Notae ad Iuliani Digestorum libros
Ex libro VII
Dig. 18,6,11In libro septimo digestorum Iuliani Scaevola notat: Fundi nomine emptor agere non potest, cum, priusquam mensura fieret, inundatione aquarum aut chasmate aliove quo casu pars fundi interierit.
Ad Dig. 18,6,11ROHGE, Bd. 5 (1872), S. 406: Beim Kaufe nach Gewicht ist für die Preisbestimmung der Zeitpunkt der Ablieferung entscheidend.Scævola says in a note on the Seventh Book of Julianus, that a purchaser cannot bring an action for the recovery of land which has been sold, when, before its measurement was taken, a portion of said land was destroyed by an inundation, or by an earthquake, or by any other accident.
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 2,14,54Scaevola apud Iulianum libro vicensimo secundo digestorum notat. Si pactus sim, ne Stichum, qui mihi debebatur, petam: non intellegitur mora mihi fieri mortuoque Sticho puto non teneri reum, qui ante pactum moram non fecerat.
Ad Dig. 2,14,54Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 281, Note 3.Scævola, Notes on Julianus, Digest, Book XXII. If I agree not to make a claim for Stichus, to whom I am entitled, it is not understood that my debtor is in default; and if Stichus dies, I do not think that the defendant is liable, if he was not in default before the contract was entered into.