita Falcidiae ratione praestari debere dicitur. sed res ita expedietur: si, cum quadringenta haberet, testamento quadringenta, codicillis centum legaverit, ex quinta parte, id est octoginta, quae ad legatarium ex codicillis pervenirent, si Falcidiam non pateretur, quartam, id est viginti heres retinebit.

The Same, Questions, Book VI. If a soldier should make a codicil, and die within a year after his discharge, the legacies bequeathed by his military will, in accordance with military law, must be fully paid, but it is held that those left by his codicil must be paid after the Falcidian portion has been deducted. This matter should be explained as follows: If the testator has four hundred aurei and bequeaths four hundred by his will, and a hundred by his codicil, out of the fifth part (that is to say eighty, which the legatee would be entitled to by the codicil if it was not subject to the Falcidian Law), the heir will be entitled to retain a fourth, that is to say twenty aurei.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 29,7,14Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Quidam referunt, quantum repeto apud Vivianum, Sabini et Cassii et Proculi expositam esse in quaestione huiusmodi controversiam: an legata, quae posteaquam instituti mortem obierunt codicillis adscripta vel adempta sunt, a substitutis debeantur, id est an perinde datio et ademptio etiam hoc tempore codicillis facta valeat ac si testamento facta esset. quod Sabinum et Cassium respondisse aiunt Proculo dissentiente. nimirum autem Sabini et Cassii collectio, quam et ipsi reddunt illa est, quod codicilli pro parte testamenti habentur observationemque et legem iuris inde traditam servent. ego autem ausim sententiam Proculi verissimam dicere. nullius enim momenti est legatum, quod datum est ei, qui tempore codicillorum in rebus humanis non est, licet testamenti fuerit: esse enim debet cui detur, deinde sic quaeri, an datum consistat, ut non ante iuris ratio quam persona quaerenda sit. et in proposito igitur quod post obitum heredis codicillis legatum vel ademptum est, nullius momenti est, quia heres, ad quem sermonem conferat, in rebus humanis non est eaque ademptio et datio nunc vana efficietur. haec in eo herede, qui ex asse institutus erit dato substituto, ita ut ab instituto codicilli confirmarentur. 1Quod si duo instituti sint substitutis datis unusque eorum decesserit, utilia videntur legata: sed circa coheredem erit tractatus, numquid totum legatum debeat, si ‘quisquis mihi heres erit’ legatum erit, an vero non, quia sit substitutus heres, qui partem faciat, licet ipse non debeat. idem etiam potest circa nomina expressa tractari. multoque magis solum coheredem totum debere puto, quia is adiunctus sit, qui etiam tunc cum adiungebatur in rebus humanis non erat.

Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. Certain authorities hold (as I recollect) that in Vivianus a controversy is explained which arose between Sabinus, Cassius, and Proculus with reference to the question whether legacies given, or taken away by a codicil from persons who died after they were appointed heirs, were due to the substitutes; that is to say, whether the giving or the taking away of the legacies was as valid where they were provided for by a codicil, as they were when provided for by a will. It is said that Sabinus and Cassius answered that this was the case, and that Proculus dissented. The conclusion of Sabinus and Cassius, (as they themselves assert) is that the codicil is considered as part of the will, and that it sustains the observance of the law with reference to the delivery of the property. Still, I venture to say that the opinion of Proculus is the more correct; for a legacy is of no force or effect which is bequeathed to one who, at the time the codicil was made, was not in existence, even though he was living at the time when the will was drawn up; as it should belong to him to whom it is given. Then the question should be asked whether the legacy was properly bequeathed, so that the rule of law shall not be inquired into before the existence of the person is ascertained. In the case stated, therefore, the bequest is of no force or effect, if it was made or taken away by a codicil, after the death of the heir; for the reason that the heir referred to was not in existence, and the deprivation or the grant of the legacy becomes void in consequence. This would not apply where a substitute is given for an heir appointed to the entire estate, as the codicil would be confirmed by the appointment. 1Where two heirs have been appointed, and substitutes assigned, and one of them should die, the legacies will still be considered valid; but some discussion arose with reference to the co-heir, and whether he owed the entire legacy, where the bequest was as follows: “Whoever shall be my heir.” Or must it be held that all is not due, for the reason that the heir who was substituted should pay a portion of the same, even though he himself does not owe it? The same discussion may arise with reference to specified obligations; but I think that there is much more ground for the co-heir being liable for the entire legacy, because the party who was joined with him is no longer in existence.

Dig. 33,4,10Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Si Seiae pro dote centum fundus legatus sit idemque Maevio: quod Maevio Falcidia aufert, pro eo quasi concursus non fuerit, mulier plus vindicet, quia amplius sit in dote mulieris.

Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. If a tract of land of the value of a hundred aurei should be left to Seia, in lieu of her dowry, and the same should be devised to Mævius, the woman can recover, in addition, the amount which the Falcidian Law will take from Mævius, because they are not, so to speak, joint legatees of the same, as there is more included in the dowry of the woman than in the remainder of the land.

Dig. 33,8,21Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Si Sticho manumisso peculium legatum sit et Titio servus peculiaris, quantum peculio detractum erit ob id quod domino debetur, tantum ei accedere, cui vicarius legatus est, Iulianus ait.

Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. If, after Stichus has been manumitted, his peculium should be left to him, and a slave belonging to said peculium is bequeathed to Titius, Julianus says that the amount deducted from the peculium on account of the debt due to the master will be added to that received by him to whom the sub-slave was bequeathed.

Dig. 35,1,80Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Eas causas, quae protinus agentem repellunt, in fideicommissis non pro condicionalibus observari oportet: eas vero, quae habent moram cum sumptu, admittemus cautione oblata: nec enim parem dicemus eum, cui ita datum sit, si monumentum fecerit, et eum, cui datum est, ut monumentum faciat.

Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. Reasons which immediately exclude the party from taking action must not be considered conditional with reference to trusts, but we can only consider those as such which cause delay with expense, where the legatee can receive his bequest after having furnished a bond. For we cannot say that the following cases are similar, namely, where property is bequeathed, “If the legatee will erect a monument,” and where it is bequeathed, “to enable him to erect a monument.”

Dig. 35,2,19Scaevola libro octavo quaestionum. Si dignum decem fundum damnetur heres quinque vendere, sine dubio quinque erunt imputanda Falcidiae.

Scævola, Questions, Book VIII. Where an heir is charged to sell a tract of land for five aurei, which is worth ten, there is no doubt that the five aurei will be subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law.

Ex libro IX

Dig. 35,2,20Idem libro nono quaestionum. Si a servo meo herede instituto mihi legetur et mihi adquiratur hereditas, negat Maecianus id legatum in Falcidia computari, quia non debeatur.

The Same, Questions, Book IX. If my slave, after having been appointed my heir, is charged with a legacy for my benefit, and acquires an estate for me, Msecianus denies that the legacy should be subject to the Falcidian Law because it is not valid.

Ex libro XII

Dig. 10,2,37Scaevola libro duodecimo quaestionum. Qui familiae erciscundae iudicio agit, confitetur adversarium sibi esse coheredem.

Ad Dig. 10,2,37Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 608, Note 32.Scævola, Questions, Book XII. A party who brings an action for the partition of an estate does not admit that his adversary is his co-heir.

Dig. 39,2,45Scaevola libro duodecimo quaestionum a quo fundus petetur si rem nolit. Aedificatum habes: ago tibi ius non esse habere: non defendis. ad me possessio transferenda est, non quidem ut protinus destruatur opus (iniquum enim est demolitionem protinus fieri), sed ut id fiat, nisi intra certum tempus egeris ius tibi esse aedificatum habere.

Ad Dig. 39,2,45Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 198, Note 16.Scævola, Questions, Book XII. You built a house, and I bring an action against you on the ground that you have no title to the same. You do not set up any defence. Possession should be granted me, but not in order that the house may be immediately demolished, for it would be unjust for this to take place at once, but it should be done within a certain time, unless you prove that you had the right to build it.

Dig. 45,1,129Scaevola libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si quis ita stipulatus fuerit: ‘decem aureos das, si navis venit et Titius consul factus est?’ non alias dabitur, quam si utrumque factum sit. idem in contrarium: ‘dare spondes, si nec navis venit nec Titius consul factus sit?’ exigendum erit, ut neutrum factum sit. huic similis scriptura est: ‘si neque navis venit neque Titius consul factus est?’ at si sic: ‘dabis, si navis venit aut Titius consul factus sit?’ sufficit unum factum. et contra: ‘dabis, si navis non venit aut Titius consul factus non est?’ sufficit unum non factum.

Scævola, Questions, Book XII. Where anyone stipulates as follows, “Will you pay ten aurei if a ship arrives, and Titius becomes Consul?” the money will not be due unless both of these events take place. The same rule applies to the opposite case, “Do you promise if a ship does not arrive, and Titius does not become Consul,” for it is essential that neither of these things should occur. The following written agreement resembles this, namely, “If a vessel does not arrive, and Titius is not made Consul.” When, however, the stipulation is in the following terms, “Will you pay if a ship arrives, or Titius becomes Consul?” it is sufficient for one of these events to take place. On the other hand, if it is expressed as follows, “Will you pay if a ship does not arrive, or Titius does not become Consul?” it will be sufficient if only one of these things does not occur.

Ex libro XIII

Dig. 26,9,7Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Tutori, qui infantem defendit, succurritur, ut in pupillum iudicati actio detur.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. Relief is granted to a guardian who defends a young child, in order that an action for the enforcement of the judgment may be granted against the ward.

Dig. 29,2,89Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si pupillus se hereditate abstineat, succurrendum est et fideiussoribus ab eo datis, si ex hereditario contractu convenirentur.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. If a minor rejects an estate, relief must be granted to the sureties given by him, if suit should be brought against them on account of some contract relating to the estate.

Dig. 33,5,18Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Homine legato Neratius ait nihil agi repudiato Pamphilo itaque eum ipsum eligi posse.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. Where a slave is bequeathed, Neratius says that if Pamphilus is rejected the act will be void, and therefore the legatee will still have the right of selection.

Dig. 45,1,131Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Iulianus scripsit, si ‘neque per te neque per heredem tuum Titium fieri, quo minus mihi ire liceat’ stipuler, non solum Titium teneri, si prohibeat, sed etiam coheredes eius. 1Qui fundum sibi aut Titio dari stipulatur, quamvis fundus Titio traditus sit, nihilo minus petere fundum potest, ut sibi de evictione promittatur: nam interest eius, quia mandati actione fundum recepturus sit a Titio. sed si donationis causa Titium interposuit, dicetur traditione protinus reum liberari.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. Julianus says, “If I stipulate that nothing shall be done either by you or by Titius, your heir, to prevent me from using the right of way,” not only Titius will be liable, if he does anything to prevent this, but his co-heirs as well. 1A person who stipulates that a tract of land shall be conveyed to him, or Titius, even though the land may be conveyed to Titius, can still claim it, in order that he may be guaranteed against eviction; for he is interested, as he can recover the land from Titius in an action on mandate. If, however, he merely interposed Titius for the purpose of making a donation, it can be said that the principal debtor is at once released by its delivery.

Dig. 45,1,133Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si sic stipulatus sim: ‘neque per te neque per heredem tuum vim fieri spondes?’ et egi, quod mihi vim feceris, recte remanere factum heredis in stipulatione. nam et ex ipsius posteriore vi potest committi stipulatio: non enim ad unam vim pertinet. nam sicut et ipsius et heredis caput, ita ipsius vis vel saepius facta complectitur, ut condemnetur quanti interest. aut si sic volumus factam esse stipulationem: ‘neque per te neque per heredem tuum fieri?’, ut ad unam vim primam teneat: si vim fecerit, amplius ex heredis committi non poterit: ergo si actum sit quasi ex ipsius vi, tota consumpta sit: quod non est verum.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. If I stipulate as follows, “Do you promise that force will not be employed by you, or by your heir?” and I bring suit against you because you used violence against me, any act of this kind committed by the heir will still properly remain subject to the terms of the stipulation; for it can take effect, even if force is subsequently employed by the heir, as reference is not merely made to a single act of violence. For, just as the person of the heir is included, so also are any act or acts of violence committed by him, in order that judgment may be rendered against him to the amount of the other party’s interest. Or, if we wish the stipulation to be as follows, “Do you promise that nothing shall be done by you or by your heir?” so that it may relate to only the first act of violence committed, and if this occurs, the stipulation will not take effect a second time, on account of any act of the heir. Therefore, if an action based on this act of violence is brought, nothing further can be done under the stipulation. This is not true.

Dig. 45,3,19Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si alienus servus duobus bonae fidei serviens ex unius eorum re adquirat, ratio facit, ut ei ex cuius re adquisiit id totum ei adquirat, sive ei soli sive quasi duobus serviat: nam et in veris dominis quotiens utrique adquiritur, totiens partes adquiri: ceterum si alii non adquiratur, alium solidum habiturum. igitur eadem ratio erit et in proposito, ut hic servus alienus, qui mihi et tibi bona fide servit, mihi solidum ex re mea adquirat, quia tibi non potest adquiri, quia non sit ex re tua.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. If the slave of another who is serving two masters in good faith makes an acquisition by means of the property of one of them, reason dictates that he acquires it entirely for the benefit of him whose property was employed, whether he was serving one or both of his masters at the time; for in the case of genuine masters, whenever anything is acquired for the benefit of both, it is acquired for each one in proportion to his share, but if it is not acquired for one of them alone the other will be entitled to all of it. Therefore, the same rule will apply to the case stated and the slave who belongs to another, and is serving yourself and me in good faith, will acquire for me alone whatever is obtained by the use of my property, and he cannot acquire for you, because the profit was not derived from anything that was yours.

Dig. 46,8,4Scaevola libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Procurator quinquaginta petit: si dominus centum petat, tenebuntur fideiussores, qui de ratihabitione caverunt, in quinquaginta et quanti interfuit differri quinquaginta actionem.

Scævola, Questions, Book XIII. An agent brought suit for fifty aurei. If his principal should bring suit for a hundred, the sureties who bound themselves for ratification would be liable for fifty, and for the interest which the debtor had in having the action for the fifty dismissed.

Ex libro XV

Dig. 28,5,83Scaevola libro quinto decimo quaestionum. Si quis ita heres instituatur: ‘si legitimus heres vindicare nolit hereditatem meam’, puto deficere condicionem testamenti illo vindicante.

Scævola, Questions, Book XV. Where a testator appoints an heir as follows: “If my lawful heir refuses to accept my estate”, I think the condition of the will is not fulfilled, if the heir should claim the estate.

Dig. 28,6,29Scaevola libro quinto decimo quaestionum. Si pater captus sit ab hostibus, mox filius et ibi ambo decedant, quamvis prior pater decedat, lex Cornelia ad pupilli substitutionem non pertinebit, nisi reversus in civitate impubes decedat, quoniam et si ambo in civitate decessissent, veniret substitutus.

Scævola, Questions, Book XV. Where a father as well as his son have been captured by the enemy, and both die in captivity; even though the father may die first, the Cornelian Law does not confirm the substitution, unless the minor should die after returning home; although if both should die at home, the substitute will be entitled to the estate.

Dig. 35,2,23Scaevola libro quinto decimo quaestionum. Si fundus mihi legetur et via, in Falcidiae ratione, si tantum sit in via, quantum amplius est in Falcidia, integer fundus capietur et via perit. sed si via legetur nec solvendo sit hereditas, non debebitur. videndum etiam, si fundo et via legato minus ex utroque desideret quam sit viae pretium. potest coacta ratione dici non tantum fundum solidum capi, sed etiam, ut doli exceptio tantum sarciat, quantum deest, ne plus habeat, quam Falcidia desiderat: ut tunc solum via intercidat, quotiens plus Falcidia desiderat quam est viae pretium.

Scævola, Questions, Book XV. Where a tract of land with a right of way is devised to me, and, after the deduction of the Falcidian portion, the estimated value of the right of way is greater, I will be entitled to the land without incumbrance, and the right of way will be extinguished. If, however, the right of way should be bequeathed, and the estate should prove insolvent, the right of way will not be due. Where the land and the right of way are both devised, it should also be considered whether the heir will be entitled to make, from one or the other, a deduction of less than the value of the right of way. Strictly speaking, it may be said that, in this instance, the devisee will not only be entitled to the entire tract of land, but can also file an exception on the ground of bad faith, in order to obtain what is lacking, so that he may not have more than can be claimed under the Falcidian Law. Hence the right of way will only be lost where the requirements of the Falcidian Law amount to more than its value.

Ex libro XVI

Dig. 40,9,6Scaevola libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Iulianus de eo loquitur, qui in substantia nihil aliud habeat: nam si habeat, quare non dicetur unum posse manumitti? quia et uno mortuo solvendo est, et uno manumisso solvendo est, nec adventicii casus computandi sint: alioquin et qui unum incertum ex servis suis promisit, neminem manumittet.

Scævola, Questions, Book XVI. Julianus refers to a person who owned nothing but two slaves; for if he had other property, why can it not be held that he has the power to manumit one of said slaves? For if one of them should die, he will still be solvent, and if one of them should be manumitted, he will also be solvent, and accidents which may occur are not to be considered; otherwise, the person who promised one of the slaves and indicated which one could not manumit any slave.

Ex libro XVIII

Dig. 28,5,84Idem libro octavo decimo quaestionum. Si non lex Aelia Sentia, sed alia lex vel senatus consultum aut etiam constitutio servi libertatem impediat, is necessarius fieri non potest, etiamsi non sit solvendo testator. 1Temporibus divi Hadriani senatus censuit, si testator, qui cum moritur solvendo non fuit, duobus pluribusve libertatem dederit eisque hereditatem restitui iusserit et institutus heres suspectam sibi hereditatem dixerit, ut adire eam cogatur et ad libertatem perveniat qui priore loco scriptus fuerit, eique hereditas restituatur. idem servandum in his, quibus per fideicommissum libertas data fuerit. igitur si primo loco scriptus desideraret adire hereditatem, nulla difficultas erit. nam si posteriores quoque liberos se esse dicent et restitui hereditatem desiderent, an solvendo sit hereditas et omnibus liberis factis restitui deberet, apud praetorem quaereretur. absente autem primo sequens desiderans adiri hereditatem non est audiendus, quia, si primus velit sibi restitui hereditatem, praeferendus est et hic servus futurus est.

The Same, Questions, Book XVIII. If another law than that of Ælia Sentia, or a decree of the Senate, or even an Imperial Constitution prevents the grant of freedom to a slave, the latter cannot become a necessary heir, even though the testator may be insolvent. 1In the time of the Divine Hadrian, the Senate decreed that if a testator was not solvent when he died, and granted freedom to two or more slaves, and directed his estate to be given to them, if the appointed heir should say that he suspects that the estate would impose burdens upon him, he will be forced to accept it, in order that the slave first mentioned in the will may receive his freedom, and the estate be surrendered to him. The same rule must be observed in the case of those to whom freedom has been granted by virtue of a trust. Therefore, if the heir appointed in the first place wishes to enter upon the estate, no difficulty will arise; but if those slaves mentioned afterwards allege that they also should be free, and demand the surrender of the estate to them, an investigation must be made by the Prætor as to the solvency of the estate, and he must cause it to be delivered to all of said slaves who will become free. Where, however, the first slave is absent, and the one afterwards mentioned wishes to enter upon the estate, he shall not be heard, because if the first desires the estate to be given to him, he must be preferred, and the second must remain a slave.

Dig. 46,1,57Scaevola libro octavo decimo quaestionum. Fideiussor, antequam reus debeat, conveniri non potest.

Scævola, Questions, Book XVIII. A surety cannot be sued before the principal debtor becomes liable.

Ex libro XIX

Dig. 24,3,47Scaevola libro nono decimo quaestionum. Cum mulier viri lenocinio adulterata fuerit, nihil ex dote retinetur: cur enim improbet maritus mores, quos ipse aut ante corrupit aut postea probavit? si tamen ex mente legis sumet quis, ut nec accusare possit, qui lenocinium uxori praebuerit, audiendus est.

Scævola, Questions, Book XVII. Where a woman commits adultery through the agency of her husband, he can retain none of her dowry; for why should a husband disapprove of acts which he himself either previously corruptly caused, or subsequently assented to? If, however, anyone should maintain that, according to the spirit of the law, a husband who afforded an opportunity to his wife to prostitute herself cannot accuse her, his opinion must be held to be correct.