Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro VII
Dig. 18,6,11In libro septimo digestorum Iuliani Scaevola notat: Fundi nomine emptor agere non potest, cum, priusquam mensura fieret, inundatione aquarum aut chasmate aliove quo casu pars fundi interierit.
Ad Dig. 18,6,11ROHGE, Bd. 5 (1872), S. 406: Beim Kaufe nach Gewicht ist für die Preisbestimmung der Zeitpunkt der Ablieferung entscheidend.Scævola says in a note on the Seventh Book of Julianus, that a purchaser cannot bring an action for the recovery of land which has been sold, when, before its measurement was taken, a portion of said land was destroyed by an inundation, or by an earthquake, or by any other accident.